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Anonymous 06/10/2023 (Sat) 06:57:43 Id: cf142b No. 841008
>>968863 Sure, but it was also a much simpler tech. Let's take a concrete example, the original DOOM took roughly 1 year to develop, Quake roughly 1.5 years, DOOM 3 about 3-4 years and DOOM 2016 took roughly 8 years, but they had some trouble in development, so let's take DOOM Eternal at 4 years but they already had most of the tech from the 2016 game. Let's also take into consideration that a lot more people worked on DOOM Eternal, than they did on the original DOOM, even if we take out managers, so not only did it take more time to make, there were also more people that needed to get paid. This is how I would conclude that it takes more man hours to make a AAA game now than it did in the 90s and why they should cost more, but they hide that extra cost with micro transactions, DLC and other crap. Where there over ambitious and over budgeted games in the past like Shenmue? Yes, but not all games had the budget of Shenmue,
>>968784 >Video is 9:11
>>968868 >This is how I would conclude that it takes more man hours to make a AAA game now than it did in the 90s and why they should cost more, but they hide that extra cost with micro transactions, DLC and other crap. Still not necessary. Those are just profit maximizing measures. You're forgetting two things, one of which is already mentioned. Firstly, already mentioned, they save tons of money cutting out physical goodies from the base release and even more by selling digital only version for full price. Secondly, the market is bigger. The population is larger and a larger portion of the population are buying the games.
>>968861 >Previously you said that it was 75 not 750 Mistake on my part. >please tell me how making a texture and 3D model for the PS1 era takes more time and energy as in man-power, than making a texture and 3D model in the current year It probably doesn't and takes around the same (If not less) time since technology, software, and file systems have been so streamlined over the past couple decades. >>968868 >Sure, but it was also a much simpler tech. Simpler tech actually increases the level of difficulty required to develop a video game. Despite the joke about how Doom has been ported to ever device under the sun, the reality is that even Carmack considered it a "miracle" that Randy Linden found a way to make the game playable on the SNES because of just how "demanding" the game was back in 1993. If you need something more "recent", transparency effects had always been a bitch to render in early 3D games, which resulted in performance/graphical problems when you see Saturn games ported to the PS1 and vice-versa. Developers didn't have the ability to "throw more power" at the game in order to get them to function properly, so they had to find optimization tricks wherever they could. Here's the former head of Traveller Tales explaining how he coded games on the Saturn with an "impossible" process that wasn't considered in official design documents: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wU2UoxLtIm8 >Let's take a concrete example, the original DOOM took roughly 1 year to develop, Quake roughly 1.5 years, DOOM 3 about 3-4 years and DOOM 2016 took roughly 8 years, but they had some trouble in development, so let's take DOOM Eternal at 4 years but they already had most of the tech from the 2016 game. What about Rage spending four years in development? >Let's also take into consideration that a lot more people worked on DOOM Eternal, than they did on the original DOOM, even if we take out managers, Yes and? >so not only did it take more time to make Why did it take so long to develop? What were the people at iD doing all that time? >This is how I would conclude that it takes more man hours to make a AAA game now than it did in the 90s and why they should cost more No it's not because modern technology is a lot less fickle today that than it was even 20 years ago. You don't need to waste as much time trying to figure out how to make the game work because the systems are just that powerful. Hell, the original Crysis released in 2007 spent three years in development, spent as little as $20 million ($30 account for inflation), with a staff of less than 200 people, and is STILL one of the best looking games to this very day. Yet your average AAA game costs several times that amount, on systems several times more powerful than what Crysis originally demanded, with teams rivaling the population of a nation in the South Pacific, and the games look like ugly pieces of shit with less gameplay than your average FMV game on the Sega CD. In fact game consoles are now "so powerful" that developers don't even see the point in upgrading because they're already not using the systems already on the market to their fullest potential: https://archive.ph/Xi8s0 <According to Christopher Dring from GamesIndustry.biz, who recently spoke with developers at GDC 2024 and discussed the state of the game industry, PS5 Pro, which is set to release later this year, might not be a necessary or exciting upgrade to the current console. <It seems that there is little enthusiasm for the updated version among developers. "Developers didn't seem to feel they needed it, they weren't really making the most of the PS5 in the first place," Dring shared. <"I didn't meet a single person that understood the point of it," Dring said. So what are they spending all this time doing and where is all that money going?
>>968806 I don't get it
>>968935 2997 people died on 9/11.
>>968863 >They probably had to creat a lot of the tech they used anon, dont be so simple minded. This is true, and it's not just limited to game engines (which are mostly all canned these days) - but a lot of developers would make their own in-house asset creation tools, most of which these days is also canned software licensed from third parties.
>>968923 >So what are they spending all this time doing and where is all that money going? Money laundering and useless bloat
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>>968868 >but it was also a much simpler tech Maybe? Sure in the 90's computers and software could do less things, but it's also more complicated in that they had to deal with so many constraints. Also keep in mind every iterative idtech game built off the previous engine, and Doom 1 had Wolf3D to go off of. (And of course that lineage continues to that day.) Almost the entirety of Doom 1's development time was on the engine - that shit was not cleared do ship until mere DAYS before release. How much of nuDoom is developing assets instead of developing the tech? Well, yeah id has several hundred employees, they probably did go hard on the engine, but they spent an order of magnitude more on making the game look like it does because it's [current year] and they have to make constant fucking epick scale explosions like it's some sort of fucking capeshit movie. And, now the burden for running the game is on the consumer. Modern devs don't have to deal as much with the constraints of the platform it's going to ship on (except the Switch maybe). Tools are much easier to use today. Yeah, the underlying program used to create stuff on, such as blender for modeling or UE for an entire game in general, has way more shit going on, but the dev doesn't have to worry about that and has several orders of magnitude of power at is disposal than in the 90's. It's way higher-level. Devs do not have to spend their entire development cycles fucking around in C or machine language trying to get shit to fit in a few MB of RAM anymore. Every thing about making a game 30 years ago was much closer to hardware, now it's all done for you and you pay Epic for an Unreal license. It just takes more man hours to make a game these days because they want to create something "bigger" out of pure hubris, and they don't have to spend a year making a game engine from scratch to work on 3 different processor architectures anymore. If you gave a 90's studio the 2020's manpower and budget but kept the 90's tools, they'd hit a wall eventually... or, well, we know what happened, it was Daikatana. Or yeah, Shenmue. On the opposite end, if you give the studio modern tools but no budget... I don't know, Palworld? If you have both, it's modern AAA slop. So yeah, gamedev is a thousand times easier today. If you brought 1992 John Carmack to modern day and give him a $200 Walmart netbook - he'd cum in his underwear and get Doom done in a month. I do agree partly with your original sentiments though. I would pay a premium for a no-bullshit game that doesn't fuck me over or have any DLC shit. And that a standard game in 1990 made today would probably bring in $15. You can beat most popular NES games in an afternoon with no prior knowledge of them. But looks like you're taking "90's games have less gameplay content in them" to mean "they were easier to make." They had less content because making them was a masochistic process.
>>968923 >Simpler tech actually increases the level of difficulty required to develop a video game On the engine side of things, yes. On the other hand, almost all of Doom's assets were 2D, and quite a few of them were just rotoscoped, low-res (by today's standards) photographs. Level creation involved walls, heights, premade objects, textures and map triggers. That simply isn't a lot compared to what came after.
Lol :(
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>>968287 I believe that this is one reason for why the French still deserve to exist.
>>968794 It's obviously a joke, he doesn't fuck the car. King's editor probably told him to remove that part :^)
>>970142 What lewd game is that?
<(Views expressed in this comic are not necessarily those of the artist, except when they coincidentally are.)
>>970196 That almost looks it might be and edit/remake by that one Nip pixel artist.
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>>970169 And this is another reason >>>/ac/35506 >>>/ac/35872 >>>/ac/36168 >>>/ac/36240 >>>/ac/36652 >>>/ac/36784 >>>/ac/37008 >>>/ac/37019 >>>/ac/37312 I wish I was a little French loli in an alternate, happier dimension where I wouldn't be raped to death by muslims.
>>970109 doubt anyone will catch this one
>>970197 >football players So, niggers, got it
NEW COMIC Esoteric semantics.
>>970892 Why DO people use human instead of people or person?
>>970894 I think human refers to biological features whereas people or person refer to societal ones. After all, synonyms don't exist
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>>970892 Very nice.
>>970911 the problem is using "human" when "people or "person" is more fitting, I can accept "human being" but they never use that, only "human".
>>971038 Yeah, that's just because she's an alien.
>>841008 Recent loss.jpg in real life: https://archive.is/qluuR I think this guy was the first voice of Super Mario in Japan.
>>971261 Did he use his newtype abilities?
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>>971261 >"younger fan" <37 year old woman Tabloids yet again trying to spin shit so that it sounds worse than it actually fucking is. God damn it Yamcha.
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>>971352 Yeah but imagine if she had been 20 years younger!
NEW COMIC She'll take you to learn
>>973183 >arthur brown Ah yes. The infamous Arthur. White Arthur who´s Avalon is a mythical island featured in the Arthurian legend and John Woodroffe going to land of poo.
>>967954 >they should include Job, it's a really good book. I know you only want Job only to get a job. I want Job off because I(y)ov never deserved to be called after it.
>>973211 LOL The fact that he still gave it 3 stars is great.
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>>974940 I'm beginning to appreciate the simplicity and clarity of black and white.
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>>975490 What is this shit and why did you post it?
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>>973211 He ordered what he wanted: GAY SHIT
>>975490 Why does it looked like American Dad fucked Wallace and Grommit?
>>975490 Those cats are adorable.
>>975490 This wouldn't even be bad if the art style didn't creep me out.
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NEW COMIC ~wiggle wiggle~
>>973197 You're overthinking it, man.
>>975734 Barbie is woke as fuck, but super mario is not woke, I cant say the same for the other two.
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>>975734 The meme makes enough of a point with listing Barbie and Spider-Verse that it doesn't really need to pad its resume with the laughable addition of Oppenheimer and Mario.
>>975734 >pedowood btfo the right Box office films are only judged by box office results by people who don't know how films are made. Almost all of these are profit failures. >+100% of Box Office >-100% of Budget >-50% of Gross Profit (Box Office minus Budget) to Theaters >-80% of Budget toward Marketing >-250% of Budget plus 20% compounding interest per month since announcement to Distribution (or Financing if Distribution is handled in-house) >-20% of Adjusted Profit (Box Office Profit before theater cut) to the Director >-10% of Adjusted Profit (Box Office Profit before theater cut) to each Big Name Actor >-5% of Adjusted Profit (Box Office Profit, before theater cut) to the top Producer This isn't cut-and-dry and doesn't take residuals into account, but studios must now make Infinity War money, put in a ton of sponsorships, or work at extremely low budgets to make a return.
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>>975738 >For profit organization Damn they got scammed hard on something that really doesn't need a fancy solution. I wonder who made the call to hire them when their issue is so fucking obvious. >Two-thirds of the students are English learners and more than 80% are Hispanic/Latino. The main hurdle to learning any language is practice. Typically kids who speak a language other then English at home do worse as they are practicing less in English. An after school program where students are forced to speak English would do wonders.
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>>975778 >israel-palestine conflict SIR, THIS IS KINDERGARTEN. Somebody get the parents involved, this is textbook corruption of the youth, political propagandizing to five and six year olds for christ's sake. Also that is an extremely loaded question, remind me to never get in debates with these potato brained putzes.
>>975783 The parents suggested it.
>>975783 Remove all foreign influence in our govt, Palestinians are gonna do the exact same shit kikes are doing when given the chance, and that is a clear example. They're all different flavors of manipulative desert rat. Keep Canaanites out of sight.
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>>975810 Once was a mistake. Twice is a coincidence. Do not let there be a third time. Because that is undeniably enemy action.
>>975797 Giving away shekels to failed nations is the bigger tumor that is causing an inflation that'd make the mind of DevianTards burst like mentos mixed with coke. >>975763 The thing with Super Mario is that they snuck in the kink of small dick shaming: Peach not taking him seriously because of his height, also when Mario ate the mushroom his growth didn't make any big difference if Peach ate the mushroom and make her big as shit, now that'd been a different story and uh... the better paraphilia of course >Oppenheimer The story of an autistic kike who ended the reign of the mean "fasciss japs", these people who praise the movie also despise the American Imperialism, so easy to make their tongues go full on twister: >WW2 propaganda was so racist >That nuke expanded imperialism <They never gave a shit about the veterans, making them think if they fought the wrong guy. It's worth mentioning the other Oscar winning movie: the one where a girl has been brainwashed to think she's a 12 year old, right on the spot for all pedophile elites to cream their pants and give away every award known in human kind. >>975810 >2nd pic Is the hwite boy crying because of the main nigger dying of getting buttfucked or is he the token wrong thinking chud.
>>975734 >>976197 >The story of an autistic kike who ended the reign of the mean "fasciss japs", these people who praise the movie also despise the American Imperialism, so easy to make their tongues go full on twister It goes further than that. The new film tries to make Dick out to be the "voice of reason" in a room full of gun-crazy warlords, even going so far as declare that the U.S. government falsified evidence tying Dick to the Communist party in order to destroy his reputation. Meanwhile in reality, Dick has been a full-blown Communist since 1936, even testified in 1949 and 1954 that he was assocaited with the Communist Party, and had (From completion of the Manhattan Project up to his dismissal in '54) been advising the U.S. government on how to best utilize atomic weapons. (Though still advocating for "global cooperation" the entire way).
>>975797 They should take all the money being sent to the Israeli military, and all the money being sent to Palestinian aid, and just use it to buy everyone else in the world a few months supply of popcorn and soda pop - that way we can all just sit back and enjoy watching these shitheels kill each other.
>>976277 Communist were kosher until Stalin arrived and started killing his jewy colleagues.
>>976197 Foreign aid has fuck all to do with inflation. Banks create infinite currency out of thin air every single time they sign a loan. That's where inflation comes from.
Finally, a corporation doing something right for the environment.
