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AI Tickling 4 Anonymous 08/24/2023 (Thu) 04:44:22 Id: 3bde74 No. 52056
Can't believe we've gotten 4 threads of this. Links to the previous threads: >>23688 >>35771 >>41604
>>67172 pretty sure that IS the character details.
>my ass waiting for the next time Jane Porter reads us a tickle caption as a bedtime story (I perished whilst relistening to that one fairy caption that came out all the while back then)
Decided to experiment and put an old c.ai roleplay bot I did into yodayo. Might update the definitions more to take better advantage of the NSFW. I've never used this site before, so results may be disappointing. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/7c85dbb2-1472-4c1f-8621-95115fb6c331/
>>67268 lol it's nice that people are still enjoying that. those were fun and elevenlabs' voice stuff is excellent, but it's prohibitively expensive and time consuming to put them together on the regular. Also they're finally starting to crack down a little more on people training their voices using copyrighted material. Bans and warnings so far, no actual legal trouble yet. If you wanted to take the risk for another bedtime story, here's the files i used for Jane.
>>67274 Also they just added this sound effects generator thing which can do laughter fairly well. Filenames are the prompts.
Has anyone managed to animate tickling pictures even half way decently with this? It's NSFW detection is inconsistent, this one got through but a lot of tamer pictures I tried didn't. The results are, well, not ideal. https://lumalabs.ai/dream-machine
>>65728 Is there a reason none of your characters show up anymore? I tried to continue old conversations and it wouldn't let me too
>>67389 Everything is fine on my end. It might be something on your side. They've recently changed their settings on viewing options. Make sure the "XXX" option is on.
>>67383 I give it 3 or so years before the average non-talented person is capable of doing this with no effort https://x.com/soku0115/status/1804156906711454042?t=_DpDm2ILR_LhviCn-BErag&s=19
>>67383 I just love the nonsense sliding around while their mouth flaps like a fish XD

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(4.38 MB 864x1168 kim (3).mp4)

Here's a few of my attempts

(3.12 MB 864x1168 jessie.mp4)

