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Star Wars: The Empire did nothing wrong. Anonymous 09/10/2021 (Fri) 03:44:46 No. 17647
Last thread is dead and I need my Star Warswholesome dose.
>>17647 It got bumplocked for some reason. Bookmark the other, as I plan on doing some ranting about comics that I have read and trouble digesting. Might even shit all over Disney's Marvel Doctor Aphrodite and Boba Fett.
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>>17654 >Disney's Marvel Doctor Aphrodite and Boba Fett. You have a strong stomach, anon.
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A new story arc starts with those troublesome droids.
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And Jann saves the day with the help of his friends.
>>17664 No. I have soft iron constitution.
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Another saturday, another episode, enjoy.
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And Jann once again saves the day and decides to stay with the xenos to tell them how to do stuff, since they would be completely lost without him.
>>17912 >Ahsoka's wearing pants and her panties are outside.
>>17931 Maybe Togruta females need that ultra-ultra extreme padding for that time of the month.
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>>17931 Nothing wrong with that.
>>17931 I think they're supposed to be tall socks, or tights with an extra pair of pantsu on top to keep them from falling.
>>17647 >wholesome
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Might as well post these here.
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>>17977 You really don't need to. IF anyone's going to watch Visions, I'd feel they would at least want to see it on a full screen in some amount of real quality.
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Going to post the next 2 episodes tomorrow. >>17981 I watched a mediocre show, must as well share the pain.
>>17983 If you don't like Star Wars, you don't have to force yourself.
>>17977 >>17978 It's halfway decent. But I've seen far better samurai themed anime. >>17979 >>17982 Yeah! All the kiddies love Jpop! For fuck's sake. This is just pure anime but Star Wars.
>>17985 I love to hate Disney nuStar Wars.
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>Trigger studios Star Wars One would think it would be good...
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This one is actually good.
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That is all for today.
>>17996 >One would think it would be good... No, not for one second did I think it would be good.
>>18002 Fucking this.
>>18000 As cool as her being able to stop blasters looks, it reeks of Jedi power creep.
>>17996 >>17997 >>17998 Well, this was much better than the "Jpop" one. But I have a problem with Twin-1 and Twin-2's ability to be able to breath in the vacuum of space. Also, you mean to tell me that these two are so powerful, that either one can stand on the fuselage of a craft, as it enters and exits hyperspace? That logic is simply too anime, and yes, I know it's intentional. But it's still too anime. Then you have Girl Twin not getting cut in half along with ship during the Holdo Maneu... Super-Saber Lightspeed Slice. Which was also silly. Knowing some people don't like to have a video spoiled before watching it. I censored my two cents about it. >>17999 >>18000 This and the samurai one are the best of the bunch, so far. Still doesn't hide the fact that Disney is only doing this to milk the franchise through a broader range of media. Wouldn't surprise me if they a preschool series on the boardroom table.
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>>18016 >Wouldn't surprise me if they a preschool series on the boardroom table. Now, children, let's learn to count by watching Master Anakin slaughter younglings! 1 youngling, 2 younglings, 3...
>>18017 One of these younglings are not like the other. One of these younglings just isn't the same. Boba Fett didn't want to share his blue cookies and milk with Han and Lando. So he was thrown into the sarlacc pit. After the first season of the Kenobi series they might just do it. They have a new release of films of planned.
>>18014 Well, that power was based on "The force awakens" Disney movie, don't remember if that ever showed up in the EU. >>18016 That whole short was written by a nip that loved "The Last Jedi" movie.
>>18014 I would have worked better if she did some kind of field to bounce it back instead of moving it in air. Buff powers like that appeared in video games all the time, but you'd expect the ability to redirect blasters to have appeared before if it was plausable.
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>>17931 >>17944 Really tall socks were in style in the 70s and early 80s (the clothing of Star Wars, naturally, takes a lot from the era) It could also be underwear with built in garters.
>>18027 A true fan and/or admirer of Star Wars would have either adapted something from the Darkhorse comics or original trilogy. But some people can't go that far back. >>18068 So, granny thigh-garter-sock-panties they are.
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Just watched visions, it's fine, I guess, however most of the shorts were samurais but with light sabers, they feel like they wanted to make a samurai scifi short and the Star Wars part was just attached to it and barely did anything with it, I found the kataka shaped sabers really stupid. I personally like the T0B1 and The Elder shorts, the Ninth Jedi was fine too. Weebs acting like this is the second coming of jesus is quite annoying, but heh. >>18027 >>18049 It honestly looks weird like a smeared frame frozen in time. >>18016 I personally dislike the slow opening sequence of the twins short and I just can't stand battle sequences that have a lot of speaking in it. The whip saber and the extra limbs were straight up stupid.
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If you were forced to watch only one short, it should be this one. >>18084 >The whip saber There are whip saber thought, but the whole short was beyond retarded. >I found the kataka shaped sabers really stupid. What I don't like is that they treat the lightsaber as a blunt weapon, like it happened in The Duel and T0B1.
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>>18105 I mostly dislike the shorts but the Tobi one was really cool. A robot jedi seems like a really fun idea to work with
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>>17647 >The Empire did nothing wrong. Made armor that makes soldiers look like giant sperm cells standard issue, also I ain't registering my blaster faggot.
