I'm pretty sure this was exactly the experience of salarymen hiring underage prostitutes in 1992 Japan. Or US troops in Korea soon after its liberation, where syphilis-ridden whore houses were still mandatory for a good long while, but a US apology is not forthcoming. South Korea is the one, proposed to pay reparations to itself and with it a transaction tax in US petrodollar.
It's just localized to actual americans, and not to arcane dead languages like that used by Charles Dickens and Jonathan Swift in their time. The current creole literally, LITERALLY, has in its grammatical rules that you must lie as easy as you breathe, to speak fluent American. "That's just how language works", when the literal fact said there, is describing your language breaking down, under the weight of your stupidity as a culture. It's like the corpse of a Buick rolling downhill and described as "that's how car engines work".
The entire foundation of "western values liberal democracy" and it's "free" market universities, predicates that prescriptivism CANNOT be an academic standard: and therefore "should of " NOW IS the correct spelling of shoud've, as per popular polling by "academic rigor". Just like contraction with 've, was before. Because your academics is a scam and your populism is degenerate, this of course doesn't extend to in equal measure say that AAVE dialects for example can be written wrong.
Entire literate tradition is a hypocritical afterthought, in the USA: you can't enshrine the correct SPELLING nor can you the correct PRONUNCIATION, in any domain either written or said.
Just flip flop endlessly, and don't commit to SIMPLE barbaric rules like "should of is just vocalization of the CORRECTLY SPELLED should have". Because you can't in a million years hold the mothers in your society accountable to such basic degree, as even to teach their own children what the actual sound they make is MEANT to be. When they slur it like mumble rap and can't even write it down as grown adults correctly.
You can't bring yourself to prescribe that "even though you can say 'should of', should have ARE still those actual words" because jotting douwn a Should Have "is not lazy, it's just how langauge works". Because every "English" word is as english as the word pizza: it's only CALLED American by you, in order to look and sound as sophisticated as Kim Jong-un and say "our great leader invented every word in the world, and all countries use "our English" as lingua franca. When in actual fact, my lexicon is mostly memorized through latin grammar and root word conjugation, and hollywood media didn't do me much more than a disservice in learning this level of "English."
this on the topic of a wordless comic strip, targeted at gaymers, like it's some avant-garde cinema.