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Ghost Screen
Don't forget the global announcement this week
Saturday Evening is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.


R: 559 / I: 175 / P: 1

Offical /co/ Homecoming Thread

Welcome Aboard If you're reading this now you've just survived the latest exodus in 8chan's ridiculous history. I'll be your Board Owner, if you haven't been following along I recently took over /co/ since the great Cripplegeddon. When 8ch came back as 8kun the previous guys were nowhere to be found so I took it upon myself to answer the call and moderate. Before moving here, I spent the time cleaning up /co/ and taking suggestions over how the board was run. If you're somehow someone that didn't know 8chan returned temporarily as a boomer zombie and only just came back; Believe me these people exist and I don't blame them then you haven't missed much other than the BO change. For more in depth details I recommend reading the archived meta threads below or any of the archived threads in the provided pastebin. But I'd be more than happy to answer whatever questions you have. >So what's the gameplan? Currently I plan on moving over some storytimes from 8kun to here, to help fill up the board and to avoid losing any of them if the pig farmer decides to pull the plug. Beyond that I'm still thinking of ways of how to grow /co/. If you have any suggestions don't be afraid to say them. >Why here and not one of the webring boards? Name recognition and user overlap. Lets be honest the comics industry is dead and western animation isn't any better, so a lot of interest has been lost. Boards like /v/, /delicious/, /tg/ and /m/ are the only Anons with any remote interest in anything /co/ related and most of the bunkers they're staying at are either dead, have little user overlap, are unwilling to host /co/ or just filled to the brim with autism. Fatchan looked nice but the software was too new/buggy, too few people and I rather gamble my chance on 8chan's name bringing people back than some bunker that has no real pull. >What of 8kun? I'll still "maintain" it just to make sure people find their way here. But once the administration finds out I'm sure to lose the board. All the same rules apply here as it did before, I still haven't found a way to link the rules page so everything will be in the pastebin. I'm still only one guy so don't expect lighting fast responses (vols will be added eventually). I recently made a twitter account Probably the worst decision I've ever made just so people know what's happening if 8chan were to be taken out again. You can contact me from there but be warned I'm not very active and prefer if people contacted me through my protonmail. But besides all that's been said, this thread will be for any open discussion. I also want to thank those of you that made the jump and for sticking around, it means a lot. Be aware that is still in beta and will be going up and down for bug fixes, so don't be alarmed. Rules Alt: Cancer Archived 8kun Threads Alt: Previous Meta Threads 1. 2. 3.

R: 206 / I: 121 / P: 1

/co/ Pain Thread 8: Superslop at the end of the rainbow!

The world's on fire but the slop doesn't stop getting churned! Your thread for venting all your frustrations on various /co/ related movies, books, games, & shows is back! Feeling lucky? You shouldn't! The first tease of James Gunn's Superman has been revealed. Calling back to Kingdom Come but with a gold sigil & 50% less crappy textures. Will James Gunn save DC & Warner Bros.? Probably not but they're too far along to stop. On the animated side we're still getting not one but two more Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths parts to the Tomorrowverse. A disaster of an animated universe somehow worse than the New 52 based one previously. But they're bringing back Will Friedle as Terry McGinnis/Batman Beyond & Kevin Conroy's real last performance along for the ride. Also still getting the Suicide Squad Isekai anime. Something no one asked for that's clearly gotten too much yet not enough effort put into it. If you weren't sick of Harley already, now you're getting ANOTHER live action take on her in the sequel to Joker. An upcoming musical drama about Arthur finding love in the craziest of places. Arkham Asylum. But wait! There's more! Hollywood isn't just regurgitating Marvel & DC slop anymore! We're getting a reboot of The Crow. A film infamously starring Brandon Lee as the titular Crow that led to his untimely accidental death due to incompetence on set. Now The Crow/Eric Draven is being reimagined for a.... modern... audience. None of that comic book accuracy in looks though. No no. They've Jared Leto'd him for a new generation. It's a bold strategy, anons. Let's see how it plays out.

R: 47 / I: 34 / P: 1

Post ethnically or religiously Jewish /co/ characters

R: 168 / I: 124 / P: 1

Onegezellig Thread.

A short German or dutch? indie cartoon made by studio massa. A slice of life cartoon about a Tomoko expy and her roommates Coco, a tech literate white African & Mymy Nip with grandiose aspiration that with a distain for anime and JP culture.

R: 141 / I: 45 / P: 1

Smiling Friends finally got picked up, kinda cool i guess.

R: 70 / I: 14 / P: 1

Things That Got Shows Cancelled

Either by low toy sales, certain scenes or the creators being an absolute pest. What other reasons, other than low viewership, has a show been cancelled?

R: 7 / I: 16 / P: 1

Shrines & Merchandise

A thread showcasing mental illness character shrines with autistic fanatical levels of obsession love for characters. Feel free to also share your own merchandise you have. Maybe even your own shrines.

R: 27 / I: 20 / P: 1

Socks thread

ITT we post screenshots where a sock is shown

R: 16 / I: 6 / P: 1

Rescue Heroes (1999)

Tired of derailing another thread I create my own to discuss this show. It exists. We gonna watch this shit and you will like it anon, or I will yell at you.

R: 9 / I: 7 / P: 1

lol comics

R: 6 / I: 6 / P: 1

Give me some good movie recommendations that are actually worth my time. Name at least one good movie that you can think of off the top of your head.

R: 389 / I: 433 / P: 1

Webm Thread

To celebrate the new 24mb limit, let's post some webms. The more the better.

R: 63 / I: 43 / P: 1

ITT: Tropes that won't fucking die!

I am so absolutely fucking sick of "Superman but evil" being the newest cape trend. It's bad enough comic writers can't write cohesive comics. But now every piece of media has to be this cynical bullshit. I HATE IT! There's plenty PLENTY to criticize about capeshit comics but it's just so frustrating that deconstruction has become the new norm.

R: 8 / I: 5 / P: 1

Post about a cartoon you just finished

So, just finished off the BattleTech cartoon, and it was a decent show. The premise for the show is that, in the middle of the 31st century, humanity has been in a galactic civil war with itself for the past 300 years, with the favored weapons in this war being BattleMechs, gigantic bipedal machines that are essentially walking tanks. However, in the middle of this war, all of the galaxy is invaded by a new enemy called "the Clans", who aim to reunite the galaxy under their tribal rule. As a result of this Adam Steiner, as well as a ragtag band of mech pilots and technicians begin a self-declared crusade against these invaders, all the while reuniting the different factions across the galaxy so that they can fend off the Clans. Going into this series, you're not really required to be aware of any of the knowledge relevant to the greater BattleTech franchise, as it skims across the surface as much as it can. However, it does end up compromising a lot of details that does make the series lore so great and worth getting into. But, it's decent for what amounts to a childrens cartoon of a property who's sole focus is upon a galaxy at war with itself, fighting with giant robots. The animation for the series takes some getting used to. Saban decided to go with the novel idea of combining CGI with traditional animation, however I feel like it doesn't pull it together. Unlike with something far later like Code Lyoko, which the different styles are used for different worlds, the CGI in the series exists for the purposes of displaying a new "enhanced imagining" tech that's introduced and alters how a BattleMech pilot (A Mech Warrior) sees the battlefield. In practice, the transition comes across as a little jarring, especially when battles unfold using both the CGI and traditional animation rather than one or the other. And, as the series unfolds, the CGI actually does look for better for the purposes of the battles. As for the traditional animation. It's decent, but it comes across as a little stilted and off as well. Ignoring the scaling and perspective issues often present, it comes across like the series is trying to stay true to it's violent origins, but not TOO violent as to offend the station managers (This aired on Fox Kids during the same time as Spider-Man). In same ways, the best episode, when it comes to the animation is the last episode to the series, where it seems like much of the budget was spent. The audio I cannot really comment on because the only way to watch this series is through pisspoor VHS recordings, but it does have a lot of the same mech sound effects that you hear in the MechWarrior video games. Overall, it's an okay series, but it's a hard recommendation from me. Personally, I'd rather see the series remade, with either completely 2D or 3D animation. There is some great stories to be told in the BattleTech universe, but it just feels like there's so much else dragging this show down.

R: 72 / I: 23 / P: 1

Hey /co/, have you heard of Jellystone? It's a fun Hanna-Barbera show with lots of slapstick. So far only half of S1 has released, but there's lots of favorites, Top Cat, Yogi, Huckleberry Hound, Jabberjaw. If you miss slapstick I say give it a shot.

R: 55 / I: 51 / P: 1

Euro Comics - Repost

Other than 2000AD and Asterix, what are some of the other good comics put out from across the ponds. Burger here with a real interest in reading some.

R: 31 / I: 35 / P: 2

What terrible comics/cartoons do you think aspiring creators should draw practical lessons from?

R: 168 / I: 55 / P: 2

/co/ Vidya Thread

Anyone wanna talk about /co/ related video games? What have you been playing? What upcoming games are you looking forward to? Here are my thoughts on a few new and upcoming games. Avengers looks like ass. I hate how everyone in charge at Marvel completely missed the appeal of Kamala. I'm probably in the minority here who actually like the character, but what made her appealing at the start was how low stakes her stories were. She doesn't work in big events like what this game is going for. It also will have some Destiny like shit tacked on. Ultimate Alliance 3 was enjoyable, but definitely worse than the original. It does show how much better stylized art looks when compared to the upcoming Avengers game. The camera is terrible though especially in co-op. I don't understand Sony's strategy with Spider-Man: Miles Morales. They revealed it like it was a sequel, but from what I understand it is just an expansion that comes with a rerelease of the first game. Next gen so far looks like a disaster. And finally Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated. I was really looking forward to this game, but I hear it's a mess. The cut content from the original that they had advertised as being added wasn't, and even with a day one patch it is apparently still a buggy mess.

R: 228 / I: 616 / P: 2

Lewd Thread?

Post /co/ related smut.

R: 222 / I: 243 / P: 2


R: 265 / I: 132 / P: 2

General Toku/Kaiju thread

Is the MCU considered a Tokusatsu? Other shows/toons and comics that could be considered Toku? What happened to the Power Rangers BOOM! comic? I was posting the PR comic general a couple years back but since Kyle Higgins got replaced as a writer around the Shattered Grid event which seemed hurried as hell I lost interest and the previews just smelled like shark jumping, also the Go Go series, which started pretty weak but it git gud later only to be dragged into the Shattered Grid mess.

R: 79 / I: 47 / P: 2

New Season of Totally Spies Show was fun (despite having basicly no pantsu for all the fetish material it had), but I have no hope for this. I'm fine with shows getting a finale later to finish off all the orphened plotlines (Hey Arnold), but Totally Spies had virtually no running plot except maybe their relationship with Mandy (which underwent minor changes at various points) and lasted 6 seasons (so hardly cut short).

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 2

ITT: What if SWAT Kats had the writing quality of BTAS?

Batman: The Animated Series and SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron. Two cartoons that first ran in the 90's, both about vigilantes, but only one has been critically lauded for its storytelling (you have one guess as to which one). With that said, what do you think SWAT Kats would have been like if its storytelling had had the caliber of that of BTAS? Here's my thoughts >Better characterization, particularly from the villains >More cohesive world-building; the settings in SWAT Kats were all over the place >More logical plots/stories What do you think?

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 2

Fred perry gold digger archive

Since the creator of gold digger getting close to the end of the series forever I've been trying go archive every comic But I'm still missing quite a few that apparently not been archived like Gold Digger Tech Manual 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 Here what i currently have so far: Let's finish this collection to the end

R: 280 / I: 180 / P: 2

Drawthread: New Beginnings

Thread making resources + the OP can be found here:!Suhz0D5Y!BSrBrV1kxK9B5G1SSiJmwQ If you want something else to be added, post it in the thread Books and Tutorials Sometimes they get nuked but "we" try to keep them updated. PW hint: You always have to read more of it Helpful Resources 'Learn fundamentals with excercises' : '8Chan Art Wiki': 'Online poses with timer': 'HOW TO DRAW - an /ic/ guide': 'Drawfag resources': Helpful Video Resources, mostly YouTube 'ProkoTV': Good for basic anatomy needs 'Sycra Yasin': General in-depth talk about ways to improve and being an artist 'CG Cookie / ConceptCookie': Advanced techniques and many livestreams (on Wednesdays) and tutorials 'FZDSCHOOL': Founder of FZD School (in Singapore) Feng Zhu showcases his workflows by re-working art from his students 'Scott Robertson': Advanced lessons on drawing fundamentals and concept artwork 'Ctrl+Paint': Free lessons on basics and fundamentals of drawing and painting 'Draw Mix Paint': Free lessons in traditional painting Booru and Delivery Archive (Retiring this booru because the owner is fucking dead) (Superior new booru) This is the closest thing we have to archive every delivery safely in a centralized area. Participation here would be greatly appreciated from those with accounts. Tips for a healthier Drawthread >Spot out any autistic shitter and repeat offenders You know who they are unless you're new, in which case lurk moar >Anyone can participate, even if you're dog shit. The livelier it is, the better, but don't go begging for (you)s or pity. This is not deviantArt. >If you do draw, draw to the best of your ability! If you're not giving it your all people will notice. >Any drawfags with works in progress, please post any updates so that the requester and everyone else knows that people are still working hard! >If for any reason a request is scrapped, upload what you have and say it's at its most complete state. Maybe ask if someone wants to take over and finish it for you. >Comment. Every artist loves a compliment, it validates their hard work. Don't be afraid of dishing out them (you)s as long as you feel they deserve them. LASTLY, PLEASE READ THIS These threads are not meant to be spammed every day like a fucking general. This isn't an art board. Give the Drawfags their time to do their thing and leave the thread-making to 'them'. Anyone attempting to make this thread in a newfag/cuckchan/low effort manner will be met with disdain and mockery. And yes I did just copy and pasted from /v/

R: 10 / I: 2 / P: 2

ITT: "Never knew he already died"

So Duckman's creator died around June 14th this year: Everett Peck.

R: 234 / I: 94 / P: 2

Well /co/?

R: 399 / I: 138 / P: 2

Roosterteeth Funeral Thread

Little bit of /v/ and a little bit of /co/, either way the dead horse is burning. So take your bets on when the final death blow is dealt. Because the dream is long dead Update: 6 feet under.

R: 421 / I: 191 / P: 2

QTDDTOT - Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

The Taito Superman arcade game from 1988 has this woman as an unused graphic. Is she an existing DC character?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 2

Richard M. Sherman RIP

>Disney Legend Richard M. Sherman passed away Saturday, May 25, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills, due to age-related illness, Disney has confirmed. Sherman was 95.

R: 449 / I: 214 / P: 2

Hazbin Hotel

Is any of this shit really worth watching?

R: 8 / I: 2 / P: 2

What are your favorite Zombie Simpsons episodes?

R: 28 / I: 7 / P: 3

Murder Drones Thread

An online animated horror-comedy series where robots take over after humanity wipes itself out on a mining colony planet as a result of a mining accident of the planet's core and effectively replaced them basing their society on human customs. Despite this, they're being hunted down by the titular murder drones, Androids that specialize in hunting down other androids to survive were deployed to exterminate wayward androids by the company that created them. Episode three came out yesterday.

R: 8 / I: 2 / P: 3

R.I.P. Peter Bennett (1967-2024)

>Bennett has worked on nearly every single episode of the main series, as well as the early episodes of the spin-offs. His only non-SpongeBob credit was background painter for ChalkZone during seasons 2 & 3 when the SB crew was busy working on the first movie.

R: 51 / I: 17 / P: 3

Red death.

R: 328 / I: 297 / P: 3

Steven Universe Consensus

With Steven Universe finally dead hopefully how bad was the entire journey? Was it "Oh god throw it into the woodchipper" or "Oh god, light it on fire before throwing it into the woodchipper!" levels of bad?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 3

obscure webcomic

So i was just on the train omw home and i saw this qr code on the train station. I decided why not and scanned the qr code with a scanner on my andriod. the first thing I see is a green guy call a gay alien a faggot as he's lighting a cigar. The qr led me here: idrk if it's based or not, the red guy and green guy are faggots as well. which is kinda ironic. i just wanted to know if anyone else has seen this comic anywhere on the internet

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 3

tell me why this gotta be the most unfunny shit ever. I was on newgrounds and i remember i downloaded this shitty comic strip during no nut november. I can't be the only one

R: 85 / I: 20 / P: 3


They've skinned the sheep and now WB animation is wearing its skin. And somehow Roosterteeth still lives Lets pay our respects and remember the good times.

R: 25 / I: 17 / P: 3

>Butch Hartman jokes about how Tara Strong drove Mary Kay Bergman to suicide >Dan "Hold her tighter she's a fighter" Schneider getting a documentary shitting on him and his shows >Alex Hirsch and Gravity Falls >Anything involving John K It feels like im in a time warp hearing all this shit again, I swear it was 2008 just yesterday. I've listed the more recent examples, its just interesting to think how all this was already public knowledge back in old /co/. Which gets me thinking- if creators ever came to /co/ to wring out dirty laundry? Its completely possible it could all be reposts from smaller forums or message boards but it's just amusing to ponder what schizophrenic rumors over the years could be true. Between the early 2000s up to 2014ish when gg caused the site to split into two

R: 29 / I: 14 / P: 3

RIP Heavy Metal Magazine

Apparently they canceled Heavy Metal and wont release whats already been done.

R: 24 / I: 10 / P: 3

Simpsons, Family Guy and Bob's Burgers renewed up to 2025

R: 16 / I: 67 / P: 3

The Malaysian Anime Hitler Comic

It's a kid comic called X-Ventures. In one of the arcs, some Nazi resurrected Hitler into the body of a young girl. Luckily it's in English

R: 9 / I: 3 / P: 3

If Scrooge McDuck is supposed to be Scottish, shouldn't his surname be "MacDuck" instead of "McDuck?" McDuck would be Irish, right?

R: 21 / I: 5 / P: 3

Anyone remember this absolute classic of unintentional comedy?

R: 168 / I: 61 / P: 3

I never see anyone talk about The Owl House, is it any good?

R: 26 / I: 24 / P: 3

Story time: Kid Venom Anime

You be the judges. I just don't know anymore.

R: 26 / I: 14 / P: 3

Seeing how RWBY is getting an adaption, the number of Japanese fanart for Adventure Time is still going along with some indie comics getting a lot of art and that one Nick fighting game briefly topping becoming a decent seller in Japan. How rare are westaboos nowadays?

R: 113 / I: 58 / P: 4

/co/ Share Thread the Third

ITT: share /co/ related material with other anons - cartoons, comics, etc. READ ME BEFORE ASKING FOR ANYTHING Due to the smaller userbase of comics compared to films and video games, torrents are usually less seeded, if they even exist. MEGA links will be primarily used as they are faster and reliable for the immediate future. Lots of comics and cartoons are available on sites like and Vola (DEAD) (DEAD) >How to remove Mega's 1.5gb download limit/bandwith quota? Download MegaTools or JDownloader 2. Copy/paste links and it will download at full speed and won't care about limits. Leechers 1. Before you request, search online for the file you want. 2. Look first in the archives and on volafile for the file you are looking for. 3. When requesting, be as specific as possible. If you have the cover art of the file you want, post it on in the thread. Especially if there's more than one run i.e Batman #1-10 refers to many different issues. 4. Due to fun police, links to files will be split in half. If you see something like: c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a |or| c12-fe1c-06bba25-4a9dc9f519-b335aa7c1-367a88a, it's an Info Hash. Most/all torrent clients handle a hash. Same as using a magnet, just copy/paste it. Uploaders 1. Upload whatever. Don't ask if someone wants it. Merely being there might incentivise someone to read/watch it. 2. Don't upload to a filesharing site and expect it to stay there forever. MEGA is not for storage. It will eventually get taken down in the long run. 3. Split links to confuse bots. See "HowtoContribute" file. Volafile 1. Don't upload 100 issues individually if you can. Uploading a .zip would be both easier for uploading and downloading, and doesn't clog the Vola. If anons are wary of downloading .zips, upload a few issues individually to prove legitimacy, then .zip the rest. 2. Don't turn the Vola into a circlejerk, posting reaction images and discussing your penises in the chat. Related Boards >>>/edit/

R: 7 / I: 3 / P: 4

Characters you hate with a passion

I can't stand the little nigglet, wish he had died at some point, even if to try give some emotional weight, at least the writers are smart enough to always keep him on the sidelines because if he had become part of the main group i'd have abandoned the series. It's also really annoying how they try to force the idea that he's friends with the rest of the group when they have almost zero interactions with him. So what characters do you hate?

R: 4 / I: 8 / P: 4

It's that time again. TONIGHT: You Better Meet Your Barrel Quota in the Belgian Bonga Congo: eps 25-27 Not Even Brock Wants to Deal With This Onyx: eps 14-15 Don't you call Kamina uncrasimatic!: eps 8-9 Bionic Part Six: eps 10-11 11 MORE YEARS. I HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY. Don't forget to vote for next week's bonus episode.

