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Offical /co/ Homecoming Thread Frank Board owner 04/26/2020 (Sun) 01:57:49 No. 18 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome Aboard If you're reading this now you've just survived the latest exodus in 8chan's ridiculous history. I'll be your Board Owner, if you haven't been following along I recently took over /co/ since the great Cripplegeddon. When 8ch came back as 8kun the previous guys were nowhere to be found so I took it upon myself to answer the call and moderate. Before moving here, I spent the time cleaning up /co/ and taking suggestions over how the board was run. If you're somehow someone that didn't know 8chan returned temporarily as a boomer zombie and only just came back; Believe me these people exist and I don't blame them then you haven't missed much other than the BO change. For more in depth details I recommend reading the archived meta threads below or any of the archived threads in the provided pastebin. But I'd be more than happy to answer whatever questions you have. >So what's the gameplan? Currently I plan on moving over some storytimes from 8kun to here, to help fill up the board and to avoid losing any of them if the pig farmer decides to pull the plug. Beyond that I'm still thinking of ways of how to grow /co/. If you have any suggestions don't be afraid to say them. >Why here and not one of the webring boards? Name recognition and user overlap. Lets be honest the comics industry is dead and western animation isn't any better, so a lot of interest has been lost. Boards like /v/, /delicious/, /tg/ and /m/ are the only Anons with any remote interest in anything /co/ related and most of the bunkers they're staying at are either dead, have little user overlap, are unwilling to host /co/ or just filled to the brim with autism. Fatchan looked nice but the software was too new/buggy, too few people and I rather gamble my chance on 8chan's name bringing people back than some bunker that has no real pull. >What of 8kun? I'll still "maintain" it just to make sure people find their way here. But once the administration finds out I'm sure to lose the board.

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Edited last time by Frank on 02/26/2021 (Fri) 05:01:13.
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>>40127 >half-chan >webring
>>40127 It's also safe enough for the talentless hacks to get their daily ego stroking over their shit doodles.

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Onegezellig Thread. Anonymous 07/06/2021 (Tue) 07:32:06 No. 14858 [Reply] [Last]
A short German or dutch? indie cartoon made by studio massa. A slice of life cartoon about a Tomoko expy and her roommates Coco, a tech literate white African & Mymy Nip with grandiose aspiration that with a distain for anime and JP culture.
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>>40078 Schrodinger's copyright that is, if Youtube keeps on deleting any reupload of Steam Willie Boat despite becoming public domain something similar will happen to Onegezelling when the creator kicks the bucket and transforms into a legal state puppetered by his lawyers.
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I'm going to miss it...
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>>40156 Many days of the week, I think about Ongezellig.

