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Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 21:51:24 No. 40362
Give me some good movie recommendations that are actually worth my time. Name at least one good movie that you can think of off the top of your head.
>>40362 Pinocchio (1940). Animated feature films peaked early.
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I honestly consider it the series final.
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Coraline is always a treat. If not that try Paranorman.
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Wolfwalkers or Song of the Sea. Some of the most beautiful animation I've ever seen.
>>40362 It is not a movie, it is a series but I recommend it, it has one season and 8 episodes. (not is Squid Game)
>>40362 > Name at least one good movie that you can think of off the top of your head. You know what? I cannot think of one good movie to come out in the past decade. No interest in any of them.

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