R: 45 / I: 18 / P: 4

>Kerry Washington joins The Simpsons cast as Bart's new teacher >Meet Ms. Peyton, who'll be the permanent replacement for Mrs. Krabappel. "Teaching Bart is a job filled with growth opportunities," says Washington.

R: 27 / I: 14 / P: 4


R: 20 / I: 8 / P: 4

Adaptations you would like to see in film

What series would you like to see adapted into film or animated series? I will start first: I would like to see Invasion and it's successor Savage adapted. For those who do not know, Savage is set in an alternate history wherein a nationalist movement took hold in Russia after the death of Stalin, turning it into the Volgan Republic. The Volgan Republic then implemented a super-blitzkrieg that combined nuclear weapons and areal and ground troops. Bill Savage, an East End lorry driver suffered personally, not only the supposed death of his brother but the loss of his wife and children via a stray DU (depleted uranium) round. Months later, the Volgan Republic has installed a puppet prime minister (after killing the old one on the steps of St Paul's Cathedral) and is implementing its unique brand of authoritarianism. Bill Savage quickly becomes a key figure in the resistance and the story begins there. Imagine a combination of SS GB and 1984 with robots and experimental tech and you are there. The story has a gritty and unflinching tone that I feel would be perfect.

R: 261 / I: 1115 / P: 4

Easter Annual Special

Guess who's back in town! Sit back on relax and enjoy everyone's favorite Christian manga. Serenity #1-10

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 4

EEnE [Official and Fan] thread

What is Eddy thinking here? >Something Ed's obsession with animals? >Tipping the cows? >Remembering the old days with Rolf? >Thinking about new ways to make scam by making "Eddy's Cow Jumping Over The Moon" by stealing Rolf's cows? >Remembering the days of needing milk for Chunky Puffs I don't know, you decide. Its pretty comfortable thread though. Also, I found cool fan-made videos heavily related to Ed Edd Eddy:

R: 18 / I: 2 / P: 4

Akira Toriyama RIP

>Akira Toriyama, creator of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, dies at 68. End of an era.

R: 8 / I: 3 / P: 4

The Wild Robot

A new film from Dreamworks about a robot who gets lost innawoods and goes native. I think it can work if the movie maintains the same tone the trailer does. The cast listing has me worried though.

R: 162 / I: 99 / P: 4

Online Animator and animations Thread.

Haven't seen a thread about this as long as I've been on this site. What are your favorite western web animators you like so far? I enjoy Joel G's work so far, and he's a pretty decent animator so far. Especially with the Hands Up! Miniseries.

R: 84 / I: 65 / P: 4

The Loud House

Does anyone even talk about this show anymore? outside the porn It's still going, but It feels like ever since the creator got the shaft, there hasn't been much discussion.

R: 62 / I: 25 / P: 4

Clone High Reebot at work at MTV

Everything you love will be dug up and turned into shit.

R: 26 / I: 8 / P: 4

/co/ streaming thread

Where you announce your comic and cartoon related streams. Apologize for sucking ass. And somehow an anon blames everything on Mark.

R: 58 / I: 43 / P: 4


Do you think they'll give us a spin off that doesn't suck? Next avatar is Earth so it should be good.

R: 57 / I: 114 / P: 4

Webcomics Thread.

Any interesting webcomics you've been reading lately? Post them here.

R: 500 / I: 308 / P: 5

/co/ Pain Thread 7: Nothing new under Hollyweird

Apologies for the delay. My internet was out for a time. Thankfully the steady pace of this board allows for such waiting periods. We return now to our regular summer of trash. DC announces a new anime project. Suicide Squad Isekai. Wherein Harley Quinn & Joker are isekai'd into a generic Japanese DnD styled fantasy world of dragons, ogres, & rape p'orcs. Directed by Eri Osada & character designs by Naoto Hosoda. The latter known for animation work on a few productions such as The Garden of Words & 5 Centimeters per Second. The Seth Rogen TMNT movie is still on the horizon & clocking it at number 1 for ugliest animated movie of the year. Ruby Gillman was ugly but only for it's human designs. Here? Everyone is hideous. The Flash came & went. Another box office bomb for DC & the chronological end of the Snyderverse. Blue Beetle will be officially part of the new DCU cinematic universe under James Gunn. Another low effort animated movie for their animated movie universe has been pumped out. Then finally we have the recently released Nimona. A half baked movie based on an even more horridly produced comic of the same name. By a woman who was cheated on by her gf with a man, married said gf, then decided to cut off her breasts & now calls herself a man herself. Who wouldn't want a movie of a comic no one read by a lesbian with penis envy?!

R: 44 / I: 9 / P: 5


It just came out and it honestly needs TONS of love and support ASAP: If we could all work together by making "Kiff" go uphill (in other words, prove that Kiff truly is King) by boosting "Kiff"'s steaming numbers over on Disney+ (Because there's absolutely no way in hell I'm letting "Kiff" lose to preschool-shit, star-shit, cape-shit, and that hideously ugly Oceanside human skank that is Hailey Banks), and get "Kiff" TRULY trending/sweeping over on Social Media by making "Kifftwt (Kiff Twitter)" a reality, and drawing tons of lewds of (or commission tons of R34 artists to draw lewds of) Kiff Chatterley, Beryl Chatterley, Terri Buns, Mary Buns, Candle Fox, Renée, Miss Deer Teacher, Miss Tulane, Miss Moufflé, Principal Swan, Kim Popularé, and Marlina Deena Turina, that would be hella great! Also, just a daily reminder: #KiffbrosRiseUp #KiffGang #KiffGangRiseUp

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 5

Ramona Fradon RIP

>Ramona Fradon, Classic Aquaman Artist and Co-Creator of Metamorpho, Dead at 97 >she made her debut in 1949 with the DC title “Gang Busters,” a series based on the true crime radio program of the same name. >She was assigned Aquaman’s adventures in “Adventure Comics,” which she would pencil for a whole decade from 1951 to 1961. Over the course of her run, Aquaman’s origin story was revamped, establishing his real name as Arthur Curry, while characters like his parents Tom and Atlanna, the octopus sidekick Topo, and the original Aqualad (Garth) were introduced. She would continue to draw Arthur’s series, which moved to the pages of “World’s Finest Comics,” >She and Bob Haney introduced Metamorpho (Rex Mason), the Element Man, in 1965’s “The Brave and the Bold” #57. The character, who was conceived as a self-parody of DC’s more bizarre characters, proved popular enough to gain his own series. >She was recognized during her lifetime with an Inkpot Award in 1995, and an induction into the Eisner Awards’ Hall of Fame in 2006. Her passing has prompted much mourning on social media, with Gail Simone, Ron Marz, Jerry Ordway, Jimmy Palmiotti, Jeff Parker, Brittany Holzherr, Chris Ryall, Joe Illidge, Francesco Francavilla, Zack Davisson, and Zach Rabiroff among those paying tribute to her.

R: 89 / I: 47 / P: 5

Why is he so edgy?

R: 63 / I: 33 / P: 5

Now that the dust has settled, can we finally answer the most controversial question to ever grace /co/ boards? Did Scott Pilgrim vs. the World ruin a whole generation of women or were they a lost cause in the first place? Is there anything redeeming about this shitty series?

R: 84 / I: 37 / P: 5

Transformers EarthSpark

First ten episodes of the newest series came out this weekend.

R: 28 / I: 17 / P: 5

Kevin Conroy Dead

>Kevin Conroy, who voiced Batman in multiple shows over the years, has died. He was 66. >Conroy’s death was confirmed by Diane Pershing, the voice of the DC character Poison Ivy. >“Very sad news: our beloved voice of Batman, Kevin Conroy, died yesterday. He’s been ill for a while but he really put in a lot of time at the cons, to the joy of all of his fans. He will be sorely missed not just by the cast of the series but by his legion of fans all over the world,” she shared on Facebook today. >Pershing included multiple photos of Conroy from over the years in her post, where she wrote, “Below are pictures of Kevin with Loren Lester who plays Robin another with me and and Tara Strong who is in the later episodes of Batman cartoons. And then finally, one of Kevin and me in front of the huge audiences we used to get when we did our panels. RIP, friend.😢” >Conroy began his Batman career in 1992’s Batman: The Animated Series, in which he voiced the titular superhero for three years. He reprised his Batman role for 1993’s Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, and went on to voice the character in multiple video games and, TV movies and series throughout the ’90s. Rest in Peace Caped Crusader.

R: 31 / I: 23 / P: 5

Dumbing of AIDS - Cutting The Cheese Edition


R: 28 / I: 12 / P: 5

>They started complaining that my project doesn’t cater enough to boys,” Simpson wrote. “Hollywood has an idea that boys won’t watch shows that center girls, but girls will watch shows that center boys (or, girls just ‘don’t like animation’), so marketing-wise you should only ever make boy shows, possibly with one token girl.” Lets be honest, the show wasn't canceled because of demographics or budget. Someone dug up his old classic and showed it to the execs. Which is a shame because it generally is a good webcomic and deserves a show

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 5

Do not escape!

R: 11 / I: 45 / P: 5

Storytime - Mic key Mouse in The Currents of Time

Hello /co/, Since, earlier this month, Steamboat Wilie was finally released into the public domain, I thought sharing this would be appropriate. To give you a little context: This story was released in the Lustiges Taschenbuch #267 ("funny pocket book", a monthly German collection of European Disney comics), the very last issue released in the last millenium. Written by Francesco Artibani and Tito Faraci and drawn by Corrado Mastantuono, it is a sequel/love letter to the original Steamboat Willie cartoon, and one of my favorite Italian Disney comics for a number of reasons. Firstly, it has a certain sentimental or nostalgic vibe, and is one of the funnier Italian comics. Also, the way it's told and composed makes it very cinematic. I totally could see this getting adapted into an animated short. I translated this from the German version. I took a few minor liberties here and there, but tried to keep the overall dialogue intact as best as I could. Now, without further ado, I present you "The Currents of Time", a fun river adventure, in which Mickey Mouse and Peg-Leg Pete raise the famous Steamboat Willie.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 5

Do you give into her demands /co/?

R: 53 / I: 20 / P: 5

80's Cartoons

What are you anons currently watching? I've been re-watching The Transformers, TMNT and The Real Ghostbusters.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 5

>Good Smile Company holds pool asking people what toys they want made >Megas XLR actually manages to crack the top ten with western viewers Wew. Hope the gang get into a SRW now that its popularity in the west is established for the elevens.

R: 68 / I: 74 / P: 5

Whatcha Readin?

With the world going to shit, what are you guys reading during quarantine?

R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 5

HAPPY 2024


R: 87 / I: 363 / P: 6


HO HO HO! Guess who's back! Yeah, sorry for disappearing last year. I was in the middle of moving and I didn't have the time to storytime last year, but better late than never Had to defrost myself after a near tragic sleigh ride accident last year, lets just say never give a reindeer spiked oats. These next couple of Monday, Wednesday and Fridays will feature some holly jolly Christmas stories for the month of December. SO GET SOME MILK AND COOKIES, LIGHT YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE AND GET COMFY! IT'S TIME FOR SOME JOLLY OLE TALES! Our first tale of the night is- 1999's DCU Holiday Bash! #3

R: 88 / I: 80 / P: 6

/co/ Christmas card 2023

Can you smell the burning mouse over the crackling fireplace? BECAUSE IT'S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN! Spanning back nearly a decade! We're making a Christmas card! Submit (preferably background-less) images of /co/ related material (8moe related events count too) referencing big comic and/or cartoon events of the past year. We mash 'em all up in a big collage and send out the result to boards we like on Christmas Day. Considering how Disney is burning so wonderfully, how about we all take a trip to the rotting corpse of Disneyland this year?

R: 8 / I: 3 / P: 6

Dave Prowse, the man behind the Darth Vader mask, dies aged 85

>Dave Prowse, the British weightlifter-turned-actor who played Darth Vader in the original "Star Wars" trilogy, has died. He was 85. >Physically, Prowse was perfect for the part. His lilting English West Country accent was considered less ideal, and his lines were dubbed by James Earl Jones >Prowse died Saturday after a short illness, his agent Thomas Bowington said Sunday.

R: 153 / I: 102 / P: 6

Invincible The Animated Series: Nuclear Fallout Edition

The show that turns a try-hard high school super hero comic that over stayed its welcome, into a badly animated pandering mess that'll crater in quality as it goes on.

R: 141 / I: 74 / P: 6

The most poetic thing I've come to notice about this show is Rick's efforts to dismiss the existence of God. He has time and time again tried to proclaim his place as God by emulating what he thinks God is, and continually denounces religion in the face of his own Hubris, the kicker being that he prays to God the moment he's powerless. It suggests to me that he is always going on Atheistic tangents and trying to cement his place as a God among mortals in an effort to win his God's acknowledgement, because his own hubris veils his eyes from seeing the truth about himself. The Ricks Must Be Crazy indicates this with his spite for his universe's creator despite the fact that he was the creator of his battery Universe and the tiny verse's within it. A Rickle in Time indicates it's a facade with his prayers when he thought he was going to die, and his subsequent response after he fixed his collar.Something Ricked This Way Comes validates religion in a sense with the existence of the Devil, though it gets overlooked in later seasons most likely due to continuity errors. Whether intentional or not on Harmon's Part, it makes this show more Christian than it does Nihilist or Atheist in retrospect. Another observation is that without Jerry is far more competent than he's made out to be in the show. Without Rick, Jerry becomes more competent and becomes less dependent on Rick and Beth when he is forced to step up to the plate. With Rick Potion #9, the moment Rick was no longer in the picture, Jerry stepped up and saved Beth despite being willing to commit suicide if he found Beth cheating moments earlier. Despite earlier seasons portraying Jerry as stupid based on his irrational responses, his peeing on the floor schtick in Lawnmower Dog could be seen as a smart move considering snowball and the other dogs didn't act aggressively and dismissed him as a legitimate threat as a result, not to mention the implication of castration Jerry shrugged off as a haircut. Jerry is most likely not a genius, but his antics whether deliberate or not allow him to contest with Rick and Beth married him for a reason despite being the daughter of the Genius. Big Trouble in Little Sanchez speaks for itself. The general idea is that Rick is hailed as a God and Jerry is hailed as retarded, though the show demonstrates the opposite depending on how you look at it. Anyone else notice anything interesting about this show, intentional or unintentional?

R: 10 / I: 6 / P: 6

Who would win Bueno Excellente or Superman?

Bueno Excellente everyone's favorite perverted vigilante or the one and only Man of Steel: Superman! Personally my bet is on Bueno since he was so powerful he even made Lobo fuck off at one point in time. Although Superman has the power of cosmic plot armor bullshit, so who knows if he can withstand Bueno Excellente at full power.

R: 8 / I: 7 / P: 6

Rainbow Bubblegem Thread

This thread is for fans of Rainbow Bubblegem

R: 42 / I: 51 / P: 6

AI Art General

Whether you like it or not, AI is here to stay. Post /co/-related AI artwork and experiments here. Here's some guides to installing Stable Diffusion (if you have a NVIDIA GPU with 2GB+ VRAM). >Installing AUTOMATIC1111, the most feature-rich and commonly-used UI: >Different UI with 1-click installation: >Installing various UIs in Docker: >AMD isn't well-supported. If you're running Linux there's a way to install AUTOMATIC1111 but otherwise features are very limited: Native: Docker: Onnx: >Models, textual inversion & embeddings To try it out without installing anything you can use a web service, though they are lacking in features. >Stable Horde is a free network of people donating their GPU time, how long it takes depends on how many people are using it. It supports negative prompts, seperate the positive and negative prompts with "###": >Dreamstudio requires making an account and gives you around 200 free images before asking you to pay: Img2img: | Ippainting: | >The most notable non-Stable Diffusion generator is Midjourney, which tends to be nicer-looking and doesn't require as much fiddling with prompts but can have a samey style. However the only way to use it is through a Discord bot. >If you're okay with more setup but don't have the hardware you can use a cloud-hosted install: Paperspace: Colab: >Various other guides: NovelAi: Dreambooth: Inpainting/Outpainting: Upscaling images: Textual inversion: >Resources Search images and get ideas for prompts, can search by image to see similar images: Index of various resources: Artist styles: | | | | Compiled list of various models, regularly updated: (Check here before asking "where do I find x model!") Copypasta OP:

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 6

RIP Keith Giffen

>Keith Giffen, a legendary comic creator known for his work on Justice League International and Legion of Super-Heroes, as well as co-creating characters like Rocket Raccoon, Lobo, and Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle, has passed away at the age of 70. Giffen reportedly suffered a stroke on Sunday, October 9th, before passing away one day later on Monday, October 10th. In accordance with his family's wishes, Giffen's Facebook page broke the news, with a statement reading:

R: 52 / I: 21 / P: 6

Voice Actor Segregation has Come for Cartoons

Now you can't act as a character that doesn't have the same skin color or race or belief as the character you're playing. Also, this only applies to white people since the hypocrites turn a blind eye to the many black people playing non-black characters like Samurai Jack. Let's also forget that there is an industry of foreign voice actors and dubbers who have voiced a lot of characters that didn't represent them personally or came from the same country as them for however many decades that cartoons have been on and nobody found a problem with it until now. Probably one of the most liberating things of being a voice actor is being allowed to play anyone and anything and that looks to be getting shutdown. The latest one right now is The Simpsons. Can the insanity end? Kristen Bell Will No Longer Voice The Mixed Race Molly Tillerman On Apple TV’s ‘Central Park’ Jenny Slate Quits Netflix’s Big Mouth Citing Animated Character’s Race Simpsons Will No Longer Have White Actors Voice Characters of Color.

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 6

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day everyone, I hope everyone gets to enjoy a good meal today.

R: 25 / I: 2 / P: 6

Wakfu Season 4

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 6

This cute alien had some lewd arts on the artist social media, but unfortunately, that artist decided to stop doing lewd art, and then, she change their most lewd videos to private. I just ask for some media content that you all may saved from Sploot, specifically videos from youtube or tiktok

R: 47 / I: 197 / P: 6

Night of the Were-Ed Storytime 2023

Well well well, it's been quite a year, hasn't it? The Slavs are still slaughtering each other, Burgerland is about to catch fire from another election year, and Der Judenreich is about to enact the final solution to the Musselman problem. But all that doesn't matter, because for the next five nights at Freddy's, the only thing you have to worry about is the yearly curse. A tradition upheld, a promise honored. That's right, it's once again the Night of the Were-Ed

R: 1 / I: 3 / P: 6

Anybody else watching Powerpuff Girls live? Did anybody go to the Houston Collect A Con. Tara Strong was there! I even got her autograph and a selfie. My Mom wondered why she was so expensive and I told her it was because Tara is Jewish.

R: 24 / I: 81 / P: 6

Horror Anthologies Story Time

It's this time of the year. I have been reading old horror anthologies lately and it is crazy how often stories are actually good in ones from EC and from Warren. Even back then anthologies were mostly hit and miss, yet somehow these two publishers built up a stable of good artists and writers who managed to produce good books consistently. Jennifer is one of my favorites so far. It was originally published in Creepy #63. Dark Horse reprint collections have it in volume 12. It was adapted in Masters of Horror series' fourth episode directed by Dario Argento.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 7

Keith Giffen RIP

>Keith Giffen, Comic Book Maverick for DC and Marvel, Dies at 70 >Keith Giffen, a celebrated comic book artist and writer who began his career when comics were still on the fringes of popular culture, in the 1970s, but who rode the superhero wave toward the mainstream with DC Comics’ Justice League and Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, popular franchises that became Hollywood films, died on Oct. 9 in Tampa, Fla. He was 70. >Mr. Giffen said he never sought such approbation. “I’ve no need to see my name splashed across the covers,” he said in a 1989 interview. “It’s very rare you’ll see me at a convention. I cringe when I hear anybody referred to as a superstar in comics. I think ‘comic book superstar’ is kind of an oxymoron.”

R: 10 / I: 3 / P: 7

Four Hotel Adam Sandler movies and this is what they green light.

R: 28 / I: 24 / P: 7

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Comic Autism But Where Afraid To Ask

A thread dedicated to discussing the absolute autism regarding the history of comic book characters and events.

R: 40 / I: 29 / P: 7

He-man and the Masters of the Universe

Season 2 just dropped earlier this month & we need a new thread for it. Let's try not to mention Kevin Smith's mistake unless making direct comparisons.

R: 53 / I: 17 / P: 7

Dead end season 2

What did you think of the new season

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 7

Wings of Fire

These are dogshit adaptations. Is there something more faithful to the books out there?

R: 186 / I: 101 / P: 7

Cartoon Network

>Are you sure this will make kids watch our cartoons? <Cartoons?

R: 250 / I: 195 / P: 7

Star Wars: The Empire did nothing wrong.

Last thread is dead and I need my Star Warswholesome dose.

