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/vhs/ Christmas Stream
24th and 25th at 3:30 PST/6:30 EST

Interboard /christmas/ Event has Begun!
Come celebrate Christmas with us here is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Cute and Comfy Christmas Time! Edition Anonymous 12/25/2024 (Wed) 00:28:12 Id: 799fca No. 1054032 [Reply] [Last]
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS <The Holidays are upon us >Alyssa Mercante, Other Staff, No Longer Working At Kotaku >HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ZOEPOST THAT STARTED IT ALL!: You did it Gaymergays! >Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will not award “Erotica” points for taking cleavage and crotch photos like original >Game Informer is DEAD >Sweet Baby Inc designer attempts to censor Steam Curator List highlighting which games the company were hired for- has now surpassed 400,000 subscribers >IGN Entertainment acquires Eurogamer, GI, VG247, Rock Paper Shotgun and more >Nintendo Of America Appears To Turn ‘Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door’s Character Into Transgender

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Edited last time by coyote on 12/25/2024 (Wed) 01:06:21.
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>>1054248 That's because the artist, Captainkirb, draws bratty lolis, Shotas, and Otoko-no-ko.
>>1054330 Meery Christmas Elto!
>>1054363 All new games since 2007 are objectively shit.

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Gensokyo Massacre: cuz I'm bored edition Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 04:25:43 Id: 1cd912 No. 1052944 [Reply] [Last]
I feel like playing another game of EratohoK, so I will probably start one up tomorrow and post screenshots and commentary as I play it. What to expect: > a war strategy game with Touhou characters > and porn > and lots of other characters we've added in earlier threads > Set kill rate to "high" and watch them all die It will probably take a week to finish. If you want to recommend yet another new character before I start, I can add them.
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Gallica is not happy at all working for Okina. Daiyousei notes the obvious that she is a fairy, and asks if she wants to join the Fairy Empire. Gallica agrees, but cannot leave right now. She will soon, though. (I was not expecting that to succeed, but we'll roll with it.)
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Turn 70. Shimmy took a few of Okina's territories. I changed Okina's color so you can tell her territory from Yuyuko's. Between turns, Vivian James created a new country in Akyuu Manor. This should give her the entire Human Village.
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Rumia came back from the Bandits pregnant, so she will have a kid in a few turns. I forgot to mention it. Turn 71. Cirno allies with Yuyuko and attacks the Human Village from four directions! Each of Cirno's four armies has more soldiers than Vivian does, so Vivian is screwed. Vivian's poor excuse for an army is trounced by Duke Nukem and the Watatsuki Sisters. Saki's armies are struggling against Shinmyoumaru and Yuyuko. They are barely able to defeat Yuyuko's fourth-string weaklings. Yuyuko is not deploying her best forces. Vita-Tan deploys alongside Tokiko, arguably the weakest 2hu, and Backpack Cuck.

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Vidya Lounge Thread Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 16:37:19 Id: 33c988 No. 343401 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /v/'s comfy lounge. This thread is for general discussion about /v/-related topics that don't deserve/fit in regular threads. The rules 'may be treated more flexibly here, but please take care not to make a mess and don't be a retard. Rules: 1. The lounge is a shared community with /v/. Posters should have posts elsewhere on the board before entering the lounge. 2. Discussion should pertain to /v/-type content only, such as funposting about video games, more video games, industry matters, and gamer™ interests. Colouring outside the lines MAY be okay, however posters do so at their own risk with the understanding that said posts might be moderated without forewarning at any time.
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I love you all anons, no homo though. Have a good month and a merry Christmas, I hope you anons have it good during this cold season. Let's shitpost it again for another year of 8chan extreme adventure.
>>1053171 The only mods that I generally use are Texture / QOL related (sometimes: fixing a bug is good, fixing a fundamentally broken mechanic less so). It's hard to play Zelda 64 with its ugly-even-for-the-time textures on a 4K display.

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Octavo hilo de noticias Anónimo 10/27/2024 (Sun) 18:43:26 No. 46743 [Reply] [Last]
Ya saben como va >Páginas recomendadas de donde conseguir artículos Hilo anterior >>38929
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>>50127 Es tan ridículo que... Bueno ni un chiste tengo sobre esto, simplemente kek.
Parece que Sonic esta destruyendo a Mufasa en cantidad de espectadores.

