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Meta thread Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 23:36:47 Id: b860c1 No. 1076 [Reply]
The thread where anons bitch and or suggest ideas to improve the board. I hereby take ownership of this board effective immediately. -Vamp
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>>1165 It is an awful idea. I cannot fix her but that doesn't stop my dick from liking pale, long black haired women.
>>1166 Well. Shit bro.

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Looking for games Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 02:53:51 Id: a89658 No. 1139 [Reply]
Seeking others to play with, but just not finding the right ones elsewhere? Post your desired game/system and any other relevant details here for others to see!

Yu-Gi-Oh Anonymous 07/17/2023 (Mon) 21:39:17 Id: ec859a No. 898 [Reply] [Last]
My apologies if this doesn't go here. This board doesn't have a thread for this game, even though we know a lot of people here play either master duel, the tag force/world championship games or in real life. Here's some links anyway, the game is actually pretty easy to understand. >Master Duel <https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel This is the official simulator, made by KONMAI itself. Very F2P friendly if you want to build a certain deck (or just buy 3 structures, also very cheap, with dragonmaid and zombie being the best ones), and recent changes have made the experience "on-rails", so just download it and give it a go. Your first purchases should be the staples: Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Maxx C, Infinite Impermanence, Called by the Grave and Crossout Designator. These go in every deck, and you need 3 of each besides Called by the Grave (2) and Crossout Designator (1) >EDO Pro <https://projectignis.github.io/download.html The best unofficial simulator bar none, really fast with updates, runs on potato computers/phones and you can customize just about everything for free. Not a lot of people playing online though, but at least it's chinese-free.

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>>1199 Former BO here. I fucking love six sam and these cards are making me very happy. Just having more synchro monsters outside of Shi en is already great but all this searching is also good. One of them is just a re print of shi en but that is fine. I really hope gateway doesn't get banned. Please konami let me have fun.
>>1200 Isn't that card a bit too slow for the current game at the moment?
>>1201 I wouldn't know. I am not a very competitive player. It is currently limited though which I think is perfectly fine.

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Miniature painting Anonymous 11/22/2022 (Tue) 00:33:35 Id: 0cbd14 No. 521 [Reply] [Last]
Post miniatures that you have painted. Here are my plague boys and ultraboys.
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Painted this guy last week and I thought I did a pretty meh job. Not really good and a few white spots missing but its doable. I do like the potions on the back and the robe but the staff was just awful. It doesn't help that I had a hard time making out what the fuck half of it was supposed to be.
>>1155 Looking at it some more I think I applied way too much wash.
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Haven't posted here in a while so i might as well do that now. First pic I am not entirely happy with. Second pic I tried painting the skirt and legs first and it was way more pleasant. Especially since I kinda just covered the legs in brown and stopped caring about where the pants start and where the boots start. Not my best work in the world but I think its perfectly fine.

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GW raising prices, AGAIN. Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 08:24:34 Id: 92f978 No. 1189 [Reply]
https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/05/07/2024-pricing-update/ >The price changes for individual products will vary, but in most countries the average change will be between 3% and 5%.* As an example of what you can expect, a squad of Necron Warriors goes up $2 from $50 to $52, £30 to £31.50, and €40 to €41 (or local currency equivalent). > In Sweden and Norway, the average price change will be between 8% and 14%. Well fuck me for being a Nordic I guess. This was entirely expected but I still want to announce it.
Considering how much they charge for plastic crack already, and in the face of increasingly more commonplace 3D printing, this seems like a bad idea. While they are obviously trying to protect their bottom line they've already burned a lot of the faith their customer base has in them and even people who might argue that more recent changes to things like lore and whatnot are subjectively good or bad no body can argue a price hike is not objectively worse. Considering the price increase in your area is likely double or more what other regions are seeing Faggot OP do you have an idea of where you could import from to defray some of the additional cost? Also, we should probably have a News thread to congregate things like this and WoTC hiring pinkertons under.
>>1190 Well thankfully for me I don't buy GW anymore. Worst case scenario this will just make the secondary/used market slightly more expensive for me. As for a news thread, I don't want to have one. Considering how small the board is I am not really seeing a reason not to just make a new thread for any and all news. If this place somehow gets big again then we could make a single news thread but not yet.