R: 329 / I: 284 / P: 7

New Superman and Batman cartoons

More garbage capeshit coming through. Superman: >HBO Max and Cartoon Network announced today a two- season series order for My Adventures with Superman an all-new kids and family animated series following the action-packed, comedic and romantic adventures of Superman and Lois Lane. >In this serialized coming-of-age story, we follow Clark as he builds his secret Superman identity and embraces his role as the hero of Metropolis – and perhaps the world. Lois, now growing into a star investigative journalist, takes aspiring photographer Jimmy Olsen under her wing. All the while, Clark and Lois are falling in love, sharing adventures, taking down bad guys, stumbling over secrets, and discovering what it means to be Superman and Lois Lane. >Sam Register (Teen Titans Go!) serves as executive producer. Jake Wyatt (Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus) and Brendan Clogher (Voltron: Legendary Defender) are on board as co-executive producers and Josie Campbell (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) as co-producer. Batman: >HBO Max and Cartoon Network have greenlit a straight to series order for Batman: Caped Crusader, an all-new animated series and reimagining of the Batman mythology through the visionary lens of executive producers Bruce Timm, J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves and produced by Warner Bros. Animation (WBA), Bad Robot Productions and 6th & Idaho. >Executive Producers Bruce Timm, J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves said: “We are beyond excited to be working together to bring this character back, to tell engrossing new stories in Gotham City. The series will be thrilling, cinematic and evocative of Batman’s noir roots, while diving deeper into the psychology of these iconic characters. We cannot wait to share this new world.”

R: 361 / I: 347 / P: 7

Questionable Malcontent - Taliban Victory Party Edition

In the never ending nightmare about Jeph's self insert fantasy within a self insert fantasy about being a furry vtuber, continues as gay lesbian robots are hiding from the fed or something. Last thread: Archive: Edits: OC: Threads archive: Older stuff (Editfag Prime): Edits: Omits: Twitter Bully:

R: 8 / I: 9 / P: 7

20 Years of My Life as a Teenage Robot

Rob Renzetti is writing a continuation of the series titled "Alternaversity" in his newsletter, and Alex Kirwan will illustrate some of it: Here's the first six chapters written so far: No much fanart yet, even with a new goth XJ9. There's also a new Crust cousin coming.

R: 12 / I: 6 / P: 7

So Lackadaisy is finally getting an animated short. Its been years but it feels like last month when early discussions about a short were being had.

R: 22 / I: 7 / P: 7

Steve Harwell

The lead singer of Smash Mouth, Steve Harwell, famous for Shrek, Cat in the Hat, & Mystery Men has passed away at age 56 from liver failure.

R: 8 / I: 0 / P: 7

Fables Enters Public Domain

Bill Willingham has finally gotten sick of DC's shit and released Fables into public domain. Archive of his blog post:

R: 27 / I: 34 / P: 7

Storytime: Boys' Night Out

It feels like the only new threads we get here anymore are obituaries, so I'll do a small storytime to break the mold. Back in the early 2010s, Max Landis teamed up with some no-name artist to make Boys' Night Out, an unlicensed short story about Mickey "Mike" Mouse enjoying an evening with his friends while quietly dealing with a midlife crisis in the background. Though crass in its presentation, there is a tenderness at the heart that will resonate with folks who are dealing with navigating the next stage of adulthood after seemingly getting their life in order. As the comic features adult topics, Disney's lawyers were very quick in trying to get the comic erased. How successful they were is debatable. You'll find hardly a mention of it online outside of some years-old Blogspot posts that no one's gonna stumble upon unless they're already actively looking for the comic. But the entire comic is still available on the artist's website. But you have to register an account to get at it, as if you were borrowing some forbidden book from a library. Which is bullshit, so let me just put the whole thing here for all to read.

R: 73 / I: 56 / P: 7

Music video animations and standalone shorts

Post and discuss them. I primarily made this thread to share with anons the new McBess/McBaise video that came out yesterday. I liked it a lot and don't want to compress it, so here's a JuTube proxy link. Is the guy who made Double King still making new stuff?

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 8

Awful Hospital & Bogleech Thread

A a cosmic horror webcomic by Bogleech with a seemingly zany and humerous front that's actually about an existential terror represented in the form of a birthday cake know as "The Old Flesh" seeking to merge all forms of concepts into a singular entity lead by an visceral faction of discarded cognitive entities that remember their origins know as the parliament corrupting other cognitive entities into cancer like beings similar to them. Currently the main story is on hiatus with a spin off focusing on the other two main characters Willis, a living artery vein, and Issac, a slob (a cancerous Kroonenberg like abomination) getting involved with whatever machinations involving the denizens of the titular hospital. Also a Bogleech general thread if you're familiar with his other works. Archive on the origins of The old flesh's origin story.

R: 26 / I: 6 / P: 8

Johnny Hardwick, voice of Dale Gribble on ‘King of the Hill,’

>According to the outlet, Hardwick was pronounced dead at the scene. Police have yet to issue an official cause of death. >However, police did report that they do not suspect any foul play. >The Post reached out to Hardwick’s reps for comment. >Hardwick began his rise to stardom in 1990 as a stand-up comic in Texas before eventually landing a gig on “The Jon Stewart Show.” >The Lone Star State native later immortalized himself in television history with his work as conspiracy theory-obsessed Dale in the Fox comedy “King of the Hill,” which premiered in 1997.

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 8

RIP Joe Monks

>WULF and BATSY creator Joe Monks, of Chanting Monks Press, the first publisher to release Wulf and Batsy in 2004-2005, has passed away.

R: 35 / I: 8 / P: 8

‘Futurama’ Revival Ordered at Hulu With Multiple Original Cast Members Returning >Variety has learned that the streaming service has ordered 20 new episodes of the adult animated sci-fi comedy series. The revival hails from David X. Cohen and Matt Groening. Cohen developed the original series with Groening, the series creator. >Original series cast members Billy West, Katey Sagal, Tress MacNeille, Maurice LaMarche, Lauren Tom, Phil LaMarr and David Herman will all return. John DiMaggio, who voiced Bender and several minor characters, is not currently attached. According to an individual with knowledge of the project, the producers are hopeful DiMaggio will return. Should that not happen, Bender will be recast. >Though DiMaggio did not initially make a statement about the revival, he retweeted several posts in which others expressed their desire for him to return. >“@TheJohnDiMaggio needs to come back as Bender or this isn’t good news, everyone,” one retweet read, while another simply said: “Come on, pay the man!” Later Wednesday afternoon, DiMaggio did provide an update through his Twitter, thanking fans for their concerns and promising to keep people posted on his potential involvement with the project. >Production will begin this month with an eye towards a 2023 premiere. “I’m thrilled to have another chance to think about the future… or really anything other than the present,” said Cohen. >“It’s a true honor to announce the triumphant return of ‘Futurama’ one more time before we get canceled abruptly again,” added Groening. “Futurama” focuses on the life of Philip Fry (West), a 25-year-old pizza delivery boy who accidentally freezes himself on December 31, 1999 and wakes up 1,000 years later with a fresh start at life and a new group of friends including Leela (Sagal), a tough but lovely one-eyed mutant, and Bender, a robot who is fond of drinking excessively, smoking cigars, and stealing anything not nailed down. >“When presented with the opportunity to bring fans and viewers new episodes of ‘Futurama,’ we couldn’t wait to dive in,” said Craig Erwich, president of Hulu Originals and ABC Entertainment. “This iconic series helped blaze the trail for the success of adult animation since its initial launch and we look forward to Matt & David continuing to pave the way and further establishing Hulu as the premiere destination for fans of the genre.” 20th Television Animation is producing “Futurama” with Rough Draft Studios, Inc. contributing the animation. >This marks the second time the show has been brought back since it originally launched in 1999. After its initial four-season run on Fox, reruns of the show found new life as part of the Adult Swim lineup on Cartoon Network and on DVD. Four direct-to-video films were then produced, which were later re-edited into a fifth season that aired on Comedy Central starting in 2008. Comedy Central would go on to air two more seasons consisting of 26 episodes each between 2010 and 2013. >The show developed a strong cult following over the years and was also met with critical success. It was nominated for 14 Emmy Awards in total, winning six, including best animated program twice as well as winning twice for best individual achievement in animation. >“What I love about animation is that it’s possible for a successful show to take a pause and then resume years later, even on a different platform, and pick up right where it left off. ‘Futurama’ is one of those shows,” said Marci Proietto, head of 20th Television Animation. “The excitement from Hulu about returning Matt and David’s genius creation for all-new episodes has been off the charts. I’m thrilled that this incredible team will get to tell more stories, and that our Planet Express crew will have more adventures together. It’s a win for the fans who have loved the show since the beginning, and for the ones who will now discover it for the very first time.”

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 8

RIP Dale Baer (1950-2021)

R: 9 / I: 4 / P: 8

Arleen Sorkin

The original voice actress for Harley Quinn, the one who started it all, has passed away at age 67. Figured she should get her own thread just as all other /co/ celebrities have.

R: 85 / I: 38 / P: 8

In a rare stroke of intelligence Adult Swim finally does something worthwhile. Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Bros, and Metalocalypse are all getting movies >The new Metalocalypse movie, from co-creators Brendon Small and Tommy Blancha, follows the power-hungry Tribunal as they unveil their secret and deadly “Falconback Project”. This is against a backdrop of a world which is growing embattled in chaos with the menacing Doomstar breaching the Earth’s atmosphere. Meanwhile, the mysterious and twisted dissent of a band member threatens the future of Dethklok. Picking up directly after the heroic rescue of Toki Wartooth: Can Dethklok choose between their egos and the greater good of the world to embark on a gauntlet of dangers that will try their very souls and finally write the song that will be their salvation? >In the The Venture Bros. movie, Doc’s latest invention will either bankrupt the Ventures or launch them to new heights, as Hank searches for himself, Dean searches for Hank, The Monarch searches for answers, and a mysterious woman from their pasts threatens to bring their entire world crashing down on them. >Aqua Teen Hunger Force will be a continuation of the hit animated series, whereby fans will find out what happens next with Frylock, Meatwad and Master Shake, who consider themselves crime fighters, but the truth is they never fight crime.

R: 13 / I: 11 / P: 8

I Can't Sleep

A channel about insomniac emo/goth girl suffering

R: 41 / I: 21 / P: 8

Miraculous thread

Buenos días anons

R: 55 / I: 17 / P: 8

Here's your new TMNT movie

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 8

Mockbuster Movies

Do you ever go to one of those dollar shops/poundlands (the type that ashens goes to) and go through the toy section and see all those toys that are meant to look enough like popular characters to be confused with the said characters but not enough to be sued. So... instead of Micky The Mouse it's Michael The Rodent, instead of Buggs Bunny it's Buster The Reddit, instead of Thomas The Tank Engine it's Tommy The Train so on and so fourth well these are the cinematic equivalent

R: 13 / I: 4 / P: 8

>Adult Swim’s one-hour expansion of its daily programming last month has gained enough traction with viewers that the Warner Bros Discovery network is adding another hour to its schedule heading into the fall. >A new block, “Checkered Past,” will debut under the Adult Swim banner — on the channel it shares with Cartoon Network — starting August 28 on Monday through Friday at 6 p.m. It will be a showcase for Cartoon Network throwback titles like Dexter’s Laboratory, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, and Ed, Edd, n’ Eddy, replacing a rotation of Cartoon shows like Teen Titans Go! >On Saturdays, the new 6 p.m. hour will feature reruns of current TV-PG originals like Unicorn: Warriors Eternal and My Adventures With Superman. Sundays will continue to see “Acme Night” broadcasts of family-friendly films from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The rest of the schedule is projected to stay intact.

R: 133 / I: 87 / P: 8


New episodes October 4th.

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 8

Looking to understand how to Incrementally improve comic art to 5 digit and not decrease or deliver less. Or just hit the bar straight away because many dont deliver anyway even if they want to Whats the standard currently

R: 30 / I: 2 / P: 8

How is appeal measured in art. Comic art. Like its social media reach. Its element and such. Like other than trend, what is qualities.

R: 214 / I: 337 / P: 8


Full fledged TV series is finally out How is it?

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 9

Pee-Wee Herman RIP

Paul Reubens dead at 70.

R: 65 / I: 10 / P: 9

Sy hypothethically if you are aiming for millions of sales/traffic for your art, webcomic, whatsoever What are the list of things you d need to do, in total Or the summary of the criteria thstll effect the values... Especially in comic since, as they say, quality matters.

R: 16 / I: 5 / P: 9

CN studios is finally dead

Funeral this August 1st

R: 23 / I: 11 / P: 9

Futurama Reboot

If you were holding out any hope for this at all, I'd take a close look at the episode list. Looks like they have some opinions on modern politics.

R: 15 / I: 4 / P: 9

EARTHWORM IS BACK, kinda.......

>The project hails from Interplay Entertainment Corp., which owns the rights to the “Earthworm Jim” games. Interplay has partnered with APA to bring the project to television. >The series will also bring in new characters as they navigate the galaxy, where each planet is home to a race of anthropomorphic animals. Jim’s ultimate quest is to find his true home among the stars: a near-mythical planet called Earth. <Interplay would also confirm that Doug TenNapel is not apart of the show. >TenNapel would also respond to a Twitter user who stated, “Ok I watched the trailer and it’s so far off character that it feels like a Disney Star Wars sequels crisis. I’m expecting they’ll just call your comics non canon even though they are in fact the ONLY canon. Worse, that EWJ4 game looked like a flash game from 2002. No soul.” >He responded, “Yes, I’m still doing the comics! Just focusing on NFTs now…”

R: 53 / I: 22 / P: 9

Unicorn: Warriors Eternal

Genndy Tartakovsky's 20-year project is finally here. The first episode is already released: Oddly enough, this is aired on Adult Swim despite being a Cartoon Network TV-PG production. The steampunk setting and the Tezuka/Fleischer designs looks neat, even if the main cast and premise reminds me of Sym-Bionic Titan. Later episodes will come every Friday.

R: 43 / I: 25 / P: 9

Nickelodeon Leaks

So apparently the "bibles" from several 1990s Nickelodeon shows were leaked. Here is the cuckchannel thread: I have not downloaded them yet, so I don't have anything more to add than what's in that thread. Discuss it here.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 9


R: 28 / I: 12 / P: 9

First episode of the Clone High revival leaked and its as horrible as expected.

R: 505 / I: 313 / P: 9

/co/ Pain Thread 6: The Real One Edition

I wanted to wait for the last thread to move off page 1 before making a new one. Ignore the other one made only to post lol thread images relating to Rebecca Sugar with no relevance to current topics. There's actual shit to talk about. Set photos & video have leaked for Joker 2. (((Seth Rogen's))) TMNT has a trailer giving us yet another worse Blapril. Shazam 2 is about to come out with no fanfare because WB did nothing to promote it. James Gunn has put himself in charge of the upcoming Superman movie for DC's rebooted movie universe. DC continues dropping cheap horrible ripoffs of animated movies not worth watching.

R: 53 / I: 21 / P: 9

Peni Parker New Thread

Peni Parker New Thread

R: 14 / I: 6 / P: 9

DuckTales Rumored To Be Cancelled by Disney

>Disney’s DuckTales reboot is rumored to have been quietly cancelled, according to Collider associate editor Drew Taylor >When pressed as to how he knew DuckTales season 3 would be the end of the series, Taylor said most of the crew have already moved on to new projects. >Disney is severely cash strapped right now, and despite animation being a key focus for other streaming services during the pandemic, it doesn’t appear to be a major focus for Disney+. <DuckTales is an incredibly expensive show to produce, and it might have been a casualty of The Mouse House’s dwindling fortunes. Other than hearing decent things about it I'm honestly shocked its getting axed. Of all the shows the Mouse still has they kill one of the few things that can pump out new episodes for a sizable fanbase.

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 9

John Romita Sr RIP

Another legend gone.

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 9

Spy vs. Spy

Anyone remember these fellas? For some reason, they would air on a local tv station in my yuropoor nation despite the fact that they had absolutely nothing to do with the shows surrounding them. I've been trying to grab as many of the shorts as possible, although I have noticed that the vast majority of them are either one-to-one copies of the original comic strips, or some even copies of themselves.

R: 89 / I: 33 / P: 9

Zombie Simspons continues for another 2 seasons

That'll be Seasons 33-34 taking it to 2023. If that wasn't bad enough, they even pulled a "SJW is a term created by right-wing trolls" on a recent Simpsons episode. Will Simpsons ever end? If I had to guess, they'll keep it going until they hit season 50 or at least 1,000th episode just for bragging rights. Do you still watch classic Simpsons or do you not want to be reminded about the walking corpse that it currently is? (renewal) (SJW Simpsons)

R: 23 / I: 11 / P: 9

Venture Bros After so many years, the curtain is finally falling on the Venture bros. I'm sad to see them go, though I'm glad the creators at least get a movie to somewhat wrap things up on their own terms.

R: 2 / I: 3 / P: 10

That time of the year again.

R: 38 / I: 16 / P: 10

Wormwood still makes comics

R: 12 / I: 3 / P: 10

I don't need it, I don't need it, I don't need it, I don't need it, I don't need it,I don't need it, I don't need it........

R: 117 / I: 72 / P: 10

Another Fucking Streaming Service

As if the market wasn't saturated enough, Viacom has decided it wants a slice of the pie. Honestly who cares Because we're all going to pirate it, people are just here for the shows and what original content are they going to have? >A CGI Rugrats Reboot/Continuation >Beavis and Butt-Head getting another movie >Some crappy Nu-Star Trek show >The abomination of Kamp Koral And something involving Avatar even though Netflix already owns some of its production rights.

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 10

Guess who's dead again.

R: 274 / I: 411 / P: 10

Projects You're Working On

Post your shit, get advice, talk about and possibly improve your own shitty OC creations. You gain nothing from posting here or you'll get a couple decent ideas, who knows but nothing will happen unless you're willing to leave your comfort zone. Previous Thread:

R: 130 / I: 84 / P: 10

Powerpuff Girls’ Live-Action Series in Development at CW

R: 88 / I: 49 / P: 10


Since the retard on /v/ refuses to take any advise, I guess I'll actually follow through on what he can't. Would people mind enlightening me of some of the American comics that are coming out that are NOT and have NOTHING to do with capeshit and superheroes? Could you give me the premise, or even story-time the shorter ones? What are some that you recommend people read?

R: 24 / I: 10 / P: 10

Adult Swim "retire" episodes due to culutral sensitivity

You knew this was coming when Toonami went full BLM, rooster teeth purging insensitive older content and Warner being all trigger warning happy on their movies. Seems like the neutering is continuing for Adult Swim with Aqua Teen Hunger Force "Shake Like Me" and Boondocks "The Story of Jimmy Rebel" episodes "rested" permanently from their streaming site. Another reason why an all digital future and relying on streaming is bad. What could be okay now could be seen as bad or "culturally insensitive" in the future and removed. Buy physical and save everything that you like on a your hard drive. archive today has been very slow for the last couple of days so here are archive links instead.

R: 61 / I: 239 / P: 10

American Born Chinese

Due to a mixture of demand in the Pain thread and wanting to share this story so other people can get why the Disney Plus adaptation clearly has no respect for the source material and will just water it down immensely I'm gonna storytime American Born Chinese.

R: 19 / I: 37 / P: 10

Illustrator/Designer/Artist Recommendation thread

Hi, /co/. I consumed more Japanese cartoons than Western ones at this point, but I'm getting more Western oriented lately. Came here looking for a general recommendation thread to ask for what Western-style artists I should be aware of but couldn't find such a thread. I'm aware of names such as Hergé and Moebius from the Japanese interest on them and I recognize designs from Bruce Timm and Don Bluth cartoons as I was found for cartoons with them growing up. Bonus if you guys got artbooks on them as I am practicing drawing myself and I could use some good artists drawings to learn good stylistic choices.

R: 169 / I: 133 / P: 10

Cartoons that don't deserve a thread

So, I'm watching through this early-2000's series called Alienators: Evolution Continues, and the entire show just for some reason. I cannot put my finger on why. The show comes across as generic in every way, but even saying that doesn't seem to classify the show properly. You can watch it here to see what I'm talking about: Has anyone else had this feeling about other series?

R: 91 / I: 32 / P: 10

LGBT pandering in cartoons.

There's been a lot more pandering towards LGBT groups in cartoons these past few years and so far for the sake of "representation" but more often than not I've noticed that most people in favor of this tend to be shippers or at least have some sort of zealous fascination to the point of being fetishistic. They don't seem to be all too concerned with how the dynamics of how the two characters work together in a relationship or care about build up all that much and just introduce them for the sake of appeal rather than work up the relationship between the two characters. It makes gay characters in general seem like a gimmick meant rather than any meaningful development. Older cartoons like South Park with Mr. Slave and Big gay Al had more going to them than just being gay even if being gay was a big part of their character since their introduction.

R: 35 / I: 19 / P: 10

The Barbarian and the Troll

This show is pretty damn good. Better than any other animated show on the US airwaves today. It gets away with more 'adult' humor, and by adult I mean something more along the lines of early Spongebob/Simpsons jokes. It's surprising that Nick picked it up out of all networks, but then I remembered Cartoon Network is trying to appeal to an infant audience since 6-12 year olds don't watch TV anymore. The second episode airs tomorrow but I know this site is too slow to have a live reaction thread. If you happen to catch it on TV or on the Nick website & want to describe your viewing experience, this thread is for you

R: 19 / I: 25 / P: 10

X-Men comics: Apocalypse edition

Recommendations, starting points and ongoing storylines No matter how bad it gets Also /v/ wants to know where to start if they wanna read Cable and Deadpool.

