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マンコヌードル Board owner 12/02/2022 (Fri) 03:18:03 No. 16610
2022 FAREWELL THREAD!!! GOING DARK JANUARY 1ST going to be re-focusing my efforts on bvffalo.land plus 8chan is not reachable by firefox or bing, thats a problem i dont want to figure out tbh >firewall probs >mcafee probs meh! like i said, going to spend time on my directory site. might throw an text board/imageboard on a backpage, but it would be incredibly cucked cuz i cant live on the computer modding. >ideas i can give ownership to people i know through email or just stick with the nuke idea. <final goodbye gift ill be off loading a lot of content this month THANKS FOR STICKING AROUND! ///UPDATE\\\ ///BVFFALO DESTROYED BY JEWS\\\
Edited last time by 404 on 12/16/2022 (Fri) 00:29:55.
>>16964 Does he suffer from depression?
>>16965 Not sure I have time to delve into deep lore, but he was jus another tripfag on orig-8ch (2017-2018 era) who had a very fun little bort I stumbled upon during a very difficult arc in muh life. He was very courteous to me as I made a very indulgent thread and even ran with the themes making banners and celebratin' it every wednesday. After the takedown debacle we'd run into eachother on various alt-borts and eventually he invited me to tiny obscure places where he'd work on various css shenanigans and I'd post a lot of nonsense and OC. This even reached a point where we had basically a totally private bort with like him, me and occasionally King passing through along with bizarro antagonism from him-who-must-be-wordfiltered. That's where gohst-pohsting and Synthia Erra (roving Bort-Tan extraordinaire) was collab created. Along the way Davers would get a hair up his bum and completely wipe these borts on a whim with little to no warning. Initially this ticked me off, but as time went on I got a better appreciation for starting over from scratch in a new sandbox. Davey has a full plate to deal with irl and is basically way cooler than any us (speaking for myself anyhoo) and has more going for him than we'll ever know. Borts and css were a part time hobby for him and he'd slip lil' surprises in constantly when you weren't lookin'. Learned a lot from the guy and am eternally indebted for the fun times. As for if he'd start something new right away... That really depended on his mood and how ready he was to deal with the kind of shitflinging that goes on in cy+7. There's times where I got the sense bortstuff would impinge on his daily life or merely become a grind on his patience, both of us have toyed with the idea of complete net-footprint wipes though I've only managed extended detoxes. Generally speaking though : yes, he'd do something new or even repurpose abandoned borts. And by repurpose I don't mean resurrect. >>16966 If the current absolute state don't get (you) depressed from time to time, (you) ain't paying attention.
I at least managed to archive the CSS so if the board truly does go down I'll still have a copy. I hope Davey is doing OK and that he comes back some day.
I myself was never a /b/ person and spent more of my time in porn/hentai boards archiving image sets and h-mangas rather than shitposting. I first came across Davey 4 years ago. If I remember correctly he had moved his board, /chaos/, from original 8chan to mewch, where I was a global admin at that time. I had the privileged of watching over the board keeping it clean of pizza and spam. What I found was some interesting css and somewhat of an archive of interesting stuff. After mewch's closure I hopped to spacechan where I found him again, and had moved to almost all of his boards since. ©anadAnon is a user that I have a lot of respect for since he took to drawing the anime style like a natural and I feel is better than mine, although not as refined if that makes any sense. Reading his Beach Update threads for the last 2 years with its twists and turns was like voyeuristic fun. It almost makes want to be more open about myself and my life, except it wouldn't be anywhere as interesting. Frenchanon is another standout person to me, but only in the sense that he's one of the users that has nice things to say about my mediocre artwork and I suspect is a closet furry or at least one for mousegirls. We'll see if he's another person I add to the small group of people I keep tabs on.
>>16967 >If the current absolute state don't get (you) depressed from time to time, (you) ain't paying attention. Oh believe me, I know. Okay, well I guess I'm ready to say farewell to current /404/, but if it or something else comes back, how are we supposed to know? Does he advertise on other boards?
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Remember that every post you make on this board from now on is not what Davey would've wanted.
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>>16973 Davey's not my real mom, and neither are you, goon!
>>16973 We wont know that unless he comes here and says so himself. Untill then i post and view the posts of others.
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>>16970 >a closet furry Just looked into my porn folder. And yes I have some light furry porn so yeah I'm kind of a closet furry I guess. Regarding the mice, it's just a way I have to name the cute girls : " Hey look at that cute little mouse out there !" >>16975 Same for me but I feel quite embarassed knowing he wanted to nuke the place.