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Christmas Hat Thread Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 01:06:55 Id: b1a0a6 No. 1045320 [Reply] [Last]
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>>1053931 I found a hat I like.
>>1054399 That's really neat anon. I like it.
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Games Carried Completely by One Non-Gameplay Element Anonymous 12/26/2024 (Thu) 03:36:15 Id: 2f3500 No. 1054398 [Reply]
I was recently reminded of some games which, in my opinion, were carried entirely by the soundtrack. Immediately the ones which come to mind are things like whatever Tim Follin produced music for, like Pictionary on the NES, but also more contemporary titles like Skyrim and Mechanicus. Then this got me thinking about the other games out there which got completely carried by some other non-gameplay related element, like the story or the art style. I'm not talking a mix of one thing or another, but something going so far and beyond the rest of the characteristics of the game that it is recognized/remembered as the sole thing the game had going for it. I suppose another example would be Little Witch Nobeta which has pretty forgettable combat and even worse aspects besides, but it remembered because it has one cute girl in it whom the devs are not afraid at all to lewd in their official merchandise and marketing. Post some other examples which spring to mind, be it for soundtrack, artstyle, or something else - as long as it doesn't pertain to the gameplay.
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The only fucking reason I know anything about Last origin is because it has big titty elves in cow-print bikinis.
>>1054470 I have extremely little respect for gacha players or anybody who plays games for muh preddy gurls. They take SUCH offence if you ever call them out on it, too.
>>1054460 That stuff is what let it last in popularity for so long. It's a combination of factors for why its famous in the first place. Dry year, lots of hype behind it in general due to people liking Oblivion and Morrowind and not noticing the Bethesda flaws in general yet, massive advertising campaign that had a viral meme associated with it (Fus Ro Dah memes), game thus being "Baby's first open world RPG" to a lot of CODniggers and other normalfags giving it a lot of good world of mouth, also being carried by the excellent world design that was fun to explore, the music, and the ES Lore being somewhat untouched and serving as a solid backdrop for nerds into that shit. Skyrim is very much lightning in a bottle and only in the past few years has sentiment turned against it as more people play more great games and better-made bethesda-style games become more renown like New Vegas and several independent projects. >>1054470 Lots of games like this. Hell, some devs have even learned to weaponize it for marketing or at least turn the other way, like Netease with their Marvel hero shooter having devs practically doing half the work for the porn artists already with how "detailed" the models are where it counts. I don't have many examples since one thing alone isn't enough to get me to play a game usually. Though an example does come to mind for me, Tales of Arise being easily the worst game in the series and such a piece of shit and unrecognizeable as a Tales game it really shouldn't have the brand attached at all, but for some reason Sakuraba poured his heart into the soundtrack and produced what's probably the best overall OST he's ever made and some of the better songs in his career next to his non-game compositions. He mentioned in an interview the director and higher-ups gave him free reign to do whatever for the soundtrack, in so many words, so maybe this is why, but I find it funny that such a dumpster fire of a game has such "fire" music, as the youngn's put it. Even the area themes are really good when he's usually hit-or-miss when it comes to peaceful themes. It's to a point I'll go back and listen to the soundtrack even now despite my burning hatred for the game and how many bad memories it brings up.

/cd/ - Café Dibujitos #2 Anónimo Board owner 09/04/2024 (Wed) 01:21:55 No. 43629 [Reply] [Last]
Edición pre-lanzamiento Bienvenido a café oficial de /ac/, este hilo está dedicado a todos los pasatiempos no completamente relacionados a la temática del tablón: Libros, videojuegos, música, etc. También para charla ligera, funposteo relacionado a la cultura de /ac/™ y compartir dibujos en cantidades moderadas. >Las reglas 2 a la 7 se aplican aquí >Tómate las cosas con calma Este hilo es experimental, así que cualquier comentario acerca de, del título, contenido, nombre, etc. Será bien recibido. Hilo anterior >>38468
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>>50217 Al menos son edits y uno puede ignorarlos fácilmente como una parodia.
>>50227 No deja de ser aborrecible el nivel de explotación de eva franquicia, si fuera una cosa como Marvel, Dragon Ball o Pucca no le importaría, pero NGE tiene una moraleja hermosa y sincera; y esto solamente genera ruido que hace imposible hablar de ella seriamente. >Inb4 diviértete, nerd No quiero.

webm thread - member movies edition Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 23:22:06 Id: f10463 No. 1047545 [Reply] [Last]
They no longer make movies out of games, this time you get to play the movie! You can be sure the second I find a nigger there will be a video of him getting whipped. Last thread >>1018065
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>>1054442 There is more than a little irony in the overcommercialization of Evangelion.
>>1054472 Those are Japan-only advertisements, unfortunately. The western McDonalds ads still have niggers.
>>1054442 > tfw you got a mcdouble comin

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'Team Fortress' issue no. 7 has released Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 19:39:12 Id: af2d36 No. 1052756 [Reply] [Last]
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>>1054429 All 3 of those co-op games also don't need more money to unlock more gameplay. Same for plenty of others.
>>1054429 People already say its dead.
>>1054464 Which is fucking stupid, casual gamers consider anything that doesn't pull League or CoD numbers "dead". Nothing in the Steam top 500 should be considered dead.

Xmas thread Anonymous 12/23/2024 (Mon) 22:55:24 Id: 93ff57 No. 1053664 [Reply] [Last]
Happy Holidays Merry Christmas faggots
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>>1054490 God bless anon
>>1054498 I don't mind if someone else takes them, I'm just upset that someone who might have really wanted that game can't get it now.

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Hilo power scaling 2 Rolero 11/01/2024 (Fri) 01:19:31 Id: 013991 No. 103192 [Reply] [Last]
Hilo para todo lo relacionado con el power scaling en los roles. Versus, scaling respect threads van aqui. >tematicas sugeridas -personajes de hisrol y que tan lejos llegarian en dragon ball -cuales son los personajes (no npc) mas fuertes
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De todos los roles de secundarias y escuelas cual personaje (NPC o PJ) puede hacerle frente a esta BESTIA? No se valen escuelas con poderes o magias
>>105078 Victima de Boss Baby y de Kaido, una entidad supernatural y un guerrero anormal que ni todos los matones de todas las escuelas de la vecindad de secundaria Z pueden hacerle frente, llámame cuando pasen del hispasecundaria-verso
>>105078 neo (el personaje mas olvidado de secundaria hispa) mato un bullfango de monster hunter y esos son tier 9-A (aunque neo tenia un arco de cazador)

Anonymous 06/10/2023 (Sat) 06:57:43 Id: cf142b No. 841008 [Reply] [Last]
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>>1054261 I think it's a legit Jap that's terminally online and has a good grasp on English somehow. A good chunk of the ESL crowd is just like this. The way he words his twitter posts is what I've seen a lot of other Japanese users that have a non-Japanese audience do: The topics that he puts in his comics are a lot of the times related to the foreign "anime-sphere" itself or "asian" memes.