R: 17 / I: 9 / P: 10

Thea White, Voice of Muriel Bagge on ‘Courage the Cowardly Dog,’ Dies at 81

>Thea White, an actor best known for voicing the sweet-natured Scotswoman Muriel Bagge on Cartoon Network’s “Courage the Cowardly Dog,” died on July 30. She was 81. >Born on June 16, 1940 in Newark, N.J., White began acting professionally on stage in her 20s, according to Zitzner’s post. She also held jobs as a librarian and the personal assistant to Marlene Dietrich. White was married to Andy White, who drummed on several the Beatles songs including “Love Me Do” and “P.S. I Love You,” from 1983 until his death in 2015. >In his post, Zitzner wrote that White was “looking forward to seeing” her latest project voicing Muriel, the film “Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby Doo Meets Courage the Cowardly Dog,” which is set to come out this year.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 11

RIP Tony Eastman

Didn't see a thread. >An industry artist since the 1970s, Eastman enjoyed a prolific career working in series and commercials. At various times, he was an animator, storyboard artist, and director >He was the director of the pilot for Nickelodeon’s Doug (pictured at top) and went on to become the supervising director of the show’s first season. Other series he worked on include Codename: Kids Next Door, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Daria, Beavis and Butt-head, Sheep in the Big City, and Kablam!

R: 11 / I: 2 / P: 11

Scot Rienecker, voice of Mega XLR's (etc.) Goat dies in building fire >Scot Rienecker died on Monday, Feb. 20 — a day after the blaze at his 10th Street apartment, Hudson County Prosecutor Esther Suarez said. Rienecker was found unresponsive by firefighters as smoke billowed from the home at 309 10th St., around 12:10 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 19 Suarez said. He was taken to Jersey City Medical Center and later transferred to the Burn Unit at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, where he died. >Goat was a dear friend of Titmouse & a singular human being. He was an inspiration for so many of the characters in the shows we've produced spanning 2 decades. #MegasXLR, #MotorCity, #TURBO, #Downtown #Metalocalypse + more. We were lucky to have known him. He will be missed. xo A really shitty way to die.

R: 6 / I: 3 / P: 11

George Perez RIP

>George Perez, Legendary ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths,’ ‘Wonder Woman’ Comic Book Artist, Dies at 67 >The famed artist, who also worked on The New Teen Titans and Superman during his decades-long career, passed away on Friday peacefully at his home with his wife, Carol Flynn, and family by his side, according to a statement posted to his official Facebook page. His passing followed a pancreatic cancer diagnosis.

R: 4 / I: 6 / P: 11

Artist Jean-Claude Mézières Passes Away

Didn't see a thread >The French newspaper Le Monde reported on Sunday that artist Jean-Claude Mézières passed away on Sunday. He was 83. >The duo would go on to publish many other graphic novels together, including: La Cité des Eaux Mouvantes, L'Empire des Mille Planètes, Lady Polaris, and Atlas Cosmique: les Habitants du Ciel. >Mézières won the Grand Prize at the Angoulême International Comics Festival in 1984.

R: 9 / I: 0 / P: 11

RIP Derrick J. Wyatt

>Derrick J. Wyatt – Transformers Animated Director Unexpectedly Passes Away <fan-favorite Transformers creative, Derrick J. Wyatt, unexpectedly passed away earlier this month. He was informed by Derrick’s sister and says that there will be more information from his family in the future. HOLY SHIT

R: 9 / I: 8 / P: 11

Comic Artist Tim Sale Has Died

>“It’s with a heavy sadness that I must announce that Tim Sale passed away today,” said a message from Sale’s Twitter account. “He passed with the love of his life beside him, and loves all of you very much.” The cause of death has not yet been revealed. DC Comics also confirmed his passing with this post and tribute. >Some of Sale’s other unforgettable Batman work came in Legends of the Dark Knight and Dark Victory, and for his work on Superman in the “Year One” style series Superman for All Seasons, while over at Marvel he helped shape the definitive early years of several heroes with the color themed origins like Hulk: Grey, Daredevil: Yellow, Spider-Man: Blue, and Captain America: White, all of which were also with Loeb. The pair also worked on the hit NBC show Heroes, another bridge between comic book culture and mainstream popularity. RIP

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 11

RIP Carlos Pacheco

>Comic artist Carlos Pacheco died on Nov. 9, a little over a month after the iconic illustrator announced that he had been diagnosed with the neurodegenerative disease ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Born on Nov. 14, 1961, he was 60 years old. >In September, Pacheco revealed that he had been diagnosed with ALS, which is also known as "Lou Gehrig's Disease." Pacheco's announcement -- originally posted on Facebook and since deleted -- was translated from Spanish by CBR's Diane Darcy. It reads, "Well, it cannot be. The final diagnostic has made it clear: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease), aka ALS. It is what it is, and it is what needs to be dealt with. It’s true that this is an unexpected turn of events in my life, but this doesn’t make me feel less fortunate to have lived the life I have lived, for the experiences I’ve had, the achievements I’ve made, and the people I’ve been fortunate to cross paths with. In truth, it’s been a life that’s gone beyond my wildest childhood dreams. Thank you to everyone who has been here. Let’s keep going as always!"

R: 14 / I: 10 / P: 11

Jason David Frank RIP

Reports are flooding in that the OG Green Ranger has passed, nothing confirmed but its not looking good. It's been confirmed

R: 7 / I: 2 / P: 11

RIP Jules Bass

>Jules Bass, Producer Behind the ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’ and ‘Frosty the Snowman’ TV Specials, Dies at 87 >Bass died Tuesday at an assisted living facility in Rye, New York, publicist Jennifer Fisherman Ruff told The Hollywood Reporter.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 11

Neal Adams Dead at 80

>Neal Adams, the legendary comic book artist who reinvigorated Batman and other superheroes with his photorealistic stylings and championed the rights of creators, has died. He was 80. >Adams died Thursday in New York of complications from sepsis

R: 9 / I: 0 / P: 11

Scooby-Doo co-creator and Ruby-Spears co-founder Joe Ruby dead

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 11

Al Jaffee Dies: Mad Magazine Cartoonist

>Al Jaffee, the longtime cartoonist for Mad Magazine who created one of the satirical publications most beloved and enduring features – the back-cover “Fold In” illustration died today in a New York City hospital of organ failure. He was 102.

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 11

Ken Spears, Scooby-Doo co-creator and Ruby-Spears co-founder dead at 82 Ken Spears, co-creator of Scooby-Doo and co-founder of Ruby-Spears, died Friday. The other half of these duos, Joe Ruby, died earlier this year in August. f

R: 66 / I: 26 / P: 11

There seriously needs to be more stories about homeless or struggling heroes. It seems ripe with potential but never truly sticks.

R: 17 / I: 20 / P: 11

It's Good Friday, which means it's time for Good movies (or something like that) Choose from the following: - The Nut Job - The Gumby Movie - Open Season OR You can choose between the Ted Box, or the Yaki Box Ted Box contains James Marsden spending time with a nimble CGI animal Yaki Box smells like people who don't quite have the holiday spirit. JOIN US.

R: 270 / I: 131 / P: 11

Comic Industry Collapse Watch Thread #2

>>179 Last one hit bump limit. >Corona-chan is still fucking over the world economy >Nearly all small publishers are getting eaten alive >Sales are collapsing >Online indie comics are gaining steam >Shops going bust >Someone is blackmailing the mouse so Marvel comics can survive >Discovery may kill DC comics What a wonderful time to be alive.

R: 179 / I: 122 / P: 12

Young Boys Older Girls

/ss/ thread anyone? Post your favorite /ss/ pairs, discuss what you like about them and the series they come from.

R: 84 / I: 24 / P: 12

some time ago back on 8k (before the whole debacle) some anon posted about some kinda unknown italian cartoon named Star Key. the show feels like those imitation-anime toons from back in the 00s, but it was made in 2018. All 26 episodes are in YT, but untranslated in italian. The story is about Luce, the protagonist, who is an orphan that discovers shes a princess from a distant planet, and the only one capable of finding some mythical artifact (the star Key) for reasons theres also an antagonist princess named Fedora who is also looking for said item. Been checking episodes back and forth, but my pasta-speak is very weak. somebody on YT subbed the first episode.

R: 20 / I: 10 / P: 12

Catching Up With Andrew Dobson

Fairly old news, but it's always a pleasure to see everyone's most hated inflatable bear to be as pathetic as ever. Though digging a little deeper he hasn't been around since 2019.

R: 62 / I: 27 / P: 12

Tiny Toons Looniversity

Here's your new Tiny Toons show, bro: The original promo, for comparison:

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 12

Netflix Cartoons

I'm looking for Mega or any kind of links of Netflix cartoons like Masameer County, Nutty Boy, Inside Job and Cuphead Show.

R: 34 / I: 26 / P: 12

Let's talk about Scott Adams.

R: 95 / I: 25 / P: 12

Netflix Holocausts It's Animation Department

DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD >The news of the changes in the department emerged around the same time the quarterly earnings report for the Netflix streaming platform surfaced. Netflix saw its stock plunge more than 30% after highlighting the loss of 200,000 subscribers, which was the first time the platform had seen such a decrease in over a decade. >Phil Rynda, whose official title is Netflix’s Director of Creative Leadership and Development for Original Animation, was let go this week, along with several of his staff >Along with the firings, the department is seeing the cancellation of notable Netflix shows, including Lauren Faust's Toil and Trouble, Roald Dahl's The Twits, and the heavily delayed adaptation of Jeff Smith's comic book series Bone. >(Netflix confirms their decisions are made using data, which takes into account viewing versus cost.) >Netflix currently touts “Boss Baby” as the ideal of what an animated series on the platform should be and what kind of numbers those animated series should be bringing in <The future is a Nickelodeon style hustle with licensing out the ass and family guy clones everywhere After years of forcing their crappy diversity requirements down project's throats, its all finally come to bite them in the ass.

R: 10 / I: 2 / P: 12

Looks like the WB execs are gutting even more Scooby Doo stuff. What do we blame for this? the economy, the Velma show?

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 12

Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends

So I found this show, and I'm wondering why I never heard of it, it's pretty good. I Wonder if someone from man of action worked on this show because I notice some similar elements in it or is it just the comic book style feel

R: 38 / I: 135 / P: 12

/co/ Pain Thread 6: Sex, Sex Ed and Sexy Edition

Time for another round of bullshit, cringe and MAXIMUM PAIN We left off on the shitty teenage mulatto nigga tards movie by Shit Rogen, which looks like peak urbanite goyslop, next we looked at industry faggots shitting their g-string over rebeccarrots house being exposed by some cartoonjewbrew hacks, what else is worth reacting to?

R: 18 / I: 14 / P: 12

Welp, Cartoon Block is here again. Come join us for some classic cartoon fun! Well Seymour We Made It (Despite Your Driving, Ya Know What I Mean?) : Eps 28-29 In Tonight's Episode, Something Is Afoot (It's The Writer's Fetish) : Eps 7-9 (Season 2) Having a series about Ulysses is bold, but having a full episode about Sisyphus is Boulder : Eps 6-7 Donatello Plays at Yankee Stadium; Bo Knows Baseball : Eps 166-167 Also, stay tuned for the post-show episodes of Mexican Trigun. JOIN US: Also also: In honor of the coming anniversary stream for /block/, we need folks to think of all the characters from all the shows we've shown on /block/ to nominate the following: BLOCK MOM BLOCK DAD BLOCK SON BLOCK DAUGHTER BLOCK CRAZY UNCLE BLOCK WINE AUNT BLOCK PET I will post a list of all the /block/ shows. You're allowed to nominate up to 3 per category. Who will win? Who knows, that's what you knuckleheads are for.

R: 332 / I: 67 / P: 12

>live-action Avatar show >Of course, fans would love to see Sie return as the character. The unassuming merchant became one of the best running gags of Avatar, and he is still talked about today. The Cabbage Merchant appears through the show with his stand of produce which always gets smushed by the Avatar and Company. The character, which was meant to be part of a one-off joke, became its own role after fans of Avatar championed the ill-fated merchant. How bad do you think the show will be? Legend of Korra bad? Even worse?

R: 5 / I: 18 / P: 12

Story Time: Star Wars: Dawn Of The Jedi - Force Storm

Tales from the better lore.

R: 15 / I: 22 / P: 12

So I found this, they said they would release their pages biweekly until it completes at around 40.

R: 503 / I: 282 / P: 12

/co/ Pain Thread 5: Spooky Season

Time once more for a new thread for all things /co/ that cause us pain & anguish. We've got quite a lot lately with everything in the MCU from Apeman By Night to She-Hulk the slutty green giant. As well as the new "Velma" show that is in no way a thinly veiled vanity project riding on the back of an established family oriented children's franchise for some fucking reason. Somehow leaving the Mario movie by Illumination being the least terrible among the batch of crap we're getting.

R: 112 / I: 47 / P: 12

I didn't know that Ukinojoe was such a colossal faggot, I always enjoyed his animations.

R: 18 / I: 7 / P: 13

It was pretty good, too bad it got canned so fast. What do you guys think of it?

R: 111 / I: 47 / P: 13

New Scooby-Doo Bases Series 'Velma' by HBO

'Velma' will be a modern, violent and mature™ take by HBO on the origin story of Velma Dinkley >With the teaser trailer having dropped last Friday, 7 October, the series boasts a new and diverse look to the classic depiction >As commented on by Kaling during the first-look reveal in May, Velma will be represented as a South Asian character. >When speaking about the representation of this character, Kaling noted, "This journey of self-discovery for [Velma] is something that really drew us to this project and this character. So we want to honour other interpretations and what we think feels really modern." <According to the available log line, the series sets to depict the origin story of Velma Dinkley, the unsung and underappreciated brains of Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated. "The original and humorous spin unmasks the complex and colourful past of one of America's most beloved mystery solvers," read a segment from American media publication, Variety. >The first season is set to debut at some point in 2023 on HBO Max, and will consist of 10 episodes. >Up-and-coming actor Sam Richardson, who recently appeared in Disney's Hocus Pocus 2 (2022), is set to claim the role of Shaggy. Crazy Rich Asians (2018) star, Constance Wu, is said to take on the bewitching role of Daphne, while fellow The Mindy Project (2013) co-star to Kaling, Glenn Howerton, is taking on the leader of Mystery Inc, Fred. >Other actors who have been revealed to be involved with the show in an undisclosed capacity (as of now) include Jane Lynch, Nicole Byer, Shay Mitchell, Wanda Sykes, Ming-Na Wen, Debby Ryan, and Russell Peters, just to name a few. <However, one big and noticeable change to the group will be the removal of Mystery Inc's mascot — Scooby-Doo, who will not be featured in the series entirely >Showrunner for the series, Charlie Grandy, stated that due to a multitude of reasons, they would be excluding Scooby from the series. "When we were going into the show and thinking about adapting it, we wanted to be respectful. We didn't want to just kind of take these beloved characters and put them in outrageous or gross situations and say, 'Isn't it crazy you did that to Velma?'" At least the hound will be exempt from this absolute contemptuous dumpster fire. So to summarize the changes: >Aesthetic from warm, rounded cartoon style to hard-edged gay PR style >Fred changed from alpha Chad Aryan to cross-eyed beta weakling >Velma (the smart one) now SEA, and super smart >Shaggy, fan fave cowardly stoner -- GONE, replaced by cynical (probably brave) black man >Daphne, symbol of beauty and WASP elitism-- demonic Karen oozing white privilege. Of course they are also openly and blatantly full of contempt for the viewer already, preemptively implying anyone that hates this is a no life troll that sends death threats over "insignificant" (read: when you complain about it) things that are also AMAZING and diverse (read: when they do it) cast!

R: 7 / I: 3 / P: 13

AI for subtitling less famous series.

So, I downloaded a series and I want my little sister to watch it, there's a problem, we're Mexican. I know my English just enough to watch anything without issues but she's younger. I would have to translate all of the english subtitles that came with the torrent to spanish, but I don't have time, nor do I want to pay anyone to do so, but there's little interest for anyone else to translate the subtitles of the fucking Dilbert animated show. So I had the idea of making ChatGPT do it, then just correct any mistake it could make, I have already used it to translate song lyrics in spanish so fellow anons can enjoy them. First problem, character limit, it states to be 4096, even if I enter it, it gives up translating about at a quarter of that. Second problem, decided to go with a smaller experiment, an Aqua Teen Hunger Force subtitle, short, and easy, and still rare to find in spanish, but ChatGPT didn't do shit because of "Adult content" and trying to be a PG AI or some retarded shit. I don't know anything about how to use local AIs, anybody can give me an alternative that works?

R: 48 / I: 71 / P: 13

Model Sheets

Model sheets thread? Also concept art, because that's fun too. It's relatively easy to find model sheets for cartoons, but I wonder if there's any for comics.

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 13

Zootopia 2, Frozen 3 & Toy Story 5 Announced >Disney has set forthcoming sequels for hit animated movies “Frozen,” “Toy Story” and “Zootopia,” with CEO Bob Iger making the announcement during the company’s first-quarter earnings call. Details on the projects are yet to come. >The subsequent films will mark the third installment in the “Frozen” universe, fifth addition to the “Toy Story” franchise” and second “Zootopia” movie. Given the surprise announcement, plot details, as well as the creatives and stars attached, are to be announced at a later date. >The news comes amid a round of huge layoffs at the embattled company, which will let go of 7,000 employees, or roughly 3% of its workforce, as the media behemoth looks to cut $5.5 billion overall in costs.

R: 37 / I: 20 / P: 13

/co/ stuff that took you way too long to realize

>while most spiders are harmless to humans and actually get rid of insects which are harmful, lots of people freak out at the sight of them >Spider-Man's relationship with the press mirrors the relationship between humans and common spiders since he's harmless, and eliminates harmful creatures, but is irrationally hated in return

R: 61 / I: 6 / P: 13

CW DC universe shows: Smallville edition

So the first ten minutes of the pilot for smallville is fantastic. We get a rain of kryptonite (makes sense, as much of that shit is fucking everywhere in superman comics it was probably a pretty traumatic event) We get Lana Langs parents totally disintegrated by a kryptonite strike, hardcore as fuck, and then we start getting questionable things. Like Lex is bald because of the kryptonite strikes blowing all the hair off his head at 6. Pretty fucking stupid and pointless, but whatever. Then we get our obligatory skip in years. And Clark's a geek who wants to join the football team. His folks are agin it for obvious reasons (no one really talks about it but superman could kill people without trying) And then a tobey Maguire spidey reference with a missed school bus. That's where I'm at with the pilot so far. Pretty fucking good. If they are willing to straight murder the shit out of people on a pilot then there's promise for a fairly hardcore show. Thread question: Lana Lang or Lois Lane?

R: 23 / I: 11 / P: 13

Peter Robbins, original Charlie Brown voice actor, dead at 65

>Peter Robbins, who voiced "Charlie Brown" from 1963 to 1969, died from suicide according to Robbins' relatives. >Robbins battled lifelong mental illness, struggled with addiction and had several run-ins with the law as an adult. >Robbins, a California native, began voicing Charlie Brown at just 9 years old.

R: 14 / I: 1 / P: 13

R: 17 / I: 29 / P: 13

Story Time: Man Goat & The Bunny Man

It's not terrible. It comes across like a SyFy television series from the early 2000s.

R: 13 / I: 5 / P: 13

Obscure stuff from childhood you were able to find

I finally found it after 22 fucking years, this pilot aired on CN like 30 times and it stayed in the back of my mind as I remembered it from time to time. Animation looks better than I remember, but the narrative and aesthetics are really off. The gal that directed this also made the cartoon sections of Lizzie McGuire later on. Post your own experiences

R: 20 / I: 6 / P: 13


Doesn't this family get too much power? They got a girl who can spy on every conversation that happens in town so they can spot any dissidents, another who acts as their muscle and can shut down any competitor family and threat and a shapeshifter who can be anyone and spy anywhere for assassinations.

R: 22 / I: 8 / P: 13

Hello and goodbye from /ac/

Greetings, we are a spanish speaking board for cartoons and comics called /ac/ but now that our site is closing, we come here to say goodbye. This pic is something that we have planed to do for xmass and new year, but we wont have time until that date. If you want to send a message to the anons in our board now is the time, in 2 hours it is going to close for ever.

R: 4 / I: 5 / P: 13

Whodunnit, /co/?

Whose foul deeds gave birth to the Bat?

R: 64 / I: 39 / P: 13

What's your favorite boomer comic?

R: 25 / I: 16 / P: 13

i try but i just cant see the appeal of this shit, its a little girl show centered on ponies with a shit art style and cringeworthy infantile writing, why the fuck do so many people like this shit? all i can fathom is that they were exposed to it at a time when they were vulnerable to sexual imprints, seriously what other explanation is there?

R: 6 / I: 3 / P: 14

2023 is Here!

Happy New Year everyone!

R: 25 / I: 22 / P: 14

Shows for girls?

