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Anonymous 05/02/2020 (Sat) 03:28:04 No. 473
MegasXLR premiered 16 years ago today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QEo5MI0nqM
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That takes me back. I only remember watching the first few episodes where they were in the junkyard though. I don't think I'll give it another watch
>>498 How come Anon, it gets better with each episode.
>>498 Give the whole series a watch It's like the antitheses of modern media outside the Japanese tributes.
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>>503 >>616 because I watched it as a teen so I was too much of a dumb nigger to know what I was watching. And I'm still a dumb nigger, ask me again in 10 years
>>617 Imagine getting brainhurt from watching Megas
>>473 Weird. I got a strong urge to rewatch all of Megas a little while ago. Feels good. I just wish Coop hadn't fucked things up so bad with the squidheads in the end to kind of at least imply the Dark Coop timeline won't repeat itself...
>>690 Been listening to the ost, shits good especially short hair.
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I'm surprised XLR got a way with so much city destruction in a post 911 world.
>>857 even after 9/11, New Jersey is still New Jersey
>>473 The 4K fan remaster is OK. But it lacks certain energy to it.
>>473 God I loved that show as a kid. It reminded me of all those drawings I'd do in my notebooks as a kid of monsters and my friend would do drawings of mechs.
I just wish more people gave it the attention it deserves. It doesn't exactly need a conclusion right now, but at the same time they could've squeezed just a little bit more out of it. I just wish they had an awesome out-of-the-blue crossover with a random franchise (that's NOT slightly modified to avoid lawsuits).
>>857 Most of the jokes couldn't be made on TV today
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>>498 Every rewatch you can find more gems.
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>Megas will never, ever be in a SRW game
>>30044 Might as well wait for it to enter the public domain at this rate.
>>30057 It probably won't happen if the (((IRS))) has anything to say about that.

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