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Minor News Thread Anonymous 08/23/2021 (Mon) 22:32:02 Id: 9cb4c9 No. 396559
Basically this is a thread for those minor news articles that are interesting but not necessary big enough to have their own thread. We will be taking the bigger stories from these threads and making them into their own threads, Anons are welcome to do the same. We will NOT be heavily enforcing these threads, so please keep that in mind. Basically things like game announcements, live stream events, new gaming hardware, etc. should have their own threads while shit like NEW GUILTY GEAR DLC 3 "SLAYER" or something like that should be posted in this thread. While we won't ban anyone for doing the former, we encourage anons to use their best judgement when posting news content.
The last thing I managed to get off gog-games.to last week. Are there any alternatives to that site? Parkitect: https://safelinking.net/54rySTp - 1fichier https://safelinking.net/52Y9WNb - Gofile https://safelinking.net/UFmTsm8 - MultiUp
>>953290 You need an account but: https://forum.torrminatorr.com/
>>953290 >Are there any alternatives to that site? Go to the emulation wiki and the share thread.
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>>952810 >>952817 The puzzle he's talking about is the Keo Ruug Shrine. It's infamous because it's not clear what to do, not because the puzzle is hard; the puzzle itself is extremely easy. It's common for people to have problems with it over that, I don't get what these "I DID IT IN 5 SECONDS ACHTUALLY" responses are about because that's not the point he's even making. As >>952619 said: zero reading comprehension. >>953290 GOG archives? No, GOG-games was the only one as far as I know. Why did they even shut it down? Their statement isn't clear and feels like it's missing a lot of context people not in "the scene" won't have. You can find a lot old PC games on Internet Archive if that's what you used it for, just avoid the "Classic PC Games" collection; much of it is demos and it's not all clearly labeled as such. >>953305 >site has a "Scene release rules" thread >it was made in 2019 Forgive me if I'm wrong, but hasn't "the scene" been irrelevant when it comes to vidya since at least the early 2010s? Why does anybody care what they do anymore. >>953308 The share thread is as dead as a doornail and gametechwiki doesn't help if you're looking to play PC exclusives. The game anon posted, Parkitect, only released on computers. Unless gametechwiki has a huge section about modern computer gaming I've missed, it's not useful in this case.
>>953315 >The share thread is as dead as a doornail and gametechwiki doesn't help if you're looking to play PC exclusives. If you're not going to actually look at either of the two, there's no helping you.
>>953317 Read the IDs my friend, I'm a different anon commenting on your advice. The share thread is dead, that's a fact. The OP is extremely outdated and half the links don't even work, I have no idea why you're suggesting he go there. Can you explain your reasoning at least?
>>953318 >Can you explain your reasoning at least? Because "half" of the links are still good.
Tekken 8 DLC character Eddy Gordo launches April 4 or April 1st if you're a good goy. Tekken 8 downloadable content character Eddy Gordo will launch on April 4, Bandai Namco announced. Character Year 1 Pass owners will be able to access him three days earlier on April 1 at 4:00 p.m. PT / 7:00 p.m. ET. Also TEKKEN FIGHT PASS ADDED TO TEKKEN SHOP!!!!!
>>953290 Here's a backup of the site's links, grab anything you need https://github.com/ezerear/gog-games.to_backup No clue if there's any centralized alternative for newer GOG uploads but I'd suggest peeking in cs.rin.ru (registration needed)
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This is more than likely an April Fools' Day joke, but I thought it was funny enough to post. Pocketpair announce furry dating sim Pal♡world! ~More Than Just Pals~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep4kasLrZug
>>953358 Is that Mark in the middle?
>>953358 >dating body type 2s
gog-games.to is going public again next week >Status: I should start by saying this is not an "April Fools' Day" message. The site will re-open to the public next week. Be patient. But why was the site private? Imagine if people were literally screaming at you to upload this, upload that each day even when it is stated clearly NOT to do this. It mentally drains you and you question yourself. Why continue for these people...? I thought it was about $$$ though??! You do understand there were ZERO ads, no ad short links, uploads are always done with no accounts (so no file hoster payouts, these would be trash anyways, maybe 10 euros a month), even all expenses have been paid completely out of pocket (120+ euros A MONTH) for awhile now. And don't forget all the time spent to maintain the site, add new games/updates, etc. Please try and remember this next time a donation drive is done or you are about to hit send on that email screaming for a new or updated game that isn't posted on the site yet. Message over. See you soon. ✋
>>953449 the average netizen IQ is double digit and all forms and public facing sites should be built with that in mind, either to filter or handle.
>>953358 >that ugly bastard black market guy lmao Anyways keep Dazzi away from me I never wanted to absolutely fucking GOON in a fictional creature so badly.
>>953449 >expecting anything from pirates Literally the whole reason people are using the site is to not pay for something, what were they expecting? People are retards. If they wanted money they could've just had some crowdfunding shit like Patreon or SubscribeStar something. Catbox is making $1200 a month and that covers 90% of their server costs. >even all expenses have been paid completely out of pocket (120+ euros A MONTH) for awhile now. All this bitching for that? All they have to do is ask and people will give way more than that instead of crying about it and doing this shit. (In fact the smarter thing to do if they wanted money would've been to say the site is closing because they don't have the money to support it, instead of alienating people with this whining bullshit, the former would've led to an organic groundswell of financial support for them, whereas the latter ends up a lot less so)
>>953497 It looks like a Steven Universe character.
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Fucking lol. I cant even larp as a jewish chaos space marine anymore, it can hurt someones fee fees, what the fuck man, Im done, fuck you
>>953599 Fucking lol, you made me laugh anon. Pity the poor fool that reported you, to live without joy and laughter or, worse, to be a fucking jew.
>>953497 >GOON Looks like we've got ourselves a normalfag here.
>>953497 >GOON go back to the Something Awful Forums
>>953610 Shlomo Blood-drinker is such a great name, I laugh everytime too, very high brow, blood libels are a very obscure, antisemitic topic. Plus any warhammer fan can appreciate the edge of Blood-drinker on its own. Shame I cannot use it anymore. I still have "abortion haver", that is kosher, never been banned for that, and before that I had "blind nigga samurai" as a reference to boondocks, but that has been dangerous for a few years now. I am being creatively strangled at gunpoint
Some Major news came out today you guys!!! >Bloodbourne 2 is coming out and all major consoles plus PC >MHW Servers shutting down next year becasue it's playerbase will soon get cucked to death by Wilds >Fromsoft is now making a Berserk game >Mother 3 is finally getting a western release Such great news you guys! We're so back!
>>953861 >Fromsoft is now making a Berserk game those bug people sure took their time waiting until Miura quacks and the rights go public or into the hands of greedy inheritors, fuck I would care more but then I remember Miura himself was a fucking mongoloid dicklet and just ripped off european culture in a very dicksucking way, reminds me of japan allying with nazi germany
>>953861 I would rather have Berserk May Cry than Berserk Souls honestly speaking.
>>953861 It's hysterical people are still begging for Mother 3, forget about the fan-made patch, they could have learned Japanese at this point.
>>953497 >Spoiler You have to go back.
Back after 29 years! Yes, this is real: https://www.patreon.com/posts/shady-lewd-kart-101488900 No, no one has uploaded it, yet: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/255993
>>953883 I played the fan translated Mother 3 almost 10 years ago now, but even I have to admit it's supremely foolish for Nintendo to have slept on officially releasing it in the West for this long. I am sure it has been discussed to death already but why is it that it hasn't been released? Because of controversy over the Magypsies?
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>>953883 Good god anon I feel the same way about these people. Mother 3 had an English translation two years after it released. For the vast majority of Mother 3's existence it's been available in English. <GIVE US MOTHER 3 You've had Mother 3 for almost 20 years, why are you still screaming? >>954053 The best guess is rights issues to due with the music, but nobody really knows. >Magypsies I hate it whenever this is brought up, other Nintendo games have had "queer-coded" characters like Bolson and there's been no issues with those releases. The Magypsies are more than likely not the reason, especially not in 2006.
gog-games.to is public again. Unsurprisingly, the fucking faggot didn't upload a single thing during the private time.
Miku got added to Crypt of the Necrodancer.
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>>954373 What is that dude's issue? Like I'm glad he's running the site and everything but he acts so strange, this isn't the first time he's done this.
>>955143 Attention seeking maybe
>>954025 >Shady Lewd Kart Never heard of it. >>955143 He seems to like holding the site for ransom whenever he doesn't feel respected enough by users/various communities or when he is not receiving enough donations. Other than that he is definitely an attention whore.
>>955548 Snacks and Kirt were featured in the doco.
>>955548 They look like a couple of faggots. No wonder the site is such a shithole.
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>>953320 >abandoned mega accounts with nothing in them and long dead torrent links >nothing in the archive's text files is new or any of the big games people would actually want to play >neither obscure shit >but the ones that technically still work make it worth it That makes no sense.
>>955844 >In November 2020, Cottle was responsible for exploiting security flaws in Parler, a social networking service popular with the right wing, to spoof posts to appear as though they were from a verified account belonging to Ron Watkins. In the posts, Watkins appeared to expose his father, Jim Watkins, as "Q", the anonymous poster at the center of the QAnon conspiracy theory.[12] Around this time, Cottle exposed Parler user data by exploiting a flaw in a third-party vendor, which granted him access to Parler's email newsletter database.[13] In January 2021, Cottle exposed email logs from a company called Is It Wet Yet, which belongs to Jim Watkins[10][14] and serves as the parent company for 8chan, an imageboard described as the "home" of QAnon.[14][15] These leaked logs allowed researchers to analyze Watkins's connections with other figures involved with the QAnon conspiracy movement.[14] In August 2021, Cottle and open source intelligence analyst Libby Shaw were among the researchers who exposed the developer behind QAlerts, an app used by QAnon adherents to read posts from the anonymous "Q".[16] >In February 2022, Aubrey Cottle claimed responsibility for a hack on Christian crowdfunding website GiveSendGo, which was hosting a fundraiser for the Canada convoy protest. The hack released donor's names, personal information, and donation amounts for all the campaigns on the website. After he claimed responsibility, it was revealed he had been threatened with murder It should be noted he go raided by the feds and his linked in has this. >Full-stack engineer, tech enthusiast. Filthy blackhat but good boi. Currently focused on disinformation hunting and extremist radicalization info ops As as much a FED as Hal Turner.
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>>955548 >40 year old manchildren with trolls remorse
>>955860 Its everything i expect an oldfag to be
>>955869 That's actually not the case for many if they're not SA spineless snakes.
Pretty sure one of the early sysops of the “CWCki” turned out to be a troon.
>>955548 They look like the same fucking guy. >>955872 And m00t was from SomethingAwful
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>>956259 >boomers and bible belters didn't know how to use the internet in 2004-2007 lmao, look at this fucking faggot who never heard of AOL. >Ironic racism back then didn't attract racists, only now Fucking lol https://moonmangoesboom.ytmnd.com/
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The cancer that killed the internet.
>>955548 What has Snacks been up to other than trying to aplogize for his time at halfchan? Hell, even Moot got a real job with jewgle and washed his hands of 4chan entirely.
>>956266 The best part has to be: >Slurs were used to protest the PC culture of the time <But it attracted actual bigots <So (((we))) later decided to go full on cuckoldry just to spite them The mental gymnastics of these blunt edgelord faggots.
>>956273 Goatse is a moralfag????
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Gaben is no longer a fatfuck
>>956286 It really is something to behold >No, you see, all of that stuff about niggers being subhuman thieving rape apes and pushing Jews into ovens and beheading feminists was just ebin trolling to own the conservatards; we were always actually nigger-loving intersectional feminists at heart but nobody remembers that these days :( You honestly have to wonder if it's self-delusion or just garden variety dishonesty. >>956295 The end of an era.
>>956295 is he dying??
>>956295 That was lipo, I know first hand
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>>956259 >we were racist to protest PC culture! Bro no you fucking weren't
>>956259 Oh boy, another episode of history revisions. I hate reruns.
>>956277 > Moot got a real job with jewgle old as fuck news, he hasnt worked there for years and nobody knows what he is doing now, I am a hardcore racist /fit/izen and my gut tells me hes a fed and always has been, they blackmailed him over pedo shit and he was a pedo himself, most feds love fucking kids, they are freaks
>>956431 His mom was a banker, either way he's sucking off jewish cock in some shape or form like a woman.
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>>956715 >That image PURGE
>>956724 Does he have a gallery or something? I am very much enthralled by weird artists with one very specific niche.
I can't tell if a travesty or art.
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>>956790 No reason it can't be both. The uninformed like to scream about Fountain but it was an elder god-tier shitpost (pun fully intended) that murdered conceptual art in utero. Every piece of pretentious bullshit in the same vein made ever since (see also: the YBAs) has been a pale imitation because the vast majority of the people making them either don't get the joke, are pretentious establishment fart-huffers who have become an inverted vision of what Duchamp was complaining about or are grifting or a combination of any of the above.
>Deep Silver and Warhorse Studios to announce Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 on April 18
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Descent 3 just had its source code released! https://github.com/kevinbentley/Descent3
>>959121 Nice. Recently discovered that fans created a port of Vigilante 8 to PC. Even got one of the Luxoflux devs to play it. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=HoyH2zRhxUY https://stefanvranjes.github.io/v82o-web/
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Rick & Morty is getting a Kingdom Hearts parody comic series titled Kingdom Balls. This is real. This is not a joke. https://archive.is/SNjr6
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>>959854 Art for the other issues.
>>959854 >>959857 ...W...Why?
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>>959885 I have no fucking idea Legitimately baffled.
>>959854 >Releasing this half a decade after 3 released and a decade after the hype for the franchise died out from fucking around. How are they this fucking late to the party? With a franchise that provides no interplay with them?
>>959895 At this point its dead enough where they may not have to worry about a C&D from Disney.
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Apple macOS scans storage drives for CSAM / CP It scans your drives even if you don't have an Apple ID, disabled iCloud and don't use the macOS Photos app. https://sneak.berlin/20230115/macos-scans-your-local-files-now/ https://web.archive.org/web/20240223041949/https://sneak.berlin/20230115/macos-scans-your-local-files-now/ It's not clear whether it's just real life CP hashes they match for on their databases, if they include underage characters from hentai / cartoon pornography, if they comply with various national or state laws like Australia's ambiguous small breasts ban, or if they do more than simply comparing hashes, such as image recognition and send back tiny thumbnails flagged for further law enforcement investigation.
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Holy shit, Team Fortress 2 just got a major update, it's now 64bit and it breaks everything >tried to launch TF2 after the update >now it asks which method to launch it with, new or legacy OpenGL >no idea what the new option is so I pick that >it tried to force the monitor it displayed on to a lower resolution >this crashed the display server (linux) but only for the one monitor >had to reboot to bring the display back at correct settings >try launching tf2 with legacy opengl option >video settings are all fucked up now, have to manually set video settings in application properties >try to join a server >most community servers are just gone >what's left have practically no players >find 1 active server to join >play for an entire round, during next round I get kicked by a VAC error (complaining my software was interfering with the VAC system, yet tf2 is the only software to have changed) >give up and go to sleep >valve released a hotfix today for some glaring oversights >go with opengl option again >everything seems to be working, except mouse sensitivity is suddenly very low, upping sensitivity via the mouse button makes movement too fast outside of gameplay >try to change sensitivity in game menu >moving the slider increases sensitivity exponentially, the number being so high it can't even fit in the menu >actually infinite sensitivity in-game this was one big step forward and a dozen steps backwards
>>960082 Huh. McVicker made a video about this recently, I'm surprised to see he was right. I don't know how that fucking guy still knows people at Valve.
>>960082 Does this happen in Windows or just Linux?
>>960115 Also Linux.
>>960115 windows users were having a lot of problems as well, valve's issue tracker on github is swamped with open issues
The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077's source code leaked to the public by randomware group https://archive.is/jbgdw
>>960446 Shame the Witcher 3 mod scene is dead. But in saying that, having source code for any game is better than not having it at all.
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>>960667 >having source code for any game is better than not having it at all at least the source code wasn't given back like what happened with Starcraft
>>960685 >Xbox dev kit What was the deal with that again? wasn't it some faggot got a hold of one and wiped it to make a PC case or something?
>>960685 >that date it was given back only a few months before Starcraft Remastered came out, I wonder if that had an impact on it
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>>960690 >wasn't it some faggot got a hold of one and wiped it to make a PC case or something? yeah, and apparently it was a pre-release dev kit
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>>960693 I've been reading through the archived reddit thread (since the OP deleted all his posts) and this fucking retard wiped the hard drive because he saw "20GB of nothing" not realizing that the files might not show up on Windows https://web.archive.org/web/20170128203336/https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/5qewph/refurbished_and_old_xbox_development_kit_and_made/
>>960698 As much as reddit is full of massive faggots, at least the comments there were ripping into this complete fucking retard for doing this.
>>960706 big deal, it was their shitty culture that caused it to begin with, he posted it for upvotes and to be one of the ebin PC master race crowd and it backfired on him
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There's a new Itch bundle with over 350 items for 8 bucks. It's for Palestinian relief but even if you don't care it's still a lot of games. https://itch.io/b/2321/palestinian-relief-bundle One that caught my eye was this yuri VN about an alien bug that looks very cute. The most famous game in the bundle might be A Short Hike, an exploration game of sorts where you're a bird trying to get to the top of a mountain. A lot of this stuff is so obscure I'm not sure you could even pirate it, it's worthy of your interest if you like deep diving for vidya.