I decided to watch As Told by Ginger since I never watched it as a kid, and I was surprised about how good it actually was. I usually didn't like the Klasky Csupo stuff, I thought Rocket Power to be boring as fuck, even as a kid and Tween Rugrats just good for fap material. But ATbG is genuinely good, like this is The Boondocks for white tween girls, nevertheless I always avoided it since I wouldn't be caught dead watching a show for girls. So I started watching more shows for girls, Pepper Ann, and Braceface (Not as good as ATbG imo), same in manga but that's for /a/, again, it can be recency bias, as well as I'm starting with high regarded stuff, but some of this shit is really good. So I asked some women my age about these shows... and no one watched them, they watched those shitty Dan Schneider series for girls or didn't watch shows at all, rather actually starting their social life. Why are people making kino for girls if girls seem to avoid kino altogether. Are there any good shows/episodes originally ignored for being/being marketed for girls? Also, if someone has the lore on Ginger cause second picrel.

R: 104 / I: 91 / P: 14

/co/ Christmas card 2022

It is once again time for our oldest /co/ tradition, spanning back over half a decade! We're making a Christmas card! Submit (preferably) backgroundless images of /co/ characters referencing big comic and/or cartoon events of the past year. We mash 'em all up in a big collage and send out the result to boards we like on Christmas Day. Suggestions for characters and boards to send to are welcome!

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 14


Merry Christmas everyone and I hope everyone has a happy New Year too.

R: 63 / I: 22 / P: 14

/co/ for the Infinity Cup 2020!

Salutations, comic book enthusiasts, We're revamping the Infinity Cup 2020 and we'd like to see you join us (if this is your main hub). To join it, please come to and set up your very own team!

R: 39 / I: 43 / P: 14

/co/ Christmas card 2021

Hey Hey Hey, didn't see one this year. I hope the usual Anon is alright, there isn't much left before the big day so I hope enough people submit to fill this year's card. I'm feeling Log Cabin this year. Just submit (preferably backgroundless) pictures of /co/ related material (8moe related events count too) to be put in a collage. The result will be posted on various boards on Christmas Day. Suggestions are welcome, submissions all the more. Last year's thread >>7853

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 14

Clone High Reboot

So, a Clone High Reboot is happening next year and while most of the OG directors and writers are coming back along with some new talented people, like artists for the most recent Mickey Mouse cartoons, I have several issues with this. -Are there any teen drama shows on TV anymore, and do teens actually even watch TV? Where are they going to get most of their influence? -They're being produced by HBO, so they won't get most of their musical licenses or focus I believe, and even if that's the case what are they going to put as music? Nigger trap and shit? -A ton of humour simply can't be broadcast today, they do something wrong, like portraying Ghandi or some shit wrong or criticize feminist pretensious bullshit and they'll get a shitton of Twitter fags and other leeches on their back. I just don't see how can they make this work

R: 208 / I: 85 / P: 14

So how long does the mouse have before he drowns to death from debt?

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 14

Foreign Works Translations and Foreign Translations

Is there anything of these two or other good older European/Euro-Japanese shows with English subs? I know they both have an English dub but not only do the dubs tend to be subpar, they also censor somethings, as far as I know (at least with Clémentine). I've come across a fansub of Mysterious Cities Of Gold on YouTube but it's unfinished. Also, if there's any foreign translations of Anglophone series, feel free to mention them. For instance, I think I prefer the Russian voice actress for Gadget Hackwrench over Tress MacNeille, simply because she sounds a bit cuter.

R: 25 / I: 92 / P: 14

Is this intended for sexual tyrannosauruses or slack-jawed faggots? Let's get to the choppa and find out.

R: 2 / I: 4 / P: 14

ITT Sexual Awakening

You know what I'm talking about, post them.

R: 15 / I: 17 / P: 14

What do you think of the comical styling of GPrime85?

R: 35 / I: 18 / P: 14

It's Spooky Month! Got any specials you always come back to every year or remember fondly?

R: 80 / I: 29 / P: 14

Congratulations to the writers over at Marvel, they've somehow out-/pol/ed /pol/.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 14

Dragon Prince

S4 is here. Is it any good?

R: 101 / I: 435 / P: 14

/v/ COMICS - Repost Edition

Comics. About vidya. Starting with HUGE GUTS

R: 45 / I: 17 / P: 15

>Samurai Jack >Megas XLR >Courage the Cowardly Dog >The Powerpuff Girls >Johnny Bravo >Dexter's Lab >Ed, Edd, n Eddy >Codename: Kids Next Door >The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy >Most iterations of Toonami >Most iterations of Adult Swim Can we all agree that Cartoon Network is generally better than Pedolodean?

R: 55 / I: 197 / P: 15

Night of the Were-Ed Thread 2022: Scams into Screams edition

Here we are again, my fellow Jawbreaker enthusiasts. The last few days of October. Another 365 days have passed since last the sordid tale of Cul-de-sac occultism has been told, and so the curse advances once more, bringing us again to the NIGHT OF THE WERE-ED Or five nights rather (Five Nights at Eddy's, if you will), from now until Halloween, we will spin this sordid tale of friendship, romance, and plots that go right off the rails and manage to rip off Underworld while they're at it. Without further ado, let us begin.

R: 77 / I: 44 / P: 15

Well, it looks like the people who worked on Amphibia are getting eaten alive by their fans. It's always nice to see a flaming dumpster fire. Now does anyone have the uncensored pics? TLDR The production crew drew porn of the characters during the show's creation and were stupid enough to post them on twitter.

R: 29 / I: 8 / P: 15

What if Spongebob never existed?

What if Stephen Hillenburg never had created Spongebob? what if he died early in the 80's or 90s before he starting creating the show? what will be it's impact on the Media industry in an alternate universe with Spongebob never happened?

R: 13 / I: 6 / P: 15

while waiting for the Wakanda Forever movie i got around to find all the times shuri was or wore black panther's suit

R: 17 / I: 9 / P: 15

MegasXLR premiered 16 years ago today!

R: 38 / I: 21 / P: 15

It's Halloween, how did your decorations come out, /co/?

R: 48 / I: 11 / P: 15

Another reboot is getting woke. How I know? Erin Gibson is the show runner behind the new Tiny tunes.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 15

Calvin y Hobbes es arte

Me quedare para siempre con las ganas de una animación oficial de calvin y hobbes, o mercaderia oficial, la razon es que Bill Watterson se negó a expandir la franquicia para evitar trastornarla ¿que otra declaracion de arte nos puede ofrecer un producto asi?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 15


Its been a rough few years but everyone is still chugging along.

R: 353 / I: 136 / P: 15

Vidya Cartoons

Mega Hi! Cartoons based off of one or more video games or cartoons with a video game theme.

R: 12 / I: 2 / P: 15

First look at the new cast of characters for the return of Total Drama Island.

R: 2 / I: 4 / P: 15

Oh hey /co/ . It's been a while. I haven't been able to enjoy any movies and/or series for the past three years. Nothing to do with health thank the heavens. It's just that I've been away and working hard on my Dad's farm for some time. He's almost 70 years old and we've been renovating it. So, last night I had a spell of free time and I remembered how great Wreck-It-Ralph was. Probably one of the best movies, let alone animated movies, ever made. So I decided to download that one and the second one to see what it was all about. >pic related

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 15

Ever heard of Faktor 4?

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 15


This Latin American CN miniseries was quite popular on /co/ a couple years back. The creator confirmed last week that the show has now been picked up as an actual series for a first season. Get your taco on and brace for a new wave of Demencia porn.

R: 27 / I: 10 / P: 15

Ronnie Filyaw

The author of the online webcomic Whomp! hasn't made an update since the start of February. According to his twitter profile, he has started taking medication for depression as of February 12th, seems his self deprecating humor either got the best of him or was a cry for help all along. As of March 15th he stated: >i still don't know when i'll be ready to make comics again >i'm sorry I hope Ronnie is gonna make it.

R: 38 / I: 44 / P: 16

Ghoul School: New Beginnings Edition

New home, new thread same ole name. The ongoing journey of Toonspew as he tries to revive Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Ghouls. Last thread-

R: 6 / I: 4 / P: 16

HAPPY TURKEY DAY! I hope you're all feeling well and well fed.

R: 26 / I: 4 / P: 16

Rick Should Have Died Early

He is the main antagonist up until the governor shows up and Hershel/Dexter should have killed him for screwing them over repeatedly. Dexter didn't even do anything wrong and actually tried to help Rick's group only to get murdered because Rick had to go and simp for his unfaithful wife.

R: 127 / I: 86 / P: 16

Animaniacs Reboot

A trailer just popped up this week. How does it look so far?

R: 37 / I: 9 / P: 16

The midnight gospel

Have any of you seen this thing? I tried watching it a couple of days ago but I just couldn't stand it, it feels so aimless and boring yet it looks like it was made for people with ADD. What are your thoughts on this show?

R: 17 / I: 4 / P: 16

Black Panther is DEAD

Chadwick Boseman has passed away at 43 from colon cancer.

R: 45 / I: 33 / P: 16

Cameron Stewart and Warren Ellis accused of sexual misconduct

Don't know /co/ has a contianment thread for this kind of stuff, but seemed to be worth having it's own thread.

R: 27 / I: 110 / P: 16

Hackerteen storytime

Script kiddie edition Writer: Marcelo Marques, Hugo Moss Artist: Joao Felipe Munhoz, Fabio Pontes Ramon Felin, Rafael Kirschner, Ricardo Bomfim

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 16

Some material from the upcoming new SpongeBob movie leaked. Seems like this one has a big focus on Sandy.

R: 507 / I: 243 / P: 16

/co/ Pain Thread 4: You go girl!

Welcome to the next thread for any & all /co/ related pain in comics, movies, or TV. Somehow the MCU's 4th phase is now over with a whole lot of nothing happening with a point to build up to. But hey now you're getting... Aztec Namor & Ironheart in Wakanda. I got a question. Wakanda niggas wear white & do dumb dances at a funeral for their king? Why do the buildings look like sand castle buildings you find in the middle east? I though Wakanda was super advanced. Next we got.... She-Hulk without the sex appeal & way less clever comedy. Fun. Least they're really determined to flanderize Daredevil now. Speaking of which, there's also 2 new animated shows coming to Disney+. The first, a continuation of the 90s X-men cartoon. Assuredly they won't ruin them like they have in movies & comics, right? Then the next is a prequel Spider-man show that makes literally no sense in the established MCU.

R: 40 / I: 124 / P: 16

This was suggested to me at work and I'm bored. Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Baldemar Rivas Publication date: November 14 2021

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 16

Some animation from the new Looney Tunes movie, god knows where it will end up due to all the cancelations over at WB.

R: 24 / I: 8 / P: 16

Shows Stuck in Development Hell

Basically anything that's still given the green light in becoming an actual show or is completely done and is stuck in limbo because of one reason or another. >Starship Goldfish aka Sam Sweetmilk A scifi comedy about an idiot that purposely wiped is memory. Currently traveling around space with his robot butler and some alien chick. Made by an ex-Roosterteeth guy and has some decent actors/voice actors participating. >Astro Boy Reboot A Japanese-French reboot of Astro Boy, shows technically done but stuck in distributor hell.

R: 203 / I: 89 / P: 16

>15.-what? Basically some dev decided to make a program to mimic popular voices, just feed it enough of one voice and it'll slowly learn how to mimic it. Its mostly being used by a bunch of horsefuckers after their show ended explaining why there's so many mlp voices but its been getting popular as the dev adds more non-horse shit. It recently came back online after the dev did some work making the more popular voices sound even better, while adding around 100 more voices. At certain points ai.15 is a flatout deadringer and its only going to get better from here. At this rate the typical "voice actor" may go the way of the dinosaur.

R: 10 / I: 1 / P: 16

Moral Orel Thread?

R: 49 / I: 32 / P: 16

Peni parker

Peni Parker Anything

R: 67 / I: 180 / P: 17

By request, issues #1-4 of E-Ratic. I'll drop #5 when it comes out. In my opinion, this feels like an attempt to do a GenZed Spider-Man, but your mileage may very. So far I've liked it, but Woke is always on the table, these days, so the second they have a heroic tranny or similar horse-shit, I'm out. But I must admit, if they can stay off the SJW non-gendered nipple, I might actually buy the first collection. >You’re fifteen years old. You’re suddenly granted incredible powers. Cool, right? There’s only one problem: you can only use your powers for ten minutes at a time. What do you do when you have to save the world but you only have ten minutes to do it? This is the problem faced by Oliver Leif, a teenager who has just moved to a new town, and a new school, and is having a hard enough time navigating classes and his crush before the inter-dimensional monsters started showing up. P.S. - "Gwen Stacy" starts off as a massive cunt, but she starts to improve when she realizes that real life (as it were) is about more than likes and followers. She still henpecks the fuck out of him, but I'm hoping that will change as he gets more confidence.

R: 22 / I: 8 / P: 17

So /co/ which is it? A Halloween movie or a Christmas movie? The entire plot deals with Jack discovering, essentially taking over Christmas and then saving it as Halloween already ended. And will the mouse raise this franchise from the grave and milk the pus dry, like they're doing to Hocus Pocus?

R: 31 / I: 11 / P: 17

Craig McCracken Returns to Powerpuff & Foster’s

>Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe has started development on reboots of classic Cartoon Network series The Powerpuff Girls and Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends with creator, producer, and director Craig McCracken attached to develop both. >Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends will be reimagined as a preschool animated series >The Powerpuff Girls reboot will expand on the original series with Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup set to go head-to-head with franchise favorite villains as well as new threats. Either he's desperate for money or CN is holding a project of his hostage.

R: 14 / I: 3 / P: 17

Haven't Chip and Dale suffered enough?

R: 12 / I: 5 / P: 17

The Great North renewed for season 4 ahead of season 3 premiere >Under the multi-year pact, the duo will continue as executive showrunners on Fox’s The Great North which was recently picked up for a fourth season, and as writers and executive producers on the network’s Bob’s Burgers, as well as develop and produce new projects for all platforms. They already have numerous animated and live-action series in various stages of development. >The Molyneux sisters are homegrown 20th TV talent. They began their careers as staff writers on the studio’s Bob’s Burgers, receiving Emmy and Annie awards for their work over the course of its run to date. They went on to co-create The Great North and have been exec producing and showrunning the series, 20th TV animated hit since Bob’s Burgers. Season 3 of The Great North, which streams next day on Hulu, premieres Sep. 25. >“Our relationship with Wendy and Lizzie has spanned over a decade of hilarious collaboration, from the very early days of ‘Bob’s Burgers through the creation and launch of ‘The Great North,” said Marci Proietto, EVP, 20th Television Animation. “Their ability to write uniquely strong characters while juggling work on multiple shows and development projects is unmatched, I couldn’t be happier to keep these incredibly funny, multi-talented women in the family.” >On the feature side, Molyneux and Molyneux-Logelin’s adaptation of the novel, The People We Hate At The Wedding, starring Allison Janney, Kristen Bell, Ben Platt, Dustin Milligan and Cynthia Addai-Robinson, will premiere on Nov. 18 via Amazon and Film Nation and stars. Other recent feature work includes Deadpool 3 for Marvel and upcoming female-led 21 Jump Street spinoff for Sony, Jump Street: Now For Her Pleasure. >“We are genuinely thrilled to continue working with the team at 20th Television Animation,” Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin said. “They let us be our strange selves in a way we could only have dreamed of and we couldn’t be more grateful for their input and support. Also we love the mugs they send us and we keep losing them so we really hope this relationship continues for years.”

R: 41 / I: 24 / P: 17

HBO Apocalypse

The whole HBO purge is worse than anyone could imagine. Its a massive tax writeoff and now they're scrubbing the existence of all these shows with absolutely no remorse. Place your bets everyone, who's next!

R: 5 / I: 3 / P: 17

Laika Thread

With the announcement of the cast for Laika's newest upcoming film, Wildwood, it's time for a thread for all things Laika. Discuss your favorite film(s) of theirs & post porn fan art.

R: 13 / I: 5 / P: 17

>Mao Mao will never get another season Why do the good ones die young?

R: 26 / I: 8 / P: 17

The 2010s

The 2010s were the second worst decade in animation history The 1970s are objectively the worst The early 80s at least gave us classics like OG He-Man, Transformers, Heathcliff, The Smurfs, GI Joe and OG She-Ra The 2010s however gave us a lot of shit shows and those shit shows are worse than any shit shows in any other decade The early 2010s especially were miserable Aside from some gems like Adventure Time, Regular Show, Gumball, Gravity Falls and Steven Universe was shit shit after shit show >MAD >Planet Sheen >Hero 108 >Johnny Test >Total Drama >Fanboy and ChumChum >The Penguins of Madagascar >Monsters vs Aliens >Sanjay and Craig >Rated A For Awesome >The Legend of Korra (minus Book 3) >Uncle Grandpa >Sidekick >Fish Hooks >Kick Buttowski >Scaredy Squirrel >Problem Solverz >Secret Mountain Fort Awesome >Wild Grinderz >The Annoying Orange >Rabbids Invasion >Breadwinners

R: 14 / I: 22 / P: 17

Get in here dudes, it's time for movies. Choose from the following: - The Nut Job - The Gumby Movie - Looney Tunes Back in Action OR You can choose the Ted Box, or the Yaki Box. Ted Box smells like guns, smoking and bar brawls with a little monkey business thrown in. Yaki Box smells like every David Cage game rolled up into one movie. Join us!

R: 11 / I: 10 / P: 17

Does anyone still read this shit?

>one strip every 1-2 months >little to no improvement on art since the beginning >story pace is slow as fuck >the only interesting storyline (Minmax's party) is on hold until we get on with this gargoyle fuckboy plot Why am I still reading this shit?

R: 14 / I: 6 / P: 17

Here we discuss the various Alien, Aliens, and Predator What-have-you.

R: 13 / I: 11 / P: 17

Plastic Man

Discuss the arguably best superhero and unquestionably the best superhero' stooge sidekick, Woozy!

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 17

I'll be honest, I was pleasantly surprised.

R: 20 / I: 4 / P: 17

fan made Scooby Doo series, thoughts?

R: 16 / I: 2 / P: 17

why are femoids such stupid cunts? >h-hes only seven years old!! you know what happens to the male children of single mothers? they grow up to be weak sissy beta bitch soibois who either transition or become faggots, and ive seen children playing piano and other instruments, children arent stupid yet people specifically americans patronize the ever living shit out of them, your kids arent dumb animals, if they act like retards its precisely because you infantilize them and make them act out as such, just like how japs make their kids refer to themselves in third person because its "child like behavior" this shit doesnt come naturally, you're basically grooming them into acting in a way that fits the modern normalfag's IDEA of what children are supposed to behave like, but the reality of it is far fucking different from their delusions anwyays good comic, i like this better than the soap opera shitshow

R: 8 / I: 3 / P: 18

/japan/ GET

touhou is THE BEST cartoon and there is nothing you can do about it

R: 507 / I: 226 / P: 18

/co/ Pain Thread 3: Endless Summer of Trash

Everything's horrible & nothing's going to get better. Let's talk about how that makes you feel.

R: 54 / I: 21 / P: 18

Eric July Breaks The Bank With The Launch Of Isom, His First Rippaverse Comics Book >Faced with companies that won’t listen to the fans or critics, Eric July set out to create his own superhero universe as a counterpunch to liberal corporate entertainment. >The Rippaverse website was unveiled a full day before the pre-orders for Isom went live, with videos of July’s mission statement for the book as well as a “Welcome to the Rippaverse” video explaining the bigger picture of where Isom #1 will fit into his overall vision. >The line art is done by DC veteran, Cliff Richards, and Gabe Eltaeb, beloved for criticizing DC Comics over their removal of the slogan “Truth, Justice and the American Way” from Superman, does the coloring work. >Fans reacted with an outpouring of support for the Rippaverse project with more than 8,000 backers and $800,000 raised on the first day of the campaign. >With such an outpouring of support, Isom #1 is fast on its way to becoming the most successful crowdfunded comic of all time, an incredible feat for someone not using Kickstarter or IndieGoGo as a platform, but directing viewers to his own website. As of publishing, Isom #1 has earned $952,201.37 from 9,688 backers. >July’s work is shaking up the comic book industry in a way readers haven’t seen since the inception of #ComicsGate, and his work is an inspiration to liberty-minded comic creators everywhere.

R: 36 / I: 5 / P: 18

Was it any good?

R: 36 / I: 8 / P: 18

Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Return


R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 18


HAPPY 246th BIRTHDAY AMERICA! Through good and bad times, there's always something to be proud about!

R: 91 / I: 30 / P: 18

Copyright gone Wild!

Hell I can't even remember another piece of media that was violated the moment it became free to use.

R: 25 / I: 10 / P: 18

>Morbius made more money than Lightyear

R: 9 / I: 2 / P: 18

Joe Quesada Leaves Marvel After 22 Years

>Joe Quesada, former Marvel Comics editor-in-chief and current executive vice president and creative director of Marvel Entertainment, has announced he's leaving the company after 22 years. Good riddance, maybe this time Peter's marriage will stick this time. Who am I kidding it wont

R: 11 / I: 5 / P: 18

Why do they keep trying with the liveaction shit, nothing good ever came from their experiment back in 2009.