Onirism is no longer indie Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 02:02:35 Id: 75763f No. 1023565 [Reply] [Last]
Crimson Tales has struck a marketing deal with a recently created publisher named Shoreline Games, made by people who recently worked on vidya like Space Marine II or Subnautica's marketing. CT keeps full control of the dev while SG makes sure the game is marketed properly. Also, the Onirism page in Shoreline Game's website claims the games is set to get its 1.0 release in Q3 2025, but knowing the game's many setbacks and what's left to do, they might not meet the deadline. Also, here's Blueberry's father, King Strawberry.
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>>1054459 It's so sad when this happens. Hard to convince people it's a great game when the programming is this garbage. Barely above some asset flip. I really hope the programmer gets replaced soon. Pajeet level of bad.
>>1054452 The only revolver I found was the Judiciator, in the Corporation greenhouses. Early on, when you go through large square room full of enemies to a small room for a button or key or something, and there's a checkpoint and a weapon chest inside the small room, the revolver is on a weapon rack there.
>>1054459 Among the revolvers, you have >Judicator (water handcannon) >Garnet revolver (high recoil revolver) >Gentleman's toy (revolver with underbarrel GL) >Jesse & James (akimbo) already in the campaign. I didn't find any extra revolvers in tales, but I know some weapons are exclusive to these modes for now, like the Tommy Gun, though most will eventually be added. The devs better think about adding a Mateba 6 Unica when Corpopolis is done.

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General Purpose 8chan Sitewide Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 05/12/2022 (Thu) 02:37:48 Id: 9b4131 No. 5423 [Reply] [Last]
This cyclical thread is for all of the following: Bug Reports General Help 8chan Tech Support Board Migrations Suggestions and Feature Requests Global Site Announcements Transparency Reports General Site Meta Discussion Summoning the Admins Specific meta threads on this board and elsewhere are deprecated. If something is really important or urgent it may get its own sticky, otherwise post in here.
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Bug report! When you click "Filter name" on a tripcode user, every single post gets filtered instead!
Also, it would be nice to have a simple "Unhide all" button

Project Cyrodiil: Abecean Shores released Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 22:04:45 Id: c44f1c No. 1053466 [Reply]
Trailer: >what is this? Project Cyrodiil: Abecean Shores is a massive, free, fan-made expansion to The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. It adds a large chunk of the province Cyrodiil >how big is it Not counting water tiles for either, this new area is half the size of the original game. Unlike the original game, Abecean Shores has actual content in its water cells where the original game's water was just empty once you left the coast, which pushes the actual size of the release even further. >Oblivion was boring Project Cyrodiil is not a recreation of the world of Oblivion, but rather a depiction of Cyrodiil as it was in pre-Oblivion lore. >are there quests or is it just an empty land There's plenty of quests. In-fact there's even a "main quest" of sorts in the Anvil government questline >how powerful does my character need to be It is entirely possible to play the new content from level 1.

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>>1053470 Bought another copy of Skyrim for Christmas, just because of (You)
>>1053466 Is Stirk still in it? I liked Stirk, if it's just more of that I'll be happy >>1054042 Eh, sorta true but a lot of artifacts are still able to outdo most grand soul gem enchantments just due to the enchantment restrictions the game puts on the player. Even if you don't use fortify INT/skill spells and savescum and just use pure gold with enchanter NPCs there's way better items you can just find in the world on your own or through quests.
I really like the underwater content, even if Lamias are kicking my ass >>1054321 Stirk is still in it, but overhauled. The town is now much smaller but more content dense, and there's new stuff on and around the island.

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Anonymous 08/30/2023 (Wed) 20:05:22 No. 25624 [Reply] [Last]
IDW Sonic Storytime #3 Starting with Sonic the Hedgehog: Endless Summer!!!
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>>26027 Bonus covers
>>26027 >Thoughts on this arc and IDW overall? Disappointed they forgot about the whole "Clutch knows about Surge and Kit's past" subplot. It's how he roped the two of them in in the first place. This would also be an ideal time for the Restoration to stop being a de facto world government, but I don't have a whole lot of hope there.
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>>26027 >>26029 I have so longed for to see this expression on this sheep. Now waiting for her apology to Silver's?