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>>18105 I know I'm being autistic, but the T-16 Skyhopper is an airship, not a starship. >>18106 I think droids can't be jedis or force users since they are not alive. There is one droid force user in a comic, but it was meant to be a joke. >>18107 Law abiding, tax paying, first class human citizens, do not require to register their blaster.
>>18107 >Made armor that makes soldiers look like giant sperm cells standard issue Blame that on Sheev and his minimalist autism.
>>18108 >>18106 There's the Shards, a race of sapient crystals that used droids to move around. This kid clearly isn't a droid though. If I had to come up with an explanation to make it work, I'd say the droid in question isn't a pure droid, but uses some kind of bacteria colony as a brain, which is also why the creation is anything of note (poor kids make droids from scrap in junkyards in this universe).

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>>18084 >The whip saber and the extra limbs were straight up stupid. Lightwhips have always been a thing. Githany used one as a secondary weapon. Also, yes. There was a Dark-Jedi(Lord Nyax/Irek Ismaren) that had a cybernetic suit with multisabers. But it wasn't like what the one the anime twin had. >>18103 >>18104 Another halfway decent plot with a lot of issues. Young lady so strong, she can pilot her speedermoped backwards without looking, whilst blocking blaster bolts, and is ten-times more powerful than a young man with an already colored lightsaber, which was also stupid. >>18105 Now Astro Boy meets Star Wars is alright. Not much to pick on it for. >>18112 Whilst in the droids they were called the Iron Knights. TOB1 being a Shard could work. There was Skippy the Jedi Droid.
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>>18114 Skippy the Jedi Droid was a joke comic, but droids using lightsabers was a thing long before. Vader even used some ASP droids as sparring partners to keep his skill up.
>>18114 Even within Star Wars: Tales's framing device of being in-universe films, Skippy is explicitly introduced as a comedy that ignores history for the sake of laughs.
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>>18114 >Young lady so strong, she can pilot her speedermoped backwards without looking, whilst blocking blaster bolts, and is ten-times more powerful than a young man with an already colored lightsaber, which was also stupid. Well, Kara was being chased on her own territory, also her father is a sabersmith, so she has access to lightsabers and knows the Margrave guy since she was a wee little girl. Ethan is strong with the force, which let him see the color of his blade, but didn't mean he was skilled with it. Only because of his strong connection to the force, he manage to survive the whole deal. Hell, Kara kill count is 0, same as Ethan. Margrave was the one that killed everyone, but it was still a team effort.
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This short was boring, like a tech demo to see if the nips can cut as many corners as possible to produce a show.
This one looked promising, but then they portrayed the Empire as a source of pollution, which is clearly false! All the most of their spaceships are solar powered. The nips do not understand the Galactic Empire.
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This is the last one. Did you rike it?
>>18141 Eh, it was alright. I wasn't expecting anything, The Duel and Tobi were the best from the bunch.
>>18118 >>18120 I'm aware of that. But I was referring to Skippy in terms of an already established concept. >>18134 You make fair points. So, I'll retract my previous statements. >>18138 The same story can be found in many of old kung-fu movie. Evil old sword fighter is out to prove to the world that he's still got it. As young samurai learns humility with the aid of his master.
And that is everything I found about visions. I hope they release a "The making of..." book, some illustrations looked really nice. Looks like Disney doesn't have any faith on the project, since I only found socks and shirts, but no figurines or illustration books.
>>18139 Lop the Jedi Bunny Girl is watchable a second time. But the stripping of planets of their resources didn't start with the Empire nor did the junk worlds. They can't blame everything on the Empire, which also helped establish economies and gave sentients work. But, no. The Empire is a fascist regime, a litter bug, and it, along with those that see its worth, are no good. Also, they put to much focus on characters' bond than anything else. >>18141 No, I don't like this one. It seems like it was so rushed, that there are missing parts to the story. Overall, The Duel and TO-B1 won me over. Mediocre, they are. But, they're better than others.
>>18109 >imagine letting a big busybody bureaucracy half a galaxy away determine what you, your bros, and privately owned army gets to wear My autistic impulses shouldn't be restricted by someone else's autistic impulses so long as I'm not a deranged threat to my society. Wow I had no idea so much autism existed on DeviantArt centered around B1's of all things. Also I never watched Zootopia so I don't get why everyone assumes the bunny cop would be a CIS. I fully support it though if it makes sense. >>18108 >giving a shit about how armed xeno's govern themselves half a galaxy away No ones forcing you to visit their planets anon, also not everyone here needs big daddy empire to make them feel safe at the expense of being turned into tax slaves.
>>18164 >>18165 >>18172 It should be illegal for children to use the internet.
>>18165 You know, I could see a comedy sketch of a droid finding the body of an old BDS, yanking his head off and trying to put into the new body only to fall over. A mechanic comes over, attaches the new head and he's flexing and generally changing his behavior, when he gets infected by an old subroutine called beachbro.exe and he says stuff like "bummer bummer."
