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He-Man Anonymous 02/24/2021 (Wed) 23:42:37 No. 9813
A new He-Man cartoon is in the works. Not the Kevin Smith one but one made for children rather than by a man child. Thankfully this more than likely won't be another mess like She-ra. This is obviously a much more toyetic design philosophy going on. So they're actually trying to market it to boys.
>>9813 >sword looks like it's from Transformers >Battle Cat looks borderline grimdark edgy proceed
>>9814 Actually both feel like Transformers. https://youtu.be/Lj5G3O8j36M
>>9815 alright then, He-Man and the Masters of the Transformers-verse. No objection here
>>9813 he looks like a pin-head I approve
>>9813 >Thankfully this more than likely won't be another mess like She-ra I keenly remember one of the very last things they did was have a gay wedding episode and then immediately jump to Twatter with a gloating message along the lines of "HAHA WE MADE THEM GAY AND NO MATTER HOW MANY REBOOTS HAPPEN HE'S ALWAYS GOING TO BE GAY".
>>9832 Who isn't gay in She-ra?
>>9842 Hordak maybe?
>>9936 Yeah. He's pegged at most.
>>9813 I dislike the art style; looks like kid friendly video game design, the 2002 designs look better. Hopefully the toys will be good tbh that's all really I care about . >>9813 >>9832 >another mess like She-ra I just wanted a good new She-Ra dolls, but the tranny dyke completely butchered the character designs by making them look nothing like either the cartoon or the toys and using tumblrizied Ghibli style abomination, I hope she get cancer. >Twatter What the Bronies did to MLP is nothing compare to what the alphabet soup did to She-Ra.
>>9960 >looks like kid friendly video game design Yeah, I think that's their point since this one is the show for kids to sell toys instead of the one for nostalgic manchildren.
>>9969 Aren't they all for kids to sell toys? Except for She-Ra, which was to specifically insult nostalgic manchildren
>>9998 What I mean one is for children and the other for adults (manchildren in reality but you get the idea) the redesign looks like something that can be easily ported to a videogame (as anon stated) to market to children
I just wish they'd continue the 2000's He Man cartoon but that will probably never happen.
Why does he look like a forkknife dreamworks character?
>>10334 Anon they're doing that. But it's being done by Kevin Smith.
>>10345 I thought he was doing the 80's one?
>>9813 I'm not a big fan of the Skylanders aesthetic but at least the characters look like a reasonable adaptation of the original unlike what happened with She-Ra and Thundercats. Also they really need to remove his shirt. It took several looks for me to realize that he was transformed into He-Man and not still Prince Adam. >This is obviously a much more toyetic design philosophy going on We better get a brand new Dragon Blaster, Dragon Walker, and Battle Bones out of this.
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>>9969 >>10007 The problem is they rely on brand/franchise and dead one that is, so displeasing the older fanbase is a bad move, it's not like transformers that keep having new shows/movies every now and then and therefore being well known to kids. Another thing, I'm so sick of how both media and toy companies in recent years act as if 8+ year old boys demographic doesn't exist anymore and everything end up as either more dumbed down kid friendly/preschool stuff or live-action shit for normalfags. >>9998 >She-Ra >Men Most He-Man fags only care about She-Ra in the limited sense of an extension to He-Man, the new reboot insult the older female fans more. >>1033 Fortnite designs are more realistically proportioned and are wonderfully toyetic . This new He-Man show designs reminds more of that failed Disney Infinity video game.
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>>10360 >those eyes
>>10360 >The problem is they rely on brand/franchise and dead one that is, so displeasing the older fanbase is a bad mov Yeah, you are right, it's kinda weird to make a show about a 40 something years old franchise, I think they are expecting the older crowd to talk about the series when the "anime" series airs (Since that's how I knew about the 80s show in the first place) but in general, Idk. >I'm so sick of how both media and toy companies in recent years act as if 8+ year old boys demographic doesn't exist anymore I would say that's because 8+ children are paying with videogames instead of toys.
>>10382 It's just use as an excuse and part of self-fulfilling prophecy by lazy toy companies to churn out garbage quality toys and then say it didn't sell because muh video games. What really killed the action figure market was bad cartoons (plus CN fucking over their last good action cartoons) and Hasbro' and Mattel' duopoly thanks to buying out all their competitors.
