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Ghost Screen
Don't forget the global announcement this week
Saturday Evening is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

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hilo de sugerencias Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 16:15:20 No. 100616 [Reply]
no soy mod, pero me permito abrir este hilo en el que los negros puedan dejar su lista de sugerencias la mayoría estamos hasta la verga de política, por lo que verla también aquí hasta espanta a uno, por lo anterior, sugiero que en temas repetitivos como la política solo haya un hilo general, ya van como veinte hilos abiertos por el mismopendejo en los que veo al putito de loret de mola reeeeeee
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>>100772 >toda esa borradera de hilos todo anda bien en casa, we?!kek
>>100854 Con un click le borré todo su desmadrito a un pendejo, punto. Y tú como que eres escoria baneada de aquí también así que te ayudo a llegarle a la verga de una vez.

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/mg/ - Meta General Anonymous Board owner 03/20/2021 (Sat) 17:40:54 No. 1 [Reply] [Last]
Quién no pueda postear aqui, recuerde que está el tablón de respaldo en endchan, en caso de que no puedan postear tampoco en este hilo. Mantenganlo civilizado y sin tiradera de mierda o shitpost. Este hilo será para feedback, dudas, preguntas, consultas de cualquier tipo referentes al tablón o al hobby en general. Reporta lo que rompa las reglas, si un rol no te gusta, dale a hide y olvida su existencia >Anteriores /mg/ en Hispa >Para guardar hilos >¿Como puedo guardar mi hilo? Copia el link de tu hilo, luego lo pegas en la barra de, y luego das click a guardar. Hecho eso, solo queda esperar a que la página te entregué un link en donde estará el hilo guardado. En pocas palabras, funciona de forma bastante similar a Hispafiles RECURSOS O HERRAMIENTAS PARA AYUDARSE, GUIARSE, Y DARLE UN MEJOR TOQUE A TU ROL

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Edited last time by DanMaster on 06/21/2022 (Tue) 15:48:09.
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>>99377 Presenten sus respetos ante el BO
>>99365 Ademas creo que ese artista dibuja scat
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>>99378 Maldita sea, BO

Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 16:41:06 Id: e9f4bb No. 7441 [Reply]
>>7441 teri ma ka rape
>>7441 kek it's dead already

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Necro DD 05/07/2024 (Tue) 01:07:59 No. 13202 [Reply] [Last]
After some meta thread debate, necro will be in this separate thread with these rules: 1. NO ABUSE 2. SPOILER YOUR SHIT 3. NO EXCESSIVE BLOOD 4. NO ILLEGAL SHIT 5. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF YOUR UPLOAD IS APPRECIATED I am necro thread janny, I'll be on when I can to make this thread as clean as it can. TO ALL THE HATERS: Scat is plant necro, let us have our little thread too in peace. Much love to you all - DeadDog
Edited last time by DDBoy23 on 05/07/2024 (Tue) 04:04:24.
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>>15227 like a little fleshlight... you love to see it
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1st video is a dog in back of a trunk 2 & 3 dog in the bathroom 4th is a dog getting both holes used
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Deer blowjob

Hispabar ##ks/MLX 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:18:52 Id: ae9c0b No. 99330 [Reply]
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>>99371 "Ohhh..." Finge asombro ante tal desventura. "Si fuera tú jefa no dudaría de inmediato en sacarte a patadas de la tienda y abrir una demanda por acoso" Dijo en broma mientras alza una jarra llena de cerveza amarga, te muestra una sonrisa juguetona, esa expresión solo la has visto una vez cuando tú jefa y demás superiores se divierten mientras los demás se quedan limpiando y acomodando en el super. Notas que está un poco colocada pero no borracha del todo, pues aún no se pierde entre la realidad y ese estado adormecedor como eufórico de la ebriedad... Ante tu iniciativa ella rápidamente mueve la cabeza de un lado a otro en horizontal para negar esa actitud caballeresca. "Me sentiré mal sí haces eso en serio..." Dijo con una expresión halagada. Sin embargo ella suelta una mejor idea para ambos. "Mejor nos dividimos el pago. Tú una 30 y yo un 70. Con lo que me acabas de contar creó que es más razonable" El bartender asiente y le muestra el aparato dónde el cliente tendrá que escanear su tarjeta de crédito. Sin embargo la chica es quién toma la iniciativa de sacar su teléfono el cual tenía abierto una aplicación de pago. >¿tu que cuentas?. Tras esa pregunta la muchacha cambia su expresión por una más seria. Toma un respiro y vuelve a regalarte una sonrisa. "Soy una especie de nómada digital. Viajo de lugar en lugar mientras hago mi trabajo desde un ordenador o laptop. Estoy aquí por qué está puede ser mi última noche por aquí" Dice con una expresión melancólica, sin embargo se le notaba cierta alegría al mirar fijamente las burbujas de su cerveza. Por cierto en éste rol puedes invitarle a salir o irte a explorar, si bien es un hispabar la finalidad de éste rol es realizar muchas posibilidades a realizar. Y pues prácticamente 3 modos de jugar
Sirvanme una piña colada que ando feliz. Celebremos como si fuera 2017
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>>99359 "Bueno, tú tienes suerte... supongo. ¿Por mi parte...? Creo que no hay nada para rolear." >da otro trago a su lata, a la que ya poco le queda >>99366 >>99367 >la chica mira esa corta interacción, agita la mano frente a su propia naricita para disipar el humo "Agh... ¿se puede fumar aquí?" >>99369 "..." >el canto llama su atención, extrañada se voltea a ver al sujeto vestido de blanco al fondo del bar "¿ese es Kazuma Kiryu...?"