>>976441 >for the environment. <For their pockets Fix'd, mfs don't even put straws again anymore because "muh environment" but in reality, and that because a manager actually told me so, is because that's how they keep costs, not giving you a fucking straw which you pay for, but for them the straw isn't included in your perder actually, nor the ketchup, nor even the tissue if you go to a Mc, request EVERYTHING, because that's what you pay for actually, Even if those jews simply don't take it because they don't care, and in all cases, talk to the manager, because they are the ones who enforce it, because the cashiers are just doing what they are told, with a memorandum warning basically in their heads for doing it
>>976455 >perder <Order Fix'd i fucking hate with a passion the corrector
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>>976314 I'm gonna spread this. The most reasonable thing I heard all day
>>976951 He was just reenacting the invasion of Normandy, when troops breeched the beaches of Fortress Europe, when his shit breeched his anus and invaded his underwear.
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Quite frankly, I don't remember how or where I found this picture.
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>>977292 Im still butthurt Tandi didnt give my Vault Dweller even a handy to this day.
>>976441 I find it funny that when the McDicks around me switched to paper straws, they also switched from paper cups to plastic cups. Real good amount of shit that did. Also now there's compost-able plastic-like straws I see at some places, but they're a bit more expensive so goyslop eateries are dragging their feet switching to them. (Also they might be also bad? The chemicals used to make them not dissolve in drinks may be toxic or some shit? I have no clue. It's all fucked.) >>976197 Honestly I liked the Mario movie except any time Peach was involved she felt pedantic and annoying.
>>977740 The Mario movie was alright except for Peach and (((Donkey Kong)))
>>977742 Seth Rogan is insufferable in everything he does, so it was no surprise he ruined the role of Donkey Kong too with his stupid troll-jew phenotype.
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>>977740 What the Mario movie needed was more Luigi. There wasn't enough Luigi
Are you feeling the LOL?
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>>977959 That's it? That was just porn.
>>942641 Morality is an artificial concept which is non-existent in nature/universe (dictated only by law of strongest) and which was created by humans during evolution to be able to live peacefully in society, that's all. You really have to be a braindead to not understand that it's just obvious that evil is evil and good is good. It's obvious that killing an innocent man gratuitously with a knife is evil. Because it will create suffering for him and his family. Because it will hurt him physically and mentally, and it will also hurt his family psychologically. And also because we don't want that this shit happen to ours or our families. Because there is something called empathy, something that you retard seem to not understand. So there is absolutely no need to believe in an imaginary god to know that killing an innocent human with a knife is evil. I'm amazed when i realize that i still need to explain this kind of obvious stuff in 2024. Those who need to believe in an imaginary skydaddy to have "morality" are just primitive beings. I don't see them as humans but as prehistoric and archaic subhumans with an low intelligence. You're just fucking primates, you belong in a zoo eating bananas.
>>943069 If you think that buddhism is the "path to nothingness" then you have understood nothing and you will never be able to achieve enlightenment. Only low IQs absolutely need to believe in an imaginary skydaddy, worship an imaginary skydaddy and spend their lives sucking the cock of an imaginary skydaddy. Intelligent and wise people don't do that, they don't need to do such poor behavior, they just accept life as it is, that is, a reality with no god. No one cat is the master of a buddhist, buddhists don't worship animals it's not hinduism. Marxism is not a religion and even less an "atheistic religion", marxism is atheist but that does not mean that atheism is marxist. It's perfectly possible to be an atheist without being a marxist, i'm an atheist without being marxist, millions of people are atheists without being marxists, the majority of atheists are not marxists. It was marxism who caused the victims you are talking about, not atheism. >Marxism makes islam look an anemic kitten You have to be uneducated to say bullshit like that. Islam has genocided more than 700 million people throughout history in islamic conquests. In Arabia, Africa, Europe, North Africa and India. This is more than all the deaths of communism-marxism reunited. And islam continues to kill thousands of people every day today, in murders and attacks, except that now it's almost everywhere on planet. If we put together all deaths caused by christianity and islam have far exceeded one billion, certainly reaching 1.5 billion. Far more than all deaths of all communist regimes combined, and all in the name of your evil imaginary god who tortures people for eternity, because your abrahamic religions is the evil on Earth. Your giant sects which have divided, indoctrinated, deceived and destroyed the world since their creations are the real evil, much more so than communism.
>>978493 >Morality is an artificial concept which is non-existent in nature/universe "Morality" actually does exist in a measurable form. Numerous studies have been conducted on the matter and found that people are more "happy", "generous", and "open" in societies that are developed like the first world compared to under-developed societies like the third-world: https://odysee.com/@johnstossel:7/capitalism-and-loneliness-johan-norberg:f
>>978494 >he thinks buddhism doesn't have deities >he's comparing the killcount of an ideology made in the last 100 years to religions created thousands of years ago >he's arguing in favor of a viewpoint which doesn't believe in any inherent value in humanity >he doesn't know that the most intelligent people generally believed in God and contributed greatly to mankind's development Thanks for making this a good LOL thread
>>978499 >he thinks buddhism doesn't have deities Aren't there many different kinds of buddhism, with the core concept not having deities, but some specific versions having them? I'm no expert, but this sounds like it would be saying all versions of Christianity love Joseph Smith or some other thing that not all versions do. >he's comparing the killcount of an ideology made in the last 100 years to religions created thousands of years ago This is a good point so I'd better say it so you don't get butthurt at me criticizing your other points. >he's arguing in favor of a viewpoint which doesn't believe in any inherent value in humanity Is his viewpoint that you're talking about atheism? That's not even a viewpoint, it's a lack of a specific viewpoint. Within that you can have all sorts of different opinions or philosophies. Some may not place inherent value in humanity, but others may. He seemed to argue that there is inherent value and morality even if he also argues it's man-made. His post here >>978493 seems to explain his viewpoint well enough. I'll go a step further than that guy and argue that morality is inherently NOT dictated by a deity whether you think you believe it is or not. There are things that would be good or evil regardless of if your god did them or not. You can either say that your god chooses only to do good things, in which case the concept of good transcends your god, or that anything your god does is good because he did it, in which case your very meaning of morality seems completely moot. It has nothing to do with right and wrong or good and evil and only to do with powerful and powerless, AKA authority. That's no morality at all. I don't think very many people subscribe to that idea, though. If your god, even one that you think dictates morality, picked a random baby and decided to torture it forever despite the baby not doing anything to hurt anyone, and the torture not being part of some grand plan to create more overall good, then I doubt you'd argue that that baby torture is good. No, what you'd probably argue is that your god wouldn't do that, because it would be evil, which is just admitting that the concept of good and evil transcends any deity. >he doesn't know that the most intelligent people generally believed in God and contributed greatly to mankind's development He didn't say anything on that topic. You bringing it up makes you look stupid for having to resort to strawman arguments.
>>978494 This reads like someone trying to have their cake and eat it too.
>>978493 >>978494 This is what (((atheists))) actually believe.
>>978506 >that's not even a viewpoint, its a lack of a specific viewpoint No. That would be agnosticism. Atheism is explicit disbelief in God, and it also disclaims all religions with deities in them, which is nearly all of them. >He didn't say anything on that topic. Read his first paragraph. <Only low IQs absolutely need to believe in an imaginary skydaddy, worship an imaginary skydaddy and spend their lives sucking the cock of an imaginary skydaddy. <Intelligent and wise people don't do that, they don't need to do such poor behavior, they just accept life as it is, that is, a reality with no god. I know its hard to resist the urge to paint people who frustrate you as stupid, but it helps if you actually bother to read what's been said before telling me that I look stupid. Not going to bother addressing the rest of your asinine post as you couldn't even be assed to verify what you were saying was true before attacking me.
>>978548 >No. That would be agnosticism. Atheism is explicit disbelief in God, and it also disclaims all religions with deities in them, which is nearly all of them. No. Agnosticism and atheism are not two alternate options. Gnosticism and agnosticism refer to how you hold your beliefs. Theism and atheism refer to if you believe a thing or not. An atheist is one who is not a theist. Agnosticism is not in between. One can be an agnostic atheist or a gnostic atheist. Gnostic atheists seem to be less common, but I'm sure there are some around. One could also be a gnostic theist or an agnostic theist, though in that case, it's agnostic theists that seem to be a lot less common. It's the difference between "I think" and "I know." An agnostic atheist would be one who doesn't believe in theism but doesn't explicitly believe in a thing that would make theism impossible. It's just that there's no evidence to have convinced them. That's what almost every atheist says. A gnostic atheist is the one you're describing. I'm sure there are some around, but they aren't as common. >Only low IQs absolutely need to believe in an imaginary skydaddy, worship an imaginary skydaddy and spend their lives sucking the cock of an imaginary skydaddy. The key here is the phrase "need to." But at this point perhaps I'm just being autistic. I should also point out that most of the people you refer to would be low IQ by modern standards. 100 IQ in the past is less than 100 IQ today. Also, it takes a pretty low IQ to have to just give up trying to figure things out and then just go "a wizard did it." Or rather, the urge to give up and say a wizard did it takes high IQ people and makes them dumb. A smart person would just keep looking for the answers. This is why you get smart people like Newton figuring out all this stuff about the movement of planets, but once it got a little too hard, he just went "uh... God did the rest." He could have kept doing the math and figuring out more, but he gave up and let his belief in magic retard his intelligence. Believing that some things are inexplicable outside of magic means you won't keep looking for those answers. It provides an excuse to be dumb. >not gonna read or reply to the rest of the post Your loss. Not gonna convince anyone you're right by refusing to refute the things you don't like.
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>>978494 >>978497 >>978499 >>978548 >>978577 Can you faggots please go back to 2007 jewtube with your religion vs. atheism shit? Or kill yourselves whichever is easier, it would be the easiest way to find the answers you're looking for.
>>978582 >his previous post was about the fucking mario movie You don't exactly have room to talk about dogshit topics, especially considering this is the LOL thread.
>>976338 Even G-d's chosen leftwing prophet called out that kikes ruin everything, funny how nobody bats an eye on Karl Marx's rampant anti-semitism, like an Uncle Tom of jews or should I say the Auntie Semite? >>978582 Repent your Fortnite skins
>>978609 Butthead kinda looks like the fat yellow guy from Smiling Friends. Curious
>>978609 < G-d's Kikes must go
may the christian and atheist find a crumb of common ground here https://yewtu.be/watch?v=U5c-d1pNnvs https://yewtu.be/watch?v=j-lAekcXRpw
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>>978536 >This is what (((atheists))) actually believe. I don't believe you.
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The real truth is that Christianity, once the key to salvation as transmitted from the Aeons and practiced by Jesus of Nazareth, is a system corrupted and controlled by the archons to keep humans from achieving true gnosis. Also atheists are hylics.
>>978493 >>978494 Now this is LOL
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>>978767 Second pic conflicts with pic related.
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The LOL thread might be an appropriate place to dump my fic that nobody reads.
>>978609 >Karl Marx's rampant anti-semitism lol, that old canard huh.
>>978999 He did call someone a nigger-kike for refusing to lend him money.
>>979014 He literally is jewish, that was just his greed coming out.
>>979059 He literally named himself
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>>979059 It's hilarious to me that Lefties talk about the bankers, the business owners, and the landlords and say "we're just talking about the bourgeoisie". And yet, we know who the bankers, the landlords, and the business owners are, don't we? Communism is stolen and rebranded German Antisemitism. It's it such kikery.
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>>979068 Anon, Marx literally called Capitalism "practical Judaism" and said that due to that Christian nations are also now Jewish. >Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Judaism, would be the self-emancipation of our time. >An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible. His religious consciousness would be dissipated like a thin haze in the real, vital air of society. On the other hand, if the Jew recognizes that this practical nature of his is futile and works to abolish it, he extricates himself from his previous development and works for human emancipation as such and turns against the supreme practical expression of human self-estrangement. >We recognize in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the present time, an element which through historical development – to which in this harmful respect the Jews have zealously contributed – has been brought to its present high level, at which it must necessarily begin to disintegrate. >In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism. >The Jew has already emancipated himself in a Jewish way. >“The Jew, who in Vienna, for example, is only tolerated, determines the fate of the whole Empire by his financial power. The Jew, who may have no rights in the smallest German state, decides the fate of Europe. While corporations and guilds refuse to admit Jews, or have not yet adopted a favorable attitude towards them, the audacity of industry mocks at the obstinacy of the material institutions.” (Bruno Bauer, The Jewish Question, p. 114) >This is no isolated fact. The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1844/jewish-question/ Modern commies and tankies don't even follow their faggot prophets creed. They're just retarded shabbos goyim lead by wishful thinking.
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>>978937 Can Adam and Eve's story be interpreted as Platon's cave of ignorance and limited entertainment?
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>>979080 Planktons Cave?
>>979079 >Anon, Marx literally called Capitalism "practical Judaism" So ... my point exactly. Yes, yes: capitalism is kikery, and communism is a kike lie over different kikery. Go back to your family farm, and keep the fire of your ancestral hearth burning. Daddy Elon is going to use the kikery of capitalism to send me to Mars.
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>>979084 >Yes, yes: capitalism is kikery, and communism is a kike lie over different kikery. So everything you do is Kikery and you can never escape it.
>>979080 >>975810 Wait a minute, that art style
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Not reading or watching all the Gnosticism stuff just spoonfeed me is it cool or is it kikery
>>979598 This comic is all you need
>>979598 It's the root of transgender ideology.
>>979598 It's the root of marxism, facism and national socialism so it's all evil.
>>979618 >Hitler is le bad, look how good I am
>>979598 It's nonsense created by people who thought their psychotic delusions made more sense than what the Bible actually says about the topics they bring up. >>979618 A jew wrote this comment.
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New fic in progress. This team is going out looking for scientists who do genetic engineering and bioweapons development. Recommend someone from any vidya and I might add not-Them to the story.
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>>979521 I'm not watching all that shit nigger. >>979598 It's cool if you know that it's not a single unified belief (even if Valentinianism is the most common representation of Gnosticism) but more like a series of different schools of thought that combine Christian belief with Hellenistic philosophy and Eastern thought. They generally believe the material world is imperfectly created by the Demiurge, the creator god who is either dumb or evil, and that humanity needs to ascend back into the spiritual realm to be with the true God. In their view, salvation comes from within through Gnosis, which is supposedly what Christ actually taught before his message got perverted by his disciples. It's an interesting read, and if you want to learn more, I'd recommend reading through the Nag Hammadi library. And as you can see in the replies, it's used as a boogeyman by low-IQ schizophrenics who read one little book and think that DA GNAWSTICS ruined the world. At least it's funny to see them sperg out over a harmless belief system. >>979607 >>979618 >>979619 >>979622 >>979673 Now this is peak LOL
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NEW COMIC In heaven, everything is fine.
>>979704 lol I want to impregnate rad mom
>>979704 I wonder if Game Dude will come back as a psychic antagonist.