>>40382 >Those are referencing "Reign of the Super-Man," the prototype Superman who was a bald criminal named Bill Dunn who got experimented on. I was mistaken, it was that one: https://infogalactic.com/info/The_Reign_of_the_Superman I misremembered it being about some race of alien superhumans taking over the world, not all the dissimilar from some earlier portrayals of why the Kryptonians were originally interested in Earth.
>>40403 There are a lot of stories about how Kryptonians were evil space conquerors in the distant past. Like some continuity has it so the Green Lanterns had to bar them from space travel due to all the stuff they got up to. And there is the planet Daxam, which was a Kryptonian colony, and thus Daxamites are only slightly genetically distinct from Kryptonians. But that was in the distant past, long before Jor-El's time. There's also Smallville, where there is a lot about how Clark thinks he was sent to Earth to conquer it, due to an ancient prophecy of the local indian tribe in Kansas which is mostly about him and Lex Luthor but then also contains a bit about Doomsday, but since Doomsday is also from Krypton he thinks it's talking about himself. So Doomsday actually was a Kryptonian attempt to conquer Earth in that continuity. But that was just General Zod's doing and not like a mainstream cultural thing, although Zod did command a lot of people. Also at one point the prophecy seems like it could be actually referring to when an orb full of clones of Zod and his men showed up. They tried to take over Earth, of course. And that was loosely based on the New Krypton arc from the comics which happened only a couple of years earlier. But that was all in the late 2000s, so I doubt that's what you're talking about. There was also that whole Krypton TV show they did, about Jor-El's dad, but even though I watched all of Smallville, by this point all these damn DC TV shows had even turned me off, so I stopped watching. I bet there was something about colonizing other planets though.
>>40367 >Samson and Moses Unless read from Kabbalah, I don't understand why anyone would compare Superman to Samson other than his power compared to humans. If Superman was Samson, he would ultimately destroy Earth for the sake of Kryptonian colonization, and everything he does would be either a cryptic act to bring humans and Kryptonians together or a deliberate error against Kryptonian ideology. >>40370 >why do the Kikes elevate Moses to an almost messiah like figure Moses is where Judaism finally took a turn to becoming something decreed and codified by God through direct intervention via the ten (or nine+one, if you're Samaritan and consider the Israelite perception rather than the Jewish perception) commandments. Moses is also the central figure to all Jewish self-perception. He's a humble father figure who was chosen by God to free others. He ridiculed and killed Jews who strayed from the faith. He abandoned the temporal power of the goyim (succession as Pharaoh) and joined his people after making all possible attempts to save them through noble action. He received and taught the Torah. He freed the Jews from their greatest and most opulent oppressor. He is so influential in God's plan that the next prophet (or the Messiah in some interpretations) was/will be a "prophet like I" from Moses's own mouth on command from God because Moses is so great in his Atlas-like task of bringing salvation to the Jews (and thus the world) that someone else must become him after his death.

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Anonymous 05/19/2021 (Wed) 15:59:16 No. 13083 [Reply] [Last]
Smiling Friends finally got picked up, kinda cool i guess.
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>>40097 I feel this is getting truer by the episode, S2 had some good parts but I haven't felt the same oomph from any of the jokes, minus the aliens one since it was apparently already shown to some con goers and it has been written quite a long while ago The snowman episode sucked ass but the demon wife and Alan episodes were pretty good
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>>40408 I guess Zach's at his peak remains as an exclusive to his let's play buttbuddies and the ditched podcast with Stamper. >Snowman episode Waste of a cameo, Bill Nye dying horribly was the only funny gag they could come out with. >Demon wife I wouldn't be surprised if she was based on the @whatever podcast where all whores burst into tears over simple questions.
So where's the Mega with all of the episodes?

/co/ Pain Thread 8: Superslop at the end of the rainbow! Anonymous 03/03/2024 (Sun) 23:43:36 No. 38885 [Reply] [Last]
The world's on fire but the slop doesn't stop getting churned! Your thread for venting all your frustrations on various /co/ related movies, books, games, & shows is back! Feeling lucky? You shouldn't! The first tease of James Gunn's Superman has been revealed. Calling back to Kingdom Come but with a gold sigil & 50% less crappy textures. Will James Gunn save DC & Warner Bros.? Probably not but they're too far along to stop. On the animated side we're still getting not one but two more Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths parts to the Tomorrowverse. A disaster of an animated universe somehow worse than the New 52 based one previously. But they're bringing back Will Friedle as Terry McGinnis/Batman Beyond & Kevin Conroy's real last performance along for the ride. Also still getting the Suicide Squad Isekai anime. Something no one asked for that's clearly gotten too much yet not enough effort put into it. If you weren't sick of Harley already, now you're getting ANOTHER live action take on her in the sequel to Joker. An upcoming musical drama about Arthur finding love in the craziest of places. Arkham Asylum. But wait! There's more! Hollywood isn't just regurgitating Marvel & DC slop anymore! We're getting a reboot of The Crow. A film infamously starring Brandon Lee as the titular Crow that led to his untimely accidental death due to incompetence on set. Now The Crow/Eric Draven is being reimagined for a.... modern... audience. None of that comic book accuracy in looks though. No no. They've Jared Leto'd him for a new generation. It's a bold strategy, anons. Let's see how it plays out.
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>>39865 Are we sure he isn’t just lying about liking superman?
New Ultimate Peter is still doing fine
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>>40355 He definitely said that just to NOT get excluded from cool boys club, however redditors have selective memory and shit on him for his double-standard.