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>>9813 >be me, parent >son LOVED early 2000s He-Man, and so did I >a reboot that was actually enjoyable and didn't talk down to the kids >managed to find him quite a lot of the toys, even though they were hard as fuck to come by >ffwd to 2019 >Kevin Smith semi-woke semi-reboot announced >Great. I'm sure this won't be cancerous in the slightest because he's totally not a big cuckold faggot these days >toys come out ahead of cartoon, which is fucking insane because there's no drive for CY+6 kids to buy them >they're based on, but somehow LESS manly, than the 80s toys >not even close to the awesome 2000s toys >mfw every time I go to a toy section, there are tons of them just sitting there gathering dust If they'd just based it on the 2000s series, they'd have made a lot more money just from collectors like my son (and gift-giving relatives). If they'd held their jizz long enough for the cartoon, they'd have made more money than they currently are, and toy section real estate being what it is, they'll be taken off the shelves long before Silent Bob and the gang can make Prince Adam LGBT. It's embarrassing how toys and entertainment have lost the fucking plot.
>>10924 The toy you post is specifically for profiting off nostalgic manchildren.
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>>10940 >profiting off nostalgic manchildren. When isn't it?
>>10940 >The toy you post is specifically for profiting off nostalgic manchildren. I'm not going to argue the point, but I will add that nostalgic manchildren only have so much money, so the product had better be worthy of their dollars. >pic related: Making show accurate Transformers that were better than the originals is worth it to nostalgia fags. Making Prince Adam with a fucking pink sword is not.
>>9813 Everything about that image reminds me of the clonical "Hero Shooter/MOBA" games that have horrible character designs and the same art style that looks like a mix of Pixar and Blizzard.
>>10944 >>10948 The problem is manchildren will buy anything no matter the quality. See funko pops.
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>>10955 What's more hilarious is that those games were supposed to compete within the TF2 market, completely ignoring the game's artstyle was based on oil paintings and advertisement from the 60s. But you should be thanking Overwatch for the gay Frozen artstyle, now you can play as the kid from Baby Boss with the body of a britcuck dyke.
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>>10957 >The problem is manchildren will buy anything no matter the quality. See funko pops. And water is wet, so what.
>>10979 The point is that's why shitty toys reviving old shitty toys still get made.
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>>10986 And? The last He-man line that had reimagined models actually did great in the collectors market but in retail, it bombed so hard retail stores blacklisted the brand until they brought back the classic line or something that resembled the classic line which is all recent. The 200X lived and died in the early 2000s.
>>10990 Nigger you just answered your own question. Why would companies bother making more expensive toys when cheaper ones sell better even to collectors?
>>10991 There's always that one guy willing to buy a full featured unicron.
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>>10957 <See funko pops. >daughter's friend is like family >she up and decides to buy us Christmas gifts, even though we told her not to >proudly presents me with a Funko Pop of Prison Break Rick >my face, my soul >tell her how much I love... that... thing >unbox it and put it on my painting table for whenever she comes over again, so she can see how happy I am with it Funko Pop is plastic stirred with the devil's penis, but I know she was being thoughtful and that matters to me more than the reddit-tier meme in solid form it represents. Now...I just have make her and my daughter start hating each other so I can throw it out or sell it to a degenerate from reddit.
>>10990 Those action figures were amazing. The sword Skeletor is holding actually separates into two so he can duel-wield.
>>10998 Yes but those aren't mass produced for maximum profitability. Only the most dedicated autists sell their organs for that kind of thing. >>11000 Tell your daughter to convince her friend that Rick & Morty is shit.
>>11014 >aren't mass produced for maximum profitability. Depends if the original run does well, not something the size of Unicron per say (Im mostly talking about size, that thing is huge) but if there's a hidden demand they'll take advantage of it.
>>11015 You won't see those kinds of expensive toys in toy sections outside of comic shops. So not really mass produced.
>>11016 You'd be surprised, with ToysRus gone, some of the collector stuff has been going to Walmarts because there's nowhere else to place them.