who has played multiple systems? Anonymous 06/20/2020 (Sat) 07:08:01 No. 1 [Reply]
I've only gamed Palladium and GURPS so far. I want to try FATAL
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>>751 also vtm 1st 2nd and 3rd. Adventure! dnd 3.5
Played, (& Ran) D&D 2, 3, 3.5, Pathfinder, 5 Mutants & Masterminds 2E Nechronica Monster of the Week Edge of the Empire I'd like to try some GURPS though the resolution system seems boring. Also, want to try Cthulutech. Feng Shui 2E could also be cool. Cyberpunk 2020 as well.
>>1 I've played...GURPS, Cyberpunk 2020, VtM, Palladium, OSR D&D, D&D 3.PF, PF2e, M&M, the FFG Warhammer 40ks, at least one of the d20 Star Wars games, Eclipse Phase, and some others that I'm drawing a blank on.

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Is chess a wargame? Anonymous 10/06/2023 (Fri) 21:01:55 Id: a164cd No. 1046 [Reply]
A very simple question. Does chess technically count as a wargame? I think it does, Its not like any other wargame but you do have 2 armies facing off against each other, only instead of controlling territory or wiping the other guy out you are just supposed to kill the king. I think it counts.
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>>1046 That's very interesting, OP. I suppose chess could count as a wargame, though that's only because of the loose aesthetic of ancient warfare. You could easily change the piece names and the war connection would be much less obvious. But ultimately yes, I do think it counts. So, the King is a beta who eats absolute shit while the Queen is the most powerful piece. What do you think that relationship is like?
>>1172 >spoiler Hardcore (but loving) pegging obviously
>>1172 Of course it's a wargame, it is fundamentally a game of tactics. Now that being said, i have played another board game called uh the hound and the fox? I dont know. And that had a similar intent in that it taught thinking, but had an animalistic hunting analogy going on.

MTG Anonymous 08/11/2022 (Thu) 03:12:13 No. 483 [Reply]
Gathering just like middle school
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Yugioh player here. I heard Mtg spoiler season never end for the past year. We do get weekly spoiler/ card preview but this year there is a 1 month period of preview drought from early February this year.
>>1100 Blatant plagiarism like this in the internet era confuses me. You're gonna get caught and you're gonna get a very public shaming. Especially for something so high profile. Surely they've seen plagiarists getting caught themselves, do people think they're magically immune?
>>1178 It is doubly confusing since he did so much to try and hide it. Like he could have put all that effort towards just drawing some stairs.

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Everyone is John Anonymous 08/26/2023 (Sat) 21:29:43 Id: 4de9a6 No. 999 [Reply]
>Be Castro, dedicated communist and revolutionary. >Stuck inside the head of some guy named John. >Unknown to me is that there are 2 other voices in here. >One is Christian Weston Chandler, the other is Jimmy the demon. >We all wake up at a aquarium. >I gain control first. >I see the penguins. >I fucking hate penguins. >I tell John to preach to the penguins. >He marches up to the exhibit and he ..... pussies out and goes back to the bench. >I almost lose control. >After re asserting control I make him ask a nearby woman for directions to the library. >Success! She tells him to go down the street to the local library. >After wandering for a bit we arrive at the library. >Its this huge stone building. >I tell him to look for the lady at the counter. >Failure! There is no counter, Its all automated!

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>>999 >One is Christian Weston Chandler, the other is Jimmy the demon Time to call a priest for an exorcism... and while he's at it, see if he can also get rid of Jimmy.
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>>1018 Lmao.
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Awful models Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:55:44 Id: 00cdce No. 1160 [Reply]
I hate this fucking model. The taurox is an awful model and I hate looking at it. It is even more infuriating because it can look good. The stupid segmented treads can just be replaced with wheels and it looks so much better. Even just replacing the front wheels and making it a half track makes it look good. Why did they make it like this?
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>>1160 >Why did they make it like this? Er...dakka? I don't know, but, if I had to guess, it's hard to keep coming up with vehicles that don't look like previous entries.
The treaded version looks like the offspring of a humvee and a tank