>>18174 *SBD
>>18164 >how armed xeno's govern themselves half a galaxy away Its the Galactic Empire of MAN, not xeno, anon. >>18172 >there's more >mfw
>>17665 >>17666 Zany antics aside, this one was alright. The clumsy fighting with the droids was also ok. >>18165 Deviantart helps us to see how messed up one's mind can be. What normal person/kid draws pregnant droids?
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>>18195 >What normal person/kid draws pregnant droids? Well, if its the right droid.
>>18176 >Its the Galactic Empire of MAN, not xeno, anon. Why's it lead by a fucking demonic Smurf with glowing red eye's then? >>18173 >It should be illegal for manchildren with weird ass fetishes to use the internet. Fixed it for you, it's good for children in their teens to be exposed to anonymous image boards and vidya chat rooms so they can be decentralized to being called a nigger faggot and grow a thick skin if you ask me. Imagine how much of an improvement to the Western world in general that be especially in North America where half of the Millennial population are fucking pussies. >>18197 >Well, if its the right droid. Agreed, only high end droids should receive artificial womb for the sole purpose reproduction. Not literal cheap front line cannon fodder.
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>>18207 COPE
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>>18206 I respect all the Emperor choices, he sees the bigger picture.
>>18206 >it's good for children in their teens to be exposed to anonymous image boards You get exposed to a lot of those "weird ass fetishes" on anonymous imageboards. I probably wouldn't have seen half the fucked up porn I have if I didn't go on /b/ when I was 14.
>>18206 >>18214 I don't think it's a good thing per se, in the positive sense but for the vast majority it's probably not actively harmful. Certainly I think it's much less harmful than the likes of twitter, tik tok, etc.
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Will Kylo Kybo Ren have his revenge?
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Poor Kybo, he has a rough life.
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>>18269 How often do you think beloved villain Kybo is even mentioned?
>>18270 All the time.
>>18271 Bullshit.
>>18272 What can I say, Anon? He is mentioned in a lot in references books, from encyclopedias and guides.
>>18273 Maybe back in the day sure but no one is ever saying online or in person how great the Droids show was or how Kybo is their favorite. Nearly everyone has no idea who he is.
>>18275 >saying online or in person how great the Droids show was Because they are not true Star Wars fan.
>>18275 > how Kybo is their favorite People kept bringing him up when Rouge One was coming out.
>>18316 That's bullshit.
>>18316 Really?
>>18318 >>18319 From comments to whole videos referencing the EU, Kybo was brought up quite a bit leading up to Rogue One. It was also the same time frame when Disney announced the end of the EU so that helped it.
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>>18316 As >>18280 put it, they're not true fans. Outside the Lucas trilogies and Disney what-have-you, they're lost. It's why a majority of the nufans couldn't get why the older were rightly pissed about Disney dismissing what it deemed not worthy of being cannon.
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Its Saturday! Get your weekly dose of droids!
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That kid is a huge brat. Another arc ends and the droid duo are masterless again, a faith worse than deactivation.
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A new arc begins!
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Another saturday, another episode, enjoy.
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The search for roonstones never ends.
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Maybe the real treasure was the friends he made along the way.
>>18778 I absolutely loved this series when I was a kid. Thank you for posting, never thought I'd see it again.
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Did you ever just happen to be chilling with your Mandos, when this Mando just barges in. Its like, Mando please!
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The empire did nothing wrong.
>>20211 I'll be honest, when I watched the first season, that big Mando was my favorite. He's big, and he has a fucking laser machine gun, how can I not like him? I have not seen the second season.
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According to Disney, it's perfectly okay for Jedi to put SENTIENT LIFEFORMS at risk just to test a padawan for her right to become a real jedi.
The Book of Boba Fett recreates the scene of young Boba finding his father's helmet during the battle of Geonosis. For no reason. They somehow fucked that up though because it doesn't at all match the placements from the original movie scene.
>>21608 Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder
>>20666 What the fuck is this art?
>>21608 I see no problem? dead and debris is good but why they can't use the movie scene directly?
>>21640 The dead arena beast is missing & the droid placement is wrong. All they had to do was use the movie scene with maybe the edit of Boba looking at Jango's helmet up close.
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Another blatant mistake found in Book of Boba Fett.
>>17647 >Star Wars: The Empire did nothing wrong >simping for a bunch of war mongering space socialists You have to go back >>>/bunkerchan/ >>>/discord/ >>>/twitter/ >>>/leftypol/ >>21680 >(((Disney))) continues being shit Well don't act surprised, you should have had low expectations from the get go.
>>21693 Low expectations sure but holy shit it's so obvious it's painful how they somehow missed it.
>>21693 >simping for a bunch of war mongering space socialists >socialists How? >war mongering But they weren't. The Empire ended the Clone Wars the moment it formed. Palpatine was a war monger, yes, but he was The Republic as much as he was The Empire. He was the Senate, after all.
>What if good guys bad Cracked.com
>>21699 Ah yes Palpatine ended the war..... that he started..... & fought against himself from both sides.
>>21716 The post you're replying to said Palpatine was a war monger. The Empire is not quite the same as Palpatine, any more than The Senate is, at least.
>>21733 But Palpatine is the empire. That's why he's emperor. Duh.
>>21716 Palpatine also killed his master as he was in a drunken stupor. However he did bring the Jedi Order to its knees. He only loused it up by choosing to focus on matters frivolous to the Sith cause, as Momin put it.