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>>11014 >Tell your daughter to convince her friend that Rick & Morty is shit. Dude, they're teenagers. To teenagers, Rick & Morty is everything they want in a lolrandom cartoon. And at least it's not as bad as pic related's drug-induced faggotry. I swear, to get greenlit at Adult Swim, you must have to provide the numbers for your dealer and at least one feminist for references.
>>11113 If they're teenagers then you have no reason to not just say "Rick & Morty is shit" to their faces.
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Some toys from the upcoming Masters of the Universe Masterverse toyline which relates to the series by Kevin Smith. These will be 7". >>10924 Mattel and Hasbro are just too stupid to make adult collector toys sold outside retailers and their shitty online stores that only serves Americans. In contrast, look at Bandai and Takara that let basically every online retailer to carry their toys and being easily available to anyone. >it's embarrassing how toys and entertainment have lost the fucking plot Explained here >>10433* >>10957 >>11000 >>10991 Funko Pops aren't toys, they're shitty Super-Deformed/Western Chibi abomination that only filthy causalfags and desperatefags (rare case when Funko Pop is the only available licenseshit merch), most toy collectors despise them. >>10990 >>11018 Most adult collector toys sold in regular retailer shops, are actually playline toys that pander to adult collectors, as you will see for ages 4+ on Marvel Legends and 12+ on DC Multiverse.
>>10924 The toy you posted is supposed to be based on the "anime" series? I think it looks fine, but for a child in current 2021 I don't see the appeal, it looks the exact same like the 80s cartoon and I find quite unexpected that they barely changed anything from the 80s design.
>>10955 Dear god, these designs are tedious as fuck, I'm glad this trend is dead already.
>>11132 Those are for the Kevin Smith continuation series.
>>11117 Skeletor is fine, but that He-man looks like garbage, holy shit.
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>>11117 >Evil-lyn is Caucasian white instead of jaundice yellow or pale yellow I don't like where this is going. And Battlecat's head gear looks completely fucked.
>>11132 >The toy you posted is supposed to be based on the "anime" series? The toy I posted is based on CY+whenever Kevin Smith, as far as I know. They appear to be new molds based on 80s MotU with less detail. >but for a child in current 2021 I don't see the appeal, Dude, I still have my figs from the 80s and *I* don't see the appeal. 00s He-Man was the best thing ever, toys AND show. I think the only reason 00s MotU failed is that it was on the cusp of the switch from Saturday morning network cartoons to cartoon channels playing whatever, whenever. I think it got lost in the swamp.
>>11135 I don't like how soft the sculpt is, they should use more defined musculature. >Skeletor is fine I prefer his duck feet, otherwise and besides mentioned above, he's alright. >but that He-man looks like garbage, holy shit Yeah, his face reminds me of that emo Quasimodo, Kylo Ren. >>11138 Also, her outfit looks like it belongs to the water tribe from ATLA. Of course, nobody is going to bitch about her whitewashing. >Battlecat's head gear looks completely fucked It's too smooth and too big. >>11139 >They appear to be new molds based on 80s MotU with less detail it's the Origins line. >here are the same toys we made 40 years ago but with modern articulation! Most creatively bankrupt toyline ever made. >figs from the 80s and *I* don't see the appeal Mattel milked MOTUC to death, it's a dead horse.
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I distinctly remember them saying this new Kevin Smith series was going to continue the 2002 series. Nope. It's a continuation of the original 80s series. With the animation from the faggots that butchered Castlevania on Netflix. Now appearing to trannify all the women. Seriously it's not fucking hard to put a feminine face on a muscular body.
>>12850 I like the beefy girls but the rest looks bland. That orko looks cool, tho.
>>12850 Ugly, butch girls is literally why I almost exclusively watch anime now.
>>12850 Sorceress' boobies aren't even completely rounded and it's not like she has that pretty perky boobs. Almost all of them have squarish man jaw and manly body build, only Evil-Lyn looks decently feminine. Also, He-Man got a pin head. Overall, this style of character design is bad; it doesn't have good contrast between round and straight lines, their arms look lumpy and wtf is going on with Teela' knees. Did you watch an episode? How is it? >>12851 >That orko looks cool, tho He is the only one that looks good, but then the sleeveless arms kinda ruins it.
>>12853 No episodes are out yet. These are only stills teasing the show.