>>960723 You want to fuck the alien, don't you?
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>>960723 And through some searching more I just noticed They Bleed Pixels is apart of this bundle. That's a pretty great platformer starring a young demon girl. While there's a lot of indie trash you'd expect from Itch in the bundle, there are some real gems. >>960727 No comment.
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>>960728 I remember They Bleed Pixels. Never played it but the demon girl was someone's daughterfu some time ago. Looking through the bundle, I recognized Fostering Apocalypse, which used to be posted in the same context as They Bleed Pixels because it has a cute demon in it.
>Embracer Group has announced its intention to transform into three standalone publicly listed entities: Asmodee Group, Coffee Stain & Friends, and Middle-earth Enterprises & Friends. >Asmodee Group – A global leading tabletop games publisher and distributor with an extensive studio network and intellectual property catalog. >Coffee Stain & Friends – A diverse gaming entity with a dual focus on indie and A/AA premium and free-to-play games for PC, console, and mobile, with a high degree of recurring revenues. >Middle-earth Enterprises & Friends – A creative powerhouse in AAA game development and publishing for PC and console, as well as the stewards of The Lord of the Rings and Tomb Raider intellectual properties, among many others. >Embracer Group co-founder and CEO Lars Wingefors, under the company name Lars Wingefors AB, will form a new long-term ownership structure that includes the current holdings in Embracer Group and remain a “long-term, active, committed, and supportive” owner of all three companies. Suprised they didn't do this years ago, they're separating into boardgames / AA games / Triple AA games.
Heads up, steam forums are complaining about the translation for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.
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>>961036 Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub!
>>961023 Hope this finally kills Champions Online
>>961137 Don't old MMOs get sold off rather than killed? Daybreak own a lot of them.
>>961143 Heard people on the Champions forums mentioning Cryptic stuff will pass to DECA games by the end of 2024 But no source given.
>>961103 Localization faggots ruin yet another game. Shit like this is the reason I stopped buying Japanese games. It doesn't help that fan translations are becoming more scarce by the day.
>>961459 >Hitting the American Gods It's over for him
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>>961459 >it's true LMAO https://archive.is/4x3RE >Alec Baldwin's Clash With 'Free Palestine' Protester Viewed 3M Times
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>>961459 >>961471 >Alec brutally attacks yet another woman SOMEBODY STOP HIM
>>961459 In the words of Yakub's brothers: "she fine tho"
>>961489 I can smell this picture.
>>961499 but can you smell THIS picture?
>>961511 Smells like lotion and vaseline
>>961036 >>961103 The game was already pozzed garbage with the shitskin protagonist anyways. And don't forget the studio bragging about having (((foreign consultants))).
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Valve and Facepunch just got trolled by someone pretending to be from nintendo giving a DMCA. panicked they started removing nintendo stuff from the Gmod workshop. Now major gaming "journalists" are reporting on it. so even if they realize its a troll, nintendo will definitely find out now and send a real DMCA. 20 years of content, gone, all because of some fag. https://web.archive.org/web/20240425075648/https://www.nintendolife.com/forums/news/copyright_troll_reportedly_posing_as_nintendo_all_gmod_nintendo_content_set_to_be_taken_down https://web.archive.org/web/20240425024049/https://www.ign.com/articles/garrys-mod-removing-all-nintendo-content-from-steam-workshop-after-takedown-request
>>962165 Gamebanana still unmatched to this day it seems >20 years of content, gone, all because of some fag. I'm pretty sure that kind of thing can be traceable, and the retard maybe handed everything to be doxed
>>962166 >and the retard maybe handed everything to be doxed this guy has been doing this for a while. he goes by Aaron Peters (Not his real name) and not just with Gmod, he's tried to take down the Kirby Reanimated collab and the fraymakers steam workshop as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/gmod/comments/1c5u051/aaron_peters_the_destroyer_of_addons/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://web.archive.org/web/20231228165626/https://www.thegamer.com/nintendo-copyright-dmca-apab-youtube-dmca/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRvIGcXyMWc&pp=ygUJRmFrZSBkbWNh
>>962166 More info some guy compiled + archive of addons On Google Drive of all thing ffs https://steamcommunity.com/app/4000/discussions/5/4211497623308213915/?ctp=189
>>962168 >direct link to jewtube and reddit Here you go but use archive.is for sites.
>>962194 you got it boss
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Capcom is delisting Dark Void, Dark Void Zero, and Flock (whatever the fuck that game is) Not that it matters because I'm sure those games have been archived, but it's a shame nothing ever really became of Dark Void as a franchise. I actually Pre-Ordered Dark Void on 360 back when, just because it was a Jet Pack game. It's not the greatest shooter ever, and there isn't really anything to do after beating the game, but it's still novel. You can transfer from ground cover shooting, to hovering, to full on flying like it's Crimson Skies, near seamlessly. The game is worth playing for that. Also, the blind fire shooting from cover is so accurate you don't actually need to pop out of cover, which is amusing. Seems like missed potential nothing else ever happened with this gameplay style. It would be great if you took the Jet Pack gameplay and put in a game like Battlefront 2 classic.
>>962236 I like games with jetpacks and hate games that focus exclusively on jetpacks.
>>962236 >Flock Holy shid, I have not heard about this game in like 15 years. It used to be featured on the PS3 store all the time. This was during that brief era big companies were pushing indie styled games, like Valve with Portal and DICE with Mirror's Edge. It largely never went anywhere but we got neat games out of it. I always wanted to try it back in the day, maybe I'll give it ago.
>>962236 Given all three use SecuROM DRM, I suspect that's the cause and Capcom is either too inept or too lazy to remove it.
>>962255 Mirrors Edge and Portal weren't really indie, those were made inhouse, not a third party. Flock is more along the lines of Splosion Man which was published and funded by Microsoft but made by a third party.
>>962165 >20 years of content, gone, all because of copyright, which is something that must be abolished permanently.
SHIFTUP once again pulls the ol' switcheroo and censors Stellar Blade day one just like they did with NIKKE. Lazy black fabric strikes again per (((Soyny))) mandate. The bright side is that technically the game is uncensored; disc copies are going to become super valuable as a result.
>>962506 I'm not gonna blame them for what Sony probably forced on them unless theres actual proof that they intended to do this. They've been nothing but vocally anti-censorship for months.
>>962506 >>962565 I want to get a state attorney general bring Sony to court for false advertisement. Sadly never going to happen.
>>962607 You could try to report them to the FTC, if nothing else, some Soyny exec getting told that someone tried to report them to the FTC might get them nervous, especially if you can convince multiple people to do it too. https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/
Microsoft released MS-DOS 4.0 source code under an MIT license. https://archive.ph/C3YkR https://github.com/microsoft/MS-DOS
>>962859 Does this mean DOSBox won't be utter trash now? Are there even any good alternatives to that? It's been like 25 years and DOSBox is still the only "good" DOS emulator I've seen.
>>942115 >>942121 Don't forget the new Sakura Wars and Lia's game. Even though you could emulate the PS3 version.
>>962859 Arcanum/Temple of Elemental Evil source when?
>>942115 Don't we still need the Infamous and Killzone games from the PS3?
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>>962936 Playable via emulation, no? I played the Infamous series not too long ago, it worked fine except for minor graphical bugs relating to alpha particles which you can see in my webm whenever I'm flying.
>>962506 Well, there goes my "NIER with a hard R" joke.
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>>962168 >>962194 >some no fun allowed faggot is trying to take down various Nintendo fan works with fake DMCAs for no known reason >he's been doing this for about 3-4 years Well, now that he's in the public spotlight, it's only a matter of time until somebody tracks him down and posts his true identity for all to see. If I was him, I'd be sweating bullets.
>>963209 I can't imagine impersonating Nintendo leading to anything good. Has this kind of thing ever happened before?
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>>963211 It's constant on jewtube, with DMCA it's probably a similar thing given the amount of bitching I've heard over the years about it.
>>934226 >Disney kills Kingdom Hearts to for a fortnite clone. >nobody says a damn thing about it
>>962165 They basically proved that the workshop was nothing but a mistake. >>962166 Think again >>962168 >LARPer doing it for free He's definitely going to get blowjob by the ghost of Iwata one of these days.
https://en.gundam.info/news/games/02_11826.html https://archive.ph/wip/FP6LK Gundam Breaker 4 launch edition bonuses announced. All free with first printing. >Gundam Breaker 4 base game for either PlayStation 5 or Nintendo Switch >Reversible Cover featuring NA & Japanese versions of the box art >Exclusive Poster - 11x17” of the clean version of the gorgeous box art from the EG 1/144 Gunbarrel Strike Gundam (Gundam Breaker Ver.) >Early Unlocks of Recirculation Color RX-78-2 Gundam & Builder's Parts Also claims >In North America, the Collector's Edition of Gundam Breaker 4 has completely sold out, and the community's excitement for the title has been simply overwhelming. No idea if that's "We vastly underestimated demand for the same reason we didn't make then release this game 5 years ago and underprinted" or legit high sales
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>>963597 It's PR, what do you think.
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A sequel to Star Control II called Free Star: Children of Infinity has gotten a Kickstarter, with the original creators behind it. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pistolshrimp/free-stars-children-of-infinity assuming As bad of a reputation as Kickstarter has, there have been plenty of successes with the platform including Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2, Hollow Knight, Xenonauts, Pathologic 2, Omori, The Wonderful 101, Rain World, Sunless Sea, Undertale, it's a surprisingly large list actually. Hopefully this follows that path and not Star Citizen. They've wanted to make this game for awhile, but there's been a lot of legal issues? I didn't look into it. Anyway, they've raised over 400k so far which is well above their original goal. Maybe something to look forward to in a few years.
A new Arkham game just got announced. Its VR and exclusive to the Quest 3. So expectations are pretty much rock bottom
>>964137 >>964143 >Quest 3 exclusive I have a Quest 3, and I believe this to be bullshit.
>>964137 After fucking up their reputation almost completely with their last game? I'd be surprised if this sold at all.
Good news for that one anon who really liked Let it Die. >Supertrick Games, the studio behind Deathverse: Let It Die and LET IT DIE, are currently in the process of remaking Deathverse into a completely new third game that combines the best elements of both games, director Hideyuki Shin said in a developer diary released today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUSLVF2zelY
>>966352 Good to see it, but sadly than anon surely passed away since no more Let It Die threads were Made or kept alive since OG 8chan
>>966367 I could have sworn there was at least one back in like 2020/2021.
>>962859 Minor note: source does not compile as downloaded. Some idiot translated code page 437 characters into UTF-8.
>>966369 There was one here. I remember it. I don't think it got much attention though.
>>966352 The only thing I remember from LET IT DIE was the skeleton dude. I'll probably try this when It comes out.
The Steam release of No More Heroes finally got a Patch after 3 fucking years of waiting for it. They actually added Mouse & Keyboard support, NMH2's patch is still being worked on, but this bodes well.
https://forums.therockmanexezone.com/rockman-exe-phantom-of-network-legend-of-network-t-t16777.html Fan translation for the Battle Network phone games with the original battle system is set for release on May 25th. Has a few quality of life fixes (two of the items needed for 100% completion were originally only obtainable through an in-game gochapon, and fixes how the ability to have three different decks at once was never actually unlocked in the second) and even got the online versus mode working again. This went smoothly (the games were only dumped at the end of last year) because most/all of the text is done by the OS, and thus easily extracted, modified, and inserted instead of the text encoding mess that plagues most older games.
>>968440 Maybe after that they can patch NMHIII into being a good game.
>>968456 I enjoyed the bosses in NMH3 and the fact it encouraged you to replay them on harder difficulties and eventually no damage them, but I'll admit the combat outside of boss fights left allot to be desired.
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>>968451 That's great, gonna check this out.
>>968538 >Miyamoto rn
Samurai Warriors 4 DX shadow dropped on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2719200/SAMURAI_WARRIORS_4_DX/
>>968568 Is it any good?
>>968570 The port seem competent apparently.
>>968568 >>968573 The reviews are reporting multiplayer works, shockingly.
>>968538 >Squeenix basically confirms it will port to Switch <Nintendo loses all of the N64 catalog to a PC autist I wonder which will come next, a way to port PSX games or a way to port GameCube games.
>>968578 PlayStation and GameCube ports aren't necessary; DuckStation and Dolphin are both excellent. It's the N64 that has issues.
>>968592 It would be cool tho if this N64 recompile project inspires more projects like it. If it can be done for N64 why couldn't it be done for other consoles as well? Of course it's easy to just say shit like this without doing any of the work, but it's neat to think about.
>>968680 I don't think you understand.
>>968686 Don't understand what? I get that due to other emulators being in a good place, this kind of project for other consoles isn't as necessary, but if one autist could figure out how to decompile and recompile N64 games in PC ports using a program he made himself, why couldn't a bunch of other autists who see this project go "Hey! I could do that too for this other console."? The idea of Decompiling games has only been getting more popular, it stands to reason the process might eventually get more streamlined, as it literally just did in this case for N64 games.
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Vimm's Lair has removed 717 games and images from their site by request of Nintendo of America All though it may be a DMCA troll https://vimm.net/bbs/?p=viewPost&Post=33298 https://vimm.net/bbs/?p=viewPost&Post=33310
>>968770 >It seems this may be the work of DMCA trolls filing fake notices God I hate these cunts. I hope it all gets restored.
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>>968770 I'd advise anybody interested in old games download complete collections. All 700+ NES games are only 220MB, you could include all Famicom and Famicom Disc System games and you're still only in the megabyte range. You could store everything from the Odyssey up to the SNES for only a few gigabytes. Once you get to the fifth gen and beyond the sizes get much larger, (a PS1 set is several hundred gigabytes) but everything before that is perfectly manageable. Do that and you don't have to worry about these kinds of happenings.
>>968773 >I'd advise anybody interested in old games download complete collections. Did that a few years back, but I feel like I should download the newer sets because I think there's been some updates made since then. > Once you get to the fifth gen and beyond the sizes get much larger, (a PS1 set is several hundred gigabytes) but everything before that is perfectly manageable. Do that and you don't have to worry about these kinds of happenings. Not only that, but it's much easier to store the games all on your own. Almost even CD/DVD based console can have their games ripped directly to your computer using an average DVD drive. PSP, (3)DS, Vita, PS3, and Wii (U) games can be ripped by softmodding your own console. The only people partially SOL are Xbox and Dreamcast owners.
>>968773 I did that a few years back too, back in like 2014/15 I downloaded an archive of all the games released before like the early 3D era. Been using it ever since.
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>>968770 Everytime
>>968770 Huh. I have a few archives of games from years ago recommended of course. I think we should make an archive of alot of the other games. And 3D titles it's only a matter of time before they get gyped too. Fucking Nintendo ridiculously anti-consumerist . Absolutely insane. Mark why the hell do you love the piece of shit cocksuckers so much or you did at one point. That said Nintendo is a bunch of kikes anyway.
Pirates != Consumers
>>968841 >!= Why do people do this, ≠ is a symbol. You're writing text, not working in a programming language.
>>968846 who the heck knows ascii codes in their head
>>968770 At least cdromance is still safe? I doubt Spike would bend over backward for that.
>>968846 Force habit from years of writing code, or would you prefer the Pascal version: Pirates <> Consumers
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>>968770 Fucking hell. >All though it may be a DMCA troll It might be that "No Fun Allowed" faggot that took down the Gmod models of Mario characters again. If that is really the case, then I sincerely hope that man gets doxxed. >TTYD is still up despite an upcoming remake this month Definitely a troll, NoA wouldn't let that stay up.
>>968770 Good thing I have the entire NES to Wii collection backed up on a 8TB drive.
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>>968770 https://vimm.net/bbs/?p=viewPost&Post=33080 https://archive.is/FUSpA >A big thank you to everyone who has recommended Vimm's Lair to Delta users. Around phonefags, never relax.
>>968888 >surge in web traffic >site gets DMCAs Ross Scott was right; never reveal your suppliers. Gatekeeping in the piracy scene isn't elitism, it's survival. You never know what redditor will get butthurt and tattle on your community.
>>968770 >>968888 >Nintendo is now aware of Vimm's Lair thanks to retards on Twitter Letting emulators be allowed on IOS was a mistake.
>>968890 Survival is learning to use TOR, which retards will never figure out. Your idea of gatekeeping is just security through obscurity, which is stupid. Literally just use TOR and p2p file sharing and it becomes impossible to take down the content.
>>968898 everyone knows only pedophiles, junkies and school shooters use TOR and I'm almost none of those
>>968770 IIRC this is just the same thing CDRomance did where they removed links, but through using a script, you can re-create them and download the ROMs as usual.
>>968897 Normalfags really are the fucking worst.
>>968897 All according to Tim's plan
>>968897 I have to agree with Rewster there, this sounds like a gayop. Nintendrones are especially bizarre about piracy. Note this isn't console war shit, I'm exclusively referring to the obsessive fanboys of the big N. Platform warriors are all strange in their own way and Nintendo's manifest as absurd levels of white knightery.
Niggerpill tongues my anus
Hey. Anyone got a backup of nes, snes, gcn titles? I posted earlier but if Nintendo is really gonna keep pushing this bullshit all the at least decent games in the gcn line-up need to be archived. I only mention gcn 'cos those games are of course bigger. nes/snes libraries ain't a thing. Any anons wanna share what they got by chance?
>>969015 Fuck. I meant ain't a thing to take up space. Whoops.
>>968897 >if Nintendo didn't know about this place Well, yeah exactly, Vimm's Lair has been in existence for like over 25 years, so no way Nintendo doesn't know. Probably a troll, but also wouldn't rule out some Nintendo desk jockey looking for shit to do. Either way looks like they still host the roms on the servers and removed the links, thankfully filtering normalfags. >>969015 I have NES, SNES, N64, GB/C, GBA no-intro romsets from like 2022 (but on a different computer at the moment because I'm traveling), where's a good place to upload?
>>969015 Here's one for the NES and Famicom. /compress/nointro.nes/formats=7Z&file=/nointro.nes.zip It's not 100% complete, but it's very close. Append the beginning of the link with archive.org. There used to be copyright bots trawling through 8chan Prime for links, might as well play it safe here too.