R: 9 / I: 3 / P: 18

Which heroes would support the government taking away people's guns? Which villains would support taking away people's guns?

R: 26 / I: 3 / P: 18

/co/ e-celeb general

>overly sarcastic productions >not overly sarcastic >just snarky gay commies

R: 25 / I: 6 / P: 18

Where is Anne Frank (2021)

Wow, this movie has an Anti-Racism message in it.

R: 19 / I: 17 / P: 18

Same VA thread

>No way, Eric! This shot is too good to pass up for the premiere in Vancouver... the chopper's just the icing! >You freaking lunatic! You're gonna get yourself killed. >And I'm going to pull a McTwist on the way over

R: 14 / I: 2 / P: 18

I wonder what Tarzan's Parents ship from Disney's Tarzan (1999) would look like in it's full glory before it got destroyed by fire.

R: 274 / I: 194 / P: 18

>‘Turning Red’ Film Critic Calls the New Pixar Cartoon ‘Unapologetically Horny’ WTF PIXAR

R: 18 / I: 3 / P: 19

New Pixar Move

>Pixar has dropped the concept art for its next feature, Elemental, which will hit theaters on June 16 (see it below). Disney already had the Father’s Day weekend date reserved for an untitled Pixar film. >Directed by Peter Sohn (The Good Dinosaur, Partly Cloudy short) and produced by Denise Ream (The Good Dinosaur, Cars 2), Elemental journeys alongside an unlikely pair, Ember and Wade, in a city where fire, water, land and air-residents live together. The fiery young woman and the go-with-the-flow guy are about to discover something elemental: how much they actually have in common. >The movie was inspired by Sohn’s childhood in New York. >“My parents emigrated from Korea in the early 1970s and built a bustling grocery store in the Bronx,” said the director. “We were among many families who ventured to a new land with hopes and dreams—all of us mixing into one big salad bowl of cultures, languages and beautiful little neighborhoods. That’s what led me to Elemental.” >“Our story is based on the classic elements — fire, water, land and air,” the director added. “Some elements mix with each other, and some don’t. What if these elements were alive?” >Pixar, after being sidelined to Disney+ with Turning Red and Soul during the pandemic, returns to theaters this Father’s Day weekend, June 17-19, with the Toy Story origins story Lightyear. The studio showed off the pic’s first half hour to great response at CinemaCon last month.

R: 16 / I: 32 / P: 19

You're in store for some movies. Hope you got snacks (and you better share, dammit). Join us for the following movies: - The Gumby Movie - The Nut Job - The Average Dinosaur OR You can choose between the Ted Box and the Yaki Box. Ted Box smells like the most amazing male power fantasy ever made, and you can take that to the bank. Yaki Box smells like another target for well-intentioned grandparents. JOIN US

R: 518 / I: 350 / P: 19

/co/ related Pain Thread 2: The Starfox Cometh

Another miscellaneous thread for all things /co/ related that make you cringe, groan, or furious.

R: 9 / I: 3 / P: 19

I like Amphibia.

R: 297 / I: 81 / P: 19

A day left, what's your prediction /co/? How shit will it be?

R: 11 / I: 2 / P: 19

Apparently Fireball finally got an English dub out of nowhere. Looks like the mouse is getting desperate for content on Disney+. I mean I'm not complaining its a fun series but its so bizarre how it took this long to get one. For those who don't remember, the show is basically a collab between Disney and some 3d animation studio in Japan with Hitoshi Fukuchi doing designs and some story bits. It was pretty popular on text/image boards back in the early 2010s, it actually had a new season come out last year.

R: 35 / I: 24 / P: 19

Will this become the next Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss?

R: 7 / I: 3 / P: 19

History comics and manga

Thread title. Share recs here.

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 19

Flashpoint Beyond or Thomas Stop Trying To Fuck Your Dead Son

> Flashpoint Beyond, we learn that the Flashpoint reality survived - and Thomas Wayne/Batman is even more shocked than we are. In the seven-issue series, he will return to the streets of his Gotham City to figure out the multiversal mystery of how his universe didn't die - and if there's some way to resurrect his dear, departed son Bruce. >The series kicks off April 5 with a special double-sized Flashpoint Beyond #0, followed by six issues released every other week culminating June 21 with Flashpoint Beyond #6. This better retcon Future State because if it doesnt it'll be nothing more than wasted filler.

R: 22 / I: 2 / P: 19

How did 4cuck/co/ get so terrible? Do we know the web identities of the mods?

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 19

The Bad Guys

A surprisingly okay film. While there is a case of beanface for most characters, and how some animals talk and some don't (the funny talking animal trope is annoying but it gets those parent's tickets), the animation itself was fast-paced and smoothly done (there is some inspiration with heist films). The story (and humor) itself is just heists and plans gone wrong and right. It's based upon a children's book like with Captain Underpants, although I don't know if the film is faithful to the book since I haven't read it. There wasn't much that made me groan, nor much that preached to choirs. It's a safe children's film that's worth putting on for your (hypothetical) children. Expect DreamWorks to milk this franchise since they're reliant upon streaming services.

R: 14 / I: 2 / P: 19

What the hell is it with this series that attracts so many out of touch degenerate commie lowlifes?

R: 26 / I: 5 / P: 19

Are NFTs a legitmate way for webcomic artists to make money?

R: 12 / I: 1 / P: 19

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Thread.

In celebration of this show, it's getting a new season for 2022. I'm not expecting much since Frylock's voice actor got fucked over by CN by underpaying him meaning chances are he's out of the show or got replaced either by another actor that probably wouldn't fit as well.

R: 23 / I: 15 / P: 19

More comics like this

Ive been reading recently Patriotika and Valkyrie Saviours by Ron Z. And they were helluva fun. So I've been wondering if there are still good comics out there? with beautiful characters, good designs, great art and that they don't try to push SJW bullshit? Or at least fun stuff like before.

R: 10 / I: 5 / P: 19


R: 18 / I: 0 / P: 20

R: 61 / I: 7 / P: 20


Is it any good? I haven't had any time to watch it but not only the normalfags praise it, but even close friends whose recommendations I trust. It might be because years of /co/ gave me this sixth sense... or turned me into a bitter, distrustful asshole, but I for what I've seen it just looks like some RWBY shit on over budget. Like yeah, it could be good, but it just looks like a fad, not like one of those shows you keep discussing forever. I AM going to watch it myself when I get some free time, but right now, Whad does /co/ thinks?

R: 39 / I: 7 / P: 20

Batwoman has a new lead!

Meet your new stunning and brave Batwoman: played by a black bi-sexual woman with an afro! It also looks like they are keeping the terrible Ryan Wilder name and the original batwoman will exist, but will be a mystery in the background that'll never be solved. I'm expecting a ton of articles of how you're racist, sexist and homophobic if you don't like the new Batwoman Season 2 whenever that is coming out.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 20


R: 16 / I: 28 / P: 20

Let's get ready to watch some probably regrettable movies You may vote for one of the following: Gumby The"good" dinosaur The Nut Job OR You can choose between the Ted Box and the Yaki Box The Ted box is a slightly futuristic and incredibly violent child custody battle. The Yaki Box is a barking good time.

R: 132 / I: 50 / P: 20

Learning with Pibby Thread.

A cartoon crosser show got previewed on adult swim's youtube channel and is potentially on the path to being greenlit due to having gained large traction on youtube and social media. In general it's some creepypasta Esque show where cartoons get corrupted by some invasive strange black mass that turns them into pixellated monstrous parodies of them. It's pretty much a Zalgo stand-in for the show. Normalfags are eating it up despite the whole "cute thing suffers horribly" being done to death with shit like happy tree friends.

R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 20


R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 20

Behold! The scene that started all cartoon Tearjerkers!

R: 181 / I: 83 / P: 20

So there's like a first look at the new Harvey Birdman spin-off focusing on Birdgirl, I can't make much out of it other than how painfully unfunny it is, almost as if it was written by women. And clearly everyone is ugly as sin.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 20

Man, time sure does fly.

R: 138 / I: 49 / P: 20

Justice League Unlimited Animated series

>5 threads for shitting on crap >none for actually good stuff Talk about episodes, characters, side characters, plot holes and girls. Why it can't be replicated again. Why Superman was so underpowered in this. Why Booster Gold is the best character

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 20

What happened to the Pineapple Soda Comics by ZachsAnomaly aka Zach

help me in my investigation 8chan

R: 3 / I: 5 / P: 20

Seriously what were they thinking when adopting this?

R: 15 / I: 1 / P: 20

Is this the end of the Mouse?

R: 10 / I: 3 / P: 20

What exactly is Disney thinking here?

R: 22 / I: 37 / P: 20

No stream today. Stream cancelled. I'm cancelled. You're cancelled. April Fools! Sorry kiddo, you're stuck with us. Choose one of the following movies for your viewing pleasure/displeasure: - The Nut Job - The Good Dinosaur - The Gumby Movie OR You can choose the Ted Box or the Yaki Box. Ted Box totally smells like the world's most caring, loving, devoted husband, whose wife is totally just a little fucking off her rocker and she needs help before she kills everyone. Yaki Box smells like a CGI romp through a beautiful CGI world full of realistic looking creatures on an adventure. JOIN US.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 21

Hey /co/, what's your thoughts on cape based tabletop games?

R: 10 / I: 3 / P: 21

New Looney Tunes movie, why didn't they just use the designs from the new shorts?

R: 12 / I: 4 / P: 21


Does anyone actually remember it. It got a movie or something this year. I've only had seen the first few episodes. Did anyone watch or read it more then that?

R: 23 / I: 2 / P: 21

Same-Sex Kiss Restored in Pixar’s ‘Lightyear’ Following Staff Uproar Over ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill

R: 31 / I: 3 / P: 21

Well that Boondocks revival is dead, kinda glad with a dash of disappointment.

R: 64 / I: 26 / P: 21

The CupHead Show teaser

Wow, a Netflix cartoon that doesn't look like absolute fucking garbage. Comes out in February

R: 27 / I: 19 / P: 21

Infinity Train

Apparently the show is getting a season 3 on HBO Max. The first season was fine. Kind of dumb that Tulip's problem was literally just "my parents are getting divorced & I can't go to nerd camp" instead of anything substantial. Season 2 had Mirror Tulip as the main character & her struggle with identity along with the secondary character's struggle with thinking for himself was way better. But the production quality was noticeably worse. Season 3 will now focus on a new character, Hazel, along with some side characters introduced last season who don't see being on the train as a bad thing that needs to be fixed.

R: 10 / I: 8 / P: 21

Happy birthday Ena.

R: 13 / I: 5 / P: 21

So now that it's over, how was the journey overall?

R: 53 / I: 29 / P: 21

Kid Cosmic

>Craig McCracken >Rob Renzetti >Inspired by classic comics, including Dennis the Menace and Tintin <Netflix Original It's got some potential, but the team is retarded at the moment. Another season is already in the works.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 21

Does it still deserve a third season?

R: 8 / I: 2 / P: 21

Jack Angel Has Passed Away

>We are saddened to report that veteran G1 voice actor Jack Angel has passed away, as confirmed by his agency’s Instagram account. >Mr. Angel’s legacy for the Transformers franchise includes several key characters from the original G1 cartoon such as: Omega Supreme, Ultra Magnus, Smokescreen, Astrotrain, Breakdown, Ramjet, Cyclonus, a Sweep and some other support characters of the show. Besides Transformers, he had a prolific career being part of other classic franchises like Voltron, Spider-Man: The Animated Series, G.I. Joe and more. >We offer our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. Didn't see a thread up.

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 21

Chuck Dixon Launches New Post-Apocalyptic Series

>apocalyptic dramedy chronicling the misadventures of two families doing their level best to stay alive following a worldwide disaster, the nature of which I won’t spoil here. Looks interesting at least its not zombies.

R: 49 / I: 104 / P: 21


Who wants to read an autists webcomic? A John Stewart fanboy got so butthurt at DC that he made his own Green Lantern knock-off. How bad could it be? I made a thread for it back on 8ch where I sarcastically called it a masterpiece and the creator thought I was serious. He even made an image with the quote on it.

R: 39 / I: 36 / P: 21

All-America Comix

The creators of America Chavez weren't allowed to make her solo book, so they went and made a "new" character at Image. How bad can it be? It certainly can't be as bad as the America Chavez book, right?

R: 17 / I: 3 / P: 21

‘Teen Titans Go!’ Renewed For Season 8 By Cartoon Network; ‘Mayhem In The Multiverse’ TV Movie Gets Trailer & Premiere Date

R: 50 / I: 18 / P: 22

This isn't a raping, they're violating the corpse and wearing the skin Buffalo Bill style. And to think Darkwing Duck is next.

R: 7 / I: 10 / P: 22

It's that time again. TONIGHT: Pluck It, We’ll Do It Live!: ep 53-54 Princess Sissy Doesn't Like The Look Of That Liveleak Logo As She Tours The Castle: eps 14-16 Dude Looks Like A Lady: eps 1-3 SERIES PREMIER The Turtles Are Concerned April's Definition Of "Topping": eps 64-65 It's the beginning of the end - Kenshin wanders off, and Sailor Stars, the final season of Sailor Moon, makes its way onto the block. Never let it be said that I don't see things through to the end. LET'S GO. Don't forget to vote for next week's bonus episode.

R: 69 / I: 31 / P: 22

Costumes from the poorly thought out design department

Why continue to use something that works, stylish and/or is extremely icon; when you can butcher it and make it look laughably bad.

R: 51 / I: 4 / P: 22

Comic writers losing control of their creations

How many instances have you seen of writers getting screwed out of how their series/characters/whatever are portrayed and complain about it later? In a recent DC Black Label book (Suicide Squad: Get Joker), they had Wild Dog in that universe be part of the Jan. 6th Capitol Hill tour insurrection as a right wing fanatic, and his original creators Max Allan Collins and Terry Beatty went bitching to BleedingCool about it, and that made me curious about other incidents. Here's the rant: >My first reaction at discovering Wild Dog had been recruited into the Suicide Squad as the leader of the Jan. 6 Insurrection as a defecating Proud Boy-style seditionist was bewildered shock. Basically, "Huh?" That quickly grew to rage, expressed mostly as, "F-ck DC," and "F-ck the writer." I shared these sentiments with Wild Dog's artist/co-creator, Terry Beatty, and he basically tried to calm me down. But, obviously, it gradually worked him into a rabid lather, too. > For me, it's settled into disappointment and disgust. Wild Dog was conceived as a home-grown costumed hero. No cape, no cowl, just what could be put together out of such items as a hockey mask (with its Jason resonance) and body armor and real-world stuff from a hardware store and a home workshop. The usual "what if" all fiction writers operate from – "what if" somebody decided to actually be a costumed hero? > The results were not always beneficial. When Wild Dog found himself confronted by a would-be Bucky to his Captain America, despite our hero's best efforts to discourage the Pup's participation, the child is nearly killed. Terry and I pursued this with Ms. Tree – she was a vigilante, too, but wound up both in jail and in a mental institution. I might add in the Ms. Tree feature, Terry and I explored such then-current (and still current, unfortunately) topics as date rape, abortion clinic bombings, and gay bashing. > Some defenders of what we see as a perverted use of our creation dismiss it on the grounds that Wild Dog is a minor, forgotten character. Well, tell that to DC, who have used the character in at least three other comics, most recently as a cast member of the Cave Carson comic book, and to the CW network, where Wild Dog was a recurring character on Arrow. > Wild Dog debuted in a four-issue mini-series, had a regular slot in Action Weekly, and a "Special" double-length one-shot. In addition Terry is an Eisner-winning Batman artist, and we were Eisner nominees for our Ms. Tree work at DC. I wrote a year of Batman as well as two Batman graphic novels and was the initial writer of the Tim Burton-era Batman newspaper strip. My graphic novel (with Richard Piers Rayner), Road to Perdition, generated an Academy Award-winning film that is often cited as one of the best comic book movies ever made, and the graphic novel itself appears on many "Best of" lists. As recently as 2011 Terry and I did Return to Perdition for DC. > So what? So Terry and I both have long relationships with DC and might have expected better where one of our creations is concerned. Yes, DC owns the rights to the character, but simple courtesy and common decency might suggest going down this path with Wild Dog was ill-advised – and that at least the creators should be warned. After all, invoking the Jan. 6 riot was bound to attract attention and controversy – shock value was the point, after all. > Of course we weren't informed, just as we were not told about Wild Dog being used on the Arrow TV show. We weren't paid for that (one of the few things our contract gave us) until that fact went public. I have worked with many terrific people at DC, but DC itself remains what it's always been – a corporation built on the bones of two Cleveland teenagers. > As for Brian Azzarello, who I have never met, I have to wonder what kind of writer uses the creation of another writer in such a reckless, disrespectful manner. Azzarello is one of a generation of comics writers who owe a certain debt to our Ms. Tree, the first successful crime comic book in decades when it appeared in 1981. Still the longest running private eye comic book of all time (50 issues plus specials), it paved the way for everything that followed. We might have expected better thanks than this. > DC owning Wild Dog doesn't stop it being characterized as my work – the fame of Road to Perdition guarantees I will be mentioned in the context of a character who is tied to a political movement I abhor. But a modicum of consideration from the publisher, and some respect from the writer, is too much to expect from the company and talent who ignore Bill Finger's Batman in favor of Batman fingering Catwoman.

R: 12 / I: 14 / P: 22

2000AD thread

Thread devoted to all things 2000AD (Rebellion Publishing). It can be just the Dreddverse or alternatively any of the myriad other stories published.

R: 15 / I: 27 / P: 22

It's Valentine's Day, and love is in the air! Or maybe it's carbon monoxide. Hard to tell. Either way, what better way to spread the love than sit and watch "romantic" movies with strangers over the internet? Cuz that's what we're going to do. Are you a bad enough dude to join us? We're doing a triple feature tonight, starting off with our annual showing of Strange Magic, after which there will be a choice between the Ted Box and the Yaki Box. Ted Box smells like something you couldn't get away with in movies nowadays. Yaki Box smells like the deceptive scent of catfish. Join us!

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 22


R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 22

After almost 7 years it looks like this movie is finally happening. >Paramount Animation has landed the animated feature Blazing Samurai, which has an A-list voice cast led by Michael Cera. The studio acquired the movie from GFM Animation for North America and other key international territories, setting a U.S. release of July 22, 2022. >Along with Cera, the voice cast includes Samuel L. Jackson, Ricky Gervais, Mel Brooks, George Takei, Djimon Hounsou, Michelle Yeoh, Cathy Shim, Kylie Kuioka, Gabriel Iglesias and Aasif Mandvi. >Cera voices Hank, a dog who dreams of becoming a samurai in a land where that privilege is reserved exclusively for cats. He gets his chance when a post opens up in the small town of Kakamucho, but little does Hank know that the local warlord (Gervais) who hired him is bent on destroying the town for his own gain. Seemingly destined to fail, Hank coaxes a reluctant, once great samurai (Jackson) out of retirement to become his mentor, and together they become samurai heroes.

R: 9 / I: 8 / P: 22


It's time for a QUALITY thread

R: 43 / I: 16 / P: 22

Arthur's going off the air soon.

Arthur's ending sometime in 2022. After 25 season in the winter of 2022, the show will debute it's final season and after that, it'll just be reruns.

R: 19 / I: 18 / P: 22

Artists Tracing

Just today it came to my attention that the artist for the recent tie-in comic, Godzilla Dominion, has been found to be tracing. Not just Godzilla himself but the fucking Bass Pro Shop logo too. If you try to call him out on twitter, he will immediately block you for it.

R: 12 / I: 13 / P: 22

Scenes/Screenshots Redrawns/Vaporware

This is something that become a bit quite popular last year but on shitchan threads get shitgnored or drained doined by them mods, (btw i did the spongebob one) Can we make a thread to post decent or interesting artstyle shift redrawns or fake screenshots? (not tumblr redrawns, but good ones)

R: 7 / I: 3 / P: 22


R: 26 / I: 10 / P: 22


Another musical film by Disney is popular, and unsurprisingly, it's praised for the usual cruft. I doubt that Colombia is like this. It's mediocre, although one or two songs were okay. Bruno did nothing wrong.

R: 13 / I: 4 / P: 22

The Maus "Ban"

This tidbit of news came across to me, and here is probably the only good place to complain about it. I read the transcript of the school board decision. It was laughable. What bothers me about this whole conversation is this: This controversy was fabricated by the MSM to appeal to people's outrage. The MSM, who claims that this is a thing only Fox News does. The actual headline is: "Tennessee school board votes to replace Maus in English curriculum for 8th graders." This was twisted into: "Tennessee school board votes to BAN Maus". Despite the fact that they weren't removing it from the library. Students were now no longer required to read it. Is this content suitable for 13 and 14 year-olds? Probably. And all of these people are just eating this propaganda up.

R: 69 / I: 152 / P: 22

Well here we are E.V.I.L Heroes: The Pseudo EVIL Bootleg Justice League

It's entertaining as the joke that it is. But the comic has some things going for it.