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>>12850 >Orka has pseudo-anime feminine owo eyes and creepy sleeveless arms >Blackor is most likely a decent character that's been race and sex-swapped >Roboto is wearing clothes >Evillyn is somehow white, possibly because coloring her yellow is "problematic." Also, why the fuck is she standing with them? Maybe we made fun of Kevin Smith too much and this is his revenge.
>>12859 >Blackor is most likely a *decent character that's been race and sex-swapped *FORMERLY
>>12859 Nah. Kevin Smith is just that retarded. Remember, he liked BvS.
>>12850 >It's a continuation of the original 80s series. Won't that result in tonal whiplash?
>>12868 Yes. Yes it will.
>>11117 I think organic action figures look bad because of the joints, it's better to make robot action figures.
>>11000 nigger don't ruin your daughter's friendship over something like shit taste. Manipulation of that level should only be used sparingly and against friends that are actively a bad influence like people who want to get her into drugs or some shit
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>>12871 >nigger don't ruin your daughter's friendship over something like shit taste. It's obviously a joke, anon.
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>>10360 >the new reboot insult the older female fans more. Honestly, I was okay with that. I got so fucking tired of trying to explain to my contemporary female friends and family members why I wanted to stick Michael Bay and JewJew Abrams into a car-crusher for what they did to my childhood heroes. "Just don't watch it, then," they'd say while rolling their eyes. >their faces when Hank Venture She-Ra
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I won't post the link because everyone loses their fucking mind with the e-celebs, but, for the record, ClownfishTV was right and Kevin Smith is a faggot who tried to gaslight everyone. The black girl is allegedly going to be Teela's girlfriend. This is their "love letter to grown-up fans of the original show." Pathetic. >inb4 e-celebs. I know, I know, but fuck Kevin Smith.
>>12909 There's apparently a voice actor assigned to He-Ro. The fact they're including He-man's and Teela's kid means the black girlfriend rumor is either fake or Smith is going to include time travel to explain the fuckery.
>>12850 >Kevin Smith >Continuing the early 2000s series He is the proto manchild who has not moved beyond 90s and will consume any trash Marvel, DC, or another horrid corporation will shit out. You should not expect anything good from projects with his involvement.
>>12947 >Kevin Smith >forgetting he only got famous for teaming up with a fat man who got jollies masturbating into potted plants and who's entire career was based on making a black and white sitcom that ran for 70 minutes and tricked audiences into paying full price to watch. Way would you expect anything else?
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>>11133 Is it?
>>12850 >Checkmate, ClownFishTV >>12947 So he's basically on the same bench as Seth Green and Seth Macfarlane? >Question the retarded logic of a cartoon from our childhood and pass it as original writing,
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>>11117 Full stock images on the MOTU Masterverse: Revelation. From the name of the toyline, it is to be expected that there will be more MOTU figures from different iterations. For a show that for the most part have shitty non-toyetic designs, I think Mattel overall did a good job. Battle Cat' helmet still look bad, being big and not very detailed. It reminds me of an elephant. He looks pretty great without the armor, but I do wish he had slightly angrier and more stern expression. Definitely would get the regular non-flocked Panthor version, because the flocked version would be some bullshit exclusive. >>12870 <seamless meme No, the joints make them toyetic and that's a good thing. >>12905 I didn't really grow up with toy commercials cartoons, but I'm a huge toyfag so I'm mad about it. All I wanted was good character designs that don't stray too far from the original classic designs, but the tranny dyke blew it and also reduced the chances of classic She-Ra action doll line even more, although it's mainly Mattel' fault. >Michael Bay Bayformers are some of the ugliest toys I've seen. >JewJew Abrams Padme Amidala in all of her beautiful outfits was way more appealing than man jaw Rey with her toilet paper wrappings. I wish Mattel got the right for SW girl toys back them, they would've made gorgeous Padme dolls unlike Hasbro poor attempts.