>>16973 >Remember that every post you make on this board from now on is not what Davey would've wanted. I'll try to feel bad about that later, considering I still don't really understand how he managed to accidentally cram all that sand into his vagina. Why the fuck build a community just to kick it apart like a toddler tantrum-kicking an anthill? >>16975 >Untill then i post and view the posts of others. Eventually he'll show up and fuck with things, I'm sure. So let's make the most of the time we have left. Therefore... Is there anyone here willing to make and maintain a board with the same people and general vibe? I would do it myself but I learned the hard way that I'm not cut out to be a BO. And, if there IS someone willing to take that on, please let us know what you want to call it. Or we could do name suggestions if you can't think of one.
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>>16978 I've been a BO of a small board. Well, actually I've kept a dead board up for a time several different times, and if I'm chosen once this bort goes up for identity reassignment that'd be the way I'd play it - an awkward zombie board where some of the same CSS is still here (I'd maintain the rename-of-anon mechanism for sure) but I have no ambition to build a board into something more. But as the resident brony I'd probably attract some strange folk. Or maybe I wouldn't. I appreciate Davey decided to leave after all, but I appreciate all the folks who aren't him that come to this URL, too.
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>>16980 > I've kept a dead board up for a time proof: 8kun /pone/ res 327951 html (post #328879 )
>piece of shit egotistical americans who don't respect another person's wish typical. glad Davey left this shithole, he deserves better than you "people".
>>16983 >glad Davey left You be sure not to come back now, y'hear?
>>16983 >he deserves better than you "people". "The world was never meant for one as beautiful as Davey." >piece of shit egotistical americans who don't respect another person's wish 1. Not a yank 2. He didn't respect our wishes either, so feel free to ram an iron bar up your rectum until you reach your sinus cavity, simp.
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>>16980 >as the resident brony Is it mlp-centric or just some random board you made for shiggles?
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>>16993 I've never made a board, just took over an abandoned one a couple times. Including the main bunker for /mlp/ that was quite popular after the scruffening, but has never recovered from the TLD-changes that were necessitated by other, more well known boards there.
>>16994 Any chances of you starting a slightly less degenerate board for us?
>>16981 >>16993 >>16994 Start up a /pone/ board here. Get the guys stranded over on Endchan to hop here instead.
>>16997 >Flag Whelp, guess I'm in Puerto Rico then, not even using a VPN or a Proxy.
>>16997 >>>/clop/ Or you could just post on the one we already have.
>>16999 >/clop/ Anon, /clop/ may be an MLP-centred board but it focuses mainly on Porn as its content as is in the name of the board "/clop/". Even if it were a board that permitted regular discussion of MLP it just wouldn't work on the basis that people go there for the porn, not the actual discussion and one quick look at it's catalog says this as well. >Or you could just post on the one we already have. Ok.
>>17000 Newname pony fuckers?
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>>16997 >Start up a /pone/ board here. We're looking for a /404/ substitute, here. Clop on your own time.
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Since this board is now a zombie, i can now steal shamlessy CSS from here
Okay, well since no one wants to make us a new home, this will be my last post here. Thanks for the fun, boys and possibly girls. And big ol' "fuck you" to Davey for making something I really liked just to trash it in a fit of pique.
So this comfy board died just because the BO left? Lame.
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>>17078 to be fair, so did you. and that guy over there, and I've mostly left too. fly
I'm still posting, just not as frequently. Partly because my free time is shrinking, and partly because posting images here is increasingly becoming a nigger.
>>17081 Kang! Glad you're still about here. Is there a way to send you $$$ for your Synthia-synthesizing thus far? I'm flush with dumb stacks of dosh now and have been meaning to send meme number amounts of it your way for years. Thought maybe you'd have link for that on your DA but didna see anything there. Plz reply! K thx also it's my B-day and here's some edible artwork from the GF >>17078 It's more that Davers (B.O) went ahead and deep6'd the bort only to have it rerisen like an unwilling Christ (pbuh). All I really want is his two cents on the whole affair but I don't have the time to track him down. Please feel free to make of this space what you will and comfy the place up though since that's in keeping with the .moenarcs wishes apparently.
Nice to see you again Penguin-Sensei. Those cookies are fukken kewl! I hope you thanked GF' properly for them. I don't have any way of accepting payment. I allowed my Paypal account to expire long ago. Honestly, I don't accept money for my drawings for multiple reasons, one of which being that the little bit of happiness it brings to people that choose to view it is payment enough for me. I've always believed true artists don't do it for the money, but I don't judge those that choose to do so. Give the meme money to some sort of charity or buy 'GF' something really nice with it.
>>16610 I came a bit ago to see if there was anything about bvffalo.land, thought this was a new years' thread, damn thank you for the memories bro best of luck
>>17089 Hey ©anadabro I'm quite late* but wish you a happy birthday ! Hope gf's edibles are as tasty as they're good looking ! Take care. *I don't visit as often now but still lurking from time to time
been a while since i lurked and even longer since i posted but after having read through this thread i just wanted to say thanks to davey for doing all that he's done
are there any updates with bvffalo.land? or some sort of replacement? i used to get all my onion chan links from there

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