#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Haven Trooper Frog Soldier Edition Edition Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 10:18:10 Id: 86a4e0 No. 983448 [Reply] [Last]
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Sweet Baby Inc designer attempts to censor Steam Curator List highlighting which games the company were hired for- has now surpassed 400,000 subscribers >IGN Entertainment acquires Eurogamer, GI, VG247, Rock Paper Shotgun and more >Nintendo Of America Appears To Turn ‘Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door’s Character Into Transgender >Kotaku Writer Targets YouTuber’s Wife, Game Dev Calls for More > Website By Sweet Baby Inc List Creator Kabrutus Launches >Helldivers 2 Community Manager Fired After PSN Controversy; Sony Cancels Mandatory Helldivers 2 PSN Linking Update >Kotaku EIC Resigns Over New Editorial Edict; More staff lay-offs follow Nathan Grayson exits The Washington Post as it shuts down Launcher, their gaming section >Vice to lay off hundreds of staffers, stop publishing content on its website

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>>984633 >jewess Not too sure about that one, anon. I've seen >her in >her underwear. >Her torso is a triangle, not an hourglass; >she is flatter than justice; and >her panties looked more like they were hiding a micropenis than pic related.
>>984627 >have you not noticed that the current political climate is a result of only ever allowing people of certain identity to have a voice and silencing everyone else? then just choose to identify as the right thing dumbass. embrace the orwellian nightmare where words mean nothing and everyone is whatever they say they are.
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>>984634 You too, dead gentile.

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Viernes Jorge Anónimo 06/28/2024 (Fri) 16:12:09 No. 182749 [Reply]
Otra semana más...
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>>182826 Una persona negro, o eso veo yo, entiendo tu confusion por que ¡Carajo! Literalmente explotó!
>>182789 Casi no se nota que han visto videos de narcos. Pero no tienen poderosos genes mexicas para que les salga natural sacar de una el corazon y llevarselo a la boca.

>>40378 >As far as we know for prototype versions of Superman, there is Hugo Danner, a guy who got powers from his dad experimenting on him, Bill Dunn, a criminal who got powers from a good-guy scientist experimenting on him, a tough detective akin to Slam Bradley, and then finally Clark Kent, who got his powers from being an alien. What about that short story I always see referenced, about the race of "Supermen" that take over the world?
>>40380 I'm pretty autistic for Superman, but am not familiar with this. You might be thinking of "Reign of the Supermen," which is the title of at least one later story, where there are multiple Supermans. The most notable is probably the time that Superman died and four replacement Supermen showed up. Those are referencing "Reign of the Super-Man," the prototype Superman who was a bald criminal named Bill Dunn who got experimented on. It's possible I'm just not familiar with the story you're referencing, but Superman is one of my autistic interests, so I'd be very surprised to have missed this one entirely.
>>40382 >Those are referencing "Reign of the Super-Man," the prototype Superman who was a bald criminal named Bill Dunn who got experimented on. I was mistaken, it was that one: I misremembered it being about some race of alien superhumans taking over the world, not all the dissimilar from some earlier portrayals of why the Kryptonians were originally interested in Earth.