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>>12965 Evil-lyn still look like shit with the only good thing about her is the classic head. She dressed like the Water Tribe from ATLA if they had pirates. The short staff and man purse are lame accessories. She also seems to have gorilla arms, but since all the female in Kevin Smith show are dykes, not much of value was lost. I hate how the hinge joint is ruining the look of the hands, they should've used the superior hinged ball joint for the wrist like McFarlane (which are also doing 7" figures) and Japanese adult collector toylines are doing, but alas it's Mattel. At least the idiots could've use horizontal hinge for the weapons holding hands, but no. I will note that I appreciate the use of pinless double joints, although they'll probably look gappy when used, it's such an improvement over the outdated pinned and gappy single joints for the overrated MOTUC line. P.S. Regular figures will cost $24.99, the 9" Skelegod will cost $29.99 and Battle Cat will cost $39.99.
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>>12967 Skeletor looks good, of course. His design is it too simple and great to get butchered. With that being said, I dislike the weird gills on his arms and would've prefer the purple webbed duck feet. His skirt armor should've been dark purple matching his shoulder stripes instead plain unpainted black that doesn't fit that well with the rest of his look. the fist hand look like a reuse from He-Man which is lazy and look unnatural. The gold/yellow staff is shit accessory and he should've come with actual weapon instead. I think his head may glow in dark SPOOKY which is cool, I really hope it does. I'll get him, you just can't say no to a decent Skeletor.
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>>12969 Skelegod look badass and I love his neon 90's color scheme EXTREME. IMO his the best one so far. His design does remind of Gurren Lagann. I wish he came with proper weapon instead of that dinky sword I know it's the power sword, but it does look dinky in his hands and had one fist hand instead of two weapon holding hands for the dinky sword. I need him, he's awesome.
Skeletor should be called skullator since his skull is the only part of his skeleton that's exposed.
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>>12970 I'm not sure how I feel about He-Man, he does look better than how he actually looks in the series. Some pictures his face look kinda bad and in others look great, I'll wait for in hand pictures to have my final verdict.
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Last one in the first wave, Moss Man. I don't like him so much, I prefer the simple look of the vintage toy. I will admit he has cool accessories, the best ones from the entire wave. Maybe a flocked version would look better, but again it's going to be exclusive bullshit. I'm looking forward to see Beast Man and by the looks of Moss Man, he's probably going to be great.
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I already would rather watch this.
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>>12981 >Battle Armor He-Man This really crumples my orkos.
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>>12974 >I don't like him so much, I prefer the simple look of the vintage toy Me too. I had the original and I got the He-Man weapons pack which came with recolored gear, including a yellow Beastman harness, elbow pads, and whip. Three guesses who ended up wearing it, and he was styling as fuck in it.
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>>12957 Goldang, I thought that faggot had lost weight? Did he eat his feelings when the all-female writing room tell him to check his privilege?
>>10924 I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers the 2000's reboot

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>>13042 >I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers the 2000's reboot I grew up with the original. It was okay, but it wasn't the be-all end-all. My son, however, grew up with the 2000s one and I pledged my allegiance to it at the same time he did. It was superior in every way to the original. >Keldor's backstory in bits and pieces (which was interrupted by cancellation, dammit) >Hints at Evilynn's background, and her painful oneitis for a man who would have been king were it not for his brother >Hordak being less of a faggot who couldn't handle a blonde and her girlfriends and more of an eldritch abomination who makes diabolic deals >Teela's mother revealed and holy shit, my childhood headcanon made manifest made me as giddy as I was when Luke walked through the door in ''The Mandalorean" >Prince Adam not looking like a gay He-Man in the slightest, right down to the sword being disguised. >That Battlecat, tho >Teela being feminine AND a kung-fu ass-kicker >Man-E-Faces switching to monster form and getting controlled by Beastman. >the monsters >the lore >the voice-acting >that swordfight between Randor and Skeletor in the first episode Too many awesome things to list. I fell hard for it. My son had the best cartoons when he was wee and he is as sickened as I am by what they have become. Should he have kids, someday, I have been digitally hoarding as many of the classics as I could find. Gargoyles, 2000s TMNT, Batman: TAS and Beyond, and, many others. It will be a cold day in Hell before my grandkids are forced to watch CalArts shit. But back to MOTU. I bought as many of the action figures for him as I could find, and let me tell you, that was hard as fuck, sometimes. Every fucking store would get something like one box in that was nearly always gone before I got there. Someone had stashed Roboto and Orko behind some Barbies, one time (I assume to come back and get them when he had money) and I seized them. No honor among collectors, my friends. It's war, and all is fair etc. etc. My son's collection is as good as I could make it. He loved them then, he loves them now. His kids will love them, too. Fuck Kevin Smith for betraying his own childhood in return for money and clout. Fuck him for betraying OUR childhoods, as well.