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WoTC sending pinkerton thugs to retrieve leaked cards. Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 11:28:26 Id: 5f1671 No. 784 [Reply]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD9HRueI6Js >Guy orders new magic cards. >Gets sent some unreleased cards instead >WoTC decides to send thugs to his house >They threaten with 200k fines and a decade in prison if they dont hand over the cards. >He complies despite them not having a warrant. Bit of old news at this point but recently we did find out that apparently hasbro had already been using pinkertons quite a few times already. Kinda weird nobody had made a big stink about it already.
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>>784 >pinkerton thugs I saw a few vids about this on ClownfishTV. I'm far less surprised that WOTC is run by a pack of herpetic cunts than I am that the Pinkerton Agency still exists. I thought that shit died with the Old West.
>>1031 Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency lasted until 1936, fifteen years after several of their goons assassinated a county sheriff in West Virginia who tried to arrest them for a drive-by shooting they'd just done on some uppity striking coal miners. Seriously. Look up the name "Smilin' Sid Hatfield."
>>1157 I'm honestly afraid to. My faith in humanity is already dangerously low.

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Warhammer fantasy and 40k general Anonymous 07/11/2021 (Sun) 21:13:20 No. 318 [Reply] [Last]
In this thread we talk about warhammer. And then we paint figurines.
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>>1091 Its 100% sold out in hours here, the world eaters box in 3 minutes. Discounted prices are a hair under $200, but meh I guess I should get a black friday airbrush booth and extractor fan as prep for resin printer.
The admech combat patrol has the parts of the army I like, but it sucks knowing I don't like the rest of the army.
>>1097 I don't know how to feel about admech models. They are cool sure but they look like such a pain to paint.

Card Based Video Games. Anonymous 05/12/2022 (Thu) 04:18:20 No. 464 [Reply]
I want to talk about video games centered around card games like Master Duels, PSX's digimon card game, and so on. Got any interesting games you want to talk about. Simulations like Chaotic recode and Yugioh Pro may count as well since they're technically video games. Video Related is Open Batoru, a card game simulator for a Japanese card game called Wixoss.
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>>464 Update on Open! Batoru with two videos showing small effect updates.
The webbrowser client for wixoss is still active for anyone interested. http://we-aatrox.top:7777/
>>535 Update, the game's going to be released soon for testing purposes this weekend considering the length for developing this game. https://nitter.poast.org/OpenBatoru/status/1774492263646638478#m https://archive.is/fOTSW

Princess: the hopeful Anonymous 08/19/2021 (Thu) 10:24:00 No. 371 [Reply]
So get out your d10s. We are doing this world of darkness sailor moon style. This game is a fanmade system for the new world of darkness. That being said it mostly seems to act as a new hunter supplement, as opposed to a new gameline. At it's core it's the rules for being a superhero in the wod. But more than that it provides the narratives and in game allegiances to run a sailor moon campaign in this grimdark world. Looks fairly interesting. I haven't played any nwod games though, and so can't speak for how it actually plays out on the game table.
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>>371 I haven't played PtH, but I have played ExWoD
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MFW Anonymous 06/11/2023 (Sun) 08:14:51 Id: b57c76 No. 872 [Reply]
>mfw the DM constantly talks over me and interrupt me.
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>>875 But what if he gets upset and it becomes a whole thing? I dont wanna ruin the group. I do however like talking also.
>>876 He is an adult I presume? I am sure he will understand.
>>876 Consider if you're actually the problem. If not, politely talk to him about it. If still happening, be a annoyance for him. There's a solid chance he doesn't respect you and does it on purpose, but that's not a guarantee.

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Drawthread Anonymous 11/23/2023 (Thu) 16:53:13 Id: 43b63b No. 1102 [Reply]
Due to the deeply declining state of the tg drawthread on 4chan I figure it’d be a good time to set one up here. Figure Drawing: https://www.quickposes.com/en/gestures/random Beginner's Guide to Drawing: https://archive.is/GNIq1 The w/ic/i art Guide: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Man I wish I knew how to draw.

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