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>>979708 I need to draw Rad Mom more, I just don't know what to do with her
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>>979704 *ring ring*
>>979694 >it's used as a boogeyman by low-IQ schizophrenics who read one little book and think that DA GNAWSTICS ruined the world. It doesn't matter whether the original belief system was harmless and just an ancient game of Dungeons & Dragons. It becomes a problem if people with too much money and power look at those ideas and think "you know, I think we can actually make this work". Gnosticism does not have to be some millennia old conspiracy, it's already enough if has given the wrong idea to the wrong people a century or so ago.
>>979694 This type of homo is somehow worse than your run of the mill /r/atheism redditgroid
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>>978767 >>978937 >>978994 >>979598 >is it cool or is it kikery Neither. Looks like the autismal ramblings of a first century equivalent of Chris-Chan to me.
>>979767 >Also atheists are hylics. It makes sense when you realize redditors hate things like pineapple pizza and anchovies for no good reason except thatothers hate it, and those slightly smarter will give a bullshit reason that makes no sense. Julius Evola would have loved pineapple pizza.
>>979769 anchovies are so real. all the salt content of pepperoni, with half the grease, and a nice fish taste. ngl tho, i be all up in that greased up pepperoni game, i gotta be having my hands look as shiny as an oiled up belly dancer
>>979694 >videos show hermeto-gnosticism for the shit it is <I'm not watching all that shit nigger. typical, if you where a muzzie you'd say the same of these >>978650 videos
>>979769 >Julius Evola would have loved pineapple pizza. Wasn't he Italian? I'm pretty sure he would have hated mongrelized American pizza >>979773 >so real >ngl tho >i be all up in NIGGERS GTFO!
>>979933 Retard, "Hawaiian Pizza" was invented in Leafland, thus the Canadians put pineapple on pizza first. It was called Hawaiian pizza because of the brand of pineapples the restaurant used.
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>>979933 If you read his works, not only would you understand how pineapple on pizza is part of the Hermetic Tradition and all his works are the key to understanding Kingdom Hearts.
>>979933 > mongrelized American pizza
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>>979681 This team went adventuring again. Most of /v/ should recognize the first two places they visit, the next two are if you've seen the movie. Where should they go next?
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>>979933 But pizza wasn't always sauce, cheese, crust. It used to be a sugary cake even. Plus Italians put proscuitto on melon. As an Italian-American guido I approve of pineapple on pizza.
>>980204 Italian-American food > Italian food tbh
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Laughing Out Loud Before anyone asks, this is a Vietnamese comic, and it was uploaded in English by the author.
>>980276 >tfw no retarded zoomer gf
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Soyjacks were invented in 2008 by The Onion. No, it's not lol. But then again, nothing is anymore. >>980221 >>980204 >>979769 I gave up trying to find a comic about Girls Frontline where the Italian one is faced with Hawaiian pizza.
>>980378 >Soyjack Brace yourself for Slavic autism. It's Soyjak, not Soyjack. It's a portmanteau of the Polish word wojak, pronounced voeyac, and the word soy. Wojak means a soldier and is cognate with the English warrior. The wojak meme himself was originally "feels guy", Wojak was the guy who created him. Wojaks (most commonly the soyjak variants) have become so ingrained in zoomer culture I feel like a lot of newer anons don't even know their origin or the fact they weren't originally stupid sophist memes.
>>980276 Genuinely can't understand what the fuck she's trying to say, doesn't help that this shit is meant to be read left to right like a comic book.
>>980383 >Wojak was the guy who created him. mh, i seem to remember that it was the word that polish image board used instead of Anonymous on the posts, much like on /monster/ they use Wizard
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>>980383 >mfw most anons don't remember a time before wojaks and pepes I saved this image from the Wikipedia page for Wojak. There's a fucking Wikipedia page for Wojak.
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>>980276 Whether I am hearing it or reading it, it is still horrible.
>>980413 >vid oh dear, to be kind id say it is a form of noises
>>980276 > Breakdances at your Aunt's funeral. It's almost worth it ... so close.
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>>980402 >>mfw most anons don't remember a time before wojaks and pepes
>>980499 wojaks and pepes are just modern versions of rage comics, for better or worse and as shitty, nonetheless
>>980499 I remember a time immediately before wojaks and pepes where it was mostly >ishygddt and demanding people check your doubles.
>>980402 Wasn't the original pepe comic posted around 2006?
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>>980513 2006 was 18 years ago anon. That's almost 20.
>>980413 >>980387 What is with this L rizz attitude? Have you all lost your Sigma Mindset? Is this what happens when you stop mewing and start gooning? :^) >>980505 I remember sometime in late 2015 early 2016 when anons "took back" Pepe and Wojack from Reddit/normalfags by creating and spamming Pee Pee Poo Poo edits.
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So just some fun trivia. When the term "oldies music" was coined, it specifically meant music from bands that debuted 25 or more years prior to current day. Under that threshold, Tool will become oldies next year, and KoRn will becomes oldies in 2028. Both are already classic rock today.
>>980516 >2000's music is as old now as 80's music was in 2000. >Grow up with 80's music >Grow up listening to dad's music too >80's music was as old in 2000 as 60's music was in 1980. >AC/DC Back In Black is a golden oldies album now. Fuuuuuuck.
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>>980522 >We're as far removed from Elvis as Elvis was from Gilbert and Sullivan.
>>980524 King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, once their music gets commercialized, are already almost halfway on their journey to become an oldie and get inaccurately written about as if people recognized their shit more than they actually do now.
>>980524 >Listen to my dad's music from the 60's >I'll be unfortunate enough to live to see 2060 >When that time comes, my dad's music - that I grew up listening to - will be as far removed from the then current year music, as his music was from Civil War era music. Ok, yeah that's a bit of a stretch - but still. Goddamned.
This scene is twenty five years old.
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>>980276 hahaha Is it bad that I can understand her?
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>>980535 Twenty Five years and the leading man still looks decent (We didn't need to see Carrie Anne Moss after twenty five years...)
>>980276 Even Japanese brainrot is superior.
>>980549 >Japanese >anon clearly said he was Vietnamese
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>>980603 >words words strawman words words words
>>980603 >Don't strong jawlines make characters look heroic No, it's just a typically masculine trait to have a distinct jawline. Villains have them too. >Second pic Are you going to ignore the fact that the guy who did that was arrested? >Third pic What's the context of this? >Fourth pic Does he not realize the irony that he's comparing Progressiveness to a brain parasite? >Fifth pic But that's EXACTLY what the U.N. is pushing for.
>>980603 >first image Yes, and? >second image Yes, and? >third image Yes, and? >fourth image Is that why leftists want to slaughter everyone who hurts their feelings? >fifth image Yes, and?
>>980619 SCP - 1471 reminds me of the current state of the SCP wiki going from a collection of horror/strange series of weird objects and entities to a bunch of long tales masquerading as SCPs that might as well be their own stories since the sites are just vehicles for whatever sort of wankery these new authors wish to write about. Along with the moderation being the usual politically correct schlock with at least one of the mods turned out to be a sex pest, I.E. Dr.Bright.
>>980612 >mogs
>>980609 >What's the context of this? From his tweet: >Right Winger Explains Freedom Of Speech During Student Protest >>980610 Wonderful.
>>980549 What if I step on her? I want to squish her into a compressed biomass diskette tbh.
>>980499 You will become senile and die in a nursing home, anon.
>>980603 >>980659 This shit ain't even slightly funny like the Words comics can be sometimes, this is just cringe. People unironically like this guy's garbage?
>>980659 >>980664 I don't even get the first one at all
>>980659 >first comic Yes, and? No one who is sane is allowed to be rich, though, so tranny haters don't have mountains of gold. >second comic Yes, and? >third comic Yes, and? >fourth comic Yes, and? Don't patronize fag companies. >fifth comic The jews. Everyone knows who's responsible. This is a strawman.
>>980664 >People unironically like this guy's garbage? Well he has almost 30K followers so even if only a small fraction of that is real, I'd imagine someone does. >>980666 (nice one Satan) The context is: >Billionaires In 2024 Pretty sure it is about Elon. He really hates the man. Every 5 or so of his comics is about Elon.
I'm going to be taking a break from the comics (again) and drop the weekly comic format so I can make slightly longer comics; I will be taking my time on them because work gets in the way of everything and I want to focus on other things instead of just making Rad Dude comics. I got a couple of comics done that I will post at the usual time but after that, Rad Dude will be on a hiatus of sorts until I get stuff done. last comic will be around late July, early August. Chaw'Hawwww.
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>>980603 >>980685 It's been a long time since I've read something as painfully unfunny as this.
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>>980708 It is, dare I say it? Gut wrenching
>>980690 We'll miss you, Rad Dude dude! Stay cool. >>980708 > It's been a long time since I've read something as painfully unfunny as this. ah, then you haven't been reading my stuff. I was just about to upload a new segment. Quest For Shield! Eric needs a shield to have a chance of defeating the Sun Sorceress, so he and his team search his homeworld for the legendary Shield of Eric! That's the other Eric, his ancestor. An adventure ensues, because of course it does. 12 pages, 4700 words.
>>980603 >>980659 >>980685 >people are still making 2013 strawman comics LOL >>980690 >last comic will be around late July, early August I hope you mean "last comic on the backburner" and not "last comic ever". If it's the latter, can we get a Red Ghost reference? Good luck with your other work. I hope you post about it here.
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>>980690 Stay rad dude!
>>980759 It's last comics on the backburner plus one or two I want to make so this run will end neatly. After that I will be making longer Rad Dude comics but on my own time. I'll make sure to post relevant stuff here too or practice on the drawthreads. I wish I was a NEET with passive income, I'd be so cool.
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>>980719 >Did someone say brap? Vintage lol
>>980719 Wow, minus8's really jumped the shark
>>980276 Does she shout "skull emoji" for every time his boyfriends says a slur? >>980685 >le ebbin Elonito Muskolini >>980915 That's an insult to the fart guy, at least he didn't pull out his iconic cookie cutter waifus out of his ass due to his autistic urges, such as fucking Pizza Tower or Pacman.
>>980932 Where did these terrible memes come from, leftypol?
>>980549 >brainrot has anyone ever made a nurgle reference with respect to that stuff? >>980612 >mogs ain't he that elder ring fellow with the incestual inclination?
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>>980911 >Fifth panel
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>>979247 I've resigned myself to it. There's no need to do a crime. I'm an outsider to society, and I don't care because I can see how pathological society is. When you look at modern ideas of what it means to be a good person, they are based on Neo-Platonic ideas about rejecting materialism and living as a savage in a cave. Modern ideas of "goodness" require that one act as a wild animal. As I wish to use tools to better myself in my environment, I cannot be "good" in the modern sense of the word: I reject environmentalism because environmentalism rejects me modifying my environment for my betterment. (It does: all compromises are the authoritarian "betterment for me but not for thee." Like, how the US and Europe outsource the environmental destruction of making lithium batteries to East Asia and South America.) I don't care that I'm an outcast, because the people from whom I am outcast are idiots. Look at Social Justice. Social Justice is a reaction to the decline of Christianity: the kind of people who would be the worst kind of religious cunts went shopping for a belief system that was more defensible than Christianity. And the lies of Marx, the lies of Feminism, the lies of CRT, the lies of Intersectionality, and so on have not been so thoroughly recognized as debunked as belief in Jesus. The Women's Studies department of the university has the academic and intellectual integrity of the Theology department, but one of these departments is given undue academic standing. And so, people have latched onto the nonsense of Social Justice to have the justification for continuing to be the worst kind of religious cunts. And it really continues to be a problem because religious people refuse to define Social Justice as a religion. They are tolerating a lot of religious bigotry so that they don't have to call their enemy a religion. Sorry for the blog post: I'm sure someone will find my philosophy to be humorous. Yes, I do know who made this picture.
>>981005 > the kind of people who would be the worst kind of religious cunts The thing is, most of these obnoxious cunts were in the Dawkins humping internet atheist sphere back in the day. Cunts will be cunts regardless of their faith or lack thereof.
>>981005 Who made the picture?
>>980903 >After that I will be making longer Rad Dude comics but on my own time Rad. There was some ambiguity in your post, so I wanted to make sure. What are the other things you want to work on?
>>980911 >Crumb what a madlad
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This wraps up both storylines that I've posted here. 8 pages, 3900 words. Hawk and Strawberry meet the last aliens that they are going to meet. These aren't based on anyone in particular. Previous segments: >>979681 Part 1 >>980169 Part 2 Then Eric fights Solana with the shield he picked up in >>980731
>>980935 DeviantArt became the dumping backyard for redditors, but don't worry the real stunning and brave tranny artists have moved to BlueSky where they can screech their derangement without getting raped by censorbots.
>>981104 Lesdias. If that doesn't tell you what the rest of this set contains, then I can't help you. This was the only picture I saved.
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>>980690 What's causing all of our best Anons to become busy all of a sudden?
>>981172 The Impending Collapse of Western Society
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>>981172 Life continues to suck while getting more and more expensive on top of the fact that the Internet is effectively dead (or at the very least not worth browsing for long periods of time) and most of us are getting older so our tolerance/patience of gay retarded nigger bullshit is wearing very thin. And there is no shortage of gay retarded nigger bullshit these days.
>>981112 I want to work on a FFXIV comic and a comic idea I've had for years that will be an exercise in Anglish. I also have a friend who wants to me to help him in some projects. My brother and I also have a backlog to finish >>981172 Work sucks and things are getting more expensive. I previously had a job that gave me a lot of free time, but bullshit happened and now I work a job where I don't have to to sit down and doodle stuff. I'm in a constant cycle of >wake up for work >spend all day at work wage slaving wishing I was drawing >get home around midnight >feel too worn out to draw and want to play vidya or watch something instead >want to do this until sleeping because I don't want to go to bed the moment I get home >sleep >repeat at least when you work early mornings and get home in the afternoon, it's daytime and I had energy to do things. Things will get better.
>>980664 >slightly funny like the Words comics can be sometimes Funny?
>>981104 The statement was really just to preempt any pearl-clutching faggots that may still be around. In retrospect, I was just being a gay nigger.
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Based Vietnamese clinics.
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What's /v/'s favorite gamerfuel?
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>>981347 >Shota Better than shotos >>981350 Similar thing with "fuckboy", a homophobic slur from a Canuck prisons in where a thief got thrown in with the rapists section and got asspounded by dominant leafs.
