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Dead end season 2 Anonymous 10/15/2022 (Sat) 20:51:09 No. 29806
What did you think of the new season
Why the fuck would you ever watch something like this? I know western animation is all but dead nowadays but for fucks sake get some standards.
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>>29806 More woke trash propaganda made to groom kids.
>>29812 The show wasn't that bad
>>29823 Wasn't there an episode where the tranny protag ridiculed his parents because they refused to ridicule the grandparents, and told him that his family still loves him despite not approving of his decision?
>>29824 No, you are making stuff up. What happened is that they had had a dinner with trans guy grandmother and according to his word his grandmother acted like an asshole. His father thinks he shouldn't overreact and he should tolerate the way his grandmother acts, and the trans guy think that his father shouldn't use the fact that they tolerate his decisions as an excuse to convince him to tolerate the transphobic way of act of his grandmother, and even though I don't totally agree with him, I kinda understand him. The show is shit, but the theme restaurant lunch scene was a little decent in that regard. I can totally see it working with better lights, better color scheme, better backgrounds and better character design as a college graduation short.
>>29826 > according to his word his grandmother acted like an asshole ALL old people act like "assholes". >and the trans guy think that his father shouldn't use the fact that they tolerate his decisions as an excuse to convince him to tolerate the transphobic way of act of his grandmother Except, the rest of us, that leave in reality, DO have to tolerate the fact that we have family members who will do nothing but ridicule our choices in life. Even choices that they can literally see gives us a better life than the one that would result if we followed their advise. But, they don't care, so the only thing we can do is sit back and smile until they finish their rants and leave.
So was this a girl that turned into a guy dating a gay guy?
>>29824 I thought Norma and Courtney was the best part of the show
>>29830 Yes. And jewish, do not forget she's also jewish.
>>29827 >ALL old people act like "assholes". That very wrong and even in the show the trans guy states that his grandmother was very wholesome with him before he changed his look. It seems that you haven't watched the show. >the rest of us, that leave in reality, DO have to tolerate the fact that we have family members who will do nothing but ridicule our choices in life The guys states that tolerance from his father is the bare minimum parents should do and he's obligated to do more, which is true and I can related my dad accepted my life decision to finish my engineer major even though I realised I hate it three years in, he tolerated it, but he just didn't give a shit which is just as bad in my opinion; unlike my mother who truly supported me and wanted me to finish my major, on the other hand, his reaction is too radical (he abandons his family and goes to live on the theme park) and it's written like he had the right to do it so, even though he didn't. His father should've told him that he shouldn't have leave his family behind even though he had the right to be mad at his parents and grandmother; but, then again, the show's drama is very very bland and I wasn't expecting anything good or even decent, only the theme restaurant dinner is a little up to the mark compared to the rest of the series.
>>29839 >that his grandmother was very wholesome with him before he changed his look Gee, I wonder how my grandparents would react if I suddenly changed my clean look by transitioning into an emo and shouting praises for Moloch. > my dad accepted my life decision to finish my engineer major even though I realised I hate it three years in, he tolerated it, but he just didn't give a shit which is just as bad in my opinion And, if he told you that you were an idiot going into engineering, you would have focussed on your degree and career even harder just to spite him. There's also the possibility that your dad was forced into whatever it is that he's doing by his father, and didn't want you to go through the same thing. How about you ask him why he never "said anything". The reason my surprise you.
>>29826 >transphobic you mean normal?
>>29826 >>29840 (1) It's not a him. It's a her. (2) Why the fuck did she go through all that trouble to have a sex change, if she's still attracted to males? Even in this sad reality that's retarded. Let me guess, her and her two fuckwits are going to take grandma's house, then have her thrown in the old folks home as they do in the real world. All because she uses common sense?
>>29855 >Why the fuck did she go through all that trouble to have a sex change, if she's still attracted to males? Trannies do it all of the time.