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Experiencias con whitexicans/fresas Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 19:56:23 No. 100661 [Reply]
Cómo se han llevado ustedes con estos especímenes mis negros color chapopote? Yo soy un whitexican en desgracia: por circunstancias de la vida en mis años de shota prepuber perdimos la riqueza familiar y acabamos viviendo mi familia y yo en vecindades y colonias de clase media baja. Por lo tanto conozco ambos mundos y me muevo bien en ambos, tanto el prieto como el blanco. Anyways sigo siendo un whitexican en el fondo, me cagan los prietos y en general todo lo que les gusta kek. Por lo mismo, es que creo que algunos whitexicans algunos no me acaban de aceptar y me ven como un puto brayan. Aunque he de aclarar que en general me he llevado bien con la mayoría. Los que si me han cagado son los que están desconectados de la realidad y hablan con la puta papa en la boca, sobre todo son viejas mamonas, los weyes son más chidos. Ni que decir que son bien apretadas y me ponen caras cuando trato de ser amable por educación, piensan que me las quiero ligar kek. Y ustedes mis niggas?
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>>100661 >whitexican Se dice blanco, no uses las palabras de los prietoides.
Ya no sean culeros con el chavito, que no ven que no tiene amigos y todo lo aprende de internet?
No se es muy difuso eso de "whitexican" para algunos es solo el color de piel, para otros color+actitudes+dinero Curiosamente siempre en la escuela al primero que le hablaba era al werillo del salón, de mis mejores amigos escolares 3 veces empeze llevandome chingon con el werillo, dos de ojos verdes. ¿Sera que son mas abiertos y no tenían pedos en juntarse con un marginado callado como yo? Yo era "ciego" a las diferencias físicas de morro y no me percate de esto hasta ya grande. Curiosamente los 3 eran mas jodidos que yo aunque soy prieto.

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Hypno Thread #2 Baby 06/13/2023 (Tue) 05:34:36 No. 26509 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread >>559 Here's a new file to get started: Bathroom Amnesia (Curse) A brainwashing session that removes the subject's ability to use the bathroom. Posting a couple of things to keep things moving. Nothing new though. Assorted files: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRrelpETmpkVnB0YkhOYVV6VndZbms1V2xwSGVHcE1NbEoyWkRJMWMySXlSbXRNTUhBelZERkdTRlZZVGxOTlJrWkdUWGM5UFE9PQ== n1c0l3/_/d0s31: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdFlWZDRiRXh0YkhaTU1FcFhZbnBrY21JeVkzZFRWMmhaWTFFOVBRPT0=

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Edited last time by abdl on 06/13/2023 (Tue) 12:21:14.
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I'm sorry to say that none of these are ones that I ask for. Not trying to be a picky bustard but the one that is mistress Kaitlyn is a sample, not even the full file
>>38167 $250? For an audio recording? I'm in the wrong business

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Tor Discussion Anonymous 06/15/2020 (Mon) 04:52:53 No. 449 [Reply] [Last]
So, what's so bad about Tor? >it's a honeypot Not really, I have done extensive research into this and the only people caught on it were dumb fucks who made OpSec mistakes. Plus, the only people championing this point are schizos who use VPN services or set up their own VPN, or even just use their plain ISP-given IP address, all of which are way riskier than using Tor. If you're concerned about onion links being honeypots, then set up your own. It's one of the easiest things in the world to do. >it's slow Fair enough. >a lot of sites block it Yeah, and a lot of sites are fags anyways, a lot of sites are also using ReCatapha and require phone verification and use Cloudflare or AWS. Sites have been against privacy for a long time and are banning VPNs too. >it's operated by sjws&trannies Literally everything is now, including VPN services and ISPs, there is no escape unless you want to fully disconnect from the internet and live in a cabin in the woods, which considering people are still using this site, I don't see happening. Also, the directors are known privacy-advocates. >firefox Firefox is rapidly becoming a shit browser for privacy, yes, Chromium is worse, "Ungoogled" Chromium is still Chrome garbage, same with Brave, alternative Firefox builds are usually outdated, and Opera is blatantly spyware. Meanwhile, Tor usually strips out all the tracking that Firefox tries to push in new releases. >relays and nodes operated by governments Which is more of a reason to get more people using Tor so more people can set up nodes and relays aside from government interference. Not opening this to start an argument or a bash on how bad Tor is or just to simply praise Tor, I want a discussion, because most points about Tor being bad for privacy are easily debunked and usually only used by schizos and I want to ensure my personal privacy.
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>>14011 Tor isn't just the codebase, it's also the huge network of nodes that form the backbone of its anonymization and are also a significant attack vector for deanonymization. The entire architecture is built around expensive to maintain entry nodes and legally risky exit nodes. An intelligence service can operate many instances of both.
>>449 bruh, it's well known that nsa controls almost all the exit-nodes, if not all of them. tor is as secure as a wet fucking sieve.