>>981347 Yuri. I'll cook some poached pears with it
>>981347 I was going to make the obvious conniseur's decision and go with the Loli-Pop, but then I noticed that it looks to be suspiciously similar to the Fruitinari and now I don't know what to trust.
>>981197 >things will get better No they won't, not unless you work your ass off to make it so. You've fallen into the trap that kills mens souls, take it from me anon. Run, quit your job, live in a van down by the river.
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>>981197 >>981179 >>981178 >>981482 I do not fear death, but I do fear being in bedridden in a hospital huffing the antiseptic in the air while shit leaks out my asshole, with nothing to my name and no loved ones to speak of. I want milkies I want big mommy milkers I want breast milk
>>981483 My plan is to find a gf to solve all my problems (lack of milkers and lack of large hips)
>>981347 Put some yaoi into that shota. Wait, if we follow this line of reasoning, will we eventually be joking about putting Bailey's in Coke?
>>981483 >nigger noises Your video is trash.
>>981803 apologies. didnt check the video before ripping it from youtube
>>981774 Curious silhouette.
NEW COMIC One day this will be me, I've already seen people say similar things.
>>981950 Rad Dude hates Rad Dad because he speaks the TRUTH
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>>982012 >>982013 She sounds like she should kill herself, unironically.
>>982012 >>982013 > the dude says something offensive to women > the chick now hates all men > the author probably doesn't get the irony This is the sort of storyline that used to be written as a comedy of errors, and English teachers would point out the irony for the dullards in the class who didn't see it. Modern writers and audiences don't think that deeply and they really mean it.
>>982012 >>982013 What really sells this is how all of her younger iterations have a way better design than her current man-hating design. She goes through several cute hairstyles, then settles on some hideous matted trainwreck.
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>>982012 >>982013 Goes to show she's still a woman at heart and even I suspect she knows this as well considering most men who aren't trannies. Wouldn't go on the internet and mark art-based sob stories for attention. Why the hell are there women who think they can take it as a man despite shitting on men. Is it apex fallacy or some sort of autogynophilia? Maybe overconfidence in thinking about their perspectives in life would make being a man easier. In best best-case scenario you'll be a twink manlet that both men and women look down on. Even the gays would look at you in disappointment.
To add to this why would a woman throw away the only major advantage they have against men just to be on "their level" thinking they'd get it easy against those where this is a normal state of existence? I understand why MtF's exist but not FtM's. It's like they're tsundere for guys but lash out by putting masculinity on a pedestal and condemning feminity for appealing to guys.
>>982012 >>982013 >make abhorrent statement >people shit on you for it >go private like a bitch lol, every time
>>982012 >>982013 What a whiny pissy baby bitch. Thank you for the LOL.
>>982039 It's because feminism lied to them and told them men had it better. They believed it. I once realized a trick that lead to me meeting many girls that called themselves FtMs. Turns out, most barely even try to look masculine. Some even dress very feminine. But since they call themselves men online, they don't get as many guys after them. This makes them easier to fuck. I took advantage of this, so I will explain to you the different reasons the different ones I met told me. They all relate to the core concept of getting tricked by feminism. The first one came from a bad home in a bad neighborhood. Same neighborhood I grew up in, actually, but since she was a girl, she got pity and was taken in by the types of people that give women automatic pity, AKA the SJW clique (or perhaps you'd call it proto-SJW when she was first taken in. She "realized" at an early age that she was a lesbian. But when I found her profile online, realized she was actually a girl even though she said she was a boy, and messaged her, it turned out she was very down for trying dick. I believed her when she said she had only been with girls, because her reaction was one of virginal surprise. She was practically mad about missing out on it for all these years. She also seemed surprised at the fact that I was actually nice to her. She let slip that all her friends always say that men are always bad to women (accidentally admitting that she thinks of herself as a woman). She also mentioned this included male "friends" who were obviously exactly what we all know to expect from male feminists. They just convinced her further that men were bad. So I got clearly why she tried to be a lesbian, but why would she want to be a man if they're so bad? She eventually admitted that it was to fit in with her friends. These types of things were just popular with her crowd, and she was already only getting with girls, so she figured it made sense. She also admitted to seeing her friends essentially excommunicate people who weren't as hardcore into this type of thing, and when I briefly met a couple of them, she warned me not to say the types of things I said to her, because she feared that they would lie about me and try to get me in trouble, maybe even with the police. The types of things I was saying to her were all friendly questioning and conversation. I disagreed strongly, and it turned out she disagreed with a lot of it too, but was afraid to speak up. Eventually her friends noticed I was deprogramming her with my cock, and the girl that she was sub-letting her place from essentially told her to stop hanging out with me, with the implication that she could lose the place she was living if she didn't. So that was the end of that. Too bad, too, because she was actually pretty nice. She's probably really fucked up now, though. I once met a different one that said she wanted to be a boy because she was a lesbian actually bi, because she said this as we were fucking but knew that her "girlfriend," also bi, actually liked men better. She knew this because she clearly was more attracted to men, too. I think maybe it was more that she wanted to like women more than she liked men, and figured if she was a man that would be the case. Basically I think it was all just feminism breaking her brain as she tried to reconcile the ideas that men have better lives but women are better. If that's the case, then she should be a man but like women. Yes, the relationship was very fucked up. They each said the other could fuck one guy on the side since they both knew they both needed dick. But the one that liked me was upset because the other one was also lezzing out with another girl, which broke their deal. Both were okay with breaking the deal by doing a threesome with me, though, and I can confirm that both definitely liked dick better than pussy, as they basically ignored each other, and the next day the one that was "allowed" to fuck me told me she was a bit upset that the other girl paid more attention to me than her, even though she was doing the same thing. I probably helped break them up, but it's at about this point that this girl had enough of me being redpilled, and I had enough of listening to her SJW bullshit. She wasn't as honest and open in talking about it as the first one I talked about. She was the type to get mad eventually once faced with cognitive dissonance. So we stopped talking around that point. I met a few others that didn't have as interesting stories but all came down to the same thing. I expected that it would be that they were tomboys or something, but it wasn't even that. They were all very feminine. They eventually just admitted they did it either for the political purpose of contradicting gender roles (even though they didn't), or because they figured men had it better than women (some of them admitted that the little evidence they were getting was proving this wrong), or because they "liked women" (even though they clearly still liked dick) and figured "being a man" would help them get more women. >tl;dr: FtMs are all faking for political purposes, or true believers that got tricked by feminism into thinking men have it better, or bisexuals that think calling themselves men will help them get more women (and they still get men when they want to because of course they do).
>>982013 >>982012 I don't understand. Is she going to throw away years of friendship over some stupid remark? That is so childish. Frankly I don't believe the author has ever known true friendship.
>>982057 >Frankly I don't believe the author has ever known true friendship. She's a woman. Of course she hasn't. Ironically, she's acting like a negative stereotype of women. She's proving her villain right. And that's not even to mention her insane hypocrisy.
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>>982012 No self awareness, amazing!
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>>982042 >I forgot you were a man That reminds me of something
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>>982012 >>982013 This reminds me. I'm dating a "nonbinary" who was born female. "They" are aware I am right-wing and religious at heart. "They" even gave up her birth name for some androgynous name which she forces people around her to acknowledge her as. As you could imagine, she has a few mental deficiencies but she is tomboyish and I see lots of potential in her. She still has her vagina and her tits but she always uses a binder. She has told me that she plans on getting "top surgery" at some point (this means cutting her tits off). She wants kids, but only to adopt since she feels she'd feel dysmorphic if she gave birth at all. As far as I am aware, she is still capable of giving birth, though I guess I should come around to the topic of her period just to see if she is using an IUD or if she tied her tubes (the latter being a dealbreaker just like cutting off her tits). I wanted to break up with her but she came crawling back begging me since I was clearly the only sane relationship she's had in...forever. I need some advice on how to change her, how to slowly and subtly influence her back into being a woman. I'm probably her last shot at a normal life since she seems to only hang out around other enbies or fags or other such freaks. She lives with her parents who make no secret of their desire to have their little girl back. If anyone has lived out this reverse-corruption before themselves, please give me some pointers so I can come out of this with a comfortable, confident biological female who takes pleasure in being a girl.
>>982068 I lived out a similar scenario, but only briefly and failed, as I explained a few posts up. If this one came crawling back, that's good for your odds. On the other hand, she sounds more crazy than the one I knew. But if she comes crawling back, you can use that to try to establish ground rules. Number 1: No self-mutilation. You don't even have to say it's because of being sexy or reproductively healthy. You can say it's because she's fine the way she is and you don't want her to hurt herself and cause irreparable damage, when really what she needs is to realize that she's fine the way she is. Clearly she needs to get away from her bad influences, as well. Introducing her to new hobbies helps. Maybe even new people, but you're here, so I'm gonna assume you don't know that many people. But doing more things together, thus removing time she spends with the bad people, might help. It would also serve the purpose of giving her more of a good influence, you. I know you're on the internet now, and probably a lot, but doing anything to keep her off the internet, especially social media, would be good. The less time on it, the better. I'm willing to bet she's into freaky sex stuff, since she's obsessed with sex in the first place. She might not want to admit some of it, but I bet she's into it. So try to get her into more stuff. Not only would it maybe replace her current fetish with something else, but it might also just make her appreciate and enjoy her own body more. Make her enjoy her tits and pussy. The last thing is to just make her realize that she's fucking lucky to be a woman, and then men have the short end of the stick in society. Just slowly drop those red pills. Make her realize that feminism fucking lied to her, and that you're trying to help her by making her realize how lucky she is, and stopping her from trying to throw away what she has. You can also try to slowly make her realize that nothing she does will ever really change reality. It might make her body work less effectively, so she can't reproduce or feel pleasure, it might make her be stuck on various medical treatments for life, but it won't change chromosomes. And fundamentally, it won't change who she is. Try to make her see the hypocrisy of being so body focused while saying sex isn't real. Make her see the hypocrisy of saying gender isn't real but she was born in the wrong body.
>>982012 >>982013 I don't get it. What's wrong with a guy wanting to treat a girl like a girl and acknowledge that she IS a girl? >>982034 >This is the sort of storyline that used to be written as a comedy of errors Not sure if this is ironic or not, but this reminds me of one episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show, where Rose Marie's character is lamenting about how she can never keep a date longer than a single night, and Moore's character points out to Dick that part of the problem is that he and Amsterdam's character both have treated Marie's character just like "One of the guys" to the point that she's "forgotten" what's like to be treated like a woman. >>982038 >Maybe overconfidence in thinking about their perspectives in life would make being a man easier. In best best-case scenario you'll be a twink manlet that both men and women look down on. Even the gays would look at you in disappointment. This actually did happen, her name was Norah Vincent. She was a lesbian and a feminist who decided to put her ideology to the test about documenting just how much the "better half" lives. After spending months of training for the "part", she began living as a "man" in 2003 doing every possible stereotypical thing she could think of (And people did think she was a guy, though they also assumed she was gay). To cut a long story short, the entire experience essentially "broke" her to the point she had to drop the act and check herself into a mental hospital 18 months later, before eventually committing suicide in 2022. >>982039 >To add to this why would a woman throw away the only major advantage they have against men just to be on "their level" thinking they'd get it easy against those where this is a normal state of existence? Because some of these ladies unironically do believe that men have it "easier" due the "power dynamics" that exist within society, so they think that they can be a better "man" than men are. >>982056 >Eventually her friends noticed I was deprogramming her with my cock, and the girl that she was sub-letting her place from essentially told her to stop hanging out with me, with the implication that she could lose the place she was living if she didn't. So that was the end of that. Too bad, too, because she was actually pretty nice. She's probably really fucked up now, though. Why don't you see about getting back in touch with her? If not IRL because of it being too risky, at least somewhat "Anonymously" online. A lot of people end up in those kinds of situations because they feel alone and don't have anyone to turn to. And I wouldn't outright ridicule much of her "friends" (Except for the eunuchs Male feminists) because they probably went through the same process and feel even more trapped, so they see your friend someone they can "protect" while never fully realizing that they're dooming them to the same fate they experienced. >>982068 >I need some advice on how to change her, how to slowly and subtly influence her back into being a woman. I'm probably her last shot at a normal life since she seems to only hang out around other enbies or fags or other such freaks. She lives with her parents who make no secret of their desire to have their little girl back. I honestly cannot give solid relationship advice as I have never dated anyone, but the two things I can recommend are: <Give the last section of PDF a read (Starting on page 284) <Ask advice from people in your own life who have the kind of relationship you want on what to do
>>982068 >it's a fad that will fizz out, get off the bandwagon if you want to stay hip and with it EZ. Every "enby" is just doing it as a social fad; "nonbinary" is just a copout to feel special and included in the transtrender roleplay. If you convince her she's going to be in the equivalent of disco or any subculture that is now looked at as uncool she will get convinced. Introduce her to Klaus Schwab and any old wrinkyl man, and tell her that they are funding this shit to validate a sexual fetish of theirs. In general you need to play the social game, all emotional appeals, no logic.
>>982068 >i'm dating a tranny but I'm totally "right wing" ha ha
>>982071 >Why don't you see about getting back in touch with her? I tried once. It was like six months to a year after I had last spoken with her. She didn't reply. It's been years now, and I worry that now I'd be disgusted by whatever she's been up to since then. Not only was she kind and understanding to me, but I must admit that I liked that she successfully convinced me that she was a virgin. But I clearly made her realize that she loved cock. I would not believe that she hasn't been taking lots of it since then. >And I wouldn't outright ridicule much of her "friends" I don't feel an urge to ridicule them. I don't think what they've done is the least bit funny. I think it's horrible. And yes, I think most of them have been lied to by society, by people like them, but ultimately it doesn't matter. Monsters are not born, they're made. But they're still monsters. The only way I'd be able to contact her now is through her old phone number. Tried looking her up in other ways and couldn't find her again. And when I did try her phone number, it didn't work. Ah well. Sadly, it's still the best experience I've ever had with a woman. It's the one time I can look back on a memory with a regretful but fond sadness, rather than disgust or anger. It's the least negative emotion I have for any woman I've ever spent substantial time with. >>982077 He's dating a woman. Not their false definition of a woman, but a real one. He's trying to save her. He mentioned he's religious, after all. Plus, he's a man. Most men will take anything with a vagina. He might be beta, but then we're on 8chan, so nobody here is in a position to pick on each other about that.