EEH debatimos acerca del uso de "IA" en animación y cómics Anónimo 12/25/2024 (Wed) 02:31:29 No. 50190 [Reply]
Pues lo del título. Cuando hablamos de IA hablamos de herramientas como Midjourney (crear imágenes), ChatGPT (generar texto/diálogos) o ElevenLaps (crear audios). Antes que nada, he notado que hay una grandísima cantidad de desinformación respecto a estas herramientas. El nombre correcto es aprendizaje máquina, que no debe confundirse con Inteligencia Artificial. Cuando hablamos de aprendizaje máquina, hablamos de que un programa por medio de un gran conjunto de datos encuentra patrones dentro del mismo y generará nuevos datos. Por ejemplo, ChatGPT de un conjunto de diálogos humanos, los procesa y luego genera textos que parecen humanos, énfasis en parece, la máquina solamente copia la apariencia de los textos, por lo bajo no hay ningún tipo de razonamiento (que es la inteligencia artificial de verdad). Lo mismo aplica a Midjourney y ElevenLabs. Estas herramientas a las que llaman "IA" básicamente son versiones más elegantes del texto predictivo del celular. Soy un anon con un pregrado en tecnologías de la información y una especialidad en aprendizaje máquina, así que si alguien más tiene dudas acerca de como funcionan estas herramientas, estoy gustoso de responderles. Habiendo dicho eso, no creo que haya ningún problema con estas herramientas, mientras que se use de manera voluntaria por el artista; que es donde se puede definir creatividad. Si las intenciones son para abaratar costos o apresurar una linea de producción entonces es casi seguro que el resultado será malo, de la misma manera que lo fue la animación limitada en los setentas para producir dibujos animados en masa. Considerando eso el único lugar donde estas herramientas han tenido adopción masiva es en industrias de productos chinos y content farms que nadie con tres dedos de frente se tomaría en serio. Por otro lado, los grandes estudios de animación no se molestarán en considerarlo pues aún existen cientos de líos legales en los que nadie cuerdo querría meterse. Esto deja a la "IA" en una posición ventajosa de ser aprovechada por artistas independientes para sacarle el provecho al máximo y hacer producciones que hace 10 años serían inimaginables; de lo único que tendrían que preocuparse por lo artistas loquitos de Twitter y su cruzada en contra de Stabble Diffussion, pero nadie se va a tomar en serio a esos tipos (y creo que su "movimiento" ya perdió toda tracción). Por ejemplo: Recientemente encontré esto en mi lista de recomendaciones, está hecho con Eleven Labs y MidJourney y es jodidamente bueno, especialmente porque está hecho por una (1) sola persona. Claramente el tipo no está usando esas herramientas para acelerar la producción, hacer content farm o para dejarle a la máquina que tome las decisiones creativas, en su lugar está usando la herramienta de manera inteligente para recrear el estilo de títere/animatrónico de los 80s y 90s, arte que ha caído desafortunadamente en la obsolescencia y logra un resultado muy bueno. Se nota el cariño. Es este tipo de cosas que hacen que realmente me emocione por el campo de investigación. No podría importarme menos la pelea sobre quién tiene el pene (servidor) más grande entre Google y OpenAI (Que de abierto no tiene un carajo), lo que de verdad me importan son los pequeños artistas sacando provecho a estas herramientas para hacer cosas geniales, tal como lo hicieron los pioneros del Flash y del Blender en su época.
>>50190 pues poco se puede agregar a lo que ya dijiste, mientras se use para agilizar o para inspirarse en ver como podría quedar algo esta mas que aceptable, las ia de imagenes mas que nada hoy en dia funcionan mas para generar paisajes, si un artista novato usa ia para generar paisajes no me molestaria, pero ya si el resto del dibujo lo llama arte propio esta mal, como , como la profesora de arte cuyas obras anime ia de filtro de instagram llegaron a un museo fuera de eso las imagenes como las que adjunto se hacen mas por ocio y divercion, pero hay que reconocer que a comparación de 2020 evolucionaron mucho, yo no satanizo la ia, ver como evoluciono en tan poco tiempo y como lo sigue haciendo, solo facilitara mucho los trabajos, en especial en el ámbito de vidojuegos, de aqui a 10 años tendremos cosas geniales, y el ejemplo que diste esta bien, tampoco es que le pida a la ia generar personajes que no sean de el, como los videos del Barto que aunque es comedia, lo que tu pasaste se toma en serio y con personajes originales, si se usa para eso esta bien
>>50190 A mi no me parece mal el uso de IA, a fin de cuentas es una herramienta más como tantas otras, siempre que sea trasparente su uso y que no se abuse del trabajo de otros artistas. Ademas al menos por ahora sin la supervisión de un humano los resultados muchas veces no son buenos. En el fondo lo veo un poco como cuando la popularización del arte digital hizo que el dibujo más tradicional se vuelva algo más raro y especial.
>>50214 Las empresas podrían usarlas dándoles su propio arte, como en videojuegos, con tantos artworks de juegos de hace años para que estudie ele estilo

Tarjeta Navideña 2024 Anónimo 12/06/2024 (Fri) 01:49:22 No. 49556 [Reply] [Last]
Bueno, no quería, enserio no quería, pero visto que nadie mas lo hará lo hare una ves mas, TARJETA NAVIDEÑA, para que la tradición no muera, tenemos 20 días para que entre todos propongamos que personajes deberían ser introducidos, ya tengo unos en mente, pero antes será bueno proponer fondos , y bueno, ¿el acolito se suma a participar en esta tradición o ya la dejamos morir?
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>>50199 Creo que está llorando.
Antes que se me olvide, Goku y Freezer pelearon el 24 de Diciembre, hubiese sigo genial que la transmisión del fantasma coincida con esa fecha

Hilo diario de minus #2 Anónimo 12/19/2024 (Thu) 03:48:21 No. 49949 [Reply]
Minus es un webcomic del historietista Ryan Armand inspirado de los trabajos de Shigeru Mizuki y Winsor McCay. Trata acerca de los recuentos de vida de minus (se escribe con m minúscula), una niña con los poderes de un dios para cambiar lo que sucede a su alrededor. Es algo tierno pero a su vez melancólico, si te gustan las historias agridulces y los colores en acuarelas estás para un buen viaje. Hilo anterior >>45552
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>>50216 Más limpio que el baño publico promedio.
>>50222 Kek, mas limpio que baño de escuela primaria publica
>>50222 >>50223 Yo no describiría a una jungla alienígena como "limpia" de ninguna manera.