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Deep Web Thread Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 15:26:51 No. 459770 [Reply]
We haven't had one of these in a while. What's the worst thing you've seen on the deep/dark/dank web? >inb4 grifter >inb4 redroom
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>>459770 Same as the regular internet, but slower, but fewer ads
When mainstream internet become so edgy?

Vidya Entertainment and Canerous E-Celebs Thread #3 Back to the Past Edition Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 00:32:22 Id: e9758f No. 972310 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread: >>911139 Continuing the discussion of video game e-celebs and z-celebs of all kinds, preferably contained to this thread rather than being discussed anywhere else, as many people rightfully don't want to hear about celebrities. Keep it vidya or at least tangentially vidya-related. Happy birthday to the AVGN franchise. Where did the years go?
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>>984466 Sorry, I don't like pedos,.
>>984458 Blame women for that. they are the ones who turn any environment into a pit of bitterness and overblown gossip/accusations.
>>984458 Meanwhile faggots who push for a sterilized internet tend to have pedophilic urges, notice how they want everything infantalized so they can lure little kids into their echochambers. >>984489 Their secret weapon whenever their fellow dykes run out of arguments.

Sexy~Summer~ #2 Voxian 06/26/2024 (Wed) 04:02:52 No. 32859 [Reply] [Last]
Ahn~ just fuck me up harder nya~
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El retorno del Zurdo Anónimo 06/26/2024 (Wed) 21:57:19 No. 182125 [Reply]
Nuevo golpe de estado en Bolivia General la izquierda el camino de la paz y el pueblo ayy bolivianones ya estan listos para EVO 2.0 ?
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>>182718 Nada que ver. Hay una inflación , el partido MAS zurdo de Evo y Arce se gastó todo el dinero y ya no hay. Esto es cortina de humo para desviar la atención.
>>182718 >como sabemos bolivia es el jardín de los gringos Toda América Latina lo es, despierta de tu letargo, negrito, la tierra que pisas es el patio trasero del gabacho.
>>182925 Donde esta de tradwive de Luisiana o mi redneck campesina de Alabama. Mino una tejana palida quiero Kek

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Mainstream tickling scenes Anonymous 10/25/2021 (Mon) 17:31:50 Id: fa50a4 No. 4687 [Reply] [Last]
Mainstream tickling scenes. Post whatever good stuff you got from non-fetish content.
Edited last time by Flatty on 12/16/2023 (Sat) 06:11:02.
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>>68091 fall into a ravine

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¿Cúal es el punto de las tetas grandes? Anónimo 06/29/2024 (Sat) 00:42:39 No. 182882 [Reply]
Son pesadas, sudan, son difíciles de lavar, se interponen en todo, dificultan el encontrar ropa decente, llaman la atención de depravados, se ponen aguadas con el tiempo y son literalmente bolas de grasa, entonces ¿Porque tata obsesión con las tremendas ubres? Digo, solo miren pic related, se ve totalmente asqueroso.
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>>182882 >Son pesadas Bien, la sensación de peso da consistencia al momento de agarrarlas o cuando esta encima de ti >sudan Bien, el olor y el brillo que provoca el sudor ocasional es excitante y mientras no sea una cerda o una gorda apestosa cuyo sudor huele a chetos no tendría por qué acumular mucho sudor antes de que tome una ducha, hasta tú mismo tienes la libertad de lavarle las tetas cuando se meten juntos a bañar >son difíciles de lavar Lo dicho mientras no sea una gorda apestosa debería saber bien como limpiarse las tetas o tú puedes lavárselas meticulosamente >se interponen en todo Ese no es tu problema y más allá de un simpático accidente mientras no sean masivas no tendría por qué dificultar mucho la vida, igual estorba la barriga que tienes, pero de esa no te quejas verdad >dificultan el encontrar ropa decente Quien mierda te dijo eso, las mujeres tienen una enorme variedad de ropa para todo tipo de proporciones incluyendo a las de pecho grande igualmente las de pecho pequeño tienen dificultad al elegir ropa que no las haga verse escuálidas, las únicas a las que se les dificulta realmente encontrar ropa bonita por la talla son a las gordas y lo tienen merecido >llaman la atención de depravados Cualquier mujer llama la atención de depravados solo mira este lugar hasta las niñas llaman la atención de depravados la única diferencia es que las tetas grandes son un clásico >se ponen aguadas con el tiempo y el trasero igual y salen arrugas, el pelo se pone blanco, la vagina deja de lubricar por si sola. Es parte del proceso natural de envejecer, pero es por eso que debes buscar una mujer joven de tetas grandes y no una anciana >son literalmente bolas de grasa Si, pero a diferencia de ti es porque la distribución de grasa natural del cuerpo en las mujeres se concentra en el pecho y el trasero y no tanto porque sean gordas además eso las hace blanditas y esponjosas ya que el musculo es más rígido

