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Story time: Kid Venom Anime Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 02:09:35 No. 38117
You be the judges. I just don't know anymore.
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I think it's neat as it's own thing. But we all know it's gonna end up more involved with multiverse Venom stuff.
Personally turned off by the Klyntarr, but w/e, canon is canon these days. It's cute and refreshing though, but that might be because my tastes have been reduced to sludge. What I've seen so far is neat, but there's no.... hook
Whether I care depends if it's a boy or girl. Because I'll draw porn of it if it's a girl.
>>38369 It's a boy, anon.
>>38249 > Personally turned off by the Klyntarr, but w/e, canon is canon these days. I'm surprised they didn't japamangle it to Kurintaro or something that japs can pronounce
>>38118 Why did they make Kintaro, the folklore hero famous for being bright red, a dark blue symbiote? I guess he's required to be venom, but it seems so fucking straight forward to tie the fact he's famous for being bright red by making him fucking red as carnage.
>>38119 It's not even the venom symbiote specifically? I'm so angry, I'm so irrationally angry. Why did they make the MC kintaro, have a perfectly good symbiote sitting right there, and not make him fucking RED?!
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>>38380 Well the Japanese made him yellow.
>>38383 Yellow also makes sense because "Kintaro" translates to "Golden boy". I would take yellow as a second option for a good color for him.
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>>38571 Anime & manga promote attractive androgynous featured characters. Comics & other western media pieces promote specifically transgenderism & nonbinary nonsense. There's a pretty big difference between Cloud Strife & this shit in cartoons for children. One's a fetish. The other's a soapbox.
>>38584 Yes and? They're not the ones making anime or manga.
>>38601 The only danger posed is the increase in attempts to localize/rewrite shit at the source. Which they're already trying to do with video games from Japan. But now even japanese audiences are aware of it so hopefully things get nipped in the bud. Using AI translation for manga also seems to be inevitable.
>>38608 That's bullshit & as illogical as thinking video games make you violent.
>>38610 Doesn't matter. It's a purely personal biased minority thing.
>>38601 >>38608 No, psychopaths are the ones that are turning the people that is obsessed with anime (AKA autists) into trannies. Not only anime autists are constantly being gaslighted but other hobbies that autists are attracted like speedrunning are in constant attack, last year the psychopaths started a campaign to brainwash Bionicle autists into thinking that were trannies all along. These psychopaths manipulate neurodivergent people incredible easy and they form a cult-like tranny groups for their amusement and entertainment.
>>38614 Neurodivergent people must be made of quite rotten stuff to even be susceptible to this.
>>38615 Were all the lower to middle class suckers Jim Jones got to drink the Kool-aid made of “rotten stuff”? Were the white collar Japanese that released poison gas and murdered even infants for Fat Fuck Asahara and Aum Shinrikyo?
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>>38572 >Fifth pic Christ, I knew this crappy show pushed troon shit, but I didn't know it was to such an obnoxious degree. >>38584 I assume you're unaware of the tranny community's burning hatred for traps? They only "love" anime/manga when they get the chance to groom autists (preferably underage ones) into becoming trannies. Not to mention the fact that over 90% of those who call Japanese media "problematic" are pronoun clowns. >>38614 These parasites really are trying to infect every fandom in existence, aren't they? I'll never understand why some people will defend these lunatics until their dying breath.
>>38617 Yes.
>>38601 That doesn't make it the root cause, it's only a statement that it's being instrumentalized. >>38614 this >>38615 >>38637 What of the normalfags voting in antinatalist policies, then?
>>38638 Normalfags are susceptible to propaganda, and that includes Neo-Malthusian propaganda.
>>38614 >tfw if I was born a decade later and to secular parents I might've been a troon >the new members in my autist meetup group are faggot troon, consumerist dyke and le non-binary female They take advantage of autists' social confusion and mix it with sexual confusion by ironically forcing traditional sex roles and interests. >>38743 Normalgroids join the tranny movement out of attention whoring and not being normal white person which is bad.
Orders for issue 3 of the Kid Venom mini were cancelled and it has yet to be resolicited.

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