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Hows The Book of Boba Tea?
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Look at this fan film i Found,
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Had to split it because it kept timing out on upload.
>>21835 This looks like trash and I want no part of it.
I want to say two things: 1) Holy shit is this garbage. No one should have to pay for this shit, it should air on broadcast television. 2) Anakin did nothing wrong.
>>21822 >Hows The Book of Boba Tea? Better than this guy >>21870 thinks it is. I know /co/ is jaded and trapped in a hell of jew-feminist-homosexual-negro-controlled media, but I watched it with my son and we both enjoyed it. Boba seems to be a little off his game, but he's spending most of his non-criminal empire time in a bacta tank, so I assume we'll find out he contracted sarlaac AIDS or something, later on. Boba also claims he wants to rule through respect instead of fear... but we all know how that goes and my theory is they're doing the same thing as Boardwalk Empire where Nucky found out the hard way that you can't be half a gangster. In a future episode, I believe he'll realize that Fennec is right and he has to start making his displeasure known. >>21680 >Another blatant mistake found in Book of Boba Fett. Given how much damage the sarlaac did to him and his outfit, it's more than likely he had to replace weapons I don't know, guys. One man's trash, one man's treasure. Feel free to disagree with me, but I enjoyed it for what it was: Star Wars by people who love it instead of hating it.
>>21871 Do you have a problem with Anakin exterminating them? The Women? The Children? Because, as far as I'm concerned, after watching this, they ALL deserved it. As for bad? Eh? It's broadcast television bad. It's soap opera bad. If I weren't paying to watch it, like I am not, then it is a reasonable diversion. I just don't agree with PAYING for this dumpster fire.
>>21871 It's the same armor though. With the same weapons.
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Time for a double dose. Maybe splinting into 3 would be best.
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>>21871 >but he's spending most of his non-criminal empire time in a bacta tank, so I assume we'll find out he contracted sarlaac AIDS or something, later on. Its a good explanation why a 61 year old is playing a 40 year old. Unlike the imperfect clones who are suppose to be age accelerated.
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>>21875 >It's the same armor though. With the same weapons. He could have brought replacements, but let's go with that. If it's all the same armor, then I don't understand what the "blatant mistake" is in >>21680 . What's am I not getting?
>>21898 Are you blind or stupid? The rocket on the gauntlet stays after it's fired. As in the CGI & prop departments didn't do their fucking jobs!
>>21901 >Are you blind or stupid? The rocket on the gauntlet stays after it's fired. 1. Do you eat your mother's ass with that mouth? 2. I see what you mean. I just assumed another had been fed into place from the compartment underneath. That may in fact be what happened or you may be right and it was just an error. We may find out later.
>>21938 There's no compartment that holds extra rockets that automatically refill after one is fired. It's not that advanced. It's straight up a mistake. How are you having this much difficulty grasping something so blatant?
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>>21941 >There's no compartment that holds extra rockets that automatically refill after one is fired. It's not that advanced. I'm open to hearing how you know that. Is there some sort of Star Wars tech book you got that from? Because, personally, I don't think I'd bother carrying around something that only fires one rocket. The designer could get at least two in the case.
>>21949 Where would there be a fucking compartment to hold more rockets, if directly underneath the launcher is his fucking arm?
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>>21949 Stop being a nigger.
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>>21953 He upgraded his weaponry, obviously. >>21954 >Stop being a nigger. No.
>>21953 >Where would there be a fucking compartment to hold more rockets Fanny pack
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>>21971 This guy gets it.
>>21874 >As for bad? Eh? It's broadcast television bad. It's soap opera bad. If I weren't paying to watch it, like I am not, then it is a reasonable diversion. I just don't agree with PAYING for this dumpster fire. A PPV television series just doesn't make sense and it's obvious they all do this out of fear of receiving poor ratings. Boba Fett: The Series shouldn't be about his post-venomous-desert-tentacle-monster experience. Rather, if anything, the series should take place when he was young and being molded into a bounty hunter.
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>>22103 >Rather, if anything, the series should take place when he was young and being molded into a bounty hunter. <he wants more prequels instead of moving forward They already made that show. It's called "A Handful of Episodes of Clone Wars.
>>22113 To move forward, anon, we'd have to venture into the Kir Kanos and Darth Krayt dark side of things. But I don't see that happening.
>>22115 Yeah everything is gonna be prequel & only slightly post empire from now on.
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I figured out what the hell is wrong with BoBF's visual design: Everything is brand new. Even things that were weathered in the OT like Boba Fett's armor are almost new. This goes both ways, with the flashy colors of the bikes not coming off as flashy custom jobs (like you'd expect from a "biker gang"), but off the line modern vehicle paints. I'm knowledgeable enough about the middle ages to hates Hollywood's insistence on making the middle ages/early renaissance drab and dreary, but once I notice this I can't unnotice it.
>>22166 Yes, this is one of the problems. Another issue is their insistence on reusing shit from the old EU/Lucas they shouldn't and not reusing shit they should.