Things That Got Shows Cancelled Anonymous 04/06/2022 (Wed) 01:35:57 No. 24756 [Reply] [Last]
Either by low toy sales, certain scenes or the creators being an absolute pest. What other reasons, other than low viewership, has a show been cancelled?
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>>40310 >That might work if there weren't roundtables full of ranters and critics on youtube whose channels are 100% dedicated to making fun of these kind of shows. You would have a point IF those "roundtables full of ranters and critics on youtube whose channels are 100% dedicated to making fun of these kind of shows" didn't still contribute to the current industry and go so far as to even praise shows for not being "As" pozzed as other material coming out. Most recent examples are those people in these groups praising the live-action One Piece and Fallout shows.
>>40312 Isn’t that moving the goalposts? Are their no dissenting voices or “well, okay there are but it’s not real communism dissent because xyz reason.” There were people saying the Fallout show was shit, there were people saying One Piece was shit, it’s not that everyone is a shill, it’s just people having different (sometimes dogshit) tastes.
>>24756 You could throw in the new Ren & Stimpy reboot, basically the original crew got the boot and kept the retarded hipsters to shit all over the place, same mistake as NuAnimaniacs. Also Viacom stopped funding their cartoon slop for their shitacular streaming services even sending the new Fairly OddParents reboot to Nigflix, Pluto is all what they got but they won't marathon shows that had copyrighted music despite making a decent amount of millions.

Shrines & Merchandise Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 22:34:43 No. 38573 [Reply]
A thread showcasing mental illness character shrines with autistic fanatical levels of obsession love for characters. Feel free to also share your own merchandise you have. Maybe even your own shrines. https://archive.md/ulVWV
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>>38574 >A fucking mousepad of Randy's pelvis as its cushy part Is that an official product? >Randy's bodypillow Fucking christ, who the fuck gets off to South Park's basic anatomy? Let alone the fans creamed their pants at the Panderverse episode.
>>38581 A lot of this Randy stuff especially is custom made.
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Socks thread Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 19:04:42 No. 36522 [Reply]
ITT we post screenshots where a sock is shown
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>>38495 It's just more obvious now. Back then it was alls just gross out humor or cartoon antics. Now that you're grown & know the kinda shit people are into, you can see the real intentions behind shows like Totally Spies.
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Rescue Heroes (1999) Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 04:51:55 No. 31754 [Reply]
Tired of derailing another thread I create my own to discuss this show. It exists. We gonna watch this shit and you will like it anon, or I will yell at you.
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>>40385 You have now been reminded
>>40386 Guess I'm watching episode 3 tonight then. God I hope it gets better.
>>40387 It's a show for literal pre-schoolers based on a franchise of, if I recall, non-posable toys (because those would be harder for preschoolers to break). I know we're on a board for comics and cartoons and they're all for kids, but it seems like most of what people like here isn't the stuff that's made for literal preschoolers.

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Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 16:41:09 No. 38663 [Reply]
lol comics
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>>39239 I completely forgot that existed, thank god Warner Bros is so incompetent and poor now that they couldn't shit that out.
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>>39234 There is a good chance that you will live to regret that wish
I liked Godkiller

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Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 21:51:24 No. 40362 [Reply]
Give me some good movie recommendations that are actually worth my time. Name at least one good movie that you can think of off the top of your head.
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Wolfwalkers or Song of the Sea. Some of the most beautiful animation I've ever seen.
>>40362 It is not a movie, it is a series but I recommend it, it has one season and 8 episodes. (not is Squid Game)
>>40362 > Name at least one good movie that you can think of off the top of your head. You know what? I cannot think of one good movie to come out in the past decade. No interest in any of them.