>>12981 <12" shampoo bottles I guess it was inevitable. Why Skeletor only have one articulated arm? Also, he practically has no paint. I'm not sure how I feel about the battle armor design, seems too monochromatic and the huge unpainted sword look bootleg tier. As for the character designs and their accompanying toys: >children show Skeletor looks more intimidating than the edgy Kevin Smith crap Skeletor looks really cool and he isn't just rehashed classic design. I hope smaller/regular action figure will do him justice. He-Man CGIshit design look nice, but the toy fails to capture his face; he looks naive and childish and he doesn't have that smirk. In addition, they paint his eyebrows black instead of blonde, I get they want to keep at least some of the classic look, but it's really pointless when this the only thing in common and it just look bad. I'll reserve my judgement until more and better pictures will appear. If they won't have at least 2012 TMNT turtles articulation, I won't bother with this line, though I will get flocked Panthor the bastards at Mattel better make non-exclusive flocked Panthor . >>13004 >I had the original That's awesome! Do you still have him? >Three guesses who ended up wearing it 1. Buzz-Off 2. Whiplash 3. Moss Man >>13045 >My son had the best cartoons when he was wee 90's and early 00's cartoons were the best hands down. >It will be a cold day in Hell before my grandkids are forced to watch CalArts shit Fortunately, there's enough old content to watch without resorting to current crap. TBH, I foolishly dismissed the 2002 He-Man cartoon, I was more into TMNT 2003 which was great. I found out there are many great cartoons when I was a kid that I either miss or forgot due to the passage of time and I'm starting to watch them, and 2002 MOTU is definitely on my list. As for the toys, they were too statuesque and not toyetic enough. >>Teela being feminine AND a kung-fu ass-kicker What seems to be simple task, making badass female character is actually quite tricky as you have balance between two extremes; on the one hand, she still needs to be feminine which can often result in being too sweet, and on the other hand she needs to be tough and stern which more than often result in a cunt character.
>>13005 >Did he eat his feelings when the all-female writing room tell him to check his privilege? He hasn't recovered after the gingers from Clownfish questioned his shit on twitter.
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>>13179 >3. Moss Man Bingo. He was basically a recolor, scenting, and mossening of Beastman. >That's awesome! Do you still have him? Somewhere. He's still in the family. I might have given him to my son since I couldn't find 2000s Mossman, but I'd have to move a bunch of shit to get to it. The other option is my younger brother has it, somewhere. In the meantime, here's this. >I was more into TMNT 2003 which was great. It was a thing of beauty. Especially the crossover special with the 80s turtles and the Eastman & Laird black-and-white turtles. My son's collection of action figures for 2003 TMNT is probably one of the best in the city. I used to get dropped off for work super early back in our single vehicle days and I'd wander around the Walmart near work while I waited, so I'd always find the coolest shit, including the pack that came with the 4 kid versions of the TMNT from that one episode of flashbacks. My daughter, his younger sister, would sneak into his room, nab them, and tuck them into bed in her dollhouse because she thought they were babies.
>>13234 >He hasn't recovered after the gingers from Clownfish questioned his shit on twitter. I'm just going to come right out and say it: I would a Geeky Sparkles.
>>13247 I always thought they were black until I bothered to check their twitter accounts
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>>13278 >I always thought they were black until I bothered to check their twitter accounts Explain. How on earth could you have possibly thought they were-- Wait. It's because of Geeky screaming all the time, isn't it?
>>13278 Why? They don't sound black at all.
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>2003 tmnt somehow, even the incredibly edgy stuff was better back then
>>9813 what is that hes riding? a zoid?
>>13354 Like >>13352 mentioned, also the guy's voice sounds too deep and their uncolored avatars raise a lot of assumptions. I also thought the kids they had for guests were their neighbors.
>>13515 >I also thought the kids they had for guests were their neighbors. Squidking is funnier than both of them put together. The kid is going places if he chooses to.