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>>22166 >Everything is brand new. Not exactly. Fett reclaims his armor in The Mandalorian and, in the next episode, is sporting a glaringly brand new paint job (pic related). This is because it's been sandblasted to hell and back spending so much time in the deserts of Tattooine. Not to mention his adventures prior to the sarlaac. There are already chips in the paint from his activities from then on until the the new series. Does everyone know about the huge middle finger to Kathleen Kennedy in episode 3, yet?
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>>22231 >Does everyone know about the huge middle finger to Kathleen Kennedy in episode 3, yet? You know what, I'm just going to dump it. Pics related. The despoiling pieces of shit who rape and pillage their way through someone else's hard work? They leave leave their calling card on the side of their victims' house.
>>22232 I don't think it's that and anyone who believes Doomcock saying it is should be more skeptical of a schizophrenic with a stupid helmet.
Stop being an eceleb faggot
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>>22231 It's not just his armor though. The buildings, the background vehicles, everything is smooth and in good condition unless it's totally broken rubble. This could work on the top level of a core world, but when the allegedly dreary slum in the endless desert is are nothing but clean buildings with perfect corners and the supposed poor ride perfectly painted bikes, it's just a visual disconnect. Contrast that with the Lars Homestead, which is supposed to be a nice and relatively safe, if quaint and ultra rural, place by comparison. In just the establishing shots you've got discolored machinery, rough surfaces left on buildings, worn inscriptions, and there's a few stains on the wall.
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Even Temuera Morrison hated the script.
>>22241 I will definitely admit that the "scooter gang's" rides were ridiculously pristine for a planet full of dirt and dust. Not to mention that going from a western to a cyberpunk setting was a little jarring. They even looked like something out of Cyberpunk or Shadowrun, with their precious little 80s futuristic ties. As far as everything else looking newer, there are a couple of in-universe possibilities that come to mind. Maybe the New Republic started sending aid to Tatooine and other trade hubs, allowing them to do a little civic repair that the Emperor's punitive taxes probably kept them from making. Or maybe we're just seeing newer structures built with the further settlement of the planet. Who knows? IRL reasons could be HD/4K makes the stuff look better than the original movies. I'm not all that put off by the look of things. I think the set guys did the best they could. But the scooter speeders...ugh. I still choose to believe that Boba will realize towards the end of the season that ruling through fear and might is the only way through. The Tuskens taught him their way of respect because they accepted him into their tribe, but to everyone else they're Space Muslims.
>>22283 The scooters wouldve honestly work if the planet was Naboo.
>>21871 >he likes the Book of Boba Fett How does it feel having such shit taste?
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>>22437 >How does it feel having such shit taste? Feels good, man. Pic related. I haven't seen episode 4, yet, so my opinion may change, given how badly everyone is sperging out about it. I'm inclined to judge the first season bad or good, once it has all dropped. I remember freaking the fuck out over Enterprise being shit, only to realize that you had to watch the series as a whole to appreciate where they were going with it. I really don't understand the hate episode 2 got. It was basically A Man Called Horse or Dances With Wolves. It's an old trope. >Local tribe takes an outsider as prisoner/slave >he does something to gain their respect >they decide to see if he's worth something after all >he proves himself >he leaves the tribe as a brother. It was great! I like the Tuskens much better as Sioux than as the Taliban.They even included a train robbery for shiggles. Lucas has always treated Star Wars like a cross between a western and a WWII flick. I see no problem with this. Don't get me wrong, I'm a cynical bastard when it comes to Disney, but I'm still willing to give some stuff a chance and see where it goes. Also, if you go back and watch the first seasons of some of your favorite shows (like ST:TNG or The Orville) you'll see a shit-ton of missteps that were eventually corrected.
>>22451 You can't humanize a tribe of savages that attack humans just for being human & tortured Anakin's mom for no reason till she died. Fuck the tuskens!
>>22452 >You can't humanize a tribe of savages If you want to get technical there's multiple tribes of Tuskens, all with a variable amount of hostility towards people. A good writer would've pointed this out or made it more apparent with the additional fact most people on tatooine are foreign compared to the Tuskens. But this isnt a well written show.
>>22451 >Feels good, man >>>/reddit/ >I really don't understand the hate episode 2 got <Boba tricks a "legendary" assassin with an obvious as fuck fake out because this show is written for dumb children <Jabba's cousins coincidently show up to reclaim Jabba's old territory but didn't do this at any point before Boba took over <the rest of the episode is spent in a flashback, again <flashback is a contrived plot about a train that randomly attacks the Tuskens for no reason <female Tusken saves everyone's ass during the train heist because Disney's gotta push that female empowerment <Boba espouses some "muh ancestral homeland" faggotry <episode wastes the rest of its runtime showing Boba taking drugs and going on a spiritual journey in the desert, just to explain where he got his club and the clothes he wore in The Mandalorian Yeah, it's a real mystery why everyone hated it. >Also, if you go back and watch the first seasons of some of your favorite shows (like ST:TNG or The Orville) you'll see a shit-ton of missteps that were eventually corrected Just because this show is a badly written piece of shit doesn't mean that everything else is too.
>>22451 >like ST:TNG The overrated as fuck Star Trek series that the MTV Generation and Millennials praised as the greatest thing since sliced bread when the entire show servers as nothing more than the outlet for ALL of the half-baked and rejected scripts that they didn't do for the original series or the cartoon? And, was shown up be even obscure-as-shit shows like Farscape and Andromeda (With the latter also being a rejected ST concept)?
