
Rules of /v/

1 : No spamming, flooding, raiding, or botting. Do not call for, advocate, post, or link to dox. /v/ is not your personal army.
2 : You must be 18+ years old to post on /v/.
3 : Not-safe-for-work pictures are allowed (including loli), but only if spoilered. This includes any exposed genitals of any kind. If you are not sure whether something is safe for work or not, err on the side of caution and spoiler it. Porn dumps (3+ posts with spoilered or unspoilered NSFW pictures) will be allowed one thread at a time until a video game porn board takes over.
4 : Meta threads about 8chan, halfchan, /v/, its policies, bans, and users outside of the cyclic thread will be deleted. Exceptions may be allowed in case of important developments regarding 8chan. If you have objections to the rules, suggestions for new ones, need to contact us directly, or want to discuss a meta issue with the moderation, please contact the /v/ staff at markthejanny@tutanota.com.
5 : If you make a duplicate thread, it may get deleted, merged or bumplocked, provided the preexisting thread has not hit the bump limit. Continuation threads (i.e., threads about broad topics that are constantly remade) will be deleted if they are made before the previous thread hits 500 posts or Page 13 to keep the front page from being cluttered with the same discussions. The exception being the GG thread which needs to hit 700 posts to due its high activity.
6 : Ban evasion will get you banned again.
7 : Threads made in a template fashion (Foolz posting) and console war bullshit like "PC will never EVER get Bloodborne" will result in thread deletion
8 : If you are deliberately shitting up, constantly derailing a certain thread, or excessively using an avatar persona, you may be banned and your posts may be deleted.
9 : E-celeb threads are only allowed if it's a single general thread to contain discussion. E-celeb-related news that is big enough to warrant discussion (for example, something that has an impact on the industry) may be allowed.
10 : Dubs are allowed, but are limited to one dubs post and one reroll. If the post history contains only dubs, the posts will be deleted regardless of how many posts the user has. Do not post dubs in legitimate threads or generals. Dubsbombing a thread because you do not like the game or the discussion will be considered spam.
11 : GamerGate threads are allowed, but only one thread at a time. If you want a dedicated thread to discuss a specific GamerGate topic, please go to the respective GamerGate boards;
12 : If you dislike something, use the Filter and Hide functions - only report a thread or a post if it is breaking a rule;
13 : Embedding a monetized YouTube video in the OP may result in a volunteer editing your post to replace the video and / or add a mirror / WebM thereto;
14 : Discussion of visual novels and mobile gaming is allowed;
15 : /v/ is a board for video games and gaming culture. The 8chan Global Rules is in effect. In addition, keep it vidya-related per the board's subject matter.

Remember that no matter the rules of the board, all global rules apply