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recomend me a game, anons Anonymous 12/24/2024 (Tue) 04:26:10 Id: 686964 No. 1053770 [Reply]
I'm finding that i've gotten bored of my current library. what are some good games that you've guys have played? they don't have to be recent, or anything. for some pointers, here's some games i really enjoyed, and why i like them (and some reasons i don't) >Noita good: wand tinkering is really fun, falling sand simulation is interesting to play with bad: poor balance, underdeveloped mechanics. >KSP good: rocket go fwoosh. flying your own crafts is cool. successful missions are rewarding bad: performance, requires a physics degree to play optimally. >F:NV good: lots of dialogue options, colorful characters, and memorable locations. bad: start of the game (and whole main quest) is very linear, and DLCs are pretty mid. >skyrim

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>>1054327 It's a 30 hours snore fest with no memorable characters. You're probably the only person what likes it for some reason.
>>1054169 >>1053823 >is elin worth it? If you're unsure, check out elona+ first. Elona+ (and the other variants) have more content than elin still and won't cost you anything. Check out >>1043639 for more info. Elona+ is a great time. It's nethack meets jrpg with lots of random bullshit thrown in. High fantasy with magic but you can get laser guns and live as a traveling pianist. Maybe you'll drop a nuke on a town. Maybe you'll punch a god in the dick. Maybe you'll start a ranch and breed little sisters. I'ts breddy gud.
>>1054370 yotsuba

/40k/ Thread Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 02:07:04 Id: 557b26 No. 1047230 [Reply] [Last]
Discuss Warhammer 40k games and lore. Previous thread >>1033135
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Cassia was someone's favorite. Idira gets a walled off section of a main quest to resolve her problem. Cassia gets an entire book sequence, planet system and level taking place on a Crone world. It feels like they completed her last companion quest like this, then didn't have time for the others. Bringing Yrliet to a Crone world and encountering a Harlequin Troupe. Gee, if only we could find a Soulstone here or that the Troupe Master would notice that Yrliet doesn't have one. >>1054466 It use to be untainted but then more people got in and Warhammer themselves are wanting to expand the IP beyond the nerds who'll pay $200 for a terminator squad. I had Yrliet snipe a target infront of the defiler. It killed him, triggered over-penetration and applied burning, slow and hemorrhaging onto the defiler.
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>>1054471 Oh and Degraded Defense is one of the best Exemplar ranks you can have on a character. If you sacrifice an exemplar talent slot on your main damage dealers, so 1 of the 3, everytime they attack they increase the stack. So Yrliet added +9 with that over penetration, +1 stack for every 6 damage. This damage is then added for every other ally that attacks. Imagine if Argenta had +30 damage to every shot she takes. And this is before confirming crits. Granted you need it on multiple damage dealers to be effective, but if you have it on single large damage dealers like Heinrix or Yrliet then switch over to Argenta who can use the damage in a burst fire. Simple really. Charged a Herald of Tzeentch. Also here. You can find a Scrap-Code fragment that says you found it on Kiava-Gamma yet this is the Siege of Euphrates 2. Likewise the alignment description here mentions finding this psyker on Kiava-Gamma. Me thinks they made the Kiava-Gamma part like like the Minotaur Labrynith in WOTR, ran out of time, cut all the sub areas like this and repurposed it into a map for Euphrates 2. >" Shestov: Compared to the original plan, a sufficient number of systems and content were cut from the game at different stages. Here are some examples: the use of military vehicles, mass battles, craftworld, a full-fledged system of morality and fear like in the desktop prototype, changing the voidship, decorating the voidship, the production of goods and items in a trading empire, the trading system itself. " This does explain a bit. They have a full model of Leman Russ tanks but don't use them. The Voidship is a Saber Class because it's one of the only models that has been fully modeled and implemented into the game. God this just makes me hate Warhammer more for rushing this out. Have a minimum viable product yet Owlcat are capable of so much more.
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What the buffs can do to Argenta. First she's firing shots that maybe do 60 damage each. With buffs from officers and abilities suddenly she's doing over a thousand. Can wipe out a Lord of Change on the first turn. Her quest just ends like that. At least she got an ending I suppose as opposed to Yrliet. But still, they used some frozen map assets they had from Sithhud's map in WOTR and just called it a day. Sigh. Also love this Warlock Blade I got from an event on Janus. Just point and the enemy dies. I assume the Eldar are cool with me having it seeing as they haven't tried to take it back yet.

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Anónimo 12/25/2024 (Wed) 05:06:37 No. 50197 [Reply]
Feliz Navidad from /co/!!!!!!
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>>50197 Feliz navidad /co/!
>>50197 Thank you /co/, and Merry Christmas.
>>50197 merry christmas para ustedes.