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'New He-Man Announced Let the poz games begin https://yewtu.be/watch?v=bRcOc8wL4k8
>>13950 >Let the poz games begin What are you talking about, the animation actually looks really well- >Netflix Well, never fucking mind!
>>13950 Netflix worries me but it's not CalArts so we'll see. Maybe Kevin Smith will make it good since he can't stick his kid in it.
>>13952 The plot is about He-man dissappearing, Skel33t0r winning...and... TEELA and her band of misfits setting out to fix everything in a post-fuck-up Eternia Hahahaha You thought you could win this one, you CIS white males?
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>>13950 >"After 40 Years Take Back The Power" Kevin Smith, you unendurable faggot, jump under a fucking garbage truck, drink your own blood, and die. There was a better version LESS THAN 20 YEARS AGO that was a billion times better than the faggy snake oil you're selling. Fucking kill yourself and have Jason Mewes fuck you in the ass as they lower your bloated corpse into the ground, you deviant ship-enabling cunt.
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>>13973 Either that or He-Man is turned into a woman by a horny Skeletor and the story is based on how he/she then rescued by Teela and becomes a feminist icon. Wouldn't exactly put it past them.
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>>13950 Animation and action seem pretty good and it doesn't seem like they're trying something retarded with the plot. Cautiously optimistic even if it's Jewflix.
>>13983 >it doesn't seem like they're trying something retarded with the plot. Ah, you haven't read the synopsis then?
>>13950 There's already He-Man thread >>9813
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>>13983 >and it doesn't seem like they're trying something retarded with the plot. Oh, my sweet summer child...
>>13950 Reddit's answer to She-Rah
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>>13973 hehehehe,AHAHAHAHA!
>>13983 I much rather have a Seth Green Comedy series instead of what Netflix is making.
>>13950 They could have waited until S2 to insert the "Ge-Man defeated" plotline. That's what I would do If I was a subversive element that wanted to jam my pozz rod as deep as possible within society.
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>>10360 >Fortnite designs are more realistically proportioned This is why kids these watch Fartnite with brown dicks getting squirted. >are wonderfully toyetic <Epic Games has better administration over their crap better than what Valve ever did with their TF2 figurines. >>14055 You get the new MODOK series. Was he always been a big fat joke, or is it because of his appearence?
>>12919 ...or simply Teela "found herself" as the fags say.
>>14079 Both.
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>>14079 >>14085 >Was he always been a big fat joke, or is it because of his appearence? He was designed to be horrifiying to look at it, and in universe people have fainted because he's horrifiying to look at. Him being a joke is a fairly recent development because modern writers can't have villians with odd apperances not be a joke.
>>11000 Heh I prevented this from ever happening to me by telling my nephew that Funko Pops are shit and Rick and Morty isn't worth watching. Bullet Dodged.
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>>12957 >>13005 That pic is old as fuck he looks a like a cancer patient now
>>13045 >headcanon Stares at you with deep concern >giddy as I was when Luke walked through the door in ''The Mandalorean" So you like bad CGI huh?
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>>14099 I like HOPE, nigger. I like my childhood hero restored to some semblance of respect and honor. There hasn't been much of it on the ground, lately. I would have been just as happy if it was geriatric Mark Hamill carrying a carboard cutout in front of him while doing the lines. The CGI will be fixed, or it won't, but I saw the Jedi I loved standing strong, not the lie (((they))) tried to sell us.
>>14098 One hit wonder redditor on his 50s who only makes films as inside jokes just to feel smart about himself. >Batman pissed his pants. Haha
>>14133 Which reminds me, that faggot never finished that series, did he? He just up and left Bruce's girlfriend bleeding to death from an unresolved cliffhanger.
You know just the other day I saw the old live action movie again. It wasn't really all that bad other than the strange decision to make Skeletor have a partially fleshy face and inventing a completely new character to replace Orko.
>>14291 It wasn't He-man at all. That's why it's bad. The fact the story is terrible & the acting isn't even good ham is the layers under the shitty cake.
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>>14291 The problem with the movie is the problem we have with some other live-action other-worldly properties like that: some fuckwit director/studio exec wants it all to take place on Earth (or Earthlike planet) to save money on sets or because he just doesn't have the imagination. Transformers is a good example. Sonic the Hedgehog is the most recent property I can think of where they did that, but there are probably others announced since then.