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>>968773 Even complete N64/PS1/Saturn/3DO collections would be well under a terabyte combined, if you have a spare drive it's not much hassle and even if you don't, 1TB hard drives are literally $20 these days. If you've been on the internet for awhile you should know you can't rely on a single site for shit, they always go down eventually. You should get on storing your own collection as soon as possible.
>>970455 I'm happy it's becoming more accessible, but I'm sure all these games giving Steam more power and money and influence will be a double-edged sword somehow. For now, we celebrate.
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Minor news, but Nintendo just acquired Shiver, which is a dev that specialises in porting stuff to Switch.
>>970455 Like Steam didn't have enough autism!
>>970455 >KINGDOM HEARTS IS COMING TO STEAM JUNE 13TH No one will give a shit, the same way nobody gave a shit about Darkest Dungeon 2, and neo twewy
>>970481 You're comparing a Sequel to an Indie game, and a sequel to a fairly obscure DS game. To the launch of a 22 year old franchise that made it into Super Smash Bros. Steam could easily give Kingdom hearts a front page banner once it launches and it'll rake in tons of cash just like it did with Halo MCC.
>>970484 Most launches that started on Epic first and then translated to Steam flunked hard either way. >>970456 >but I'm sure all these games giving Steam more power and money and influence will be a double-edged sword somehow Maybe the other stores should suck less dick
>>970485 >Most launches that started on Epic first and then translated to Steam flunked hard either way. Most of them yes, but it's not like it's just KH3 which had a mixed reception, this is like 6 games in total at once. 7 if you count 2.8. And KH is like the most Nostalgia baiting game franchise of all time. Like I said, a front page banner is all it needs, and it'll sell like hot cakes.
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IGN buys Eurogamer, VG24/7, RPS, and more. https://archive.ph/RBtkI https://archive.ph/RnlzW
>>970628 Slop Buying Slop nothing new A bit bummed Rock, Paper, Shotgun is gone. They were at least tolerable
>>970628 So not only is Digital Foundry a Retard Era shitter, it's also owned by IGN
>>970628 >All these cancerous bloggers in the same sinking ship Oh god, this is going to taste so fucking sweet! All these cancerous cunts that 7th Gen cancer popularized are going to die and I couldn't be happier.
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>>970652 >meant to say 7th Gen consoles >wrote 7th Gen cancer instead Fitting I guess
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>New Kingmakers trailer >Confirmed to be the Road Redemption devs Holy fuck, I need it!
>>970455 how much do you want to bet it will be full price? >>970628 what does IGN actually gain from this? Like I get that those are all their competition but they were already practically dead. Keeping them open seems like cannibalizing your own potential audience. The only reason I can think of is to prevent some random investor from propping them up for another 3 years.
>>970673 A neat concept for a game. I like the destruction going on there too.
>>970639 >So not only is Digital Foundry a Retard Era shitter, it's also owned by IGN Fitting considering Linneman's penchant for lukewarm takes shilling for warmed over AAA slop.
>>970692 >He even admits it's barely a game Fucking unreal
>>970692 >>970693 I saw another journo give it a mixed review. He said something like "It looks beautiful, but there's not much game to it." So I guess if you like movie games, you'll like Hellblade 2.
>>970673 Reminds me of Army of Darkness.
Microsoft rumored to be preparing a $16B purchase offer to acquire Valve.
>>970455 Reminder Nexus jannies removed the uncensored KH2 mod for restoring Kairi's panties.
>>970983 DO IT
>>970983 If Microsoft wants Valve and their money fountain called Steam they'll need to offer A LOT more than $16B
>>970983 Also, do you have a source for that article? I searched the verge, and that image of Satya Nadella was from this article, which has nothign to do with Valve. https://www.theverge.com/24161636/microsoft-build-2024-ai-copilot-windows-teams-edge
>>970990 >>970983 With the way Valve's management is handling itself, this is well within the realm of possibility especially after Gabe kicks the bucket.
>>970983 Not shocked to see them interested in continuing to try to buy their way out of their current problems. The question is more about if Gaben and the gang are even interested in such a deal. >no archive Have one of some other site but same topic: <Microsoft eyeing Steam parent company Valve acquisition in $16 billion all-cash deal (Rumor) >Redmond giant Microsoft might be prepping a massive $16 billion offer to acquire Valve, according to a rumor on X. The news comes from a content creator focused on Counter-Strike, but neither Valve nor Microsoft have commented on the speculation https://archive.is/1R7y9
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>>970997 Only 16 billion? Come now, Valve has to be worth a couple billion more than that with how much money goes through them. Also, Microsoft buying them out would cause concerns about monopolies for vidya storefronts, I don't buy it. I also SINCERELY doubt the bigwigs at Microsoft are going to give the gaming division more money to burn after the Activision and Bethesda blunders.
>>970983 >>970997 The duality of man: >We have enough money to buy the BIGGEST gaming platform on the planet <Yet we lack the funds to keep three smaller studios alive It would be funny if this isn't EXACTLY how normalfags exact.
>>970983 >>970989 >>970990 >>970995 >>970996 >>970997 >>971001 >>971002 >Fake article >Twitter post >Listen and believe Kill yourself right now
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>>971009 No I don't think I will
>>971009 I did ask for a source, though.
Source is xDiorCS on X from >>970997, so rumor for now.
Some guy released a Terry Davis themed mini game called Temple Driver. Linux only for now https://github.com/mrbid/TempleDriver
>>970988 Lemme guess, lost forever?
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>>971047 <Linux >not TempleOS >harmful snap bullshit >assets generated with demonic AI
>>971067 >webm >that music Did anything ever come of the Gaster stuff? It was kind of cool to hide all that stuff for dataminers to find but I stopped following it after the game's fanbase got weird. Weirder than before, anyway.
>>971009 There are sources, none of them good, but it's very unlikely this would happen either way. https://archive.is/fRBL7 From the FTC Microsoft lawsuit leaks we know Steam pulls in around six billion a year in revenue, Valve's software are hardware sales probably earn them even more. From that same leak it's also known Phil Spencer wanted to buy Valve. https://archive.is/Qy7cM If this is real, then Microsoft is vastly underestimating how much they'd need to offer. $16B would be less than 3 years of revenue. That's the main reason I don't believe it. If it is and they do offer that much, it's very unlikely Valve would accept it. They've denied buyout offers before, EA is believed to have offered to buy them roughly a dozen years back when they were much smaller.
>>970997 16b would be preposterously low even before you start considering ideological opposition to the deal from within Valve (half the reason for the deck, SteamOS, and all the work they've put into proton is to have a hedge against MS trying to murder them).
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Atari buys Intellivision https://archive.is/AGzBW
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>>971361 That sounds like an article headline from the 80s. >Now the Atari 7800 will definitely beat that jap NES shit
>>971361 >>971362 How proud is his mother?
>>971064 It was reuploaded, but with the panties removed. No known mirror for the uncucked version.
>>971388 Thank you for confirming that I ignore the Steam release. You'd think a model swap would be done by now.
>>971745 No, but I will watch the new season
>>968451 Out now. One of the team even made a totally believable-but-fanmade piece of art for the re-release.
>>971361 >>971363 MSX3 WHEN?
>>971745 If it looked like that second image then yes.
>>972469 I don't think ASCII would ever make a third one even as a meme. They mostly publish magazines now.
So, today i learned firefox doesn't actually delete your history and all information about all websites (including 8chan) still remains in "to be deleted" or "purge" folders inside programdata and appdata. And there's like years of worth links and cached files (and here i was wondering where i had gigabytes going away worth of long time ago deleted pdfs and images). Sites like 8chan just remain there in json or other text files openly, not corrupted. Now i have to janny manually every time browser opens. Not that i care. But its equivalent of not cleaning history at all.
>>971745 Only if they get rid of the shitskin and replace her with another blue-eyed blonde.
>>972637 Treat every action on every device like it will live on forever. https://www.intego.com/mac-security-blog/ios-17-5-bug-undeleted-sensitive-photos-even-on-devices-you-no-longer-own/ >Apple released iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 last week, which included fixes for several security vulnerabilities. But these updates also seemed to introduce a serious bug. Some users found that photos that they deleted years ago—some of a sensitive nature—suddenly showed up in the Recents album again, as though they were new. >And some people who purchased used or refurbished iPhones or iPads reported seeing previous owners’ deleted photos on their device.
>>972783 Just a consequence of proprietary software and unencrypted files. Encrypted files only live as long as you remember the password. A properly encrypted phone is not going to be capable of restoring images after a wipe. Trusting an apple device to work properly when no one can verify the code is retarded.
>>971745 >Microids It's gonna be shovelware, remember the XIII "remake"?
>>972463 Can I play this without a mobile phone?
>>972951 Did you test it? Only SquirrelJME's active, on version 0.2, without a compatibility list.
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Lego is doing a $300 set of Zelda Lego. It's a "2 in 1" in that you can build it to be like OOT or BOTW. And it comes with some minifigs too.
>>973087 Now give us lego Midna.
>>973089 No, because then you'd want to fuck her. In her lego form.
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>>973087 20 years too late. It'll still send like hotcakes since it's Zelda.
>>973091 You're going to have to explain why that'd be a problem.
>>973096 Better learn interdimesional travel so you can find and fuck her senseless.
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>>973101 Lego is antichrist.
>>973087 Who is this even for? Manchildren with too much money who will assemble it once and then leave it rot on the shelf? Or even better, never take it out of the box to begin with? Do children even know what Ocarina of Time is? At 300$ this is way too much for a children's toy. It does not even look like it would appeal to children. Back in the old days Lego sets used to be built around generic themes like airplanes, houses, western and so on, then the child could use its imagination. The figures were all generic yellow brick people with interchangeable parts. You could mix and match them to create new scenarios. But these licensed sets are so complex and specialized, you cannot use them with anything else and they can never by anything other than what it says on the box.
>>972845 Yes, there's a hacked together version of the devkit's official emu.
>>973154 My nephew is obsessed with Harry Potter and has many HP-themed lego kits, some huge (pic related), so I can witness the appeal of kits that are more specialized. Not sure it does any good to the kid's imagination and development but I'm not gonna get into that kind of discussion with my brother
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Microsoft's Copilot+ Recall will be enabled by default in compatible Windows 11 devices Even the VP of Google's Security Team is calling this "madness" https://web.archive.org/web/20240522120139/https://twitter.com/mdxkln/status/1793250873109520545 https://web.archive.org/web/20240523125429/https://twitter.com/argvee/status/1793626556822323517
>>973154 >Manchildren with too much money who will assemble it once and then leave it rot on the shelf? Yes, those black boxes are generally aimed to adults. Just look at that thing, is the kind of stufd you could put at the center of your living room with no shame, nobody would bat an eye or give as a gift to your boss. They have a whole line of those so it seems it actually sells. And yes, licenced sets often are way more expensive. They still make cheaper generic sets; nevetheless, the net price of lego has gone up in the last decade or so; lego is an expensive hobby nowadays, just buy chinese knockoff, since they offer lower prices, more variety of models and even similar quality of pieces. >But these licensed sets are so complex and specialized, you cannot use them with anything else and they can never by anything other than what it says on the box I don't completely agree. Bionicle pieces were complex and specialized and I still made a lot of random stuff with them when I was a kid along with a lot of other people who were into it at that time. I understand the appeal of sandbox sets but having something a little more specialized is never a bad thing or an obstacle for imagination.
>>973180 Wew lad
>>973180 tangentially related, but why are the jews increasingly installing pajeets in upper corporate positions? Is it because of subservience or because they deliberately want to dismantle and handicap the companies somehow? Even if subservience was the reason wouldn't a jew itself have been an better choice?
>>973189 The pajeets are outsmarting the Jews that's why. India will be an industrial super power by 2030
>>973190 Super Pooper 2050!
>>973180 Explain it to me as if I was a dumb gorilla nigger
>>973208 Laptops with AI accelerated chips will spam screenshots of everything you do so you can search the history of everything you've done on your computer based on what the AI can scan in those screenshots.
>>973208 They want to make people interact with their voice only. For instance you want to watch interracial porn, so you say "copilot show me interracial porn". This is very easy to do with traditional programing techniques but very very hard if you want to evaluate every single thing you want to do on your computer, so instead of considering manually the different scenarios they are going to >Record your screen >Save related information >Label it to what you are doing at that moment And they are going to train an AI with that information. The thing is, they will need a shitton of data, and most importantly it's a very BIG attack vector for hackers. Everything you browse is streaming to Microsoft, very likely including your passwords, bank accounts, etc. Of course they say "we are not recording that" but we only have their words on top of that, how about plain text stored passwords? or stored in photops, datasheets, etc.? it's a cybersecurity nightmare and it seems they simply don't care since all the risk fall on the end user and not microsoft. It would be very funny if people started deploying Windows machines just to send bad and illegal data to microsoft.
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>>973212 sounds retarded as shit, the attack on privacy is a given, but it must be a hog of resources for something insanely stupid.
>>973212 >And they are going to train an AI with that information. No where do they say the data will ever leave your device, let alone be integrated into training. I wouldn't trust them not to do that, but you should be clear when you're speculating. >and most importantly it's a very BIG attack vector for hackers It doesn't increase your attack vector at all. What you probably mean is that it increases the incentive for people to hack you because of all the data they could get. Except even then if you're operating under the assumption that someone has enough access to your machine to siphon information from this AI image vault, then they already have enough access to have had basically the same amount of information without this AI shit. Someone cloning your browser cookies is a faster and actually practical method of hacking when you have access to someone's filesystem. In order to even get account information from AI screenshots they'd have to see the passwords in plaintext which is unlikely. And even acquiring plaintext passwords is not especially useful now that every service in existence requires 2FA when it detects a login from a new location or device. So while microjews are forever turbo kikes, most of the kvetching about this shit is extremely overblown from people that are ignorant about computer security.
>>973215 I see what you mean and I stand corrected, but as I stated before, we only have Microsoft's word that they are not moving the data outside your machine.
>>973215 >So while microjews are forever turbo kikes, most of the kvetching about this shit is extremely overblown from people that are ignorant about computer security. 1) It will be switched back on automatically later even if you turn it off 2) It has image recognition similar to macOS or Google Photos Guaranteed there are retards amongst us right now on /v/ who aren't using Linux or at the very least the LTSC version of Windows which doesn't contain the Copilot spyware, and will have Copilot Recall report them to the police after recognizing incest cartoon porn with underage characters or whatever other gray-area obscenity laws there are in each state and country. You are the ignorant frog in a pot of boiling water, not us. https://www.koffellaw.com/blog/google-ai-technology-flags-dad-who-took-photos-o/
>>973184 They have a whole line of Lego flowers meant to be used as decoration. They're kind of neat. >>973238 >>973180 Yeah there's no way this shit is remotely trustworthy.
>>973238 >1) It will be switched back on automatically later even if you turn it off Windows already does this with every other feature. Makes no difference if they do it to this one. It's no greater of a security or privacy concern than anything else on the OS, which is inherently a privacy nightmare. >You are the ignorant frog in a pot of boiling water, not us. Accurately describing reality isn't ignorance. I don't use windows nor will I ever use windows. Ignorance is people like >>973243 this retard that think using Windows 7 as a daily driver while pirating proprietary software won't get their entire network assraped by every russian and chink state sponsored skiddie on the planet. Nothing about this proprietary shitware AI is a greater privacy or security concern than anything else microsoft does. And yet niggercattle will convince them this time it's actually really bad to make them feel better about all the retarded shit they've already tolerated from microsoft that was just as bad if not worse. Kill yourself fucktard. >LTSC Lol. Lmfao even. Winblows niggers never learn.
>>973276 >"Accurately describing reality" >Windows 7 will get your entire network assraped by every russian and chink state sponsored kiddie >But not the disproportionately shilled Troonix, the OS with state-sponsored actors and literal intelligence agencies writing parts of the code, with the most discovered vulnerabilities and the highest value targets to compromise Lmao. If you think you're safe against state-level superpowers because you're on a tranny OS, you're retarded.
>>973180 >>973210 >>973212 >>973214 Who greenlighted this Recall surveillance cancer anyway? Not just "Microsoft," is there a person with a name?
>>973281 Theoretical backdoors in Linux isn't a very convincing argument against known backdoors and vulnerabilities in Windows 7. But maybe if you say tranny a few more times it'll work like a kind of incantation and invoke a suicide. Ideally yours.
>>973285 >"Theoretical" Not just theoretical. Debian Linux has had 8755 vulnerabilites published on cvedetails, more than any OS. But yes, when you're talking about state sponsored attackers, the fact state-sponsored attackers and intelligence agencies wrote a bunch of the code for Linux fucking matters. When you're talking about Chinese and Russian attackers, this matters: https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/07/14/1055894/us-military-sofware-linux-kernel-open-source/ <For example, Huawei is currently the biggest contributor to the Linux kernel. <Another contributor works for Positive Technologies, a Russian cybersecurity firm that—like Huawei—has been sanctioned by the US government, says Aitel. State-sponsored intelligence agencies are all over this too, especially the NSA. You can't credibly dismiss Linux hosting the highest value target machines as "theoretical" when it's what motivates state-sponsored attackers to hack them in the first place. Multinational companies are running on Linux. >known backdoors and vulnerabilities in Windows 7 False. Why didn't you name them? Because they're patched. Before that, they were discovered at a snail's crawl because Windows 7 is proprietary. You'll spend 100 times the hours hunting vulnerabilities without source code. The Linux Foundation had 15600 people and over 1400 companies contributing to just the kernel in 2017. It's higher now. Any one of them can take state offers to insert backdoors. You're not "accurately describing reality," you don't understand reality or what you're using but make it your personality to talk down to people like >>973243.