>>982071 >ladies unironically do believe that men have it "easier" due the "power dynamics" that exist within society, I know that >Schools favor women/feminine attitudes >Corpo jobs favor women/feminine attitudes >Therapists are primarily women and thus are equipped to deal with only women >Fathers on average favor their daughters I'm not aware of preferential/better treatment that might be given to them in other social settings. Does everyone still unconciously exercise chivalry with them? If they are, I think it's been declining rapidly with time along with the rest of society.
>>982093 >Does everyone still unconciously exercise chivalry with them? Lots and lots of simps and tradcucks out there. Their numbers are declining, but it's not at all like they're gone.
>>982101 Right. Almost forgot gamer girl bathwater is a thing. But I guess IRL interactions like that are far more muted than what goes on online.
>>982013 What was the misogynistic commentary he made? She got so fucking triggered that she blurred it? >>982057 >she <childish You answered your own question, dykes prioritize their feelings above anything else, a bad case of narcissism that can be only quenched with virtual head-pats.
>>982068 > "They" are aware I am right-wing Congrats anon, she thinks you're a bad boy
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>>982012 >>982013 CHAW'HAWW
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>>982122 >A+ on Penis Inspection Day Whip it out.
>>982122 Too bad anons would tell her tits or gtfo.
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>>982122 >>982123 Very nice
>>982149 cheeky bastard
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>>982034 It's the other way around. She hates all men except her childhood friend, then he says something a guy would say, and then she realizes she has to start hating him too.
>>982057 She clearly did with that dude when she was a kid, then became brainwashed as she "grew up". >>982068 Dude, stay away from her. I understand you care for her but an important Bible verse to keep in mind is 2 Corinthians 6:14. Don't be unevenly yoked with nonbelievers. This kind of problem constantly plagues people and is part of the reason for so many divorces. If you want to have a relationship with her, you need to try your best to convince her that a relationship with God (and repentance for sins) is her only way forward for her life. Otherwise you're gambling with your future on a hand that is practically lost from the draw. You should also make sure you are morally upstanding yourself. Work on yourself. There are no guarantees here. If she doesn't seem receptive, you should lean towards ending the relationship. If your religion is truly important to you, it shouldn't be something you easily compromise on. A woman is never more important than your relationship with God, and if you intend to be married to this person, you should avoid going into a relationship where your wife's salvation isn't ensured. While it's possible if you live rightly that she'll come to God and be saved, would you want to live with the fear that the woman you love will burn in hell?
>>982234 Oh, and this goes without saying, but make your approach from a position of love and concern for her soup. I hope things go well for you anon
>>982235 Unrelated to the conversation you guys were having, but what does "concern for her soup "mean?
>>982250 "Honey, it needs a little salt." It's one of the best typos I've seen in a while.
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>>982149 >You got the whole Squad of Hags with Dried Up Vags laughing
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>>982278 Milk is LITERALLY cow piss
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>>982013 Apparently this is the "mysoginistic" commentary.
>>982342 What? I was never really under the impression that the bitch girl and the dude were dating. If they were dating, why didn't she tell the dude her boundaries? Why does it bother her so much that he wanted sex in a previous relationship? Why does she care about the previous relationship in the first place?
>>982345 I don't think they're dating. I think she was just friends with the guy and he talked about his recent breakup with her. Then she had a woman moment.
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>>982329 Camels piss is LITERALLY medicine >>982342 It sort of looks like that, but the first line looks like it has a longer word than 'broke' in the middle. >>982345 Obligatory cuckquean joke.
>>982342 >>982348 Here's the original tweet from the Know Your Meme article: https://nitter.poast.org/BitchingBurner/status/1803128330901918185
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>>982068 Know this is a day later and a wall of text but got me thinking too. My cousin is in a relationship with a thon/thon chick that's just like that. Literally got her tubes tied without even telling him. It's weird because he loves her a ton, but this devastated him. Even though they don't have a lot of money and are struggling for work, he really wanted to eventually have kids with her, he sounded like he was about to cry when he told me what happened. But he still is dating her. I don't want to call him pussy whipped or anything, because I know that the deep need for a connection goes both ways. He's a super lefty though so... he doesn't seem to have a desire to pull her "down to earth" from those kinds of things. I also dated a chick like that over a decade ago, was really like a snapshot of what was to come before the social storm of today. And honestly that's what soured me on the faggot community and such despite me liking femboys with no shame because they were really vicious and when they decided they hated you they made sure your social life would die without any chance of recovery. I think if the chick let you in her life knowing fully what your stances are, she probably wants to change a bit. I don't really know how to go about that considering my relationship was a massive failure and my cousin's is also pretty bad, but, I think there has to be some sort of way to show her that there's nothing bad about being a normal woman. She's a human being first. She can do literally everything she does right now while being the woman she was born as. It is very disturbing that so many of these non-binary or trannies or whatever seem to be so uncomfortable with themselves, when the entire point of them or so they say is to try be comfortable with yourself. It is part of humanity to accept yourself even with flaws. Even if there are uncomfortable things, we ought to accept and overcome them. I know it's probably not as mentally... taxing? as being a supreme faggot like that, but I have so many physical quirks that used to bug the fuck out of me. I think it's part of humanity and maturing to look at those things and go, this is what makes me "me," which in some cases can be useless (like what the fuck am I gonna do about something incurable like, say, tinnitus) but if she is uncomfortable with a girly aspect of herself, it's beneficial to look at that and view that as something that doesn't make you any lesser or weaker. Being a woman doesn't pit you for or against any side or make you any weaker or stronger in any aspect... Tiddies do not stop you from being a human, and being a woman does not stop you from being a human. And even if they still disgust her, well... that imperfection is something we should live with, because it could be a mistake being born in the "wrong gender" or something, but the real mistake is fucking it up worse by doing something permanent and terrible that you will regret. It's like when a retard swerves a car on a highway and spins out - after enough swerves you can't come back, and you're either mutilated or dead. I am not religious, but it is the gift that life, God, or whatever Creator gave us, that we have grown into whatever we are. Whatever she believes, if she is her own master or if God made her, she should respect that gift. And it would be a mistake to throw that away. I don't know anything about God, but it is a service to all parties involved to take care of yourself. I think that's what I would have told my ex. It's like selling all your cherished games to GameStop for 25 cents each. Except you lose your tiddies, and you don't even get a quarter for them. YOU gotta pay to lose your boobs. Also, chest binders are not good. They fuck with tiddies and the ribcage. Tell her to let the milkers go free even if she wants to stay nonbinary
>>982360 >It is part of humanity to accept yourself even with flaws. Such as liking femboys
>so many of these non-binary or trannies or whatever seem to be so uncomfortable with themselves Here's the thing: If they were comfortable with themselves, they wouldn't need to label themselves as aroace nonbinary planetkin, or try to conform to some arbitrary set of characteristics of some label. The fact that they try to push weird bullshit like fake pronouns on everyone around them is just an opportunity for them to get special treatment from others.
>>982342 > Apparently this is the "mysoginistic" commentary. That makes the comic even worse. The author hates that guys like having their pole tugged and are dating to find a potential mate to impregnate. And when TV and college sluts have given guys the impression that they should get something after one or two dates, the author blames men for expecting it.
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hee hoo
>>982360 >It is very disturbing that so many of these non-binary or trannies or whatever seem to be so uncomfortable with themselves That's the point. It's to make everyone feel guilty because Queer Theory is Socialism. Where "Normality" (Queer Theory has made it very explicit that it WILL turn on homosexuals, and trannies eventually, once their existence is seen as "normal") is the form of private property that needs to be abolished, but the catch is that it's a constant revolution because a new normal is always being created. This cannot be emphasized enough: https://odysee.com/@newdiscourses:9/as-below%2C-so-above-james-lindsay:2 >>982400 But a lot of those inventions were made by college dropouts, or guys who were intelligent but dirt-poor. Philo Farnsworth literally sold investors on the concept of the television after they watched it unironically explode in the middle of his living room.
>>982400 People only hate "intellectuals" when they start having a god-complex and think they know how to run the world. That is, when they start "telling us what to do". You're an intellectual and you've invented a new phone? Great! You're an intellectual and you want to control how everyone else lives? People object to that. Pic related.
>>982347 If they were childhood friends, it's about 100% likely that she already friendzoned him, making her an even bigger cunt. >>982360 >being a woman does not stop you from being a human. The way they act keeps showing otherwise. Do you think a single one of them would show you the humanity you showed them in this post? The way they act lacks humanity. Hell, the way they get led around so easily shows they practically lack sentience. >>982383 This. They're all narcissists, but mostly insecure narcissists.
When this thread turns into pollydicks it stops being fun and starts being LOL itself.
>>982421 t. one of the two women on 8moe
>>982421 Thread started being LOL at the second post >>982425 Do you think she would be interested in someone nice with a good situation and a large penis? Asking for a friend
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>>982400 >In every disaster movie, the expert is ignored and people die >The movie would have been a half hour and had a happy ending if they just listened to the experts >Trust the intellectuals! Trust the Science!
>>982464 Stop being a misogynistic troll anon.
>>982471 My box wine-drinking delusional ass just got debunked by that femoid cat lady. Womp womp!
>>982473 >My -drinking ass just got by that . *! What did you mean by that?
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>>982471 >these people are just parroting >no one has actually done any intelligent thought into it <box wine >frankly, while I love wine Way to prove them wrong, you go girl!
>>982476 At that time, I was roleplaying as my Original Character (OC) Jenna who's a 7 feet tall snake lady named Jenna with large breast and an anal fetish and this means she will only ever take it up the ass and never in the vagina or any other orifice, which is actually easy for her because she has a cloaca and not a vagina + ass + urethra like us humans, so she (or should I say I) was describing getting a coca-cola enema in her ass which filled her a lot, and she called it drinking, because coca-cola is a drink and not supposed to be drunk up the asshole and yet here we are. It's kind of a joke.
>>982471 She's so fucking ugly, I'm surprised that word isn't blocked
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>>982353 I keep waiting for the meme wiki to die, but it seems like websites don’t die any more. >>982464 I think any woman who would use an imageboard is ugly, much like the men.
>>982596 > I keep waiting for the meme wiki to die, but it seems like websites don’t die any more. They get bought out by the handful of ultra-rich vulture investors who can keep them up and who pay the communist/islamist/CCP hackers to fuck up other websites that might compete with them, so the Internet is now a wasteland with nobody creating new sites of any kind. KYM's founder was in the middle of the group at the center of anti-gamergate, so it's a surprise that they were as neutral as they were.
>>982596 I have a particular sense of Beauty, much like a lot of anons here.
>>982342 >my girlfriend wasn't willing to put in her side of the relationship by doing things with me <waah, my best friend since childhood is a misogynist because he expects his partner to interact with him rather than to be her doting manservant I wish the artist was blinded. >>982400 >retard talks about "intellectuals" as professional nerds Intellectual, scientist, artist, and author aren't synonymous. For better or worse, an intellectual becomes so involved with a field of study that it becomes a social status which removes him from the reality of normal people. He uses this social status to engage in intellectual pursuits: the research, study, and formation of ideas. He applies the critical analysis he uses in his field to everything because it's now the only way he can see the world, and he espouses ideas, typically on society, to his fellow intellectuals and the public. Intellectuals have a pitfall of considering themselves untouchable and exempt from responsibility for the effects of their expressed ideas. To be an intellectual is a lifestyle, one comparable to businessmen. To put on a lab coat, read a novel, listen to Mozart, and profess yourself an intellectual is to be a pseudo-intellectual, which this comic artist is, especially since he cannot distinguish between academics and intellectuals.
>>982114 >i-i-it's your fault there's fear and hate instead of love and peace How does one deal with and expose blatant projection that's speaking out of it's ass this fiercely? >What was the misogynistic commentary he made? She got so fucking triggered that she blurred it? [UNSOLICITED OPINIONS ON ISRAEL] >>982421 Trust me, being political sucks and is the last thing I want to do, but when everybody forces me to engage with political shit my only desire becomes to verbally tear my enemies to shreds and laugh at their retarded opinions. >>982617 >KYM's founder was in the middle of the group at the center of anti-gamergate, I'm sorry what the fuck? The mods I knew were commie loonies but the founder? That place is how I found out about GG, and as you said the site seemed neutral and last I checked was going "both sides bad lmao", back then the userbase was more sympathetic and even supportive until after Trump "OH THEY BECAME UNIRONIC pol-TIER RACISTS D:", bitch if you were paying attention you'd start to hate everyone else too. If there's anything corroborating this statement, they never shared or discussed it openly, and they had archives of all the random dumbass tweets anti-GG made from the first year or two.
>>982122 >>982123 This was fun to make, making another one. It might not appeal to everyone, but it will be worth a shot. the hardest part will be trying to emulate that mid 2000's - early 2010's weeaboo girl art style.
>>982471 I honestly find 'womp womp' to be a rather forced zoomer term.
>>982669 > I'm sorry what the fuck? The mods I knew were commie loonies but the founder? He's in the middle of them, it doesn't mean he is personally one of them. https://archive.ph/YdWd2 Boyd, Dash, Xu, Hwang, and Zuckerman are right at dead center of anti-GG. They are the "literally them" crew from that old dig. Not everyone else is anti. moot joined the wrong people and was fucked over, and they actively went after ioerror to destroy him. KYM probably got fucked over like moot.
>>982469 They tampered in God's domain.
>>968784 >I try not to think about this shit. What!? You don't like the Fallout show in which shows some guy raising the child of the other or the nigger getting away with crimes? >>968827 >Orc on orc crime >Humanizing nazis in fictional worlds Too bad those videos when they got funny are so hard to find. >>980603 >Tranny swastika Of course he's ignoring the fact that shitpost got a WW2 veteran arrested, even if he does, he'll say: >>Fuck you, nazi serves you right >>980685 >>Billionaires In 2024 These cucks just hate it when someone cannot be boycotted easily.
>>982876 The orc comparison to niggers isn’t that hard to understand really., considering WoW changed or s to have a more tribal ascetic.
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>>982068 >>982071 >>982073 I'm late but I remembered I had pic related saved somewhere. Sorry for necroposting.
>>982987 nifty and well done.
Futa doesn’t jive well with radical dude stuff. I don’t get why you felt the need to add one to your comic.
>>983060 She's been in the comic for a while, anon.
>>983060 >he doesn't like futarina Get a load of this retard
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>>983060 What are you, gay?
