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Anonymous 04/08/2022 (Fri) 20:04:27 No. 24838
Is this the end of the Mouse?
>>24838 They're also threatening to revoke Disney's Reedy Creek special status. Disney has really fucked themselves this time and I can't be more happy.
>>24838 >Is this the end of the Mouse? That's a very long ways off, even if they do stop renewing copyright. Only Mickey's Steamboat Willie version is coming up in the next couple years. They still have everything else they ever made or stole, and decades upon decades to again extend copyright to hold onto it. This is, if it doesn't fail, is only potentially the very first step in a thousand mile journey where Disney can work to move the goal line.
>>24869 You DO realize that much of Disney's strength comes from bluffing, right? People are not going to their parks, not watching their movies nor shows, not buying their toys, not reading their books. Their only source of income is that progressive investment fund that the government hands out. And, the ONLY reason they haven't imploded overnight is because they built up a war chest over the past century. However, it may not last very long given how they're burning all that money like they're trying to start a bonfire.
>>24873 >People are not going to their parks Covid panic is essentially over. >not watching their movies nor shows Only the smaller more experimental progressive shit. Not failure Yidsney pumps out is a titanic Star Wars tier failure. >not buying their toys Not the new ones, but Winnie the Pooh, Marvel shit, modern Mickey Mouse, and hundreds of other properties are still selling regularly. >not reading their books. Books? >Their only source of income is that progressive investment fund that the government hands out. They only got to where they are by using boatloads of money not from the government to lobby with the government for extending copyright for the past century. >much of Disney's strength comes from bluffing Disney is bluffing, China is a paper Tiger, globohomo has no real power. I've heard it all for decades now. In the words of modern cuckchan, this is a coping mechanism. If only you could accept how bad things really are.
>>24877 >Not failure Not every* failure
>>24877 > Covid panic is essentially over. People were not going even BEFORE the lockdowns. > Only the smaller more experimental progressive shit. How is a $175 million bomb a "small" project? > Books? Children's books and comics.
>>24879 >People were not going even BEFORE the lockdowns. Lmao.
>>24838 Copyright on Willie expires in two years right now. This is literally just posturing. (((Republicans))) don't have control of anything, (((Democrats))) do. Disney will get its copyright extension for a third time and nothing will ever enter public domain again.
>>24884 >being this desperate of a leftard
>>24884 I didn't know niggerpill came to /co/. If Disney was going to try to buy off all those senators again, they'd have had to start already. The Sonny Bono Act didn't happen on the final day before the copyright was supposed to expire last time. The fact of the matter is it doesn't even matter anymore. They'll retain the trademark and continue suing most people who use the character on those grounds. They'll also retain every element that was introduced later, until those elements slowly become public domain, but in the meantime, they'll sue some dumbasses who think that just because they can use Mickey, they can also use Donald. Or think they can use Mickey with a slightly newer design than the one in his earliest shorts. And even after all that, it won't matter, because Disney hasn't successfully used Mickey as a character since like the 1950s. They've used him as a logo ever since. And they'll retain the trademark on that logo. They've long since transitioned to focusing on other things. In the last several decades, those things have been other companies they can buy and mine and ruin. Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and now Fox. They haven't fully ruined Fox yet, but once they do, they'll just buy another thing and ruin that. Until they finally run out of money, since there is no way their purchase of Lucasfilm has actually been profitable.
>>24884 >(((Republicans))) don't have control of anything, (((Democrats))) do. This. Especially after DeathSantis fucking destroyed his chances of becoming president because of his fucking retarded "dOnT sAy GaY" bill.
>>24914 >bill even majority of democrats support >killed his chance Sure thing Bob.
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https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/04/21/radical-left-goes-bonkers-after-florida-votes-to-eliminate-woke-disneys-special-tax-district/ >attack state legislature for not letting you groom kids >lose millions of dollars in tax benefits >so dependent on physical installations and weather you could never, ever move >even if you could taxes would still be higher
https://archive.ph/wip/A27kG >woke lightyear does half of Toy Story 4's opening numbers Wew

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