Just install arch, preferably without systemd
Buy a thinkpad x230 and install heads. Write protect the flash chip. Put nail polish on the screws and take high resolution pictures to ensure signs of tampering. Do NOT use a HDD or SSD. They have DMA so a malicious firmware could do a lot of damage, use of USB is preferred since they do not have DMA. Completely remove the microphone, sound card, webcam and the WWAN card from the laptop. Remove the fan to prevent binary acoustic data transmission. Replace the default wifi card with a supported atheros card. Disable wifi when not in use, preferably by physically removing the card. Make your own independent Linux distro from scratch. Most Linux distros value convenience over security and will thus never have good security. Your only option is to make your own. Use musl instead of glibc, Libressl instead of openssl, sinit instead of systemd, oksh instead of bash, toybox instead of gnu coreutils to reduce attack surface. Enable as little kernel modules as possible. Use a hardened memory allocator. Apply strong SELinux and sandboxing policies. Restrict the root account heavily to make sure it never gets compromised. Disable JavaScript and CSS in your browser. Block all FAGMAN domains in your hosts file. Monitor all network requests. Do not use a phone. Never speak near anyone who owns a phone, they are always listening. Never use any non-corebooted technology made after 2006. Never leave your devices unattended. Tape triple layer aluminum foil all around your room as tempest shielding. Type really quietly as defense against audio keylogging. Use ecc ram to minimize rowhammer and rambleed. Encrypt everything multiple times with various different encryption implementations. Compile everything from source. Use hardened compilation flags. Always read through the source before installing something if possible. Only use the internet when absolutely necessary.
>>973301 Didn't rms "browse" the internet by getting html files sent to him by email?
>>973293 >Not just theoretical. Debian Linux has had 8755 vulnerabilites published on cvedetails, more than any OS. A cve != a realistic security vulnerability. The reason there are thousands of cve's is because the vast majority of them are inconsequential. Running an operating system that isn't receiving updates on the other hand is a massive security risk. >the fact state-sponsored attackers and intelligence agencies wrote a bunch of the code for Linux fucking matters. It doesn't matter any more than the fact state sponsored actors write proprietary code for microsoft and google. It's bizarre that you're omitting that every criticism you're making of Linux applies to the alternative. >You can't credibly dismiss Linux hosting the highest value target machines as "theoretical" when it's what motivates state-sponsored attackers to hack them in the first place You mean like you're credibly dismissing that the highest value target operating system also has the most amount of eyes on the code? The notion that open source software is more prone to bad actors is comically absurd. The US has every legal right to force any company in its jurisdiction to inject malicious code into their software for them. Microsoft does exactly that with the windows backdoor. No matter how much you drum up a narrative for people having reasons to compromise Linux, it does not translate into evidence of it being compromised. Because do you know what would happen when you produced such evidence? It would get fixed. The same can not be said about proprietary software. Stop embarrassing yourself retard.
>>973307 What you're describing is almost how Usenet worked.
>>973308 >A cve != a realistic security vulnerability. The reason there are thousands of cve's is because the vast majority of them are inconsequential. Nice try, except they have CVSS scores that rate exactly how consequential there are. 1252 have CVSS scores from 9-10, in the top 10% most consequential vulnerabilities. This is 1.43 times worse than if they were equally distributed. Your own argument defeats you. Embarrassing. You don't know what you're talking about. >Running an operating system that isn't receiving updates on the other hand is a massive security risk. Your knowledge is from memes. Lmao. there have been ESU updates for Windows 7 for a long time. The last security and monthly quality rollup for Windows 7 on the Microsoft Update Catalog was 2 weeks ago. The Windows 7 community reverse engineers these updates. Phone-homers get excluded from update packs. >state sponsored actors write proprietary code for microsoft Not on the same scale as Microsoft's mostly maintained by Microsoft while the Linux Foundation had 15600 people and over 1400 companies contributing to just the kernel in 2017, but you're moving the goalposts. >and google You now moved the goalposts so far they're on another planet. All these cancerous companies are shit. The conversation was on state-sponsored attackers. If the state wants you pwned, it doesn't matter what you use. You are fucked. That was my point: "If you think you're safe against state-level superpowers because you're on a tranny OS, you're retarded. >the highest value target operating system also has the most amount of eyes on the code? That's exactly how it gets exploited, there's no security by obscurity. The more people with eyes on finding weaknesses, the more found weaknesses. >The notion that open source software is more prone to bad actors is comically absurd The ZX Utils Linux backdoor by Jia Tan (a Chinese name, since you pretend you're concerned about Russians and Chinks) was reported by Andres Freud just 2 months ago. Linux isn't just "open source software, don't move the goalposts. It's the open-source software. It's running multinational companies. It's the highest value target for state-sponsored actors. Unlike most open-source software, the Linux Foundation had 15600 people and over 1400 companies contributing to just the kernel in 2017. It's higher now. Their names and accounts and commit histories are public. Any one of them can take state offers to insert backdoors. That's a mile-wide attack surface. That's pretty fucking prone. >The US has every legal right The US. Meanwhile, every country can target more than 15600 public people with bribes or blackmail to backdoor Linux. Those 1400 plus companies all have something to gain from compromising Linux. >drum up a narrative You're drumming up the narrative, don't project. I gave you facts, stats, mechanisms names, organizations, links, and CVEs >>973293. >it does not translate into evidence I gave you evidence, like Debian having 8755 vulnerabilities being published on cvedetails, more than any other OS. But risk factors which drastically increase risks of compromise are evidence of compromise. You don't understand what evidence is. These meet standards of evidence in a court of law. It's called circumstantial evidence there. When you're talking about state sponsored attackers, the fact state-sponsored attackers and intelligence agencies wrote a bunch of the code for Linux is evidence. When you're talking about Chinese and Russian attackers, this is evidence: https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/07/14/1055894/us-military-sofware-linux-kernel-open-source/ <For example, Huawei is currently the biggest contributor to the Linux kernel. <Another contributor works for Positive Technologies, a Russian cybersecurity firm that—like Huawei—has been sanctioned by the US government, says Aitel. State-sponsored intelligence agencies like the NSA being all over Linux is evidence. Linux running multinational companies and hosting the highest-value target machines is evidence when it's what motivates state-sponsored attackers to hack someone in the first place. The Linux foundation having 15600 people and over 1500 companies contributing to the kernel in 2017 is evidence. Many of those companies have state ties. Their commit histories are public and they're easy to target by the state. That you'll spend 100 times the hours hunting vulnerabilities without source code is evidence fewer vulnerabilities will be found. Something with fewer eyes on it is evidence fewer people will exploit it because exploitation doesn't happen without people. >It would get fixed. The same can not be said about proprietary software. Vulnerabilities get fixed in proprietary software, retard. That's what security updates are. >Stop embarrassing yourself retard. I haven't once embarrassed myself. The hole you dug keeps getting bigger, you embarrassed yourself about 20 times. You don't know what you're talking about, get disproven everywhere, and you keep moving the goalposts. Writing fallacies on IBs won't make your tranny OS keep you safe from state-level attackers, retard.
https://blog.playstation.com/2024/05/29/state-of-play-returns-this-thursday/ State of Play returns this Thursday >The 30+ minute show features 14 titles, and begins May 30 at 3pm PT / 6pm ET | May 31 12am CEST / 7am JST on YouTube, Twitch, and TikTok. See you then!
>>973307 >YAML harmful, JSON isn't >gcc harmful, use these meme compilers instead Is this some kind of politics thing? What the fuck did YAML ever do? >cuck licenses are better than GPL I'm taking the left column as a series of recommendations.
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>>973332 The one that really baffles me is UTF-8 over everything else. That doesn't even make any fucking sense, different encoders have different usecases.
>>973332 The image is a meme, but YAML has legitimate problems, such as making quotes around strings optional. Not only can a typo cause a type error, it also means that some strings can be mistaken for other types. Case in point, Null is a real last name, but in YAML that's a reserved word, you have to wrap in in quotes.
>>973332 >>973336 Another prime example is the Norway problem: countries: - SE - NO - FI The "NO" here will get interpreted as a false (boolean) value. YAML has many footguns like this.
>>973285 >known backdoors and vulnerabilities in Windows 7 Such as...? >>973293 >Why didn't you name them? Because they're patched. From what I've seen, nearly ALL the "vulnerabilities" that remain with Windows 7 cannot be accomplished unless you actually physically place something in your Windows install folder, like that one hack they found several months ago that even bypasses ALL the safe guards even on Unix installs.
>>973180 Maybe it's about time people start using a different operating system
>>973381 Windows11 is made for netorare cucks who masturbate while microsoft fucks everything they have
>>973381 This poorly drawn girl in the anime style has persuaded me to swtich operating systems.
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>>973388 Dubs of truth.
>>973190 >The pajeets are outsmarting the Jews that's why. Is it really that or are they being handed stagnating businesses and making them a scapegoat because they're dumb enough? Take the new youtube chief for example.
>>973324 >1252 have CVSS scores from 9-10, in the top 10% most consequential vulnerabilities. This is 1.43 times worse than if they were equally distributed. You're right, you caught me anon. There's actually 1252 open doors into every server on the planet right now. It's a wonder why no one just walks straight through them, I guess we'll never know. >there have been ESU updates for Windows 7 for a long time. The last security and monthly quality rollup for Windows 7 on the Microsoft Update Catalog was 2 weeks ago. The Windows 7 community reverse engineers these updates. <unironically running bootleg system updates It's almost impressive the lengths windows 7 retards will go to infect their machines. >Not on the same scale as Microsoft's mostly maintained by Microsoft while the Linux Foundation had 15600 people and over 1400 companies contributing to just the kernel in 2017, but you're moving the goalposts. That's not what moving the goalposts means. The scale is irrelevant when the exposure is completely different. With one you have infinite visibility on the code, with the other you have zero visibility on the code. The number of developers makes absolutely no difference to the likelihood of one of the projects being compromised in this context. >You now moved the goalposts so far they're on another planet. Once again you don't seem to understand what it means to "move the goalposts". And you don't seem to understand what an analogy is. >The conversation was on state-sponsored attackers. If the state wants you pwned, it doesn't matter what you use. You are fucked. That was my point: "If you think you're safe against state-level superpowers because you're on a tranny OS, you're retarded. Yeah, no. That's not how it works in the slightest. Russian and chinese hackers don't compromise your system just because they want to. The feds most likely can, but not foreign state actors which was what was being discussed. >That's exactly how it gets exploited, there's no security by obscurity. The more people with eyes on finding weaknesses, the more found weaknesses. It goes both ways. The more people with eyes on finding weaknesses, the faster those weaknesses get fixed. The entire world operates on the security of Linux servers. Every bank, every website, the entire global economy depends on its security. >The ZX Utils Linux backdoor by Jia Tan (a Chinese name, since you pretend you're concerned about Russians and Chinks) was reported by Andres Freud just 2 months ago. I'm well aware of the ZX situation. It's just as easy to embed yourself into a piece of proprietary software to compromise it. In fact it's significantly easier to manage that while getting away with it. None of these problems are unique to Linux. >Linux isn't just "open source software, don't move the goalposts. It's the open-source software. It's running multinational companies. It's the highest value target for state-sponsored actors. Yeah I get it. You think because it's the most valuable piece of software to compromise it's necessarily the most likely to be compromised. I disagree because of all the other variables I mentioned. I don't think we're going to move past this. >You're drumming up the narrative, don't project. I gave you facts, stats, mechanisms names, organizations, links, and CVEs You're spewing numbers to be as disingenuous as possible. You either don't understand how CVEs work or are deliberately misrepresenting them to push your narrative. Every server on the planet does not have a thousand ways to break through and gain root access to it at a moments notice. When you blindly state that debian has a 1000 critical vulnerabilities in it that is what you're putting into peoples heads who don't know any better. Spitting facts and statistics doesn't matter when you omit all the context for them. In fact that's an extremely effective method of propaganda. >I gave you evidence, like Debian having 8755 vulnerabilities being published on cvedetails, more than any other OS. More disingenuous drivel. There are not 9000 ways to gain root access to every server on the planet right now. >State-sponsored intelligence agencies like the NSA being all over Linux is evidence. No it isn't. Reasons to compromise linux != evidence of it being compromised. ZX would be evidence of it being compromised. As I said before, your position is untenable because any time you have evidence of Linux being compromised it gets fixed. So your argument demands that people accept that people believe your narrative, rather than some concrete truth. >Vulnerabilities get fixed in proprietary software, retard. That's what security updates are. Vulnerabilities get ignored in proprietary software all the time. Dark Souls 3 had an RCE exploit in it for months that they refused to fix until the dude publicly demonstrated it on a live streamer. CS:GO had an RCE that Valve ignored for over a year until the researcher publicly disclosed it to force them to address it. Extremely critical vulnerabilities get ignored all the time in proprietary software and there's nothing anyone can do about it on their own. You have no agency over that code. Open source code is known. Factors that are known are necessarily more secure than factors that are unknown. This is an irrefutable truth of the universe.
>>973276 >>973471 >this desperation to shill for newer versions of tranny OS I'm sticking with Windows 7 forever and there is nothing that you can do about it, tranny. Also, you will never be a woman.
>>973514 Windows 7 fucking sucks I'll stay with XP
>>973514 I don't care that you're using Windows 7. Also, you will never be a woman.
>You're right, you caught me anon. There's actually 1252 open doors ESL? I said of known vulnerabilities Debian had 8755 vulerabilities (most of any OS, 1252 top 10% severity), past tense. You don't understand tense but it gets worse. Your sarcastic misread implies you're so lost you don't know what CVEs are. You're confusing CVEs with open vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities tracked by CVEs are fixed all the time. So you're so ignorant of infosec that, when you said "the reason there are thousands of cves," you actually thought Debian had 8755 open vulnerabilities. You're security-retarded. You repeatedly don't get basic facts, terms, and concepts of entry-level security but talk down to others like your opinions matter. No wonder you think your tranny OS will protect you from state-sponsored attackers. It's safe and effective, shills said so! Unpublished and open doors probably scale with published and closed ones, implying Debian Linux has the most open doors. The exact number's unknowable, relative ratios are easier estimated. <The last security and monthly quality rollup for Windows 7 on the Microsoft Update Catalog was 2 weeks ago >bootleg system updates <Microsoft Update Catalog >bootleg system updates Unbelievably retarded. The Microsoft Update Catalog was created by Microsoft. You have no shame to embarrass yourself this much. >With one you have infinite visibility on the code, with the other you have zero visibility on the code. Invisibility's protective through security by obscurity. Can't attack what you can't see. Source code maps weak points. Linux is C. Around 6 of 28.7 million programmers know C, see "Global Developer Population 2024" and "Career Karma." Windows binaries are black boxes. Specialist coders, maybe top 0.1%, can reverse engineer backdoors. The skills needed are at least 200 times rarer. It's over 20,000 times harder to find the backdoors as understanding what's reverse engineered takes at least 100 times longer than reading C. That's why Windows vulnerabilities are found by MS, not outside attackers. I had to go 75 CVEs deep to find one not found by MS. For azure-c-shared-utility, an open source library, because the outside attack surface for Windows is the open source parts. Windows 11 is still a security nightmare, as MS made it one. There's no Recall-tier spyware on Windows 7. Freetards (not all Linux users, just your type) who don't think beyond "open source = more secure" are why crypto investors get scammed by open source smart contracts on Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, Algorand, and Cardano. Hackers read the code then exploit it to rip off freetards. >The number of developers makes absolutely no difference to the likelihood of one of the projects being compromised Lmao. You're probability-retarded. How does compromise happen if not by developers? Vulnerabilities don't come out of thin air, retard. They're added by developers. The more developers, the more vulnerabilities added, on accident and on purpose. >Once again you don't seem to understand what it means to "move the goalposts". And you don't seem to understand what an analogy is. You thought your tranny OS protected you from state-level attackers so you talked down to a Windows 7 user. This was the topic. You couldn't negate my facts, sidetracking to vulnerabilities in fucking Google shit. That's not "an analogy," that's moving the goalposts to another planet. >Russian and chinese hackers don't compromise your system just because they want to I said if the state wants you pwned, it doesn't matter what you use, you are fucked." I did not say they want to "just because." They want to compromise valuable targets like multinational companies that run Linux. They don't care about >>973243 or his Windows 7 gaming. >I'm well aware of the ZX situation. You chomped my bait hook, line, and sinker, proving you disingenuous. I noticed you're ignorant with an ego, so I laid a trap, swapping the letters from XZ to ZX to ensnare this lie. You repeated ZX twice (not a typo), claiming you're "well aware of it" while proving you aren't. Lmao! That's all anyone needs to know about you. >You think because it's the most valuable piece of software to compromise it's necessarily the most likely to be compromised Not just because of that, don't tell me what I think. It's one risk factor in a broader analysis. Another? Debian Linux had 8755 CVEs published, more than any OS. Another? https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/07/14/1055894/us-military-sofware-linux-kernel-open-source/ <For example, Huawei is currently the biggest contributor to the Linux kernel. <Another contributor works for Positive Technologies, a Russian cybersecurity firm that—like Huawei—has been sanctioned by the US government, says Aitel. Another? State-sponsored intelligence agencies like the NSA are all over Linux. Another? The Linux Foundation had 15600 people and over 1400 companies contributing to just the kernel in 2017. It's higher now. Their names and accounts and commit histories are public. Those 1400 plus companies all have something to gain from compromising Linux. Anyone can target them with bribes or blackmail, especially state-sponsored attackers. Another? Around 6 million programmers know C and Linux is C with public code. Another? Linux users attack Windows 7 users for mentioning it. Beneficiaries of Linux backdoors gain from this and would be as "desperate to shill for newer versions of tranny OS" (>>973514) as you. You're probably a freetard making Linux your personality to talk down to people like >>973243 but the consistency and magnitude of general hostility is suspicious on a slow site with federal attention. Another? Linux had 27.8 million lines of public code in just the kernel in 2020. It has a mile-wide attack surface. >I don't think we're going to move past this. At last, you're finally right. Windows 7's convincable Linux migrants switched out ages ago. Windows 7 users in 2024 have a will of diamond, they've heard and withstood your shilling for years. You're wasting hours of time you could better spend than by burying yourself in fallacies. >You're spewing numbers to be as disingenuous as possible. <Numbers <Disingenuous Lmao. Your narrative isn't disingenuous, but numbers are! Get filthy facts and foolish figures out of here.