AI General ( DALL-E 3 / Stable Diffusion / Voice Cloning / Chatbot ) Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 20:25:09 Id: 3563d2 No. 1039391 [Reply] [Last]
Just Like One Of My Japanese Animes Edition [Copied OP from previous thread] Use this thread as a catch-all for AI related topics. Try to stick to vidya and help your fellow anons out. PLEASE SHARE EVERY NEW RESOURCE YOU FIND ───────── ✦ ✦ ✦ ───────── Resources: Previous Thread: Previous threads are moved to >>>/ais/
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>wasted 300 buzz for this and the prompt was mesugaki >>1053983 The most decent A.I vids I've seen are still vid2vid.

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Hydrus Network General #10 Anonymous Board volunteer 07/24/2024 (Wed) 20:55:28 No. 15721 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread for releases, bug reports, and other discussion for the hydrus network software. The hydrus network client is an application written for Anon and other internet-fluent media nerds who have large image/swf/webm collections. It browses with tags instead of folders, a little like a booru on your desktop. Users can choose to download and share tags through a Public Tag Repository that now has more than 2 billion tag mappings, and advanced users may set up their own repositories just for themselves and friends. Everything is free and privacy is the first concern. Releases are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and it is now easy to run the program straight from source. I am the hydrus developer. I am continually working on the software and try to put out a new release every Wednesday by 8pm EST. Past hydrus imageboard discussion, and these generals as they hit the post limit, are being archived at >>>/hydrus/ . Hydrus is a powerful and complicated program, and it is not for everyone. If you would like to learn more, please check out the extensive help and getting started guide here: Previous thread >>>/hydrus/21127
Edited last time by hydrus_dev on 08/27/2024 (Tue) 02:53:42.
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If anyone is in a giving mood for the holidays or just a rich techbro fag here's a couple of shoutouts: > > (hydev explains they don't expect anything but this is some of the best software I'm running so I put a few dollars in the pot) > > - Many of the smaller boorus, and a few of the larger ones, run Shimmie. The main dev recently quit GAFAMcrap to work on FOSS so if you use any of these, consider putting in a few to shish as well as the hosts (if they're not running ads): - - / - soybooru (various) - leftybooru - Gyate Booru - FindAFox - FIRST Robotics Competition Archive and more.
>>16840 >FIRST Robotics Competition Archive Neat, never would have thought this would have a booru. I did FRC way back in high school, there's even a few pics of my team on there.
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>>16841 Cool stuff. I slightly regret not doing more hardware tinkering in high school, robotics looks fun.

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NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Forward Relentlessly Edition Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 02:48:20 Id: 3d9289 No. 908347 [Reply] [Last]
I was hoping to make it to the shareholders meeting before the old thread got bumped off but it looks like we'll miss it by a couple of weeks. >Latest News -Falcom's 2024 title is all but confirmed to be Kuro No Kiseki 3. We don't have a title or any details yet, though, and likely won't until the shareholder's meeting in December. -Ys X released on Playstation systems and Switch. As of now, no PC announcement has been made. CLE likely will make one going by their track record, but who's to say when. Durante and his team will eventually make one too, as the norm is now for them to release the Japanese PC version and patch in the localization later. Either way, we likely won't see fan translation efforts until a PC version materializes. Thankfully, the Switch version will at least mean easy access to the Japanese script, which was a major problem when trying to translate Kuro 2. Speaking of... -Kuro no Kiseki 2 has had it's main and sub scenarios translated. That is to say, main quest, side quests, events noted on the map and connect events. Most NPCs are still machine translated. This is following Kuro no Kiseki 1 which was completely translated down to the last NPC. This was all done before NISA even officially announced their Kuro localization. As long as they remain three years behind, this should stay the norm. >Fan-translations Kuro no Kiseki 1 Translation: Kuro no Kiseki 2 Translation: Hajimari no Kiseki Translation (NPCs incomplete. You might also have to use the CLE PC version and not Durante's. Not sure.): Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana English patch: >Undubs Mega of every undub:!k5ZjwTCD!A4Uyb67OpQQ_qCoB-zvx0g Merge the JP voices and Dummy files into one folder and dump that folder into the voice folder.

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>>1052818 >No word on an English version yet though. good hopefully that means its not been toned down to appeal to westerners.
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Merry Christmas, niggers.
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Celceta is getting a Switch port during 2025, so the Nintendo console is only missing the Ys I & II remakes, Ark of Napishtim and Seven amongst Ys titles from the Playstation handheld era. Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki: Alternative Saga (the old PSP crossover game) is also getting a re-release on all current platforms (Playstation, Switch and PC)

Hilo de apreciación de monas, cuarta edición. Viajero 10/19/2024 (Sat) 00:31:10 No. 4934 [Reply] [Last]
Hilo para la discusión y celebraciónes de cumpleaños de las monas de Genshin.
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Drawthread - Comfy fall improvement Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 15:38:37 Id: 75382b No. 1018232 [Reply] [Last]
/v/ Draw Thread Archive of last thread: Last thread: >>986513 Thread making resources + the OP can be found here:!Suhz0D5Y!BSrBrV1kxK9B5G1SSiJmwQ REMINDER TO SAVE THREADS LOCALLY (and all the pictures you want to) SINCE ARCHIVES DON'T HAVE IMAGES ANYMORE Relevant Boards And Threads >>>/loomis/ >>> - Drawing Improvement Club >>>/a/2358 - /a/ Drawthread >>>/drawarchive/ - Mirrored drawthreads with images; living archive Books and Tutorials If you're starting out, just have as much fun as possible and give it your best shot. Don't worry too much about these as they're info overload for absolute beginners. Sometimes they get nuked but >we try to keep them updated.