R: 17 / I: 0 / P: 23

I've thought about how most of the time, the nature of constant NOTHING IS THE SAME mass-reboot events, inconsistent continuity (contrasted with autistic obsession with status quo) and the failings of a system where there can be no singular "author" guiding the whole universe means that, by and large, there is no lasting impact in Capeshit. Hack decisions made by egotist-writers desperate not to be forgotten in the revolving door can easily be undone or tug-of-warred over unless the editorial is sucking their dick (IE Bendis), and even the characters' names or identities can can easily be shuffled around. Save for one example that keeps coming up. Gayness (and trannies, but there's no notable tranny-infected ones to my knowledge) is the one thing that cannot be erased, like some form of permanent ink spilled on white paper. Iceman, Jon Kent, Tim, those stained by rainbow shit are forever stuck with it. The writer who would dare try would be crucified politically, fired and blacklisted from the entire industry. Not that there are any writers left who would be willing to, in no small part because it's been infiltrated by twatter addicts who'd be the first to cause a fuss and they've bullied out anyone resembling conservative for less. Because of this boomer-esque fear of vocal loudmouths and leftist gatekeeping of Human Resources and other employing areas, the one change the true readerbase would be happiest to see gone is the one that can never be undone. I just found that to be a cruel sort of irony.

R: 4 / I: 9 / P: 23

We've got a full lineup tonight. Don't ask Launchpad to show you his corkscrew maneuver Episodes: 47-48 Go ahead, call her a Sissi ONE MORE TIME: Episodes 8-9 Kraft Rurouni And Cheesy Dialog:Episodes 86-88 TMNT 57-58: Krang-A-Boomerang And Three episodes of Slayers Next Please vote for next week's bonus episode

R: 15 / I: 27 / P: 23

Oh me oh my, what will I do? I have a bunch of movies, and no one to watch them with! Guess I'll just put it on the internet and see who joins me. Choose from the following movies: - The Gumby Movie - The Nut Job - The Average Dinosaur OR You can choose from the Ted Box or the Yaki Box. Ted Box smells like a buddy-cop movie that is appropriate for children, except when it's not. Yaki Box smells like delicious, delicious cyberpunk. Join us!

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 23

European cartoons thread

Europe has been really overlooked by everyobe outside of europeans on the cartoon side of medias. So why not maje a thread about discussing some of those cartoons >Pat & Mat/...A je to! This show was created by Ľubomír Beneš and Vladimír Jiránek for ČST Bratislava. It is a slapstick comedy show which was made in stop motion it has over 100 episodes of ~7 minute lenght. Atleast for the earlier ones. I don't want to get on to why it was around 7 minute lenght, because you might not get it. It is about two handymen doing stuff, there is always a sort of problem to fix or a present, you get it. Sometimes they do by themselfs most of the time actually and they fix it in a sort of bizzare way that noone would expect. Deffinitly good for someone that just want's to see some funny shit to happen. It's not dubbed whatsoever, because the characters don't speak. And you can find it on youtube easilly. >The Adventures of Aladár Mézga This is an intresting one, it's kind of weird. Atleast the last episode which was censored. It is a story of aladár mézga and his adventures in space. >El Guerrero sin nombre A medieval fantasy story about "a knight with no name" I don't want to spoiler it, because there is actually some weird lore in it

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 23

Batwoman 3.0 anyone?

R: 6 / I: 6 / P: 23

Rugrats Go Wild

This movie was much more frightening as an adult.

R: 111 / I: 254 / P: 23

Oh, you faggots are going to LOVE this shit!

Hey, do you hate CY+6 comics but can't find that one special comic that embodies everything you hate? Well, have I got a deal for you! >effeminate boys >stronk girls >race-mixing >jews >CalArts/Tumblr levels of artistic endeavor >Non-ironic use of "G-d" >Non-ironic use of "Goy" and "Goyim" >jews >hate crimes involving bacon >a flying lion >a magical tambourine >demonic makeovers >JEWS Welcome to The Unfinished Corner

R: 8 / I: 4 / P: 23

Asterix thread

General asterix thread. And I want to start this thread out with Asterix and the magic potion. And I think it's great. Great characters, great animation, great story. We get background to Getafix and generally stuff around druids. i don't want to spoiler much. But, the girl flosses and I'm not joking at the credits. WHY?

R: 19 / I: 3 / P: 23

So /co/, which one will you main?

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 23


As another year goes by I'm hoping everyone had a wonderful time and I wish for the next year to be even better.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 23


Lets hope we finally get some good shit this year or at least wish for more trash fires.

R: 102 / I: 36 / P: 23


So is this movie going to be any good? It looks like it will play it safe enough, but I can't help but feel that they're trying to set up a Hanna-Barbera cinematic universe which gives me mixed feelings as I'm pretty sick of cinematic universes, but on the other hand I'm happy to see Dick Dastardly on the big screen. Also its giving me some Funtastic World of HB vibes. If this movie does well enough could they actually bring back an updated version of the old ride at Universal (maybe with the old footage every once in a while)? I mean they could do it, just have it so the film's big reveal is that Dick is using future technology he's stealing from a time traveling child (Elroy) he's holding hostage which serves as the mysterious and ominous mcguffin or something.

R: 11 / I: 17 / P: 23


>be an eastern orthodox icon carver >announce you're writing (not illustrating, sadly) a comic book >a comic book in a fantasy setting using a bunch of now-obscure saints and monsters from christian mythology >get almost $200k thrown at you in crowdfunding money Is the christian comic book finally coming into its own? Will it be just a bunch of esoteric wank? Should I read Serenity? I'm not the biggest fan of the colored art, if I'm honest.

R: 23 / I: 96 / P: 23

Story time: batman/spiderman crossover

It's story time anons Yeah yeah, I know that this is a crossover between the big two so the first reaction is thinking will be trash. But this one is in the second best era of comics I personally love 90 edgy style. Sue me i still enjoyed reading it, so in the pile of crap that they throw out nowadays we could look back with fond memories of what comics used to be and suffer characters If I have to present any of those characters with some kind of background you shouldn't be on this board the story so far Peter is happily marriedthank you OMD but the hero life always need checking up on since Carnage have been yet again captured and yet again tried to escape, Bruce is still trying to save Gotham by itself showing that there's no rest for of wicked or the heros. this time a specialized doctor has a plan to redeem those two serial mass murderer providing an end to this endless circus of blood and madness

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 23

90's comics? dark age

Using readcomicsonline, what titles/series do I need to search for to get those obsecenely muscular,badly written, pouch-wearing comics i love so much? either Image stuff(those names which always combine "blood" and "shot"), there was who was like a hulk but gray and with claws,I forgot his name..jackie stakado the darkness,etc. also, DC and marvel 90's too. I want to bask in the grim glory of it all.

R: 122 / I: 492 / P: 23


HO HO HO! It's that time again, what better way to celebrate the month than three jam packed weekly holiday storytimes! For the month of December expect 3 stories each week, right around on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, starting today and ending on Christmas. SO GET SOME MILK AND COOKIES, LIGHT YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE AND GET COMFY! IT'S TIME FOR SOME JOLLY OLE TALES! Our first tale of the night is- 1998's DCU Holiday Bash! #2

R: 38 / I: 24 / P: 24

Happy 8th Birthday 8/co/!

R: 388 / I: 245 / P: 24


R: 30 / I: 14 / P: 24

Didn't see a thread, but good ole She-Hulk is back. But for how long?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 24

What if?

What will the show become if it never ended with "Big Picture Show"?

R: 17 / I: 6 / P: 24

How do you become a cartoon artist in this day and age? Do you have to go down the animator route? Is being independent an option?

R: 507 / I: 179 / P: 24

Comic Industry Collapse Watch Thread

>Corona-chan is fucking over the world economy >Now years of shit stories, forced agendas and awful sales have lead to the collapse of the industry >Diamond going bust >Shops going bust >The mouse planning to kill Marvel What a wonderful time to be alive.

R: 16 / I: 29 / P: 24

Oh look at the time. It's movie time! Choose from the following movies: The Gumby Movie The Nut Job The Sub-Par Dinosaur OR You can choose the Ted Box or the Yaki Box. The Ted Box smells like gritty EXTREMELY LOUD primary colors. The Yaki Box smells like intense bullying on a tiny scale. JOIN US.

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 24

Don't Let The Cartoon Bastards Grind You Down

YOU CAN make your own cartoons you (do not) need tv/streaming service funding voice actors are (not) expensive creativity is limitless

R: 186 / I: 242 / P: 24

Comics continue to embarass themselves. Starfire has a Gay Goth Daughter If that's not bad enough, it's a self-insert of Mariko Tamaki. Also, when has goth been in relevant recently? Goth is more like a 90s to early 2000s thing. Here is also the summary which is cringe. "From New York Times bestselling author Mariko Tamaki (Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass) and artist Yoshi Yoshitani (Zatanna and the House of Secrets) comes a story about Mandy, the daughter of super-famous superhero Starfire, and her desperate attempts to get out from under her shadow. Seventeen-year-old Mandy Koriand'r is not her mother. Daughter of Starfire and high school outcast, Mandy is constantly trying to get out from under the shadow of her bright, bubbly, scantily clad, and famous mother. Dyeing her bright orange hair black and sticking close to her best friend, Lincoln, Mandy spends her days at school avoiding Teen Titans superfans and trying to hide her feelings for the gorgeous, popular, and perfect Claire. And while Mandy usually avoids spending too much time with her alien mother, she's been particularly quiet as she's keeping one major secret from her: Mandy walked out of her S.A.T. While Mandy continues to tell Lincoln her plans of moving to France to escape the family spotlight and not go to college, she secretly hides a fear of not knowing her identity outside of just being the daughter of a superhero and who she will become. But when she is partnered with Claire to work on a school project, their friendship develops into something more and a self-confidence unknown to Mandy begins to bloom. Claire seems to like Mandy for being Mandy, not the daughter of Starfire. But when someone from Starfire's past comes to disrupt Mandy's future, Mandy must finally make a choice: give up before the battle has even begun, or step into the unknown and risk everything. I Am Not Starfire is a story about mother-daughter relationships, embracing where you come from while finding your own identity, and learning to be unafraid of failing, if it was even failing in the first place."

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 24


What is this archetype called?

R: 38 / I: 12 / P: 24

First look at Ryan Wilder Batwoman

They show a preview of a her in the final issue of Batgirl (2016) #50. They followed it up by showing the full costume for the tv show and oh my... There are so many things wrong with it. They assumed that since she is a black woman that she doesn't need no black eye makeup that would usually be there to mesh with the cowl. They also assume that to make sure you don't confuse her with white batwoman, they have to make her big ass afro hair stick out in the back so you know she's not on whitey's side. I'm surprised they weren't called racist on this decision. Then they realized they made a mistake because what Batwoman was known for was her red hair. Since I assume this is her real hair and not a cheap wig that Ruby Rose used, they can't take all the time to dye it red since she would still have this red hair in civilian attire aswell so they just added a few red extensions that you would miss it if you didn't notice it. This is also on top of the cheap looking batmobile she has that just looks like a regular car with stickers put on it. If she's as obnoxious in the comics as she is in the tv show, it's looking more deader than before. Even when DC is facing a weaker MCU, they still can't get anything right.

R: 507 / I: 422 / P: 24


A new He-Man cartoon is in the works. Not the Kevin Smith one but one made for children rather than by a man child. Thankfully this more than likely won't be another mess like She-ra. This is obviously a much more toyetic design philosophy going on. So they're actually trying to market it to boys.

R: 13 / I: 9 / P: 24

Supergirl - Visibility more important than Sight

Blind Spot Ironically enough considering the title of Supergirl s6e12, though making a quip about wanting to improve the "sight lines" on Jimmy Olsen's old Guardian helmet, Kelly Olsen remarks that her "other visibility ideas" (ie exposing her lower face so people can see she is black) are "more important" and so of course Brainy conveniently ignored the part about the sightlines because the actual eye design on the new golden helmet is as shitty as ever. The only redemption for this absurdity is if in an upcoming episode Kelly's lack of peripheral vision leads to her decapitating an adjacent black gramma with her kite shield. I can't figure out if Brainy is so stupid that he's blinded by his desire to appeal to Kelly's primary desire to be seen as a black woman that he completely overlooks the shitty sightlines of the helmet (the designs he had prepped ahead of time don't include improvements either... you'd figure that would occur to him!) or if he's the ultimate troll who wants Kelly be incompetent and hurt herself/others and is keeping the eyeholes the same for that reason. That or I'm too low-IQ to perceive some kind of subtle changes made to the eye holes in the old black helmet in it's update to the new gold helmet, because the new one's sight lines don't really seem to hold any advantages. I don't think we have an "armor" forum, should I bother /k/ about this?

R: 86 / I: 50 / P: 24

Absolute state of nu Pixar This looks like shit. It's like Calarts made in 3d or something. Also the same tired trope of >No, my sheltered child! We do not do NEW THINGS around here!

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 24


R: 16 / I: 9 / P: 24

Proud Family

The trailer for the reboot? continuation? came out. The animation looks more stiff, but also seems edgier and I was worried they were gonna make it more safe and toothless. I guess they're acknowledging the fans have grown while at the same time not making it adult. Probably just to PG.

R: 16 / I: 6 / P: 25

Mirage Studios Has Shut Down

>12 years after selling out to Nickelodeon, Mirage Studios is closing its doors this month, with its website to remain online as an archive only. >Mirage Studios sold the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles intellectual property to Viacom/Nickelodeon in October 2009 and, after winding down business affairs over the last dozen years, the four Mirage corporations were dissolved in 2021. >While Mirage has gone out of existence, but thanks to you, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes will live on forever. Thank you all for your years of support. It has been a pleasure sharing the Turtles' story and universe with you. End of an era.

R: 45 / I: 31 / P: 25

Cartoon Intros

What are some of your favorite cartoon intros?

R: 57 / I: 14 / P: 25

TOM & JERRY 2021

>teaser finally comes out >its the shittiest cell-shaded cgi since the Gamecube era Fucking hell I thought Peanuts and Captain Underpants fixed the whole 3d into 2d animation technique.

R: 35 / I: 19 / P: 25


R: 16 / I: 5 / P: 25

The Show That Keeps on Giving

>Hack of an actress decides to burn down all her connections to Warner and basically call out how shitty of company they are < Peter Roth, the president of Warner Television likes to have women “steam” his crotch while he’s still wearing them. All the while searches for blackmail on everyone <Rose says she suffered injuries while working, such as a broken neck, fractured rib that split in two, and even a tumor <forced her to go back to work 10 days after surgery <Denied her from going to conventions <a crew member got 3rd degree burns across his body including face, apparently people watched his skin fall off <a sex scene was filmed without prep <they lost 2 stunt doubles <Rose was almost blinded <PA was left a quadriplegic and was forced to start a gofundme <Actor Dougray Scott yelled at and mistreated people. <Camrus Johnson a “egomaniac” who apparently blamed her and leaked info. <WB couldnt be bothered to provide a taxi during a night shoot >Warner Bros hits back hours later <Rose’s account “revisionist history” <“multiple complaints about workplace behavior” against the actor. <Rose theirself was the subject of an internal probe into bad behavior allegations by the studio <founder and CEO of Constellate Films — who called Rose's season on Batwoman a "reign of cruelty. <Rose had regularly showed up late without knowing her lines and treated the crew members poorly, as though they were beneath her. <we were disregarded as the trash we picked up, >All this for a crappy CW show that is only kept alive out of pure ego and nepotism If this is the crap that is continually happening under each season of Batwoman, then I say let them continue until it eventually bankrupts them because nobody is watching this trash fire. Outside the behind the scenes drama of course.

R: 6 / I: 4 / P: 25

Well would you look who it is, /co/! About time you made it to the Halloween Bash, what exactly are you supposed to be?

R: 31 / I: 10 / P: 25

>horrible disjointed mess of asspulls, coincidences and hammy drama >pace violently jerking from breakneck to glacial >tone also violently jerking, with marvel style quips and family guy style jokes undercutting most scenes >creators hit the gas on power battling and now their lore is hyperinflated to shit and they have to come up with inordinately silly reasons for interpersonal conflict >almost an entire season centers around ashley burch's character, who looks like her and is called "Ash" because the showrunner presumably wants to bust fat loads in her garbage, hasidic hatchet-wound whilst suckling on her crooked nose, she may well have more voice lines in S3 than the MC >also featuring david tennant doing an awful bad guy impression >season 3 turns into Mass Effect 2 style "everyone gets a backstory before we fight the boss" in lieu of content, and everyone gets really angry about nonsense and forgets about their mission to save reality >awful side character dies and characters spend an episode crying about it with totally unearned sincerity >meanwhile other characters have died multiple times and come back through later asspulls What a dumpster fire. Incredible that Netflix pays for this, that it attracted as many notable names as it did and that people seem to be hyped about it.

R: 48 / I: 200 / P: 25

Night of the Were-Ed: Yearly Boo-ha-ha

Welcome, welcome, phantoms and ghouls, hellhounds and hobgoblins, liches and wights of all ages I see you, /monster/, get your hand out of your pants. Another year has passed, 365 days since last the Ed-ifying tale of the WERE-ED graced this board. Even in this place, traditions must be maintained, and as such I have come to put the curse to rest once more by relaying to you the tale of friendship, love, humanity, and pacts with a pagan deity Without further adieu, /co/ presents A NINTENDO-NUT1 PRODUCTION NIGHT OF THE WERE-ED!

R: 30 / I: 130 / P: 25

Back at it anons, another horror themed story time for the scariest month of the year, got this one by suggestion from another anon and it was a fun read two of those character I already said who they are so I'm just ctrl-c ctrl-v from the other thread Freddy Krueger - the spirit of the Springwood Slasher, a serial killer of children who had been burned to death by his victims' parents after evading prison. uses a gloved hand with razors to kill his victims in their dreams, causing their deaths in the real world as well. He is commonly identified by his burned, disfigured face, dirty red-and-green-striped sweater and brown fedora, and trademark metal-clawed brown leather glove only on his right hand.  In the dream world, he is a powerful force and almost completely invulnerable. However, whenever Freddy is pulled into the real world, he has normal human vulnerabilities and can be destroyed. Jason Voorhees - has been depicted as a non-verbal, indestructible, machete-wielding mass murderer from Camp Crystal Lake. Jason has superhuman strength, regenerative powers, and near invulnerability. Some interpretations suggest that the audience has empathy for Jason, whose motivation for killing has been cited as being driven by the immoral actions of his victims and his own rage over having drowned as a child. Ashley "Ash" Joanna Williams - Ash is incompetent at everything except fighting the Evil Dead. Ash rarely takes situations seriously and is very incompetent as a hero or protagonist; He's often causing the conflict that drives the story forward rather than solving it while having a selfish, self-serving attitude towards others at the same time has been portrayed as a womanizer while fighting deadite he has grown into a much braver person, and becomes the voice of encouragement and confidence. It is at this point that Ash becomes known for his one-liners, and his personality takes on a more cynical, embittered tone. What's this story about? In the bloody wake of the hit movie Freddy vs. Jason, Freddy Krueger finds himself clinging to the last shred of fear that allows him to exist…inside the demented mind of Jason Voorhees. Unwillingly bonded together, the murderous pair must seek out the Necronomicon, the only solution to their mutual torment. Nothing can stop this unholy alliance -- except the wisecracking, chainsaw-wielding Ash, aimed at destroying the Book of the Dead once and for all! writer: JAMES KUHORIC Artist: JASON CRAIG

R: 8 / I: 2 / P: 25

armpit hair and chest hair are pubes - duplicate jokes in Fox toons SAME NIGHT

It seems very strange that both new episodes Simpsons (33e5 "Lisa's Belly") and Bob's Burgers (12e5 "Seven-tween Again") both used essentially the same joke on the same night (Oct 24). Does this happen often?

R: 36 / I: 10 / P: 25

Cartoon Network to make Action Shows and Anime >Adult Swim’s Jason DeMarco has taken on a newly expanded role at Warner Bros. The veteran creative executive has been named SVP Anime & Action Series/Longform for Warner Bros Animation and Cartoon Network Studios. >In his newly created dual role, DeMarco will spearhead WBA and CNS’ expansion into producing anime content. He also will be responsible for identifying and developing projects in the animated action genre to develop and produce series and longform programming for all audiences. Among his first projects, DeMarco will serve as the lead creative executive on The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, the upcoming original anime feature film directed by Kenji Kamiyama and produced by New Line Cinema and WBA. >DeMarco also will continue his role as SVP, Head of Anime and Action Series, at Adult Swim. He will report to Sam Register, President of Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network Studios, and Michael Ouweleen, President of Adult Swim. >DeMarco has been with Adult Swim and Cartoon Network for more than 20 years, beginning as a senior writer-producer and rising through the ranks of the on-air, marketing and promotions teams. He co-created the Toonami programming block and has managed the brand throughout its nearly 25-year history. >“I got into this business because I love action cartoons and storytelling,” DeMarco said. “Being able to work in anime and action development, two areas of animation I care about deeply, is a dream come true.” Look like cartoon network is dipping their toes into making action shows again, can't wait for them to fuck it up with schedule shifts and no advertising. What really concerns me is that they say they're making anime which pisses me off since I hate when netflix claims their 20fps woke cartoon series they made in america is anime and now CN is doing it too.