[Expand Post]Do you hear how stupid you sound? >You either don't understand how CVEs work You literally thought CVEs were open vulnerabilities. You argued Debian Linux CVEs were inconsequential as you didn't know they had severity scores (1252 had CVSS scores from 9-10, in the top 10% most consequential vulnerabilites, 1.43 times worse than if they were equally distributed). You never heard of a CVE before this argument. >are deliberately misrepresenting CVEs to push your narrative Your narrative was Debian Linux's "thousands of CVEs is because the vast majority of them are inconsequential." I showed 1252 have CVSS scores from 9-10, in the top 10% most consequential vulnerabilities, 1.43 times worse than if they were equally distributed. I showed your own argument defeats you. I showed you embarrassed yourself. You deliberately misrepresented CVEs, which you don't understand, to push your narrative. I broke your narrative with facts. With numbers. >When you blindly state that debian has a 1000 critical vulnerabilities in it that is what you're putting into peoples heads who don't know any better. No, that's what got into your head because you don't understand "had" is past tense, don't understand what CVEs are, and confused them for open vulnerabilities. Don't generalize your stupidity. You being an idiot doesn't make others idiotic. >No it isn't evidence of it being compromised Your definition of evidence doesn't matter when every court, every dictionary, and every encyclopedia disagree. >any time you have evidence of Linux being compromised it gets fixed. A
>any time you have evidence of Linux being compromised it gets fixed. Any time? No, known times. Unpublished exploits probably scale with published exploits, implying Debian has the most. The exact number's unknowable, but relative ratios are easier estimated. Windows CVEs are also found then patched by MS instead of outside attackers. I had to go 75 CVEs deep to find one that isn't. For azure-c-shared-utility, an open source library, because the outside attack surface for Windows is the open source parts. Windows 11 is still a security nightmare, as MS made it one. You don't have Recall-tier spyware on Windows 7. This implies a much lower relative rate of outside attack. >So your argument demands that people accept that people believe your narrative, rather than some concrete truth. You are the narrative maker and your narrative is wrong. I gave you facts, stats, mechanisms, names, organizations, links, and CVEs, which are all truth. The narrative everywhere's against Windows 7. You're like an antifa thinking he's a rebel. Here, >>973243 says "Windows 7 forever" and you spend hours shilling Linux narratives against Windows 7. Windows 7 users always play defense to the narrative. >Vulnerabilities get ignored in proprietary software all the time. Dark Souls 3 had an RCE exploit Lmao, as if fucking Dark Souls 3 is comparable to Windows. Windows is the proprietary software like Linux is the open source software. >Open source code is known. Factors that are known are necessarily more secure than factors that are unknown. This is an irrefutable truth of the universe. Knowledge is power, retard. If factors you know are weaknesses, the target with those factors is less secure to you. The "known factors" Emily's single, on vacation, and owns an isolated house give robbers unpunished power to rob her. They make her weaker. If they're "unknown factors," she's stronger. You don't think for yourself, you're ignorant. You deepthroat narratives and marketing about security so you can talk down to people. You spent hours shilling an OS over the comment "Windows 7 forever." What's wrong with you? >>973514 The level of evangelism borders on madness.
Minecraft Animated Series | Official Announcement | Netflix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf7TC0poGlg
>>973841 >Invisibility's protective through security by obscurity Stopped reading there.
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>>973293 >>973308 >>973324 >>973471 >>973841 >>973842 You people have incredibly severe autism
>>973514 >>973514 I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
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>>973867 Debilo de la Crocodile
>>973878 Is Alpine Linux GNU/Linux?
>>973841 >You're confusing CVEs with open vulnerabilities. Neither of those are mutually exclusive. Are you illiterate? >ESL? I said of known vulnerabilities Debian had 8755 vulerabilities (most of any OS, 1252 top 10% severity), past tense. You don't understand tense but it gets worse. Me misreading your post was actually more charitable to your position, not less. Your actual position is that vulnerabilities that were fixed is evidence of vulnerabilities that aren't fixed, with is incongruent with reality. >No wonder you think your tranny OS will protect you from state-sponsored attackers. It's safe and effective, shills said so! At no point anywhere in this thread was it ever stated once that linux would protect you from state sponsored attackers. You can go back through every single post and you will not find any of them saying this. You can try to dig through them to quote where it was stated, but it was not. You're just making random shit up to try and save face after blundering so consistently. The jew cries out as he strikes you. >Unbelievably retarded. The Microsoft Update Catalog was created by Microsoft. You have no shame to embarrass yourself this much. Anyone running windows 7 because they ideologically oppose microsofts shitware is not running routine updates on their system, because if they were the system would be necessarily compromised by nature of having microsofts backdoors built into them and privacy settings reverted. >Invisibility's protective through security by obscurity. Comically retarded and proof you have absolutely zero clue what you're talking about. >Freetards (not all Linux users, just your type) who don't think beyond "open source = more secure" Open source != secure. This was never the stated claim. >How does compromise happen if not by developers? Vulnerabilities don't come out of thin air, retard. They're added by developers. The more developers, the more vulnerabilities added, on accident and on purpose. You're variable-retarded. There are more variables to the equation than the number of developers. You're being purposefully obtuse to push your contrarian narrative. >You thought your tranny OS protected you from state-level attackers Literally never stated once, still lying to push your narrative. >That's not "an analogy," that's moving the goalposts to another planet. Once again demonstrating you have no clue what an analogy is. ESL? >I said if the state wants you pwned, it doesn't matter what you use, you are fucked. It depends on the state in question retard. >I did not say they want to "just because." This isn't even a coherent followup to what you just said. How is the reason the state wants to compromise your machine even relevant in this context? Are you fucking brain dead? >They want to compromise valuable targets like multinational companies that run Linux. They don't care about >>973243 or his Windows 7 gaming. So you have no clue how machines even get compromised in the first place then, this is starting to make a lot of sense. >You chomped my bait hook, line, and sinker, proving you disingenuous. I noticed you're ignorant with an ego, so I laid a trap, swapping the letters from XZ to ZX to ensnare this lie. Hahahaha >You repeated ZX twice (not a typo), claiming you're "well aware of it" while proving you aren't. I followed the story plenty, I don't care that I don't remember the exact naming of some compression software. You're really digging your hole even deeper here. >Another? State-sponsored intelligence agencies like the NSA are all over Linux. >Another? The Linux Foundation had 15600 people and over 1400 companies contributing to just the kernel in 2017. It's higher now. Their names and accounts and commit histories are public. Those 1400 plus companies all have something to gain from compromising Linux. Anyone can target them with bribes or blackmail, especially state-sponsored attackers. >Another? Around 6 million programmers know C and Linux is C with public code. >Another? Linux users attack Windows 7 users for mentioning it. Beneficiaries of Linux backdoors gain from this and would be as "desperate to shill for newer versions of tranny OS" (>>973514) as you. You're probably a freetard making Linux your personality to talk down to people like >>973243 but the consistency and magnitude of general hostility is suspicious on a slow site with federal attention. >Another? Linux had 27.8 million lines of public code in just the kernel in 2020. It has a mile-wide attack surface. Not a single one of these is evidence of compromised software. Try again. >You're wasting hours of time you could better spend than by burying yourself in fallacies. I'm not sure how fast you read and write but it's bizarre you think my end of this conversation took hours of my time. >Lmao. Your narrative isn't disingenuous, but numbers are! Get filthy facts and foolish figures out of here. Correct, misrepresenting data to support a narrative is disingenuous. Did you know that 1 in ever 4 homeless people are women? >You literally thought CVEs were open vulnerabilities. I'm baffled that you don't know what a CVE is. >Your definition of evidence doesn't matter when every court, every dictionary, and every encyclopedia disagree. They don't. >Any time? No, known times. If you're demonstrating evidence of it being compromised it's necessarily known. >Windows 7 users always play defense to the narrative.
[Expand Post]There isn't really a defense. If your software is proprietary it by nature has to be assumed to be malicious. >Lmao, as if fucking Dark Souls 3 is comparable to Windows. Windows is the proprietary software like Linux is the open source software. Once again demonstrating you don't understand the concept of an analogy. >You spent hours shilling an OS over the comment "Windows 7 forever." Do you type with one finger or something? >The "known factors" Emily's single, on vacation, and owns an isolated house give robbers unpunished power to rob her. They make her weaker. If they're "unknown factors," she's stronger. I have a rifle. I tell you it isn't loaded. Are you going to let me point it at you and pull the trigger?
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>>973999 Wasted trips on this faggot ass
Not really news but I couldn't think of anywhere else to post it. NOA has terminally shit taste and thinks Hyrule Warriors would suck so bad it would make Zelda bad by association. https://nintendoeverything.com/nintendo-of-america-apparently-had-concerns-about-hyrule-warriors/
>>974233 They're afraid Kekmo will add tits to it
Following up the Vimm mess from a couple of weeks ago: https://vimm.net/bbs/?p=viewPost&Post=33470 1 - all ROMs are back up 2 - the DMCA was real, sent by 'opsecsecurity' on behalf of big N 3 - the DMCA was about the cover images the site used, so he just turned those off for DMCA'd entries 4 - 'opsecsecurity' uses some sort of AI image detector
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Gacha revenue for Apr and May 2024.
>>974312 >AI image detector How annoying.
>>974312 I'm glad that's solved Vimms a cool guy.
>>974320 >Gacha makes as much money as the GPD of a small nation Such a gross waste of wealth.
>>974320 I will never understand the mindset of a whale.
>>974320 >FGO finally was dethroned Holy fucking shit >Star Rail THAT HIGH, even surpassing Genshin Holy shit >That GIGANTIC dip in Genshin revenue Fucking retards deserve it after all they have done to fuck it >WuWa that high Lets see, probably a fad or a genshin contender in the middle or long run >Naruto Gacha Shit >AK climbing up what happened now? >Solo leveling meme gacha Ill give it at least 1 year before it finally crashes down and closes, like that naruto shit >GFL that low and still thriving and online Fucking yuzhong and his black magic, im still waiting for GFL2 >DMC STILL ALIVE FUCK
>>974341 Addiction, no self control, nothing going on in his life.
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>>974320 <despair.jpg
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>>974652 THIS. THIS IS THE VIDEO I'VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR YEARS. This is a prime example of why you don't play Gacha. It's Lol but microtransations are like this.
>>973883 Alpine Linux will normally be used in combination with containerized glibc software: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux.
With all the shit microsoft keeps doing with windows, I see no reason for casual users to continue using it. Games used to be an "own" to using linux but steam has pushed proton a long way by brute force. Unless you're in a profession that requirse a windows ecosystem or software that simply will not run on anything but windows, there's no excuse to keep using it. For your average soccer mom that checks facebook marketplace, zoomer that goes on instagram, and shitposter that complains about games instead of playing them, linux provides all the functionality you need.
Windows 7 can't run games that Proton can, therefore Linux wins.
>>974790 Someone needs to port wine to windows so it can run games as well as linux can, then the tranny OS would be truly btfo'd.
>>974793 This has actually already been done. https://github.com/otya128/winevdm But only for 16 bit games
>>973212 >Everything you browse is streaming to Microsoft Well achshually, they claim (i.e. lie) that each instance is local.
>>974772 He's coming for you anon. prepare your anus
>>973301 >heads Not Tails?
>>974320 For reference, Dragon's Dogma 2 made two hundred and ten million with three million copies sold at 70 bux a piece.
>>974233 It's a Warriors game, and worse, one that isn't an original IP. They all suck and are cheap tie-ins. >>974766 >For your average soccer mom that checks facebook marketplace, zoomer that goes on instagram, and shitposter that complains about games instead of playing them, linux provides all the functionality you need. So it doesn't provide enough functionality for people that actually play games?
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Why does this always happen in the minor news thread, why do the vols never clean up this place
I am now thoroughly convinced that when I get a real computer, my best option for moving over is to just stay on Wangblows 10 and find whatever "remove the fucking telemetry, even after updates" program I can.
>>974833 >just stay on Wangblows 10 and find whatever "remove the fucking telemetry, even after updates" program I can Anon, it's called using Windows 7.
>>974836 Too much work to get lots of games to run. See >>974790 >>974793 If it can run less than even Linux, It's going to be even more of a pain than Linux to get shit working.
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>>974844 Which OS is pic related? Asking for a friend
>>974844 openSUSE is cute
>>974841 >Too much work to get lots of games to run. Such as...? In my experience, the only games that I cannot get to properly work on W7 are games released back when DOS was still in use.
>>974850 Probably means DX 12 and DX 12 Ultimate games, though very few of those are good
>>974849 Momo... Too bad? the artist left her to rot.
>>974851 Good for you! Happy transition as well, remember to dilate everyday!
>>974860 If that is the case, how about using this workaround: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2875607478 I haven't used it myself because the "newest" games I have on my PC was released in 2019 (DoA6), and it's still compatible with W7.
>>974870 Yeah, DXVK is popular, and is a big component of every OS nowadays. I'd say what the latest game on my PC is but I had to abandon basically everything I owned a while back and I'm stuck phone fagging cause I'm extremely bored and I got nothing to do right now.
>>974870 >modern windows 7 gaming is literally just translating api calls into vulkan exactly like linux Heh
>>974828 >So it doesn't provide enough functionality for people that actually play games? It plays the games I care about, and a lot of the ones I don't care about. I wont bother listing them all because that's what the proton database is for.
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CTR is now playable online via Duckstation. Since the devs are fags requiring you to use AIDScord to download the files I took the liberty of pre-patching the latest build: https://gofile.io/d/4bOvdf HOW TO PLAY >Configure Duckstation's settings (copy-pasted from their tutorial) Interface -> Pause on Focus Loss: Disabled Console -> 8 MB RAM: Enabled Console -> Enable Cheats: Disabled Console -> Execution Mode: New Recompiler (experimental) Console -> Enable Clock Speed Control (enable the checkbox) Console -> Slide bar set to 400% Console -> Read Speedup -> 10x (20x speed) Console -> Seek Speedup -> Infinite Graphics -> Aspect Ratio 16:9 Gamepads -> Must be ALL set to "Not Connected" (except for Player 1) >If you already set an individual game setting for CTR, clear it >Run game >Open Client.exe >Enter your name >Pick server >Wait for others to join if you're the first to enter the room >Pick a track when ready FOR HOSTFAGS USING Server.exe (also copy-pasted) Download and compile the source from GitHub under Microsoft Visual Studio: https://github.com/CTR-tools/CTR-ModSDK Follow the instructions in the program to host. Select a port in the port ranges and forward your entered port over UDP in your modem/router. Public users running client.exe can now enter your IP address via the Private Lobby option. Honestly this might be big enough news to warrant its own thread since this is another option for gamenights, but whatever.
>>974933 Thank you anon, you're a saint amongst men.
>>974312 Another update for this from a few days ago. >I received a follow-up notice today from mm-nintendo.com correcting the wording (and grammar) of the originals. Here's the new text >This notice is provided pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 USC § 512. I write to report that the website listed below includes links to images and downloads that infringe on copyrights owned by Nintendo of America Inc. A full list of URLs with infringing materials is below. In addition, the site displays Nintendo’s trademarks and other intellectual property (including characters) which is likely to lead to consumer confusion >The referenced downloads have been permanently removed https://archive.is/ihyPF
>>975017 If only Nintendo had a virtual market to allow people to buy these games on modern hardware for PC and phones.
Luciano/Niggerpill Don't reply
The Xbox website revealed the games leaving Xbox Game Pass in June are High on Life, Rune Factory 4 Special, Bramble: The Mountain King, Spacelines from the Far Out and The Bookwalker: Thief of Tales.
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>>975021 Nintendo doesn't want people playing their games on PC's or Phones. They want complete and total control of their ecosystem, and what their costumers are allowed to have. If there is one good thing about Nintendo at least they're consistent. Since they've been this way since the 80's where they implemented the Nintendo Seal of quality, which let you know if a game went through their official channels of licensing. Which they took Atrai to court over, and won which resulted in Atari's Tengen subsidiary being legally forced to stop production of their unlicensed Cartridges. This kind of control of their market is probably a key part of their success, but it would be nice if they would get with the times eventually and understand they're not going to ever be able to stop Emulators, and piracy. It's just a matter of fact that if Nintendo officially put out their games on PC officially, people would buy them. People want to pay for the games that they like, if the process of doing so isn't inconvenient. We'll just have to see what happens with the Switch successor. The Switch was a great seller sure, but will they be able to offer something new that people feel they have no choice but to buy? Is their Anti Piracy going to work better this time? Will Emulation developers be smarter next time and not screw up like the Yuzu devs?