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>>29858 >>29855 So the gay guy knows he used to be a girl, and I'm guessing she didn't have surgery, and they're like 17 to 18 so does that really happen I feel like that relationship is not going to last
this goofy character was fun
>>29858 Indeed and it's retarded, especially when they have children. >>29866 I've heard many of explanation to the madness and still can't understand it.
>straight ftm tranny This probably happens more than the anime archetype of tomboy irl
>deadnamia Trannyism aside, most of the designs look uninspired. I don't see much aside from just another Netflix cartoon supporting the current thing.
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>>29876 >deadnamia
We need a new painanon to trudge through this bullshit
>>29932 This board is slow enough without anons dying from anger and disgust induced heart attacks.
>>29932 I did Raya and Turning Red and I'm not touching this. Because it doesn't look even remotely appealing and a good use of my time.
>>29932 Well, fuggly fat women do try to force their big ol gussy on gay men. But to make an animated series to justify and sob-story the stupidity of both sides is just that.
>>29823 Wasn't that good either figgit
>>29840 The point is that the show implies his grandmother was really mean to him, even though we never properly see the dinner scene, which is sad, because that could've been a really nice placed drama scene (then again, I totally see it working as a college short), it gave me the impression that they deliberately stood away from it. >>29855 A trans gay person might look like as an oxymoron until you bear in mind that sexual attraction and sexual identity are two different concepts. >>29866 Indeed, the guy on the middle is gay, and looks like he's going to cheat the fat trans with a chicano with aids, out of all fucking things. The mutilated chicano was already introduced in the show, so this is going to happen sooner or later. >>29868 That kind of stuff no longer surprises me after reading about milfs-buying-bread-tier fetishes. >>29932 I've already did, you can check it out if you don't mind using google translator >>>/ac/3228 and It's no that bad, it's just mediocre; I've seen far worse, and I mean, It's a bland almost a decade old Frederator pilot that somehow got funded, what were you expecting? the little demon girls is the best character, the autistic brown midget wouldn't be that bad if she weren't so annoying.
>>29997 >The point is that the show implies his grandmother was really mean to him That could mean just about ANYTHING these days. Hell, I was watching The Happening (A movie from 2008), and the film treated this old lady as "super mean" because she slapped a little girls had for reaching for the cookie jar without asking first. All we have is the trannies word that his grandmother is "mean" without actually showing what is it that makes her "mean". And, keep in mind, ALL trannies think you're an evil person UNLESS you constantly validate every moment of every day. For all we know, she could have "misgendered" him, and that's what he's having a fuss over. It's like the big issue everyone had with RWBY and the race of faunas in the show. We're constantly told how "oppressed" they are in the world, but the show never actually shows them being oppressed (In fact, shows them actually being given specially privileges), aside from the one time the asshole at the school acted like an asshole, despite him acting like an asshole to EVERYONE. If you want me to sympathize about how "mean" a person is, you need to SHOW how "mean" this person is to justify your description of them.
>>29997 >A trans gay person might look like as an oxymoron until you bear in mind that sexual attraction and sexual identity are two different concepts. There's no such thing as a gay trans person. Any man that has a sex change is still a man and the same goes for a woman. And if they still choose to mingle with the opposite sex after their little changes, it doesn't mean that their gay. It means that they're severely fucked in the head and should been admitted to a nuthouse.
>>29988 Neo-nazis don't have sex or even human contact at this point.
>>30005 Yeah. Anyone that is against the trans and LGBT narrative is a Neo-nazi. But Desmond the Amazing is what you get when "parents" groom/brainwash their own children with this bullshit.
>>29807 This reminds me of the Kipo I'm gay scene, which also happened on a Ferris wheel
What's with people getting rejected on Ferris wheels because they were gay or straight anyway weird it happened twice
>>30010 Ferris Wheels were romanticed as confession spots back in the 80s/ early 90s Its a way for "modern" writters to reject or destroy the trope
>>30003 What I mean the guy from above is confusing sexual orientation (what things you like to fuck) with sexual identity (how do you see yourself) so a woman who identifies herself as a man (sexual identity) and who wants to fuck males (sexual orientation) isn't actually a self-contradiction. Althought I don't refute the "they're severely fucked in the head" part.
