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Anonymous 06/09/2022 (Thu) 00:42:37 No. 26679
Why do they keep trying with the liveaction shit, nothing good ever came from their experiment back in 2009. https://archive.ph/4fuRg https://archive.ph/sYD3y
Are they trying liveaction? Again? jesus christ, they are just as bad or even worse than back in 2010.
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(1.32 MB 1044x1040 Miss Heed Waifu.png)

>>26680 Not as bad as 2010 I'd say, but still pretty bad.
>Why do they keep trying with the liveaction shit I imagine these productions are really just cost-cutting filler for both HBOMax and CN, especially since they were approved before the Discovery merger. >then-Cartoon Network boss Tom Ascheim participated in a discussion at Kidscreen in which he teased that the channel had even greater ambitions in live-action, only this time with the blessing of audiences. He explained that his regime believed live-action programming would increase viewership among girls who, according to his data, “age out of animation earlier than boys” before returning to it as young adults. >Almost certainly unrelated to the network’s live-action plans, Warner Bros. Discovery just announced that Ascheim will be leaving the company and his position eliminated. The real question is whether the new management will approve of more live-action productions under the Cartoon Network brand.
>>26681 Did they ever get the greenlight for a season 2?
>>26692 Not yet, the creator has released 2 books via penguin but no news yet on S2. https://www.tvlaint.com/2022/04/un-dia-del-nino-agonizante-con-villanos.html There's also this interview here translated to russian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-qHeWprAHM It was linked by the furry who translated the episodes into English and I suspect he's Rus too. The series celebrated it's 5th anniversary back in May but also no news. Considering how well it did on HBO in Latin America, I'd be suprised if they didn't want an S2 out of it.
>>26694 If he does get a S2 I just hope he tones down the references a bit.
>>26679 honestly not surprise kids don't watch cartoons anymore so that's why they are bringing back the live action shit
>>26696 Even less kids will watch that, if they want drama and faggotry they'll just turn on social media.
>>26679 Because CN kikes wants money like Nickelodeon and Disney Channel are getting with their unfunny live-actions.
>>26695 A lot* FTFY
>>26700 kek, true

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