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Negra no es lo mismo poner a mujeres con problemas de crecimiento mamal contra una mujer de senos grandes y proporcionados.
>>182885 Negro tienes derecho a tu opinión pero ni teneis razon

Maw thread Animal Enthusiast 05/28/2022 (Sat) 15:41:47 No. 3947 [Reply] [Last]
anyone got more?
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>>15019 here! i have like, 15 gigs worth of maw videos (mostly dogs) from Stormyzoo, he used to post on youtube but his account got banned. I found all his stuff in an archive but the host deleted the videos :( he also had a patreon where he would post some endoscopy videos, i have a collection of them and it has some good shit (a thread about endoscopy videos would be interesting, if it's fine). might post them all some day.
>>15216 That would be awesome! I remember some of his vids, but I have only seen stuff that can be found easily everywhere
>>15216 I would love to see them I have a deep fetish about there maws

The Video Game Industry is imploding Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 18:35:05 Id: 0c7012 No. 940732 [Reply] [Last]
I wanted to make a thread for this since it seems every day there's either a massive amount of industry layoffs or some publisher splitting off. Most recently Toys for Bob and Saber Interactive have split from their previous holders with rumors of Gearbox being sold off or going private after splitting off from Embracer like Saber just did. Additionally 505 have just shut down a bunch of offices in Spain, Germany, and France. Since just last holiday there have been over 15,000+ layoffs in the video games industry with a lot of companies restructuring like Embracer and Sony after deals with the Saudi's and the Chinese have basically gone sour. This is in addition to games like Spider-Man 2 (2023) costing over 300 million dollars and with the constant failures of live service games, it makes sense why the industry is experiencing a soft crash as it were. It remains to be seen what will come of the video games industry and what will rise from the ashes. I'm expecting to see more smaller publishers pop up while the current publishers will focus on making smaller games with tighter budgets. That being said no one really knows where the industry will go from here. sources:
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>>941467 good shit
>>984620 That is why the extermination of 90% of the world's population is desirable, anon.
>>940836 Well, they at least send C&D warnings to everyone without any politic intention but to get rid of the unexpected competition so they can sell their rehashed games and halfassed remakes for 60 USD each. CHECKMATE

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IRL Female Prey Anonymous 09/21/2021 (Tue) 21:16:57 No. 939 [Reply] [Last]
No different than the thread from 8kun, post women you want to snack on and why Belle Delphine seems like she'd make a great prey, wouldn't hesitate to have her churning in my belly
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>>48079 God i wish i could cram a fat chick down a skinny girl's throat. There something hot about devouring bbw prey. They're so plump and juicy. I see photo of Shannon Marie and i cant be help but think about what i'd be like to wrap my lips around that fucking butterball ssbbw. Her plump upper half slowly vanishing past my lips and i caress every doughy part of her cheesecake like body. Her soft stomach and delicious breast getting forced down my throat. But the real main course is that absolute dumpster truck of an ass she got. God i know it'd take me so long and so much effort to cram that humongous jiggly ass in my belly. Tasting every inch of it as she struggles to not be a full course meal. Probably play with his big ass as i shove her further down, feel like it'd be like cramming freshly made cake dough in my mouth. After the amount of effort it'd take to get in my gastric prison im gonna lay top of my stretched out gut and watch her slowly melt till she nothing but fat. God id probably be just as fat as her once she down churning into mush. I honestly just wanna devour every bbw/ssbbw/ fat girl i see. They were made to be food like a cattle you fatten up for a better meal
My cock has been absolutely famished for a slut to suck down, and its been rock hard for this cosplay slut right here. After I beat and rape her into submission, I'll forcefully slide her body down my shaft, pleasuring myself to the beautiful sounds of her boiling alive in my cum as her limbs melt off her body and she sinks deeper and deeper into the pool of my bubbling, white-hot semen. Once the bitch gargles and drowns in my cum (processed from the flesh melted off her whore body) the most pleasurable hose of cum will pour out of my dick and miss Yoshinobi will pour down the drain and into the sewer system where she belongs. Maybe I'll keep her cum-soaked fishnets around as a trophy, and to remind myself how she was only useful as a cut of fuckmeat and food for my cock. Or maybe I'll just toss her garbs in the trash and leave the whore completely forgotten.