>>30008 At least they have real children, unlike most conservative men right now.
>>30009 I don't see a lot of people complaining about Kipo in the sense of it being overly woke. Personally I enjoyed it and thought it was decent. Benson being gay just isn't something the show focuses on much beyond Kipo being interested in him and Benson shooting her down because he doesn't like girls. I'd honestly recommend it as I thought it was pretty good. It seemed no worse than Veronica or Arcade Gannon from New Vegas being indicated as gay. Both works it's brought up but it's not really dwelled on much or considered heavily important to the plot. The worst thing about both instances is that one would think people would react more negatively to someone being gay in a setting like this because it's a post apocalyptic world where humanity is dying out and therefor a lot of people would be concerned about as many humans as possible are reproducing. This is implied to be part of Veronica's problems with the Brotherhood of Steel because of how highly insular and unaccepting of outsiders the West Coast Brotherhood is, but it's never explicitly mentioned that I recall. Benson on the other hand there's no indication of that issue at all even though it should be a thing people would have problem with derived from population concerns. It actually bugs me more that there's pretty good post apocalyptic fiction that has gay/lesbian characters, but doesn't acknowledge that in a setting where human death is a constant and human population is past its peak that no one explicitly says something along the lines of "It's not being gay that is the problem here it's that personal interest matters less than the fact humans as a species are dying out and we need everyone that is physically capable contributing to population growth and genetic diversity. If we had far more humans than we needed we wouldn't care who you want to fuck." It seems no different than the fact that this was the logical reason for being antigay through much of human history. For example, the Romans actually saw same sex relations as fairly normal to an extent (lot of pederasty), but they were more concerned about who was on top in that sort of relation (it was mainly seen as unmasculine if someone was the bottom and being penetrated) and even if someone was interested in the same sex it was expected that they would move past it and still marry and produce children for Rome eventually. >>30012 Yeah it's been a romance trope for decades. There's a few examples of it from the 50s and 60s too even though it was less common.
Season 2 of the show wasn't that bad, the twist ending was obvious tho
>>30028 Nobody's having children, at least compared to how many kids families used to have. This is a worldwide trend that's expected to continue for decades. Conservative, more specifically religious families have more children than non-religious families. Conservatives in America barely reach replacement rates, while liberals fall short by a good margin. Don't base your outlook of an entire political bloc on radicals from the internet.
>>29806 Netflix cancelled the show. So who cares?
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>>29932 >We need a new painanon to trudge through this bullshit Who has hurt you so bad that you'd willingly consign some poor soul to watch this?
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>>29997 This has Cheesy Lasagna vibes.
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>>29997 >A trans gay person might look like as an oxymoron until you bear in mind that sexual attraction and sexual identity are two different concepts.
>>30009 Speaking of these hotshit leftwing cartoons tossed around by retarded e-celebs: Is working for the studios any different from working for communist shitholes? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=9Loj6SdrNlc >Both places shackle your necks forcing you work like a robot >With the vague promises of being a national hero >Supervisors or bosses have no clue how animation works and won't give a shit if you don't meet up with deadlines. <You'll get blacklisted or even jailed
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>>36453 > Is working for the studios any different from working for communist shitholes? The communist shitholes are honest about their intentions.
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>>36453 tl;dw - "Calarts fucking LIED to me about how things were going to go and my feelings were hurt!"
>>36482 Okay but TAWOG is actually really good
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>>36484 For the writing, maybe, but the animation is ass.
>>36444 She's hot; does she do any porn?
>>36765 It depends, the show experiments a lot so some corners have to be cut.
>>36482 >>36484 >>36765 Gumball was also a very awful show.
>>36766 >She's hot; does she do any porn? Uh...in a way, I suppose. >https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/best-of-2022/

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