>>975549 I uh, think you mean to use the word boogieman.
Yakuza 2 Restored Not as drastic of a change as Yakuza 1 restored, but it's nice it exists. Basically it reverts many localization changes, and enhances the quality of FMV cutscenes. https://mega.nz/file/5DEw0RBI#xx9NZCc8qbeOD-ee_0ChdaN8F4TFmqD-Kqg06p0uOTI https://archive.org/details/yakuza-2-restored https://github.com/marco-calautti/DeltaPatcher/releases/tag/v3.1.5 Here is the link to Yakuza 1 restored as well. https://mega.nz/file/dCE2nDba#MPjN-18W-IUSrCV4rD3G20G0aH5p1Vd3ScWM0PJS_vg https://archive.org/details/yakuza-restored
>>975263 >Nintendo doesn't want people playing their games on PC's or Phones Pokemon GO. Mario runner.
>>976079 Bless be ye anon, I can finally start playing the Yakuza series.
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>>973180 Micro$oft has finally backtracked on having their AI image-recognition screenshotting spyware switched on by default https://web.archive.org/web/20240607231712/https://www.theregister.com/2024/06/07/microsoft_recall_changes/ https://web.archive.org/web/20240607230336/https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/7/24173499/microsoft-windows-recall-response-security-concerns https://web.archive.org/web/20240607235350/https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd11rje1mrro I only wish Wine could finally git gud and be able to run Adobe programs. Maybe a few more years. Micro$oft is still committed to cannibalizing their own operating system for the sake of "AI" hype and data mining & brokering (literally selling out their own users, same strategy as Facebook) in order to entice investors. I think by the time Windows 11 LTSC 2024 is rendered obsolete at its EOL in 2034, we should be able to at least run the Adobe CS6 (2012) lineup on Wine.
>>977705 5 bucks says it secretly goes on in an update (or is otherwise already doing it in secret anyways)
>>977705 Photoshop doesn't run on WINE?
Has anyone mentioned Civ VII got announced? Does anybody care? I don't even know anyone who bothered to play Civ VI.
>>977707 Wouldn't be that much of a shock and would explain why there has been so many insane and consistent data breachs over the last decade (besides the obvious inside agents and saboteurs whuch I'm sure are also happening) Just imagine someone fucking around with the "telemetry data" stream and finding it literally is a million snapshots of everything someone has done on their computer while its on plus keylog too boot. No amount of security or software proficiency will keep you safe if they can quite literally just get a perfect screenshot/text log for every single password or username you have ever made or use
>>977705 >I only wish Wine could finally git gud and be able to run Adobe programs. Wait, you're telling me GNU/Linuxfags can't even run flash player games?
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Nintendo attacks Vimm's lair.
>>978927 Flash works natively in Linux, stuff like Photoshop doesnt
>>979009 Anyone got a list of the games affected?
>>979009 Russia said they won't honor Western copyright including Japanese as retaliation for their sanctions. I don't understand why Westerners still host ROMs on Western web hosts when there are cheap Russian VPS's that even accept Bitcoin payments, e.g. veesp. Is Vimm is libtard cuck who supports Ukraine or something and still uses an Amerilard/Western host for this kind of stuff? >ipwatchdog.com/2022/03/16/russian-businesses-can-now-legally-steal-intellectual-property-unfriendly-countries/id=147528/ >old.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/127dbeg/dmitry_medvedev_called_on_russians_to_pirate/ >www.newsweek.com/ex-russian-president-suggests-japanese-officials-commit-suicide-1865342
Some new Forever Winter gameplay with an overview of the game mechanics. Seems this new build they're showcasing is still pretty janky but much improved in terms of animations and framerate.
>>974933 Update for this: You can now download the patch from their website. Which they should've done in the first fucking place. https://www.online-ctr.com/downloads/
>>970481 >>970485 >No one will give a shit, the same way nobody gave a shit about Darkest Dungeon 2, and neo twewy >Most launches that started on Epic first and then translated to Steam flunked hard either way.
>>980015 Alright wiseass, now show me the numbers for Ashen, Darkest Dungeon 2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, that one Metro game, and Salt & Sacrifice. Kingdom Hearts is a massive fucking outlier and you know it.
>>980017 This wasn't about, any of those other games. This was about. >"No one will give a shit Kingdom Hearts is on Steam" Which was a foolish statement when it's in the top 100 best-selling Video game franchises of all time. I believe it's 63rd if Wikipedia is anything to go by, and it's practically the entire franchise all getting dropped at once. Not some spin off, not some Indy game, not only a single entry. It's just about everything right on the front page. Of course, it was going to be an outlier.
>>980024 Also, while Tiny Tina's Wonderland seemed to do eh.. in terms of sales, Metro Exodus seems to have done just fine.
>>980075 You say this practically every time people bring this shit up. I'm willing to believe some companies do this but there's no way every corp does this, hell, I know for a fact Cygames doesn't because they wouldn't take weeks to release a "we hit 2mil sales lmao" message for one of their recent games and would've just posted it week one. Do you have proof of companies forcing employees to buy copies VS giving out free copies or evidence of faked sales numbers? even partial proof or evidence of blank users/sales-to-player-count discrepancies? You say this shit like it's fact that everyone understands but never post shit to back up your arguments.
>>980075 >Will YOU address those topics, paid shill? I don't get what the hell you're yelling at me for. The discussion here was I predicted KH would be successful when it came to steam because KH1&2 are some of the most popular PS2 games of all time, and the KH fanbase is very dedicated to supporting the franchise. The other anon said nobody would care. I'm rubbing it in his face that I was obviously right. The only takeaway here is PS2 games still popular in 2024, and that this success is mostly being carried by KH1&2 since 2.8 and KH3 is much lower on the sales list then KH1.5+2.5 I used Wikipedia as a quick reference point to see where KH is on the list of top 100 best-selling franchises, since what the hell else am I supposed to get that info? If you're saying all official info in relation to sales numbers out there is fake, then any discussion about anything is meaningless, and I don't really care that much either way. This was just about Me being right, and him being wrong.
>>980105 >>980128 You are replying to Luciano, one of the schizos from the GG threads. He will ignore the content of your posts and instead call you "libtard commie tranny jew worshipers" and claim he's going to kill you after winning the race war or some other stereotypical /pol/tard fantasy.
>>980131 He's technically not even from the GG threads, he's a faggot who used to call the comment section of OAG his home until it died, then he latched onto 8chan.
If anybody gives a shit, some former ZA/UM people have come forward about the cancelled Disco Elysium sequel and all the layoffs. https://archive.is/O0wdJ Instead of DuBois coming back, it was going to be based on a "beloved" character, which judging by context was probably Cuno. A concept artist seemingly confirmed this by posting some portraits of Cuno. If you haven't played the game, Cuno is a fucked up drug addict who wants to die violently. If you take a certain path you can take him on sort of as your adoptive son and enter him into the police force with you. A lot of the fan concepts of DE2 involved Cuno as a main character and it seems like the devs felt the same way.
>>980151 Also, Chris Avellone was involved in the project. A lot of the classic Fallout guys loved DE like Avellone and Sawyer. What a fucking waste.
>>980152 Avellone got cancelled, those corpo commie fucks would have thrown him under the bus
>>980157 He wasn't buck broken and uncreative enough for them?
>>980152 >>980151 >washed up homosexuals and leftists loved a commie-made walking sim about being a retarded schizophrenic drunkard no surprise
>>980157 >>980196 To be fair, it's also been said that the commies on the team also mostly sat around having the other people do most of the work. The devs are Estonian, most I'd imagine would have no love for the system that essentially tried to erase their identity as a people.
>>980197 Could be either/or (or hell even both) based on that article. >The ousted artists have alleged financial malfeasance on the part of company management, with much of their ire focused on Tõnis Haavel, a producer on Disco Elysium who had previously been convicted of investor fraud in the developers' native Estonia in 2014. >ZA/UM studio management, meanwhile, insists that the three were fired for refusing to return to work and creating a hostile environment.
>>980151 Bit a shame, I would have liked to see them explore that kid more. What he would have been like with his abusive dad and serial killer best friend removed from his life.
If you see a sudden influx of (1) posters suddenly ranting about jews/commies/libs/cops/anything-a-parody-of-/pol/-would-reee-about in a comically aggressive way like "all kikes and libtards always are wrong and in the losing side and will be killed by >us and their children fed to dogs once >we collapse their system", or attacking users by making ridiculous claims like "you are being paid by jews to lie and >we will kill your kind soon you trannykikelibtard lover because r/Pol is always right and >we are unstopable and >we always win", report them as "Luciano" (a spammer from the now defunct OAG that shits up the GG threads and sometimes other parts of /v/) or just "spam". Similarly, if you see a sudden influx of (1) posters suddenly posting negative news about Japan, Nintendo, the vidya industry in general, COVID-19 and its vaccines, American politics or just some "pro-SJW/anti-Gamer™" culture war opinion by a literal who from Twitter and mass replying to said negative news in an overly catastrophic way like "it's over woketendo/japanistan is fully pozzed and >we lost again and >we will never be happy again and >our SJW enemies will rule the world forever and everyone is against >us and will sell >us for reddit karma and we should just give up and kill ourselves to avoid the pain of the torment >our future overlords will place on >us", report them as "niggerpill" (another spammer from the GG threads that sometimes shits up other places) or spam. In either case, a mod will see the posts to determine if they belong to one of the spammers and deal with them.
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Paradox's The Sims competitor Life By You cancelled three weeks after being delayed indefinitely. https://archive.is/Zbc4Q Can't say I'm surprised, the game didn't look very good from the trailer, watch webm related and see how rough the game looks, they couldn't even get it running well in their own damn video. What I am surprised about is how late this came, the game was meant to go into Early Access soon. The game must have been even rougher than it appeared.
>>981294 Imagine being Paradox.
>>981294 >forced to make character creation trans friendly >development is a fuckup I'm not surprised.
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An update to the Life By You situation - the studio, Tectonic, just got shut down https://archive.is/0jLG5 Not to be confused with Tectonic Games, small indie developer from Serbia.
>>981705 That explains a lot
>>981705 >>981294 They should cancel it, their sims look like babys first unreal engine character model
>>981711 They just did? Reread the posts.
Wonder how much money they wasted on that monstrosity that is Bloodloins 2
You forgot an F there monkey man! F for: "Fuck Yourself!"
>>981294 >>981705 Paradox looks like a mini-Embracer. It expanded too fast, put too much money in different projects at the expense of others, and doesn't have the creative talent in its secondary studios to make anything better than an Unreal tech demo when it comes to anything but Battletech. EU5/Caesar will be make or break.
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This completely flew under my radar but apparently a few months ago Damien Barranco, former Ubisoft animator, posted early cutscenes of the cancelled '08 version of Beyond Good and Evil 2.
>>981862 If anybody is wondering what Peyj is saying, he's laughing about about somebody making fun of some engine? It's not obvious what he's talking about, there's no context.
>>981862 >We could've had more silly adventures with Pey'j but some women decided it would become BANG BANG MOTHERFUCKERS I will never not be mad about it since E3 2016.
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>>396559 Not sure if this is real, but an activist has gotten into her claws the role of being a main writer for Metroid Prime 4: https://archive.is/dwdMQ
>>981868 She was reportedly hired four years ago so it's nothing remotely recent, and this would probably be a better fit for the Twitter GamerGate thread.
>>981868 >>981869 I don't think she's the "main writer" since nothing in the article implies that being the case.
>>981868 Looking into it, apparently they were looking for a new writer as far back as 2022. Additionally I'm pretty sure Nintendo would heavily correct any "trans" bullshit as Samus isn't an original character, and that they don't want to get involved in such things. It's usually Nintendo of America who wants to get involved in political affairs but is held back by the Japanese boomers. https://archive.ph/ocq3r
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>>981974 Vidyagames?
>>981871 She is there, and that is bad enough. That is why those freaks must be killed. They keep jumping from place to place, ruining good games.
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>>981725 should have*
>>981985 INSHALLAH
Starfield is getting review bombed because of curated mods. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1716740/Starfield/
>>982286 Anyone who bought it deserves to be scammed. Stop funding your enemies.
>>982286 Everyone should have seen that coming. Good to see it get review bombed though.
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>>982286 B-but this this obviously independent and unbiased random twitter X user said that Starfield is better than Bloodborne. He even got a thousand loves so you know it's true :^)
>>982368 Bro, did you even see what @digitaldicksucker_SA said about videogames? He turned people like us into a soyjak. That post got 3000 retweets from trannies online and at least three of them were even verified! I think I even saw Zoë Quinn retweet it. How can we ever recover from this, bros? It's so joever.
>>982368 Anon, I-
>>982368 How can he say that? Bloodborne is clearly bigger than starfield in his tweet.
>>982516 Size isn't everything, it's how you use it, and even then Starfield it's like ...uhm... at least ten thousand times bigger than Bloodborne, so it's clearly bigger and thus better :^)
>>982286 And not because it’s starfield?
>>982286 I forgot how bad Starfield's Steam rating was. And most of its positive reviews are from the first week or two of release. It's been getting more negative reviews than positive on average since October, with a brief exception in November.
>>982628 Is performance any better since launch or does the game still run like ass?
>>982634 It does run better now, but performance is hardly Starfield's biggest problem.
>>982634 I'd guess that like any bethesda shitware game it requires 2-3 mods to optimize it. And since people are familiar enough with their ancient boomer game engine they've probably gotten pretty good at fixing bethesdas mistakes by now.
>>982628 So many "people" trying to be "funny" give useless positive reviews as a joke that getting to mixed at all on Steam essentially requires a game either be non-functional, worse after an update, or free.
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>>982671 If you only count reviews from December onward, the game has stayed at a consistent 32%. It's not meme reviews that bumped up the score to Mixed, it's that "honeymoon" period before people realized Starfield sucked.
>>982688 The point is that if the game isn't literally broken steam is so full of shit like pic related thinking they're funny a game can't drop under 70% mostly positive threshold unless it really, really fucks up.
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>>982688 >honeymoon period Nah, its Todd and his sweet little lies applying to reviews, or did you forget that he's in bed with Valve?
>>981868 Looks like the kind of person who thinks 'Samus should be Ellen Ripley".
>>982727 It’s weird how common this meme is. Is it because of Metroid’s ay lmao inspiration?
>>983070 It's because people are so bankrupt creatively their only frame of reference for "Woman fighting aliens in space" is Ripley.
>>982727 im the kind of person that thinks "Samus has feather pubes"
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Total War: ROME II and Creative Assembly — My Statement Ten Years On https://medium.com/@julianmckinlay/total-war-rome-ii-and-creative-assembly-my-statement-ten-years-on-d964f65b0a8f https://archive.ph/fa03Q Guy was basically made a scapegoat for the incompetence of the design team and leadership. Some highlights: >Design team spent a lot of time on the cinematic, third-person camera for units >Upset that no one in testing used it, so they tired to implement a buff for the unit when using the camera mode >Got pushback saying using a camera mode shouldn't influence the outcome of the battle >Design team compromised by giving no buff to the unit, but LIE to the player saying it would so people would use it to try and save face >Button to this day says it gives a small buff but no one actually knows if it does or not. >Implement a true line of sight feature >AI will need to account for this new feature and work begins working on the AI >Actually no, design team steps in and says don't bother since “the players won’t be able to tell the difference” >Design team believes AI needs to be dumb by design since "players enjoyed being able to dominate the AI and that we shouldn’t deprive them of that." >Added a capture point to land battles >Unanimous agreement on the design team on this decision to prevent corner camping >Even before launch, it got criticised and on launch people shat all over it >Members on the design team 180'd and even said they always thought it was a bad idea >Also during development, the AI never had dedicated AI crafted for the capture point as "because the AI already sort of handled it by accident and this was seen as good enough by design leadership." >Had to make "vertical slices" to show off for marketing >All of these were fake and heavily scripted >This repeatedly happened and was encouraged by leadership >Every time they had to create a vertical slice it would take away for dev time >All theses vertical slices and marketing contributed to the poor launch of Rome 2 There's a lot more in the article and I don't see it being discussed anywhere, it's quite a long read.
>>983485 Yeah I saw this the other day. Really confirms everything I had suspicions of. Rome 2 was fugged long before it released. >Guy was basically made a scapegoat for the incompetence of the design team and leadership The more I hear about CA, the more I hate them. Seeing the decline of Total War to its current state is depressing.
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OneDrive is silently enabled by default on new Windows 11 installations with Microsoft accounts set up <neowin.net/news/windows-11-is-now-automatically-enabling-onedrive-folder-backup-without-asking-permission/ <techspot.com/news/103544-onedrive-data-synchronization-windows-11-now-automatic.html <reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1dnr3p7/windows_11_is_now_automatically_enabling_onedrive/ >Microsoft has made OneDrive slightly more annoying for Windows 11 users. Quietly and without any announcement, the company changed Windows 11's initial setup so that it could turn on the automatic folder backup without asking for it. >Now, those setting up a new Windows computer the way Microsoft wants them to (in other words, connected to the internet and signed into a Microsoft account) will get to their desktops with OneDrive already syncing stuff from folders like Desktop Pictures, Documents, Music, and Videos. It's worth noting OneDrive does not have zero-knowledge encryption, files are routinely scanned by Microsoft for illegal content, and they have not made any commitment not to train text documents for LLM ("AI") Training or sell sensitive information to data brokers and intelligence agencies.
https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=WgdRaicE0nw Dead Rising is getting a remaster
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>>983921 >They replaced TJ Rotolo
New Steam controller >>983929 HE AIN'T MY BOY BUT THE BRUTHA IS HEAVY
>>983956 Unless it has hall effect joysticks it's DoA.
>>983960 I hope it does, but we'll see
Yume Nikki turns 20 And nobody is celebrating, sad.
(42.75 KB 254x428 boa whoa.gif)