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Webm Thread Anonymous 05/26/2020 (Tue) 21:11:30 No. 1462 [Reply] [Last]
To celebrate the new 24mb limit, let's post some webms. The more the better.
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ITT: Tropes that won't fucking die! Anonymous 05/20/2021 (Thu) 00:18:51 No. 13110 [Reply] [Last]
I am so absolutely fucking sick of "Superman but evil" being the newest cape trend. It's bad enough comic writers can't write cohesive comics. But now every piece of media has to be this cynical bullshit. I HATE IT! There's plenty PLENTY to criticize about capeshit comics but it's just so frustrating that deconstruction has become the new norm.
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>>40295 >Why does no one ever do this? A few reasons I can think of. It restricts the writers in what they can make an episode about. Due to the show eternally taking place in the 1990's, they cannot make any references or direct simularities to events, people, content that has been made since 2000. So any "recent" jokes about Batman would be in regards to the Batnipples instead of Baneposting. Only two Jurassic Park movies exist. There never was a nigger president. The WTC towers never fell. The only game console that can connect to the internet is the Sega Dreamcast. VHS tapes were still in widespread use. You get the idea. It doesn't matter if Springfield is the only place that exists in the 1990's because that still requires an entirely different mindset compared to literally everywhere else. They probably could keep up the charade for the first decade of the Aughts, but you'd end up getting farther and farther removed from the original material to where writing about the 1990's in the 2010's would feel almost alien. Not to mention that you then encounter the problem of not trying to repeat the same story that you already did years ago. Another reason is that people tend to have some sort of "pride" over living in the 2020's compared to 30 years ago despite the fact that very little has quite honestly changed. Drop someone from the 1990's into the 2020's and they wouldn't be that impressed with modern tech. Yes, we have toys like the smartphone, but they would just see it as the natural evolution of the PDA. Yes, you can instantly buy something from anywhere in the world and have it shipped directly to your front door, but Apple was already heavily advertising the internet and e-commerce with the iMac back in 1998. Yes, they would be blown away by how amazingly "real" computers can generate graphics, but they still lack the quality of practical effects and video games are an even more of a hollow shell. So the one hand is that you have people who have increasingly little attachement to the original work as people eternally change, and the other is a spiralling depression that society really hasn't evolved over the past 30 years.
>>40249 >>has to backpedal & retcon backstories to a later era to make up for it The smart thing to do is just not acknowledge it and let the audience just roll with it. If I watch The Simpsons and I see that Bart was a baby when the finale of MASH was airing, I can understand that Bart is ten years old and the episode took place (with its framing device) in 1993, so when they flashed back to ten years ago it was 1983. An episode from a year later takes place in 1994, and I can accept that characters haven't aged a year just because a year has passed for me. This isn't hard to grasp, and it takes a very particular form of autism to be autistic enough to be bothered by it but not autistic enough to not be able to figure it out. Also, I find it funny that people bring it up in reference to The Simpsons. I get it, because The Simpsons is popular, but it's also a show where the story doesn't matter very much. You don't have to worry about the fact that Grampa fought in WWI, then WWII, then WWII but he was only a baby who lied about his age, because it's just occasional jokes now and then. It would be a lot worse if it was a show that expected you to follow continuity. Like they did the episode in like 2009 where they flash back to the '90s, before Bart was born, and yes it's silly, but I don't see why people had to get up in arms about it. Good episode? No. But it's not hard to wrap your head around what they were doing. On the other hand, you have comics where characters have backstories intricately tied with WWII, and they do expect you to actually appreciate that and think about it a lot. I appreciate that by the '90s they did actually start killing off a lot of the Justice Society and All-Star Squadron guys (really this started in the '70s and '80s), even if mostly the less popular ones. But then they tried to pull magic sci-fi shit to keep the popular ones alive. Then they had Alan Scott come out of the closet when he was literally 100 years old, in-universe. So yeah, would have been better to let him die back with Madame Fatale or whatever. Also it's even more fucked since they wanted others like Superman and Batman to still be young, but then that's a whole thing particular to DC being retarded. >>40270 >>Simpsons has gone on for so long that Homer has been retconned into being born at the time Bart would have been when the series first aired. If Bart was 10 when the first Simpsons short aired in 1987, then he'd be born in 1977. Homer's age has actually increased over time, he has technically aged, but he's always been in his 30s. Let's say he's 40 now (I haven't watched in over ten years, so maybe he's aged more, not that I want to count the new episodes). That would mean he was born in 1984. Current Homer was born at least 7 years after original Bart. >>40295 Nobody does that because it's too autistic. You think it's simpler, but it's not. The simplest thing is to just not acknowledge it, or if you do ever acknowledge it, only rarely and jokingly. When you're dealing with a sitcom, especially a cartoon one that rarely relies on continuity, that makes sense. Drawing attention to small details, even in attempts to fix them, can often make things worse than just ignoring them. To go back to my Justice Society example, what's really simpler? Alan Scott being de-aged by his magic ring, and by being trapped in alternate dimensions for millennia, and by fighting time travellers like Per Degaton, all to try to keep it "making sense" that he fought in WWII, or is it simpler just to have Superman, who started fighting crime "about 15 years ago" relative to whenever the current story takes place? Drawing attention to it makes it a lot more confusing in most cases.