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>>1054181 It's definitely on the agenda! Lots of ideas i have on the mind for what i'll do. Although if i'm gonna do that i'd have to remedy my laziness and motivation problems, cuz i'd like to be consistent.
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variants apologies for the spamming
>>1054427 >spontaneous lactation that's my fetish

Sonic the Hedgehog Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 09:45:27 Id: 824c4a No. 1027938 [Reply] [Last]
With Sonic X Shadow Generations coming out in less than a week, now is a good time for a new Sonic thread. Personally I'm quite excited for the game, and am surprised it hasn't already leaked since it usually leaks around this time. Although I'm kinda disappointed we haven't seen a proper Adventure remake yet, hopefully this game will be good and will lead to good things as time goes on. Oh, and hopefully we'll get a Shadow remake that's actually good this time. I doubt SEGA has the balls to make that kinda game in the modern age though. Are you looking forward to Shadow Generations? Do you think we'll get more Sonic stages as DLC? Or will the game just be average and a waste of money and the cycle will repeat itself all over again, even though Frontiers as a modded game is solid. Still, this is the thread to discuss anything and everything Sonic the Hedgehog! please don't porn dump, I'm looking at you Bui
Edited last time by Mark on 10/15/2024 (Tue) 15:04:18.
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>>1054366 >Why is it demeaning when women have commonly attributed archtypes associated with them and not men? Because Feminists literally see male-dominated society (The Patriarchy) as the "Devil", that women only exist as they are because of a "fiction" created by that society, and Feminists will not accept anything short of an entirely female dominated as the cure to it. Because they want to be able to define what a "woman" is "on their own terms". Don't mistake that as entirely misandrist in it's thought because the Feminists also declare that the Patriarchy is also disenfranchising men from being who they can "truly" be as well, so that's why you should become a Male Feminist and work towards this "Matriarchal" society that will "fix everything".
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Remember Evan Stanley, the writer for the exceedingly shit IDW Sonic comic mentioned over in >>1031406 and >>1040849? The one who got her start writing gay Sonic/Shadow fanfiction on DeviantArt and later headcanoned Sonic as Aromantic Asexual on tumblr? It's come to my attention she's worming her way into the games just like Ian Flynn did from Archie:
>>1054347 They've been doing it for a long time now. And it's not that Amy is a damsel in distress, as that has only been the case in a few of her appearances. But it is that she should have intense romantic interest in Sonic, and she should not be "tough," she is rather formidable because she has funny angry anime girl powers. She should be Chi Chi from Dragon Ball (specifically before Gohan was born), but Flynn and others have been writing her as "tough girl." Just look at her tagline in the comics. They call her "hammer swinging heroine." That's pretty far from the qualities that are important about her. >>1054351 >shipfags caring about SJW-era Amy If you mean "care about" as in "dislike," then sure, but the problem is that she has barely shown any romantic interest in Sonic in like 13 years, and they went so far as to edit it out of Generations' remake. It was a key aspect of her character, it was the defining aspect of her character, and we all know why it was removed. >>1054358 Yeah but her story arc in Sonic Adventure is about showing that she can be a more complex character that has heroic traits of her own, that other characters don't have (nobody else would have saved Gamma's soul), all without removing or denigrating the character traits she already had. And it's the latter part that current writers have a problem with. They don't want Amy or any other female character to be an interesting, fleshed out character. What they want is for all female characters to represent their worldview, and a girl that obsesses over a boy offends them because it implies girls can like boys. Of course we must all hate boys. Girls must hate boys, and boys must hate themselves. This is also why Sonic Prime was about Sonic learning that his independent and decisive nature (his core character traits, which happen to be masculine traits) is bad, and he has to be all touchy-feely for his friends. And note that as early as Sonic 1's manual, it was always noted that Sonic is great at making friends. But as we've seen, he's not a touchy-feely faggot about it. He is cool and charismatic and a good guy, but doesn't act like a girl. And in Sonic Prime, we learn that that is bad. >slut Rouge isn't even slutty anymore. They cover up her cleavage now. It really bugged me how in Sonic Prime she is treated like Sonic's friend. Acquaintance, sure, but they've never been friends. But they changed her because they want another primary female character, so what she is now is "female character #2." This is important because she isn't "a character." A character has traits. Personality. Role. A "female character" is a symbol, and that symbol must push their worldview, or it will not be allowed to exist. >>1054366 >I guess it pissed them off that Sonic wouldn't reciprocate Amy's feelings and kept running away from her. If I were to get to write the series, I would try to retroactively fix Amy's characterization in the last decade+ by saying that actually Sonic finally gave in and they've been officially dating since Sonic Chronicles. In that game, if you are mean to Amy through all the dialogue choices (and you can choose to be absurdly mean to her), at the end she will give up and say that she knows you don't like her, but she hopes you can just be civil so they can save the day together. But if you're nice, then instead Sonic will say that he likes her back. Then in Sonic and the Black Knight, which came out a year later, they make a joke that that adventure caused Sonic to miss a date with Amy. There are very few references to Amy being obsessed with Sonic after this (Generations is one exception), but you could justify it by saying that she calmed down because she actually got him. And Sonic is a cool guy anyway and wouldn't make a big deal about it or anything. Even that one joke in Generations that got censored would not actually contradict this explanation. Sonic's just kind of a dick, but he's a good guy really, and Amy gets that. Also he's the coolest guy in the world, so she'll put up with some shit. (That last bit is another reason feminists like Flynn hate it. Can't have women putting up with shit like Sonic pushing her away in Generations. Gotta censor it.)