>>983973 >And nobody is celebrating Probably because Yume Nikki is a cryptic proto-walking sim with almost no gameplay. I say this as somebody who actually enjoys it, just don't expect younger anons to care outside of the game's cultural significance.
>>983973 I never got into it
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>>983973 Remember the awful 2018 Dream Diary remake? It was so bad it had gamebreaking bugs at launch, but the art was pretty good. I have the diary pages and doodles if anyone wants them.
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>>983985 >If the design is realistic its scarier
(78.47 KB 1080x1056 I WAS JUST LISTENIN'.jpeg)

>>983974 It's a sad fate, Yume Nikki is basically the hipster-bait of the next generation (like the mother/earthbound series for those born in the 80s and 90s) with a bunch of pretentious contrarian dickheads occupying 9 out of every 10 "fans" of said game forever condemning it and it's attributes to be either universally despised or arbitrariy/falsely "loved" out of spite Same shit also happened with the Silent Hill series to a point
spiritual successor to Dark Messiah got announced
(2.65 MB 1553x1021 Diary-Docks.png)

(2.65 MB 1553x1021 Diary_Fields.png)

(2.56 MB 1553x1021 Diary_Mall.png)

(2.54 MB 1553x1021 Diary_School.png)

(2.60 MB 1553x1021 Diary_Shotengai.png)