>>983060 >Rad Dude: "I'm gonna milk your prostate Futanaria!" >Embarassed Futanaria: "W-what are saying?" <*Rad Dude grabs Helena's Plain Mlak and dumps it down Futanaria's pants as a prank* >Chawhaw
>>982967 Before anyone asks for sources that back up his statement, it came straight out of the horse's mouth.
>>983130 The meaning of the number of sexuality label changes: 0: normal person / normal faggot 1: got zaptized out of faggotry by Mike Pence's electroshock therapy / some men are born gay, others are sucked into the culture 2 or more: attention-seeking faggot
>>983136 >Out of my safespace functional adults
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>>983060 Never stop being objectively correct.
>>983136 > normal faggot Lmao.
>>982967 > it has no legitimate basis. That's the problem: the nature of expertise. Flush with success in the late 60s/early 70s, the Progressive Left needed new shibboleths to seperate the woke from the sane. They latched on to this sexuality stuff. A generation was raised in the 80's believing this stuff, and it ingrained itself into Women's Studies and Intersectionality in the University. By the 00's, we were raising a generation that thought of this intellectual nonsense as real, true facts. They don't just teach bullshit in the University, do they? Science is self-correcting, isn't it? You can't just disagree with a Professor / Person with a Doctorate, can you? All those times where people dedicated their lives to academic, intellectual hogwash are a thing of the past! Theology? It doesn't count. (And they do live in this Orwellian doublethought that Theology is wrong, but every one else with a doctorate is right.) And so, academia launders the credibility of this nonsense, because if you attack Women's Studies as having little academic rigor, then magically, you don't believe in gravity and believe in magic, or something. Lindsay showed that those people had no academic integrity, and he was written off as a conspiracy theorist. So, no, it has no legitimate basis in rational thought, but we have created a cabal of "experts" who can't think rationally.
>>983060 She was added because my brother forgot the word for Futanari, and I decided to make it a character, the rest is downhill from there
>>963945 wtf are y'all using to make these?
>>983204 Why do you type like that?
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>>983185 >Hellsing 2001 or Ultimate? >Naruto 2002 or Shippuuden?
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>>983209 all hellsing is good hellsing, no naruto is good naruto
>>983209 >Hellsing Shit, I don't know, whatever was popular with fujos in the late 2000's when I grew up >Naruto 2002, then play the games for shippuden unless you're using them for background >>982987 deleted original because I accidentally used the older script
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>>983214 >all hellsing is good hellsing Hellsing 2001 dropped the ball fucking hard after they ran out of Manga content, and had to introduce their own filler. Right about the time Anderson and Integra were supposed to meet at the gallery. All of that was cut out, despite the Major being teased in the anime promotions, and replaced with Incognito - who was a completely retarded villain. That said, Hellsing Ultimate didn't recreate the Master of Monster episode from the 2001 anime precisely because it had done the flashback scenario so well and close enough to the Manga to make it not worth their while. Ultimate also added a bunch of shit that wasn't in the Manga to the first volume just to keep things fresh - and I really wish they would have just stayed fully true to the Manga all the way through, including retreading old ground.
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"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality." -Desmond Tutu
>>983228 That comic doesn't make much sense, it would have been better if the violent guy killed the neutral guy afterwards if they wanted to make their point better. He didn't "help" the guy by not interfering. Inaction is just inaction. He is basically a non-entity.
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>>983228 What if you believe in positive neutrality?
>>983228 "You can't be apolitical if you don't support my politics!" - Woke Leftist
>>983214 >>983227 >and I really wish they would have just stayed fully true to the Manga all the way through, including retreading old ground. The Hellsing manga really shat the bed during it's final story arc. Where the Nazi-bot slaughters all the inhabitants of London, partially thanks to the Papists deciding that NOW of all times was the best moment to go on a crusade, all for the purposes of accomplishing...FUCKING NOTHING!!! I mean he even wins in the end by succeeding in his plan, but all it does is put Hellsing/Dracula out of commission for a couple of decades and that's it. Not mention that all the colorful cast of characters become almost immediately irrelevant outside of the Lady Vamp. If you want my recommendation, read Dorohedoro. Speaking of Hellsing, recent had some fun in an Odysee comment section were some Wannabe-Skinhead was going all "Two nukes wasn't enough" by declaring that ALL ANIME, including "everyone's favorite anime" (Hellsing, Full Metal Alchemist, Black Lagoon, etc.), were all "Anti-White" because the villains in those series were Nazis/Germans/Whites. And then went even further be declaring that EVERY single isekai (With zero exceptions) was "Anti-White" propaganda because it depicted the Nip-protag being transported to some Medieval European setting, showing how "evil" and "backwards" the setting is, and then fucking all the women and cucking the pure-white aryan men (His words, not mine). And the topper was declaring that the ONLY thing that would absolve anime from being "evil" was if white supremacists were writing it. The entire argument was so unreal that he eventually started declaring the dozens of series I brought up as examples countering his shpeel was nothing more than "pointless 'Whataboutisms'."
>>983247 and then everybody stood up and clapped
>>983249 Do you want me to actually link it?
>>983247 >spoiler ye, retardation is intrinsic to humanity, what's important is the quantity and the about
>>983247 >Fullmetal Alchemist series But the movies turned Ed into Hitler's top guy.
>>983254 If you want to read the retardation from the top, I linked it here: >>983253

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>>982406 >>982410 >>982469 >>982654 Well he's literally autistic, so...
>>983258 >Consider where those who distrust smart people get their knowledge. Hey, does anyone remember that Sci-Fi television series from 20 years ago called Eureka, that's about a small town populated by the smartest people on the planet, that constantly has to deal with a new world-ending problem almost every week that's actually caused by said inhabitants of the town, and the guy who actually manages to solve the problem and save the day is Joe Fucking Normal because everyone else in the town is "too smart" to have a silly thing like common sense?
>>983258 This person assumes hatred for intellectuals come from a vaccum. anti intellectualism isn't really a thing unless you're being a pretentious nerd. too much knowledge is considered a dangerous thing because not everyone can deal with knowing too much and can spiral into madness, that is where wisdom kicks in, but that's something not everyone has.
>>983285 I think people see nerds get picked on at school and interpret that as anti-intellectualism, but what it really is is just picking on people who don't fit in. It doesn't apply to the adults the comic is talking about because those people are the ones setting the rules. They're the ones picking on others who don't fit in. That often includes actual intellectuals who just question what they say. Anti-Intellectualism would include being anti-questioning. Jocks beating up nerds aren't anti-questioning. Governments and other organizations getting mad and using force to stop questioning is a totally different phenomenon.
>>983285 >>983317 they consider anti intellectualism to be on par with anti-academia. They think higher grades and degrees means you're smarter. They think the answer to nogs being violent is education. They do not understand what an intellectual is. These are people that have been demoralized to the point that they will only trust a "scientific consensus" and the only "scientific consensus" they will admit is real has to be reported by a (((trusted media source))) and will believe nothing else. They think anyone who goes against the media is anti-intellectual. They allow this regressive philosophy to guide their views on everything related to politics, history, and science.
>>983285 >anti intellectualism isn't really a thing unless you're being a pretentious nerd Anti-Intellectualism doesn't mean you're against science, reason, or the pursuit for new knowledge. It can mean that, but the term is generally too over-broad to be generally useful as a pejorative. Leftists love it precisely for that nebulosity. Anybody that disagrees with them on reasonable or ethical grounds can be painted as a luddite or a frothy mouthed religious fanatic. But Anti-Intellectualism is also merely an acknowledgement that we are not unique in thinking that we sit upon the pinnacle of understanding or in thinking that we have some special insight on the truth. When you look back in history, most every generation thought that they were sitting at the apex of human advancement and understanding of the truth... and that error has led to some pretty horrific outcomes. Anti-Intellectualism these days is also used to describe those who have the humility to admit that we're probably wrong - in whole, or in part, about our understanding of the natural world and the dynamic interacting systems operating within it. And I don't mean just at the "cutting edge" of new knowledge, but even in some of our basic fundamental understandings. 200 years ago you'd be called an Anti-Intellectual (by today's standards) if you denied the existence of the four humors in the body. In fact, just going by the Coronavirus pandemic response - it was the people carrying the banner for "SCIENCE" who were often the most anti-intellectual... as they were the first to turn off their brains and "trust the experts" who it turned out were lying or co-opted the whole fucking time.
>>983330 Somewhat ironically, the people who are the first to accuse others of anti-intellectualism are frequently the ones telling others to appeal to authority, which is an incredibly anti-intellectual position. I suppose perhaps it comes down to language, as it usually does with these people. When we think "anti-intellectual," we're thinking of "intellectual" as an adjective. You can be intellectual by acting a certain way, and anti-intellectualism would be to be against acting that way. "Acting that way" means "thinking" in this context. But the people we're complaining about use "intellectual" as a noun. They think an intellectual is a person, and they're mad if you're anti-that-person, regardless of how intellectual you may be in not liking that person. Really they want you to stop being intellectual and just accept authority. Let others think for you.
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What a lot of it comes down to is academics taking on the role of the new priest class in society. Most people do not have an solid understanding of any science or field of study (and those that do often have next to no understanding of any field besides the one they've chosen to specialize in). Science to them is this quasi-magical force in the universe that gave us medicine and iphones. And the only people who can access and command this force are academics trained by accredited universities. Just like how, in ancient societies, only the priests of the right temples could perform the magic rituals needed to command spirits and appease the gods. And questioning the priest class in any society is going to paint a target on your back.
>>983324 >97% of the scientists Strange, because the paper he's (failing to) cite doesn't even say that. It says "97% of the published papers (that we chose for this study) say that man is warming the planet." But the papers they chose don't actually say that. About 40% of the papers are written by actual climatologists and are actually about climatology, and only 3% of the papers say man is doing anything with all of the others not even talking about global warming. "Strange" in that the nigger thinks it can get away with saying quadruple lies without any retribution.
>>983358 What I don't get is why the whole climate argument has gotten so weird. A hundred years ago both the left and the right would have been totally on board with adapting the planet to fit mankind. The only difference of opinion would have been how and how far. But now you've got one side claiming that it's impossible for humanity to have an effect on the climate but if it does then it would be a GOOD THING to have a yearly heat dome over my fucking house, and then the other side claims that God The Science came and told them that climate change is settled science and then proceed to do fuck all but do carbon credit shit and try to force eco-feudalism on the masses. Why is everything so dumb and gay?
>>983428 Because man can have effect on the climate, but that only matters because it would likely have effects that are harder to adapt to than we can do effectively. However, none of that matters because if you want to protect the global ecosystem, the way to do it is to nuke China, India, and Africa back to the stone age (which isn't that far back for them, since they're only using tech we gave them to do this in the first place). But the people complaining about the environment won't do that, because really it's not about the environment, it's about destroying The West, or to put a finer point on it, it's about destroying white people. >tl;dr: Of course it's real and a cause for concern, but we can't do shit about it locally because really it's caused by third world shitholes, and the people bitching about it won't let us actually do anything to stop those countries that are doing it.
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>>983428 The earth is going to do what the earth is going to do - with or without mankind. The earth doesn't judge our actions - only we can do that. Whether or not we can have an effect on the climate, the Earth has gone through far worse than us, and it will see disasters yet to come that are far worse than us as well. The life that can adapt to us will live on - and the life that cannot adapt to humans will perish. Evolution will keep going, and a new paradigm begins - just like the countless paradigms that shifted before us. Part of it is I think that people still see human beings as being some unique "special" creation that doesn't fit into the "natural" world. They'll talk about humanity as if it were a plague, a parasite, or a virus. We're none of that. We're more like beavers, just far more capable. Nobody gives a beaver shit when it dams up a river and fucks up the entire ecosystem downstream. "Oh, because they don't know any better". Arguably, neither do we. Personally I tend to consider human beings only semi-sapient, and semi-domesticated. The majority of our decisions are still largely made on emotional impulse, which is why emotional manipulation is so damned effective. We're not nearly as rational as we'd like to believe ourselves to be. And that's fine. We're only human. Personally, I think we'd be far better off keeping a eye on the environment (it is the one we're evolved to live in, after all) - steering our actions in general towards conservation and reduction of waste... but ultimately we shouldn't let that get in the way of progress. If we can't get off of fossil fuels without killing hundreds of millions of people, destroying our economies, and slowing down human advancement by centuries - if not millenia... then we should instead focus on adapting to climate change in real time as it's happening. Because we're going to need to do so anyhow, regardless if we're "helping it along" or not. #1 top priority should be getting the fuck off this planet as a species and spreading out into space if that's at all possible. We're too vulnerable being tethered to a single home planet in a very violent universe. And if we're ever to be truly free as individuals - we need the ability to just fuck off out of the reach of governments and other oppressors. I'm generally of the opinion that America died the moment there was no longer a frontier left to disappear into while telling the government to suck your dick and lick it clean. Ironically, though, colonizing space will be the death of the human species as well. The transfer of genetic material will be so bottlenecked by the capacity to transport so many mutations around that you'll start seeing each colony planet - or cluster - evolve off into wildly different species. Like Darwin's galactic finches. At best, we'll be like a galaxy spanning ring species where each colony's genetics are still similar enough to their neighbors to allow interbreeding - but those populations at either end of the ring will be so different that breeding is no longer possible. Still, a Milky Way vibrant with life - even if it's just human life - is preferable to staying stuck on Earth and getting eradicated by some asteroid or government made** disease. Hell, who knows... maybe it's already happened? Everyone talks about gray aliens as if, barring being an actual otherworldly species, that they're just humans from the far distant future come back in time - or from another dimension. What if we had a common ancestor tens of millions of years ago that escaped Earth and colonized the stars - only to rediscover us hundreds of thousands of years later and now they want to study us to see what those who were left behind evolved into?
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>>983434 Honestly this is all the lol that was needed.