>>22471 who are you yelling at?
>>22474 Grandpa didn't take his medication.
>>22274 Wouldve killed him to do some strength training, the whole beer belly look never looked good.
>>22563 He's an old ass man.
>>22563 To be honest it's accurate to SW lore. Because even the regular clones eventually became fat, bald, Kiwis.
Weird that episode five of BoBF is basically the pilot for Mando S3, given how good it looked, it probably is the product of another production team.
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What kind of starship is used for personal interplanetary transport in Star Wars? Surely not everyone uses a tramp freighter, retrofitted starfighter, or mass transit if they want to go between nearby worlds. Only vehicles I'm aware of in the category of "civilian" hyperdrive equipped ships that aren't freighters is the Gun Tug and S40K Phoenix Hawk... which both come from the same book!
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>>22460 >If you want to get technical there's multiple tribes of Tuskens, all with a variable amount of hostility towards people. A good writer would've pointed this out >.t Sand People >In all the movie scenes they appear they act like fucking sand niggers You are not fooling anyone, those animals should be purged from the face of Tatooine.
>>22686 >Surely not everyone uses a tramp freighter, retrofitted starfighter, or mass transit if they want to go between nearby worlds. Why is that hard to believe? After the fall of the Republic, all of the Empire's resources went towards building their army and creating the Death Star. It's not that hard to imagine that the only recourse for civilians and businesses was to salavage old clunkers and make them work. Just look at Asian, African, and South American countries that were at their peak 50-70 years ago, and haven't progressed since; with their own societies relying upon either junkers from that era or handmedowns from the rest of the world.
>>22686 >What kind of starship is used for personal interplanetary transport in Star Wars? Surely not everyone uses a tramp freighter, retrofitted starfighter Depends were you live and how much credits you have.
Is there a replacement for Hungry Ewok? Want to get EU books as epubs now that I have a reader.
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>>23159 >Hungry Ewok RIP. Here use this instead. https://anonfiles.com/DfH5z7I5xe/Books_torrent Totally not dolphin porn.
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Is time to finish this. This episode is a prequel of the last arc.
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Didn't thought R2-D2 liked sluts.
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Shit got real fast.
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How many times is C-3PO going to get depressed every time he thinks that R2-D2 goes full snack-bar. Well, this is it, a great adventure of the Dynamic Driod Due comes to an end. Fantastic series, with characters that get shit done. Also, if you want to read the comics of C-3PO and R2-D2, drop by to /sw/ in cafe.
>>24439 Why?
>>24461 It looks really nice and one of the few moments in the shitacular sequel series that was nice.
>>24463 Doesn't mean you should waste your money to fund more shit from Disney.
>>24463 That moment was an abomination, the facial map for Luke was shit. I had HIGH hopes it would be Kyle Katarn when the robed figure turned up, when it was Shit CGI Luke I was roundly disappointed and bemused.
>>26436 No man. It really isn't. Another bait and switch from Disney. That black inquisitor chick kills her 2 fellow inquisitors in the first few episodes. She's all black woman rage and the puff pieces defending the series saying that fans are racist just don't get it.
>>26442 >That black inquisitor chick kills her 2 fellow inquisitors in the first few episodes It's become this obvious when they pull this shit hasn't it.
>>26436 No. Like the other anon said, "angry" wooden black lady "kills" the Grand Inquisitor for no raisin. Then we get kid Leia being a snarky little shit that's always talking down to everyone & doing whatever she wants. Because that's realistic for a respectable royal child..... well okay irl yeah but Star Wars is supposed to be a space opera. So the princess should be a lot more proper until she grows into being the rebel on the run in episode 4.
>>26436 No everyone got baited.
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https://web.archive.org/web/20220531193325/https://screenrant.com/star-wars-obi-wan-kenobi-reva-backlash-racism/ And here we go. >However, Obi-Wan Kenobi has also been subjected to some racism-fuelled backlash online for its casting of Ingram as Reva Sevander/Third Sister. Such complaints typically accuse the series of merely hiring Ingram as a 'diversity box-ticking' exercise, rather than for her capabilities as an actor. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time that Star Wars cast members have been subjected to racist comments from those who claim to be fans of the franchise. Kelly Marie Tran also received online abuse for her role as Rose Tico in The Last Jedi, as did John Boyega for his casting as lead character Finn in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. >Now, Lucasfilm and Disney have now come out in full support of Ingram in the wake of this backlash. In a statement issued on the official Star Wars Twitter account, the studios announced that it "are proud to welcome Moses Ingram to the Star Wars family," and "resist" anyone who attempts to make her feel otherwise. The Star Wars account also specifically called out racist comments made online, saying, "There are more than 20 million sentient species in the Star Wars galaxy, don't choose to be a racist." See the full post below: >Sadly, Ingram previously revealed that Lucasfilm warned her about racist comments she might receive from Star Wars viewers as a result of her Obi-Wan Kenobi casting. However, the actor said the studio made it clear that it would support her should any hateful backlash arise. With this latest statement, the company has kept its promise and defended the actor against online abuse, which Ingram had also previously addressed by saying she has "no problem with the block button." Additionally, Lucasfilm's follow-up comment requesting that fans not "choose to be a racist" calls out the specific comments that have formed this backlash, addressing the issue head on rather than remaining ambiguous about the nature of the online hatred. >While it is difficult to know whether Lucasfilm's message will be taken to heart by offenders of this online abuse against Ingram, many members of the Star Wars fanbase have praised Star Wars for its statement and unflinching defense of the actor. As more Obi-Wan Kenobi episodes are set to hit Disney+, it is somewhat reassuring to know that Lucasfilm and Disney will continue to defend Ingram in the wake of hateful comments. However, it is nonetheless saddening to see that Ingram is experiencing unwarranted online abuse and backlash. That said, it is important to note that the actor has countless viewers all over the world in her corner, who have praised Reva as one of the Star Wars live-action universe's most exciting new additions.