>>983985 >I have the diary pages and doodles if anyone wants them. Yes please.
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(855.22 KB 572x888 Diary_EmanOman.png)

(757.77 KB 539x928 Diary_Fisherman.png)

>>984048 Can't upload .zip files so I'll dump them here.
(910.32 KB 620x876 Diary_Floyag.png)

(873.57 KB 603x928 Diary_Ghost.png)

(818.44 KB 555x869 Diary_HenkeiShita.png)

(869.04 KB 555x869 Diary_KyuuKyuu.png)

(785.11 KB 560x865 Diary_Madotsuki.png)

(812.47 KB 614x905 Diary_MadotsukiEyesClosed.png)

(794.78 KB 539x928 Diary_MadotsukiUmbrella.png)

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(850.95 KB 506x934 Diary_Maussan.png)

>>984062 3/7 The mannequin was an enemy in the game, but I don't remember if it has an OG YN counterpart.
(714.44 KB 605x855 Diary_Monoe.png)

(787.01 KB 539x928 Diary_Monoko.png)

(860.24 KB 552x897 Diary_MonokoNormal.png)

(786.80 KB 605x855 Diary_Onsen.png)

(739.24 KB 575x856 Diary_Organoid.png)

(829.70 KB 496x931 Diary_Pirori.png)

(724.28 KB 605x855 Diary_Pissipissini.png)

(891.21 KB 623x919 Diary_Poniko.png)

(755.87 KB 625x933 Diary_ShadowPeople.png)

(824.38 KB 555x869 Diary_Strober.png)

>>984064 5/7 Monoe, Monoko and the shadow people were enemies too.
(774.11 KB 555x869 Diary_Tokuto.png)

(913.02 KB 624x921 Diary_Toriningens.png)

(832.48 KB 601x888 Diary_TrainPassenger.png)

(788.03 KB 629x868 Diary_Uboa.png)

(871.88 KB 567x883 Diary_WalkingEye.png)

>>984066 6/7 Would you a mad Toriningen?
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(492.71 KB 1024x1024 Masada_Art.png)

(4.41 MB 1920x1080 yn_21.png)

(3.76 MB 2630x1312 yn_57.png)

(3.51 MB 1920x1080 yn_17.png)

>>984067 7/7 And that's all. Have 3 miscellaneous YN fan wallpapers as well.
>>984034 >somewhere out there there is probably a flat screen with lolicunny burnt into it I hope if there is then it's Lain's.
https://archive.is/UWbC4 Who's a fan of Clock Tower here?
>>984088 >that pic a little out of date Silent Hill isn't dead currently, altho I sure we all wish it was at this point. Metal Gear is currently kicking around with that MGS3 Remake, the future after that remains to be seen. Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, Golden Axe All making a comeback, although I can totally see Golden Axe just not actually materializing into anything after that trailer. I don't know if you'd call F-Zero 99 a comeback since it's not entirely a new game, but people are playing it. A few of those inclusions on the list are questionable, since is two games really a franchise? Ristar is literary just one game, why is that even listed as if it's a franchise? might as well be disapointed Bubsy outlived Bonanza Bros
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>>984035 >no gameplay Still, id like to play more games like dark messiah, shame we wont have best girl cheering us on.
(4.32 MB 1280x720 speed.webm)

>>984035 I love Dark Messiah but if this new game is actually that slow and "cinematic" with that few enemies and in areas that small I'm going to either give it a pass or wait until someone mods it into an actual action game. Also not thrilled by the fact that there are two (2) enemy types in the trailer plus one unseen enemy which I can only assume is a troll of some description. Still cautiously optimistic, though. Reveal trailers don't necessarily mean much (for better or worse) and I have hope that someone making a game that's not even trying trying to hide that it's a DM knockoff would also appreciate why DM is an enduring cult classic. >>984094 Dark Messiah set the bar pretty high by giving you a literal semen demon for a female lead. God bless the French. I made a quick and dirty webm of the combat sequences at 125% speed out of curiosity if anyone is interested; some animations came out a bit janky but I think my point is clear. As an aside, those are also some of the most boring goblins I have ever seen; they look like upscaled asset rips from Oblivion.
(7.49 MB 1280x720 dark messiah.webm)

>>984107 Yeah, compared to DM its lacking in speed and fluidity, even though thats just a cutscene. >Dark Messiah set the bar pretty high by giving you a literal semen demon for a female lead. God bless the French. Xana is a great character, i normally find succubi pretty lame, but god damn, is it satisfying to hear her be impressed by your indiana jones bullshit.
>>984035 >Spiritual successor <It won't have sex appeal <No sexual innuendo <No sexy seductress companion <Probably QTE's <A lot of scripted shit <Buffs and save states everywhere <No gameplay depth even compared to the original from 20 years ago Screencap this shit.
Remember that submarine horror game Iron Lung? Apparently it's getting a movie. This news is a few months old now but I never heard about it. How the hell will they adapt it, though? The game has almost no dialogue, to be a proper adaptation it would have to be really arthouse and inaccessible to a general audience, and I don't see that happening within the modern horror film genre.
>>984173 >Directed by Markiplier What.
>>984182 Not only is he directing it, he turned down starring in the FNAF movie so he could do so. He seems to really believe in the project. Though he has been in TV and film before he's never directed anything, so who knows what to expect. The stars turning into reflections in blood in a clever bit of filmmaking, though.
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>>984173 >10-minute short indie horror game about isolation with no dialogue and a single jumpscare >turn it into a feature-length film Uhhh...
>>984194 If you are skilled enough, yes, you can turn short indie video games into true cinema. This is probably one of the stupidest posts to be made with the number of shorts out there that have sparked creations keeping the pozzed industry alive, and Asia in particular turning terrible web novels and RPGMaker games into worldwide phenomena. This is just the West playing cultural catchup.
>>984210 Cultural mustard is superior.
>>984210 I didn't say you can't turn short indie games into movies, I'm saying the premise is ruined by expanding it into a fully-fledged story. Iron Lung works as a short game because it gives the player very little to work with both mechanically and in terms of information, and the small amount of information you're given about the world itself paints a very dull picture with little hope to be found. Providing more information or explaining more about the world or the monster at the end or the big ocean of blood or why all the planets disappeared detracts from the flexibility of those surreal concepts, and ultimately makes what works as a short horror story less scary. Changing it from a game where you, the player, are alone and isolated in a claustrophobic environment to a movie where there are actual people who are (presumably) talking and doing shit changes the mood immensely. That's just my opinion though and if I get proven wrong by Markiplier of all people I'll jump off a pier and do a backflip.
>>984236 I'd say start training to do that backflip then anon. Markiplier might be a funny meme youtuber most of the time but he's clearly got talent of some sort to have lasted this long and has been doing fancier projects the past several years. I think he's got a good chance of making it good. Not some 10/10 masterpiece most likely, but definitely a 7.5-8.5 range kind of thing, even if it is mostly serious acting in a confined space.
(20.06 MB 480x270 iron lung machinima.webm)

>>984236 There are multiple factors in Markiplier's favor. >Iron Lung's setup is essentially a "locked in a room" bottle production, meaning that it will be cheap and easy as fuck to make. >Markiplier is an autistic furry who isn't a studio exec who has a fair amount of creative control, understands the source material, and has the involvement of the original creator >horror lol >the concept is way too cool and automatically sells the film alone >Markiplier has past experience with VFX-filled productions, it was probably his space-themed CYOA that convinced him he should jump on it >Iron Lung's minimalist nature allows for a ton of leeway in creative interpretation If people want to watch a playthrough of the game on YT they can do that. The point of a film adaptation is to expand upon the original source material. If you want to keep the mystery of the entire "prisoner is sent to die in a dingy submersible in a sea of blood" setup confined to a textdump, play the original game. Even other fan adaptations do this, a lot of players want to learn more about the COI.
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Shantae swimsuit edition.
>>983973 Is Yume 2kki any good?
>>984424 Wayforward is BACK
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>>985030 >Prequel
>>985030 Does anyone remember a competitive online shooter set in the legacy of kain universe? It was early access and probably lasted 6 months
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>>985037 Nevermind. I suddenly remembered the name. What a mess this franchise has become. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=JSWA1JpCpBo
This isn't even really news, more something somebody noticed. https://teyon.elevato.net/en/regularsenior-c-game-programmer,j,127 The guys behind Terminator: Resistance and Robocop: Rogue City are making an RPG. This is known because they put up a job listing for it.
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>>986265 Guess I'll replay it for the 20th time
>>986278 >Pic related Found a new babysitter

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