R: 20 / I: 4 / P: 25

Raya and the Last Dragon

Disney panders to China / SEA with its alta rip off.

R: 16 / I: 1 / P: 25

>mutants in mcu

Well it was only a matter of time. Have to move onto another phase.

R: 17 / I: 73 / P: 25

hello anons, Here's another horror themed story time, and by special request it's a crossover story Jason Voorhees - has been depicted as a non-verbal, indestructible, machete-wielding mass murderer from Camp Crystal Lake. Jason has superhuman strength, regenerative powers, and near invulnerability. Some interpretations suggest that the audience has empathy for Jason, whose motivation for killing has been cited as being driven by the immoral actions of his victims and his own rage over having drowned as a child. Leatherface - has been portraied as a cannibalistic and mentally unstable mass murderer who, alongside his family, kidnaps, kills, and cooks unsuspecting travellers who venture near their ranch in an unidentified part of Texas, They process the victims' flesh into barbecue and chili, which then they sell at the restaurant/gas station, "Last Chance Gas." The character's name comes from the human skin masks he always wears, which hide his deformed face. Leatherface's signature weapon is the chainsaw, though he has also used other tools, such as cleavers and hammers, to kill his victims. Leatherface is depicted as a "big baby" who is under the complete control of his family and kills because he is scared of the outside world, What's this comic about? The Linhart Amalgmated company is dumping thier toxic waste into Crystal Lake. Scooping up some of the waste they pick up the lakes unstoppable killing machine Jason. After loading the waste and Jason onto a train, Jason breaks free and crashes the train ending up in Texas, where he befriends Leatherface and his family...For now. Artist: NANCY A. COLLINS Artist: JEFF BUTLER

R: 34 / I: 14 / P: 25

Meanwhile, on Bizarro /co/…

R: 32 / I: 137 / P: 25

Well anons, happy spooktober. Here's a horror themed story time Cassandra "Cassie" Hack – A young woman who had to gun down her own mother who, after committing suicide rather than face justice for murdering a group of young boys who were bullying her daughter, returned to life as a slasher called "The Lunch Lady". Cassie now drifts around the United States in an old van, hunting slashers with her partner, Vlad. Vlad - The enigmatic partner of Cassie, Vlad is a big, muscular and disfigured man, who wears a gas mask and brandishes two big meat cleavers. Met by Cassie when they were both stalking the "Meatman Killer", Cassie soon befriended him. There's not much known about Vlad, not even his full name, but he seems very aware of his unconventional looks, which prompts him to wear the gas mask Vlad's relationship with Cassie is quite paternal, as Vlad seems utterly concerned with his "little one's" well-being. Quite naive, but well-versed in strategy and battle skills Ashley "Ash" Joanna Williams - Ash is incompetent at everything except fighting the Evil Dead. Ash rarely takes situations seriously and is very incompetent as a hero or protagonist; He's often causing the conflict that drives the story forward rather than solving it while having a selfish, self-serving attitude towards others at the same time has been portrayed as a womanizer while fighting deadite he has grown into a much braver person, and becomes the voice of encouragement and confidence. It is at this point that Ash becomes known for his one-liners, and his personality takes on a more cynical, embittered tone. What's this comic about? Cassie Hack is doing her best to live a normal life. But a Deadite attack forces Cassie back into action and this time, she's not alone! Meet Cassie's new partner: Ashley J. Williams! Can the pair keep from killing each other long enough to quest for the stolen pages from the Book of the Dead? Will Ash get some sugar? Or will Cassie make him kiss it? Writer: Tim Seeley Artist:  Daniel Leister

R: 39 / I: 172 / P: 26

Story time: Bad Dog

story time: spooktober edition Stay inside on the full moon anons, the big bad wolf is out on a hunt. A Christian nutjob and a werewolf buddy up to become bounty hunters but they aren't exactly good at it writer Joe Kelly Artist Diego Greco

R: 8 / I: 2 / P: 26

Cool "big" moments in comics

I've recently been getting into Grant Morrison stuff which is just full of those crazy reveals. I was pretty disappointed in Multiversity, I was hoping for a better take on Hypercrisis, but Animal Man was a nice palette cleanser. This thread is for that far out cosmic stuff, or 4th wall breaking, or crazy reveals that just feel big. Watch out for spoilers, try to mention the comic but maybe spoiler the event. >Some examples DC: The New Frontier, when Dinosaur Island lifts up and the inside of The Centre Animal Man was full of these, but my favourite is early when coyote dies and the camera pans out to show the cross imagery and his god painting his blood The Immortal Hulk has a bunch of crazy shit, like the inside of Galactus/Hulk being made of Bruce husks and all sorts of body horror. Multiversity, which started so great but then had that eyeball monster, which looked dumb, especially alongside the other horrors, and then the heroes won by punching them Mr. Mxyzptlk in Superman: American Alien I'll probably try and find some examples from indie comics next

R: 7 / I: 4 / P: 26

Am I the Only One Who Found Beast Wars Unwatchable?

I remember as a kid never liking Beast Wars not because of the plot, theme or anything like that, but because it was impossible to tell what was going on. Everything was overly dark and lacking in contrast. I've come back to it after hearing it's supposed to be great, but even on a modern display it's still really hard to make out details when the characters are not outside on a clear day. The problem seems to be exclusive to Beast Wars to me, as even older CG cartoons (Veggitales, Reboot, video sequences in PS1/Saturn games) are generally perfectly clear to me. Am I the only one who has this issue with Beast Wars?

R: 329 / I: 128 / P: 26


>The new corporate dumbasses in charge of Warner thought it was a good idea to hold a virtual convention >This is their second attempt Seeing how every virtual convention has crashed and burned this seems like a clusterfuck waiting to happen, especially when they had to split the event into two days Not including the extra material meant to pad everything out to 100 hours. Gather around and shitpost in real time as the cape-Hindenburg crashes. DC FanDome is set to start at 10 am PM / 1 pm ET / 7 pm CET and it will last approximately 4 hours.

R: 16 / I: 3 / P: 26

Lauren Faust's Toil & Trouble

Copied from /delicious/ >>>/delicious/17700 Leaked art from Lauren Faust's upcoming? cancelled? Netflix series: Considering her luck with mlp and Hasbro screwing over her Milky Way and Galaxy Girls concepts. It isn't surprising another of her ideas got shot down.

R: 27 / I: 10 / P: 26

/co/ recommendations: Treasure Planet

So I was reading about the history of Disney and its downfall and something particular about this movie interested me on how Disney basically sabotaged its release and how the creators basically fought tooth and nail only to get fucked harder than Blues Clues in a pride parade. So was Treasure Planet a good send off to Disney's animation division? or was it actually a terrible film and the people who made it were only good because they were on a leash.

R: 24 / I: 4 / P: 26

Doomsday Clock

Why does this piece of shit exist? Do people actually like this? And WHY THE EVER-LOVING FUCK did they ADD DOUBLE-PAGE SPREADS BETWEEN CHAPTERS YOU CAN'T READ BECAUSE THE BOOK DOESN'T OPEN WIDE ENOUGH? It's like these faggots somehow forgot their shitty capeshit would be compiled in a book someday, a book my poor sister bought me for Christmas because "it'd be nice to have a book with more than just words in it." This isn't even getting into that awful ending, how boring not-Rorschach was, or how the writer thought Ozymandias commissioning a statue of his dead cat from Jeff Koons was in-character. At least that fat slob of a magicfag had the sense to not read this. My dumb ass read it through to the very end and now I feel physically ill. I never want to see to see Superman or any of these stupid faggots again.

R: 40 / I: 21 / P: 26


Poster & trailer have dropped for Venom: Let There Be Carnage. Discuss all things Venom.

R: 518 / I: 340 / P: 26

/co/ related PAIN

For any & all related pain posting. News, announcements, & just talking about any problems or bullshit in /co/ media of all sorts.

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 26

Non-mainstream (DC/Marvel) capeshit

I know that there are other superhero comics out there, such as what comes out of Dark Horse, Valiant, and Image. But, those still come across as mainstream comics. So, what are some of the series made by "lesser known" publishers. The only ones I really know about and Mandrake the Magician and Archie superheroes like Black Jack.

R: 6 / I: 3 / P: 26

Combo Man

Remember this gem? If you could re-make Combo Man what (12) Heroes and Villains would you use? Original Combo: Spider-Man, Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, The Punisher, Wolverine,Carnage, Cyclops, Magneto, Dr. Doom, Human Torch, and Daredevil.

R: 11 / I: 7 / P: 26

My Little Pony: A New Generation

It comes out on September 24. Only 1 week left

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 26

Bogeyman 2 This Bogeyman short needs a Sequel.

R: 20 / I: 92 / P: 26

Storytime, drive safe edition Writer:Joe Hill, Stephen King, Richard Matheson, Chris Ryall Artist: Nelson Daniel, Rafa Garres, Phil Noto Two stories, first one: a pack of bikers heading out for blood after a deal gone bad, but someone is listening on their plan and wants to do something about it Second one: a middle-aged salesman driving on a business trip. He encounters a dilapidated tanker truck in the Desert. He passes the truck but the truck speeds up and roars past him. When the car overtakes and passes it again, the truck blasts its horn. Now the duel is on

R: 6 / I: 3 / P: 26

Wormwood just updated his comic for the first time in forever.

R: 127 / I: 75 / P: 26

Robin: Badass or Cringe?

Robin, the mantle of the second part of the Dynamic Duo has been one of the most controversial aspects of Batman as a franchise for a long time. So many adaptations of the series barely acknowledge it. The last time a Robin was in a live-action movie was Shumacher's Batman and Robin, the DCAU gave Robin little attention (and made the mantle irrelevant in Beyond except in Return of the Joker), and the Arkham games went out of their way to make his initial appearance look like some generic MMA cagefighter instead of any established Robin look. He has been the basis for various insinuations about Batman, particularly claims that he is a homosexual (as in Seduction of the Innocent) or insanely negligent. So what do you guys think of the mantle of Robin? Was it a marketing gimmick that has run its course? Should Robin be promoted more so that Batman can appeal to all ages again? Have all the characters that have left the mantle become better since? Does the concept need modernizing?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 27

Why People still hate Viacom?

Why are so many people on the web still angry at Viacom and calling it Viacum? they've been doing that since the 2000s.

R: 7 / I: 2 / P: 27

Jeffery Katzenberg

What is your opinion of Jeffery (((Katzenberg))) deciding to leave Disney, sue them for millions of dollars, using that money to start Dreamworks and Dreamworks movies in general?

R: 9 / I: 3 / P: 27

Hollywood's Share of China Box Office Collapses, Now Less Than 10% In Hollywood's efforts to push into the China market it's becoming more apparent that it's not working out as originally intended. With IPs being stolen by the Chinese government, increasing anti-western sentiments growing internationally, and woke pandering that's hated so much in China that the term "baizuo" exist to mock it. It looks like the Chinese "Wider Audience" Myth is simply just that, a myth.

R: 32 / I: 9 / P: 27

Dan Slott Announces He Won’t Return To Spider-Man

>Slott would close out his run on Spider-Man with a one-off issue in The Amazing Spider-Man #801

R: 53 / I: 214 / P: 27

story time 3 edition: OP is a flaming faggot After getting downsized from the CIA, he takes any job he can to pay his debts and alimony. He isn't a bad guy by nature, but out of necessity. He has to live a life where things don't matter, and long as he gets paid. His motto, simply stated: 'Every man has his price'. writer: JEFFREY KAUFMAN Artist: MARCO TURINI

R: 193 / I: 117 / P: 27

Batman Beyond

I've finished rewatching the show, it's both better and worse than what I remember/thought. Discuss

R: 10 / I: 2 / P: 27

United States of Cartoons

This is sort of like that travel game where you try to find every license plate to ever state. Except, instead we do it with cartoons. Let's try to fill in the U.S. map with having a cartoon that is primarily based in every single one of the U.S. states. The only rules are as follows: >Must be an American cartoon >Must be a TV series (No films) To get the list started: <Michigan: Motorcity <New Jersey: Megas XLR <Colorado: Danny Phantom <Hawaii: Lilo and Stitch

R: 533 / I: 339 / P: 27

Star Wars

No Star Wars thread? Let's change that.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 27

Useless trivia thread

In Tarzan, a few frames of animation were cut/altered during the final battle, showing Tarzan getting his hair chopped. You can see the original in a cutscene on the ps1 game. probably one of the more bizarre edits Disney has done.

R: 82 / I: 37 / P: 27

Harley Quinn

Let's discuss everyone's favorite character Harley Quinn. DC and WB have been shilling this character for a decade, but she seems to be having a really rough year. Her ongoing comic is cancelled, her movie flopped, and her cartoon hasn't been renewed. What steps will the take next to shill this character.

R: 66 / I: 182 / P: 27

Klaus Storytime

Halloween is over. Hopefully many had trick or treaters this year. Though assuredly you have left over candy aplenty. But since the season of spooks is now over & we face the true horrors tomorrow come the election, why not skip right to the Christmas festivities? Starting with Klaus. Grant Morrison's attempt of creating an origin & mythology for the jolly fat man in red.

R: 12 / I: 3 / P: 27

Shows that Never Were

Most shows start off with a pilot episode, but a lot of shows never get past the pilot stage. And hell, sometimes they never even get past the concept stage in someone's portfolio. Which is a shame because a lot of failed pilots are miles above the quality of stuff we see broadcasted today. Do you have any favorites? Know any obscure ones people never talk about? Anything you're just really disappointed never made the cut? Some well known ones: >The Modifyers >Danger Planet >Constant Payne (that one about a girl and her spy dad that got turned down because of a scene resembling the 9/11 attacks) >Welcome to Eltingville >The Amazing Screw-on Head >A Kitty Bobo Show My personal favorite is Korgoth of Barbaria, a Conan the Barbarian-inspired fantasy farce featuring incredible animation and a massive cast of talented voices. Created by Aaron Springer and directed by Genndy Tartakovsky, it was originally picked up by Adult Swim but got dropped because of how much it cost to produce. Another favorite of mine is 3 Dog Band, which just had very fun visuals and great music.

R: 35 / I: 22 / P: 27

Secret Identity

Is the cliche of characters having to juggle different lives really old hat? Or do certain people today have difficulty understanding the purpose of secret identities and the ramifications of doing away with them?

R: 26 / I: 120 / P: 27

Time to get in shape, you lazy fucks!

Stan Lee Presents: Stop Being A Fatass, You Twinkie-Engulfing Sperglords!

R: 25 / I: 38 / P: 27

Frank Miller gets cancelled from Thought Bubble Comic Convention by Twitter

No matter what you think of his later works, he is still a legend by any measure but twitter decided to cancel Frank Miller from the Thought Bubble (will likely be renamed Thought Police) comics convention because of "misogyny" and "anti-muslim hate". Have we started our second comic industry yet so we can remove these tumors in the industry. If you are cancelling Frank Miller for Anti-Muslim hate, then you might as well cancel every American who witnessed 9/11. Add another kindling to the pile so we can watch this industry burn. I wish Frank Miller would stop sucking but I'll defend him for achieving his legendary status and not let untalented hacks defame him for the glory that they couldn't achieve in their lives.

R: 35 / I: 27 / P: 27

Comic Book Ages

Anyone have love for a specific "age" in comics? I've been reading the Silver/Bronze Age stuff and they're pretty goddamn good, they were silly and campy at times, but that's what made them so great, Superman duking it out with a Wizard, or Batman being injected with a drug that makes him lose the will to live, it's ridiculous, it's silly, but the way there were played and written they have weight.

R: 13 / I: 2 / P: 28

New Stonetoss is up.

R: 84 / I: 43 / P: 28


In this next installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki becomes an emasculated joke himself, the Time Variance Authority are strict, authoritarian (and diverse) time lords that are weak against fire, and those magical stones are nothing more than paperweights to the TVA. The entire MCU was all according to plan thanks to some space lizards called the Time-Keepers, including Thanos commiting immense genocide and allowing the Avengers to mess with time travel, and yet Loki stealing the magic cube is an absolute violation - no free will until Loki showed up. A whole slew of contradictions, inconveniences, and retconning in just the first episode!

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 28

Batman: The Adventures Continue any good?

I see it has Paul Dini as a writer. Has anyone read it?

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 28

GREETINGS FROM /v/ Gentlemen of /co/, you are hereby invited to come join /v/'s impromptu stream of Ralph Bakshi's 1978 animated classic, THE LORD OF THE RINGS If you have never seen this animated version of the beloved, highly influential, fantasy classic, then you are in for something truly magical! The movie is two hours and thirteen minutes long, and cover the first two books in the triology, The Fellowship of the Ring, and The Two Towers. Grab some snacks and drinks, and joins us for a ride! The stream can be watched here ==> Subtitles not guaranteed Special shoutout to my fellow sufferers of Handstab the handstabbed. Please forget everything, and be at peace for a little while.

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 28

Impromptu /co/ - /v/ Movie Night: Golf Jam 2

After crashing his corvette into the WildBrain office building. Tiger Woods finds himself at the whim of an evil Canadian AI that was trapped inside WildBrain's server room. Now stuck in a computer generated world, he must team up with the recognizable characters of DIC animation once again to defeat the evil AI, before it can enact its evil plan for world domination and prevent Woods from paying his weekly alimony. For the fate of the world rests in the hands of a drunk golfer and a bunch of forgotten cartoons in GOLF JAM 2. AKA That shitty movie with LeBron James /v/ Thread- >>>/v/367221 >Starts 8:30pm est Stream link-

R: 572 / I: 501 / P: 28

Questionable Malcontent - Back In Action

Not the usual guy but I'm glad to see 8ch is back, I wonder what Jeph has been up to? Last thread: Bunker thread: Archives (which will get updated eventually): Edits: OC: Threads archive: Older stuff (Editfag Prime): Edits: Omits: Twitter Bully:

R: 10 / I: 12 / P: 28


HAPPY 245th BIRTHDAY AMERICA! Sit back and relax with a burger in hand, while watching some good ole patriotic specials.

R: 19 / I: 7 / P: 28

Scooby Doo

They just announced a scooby doo and courage the cowardly dog crossover. Also Scooby doo general thread I guess since the other thread talking about scooby doo is a general pain thread.

R: 15 / I: 34 / P: 28

From Beyond and other Stories Storytime - Repost Edition

An Anon translated scan of "From Beyond and other Stories", which is a collection of several HP Lovecraft comics in B/W.

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 28

strange shit

>That 2006 Charles Manson stop motion animation musical I like the idea of an infamous killing being turned into a musical, but as poor taste, as the film was, it was something to behold. Post more twisted and odd animations.

R: 37 / I: 145 / P: 28

story time Sara A team of female Russian snipers fight the Nazi invaders on the WW2 Eastern Front Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: Steve Epting

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 28

Over the Garden Wall

This show was great, I would recommend it for all the boys who can still stomach stories that aren't all about how depressing everything is.

R: 14 / I: 8 / P: 28

how do i come up with dialogue/monologue/texts for my story

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 28

Infinity Cup rosters

Hello, friends, We're trying to build up the wiki for the Infinity Cup, given that the tournament is probably gonna be held somewhere around the middle of Summer, plus some intrepid anon is making a Baseball small league tournament. We'd like to know more about your current roster, more specifically, could you add a picture/description of what each player is supposed to be? It would really help our 3D anons craft a better team. Thanks in advance!

R: 33 / I: 50 / P: 28

Welcome to another Friday, let's watch some movies shall we? Choose from the following: Gumby Movie The "Meh" Dinosaur Doug's First Movie OR You can choose the Ted Box, or the Yaki Box. The Ted Box smells like monochrome mania. The Yaki Box smells like the hero we all need but do not deserve. Join us!

R: 7 / I: 16 / P: 28

Kirby Comics

>Talented in both writing and drawing >Didn't drew in uncreative stiff 3DPD >Art style so gorgeous and fluid errors in construction and anatomy aren't bothering >Art style inspired and used as base for DCAU style and some of the Marvel cartoons >Tried to start his own comics company >Kept creating comics despite the bad conditions mostly thanks to the big two duopoly >Wanted to give proper endings to his stories instead of letting them become eternal milked cashcaow by corporations >Has an entire autistic dangerously geeky fanzine dedicated to him that ran for at least 25 years and still runs as far as I know >Contributed to San Diego Comic Con which sadly turned into cancer Discuss

R: 129 / I: 81 / P: 29

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

>Falcon is on a plane, people raid it. He gets out and does that dog fight with the choppers and shit. >Falcon is trying to help his sister through financial debt. Falcon's credit plummeting because he was blipped, scene at the bank. >Bucky has flashback of killing people. Seeing therapist for help. >Bucky constantly feels bad for this old Asian man cause he killed his son and is visiting his restaurant out of guilt. >Bucky goes on a date and can't relate to anyone cause he hasn't had a life since the 1920's. >Falcon decides to give the Cap shield to the Smithsonian. >Falcon is watching TV when a report comes out that they gave the shield to US Agent