>>26467 >oy vey racism bad goyim; we all same species! Reminder that blacks in Star Wars literally come from a different planet (Haruun Kal) than whites (Coruscant).
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>>26467 They really are desperate for views.
>>26474 Why is stranger things so popular, I stopped watching after a few episodes of season 2.
>>26475 Its not an absolute shit, 80s nostalgia and they don't milk it to death.
>>26476 I don't know season 3 looked like absolute shite.
>>22166 >>22241 Those power ranger bikefags were total shit, next to useless and terrible actors and the 'assassins' faggily failing to kettle Boba and his slanteye missus were trash then the series turned into Mando Pt3. >>26444 She only ran one through with a lightsaber but apparently that's become survivable, for her as well. Someone should have told Qui-Gon.
I like Bad Batch season 2 so far. Only episode I didn't like I still wouldn't really call bad. It was just kind of a pointless treasure hunting episode that didn't really have a lesson or move the larger plot/build the relationships of characters. In contrast, the first two episodes were a heist operation that went sour but done excellently with building the world more.
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>>32021 Separating these videos because I do not know how to compress them properly.
>>32022 Let's test this out to see how it sounds.
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They actually got Ian McDiarmind to reprise his role as Emperor Palpatine. Even at his age he's perfect. Probably helps honestly.
>>22471 Farscape was good. It got streamed over on /v/ over the course of a month or so. It was a good bit of community building, great show. Very fun. Pilot and Harvey were the best characters.
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>>22471 >>32412 >farscape A personal favorite of mine, although I do not want another new one since I don't trust The Jim Henson Company anymore.
>>32456 I remember that episode! It was really funny to see them all as cartoon characters. Man, how many times did Crichton get mindraped? 5? 6? There was the aurora chair, the wormhole dude, that time the scarran was interrogating him and we saw Rygel in bdsm gear, that time he got trapped in a game... I'm sure there was one or two more I'm forgetting. Man, it was a fun show. >I don't trust The Jim Henson Company anymore Do I want to know what happened?
>>32021 >>32022 >>32023 >>32202 I might Amazon it. >>32412 Farscape, Firefly, Andromeda, and Stargate were all good shows. >>32476 >Do I want to know what happened? During 2020's shitfest the company stated that they would only be hiring blacks and LGBT.
>>32481 >During 2020's shitfest the company stated that they would only be hiring blacks and LGBT. When the pendulum is done swinging back, I really, really hope everyone responsible for this current dystopia is lined up against the wall and shot. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.
>>32504 >there is no vengeance and pendulum swinging back That's what they said in the 30s.
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>>32538 >You outcasts keep saying that and no transcendental shit even happens, people are going to get used of mass shooters and any desperate attempt of "vengeance" and only see you as a madman. I believe there is a miscommunication, here. Apologies if it's on my end. I'm not saying to go looking for vengeance or to kill these people. In the current climate, it solves nothing except prolonging the shit because of martyrs. I'm saying that a pendulum never stops in the middle, and eventually the Weimar Republics are replaced by the Reichs. It's taken a LONG time to self-correct, this time out, which means the inevitable swing to the right is going to be every bit as long and horrible as the current left swing is. The difference is that the libs are going to be the ones hanging from the gibbets, this time, and a lot of old scores are going to be settled when it happens.
>>32550 Do not engage with niggerpill.
>>32021 >>32022 >>32023 >>32202 Got the magnet/torrent links to these? It be nice to watch the whole thing at not Tor levels of speed. If not well thanks for sharing non the less.
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A blast from the past.
>>32669 You dont even need a torrent, all these streaming shows have become so accessible, just slap on a cheap vpn and watch them through a google search.
The moment we all, well me at least, have been waiting for finally happened. Crosshair reached his breaking point.
Season 2 of The Bad Batch just finished today. Man.... it's a good show & absolutely the only thing left of new Star Wars content worth watching. Fuck the live action shit Disney's doing. Filoni's not perfect but The Bad Batch is really something special.
>>33336 Indeed. Fat Fortuna is the only good thing to come from The Mando-Bobian-Book.
They've announced a new Rey trilogy featuring Grogu, the baby Yoda. At this point in the game, George Lucas should be using that $6 billion to raise an army to storm Disney and execute every single person except Favreau and maybe Filoni if he promises to stop making that "smug jew" face all the fucking time.