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>>40299 >>40299 >Only two Jurassic Park movies exist. >There never was a nigger president. >The WTC towers never fell. >The only game console that can connect to the internet is the Sega Dreamcast. >VHS tapes were still in widespread use. God how I want to go back.

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Post about a cartoon you just finished Anonymous 02/28/2023 (Tue) 21:38:54 No. 32640 [Reply]
So, just finished off the BattleTech cartoon, and it was a decent show. The premise for the show is that, in the middle of the 31st century, humanity has been in a galactic civil war with itself for the past 300 years, with the favored weapons in this war being BattleMechs, gigantic bipedal machines that are essentially walking tanks. However, in the middle of this war, all of the galaxy is invaded by a new enemy called "the Clans", who aim to reunite the galaxy under their tribal rule. As a result of this Adam Steiner, as well as a ragtag band of mech pilots and technicians begin a self-declared crusade against these invaders, all the while reuniting the different factions across the galaxy so that they can fend off the Clans. Going into this series, you're not really required to be aware of any of the knowledge relevant to the greater BattleTech franchise, as it skims across the surface as much as it can. However, it does end up compromising a lot of details that does make the series lore so great and worth getting into. But, it's decent for what amounts to a childrens cartoon of a property who's sole focus is upon a galaxy at war with itself, fighting with giant robots. The animation for the series takes some getting used to. Saban decided to go with the novel idea of combining CGI with traditional animation, however I feel like it doesn't pull it together. Unlike with something far later like Code Lyoko, which the different styles are used for different worlds, the CGI in the series exists for the purposes of displaying a new "enhanced imagining" tech that's introduced and alters how a BattleMech pilot (A Mech Warrior) sees the battlefield. In practice, the transition comes across as a little jarring, especially when battles unfold using both the CGI and traditional animation rather than one or the other. And, as the series unfolds, the CGI actually does look for better for the purposes of the battles. As for the traditional animation. It's decent, but it comes across as a little stilted and off as well. Ignoring the scaling and perspective issues often present, it comes across like the series is trying to stay true to it's violent origins, but not TOO violent as to offend the station managers (This aired on Fox Kids during the same time as Spider-Man). In same ways, the best episode, when it comes to the animation is the last episode to the series, where it seems like much of the budget was spent. The audio I cannot really comment on because the only way to watch this series is through pisspoor VHS recordings, but it does have a lot of the same mech sound effects that you hear in the MechWarrior video games. Overall, it's an okay series, but it's a hard recommendation from me. Personally, I'd rather see the series remade, with either completely 2D or 3D animation. There is some great stories to be told in the BattleTech universe, but it just feels like there's so much else dragging this show down.
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I've seen Mission Hill mentioned here couple times a few months back. I never saw it so I decided to give it a watch. The show is definitely of its time. It has a strong 90s, gen-x feel that is always preset in every aspect of Mission Hill. It made the show more interesting as it's almost a time capsule for the 90s. It does manage to be more interesting than an average cartoon. For a change, it's not anoter animation about a family or about highschoolers. Most characters are adults in their 20s and 30s. Show's protagonist is not an idiot as was typical for adult cartoons from that era. Instead, he's an unlucky slacker who is trying to get his life together and hopefully make a living as a cartoonist one day. There are two gay neighbors but compared to media in the current year, they are