>>983428 >What I don't get is why the whole climate argument has gotten so weird. Ooh, ooh, I know this one! I'm not about to write the book-length argument that this deserves so I'll try to be brief even if I leave out 95% of what I have to say on the topic. In a word: intersectionality. At this point, "climate change" casts such a wide net that fucking 'EVERYTHING gets tied up in it for better or worse. This is mostly done because it's a locus that you can point at (governments and the people who run them are stupid, ignorant and piggish so turning things into sound bytes is often the most effective form of communicating with them) and which provides a back door. "Climate change" has become an umbrella term and all of the world's governments are agreed that it exists and is a problem to be dealt with so if you want money to do something - whether you're running a grift or you're acting in good faith - you invoke "climate change" because that has become the term for "environmental stuff". If you are a scientist who wants money to study, say mycorhizal diversity in high-elevation aspen forests, you phrase your request as "is climate change affecting mycorhizal diversity in high-elevation aspen forests?" and then spend half a page on that part of it coming to a lukewarm conclusion and nobody who will read your paper says anything because they all know what you did and do it themselves. If you're a grifter, you go to a company that certifies grifters and get a stamp that says the packaging for your disposable made in China piece of shit plastic widget is eco-friendly because it produces 10% less carbon during manufacture compared to your competitors and then you jack up the price by 30% and sell it to yuppie scum so they can feel good about their consumerism. Of course, this is small potatoes and the efforts and grifts scale massively. The auto industry is patient zero for this shit. Also worth noting is that this isn't black and white. At all. It's hideously messy. Let's take a mild example say that there's a local school district with shitty, ancient, failing HVAC that wants to replace it but there isn't the budget for it locally. What do they do? They invoke "climate change" to get the state to cough up some funds to replace them with pricey geothermal heat pumps that will last forever and do an excellent job of controlling temperatures in the school. Was this related to climate change and therefore a valid case for the application of climatebux? Not really, no. Did everyone act in good faith? No. Did this result in a positive outcome? Yes - the new systems are going to save taxpayer money in the long run while being an effective solution and in the strictest sense possible will reduce the pollution emitted by the school district. Would that money have been better spent somewhere else? Probably not, no. And so at the end of this the school district gets new HVAC and whoever gave them the money gets to point and say "hey, look at how devoted we are to saving the earth" while very little changes at all and the world keeps turning. Then you have the culture wars. People on both sides have chosen some very stupid hills to die on, like EVs. There are many, MANY use cases where EVs would be better than ICE across the board (most notably fleet vehicles) but people on one side of the argument spend their time screaming about how if we don't turn everything electric NOW (no matter how incredibly shitty and/or expensive the available options are; bite the pillow chuddie :^) ) we're all going to die and the other side spends their time screaming about how anyone who says anything positive about EVs is a deranged communist who wants to ban private vehicle ownership. Repeat this for pretty much anything, like logging - one side wants to log as much virgin forest as quickly as they can and the other side wants a complete moratorium on all logging and both sides are completely unrealistic. This, naturally, is uniformly encouraged by the media vultures. What a world of good would be done by dragging out into the street and executing all of them. Finally I would be remiss without a brief note on how this term is used and abused by governments. Going back yet again to the beginning of the post, governments and entities that interact with them combine the back door with the umbrella nature of climate change to dance with each other. Let's take China. If you want to go after Chinese pollution because you're an anti-pollution crusader, you don't have to attack it directly if that hasn't worked in the past. You can instead say "hey this [incredibly toxic shit] you're putting into rivers is killing plankton in the ocean and is therefore contributing to climate change and because you agree that climate change is bad, please do something about it". China then responds by saying "we have done something about it; we planted a bunch of trees [read: done nothing to address the actual issue] and as such are net negative regarding climate change, we're responsible like that :^)" and the dance goes continues. Use and abuse side by side, brown lips and semen on shirt collars and loosened anuses all around just like before. >>983434 >Electronics?
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Excellent, all of you. Now do its prequel.
>>983441 The other argument about Chinese and Indian pollution I’ve seen is “Well yes, they are polluting more than the west, but Europe and the US polluted more during their Industrial Revolution so we need to cut them slack as they industrialize or else it’s racist.”
>>983330 Mussolini summed it up best by saying that anti-intellectualism doesn’t mean a reactionary rejection of science and progress, but a rejection of bloviating academics who talk and talk but take no action, the Marxist “intellectuals” who critique and critique only to tear down what is to open cracks where communism can seep in.
>>983466 >Third pic Is the author a male feminist? >Capeshit movies are breaking box office records Not anymore >The internet and social media are now everyday institutions And the same "intellectuals" that made the internet and social media are now regretting having done so because both have caused more harm than good upon society. >Smartphones and smartwatches are everywhere Meanwhile the general public wants to go back to analog tech and "dumb phones". >TV shows about nerds pull in viewers by the millions Yet every single person I meet on the street hates those shows. >Mainstream culture seems to bein the midst of a total nerd takeover Didn't Frank Zappa explain the same thing happening to the music industry back in the 70's and 80's? Where there were once "Cigar chomping" executives who published anything and everything so long as it made money, then they were replaced with "professional musicians" who would only fund and promote those artists that appeal to their tastes, and how he was wishing for the executives to return because at least they were apolitical about what was being produced. >We've won Is that why you're constantly bitching and moaning about "Muh populism" whenever you don't get your way? >Female nerds have difficult in making themselves recognized because of the overabundance of male-targeted shows and films And now we CURRENTLY have an over-abundance of FEMALE targeted shows. films, video games, comics, novels, etc., and these companies have only ever seen a lower and lower return on their investments. In fact, the most recent joke is that the Furiosa prequel, that was made explicitly FOR female audiences, actually had a lower turnout of women than Fury Road did back in 2015. And the most recent movie that women DID go to see in droves was Barbie because (At least in the advertising) it was exactly what the kind of fun-girly movie that women had been lacking outside the Made-For-TV movies you'd consistently find on the Hallmark Channel. >>983474 The argument I've seen is that they're only polluting so much because they're manufacturing everything for the West, and that we'd actually be seeing all this pollution for ourselves if we were still manufacturing everything domestically. >>983477 Mussolini isn't much better when he declares that the purposes behind the sciences and progress is solely for the benefit of promoting and ensuring the immortal existence of the literal supernatural force and unironic God that is "The State": https://archive.md/5N7u <The State, as conceived and realized by Fascism, is a spiritual and ethical entity for securing the political, juridical, and economic organization of the nation, an organization which in its origin and growth is a manifestation of the spirit. The State guarantees the internal and external safety of the country, but it also safeguards and transmits the spirit of the people, elaborated down the ages in its language, its customs, its faith. The State is not only the present; it is also the past and above all the future. Transcending the individual's brief spell of life, the State stands for the immanent conscience of the nation. The forms in which it finds expression change, but the need for it remains. The State educates the citizens to civism, makes them aware of their mission, urges them to unity; its justice harmonizes their divergent interests; it transmits to future generations the conquests of the mind in the fields of science, art, law, human solidarity; it leads men up from primitive tribal life to that highest manifestation of human power, imperial rule. <The State hands down to future generations the memory of those who laid down their lives to ensure its safety or to obey its laws; it sets up as examples and records for future ages the names of the captains who enlarged its territory and of the men of genius who have made it famous.
>>983466 Self-hating castrato makes comic about how (white) urban men are more prone to differences in testosterone levels across their population, "nerd culture" is being widely accepted (while playing off the downsides to this as reactionary action against a small amount of women and minorities who have now attached themselves to brand identities), and surrogate activities lower aggression by preventing frustration, which makes scientists (who have no upper limit to their pursuits) the least aggressive (something he's only saying from stereotypes since he has never worked in a laboratory or field study) despite having the least sexual satisfaction (because, in his eyes, that's a failure of character, despite him also praising his manicured idea of a scientist) and being the most likely to have issues in society which caused them to pursue rigorous academics in the first place (due to a high correlation with autism). Case closed.
"A much higher ability to withstand great amounts of pain" as compared to what? As compared to a "jock" that plays football or rugby, or does martial arts? This is such a sad cope
>>983508 I think he's talking about emotional pain, which is ironic, since athletes and jocks endure more hazing and taunting as well as physical hardening from training. This guy's worldview has such grand and intoxicating innocence.
>>983522 Also, I like the "we've won!" followed quickly by "bu there are still so many movies and shows for male jocks so female nerds don't fit in". Even the male nerds hate women, but the author of this comic doesn't dare bring that up, since that'll ruin the fantasy that "intellectuals" are holy.
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>those walls of texts YAAAAAAAAWN
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>>983466 All of this guy's comics look like a snapshot of 2004 "Nerds are actually going to rule the world just you watch stupid conservative football players!!" but they were actually made in the past few years, it's wild. The situations and strawmen they make up are so far-fetched it's I'm imagining this fag is locked in a basement with their worldview completely being warped by a permanently-online lifestyle.
>>983428 >What I don't get is why the whole climate argument has gotten so weird. Because the false narrative of "man destroy earth with technology, therefore steal all technology from man… oops, that's just white people now all whites are going to die ha ha lol" is the overt desire of the jews who created communism, so all communist organizations latch onto it for the purpose of "redistributing wealth" away from whites to nonwhites while slaughtering us along the way. That's the only reason it exists. It has nothing to do with actual environmentalism, which is a pillar of any healthy society. >Why is everything so dumb and gay? It's what happens when you don't slaughter all communists, anon. Can't let them have "freeze peach" at all, because their sole purpose is to kill you and destroy everything you have.
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>>983697 That's a fucking AI soyjack, isn't it?
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>>983733 thats what the kohlchan thread i stole it from called it, yeah; thought id leave it here as a heads up
>>983733 Kinda looks like Rekieta Law.
>>983742 Especially with all those cans.
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>>983663 He does an astoundingly good job of (mostly) not showing it in his social media, considering >>970197, >>974940, and pics related.
>>983799 >and pics related Aside from wasting so much of the readers time, there's really nothing I can criticize this specific comic for as he does address the reality of the situation and bringing up a lot points that I agree with. However I feel like he wouldn't follow his own advice if I showed him the scientific studies documenting that man-made climate change is not bringing about the end of the world or that cloth masks and lockdowns don't work.
>>983799 >>983806 The author fumbles right at the end, implying that finding "truth" is as easy as checking sources. Based on the comic about intellectuals, they probably believe that the only sources that should be trusted are the government and certain parts of the mainstream media (not Fox). They probably don't even consider that the "experts" could be paid for and the government could be lying.
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NEW COMIC Women, lol lmao
>>983820 Dude and Dudette should fuck
>>983822 That's Johnny Hitler. Dude and Dudette are twins.
>>983823 Yes. Dude and Dudette should fuck.
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>>983831 That sounds awful yet hilarious. Go for it.
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>>983911 This was written by A.I wasn't it?
>>983911 If it was left wing, the critics would love it and it would get 10+ seasons. Is it really that different from All in the Family? And it's not like it's the first show to openly rip off All in the Family. Family Ties is an obvious one, or for another badly animated example, a show that's been on for 20 years and running, there is American Dad. Hell, I thought the thumbnail was American Dad. I fucking love All in the Family and American Dad. Family Ties kind of sucks though, even though I like Michael J. Fox in everything else.
>>983925 no the one written by bots is a LOT better
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>>983947 Was eagerly waiting for Xavier to pop up at some point
>>984040 Now post the offending image.
>>983880 I always found those chinese knockoffs interesting/mildly amusing. What the fuck do you actually get in there? Does it even play games? >>983911 (checked) The solution to leftist turbo cancer isn't making your own blight. Make a better show with quality writing/animation/etc and just add more subtle not leftwing morals/life lessons to it. In your face shit like this is never going to get anywhere especially when the writing is so bad.
>>984046 They're all variants of brickgame/tetris. only recently is it more common for them to just be NES Rom machines.
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>>984043 I THINK it's this image, going by the twitter posts. Also jesus his twitter is like 80% shitposting.
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looking slightly more i found this first one, whcih is real odd since isnt even that explicit; also more shitposting to fill space since a post with only one image is a post unfulfilled
>>983951 I know, right? That "the whale was an underwater cop" bit was extremely Xavier-esque.
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>>983951 >He failed the whale puzzle. All do.
>>984081 here is the pic on the fifth pic, artist is lakilolom
>>983911 This feels like someone tried really hard to strawman the right based on social media posts by the left.
>>984057 Thanks for clarifying anon. >>984072 >mother child gf First one of these that got a chuckle out of me.
>>984116 What is it about this exact angle paired with lolis that makes the image so lewd even though nothing is happening?
>>984160 The miniskirt is so short, if you looked at it from eye level the crotch would be visible below.it.
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>>984160 >at your front door >alone >at night >smaller than you >smiling, blushing, and making a vague hand gesture what a slut
>>983911 Even pollacks could make more sensible and nuanced parodies.
>>983947 >>983951 I refuse to believe this wasn't made by them.
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>>984688 The guy is right. He may he an ass about it, but he is right. When you're at home or going to an informal party, you can dress/look however you want. When you're out in public living your life, you look your best. As in, you wear an outfit an actual person would wear.
>>984694 Times change grandpa. There was a time it was considered rude to not wear a bow tie but these days only nerds and faggots wear bow ties.
>>984697 Professionals still wear bow ties. I see them all the time when I go to business conferences.
>>984701 Yeah professional ass assassins
>>984688 Otherkin BTFOs grandpa epic style
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>>984688 laffo
>>984081 >whcih is real odd since isnt even that explicit Umamusume is an extension of horse betting. Umamusume's creators have agreements with the owners of the horses to have them represented. Both of these are extensions of the yakuza. Some horse owners complained about Umamusume porn hurting the image of their horses. The creators of Umamusume issued a rule banning explicit Umamusume content. Umamusume, originally being a gacha, has rabid fans who pursue the enforcement of this policy.
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>>983799 It's surreal as shit seeing webcomics I saw once or twice while browsing TVTropes pop up in discussion here. >>983951 wtf, some actual funny content in $CURRENT_YEAR? >>984046 Case in point, some right-wing cartoons (right-wing="haha WEF and globohomo are gay, we are not dying for Israel, Human Rights Campaign can go into the shitter") and creations. >>984081 <image 4 I still remember the author did some degenerate doujins which is really odd since they minimize the sexual content shown in actuality for PMMM where all the main cast cheated on each other. In that regard Oniichan was just the logical followup. >>984827 This makes me wonder. Japan obviously has a rather draconian view on copyright within its borders that's both formally and informally enforced (the entire concept of doujinshi is a grey market the original copyright owners purposefully turn a blind eye to like mods), which obviously goes out the window when it comes to outside of them (anime and manga for a long time was a bootleg industry in the West that blew up despite Japan's best efforts to quash it; to give you guys an idea of how seriously copyright is taken there, those shitty recap videos you see on JewTube as a way of watching shows for poor people can get you fined and arrested). On one hand, as a Westerner I would side with the foreign artist as throwing a fuss over horsegirl porn (and not even that good) is silly when viewed from the outside, on the other, Pixiv and Nico Nico Douga have been attacked by globohomo because Japan refuses to bend the knee to retarded old senile Jews even with Fumio Kishida trying to coax his people to. It's definitely interesting as a global release for Umamusume has finally been greenlit and fans have been speculating the reason it took so long (aside from ///Crunchyroll\\\ screwing up Cygames' previous releases) was the iffy issue of enforcement on horsegirl pr0nz.