>>33581 You can tell just by the look how his smile is not real.
>>33581 >George Lucas should be using that $6 billion to raise an army to storm Disney Why?
>>33581 Rey is one of Disney's princesses now. So of course they're going to do this. But it's George's fault in the first place, and if Filoni had any balls, he would have demanded that they went with the Nyx Okami arc.
>>33581 >except Favreau Why? Favreau is a shitty yes man who hires the right people.
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Presented without comment.
>>35799 Even the artists are aware
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I hate Blahsoka. I hate the Blahsoka show ruining what was a fuckable likable character from a good series. I hate Rebels establishing multiverse shit. I hate them bringing it back to justify member berries. I will give them SLIGHT props for trying to recreate the Clone Wars looks in live action. BUT that's ruined because Blahsoka has to be black mystery meat in the past too. This live action version is completely unrecognizable from the animated original. I don't know who to blame for this. Filoni for willing to do anything to bring Ahsoka to life or Disney as a company for all the horrible decisions that ruined Star Wars in live action forever.
>>36589 She really should've died in Rebels. They had a perfectly good end point for her character and they got rid of it because either Filoni or Disney wouldn't let her die, whether it was because of Filoni's attachment to her or Disney wanting a stronk female character to market in the hopes of regaining some of that popularity they lost.
>>36590 Technically she did. They had to retcon her survival through time travel but also technically multiverse shit. That's how they're justifying this thing with her fighting Anakin Vader. It's Anakin from another timeline. You're right though that Filoni's favoritism & Disney's stronk womyn narratives kept her alive.
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>>36589 The fuck is going on with the sound in the second video? It sounds like someone is imitating the Jaws theme. And, after looking up clips from the fights from the films, I noticed two more problems. The first is that the actual fighting is so low-energy that they look like they're elderly people. <For reference, here's how Yoda and Palpatine, two actual elderly characters, fought. The second problem I found stems from the fact that the Asoka clips sounds like it's using string instruments for the music. Meanwhile, all of the films used precussion or singing. It adds a completely different tone to the scene. >Disney as a company for all the horrible decisions that ruined Star Wars in live action forever. Why are you restricing it to just the live-action part. Star Wars under Yidsney has been a disaster in every way possible that has alienated the people who enjoyed the films, the show, the comics, the video games, and even the fucking toys.
>>36595 It's a recording of a TV, that's why. Hiring composers with orchestras is expensive. Because I liked The Bad Batch. But you're right that everything else has been shit.
>>36591 God, I forgot about the time travel. That just brings up so many issues- why not use it to go even further into the past and prevent the Empire from existing? Why not save any of the other characters that died throughout Rebels? Aside from the meta reasons, why save Ahsoka instead of pretty much any other jedi?
>>36597 Almost like it's a get out of jail free plot device that kinda devalues everything bad happening if you could just prevent it through this random ass dimension. Unless it's really just the multiverse like I think. Then it's essentially fucking with another universe to make yours better.
>>36597 >why not use it to go even further into the past and prevent the Empire from existing? Why not save any of the other characters that died throughout Rebels? Aside from the meta reasons, why save Ahsoka instead of pretty much any other jedi? Because time travel is complete bullshit on several levels and it seems like the only works that even come close to understanding it are all comedies.
>>36599 Currently there's no set limits to it so the can of worms is open.
>>36589 They're trying to make Ahsoka into a family friendly Xena, but Star Wars, and it's not working. Just like their Book-of-Hercules-Mandalorian-Beast-Master-Fett.
>>36696 >a family friendly Xena But, Xena already was family friendly.
>>36696 That's not the problem. The problem is Ahsoka is already an established character with an established personality but Rosario Dawson gives her none.
>>36697 I meant modern family friendly; no cleavage, no legs, no midriff, no nothing. >>36698 Who else could they have beg to do it?
>>36699 Maybe the actual voice actress would've worked. But ideally there shouldn't have been an Ahsoka show at all. Especially when they've shown they're horrible at translating animated designs to live action.
>>36698 Didn't her original voice actor get butthurt because she wanted to be Ahsoka's live action rep?
>>36770 They buried it if that was the case. Never heard her even mentioned.
>>36785 That sucks, she could've been a pretty decent live action Ahsoka.
I unironically feel bad for Zahn. He made 2 book triology to unfuck Rebels Thrawn. The Ascendancy Trilogy was a real treat to me. Then we got Ahsoka's Thrawn who is a dumber down Rebels Thrawn. Even worse, this watered down mustache twirling villain in the last episode literally losing all his remaining iq and do the most stupid things. Technically making his "big win" a big fat L. Zahn probably died inside when he seen this shitshow. And i feel awful for him. Atleast Mara will be forever safe from Disney.
>>36700 It's not the designs inasmuch multiple spin-offs for the one series. But, true. Ahsoka didn't need her own show.
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>>36791 >But, true. Ahsoka didn't need her own show. But, if they didn't give Ahsoka her own show, then all people would remember of her is being an underage half-naked cumslut from a silly cartoon. All elements of her character that Lucas demanded.
>>36798 I'm glad that characters like these will never be created again.
>>36798 Pepperidge Farm will always remember... the good old days.

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