Arepana 06/29/2024 (Sat) 05:14:27 Id: 9fdd86 No. 86594 [Reply]
Kek, viendo que ya Trump tiene esa vaina ganada ¿Cual creen que sea nuestro destino en los siguientes años si Maduro hace su fraude?

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Bukele siendo Bukele Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 17:17:40 No. 100774 [Reply]
Ok, cual es la trampa con este sujeto? Parece demasiado bueno para ser verdad. No solo convirtio su alcantarilla inmunda en uno de los paises mas seguros del continente sino que ahora puso a los maleantes a jalar y a hacer los trabajos pesados que los salvadoreños necesitan para mejorar su comunidad. Mientras aqui les damos abrazos alla son perseguidos y los ponen a chingarle si quieren comer, porque no los van a estar manteniendo los que si trabajan como aqui se hace con las lacras de la sociedad y con los chairos (que son lo mismo al final de cuentas). Como puede ser que un mugrero como el Salvador este dejando tan en ridiculo a todos los demas gobiernos del continente y conviertiendose en un ejemplo a seguir mientras aca cada vez vamos de peor en peor? Voluntad politica señores, voluntad politica de sacar a tu pais de la mierda y de terminar con la delincuencia. Ahora esos weyes estan haciendo lo que menos querian hacer en la vida que es chambear como gente decente mientras aca se fomenta el chairismo y el vivir de los demas, de lo que no te ganaste tu sino otro con su esfuerzo y trabajo. Ojala algun dia tengamos una figura similar, neta nunca pense decir que envidio a los pinches salvadoreños.
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>>100784 >la versión populista de derecha del inquilino de palacio Kek, Bukele es de izquierda.
>>100777 >>100778 >>100784 Supongo que si realmente debe de haber un truco, no puede existir ningun politico bueno, pero al menos su pinche pais ya esta mas tranquilo y si van a poner a trabajar a los reclusos en vez de que esten ahi solo chupando recursos no le veo el pedo.
>>100777 Y eso es malo por?...

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Anonymous 01/19/2022 (Wed) 17:03:16 No. 1764 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone got some birds?
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>>13222 It's not willing. The rest of the body is in a box and their jaw strength is nil, so there's really no way for them to fight back. Pretty fucked up.
Do Chickens count? Was thinking of making a thread for them
>>15224 I mean they are birds

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Gay thread Anonymous 07/29/2023 (Sat) 03:03:21 Id: 5cb495 No. 32 [Reply] [Last]
White girls can't be the only ones getting black cock, it's not fair!
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Imagine a world where whitebois are branded before 1X years old~♠️

Videojuegos RPG diferentes Anónimo 06/23/2024 (Sun) 16:19:19 No. 181092 [Reply]
Buenas malditos negros jugadores de RPG, hoy les vengo a pedir juegos RPG diferentes, para mi todos los RPG son iguales a no ser de las siguientes pics. Solo piensenlo Final Fantasy es como Mother pero con diferente historia, al mismo tiempo es igual a Chorno Trigger pero con diferente historia, lo mismo con Golden Sun, Breath of fire,etc
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>>181092 KEK si solo juegas a mierda de weeaboo es normal que todo te parezca igual.
>>181092 Black souls >also por culpa de fear and hunger a black souls le empezaron a hacer muchos videos en jewtube kek
>>182854 Hablando de hylics, me tope con esto.