>>67750 2nd vid is like a really bad LSD trip, holy shit.
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Take a look at this accounts characters, mans uploadet 5 ZP92 chars in one day. Don't know about the quality since they aren't my thing, but since they are popular in the thread I thought you guys might be interested https://yodayo.com/1/users/304bc9f2-fa2d-45f0-8634-eade8d2b9511/?tab=characters
>>67842 It's a start. Give it a try and see what you come out with
The model on character.ai has definitely been downgraded since sometime this past week. It just spits your input back at you, barely even rephrasing it. And that's if the output is intelligible at all. If this is intentional, it's to deal with fujoshis on summer break. If this isn't intentional, H1B visas are more devastating than any cyberattack.
>>67847 I'm pretty sure this happened last summer too. I guess this is a countermeasure for the horny teens with free time.
>>67848 I heard it's just as bad for the paid users. This seems like a sloppy solution without some kind of tiered system. Do they think the paypigs won't get fed up? I'd rather invest in a home rig than deal with Pajeet's fickle whims.
>>67853 Which program did you use for this? Pretty well made
>>67854 I didn't understand people who paid for c.ai then and much less now lmao
>>67871 Yeah it seems to be a recurrent theme with c.ai and all the competing sites that whatever service might be worth paying for now won't be the service you get weeks or months down the line. It's way too volatile. Obviously there's a market for people who don't want to invest $3000+ to homebrew this shit, but none of these sites actually cater to that market reliably. Some not at all. I think that the homebrew cost will go down over time, and then there'll be no reason to have a Silicon Valley middleman between the user and his waifu.
>>67884 Idk Anon, aisekai may have shit the bed but yodayo's been going strong for the longest time now. Not sure why anyone here is even still giving c.ai the time of day, that ship sailed almost 2 years ago at this point.
>>67887 Yodayo seems great. With c.ai, I would generate 5-10 replies and pick the best one, but Yodayo seems to dump the the old replies if you choose to generate a new one. Other than that, it's at or above c.ai's level. The default model is good. Are the other models worth spending beans on? The search function seems to be hiding a lot of the bots, so their selection seems limited unless you know what you're doing.
>>67908 I have the opposite experience. C.ai understands what tickling is and actually knows how to write it, while being receptive to user input. Usually I can set up a scene without mentioning tickling, but the "opportunity" is enough for it to initiate it after a few regenerations. It can even use some basic tickle talk. Generating a new response can be wildly different, leading to very different paths. However the writing of the AI devolves as time goes on. The longer a tickle scene goes on, the less it resemble its original model and latches onto weird writing quirks to repeat. You have to start over after a point repeatedly. Yodayo keeps considering tickling as "painful pleasure" and will say stuff like "pinches feet" or "pokes neck" when trying to tickle. Generating a new response is usually the same action(s) just written differently. And it outright ignores a lot of my writing; if it takes off my pants and tell it I don't have any genitalia, less than 3 posts later it's describing how it's rubbing my "throbbing dripping cock." There seems to be more tickling-focused characters which seem to be behaving better, but the moment it gets sexual the AI does a 180 and stops all tickling in favor of pure generic pornographic material. Which is great if you want to go from pure tickling to pure sex, but if you wanted tickling AND sex or just genital tickling it can't grasp that for more than a single post.
>>67908 For the longest time I never fucked with the models and just stuck with the basic bitch one. After they recently made the change for the different models costing beans I decided to try out the most expensive one, and I don't see myself ever switching off it. It's unironically like night and day. >>67911 >Yodayo keeps considering tickling as "painful pleasure" and will say stuff like "pinches feet" or "pokes neck" when trying to tickle. That's the beauty of editing, Anon. The same way that we had to train the c.ai models back in the day with constant refreshes and ratings, here you can just make subtle changes/adjustments to the verbiage and the bot will start to follow suit.
Can whoever made the Cornelia Octavia bot post whatever description they used? It seems to have been deleted and I’d like to make a copy if possible
>>67914 Does Yodayo give any clue what model you're actually using on the different pricing tiers? Also following up on: >>67911 >Yodayo keeps considering tickling as "painful pleasure" and will say stuff like "pinches feet" or "pokes neck" when trying to tickle. This is a problem with certain models I've encountered a lot after a year and a half of playing with local models. A lot of the dumber ones don't understand tickling, they see it as either a form of sexual stimulation or a form of torture and don't have a good grasp of what it is or how people should react to it.
>>67917 All of the information is there when you click on the model on the top right. You also get 150 beans free per day, I haven't had to spend a single penny. I have more beans than I know what to do with.
>>67918 Interesting, wasn't expecting Llama 3. Still haven't tried that one.
https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/c82df641-35bb-495b-b4a2-232ce1ccf2fc https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/5d9dbe89-cea6-4d4d-a983-c4530946bdd2 Two scenarios based on disney princesses. Jasmine, captured, stripped, and taken deep into the desert to be tickled to your heart's content. And Ariel, caught in some particularly mobile, ticklish seaweed. Good thing you've arrived to help free her, right? More disney girls to come later.
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Guess I'll post some of the characters I've made as well. Mine are more male oriented though but they're well made imo. (Use the Nephra 70B Model for better responses) https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/5650ce33-c6d7-4271-a96c-3347c57b5f99 first one on the list is Roderick, Male army prince that's been captured by the enemy empire and they hired you to interrogate him (or just torture him) without causing any physical pain. The first message is VERY long because it sets up the build up for the story that the chat will take place, if that's not your thing Yodayo thankfully let's you edit the first message of characters (If the original creator turns on the option for it) so you can set up your own story and have fun making this prideful prince beg for mercy. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/fc9dfe64-d090-4fdd-af98-90c36a3debd5 Second on the list we have Ruze, a crazy maniac that escaped from an asylum, he snuck into your home in hopes of hiding from the authorities but ended up being captured by you thanks to him being unable to remove his straight jacket. I made this guy to be the most aggressive and angriest bot you could hope to find and anything you do or say to him will be met with just sarcasm or anger in response. I did make his dick ticklish because why not so give that a try and let me know how it goes. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/db49aa71-d2df-4e37-9e16-93d1f512a971 Third on the list is the hero named Titan, Whole building is collapsing, Titan goes to the basement to try to hold one of the last pillars that's keeping the entire building still standing, you're the last person that's leaving the building but titan calls out to you for help, it's up to you how you want to help him, or take advantage of the situation seeing as he can't move a muscle while he's busy holding the pillar. Female bots I made. https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/cc76794e-c7d5-4ca3-a85a-42c9a9e2f1aa Dr. Mint, she's a podiatrist capable of treating patient's feet, she works better as a "Room" kind of bot but she REALLY enjoys treating feet if the conversation goes on for long enough. (On one on one she's more of an ASMR bot, I never thought I'd get tingles from talking to a bot but something this one managed to do that) https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/3379bd27-9542-459a-999e-c9befab86df6 and last on the list is Kitasan Black, she's just a horse girl from the Uma Musume gatcha game, but I made her out of spite because the creator said we can't lewd the anime horse girls cuss their trainers don't see them that way? I dunno, I did this one in one night so don't expect the quality to be super high, but she's still fun to tease.

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