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New Season of Totally Spies Anonymous 01/12/2022 (Wed) 08:46:53 No. 22041
https://archive.ph/gaF0o Show was fun (despite having basicly no pantsu for all the fetish material it had), but I have no hope for this. I'm fine with shows getting a finale later to finish off all the orphened plotlines (Hey Arnold), but Totally Spies had virtually no running plot except maybe their relationship with Mandy (which underwent minor changes at various points) and lasted 6 seasons (so hardly cut short).
>>22041 >Totally Spies had virtually no running plot So, one more season for all the fetishes they couldn't put somewhere else ?
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>>22041 >You lived to see another official weight gain Clover episode Thank you baby Jesus
>>22041 You ask why but in reality people should be asking what new fetishes they'll put in.
>>22049 Pantsu Yuri Girls being smothered in another girl's boobies.
>>22041 Whose the asian chick in blue? I thought there was only 3 of them?
>>22052 Ah I see. She was from later seasons. Got it.
>>22066 and your posting this presumed literlly who why?
>>22067 >>22041 The link. Poster thought it'd be easier to see the image instead of having to go through a captha to see the tweet.
>>22080 Well shit, didn't click the link. My bad
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>>22041 I can never not be reminded of these two. Samantha always reminds me of another Western animated character but I can't put my finger on who.
>>22219 The totally spies are a team made of Rally, Sayla, and Kim Possible
>>22228 Didnt the two shows come out at around the same time?
>>22229 Totally Spies and Kim Possible? Yes.
>>22236 Then the red head is based on someone else.
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>>22237 You think they might have double dipped on Gundam?
>>22245 Maybe but the hairline doesnt match up.
>>22245 Maybe they triple dipped on Gunsmith Cats.
>>22247 Its practically a deadringer. I wonder what other Gunsmith Cats characters they put in the show. >>22249 The fuck?
>>22249 Did I write this?
>>22249 Excuse me what?
>>22247 Man, those frogs really like Gunsmith cats.
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>>22043 >Sequel to Passion Patties I can totally see the four them gaining weight and have clumsy fat humor, like shrunk clothing, tight door frames or their fat jiggling like jelly, haha.
>>22535 They just manage to inject fetishes so effortlessly
>>22535 sam biting her lip is the cherry on top
>>22535 Dear lord, this shouldnt make me this horny. >>22919 French magic.
>>22249 acrylictoon should direct an entire season
I hope there's an episode involving tentacles.
>>28775 There isnt already?
>>28775 I'm still mad the adult baby/mental regression episode didn't feature any diapers.
>>28792 You need to kill yourself.
>>28792 Go kill yourself
>>28792 Transition into nonexistence
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>>22041 They're going back at this once they're through beating Ladybug to the pulp?
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>>28795 >>28797 >>28799 >Wowee I wonder what fetishes they'll fit in now? >maybe slimy tentacles so far up their ass it comes out their mouth >but Sam wearing fluffy pantsu is crossing the line
>>28807 Anon what the fuck are you talking about? We're disgusted with the diaper fetish.
>>28809 Did I phrase my greentext wrong or something? I was pointing out that it's fucking weird that when lusting over "The Writer's Poorly-Disguised Fetish: The Cartoon" you'd consider a girl simply wearing a diaper to be the one thing that would ruin it for you, considering everything else in the show. The show's humor as far as I remember isn't crass enough to have piss and shit either, so it's not like it would've gone that far with it.
>>28813 Of fucking course any nromal person would find diaper play abhorrent! You know it doesn't just end with wearing a diaper! You know damn well!
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>>28813 Diaperfaggotry is tied with scat degeneracy, so yeah, dont tell us about your literal shit fetish.
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Thoughts on the new characters?
>>29842 Inferior but still not calarts tier.
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>>29842 >Colored folks Passion patties sequel ruined and it will cause controversy because the episode will imply that they're rock bottom feeding subhumans while the white chicks will be just american stereotypes. Or if they came up with the Reverse Darwinism sequel.
https://archive.ph/wip/skVs0 Licensed game announced. no idea if studio is any good.
>>28813 What fetishes were not portrayed? So far, it looks like brap/fart fetishes haven't been done.
>>34007 Knocked silly.
>>34007 Pantsu.
>>28776 In all honesty, I couldn't bear with the show once I heard it with its original dub, the voices get real fucking obnoxious.
It's so close I can taste it!
>>36650 Reminder that they're making a sequel episode to fucking Passion Patties, no mention of the other fetish episodes (giantess, infantilism, negrofied, hypnosis)
I don't have much expectation. I fear that the fact Totally Spies' now being well known as a fetish show, given awareness of (political, but still) sexual degeneracy being slipped into cartoons by the likes of Transformers Earthspark and [insert calarts] means the show will be under closer scrutiny by people not wanting kids exposed to deviancy, which will force the show to play safe and neuter its appeal.