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Ourobooru Rescue Anonymous 11/01/2022 (Tue) 00:14:12 Id: 3e9b8b No. 724311 [Reply] [Last]
it seems the booru project is seeking to get rid of ourobooru, help archiving the booru would be welcome and so would help in migrating its contents, perhaps something like this ? does anyone know if acid has been looking into booru alternatives for if the situation arises?(which apparently it did)
461 posts and 145 images omitted.
>>957510 It's dead Jimbo Thotkins.
>>956665 has basically been soft abandoned and it slowly falling apart. anyone smart is making plans to jump ship or already have it was a good run
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New TF2 update Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 01:11:36 Id: bf9a37 No. 857270 [Reply] [Last]
TF2 Servers Official Maps Custom Maps (Plus all the new maps) TF2C Servers Official Maps (TF2C) Custom Maps (TF2C) 14 NEW MAPS NEW GAME MODE no new weapons but honestly most of the "recent" weapons weren't very good Plus a bunch of new cosmetics, taunts, usual effects, and myriad of bugfixes. The bugfixes are rarely fully detailed in the patch notes and it'll probably take a few day for the community to figure out what exactly they did.
Edited last time by Zoom on 07/13/2023 (Thu) 19:35:39.
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>>984430 Nigger I don't give a fuck, I want to play the game. These people also steal accounts and credit cards and try to bait people into paying them for "bot immunity." Don't give a fuck if they shoot them in the kneecaps, they're a gang of slavic faggots.
>>984613 >Making it unfun to play in about 50% of a certain type of server in a specific game mode of a specific game is a DDoS? Making it so 23/24 players in a lobby instantly headshot you the moment you leave spawn in 50% of the servers constitutes a DDoS attack, you are correct. >Wow, I guess you merely posting here would be considered a DDoS of 8moe. If 50% of the posts here were me bot spamming the exact same thing over the course of 5 years, yes that would constitute as a form of DDoS. >We're not talking about your property either, retard. Last (You) for you. You're getting lazy with your attempts at farming now and it's gotten boring. Try harder next time.
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>>984617 I just hope they get recruited to fight the nuclear snowniggers, fucking mixed race bolsheviks had it easy for long enough, they were posting legitimate glowing Democrat activism sites.

Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 14:22:57 No. 3623 [Reply]
Technically speaking, which is the vidya character with the largest tits?
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>>3645 hey andrew date give me some hook up tips
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>>3648 >tfw dobson errr andrew tate will never give me some tips to get some girls to fuck Its so over bros
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>>3648 >>3671 Apologies, Tatemaxxers. I was busy with fornicating and impregnating 24 of my 78 virgins. You have to be a man. So, follow me. Take your smartphone. Open Now listen carefully. Very carefully.

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No entiendo cómo hay gente que quiere emigrar a los Estados Unidos. Anónimo 06/28/2024 (Fri) 15:00:52 No. 182740 [Reply]
Es un estercolero inmundo, donde hay que estar trabajando cada momento de tu vigilia para ganar lo suficiente y poder pagar los servicios y la hipoteca, la inflación los está destrozando y ya algo como tener una casa con dos estacionamientos, mantener dos o tres hijos para luego mandarlos a la universidad, y vacaciones pagadas por un trabajo de 8 horas es un sueño de ricos, si hasta los cubanos se están volviendo a Cuba decepcionados, así de mal están. ¿Por qué todavía hay gente huevona que se quiere ir a sufrir por allá?
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>>182844 Desvalorizados dólares que ya no compran nada.
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>>182911 >imagina tener que pagar por mierda hecha con pink slime y que encima te aumenten el precio
>>182773 >Algo que sí me recontracagaba del gabacho es que todas sus putas ciudades están hechas para los carros Ya puedo oir los lamentos y el crujir de dientes cuando implementen esas ciudades de 15 minutos que tanto quieren imponer en otros países.

Breaking News Moldovan 11/28/2020 (Sat) 22:43:23 Id: 1ccb40 No. 8018 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for news regarding upcoming animated series, post anything with cute cakes/lolis here.
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>>45131 Native American Loli. The rarest of them all.
Kindergarten: The Musical

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Anonymous 08/17/2023 (Thu) 00:52:11 Id: 6231b1 No. 18805 [Reply] [Last]
New amateur BBC thread. Repeats okay but let's try to get fresh content at first. Not that I have much new stuff atm
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>>24936 Lmao bitch looks like idubbbz
>>24920 >Nobody can just upload unverified content onto websites anymore. And it's a damn shame. So much random amateur IR was getting uploaded to Pornhub every day before the purge. Now everything is monetized OF garbage.