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>>984688 So is this just a person wearing a fursuit everywhere in public or did they genetically engineer themselves into becoming a vaporeon?
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>>984881 He got some big ideas seeing that edited scene of Misty getting turned into a Vaporeon.
>>984881 >genetically engineer themselves into becoming a vaporeon That's the premise of the whole series: people bioengineer themselves into "monsters". >>984753 >>984875 GUFFAW
>>984891 What the fuck
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>>984891 I am experiencing a roller coaster of emotions.
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>>984891 This comic is complete horseshit. Qbert is a creation of the 70's and 80's. If he were still alive today, he'd be dragging faggots and trannies by their neck behind his hot rod down a forgotten dirt road out in the countryside.
>>984911 If you want to be really technical the comic doesn't call Qbert gay or anything. It just shows him(her?) as having completely alien biology. It's not even genitalia. She doesn't even seem to be experiencing sexual pleasure. Like she's just helping her tetrapod friends out. Be like calling an Elder Thing gay or something if it decided to give all its human friends a communal handjob. Also lol
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>>982068 Update on this situation, the fish has left the hook, she got spooked by me - not for calling her out on the nonbinary crap - but because I said I would be there with her while we both deal with and fix her mental issues, which she told me she has (such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, and ADHD). This set her off for some raisin and she cut ties with me, saying she 'doesn't need to be fixed'. Yes I realize the hypocrisy of it all. I tried one last ditch effort of telling her how she was, in all likelihood, groomed, but she didn't believe me and is keeping her head rooted firmly in the sand. She is eventually going to get top surgery and go on HRT. Sad day, not for me, but for her and her parents, who have apparently bought in to her delusion. She won't get any help in therapy, where psychologists these days are paid and trained to keep people in their delusions, whatever it takes to ensure they become addicted to the therapy itself. tl;dr Tomboy Saving operation failed, lads. I'll continue searching for misguided youths like her and try to fix them. She was pretty deep in to the delusion but I won't deny I probably could have taken a more careful approach to it all.
>>985018 You did your best, Anon. You're a good man. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. But you know you tried, at least.
>>985018 That's sad but you did your best. If she "didn't need to be fixed" then she shouldn't have needed all those surgeries and treatments. The fact that her parents bought into it is disturbing. Sounds like she just cut off her only lifeline who actually cared about her. I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to come back to you though.
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>>985025 I don't think she will, her "friends" reinforce her delusion and will probably be against me. If she does come back, God willing, then I will make very strict rules for who she talks to from then on.
>>985018 >I said I would be there with her while we both deal with and fix her mental issues You fell for the trap. A lot of women don't want their problems fixed when they tell you about something bothering them. 90% of the time they just want to vent + receive sympathy and will actively be annoyed/angered if you start trying to offer actual solutions to their shit. Add in the fact that you triggered her lefty programming and I'm not shocked she fucked off. Honestly though, she sounded too far gone already for you to really do anything for her at this point.

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Hee and haw. >>984834 >It's surreal as shit seeing webcomics I saw once or twice while browsing TVTropes pop up in discussion here. This shit has its own page there?!
>>985073 >The most common narrative is that the bullies tease and abuse them because they like them. As if their abuse rooted in some harmless yet misguided emotion. But that does happen, especialy to kids because people are (For lack of a better phrase) "too stupid" or "too emotional" to understand the complexity of emotions and circumstances at that age. We take the smallest slight, and let that define us all the way into adulthood. Should that happen? No, but that doesn't stop it from occuring. >For example, the tsundere and the yandere Never mind, I wasted my time arguing against someone who thinks anime is just like real life. >What if you have a male bully and a female victim? <You make over $400 million at the box office.
I was reading through the overboard and found this, and had to post it because it's so bizarre. It's from some guy arguing with furries on /fur/ about furries being pedos or something. I have no idea what the context is because I didn't read through it but this is either high-effort trolling or some hippie boomer who walked in on the site.
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>>985101 Ah, I see you've met Diosoth. He's a (clinically) schizophrenic lefty furry autist/artist who has been leading a one man against the furry art community and the voices in his head for years for not liking his just slightly better than Chris-can tier art. In particularly he has a grudge against certain "popufurs" and has decided that they and all their fans are actual Trump voting Republicans. He also believes that all conservatives are diddlers too. For more information please peruse the LOL thread on /fur/ >>>/fur/4174 Have a LOL pic. Not by Diosoth of course, by an actual good furry artist.
>>984046 >Make a better show with quality writing/animation/etc and just add more subtle not leftwing morals/life lessons to it. Like Ongezellig? >>984834 >It's definitely interesting as a global release for Umamusume has finally been greenlit I didn't know about this. I'm glad that Cygames is going first party with releases, but I hope they don't mess up the translation. Due to old laws, almost every export from across the Pacific has to come through California, hence so many Japanese companies making Californian offices. >aside from ///Crunchyroll\\\ screwing up Cygames' previous releases I want PriConne back. >>984891 I wonder if this came out before or after Pixels.
>>985117 It apparently came in 2020, 5 years after Pixels (2015).
>>984688 >>984891 >>985146 Horrible, post more.
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>>985146 How does her digestive system work? How does her reproductive system even work? Does she have a Q*bussy?
>>985153 >How does her digestive system work?
>>968287 >Transformers: Kiss Players.jpg
>>985156 So like, this is made by some 60-70 year old with intense nostalgia and libido for that era, and his mind is starting to go, right?
>>985169 The question is, would you a two mouthed Qbert lady?
>>985169 I think he's in his 50s.
>>985169 How many lewd artists are reaching half a century and still drawing shit?
>>985240 I'm sure there are a lot of aging hentai manga artists still drawing sexy loli comics.
>>985264 loli is pure
>>984891 >series I was convinced the first pic was some shitty strawman about trannies, not sure if that's better or worse. >>985156 Alright, those speech bubbles pointing to every mouth got a chuckle out of me. And I recognize the turtle guy's costume.
>>985273 Having read the entire series, it's devoid of any trannyshit or anything of the sort; it seems to merely exist to fulfill a transformation/monsterisation/multiple body parts fetish, without political preaching. Not much about vidya games though I'm afraid. >I recognize the turtle guy's costume Very good Did you recognize the second one?
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>>985283 >Did you recognize the second one? Not that anon but...
>>985283 literally what is the difference between a transformation fetish and trannyshit, it's all the same thing nigger.
>>985312 'Tranny' suggest reality and therefore not only an incomplete transition but also fat, ugly men who don't put any effort and look hideous while also being indignant about it. Transformation implies magic and therefore a complete transition into an attractive female with all the ladyparts. If trannys were all attractive and had actual, working vaginas, there'd be a lot less stigma against them, as people aren't offended by the 'turning from a man into a woman' part as much as they are by the 'jesus christ you look like a retarded faggot' part.
>>985312 Are you retarded?
>>985283 Well, I'll just give that artist credit for being so dedicated to his "craft"
>>985372 Still got the soul of a man
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>>985388 yeah and so do tomboys but niggas will go crazy for them
>>985392 Tomboys still have female souls and minds, they just have masculine traits
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>>985393 and what if that tranny has the soul of a woman instead?
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>>985372 That just seems pedantic, neither of these are real things, they're both getting off on the similar concept of becoming what you aren't. Even if 'otherkin' and trying to be something non gender related you understand it as the same bullshit as troons.
>>985394 God doesn't make mistakes
>>985312 >>985372 It's like the difference between 50 Shades of Grey or Handmaiden's Tale and actually being raped.
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>>985410 so, no difference at all, then
>>985388 >soul of a man Don't make me get Biblical on you. This is the fuggin' LOL thread.
>>985434 Then just go musical on him.
How do I love a woman
>>985465 Emotionally, the same way you admire and idolize anybody, but also you wanna fuck her. Physically, with your penis and maybe the flat of your hand sometimes. Fiscally, as little as possible. Spiritually, i'm not sure you can.
>>985489 The constant thought of her having ill intentions, possibly trying to fuck me over somehow or finding a way to do it in the future with no recourse prevents me from feeling anything other than physical attraction for her
>>985503 That's completely normal to start with; you can't really trust anybody until they prove themselves trustworthy, and also physical attraction is how most relationships begin. If you're just dating her or not even that then i'd say you're perfectly fine, but if you're in your fifth year of marriage and she hasn't fucked up yet then i reckon you might be a touch paranoid but also keep a separate bank account because sometimes being paranoid makes perfect sense.
>>985465 Well first of all you must figure out if you think love is a noun(something you have) or a verb(something you do). Personally I think it's a verb, so the rest of my post will go with this idea. Then you need to figure out her Love Language, and it would be good to know yours as well. In case you do not know, there are five Love Languages, and these are words of affection such as saying "I love you!", "You are beautiful", gifts such as a pebble you found on the road, a love letter, or even jewelery, touching which includes hand holding, hugs and kissing, offering services such as helping with the dishes or making a sandwich, and time spent together, which can vary from watching a movie or you playing video games while she is in the same room reading a book. In general people have one or two predominant Love Language and I think it's important for both partners to know each other's love language. Why is it important? Well let's suppose the man has words of affection" as his Love Language while the woman has offering services''' and they don't communicate in each other's love language. In this case the woman will say "Sure he says he loves me and all that shit, but he never helps me with the dishes! Why isn't he there for me?" while the man will say "Sure she prepares a sandwich for me when I ask her, but how come she never says that she loves me? Does she hate me?" Then you have the six love styles: >Eros The type of romance you see in old movies and plays. It's very passionate and strong, but if something bad happens the person might jump off a bridge, think Romeo and Juliet >Ludus Love is just a game, people like this have a list of things to increase their value in the market, they constantly look for dating strategies, and even in marriage it's a game of manipulation to keep the other one in check. "Oh my wife isn't loving me as much, at a party I will talk more with other girls to make her jealous and that will put her in her place, then I will tell her how lucky she is to have me, and if she doesn't improve then I will just sleep with other women in secret." >Storge You married your childhood friend. This love style while not as intense as Eros, is usually very long lasting. >Mania Extremely jealous and manipulative, probably takes the worst aspects of Eros and Ludus. If you don't say "I love you!" every five minutes the partner will stab you with a knife, but at least the sex is good. The japanese would call this type of person a yandere. >Agape Kind and altruistic, receives more pleasure from giving than from receiving, the definition of unconditional love. These are usually very good people, sadly they fall pray to narcissists and other abusers. Probably what people think when they say "momy gf". >Pragma This is my love style. You think what could your partner bring to the relationship, and if your goals match. You take the partner's pros and cons and calculate if it's worth spending the rest of your days with that other person. Love is a contract and has nothing to do with emotion. Can form a very strong bond, but might take decades. In the past this was represented by arranged marriages So basically to love a woman, you find her love language and then do "acts of love" as often as possible depending on her love language to express your love, while also making sure she does the same for you. You now also know how people can perceive love, and please avoid Mania and Ludus if you want a long term relationship.
Sage for double post Of, and how I could I have forgotten the four attachment styles of love? Silly me. Yes, I am clearly very methodical and logical when it comes to love, my love style is very pragmatic after all.
>>985535 what if she has a body count in the double digits
>>985574 Well as a pragmatist, my wish is to find a partner with whom I can build a family, and as people with multiple sex partners in their life greatly increase the chances of divorce and you kinda need both parents to raise the child properly, I would not engage with such a person. If you want an analysis on her, well her type of love is probably Ludus or even Mania, and her attachment style is probably Anxious Attachment. If all you care about is the hook-up culture and pump and dumping "whores" then go for it.
>>985097 >>The most common narrative is that the bullies tease and abuse them because they like them. As if their abuse rooted in some harmless yet misguided emotion. >But that does happen, especialy to kids because people are (For lack of a better phrase) "too stupid" or "too emotional" to understand the complexity of emotions and circumstances at that age. Naw. It's a myth. They've done studies on it. Bullies are actually just people with extremely high self-esteem who think that they can and should get away with everything. It's not even insecure narcissism, as some people try to say. It's extremely secure narcissist. An insecure narcissist might be sensitive and act out sometimes, but the person who just picks on others consistently? Extremely high self esteem, good home life (hence the high self esteem), and lack of empathy. They're as psychopathic as they seem, and it's just a sad coping mechanism, and perhaps manipulation from the bullies themselves, to say that actually they're not evil, but just misunderstood. The thing about the bully being the sad kid who is just abused by his parents and then takes it out on others is a total myth. >We take the smallest slight, and let that define us all the way into adulthood. Should that happen? No, but that doesn't stop it from occuring. I don't understand what this has to do with the previous part of your paragraph. I mean sure this is also true, but it doesn't have to do with the idea that bullies pick on you because they actually like you.
>>985599 NO BULLY
>>985588 ok i'll marry this woman that's ten years older than me and just told me yesterday that she's been through two failed marriages and about a dozen men. it'll all work out in the end!
>>985607 Well if that is what (You) want, then go for it.
>>985574 >>985607 Let's just drop the façade that you're actively pursuing a woman and just want to shitpost on the internet.
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>>985528 Thanks anon. I've never looked at a woman and had thoughts like "she's the one" or ever imagined myself in a family with her or even going on dates with them. It's mostly been stuff like "wow, she's got big honkers". I did have a few glimpses of those thoughts, but they mostly have been restricted to 2D women. I do talk to women semi-regularly because of work, and I do make small talk that's not work related. The moment I think about going on a date with her or whatever, my mind immediately retorts with "man, I have to spend the weekend with her and listen to her talking"? That's not to say I hate having to do human interaction in my free time. I do have friends that I hang out with and talk to. It's more like my mind doesn't see a point to hanging around her beyond being some sort of "social ritual" for sex. Maybe I'll convince myself to love someone someday or try to force it and see what happens. >>985616 jk i thought your whole love diatribe was a bit gay
>>985574 Then she's neurologically incapable of pair-bonding and she's not worth anyone's time. Don't be dumb.
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>>984900 And I think that will be it for now, stay tuned for next issue for Futarina to tell more about her story.
>>985716 Nice use of color at the end after an all B&W strip. I like it.
>>985705 insane reading comprehension

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