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>>36653 >they're making a sequel episode to fucking Passion Patties Thank you, God Now hand over the rest of the fetishes
Anyone know where I can find a high quality torrent of all the seasons?
>>36789 6C5138A8 rargb is your friend
>>28807 >>maybe slimy tentacles so far up their ass it comes out their mouth >>but Sam wearing fluffy pantsu is crossing the line Unironically yes, now fuck off with your degeneracy.
>>36810 Thanks, but I heard that torrent has an incorrect audio pitch. Don't know if it's true or not. Also, I didn't know RARGB was back.
>>36823 >Unironically yes, now fuck off with your degeneracy. <being this retarded
>>36823 >>36904 I didn't fucking read enough to see that it wasn't actually about pantsu but about diapers.
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Premiere is on May 12th in France. https://archive.fo/H7nhB
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>>39700 >More official French fattywank I rewatched the episode a few weeks ago and it wasn't even THAT fetishy
>>39700 No way it will have even half the fetish shit in it. Looks cute though
>>39710 >Cute housewife retaining her facial features after gaining weight <Same thing with Clover It was surprisingly a first time seeing overweight women without being ridiculed. >>39711 They did confirm a sequel episode to the Passion Pattie one.
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>>39909 >Hypno right off the bat >Even the dab was funny It's back baby!
>>39909 So, what's the consensus for the new season so far? The animation looks a little choppy looking at the video.
>>40021 IMAGINE THE MODS >Diabetic Clover >Roid rage black girl <And just resize the green spy's model
>>40030 Seems to be low frame trying to go for an anime style plus some tweening, it's weird.
>>40030 >>40033 It makes me think of Metalocalypse.
what are your bets on them being lesbian, nonbinary, trans or fucking niggers
https://nichegamer.com/totally-spies-cyber-mission-launches-in-october/ https://archive.ph/wip/X2Ik3 It will likely be meh at best (developer's catalog is all licensed games for Franco/Beligum childrens properties), but models may be worth a rip.
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>>40044 What you mentioned also fall into the paraphilia spectrum. >niggers There's already an episode of the token black spy going back to her hood origins. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=42eYjGbu-ow
I wonder if they'll remember pic related exists. I'm sure there could be an episode with >both teams are disguised for whatever reason >fight because they think they're the enemy >only realize they know eachother after fight >turns out different parts of WOOP unknowingly assigned them the same case
>>40139 >Just like in real life, CIA and FBI glowies end up fucking each other >It all ends with a big fucking WOOHP They should remember the spinoff-sequel series because didn't the blonde spy gain weight to her hips? It got another fetish injected episode if I bad remember, instead of gaining weight it was inflation.
>Warner Bros. Orders 8th Season of Animated series Totally Spies! https://archive.fo/QZmu9 >Warner Bros. Discovery EMEA and French kids network Gulli have ordered an eighth season of hit French animated series Totally Spies!. The companies made the announcement at the Annecy film festival this week. >After an 11-year hiatus, Zodiak parent company Banijay Kids & Family relaunched the franchise with a seventh season, which bowed on Gulli, the kids’ network owned by French commercial broadcaster M6, last month. The revival was an immediate hit, and has seen its audience share grow week to week, with the most recent episode drawing a 37 percent share of the key 4-14 demographic. >The seventh season is set to air globally on Warner Bros. Discovery’s channels and platforms later this year. >Philippe Bony, President of Gulli said since its season 7 launch on May 12, Gulli “has already set audience records, making us the national leader among children [in France]. The Spies are creating a buzz not only among our audience, but also in the press, on our digital platforms and social networks. It’s a success story we’re proud to be part of, and one we’ll continue to support with enthusiasm.” >“We felt immense responsibility bringing back such a beloved series and are delighted the new season is a huge hit with audiences,” said Benoît Di Sabatino, CEO of Banijay Kids & Family and a producer of Totally Spies!. “The success of series 7 and subsequent series 8 pickup furthers our reputation as the go-to producers for premium kids and family entertainment, and is a significant nod to the incredibly talented and hard-working teams within our group.” >Zodiak Kids & Family France will produce season 8 of Totally Spies! in collaboration with Gulli and Warner Bros. Discovery EMEA. Banijay Kids & Family handles global sales, licensing and merchandising rights for the brand. >The Totally Spies! re-up comes as TF1, France’s leading broadcaster group, has boosted its commitment to animation, pledging to invest more in French and European originals and to commit more airtime to cartoons.
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>>40197 What a time to be alive!

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