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Anónimo 06/28/2024 (Fri) 09:44:19 No. 182713 [Reply]
Extraño al congal...y pensar que se fue a la mierda por culpa del administrador tranny de mierda...
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>>182713 Alguien se acuerda cuando Dross le hizo un vídeo al "proyecto no se qué" y que después de unos días el video se eliminó? Lo busco en waybackmachine y no lo encuentro, alguien todavía se cuerda de eso? Kekeo al recordar a Doris >Este es el futuro que elijieron Seguro se le frunce el culo del puritito cringe
>>182876 Te refieres a la colaboracion que hizo Doris con hispachan? lo de la pagina esa de la dip gueb.
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>>182713 Extraño el congoposteo y el posterior zamboposteo, aunque se salió de las manos, fue lo más bello que nos dió /pol/

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Pregunten mis negros Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 00:21:35 No. 100685 [Reply]
Trabajo en un memecenter gringo, hagan sus preguntas mis negros
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>>100685 ¿Las entrevistas son difíciles? Y si es así ¿que recomiendas mi Negrín?
>>100841 En primer no ser un pendejo que tartamudea al hablar, si vas a cualquier entrevista tómalo como si no te contratan, si comienzas con pendejadas de ponerte nervioso desde ahí ya la cagaste
>>100847 Eso se sabe, negro, pero las entrevistas dependiendo del puesto van a varias, no es lo mismo que te pregunten para un puesto de atención al cliente que uno para análisis de datos.

IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT MUTHAFUCKA #232 Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 01:04:54 Id: d5fb1e No. 967606 [Reply] [Last]
The previous thread is now anchored so it's time for a new thread all about Friday Nights and: WHATCHA' >PLAYAN >WATCHAN >LISTENAN >READAN >EATAN >DRINKAN >FAPPAN >FEELAN
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>PLAYAN Chivalry 2 >WATCHAN Nothing >LISTENAN a collection of various OSTs from fantasy and medieval vidya >READAN DnD character sheet >EATAN Had Raising Canes >DRINKAN Someone brought Truelys to the DnD sesh, they were awful I can't believe people drink this stuff >FAPPAN Probably not >FEELAN Ok, I got a raise at work and a commendation for catching an error in treatment before it compromised the care of a patient. I still feel very depressed as of late, I feel my education has stagnated and I've failed my family in many meaningful, objective ways. Regardless of this I must go on, I just am not sure what I'm supposed to do like a normal person I would like to be happy.
>>984609 But incels are also celibate, and in their context, I'm sure you can see why they feel a need to differentiate the two.
>>984566 >My theory is that people who throw around the term like that are merely attempting to connect Bad Thing A with Bad Thing B, while conveniently ignoring that married men are, on average, more conservative than single men. The irony of them linking a person's value towards their body count isn't lost on me. Not a single one of them is consciously or subconsciously doing that. It's literally just people repeating shit they heard other people say. If you ask a single person what they think incel means they won't know. I've seen people called married men with children incels. They literally just think it means person I don't like, nerd, loser, or misogynist. >>984585 >Not...really? The inherent issue of "social disability" is that one social norm is not equivalent to another, and can change, sometimes for the objective worse. How do you dictate what's "normal?" If some pop star started an act talking out loud to himself, and then everybody else followed in his footsteps seeing it destigmatized, what would be seen as a sign of mental illness would now be considered "normal." By the same logic no human behavior could ever be called irregular or weird on the chance that everyone suddenly starts adopting the behavior. By all reasonable understanding displaying the standard characteristics of autism is weird in the way we traditionally understand socially awkward people to be. And there are barometers for human behavior that essentially exist independent of how common that behavior is. >Then we have Asians, an entire race of autists from a Western perspective...except they themselves don't consider themselves autistic Asians are a good example of this. Their behavior is objectively bad. South Koreans have the lowest birth rates recorded in all of human civilization during peace time. It doesn't matter if they perceive the behavior as normal. Successful social characteristics are not that difficult to quantify independent of culture. One can confidently assert that autisming yourself into extinction is probably retarded. >Are we a bunch of "autists?" For real, not just a meme and joking around? No one cares about the DSM. All psychological and personality disorders exist on a scale, it's arbitrary. Anons are going to be more autistic than not, on average.

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Special Requests Thread 13 Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 12:00:41 Id: 61012b No. 65762 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread was bump-locked: 51303 long shot but does anyone have any of erimoto's older self-oc stuff? like the 1k watcher stocker pic
236 posts and 205 images omitted.
>>68083 Are there any variants?
>>68083 Also do you have the other things he posted on patreon

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