almost quaint. Half of the time they are used for jokes. Another set of neighbors are lefty activist mother with her Latino husband who are raiding their baby of unknown gender without any cultural or gender norms. They exist mainly to make jokes at the expense of liberals and hipsters. Animation and art style are great. They resemble indie comics and budget is used well. Some parts are very well animated, like the fluid movements in the intro. They also do a silly but neat thing with character's reactions plying heavily into the old comics and cartons. If someone falls in love for example, heats will appear over that person's head. Palette is different than most too, and it deliberately avoids colors like black and gray. Character designs are good too and the show uses a lines of varying thickness, a rarity in animation. It looks far better than most cartoons aimed at adults, back then and today. It's worth a watch, especially since it's only 13 episodes.
>>40243 You could tell its parallel from the rival network is Mtv's Downtown, but at least that one got its only season finished. Is there more of these interesting but failed cartoons you can binge watch on Jewtube? They're so neglected to the point of just dumping there without any fear of C&D notices.
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>>32640 I recently checked out My Life as a Teenage Robot since it never aired in my corner of the world and I'm honestly pretty amazed by it. The style is very unique and there's an insane amount of adult humor despite the show never being too upfront about it. Despite all the tricks the animators used to make the whole process cheaper, any time Jenny transforms or uses her powers the attention to detail is pretty damn impressive. My only problem with the show to be honest is the voice acting, it's mostly fine but some of the impressions sound a bit grating at times, Tuck is the worst offender but not the only one. I'm also astounded by just how much "progressive" stuff was inserted in a cartoon from the 00s and yet tumblrites and twittards conveniently ignore it. A whole episode dedicated to not being a vapid bitch and gender roles not needing to be set in stone. Literally Nora is a STEM single mom and I think there's also a couple of gay and non white characters, all while still respecting beauty standards. It's also quite bold that there's an episode that is almost entirely in Japanese but the writers didn't cheapen it by adding subtitles. >>40243 >There are two gay neighbors but compared to media in the current year, they are almost quaint. Old media had the virtue of respecting the intellect of the viewer, regardless of their age. It was made by people who gave a shit and/or had fun with it, not just mindless propaganda. Granted, it's not like there wasn't any, they just deemed the final product more important than just its message. I can't see a modern cartoon make a parallel to Trump or green energy or Covid without dating themselves.

Anonymous 08/05/2021 (Thu) 19:50:57 No. 16356 [Reply] [Last]
Hey /co/, have you heard of Jellystone? It's a fun Hanna-Barbera show with lots of slapstick. So far only half of S1 has released, but there's lots of favorites, Top Cat, Yogi, Huckleberry Hound, Jabberjaw. If you miss slapstick I say give it a shot.
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>>17164 Thank you for actually providing something of substance to this shitshow of a thread.
>>17164 Imagine having unstrained unprotected nasty gay jew sex with whitesplatt
>>17164 >Limiting Greenblatt's sense of humor They got dykes as producers, so it checks out. >>40274 That's what it feels like when you work for TimeWarner.

Euro Comics - Repost Anonymous 04/28/2020 (Tue) 00:16:44 No. 310 [Reply] [Last]
Other than 2000AD and Asterix, what are some of the other good comics put out from across the ponds. Burger here with a real interest in reading some.
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>>26817 Start writing, get an artist to collab with and then start working on it.
/ac/ has been storytiming Les Sisters >>>ac/35487 translated into taco. Is there anyone that has an english translation? Preferably a fan translation.

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