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Featured Game: Namco Museum Vol. 1 (PSX) Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 21:37:38 Id: dd2a10 No. 1052811 [Reply]
>What is this? Games are chosen (relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS GAME: Namco Museum Vol. 1 (PSX) >Where do I get this? Namco Museum Vol. 1 (PSX): MAME set including Arcade games in Namco Museum Vol. 1 (PSX): Ports of Arcade games in Namco Museum Vol. 1 (PSX): Pac-Man (NES): Pac-Man (SNES): Galaga (NES):

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Edited last time by Mark on 12/20/2024 (Fri) 21:49:31.
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>>1054154 I definitely miss arcades. All the ones I had nearby closed up for good after the CCP flu fucked everything up.
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>>1052811 Bosconian is really best played on the upgraded X68000 port.

Music thread Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 14:53:59 Id: 4a6370 No. 1034362 [Reply]
Last one is bumplocked and at Page 10
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/co/ Vidya Thread Anonymous 06/28/2020 (Sun) 17:46:59 No. 2282 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone wanna talk about /co/ related video games? What have you been playing? What upcoming games are you looking forward to? Here are my thoughts on a few new and upcoming games. Avengers looks like ass. I hate how everyone in charge at Marvel completely missed the appeal of Kamala. I'm probably in the minority here who actually like the character, but what made her appealing at the start was how low stakes her stories were. She doesn't work in big events like what this game is going for. It also will have some Destiny like shit tacked on. Ultimate Alliance 3 was enjoyable, but definitely worse than the original. It does show how much better stylized art looks when compared to the upcoming Avengers game. The camera is terrible though especially in co-op. I don't understand Sony's strategy with Spider-Man: Miles Morales. They revealed it like it was a sequel, but from what I understand it is just an expansion that comes with a rerelease of the first game. Next gen so far looks like a disaster. And finally Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated. I was really looking forward to this game, but I hear it's a mess. The cut content from the original that they had advertised as being added wasn't, and even with a day one patch it is apparently still a buggy mess.
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>>42740 It's all a guessing game on what is kosher or not with the CCP, however they definitely got it clear that most of the villains were inspired by Nazi Germany, however in China they're still chauvinist and frown upon faggotry. >>42747 >4th Spongebob movie I had to search which one was, so many Spongeslop movies have been shitting out right after Hillenburg's death one can easily lose the count including the ones that got leaked. Did the Dutchman make an appearance in the 4th entry? We're talking about the one where Spongebob travels to Atlantic City just to face Poseidon(?) and save his pet snail?
>>42764 But a lot of shows get a lot better after the first season, as it takes time to perfect the formula. I'd argue Scrubs is one of those shows. It has problems, but I'd say the best is honestly around Season 7 or so. And then they tried to do a season without several of the main characters, which obviously sucked. But yes, Cheers stopped being funny after Kirstie Alley ate Shelly Long.
>>42773 What's even weirder is it's leaked they're bringing Blade in so that's another black character. I'm shocked we've not gotten Deadpool in the leaks when Wolverine's inclusion with D&W cosmetics is already in.

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/mg/ - Meta General Anonymous Board owner 03/20/2021 (Sat) 17:40:54 No. 1 [Reply] [Last]
Quién no pueda postear aqui, recuerde que está el tablón de respaldo en endchan, en caso de que no puedan postear tampoco en este hilo. Mantenganlo civilizado y sin tiradera de mierda o shitpost. Este hilo será para feedback, dudas, preguntas, consultas de cualquier tipo referentes al tablón o al hobby en general. Reporta lo que rompa las reglas, si un rol no te gusta, dale a hide y olvida su existencia >Anteriores /mg/ en Hispa >Para guardar hilos >¿Como puedo guardar mi hilo? Copia el link de tu hilo, luego lo pegas en la barra de, y luego das click a guardar. Hecho eso, solo queda esperar a que la página te entregué un link en donde estará el hilo guardado. En pocas palabras, funciona de forma bastante similar a Hispafiles RECURSOS O HERRAMIENTAS PARA AYUDARSE, GUIARSE, Y DARLE UN MEJOR TOQUE A TU ROL

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Edited last time by DanMaster on 06/21/2022 (Tue) 15:48:09.
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>>105021 Lo abro en 2025. Desde el primer rol de danganronpa que siempre he querido abrir uno.
>>105067 Hazlo hoy, no seas puto
>>105067 ayyy la ultima imagen

EEH: ES VÍSPERA DE NAVIDAD Rolero 12/24/2024 (Tue) 23:44:41 Id: 9151c3 No. 105003 [Reply] [Last]
Estamos en plena nochebuena, arbolitos, muerdago y por supuesto, todo /hisrol/ reunido en una sola casita para festejar la navidad. ¿Qué puede pasar en este lugar repleto de personajes tan únicos? ¡Habrá que ver!
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>>105065 Lo estas haciendo mal, deja yo lo hago SANTA CLAUS NO ES REAL
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>>105065 >>105069 S-Si santa no es real...¿Quién era el gordo barbón que se metió a mi casa anoche?
la magia no es real, peor la magia de la navidad si! al igual que la magia de mis dados 1d100 = 83

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