>>14294 Transformers did largely take place on Earth in most of its classic stories, though. While there are a lot of great Transformers stories that take place in other times or places, present-day Earth is their most "classic" setting. Beast Wars is better than G1 anyway, but we'll never see that get a movie. Which I guess is a blessing, with how movies are now. Sonic just pisses me off because they could have just done what the games did and skip the alternate dimension shit, which only makes it so they can't adapt stories from the games without heavy alterations, and also resulted in them vastly changing Sonic's character, so now instead of a carefree cool guy he's actually lonely because he's lived in total isolation for years since he came from the other dimension. Would it have been so hard to just let it be a Roger Rabbit type world where some people happen to be cartoons? Or worst case scenario, just say all the animal characters are from magic islands that humans never encountered before (and later you can say they did but secretly, which is what happens in the games anyway). Still slightly different from the games, but not so much that you'd need to change large parts of the story. A Sonic movie could have taken place in a city and not been retarded. Sonic Adventure 2 basically takes place in San Francisco anyway.
>>14297 >Beast Wars is better than G1 anyway, but we'll never see that get a movie. Ahahahahaahahahah! Guess what was announced today, anon?!
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>>14301 Anon clearly forgot to be careful with his magic.
>>14301 >Guess what was announced today, anon?! <Michael Bay's Beast Wars Why do you crave my tears, anon?
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>>14342 Well actually it's not Michael Bay. It's a sequel to the Bumblebee reboot movie that will include the Beast Wars characters in 90s Chicago. Still yes I wished to cause you pain.
>>14344 Somehow even worse than I ever could have imagined. Is it so hard to just make something that's actually like the thing that was good enough to adapt in the first place?
>>14344 > Beast Wars characters in 90s Chicago >Beast >wars >Chicago And the cherry on top would be to make the film happen during one of the years the Chicago Bulls won the NBA championship.
>>14358 Apparently Hollywood thinks it is.
>>12970 >skelegod fucking radical
>>14344 >Well actually it's not Michael Bay. Yeah yeah, except Bumblebee, for all that they pretended it was a reboot, still carried over the usual Bayshit >ridiculously over-complicated transformations >Bumblebee is, again, a fucking mute for some dumbfuck reason >focuses more on the fucking humans than on the Transformers, themselves Bumblebee was, at best, derivative of the Michael Bay style. I'm tired of faggots and pedophiles ruining the things I loved and the heroes I looked up to in my youth. >pic related: I wish Patrick Stewart would finally die from Gandalf's AIDS, already.
>>14690 Wasn't Bumblebee made to be a prequel but then they just decided to say at the last second "nevermind, it's a reboot!" As if they think anyone autistic enough to hate Bayformers while liking Transformers overall won't be autistic enough to see through their charade?
>>14712 As has been said before (On 8/co/), the continuity of the Bayformers films went out the window with the third one.
>>14712 I would rather it be a reboot than a prequel to Bayformers, because I can tell which transformer is which instead of having to guess because Bay is a hack that decided "shards of metal everywhere" was a good aesthetic.
>>14724 >I would rather it be a reboot than a prequel to Bayformers Except he reformats himself to be the Bay Camaro at the end of Bumblebee Look, I want it as much as anyone, and seeing Optimus done right is awesome, but it's based on the Bay franchise and it's why I don't trust the so-called Beast Wars that's coming out.
Managed to find a recent torrent for seasons one and two of the 2002 MotU >mfw
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Reviews of the Masterverse line came out. He-Man face is bad and he has weird ugly proportions for his body; the shoulders are huge, the torso is narrow and has tube shape (whereas in the new cartoon he has the typical Y/upside trapezoid shape) and gap between the lower torso to the articulated diaphragm joint, longass thick legs that are wider than his torso which gives off almost female proportions. Skeleltor share the same badly sculpted torso, hut his legs are shorter and less thick and his shoulder/torso armor helps to hide it better. Looks like Skeletor head doesn't glow in the dark as I hoped oof . The fabric used for Skeletor' and Skelegod' cape is cheap felt fabric (not surprising considering the state of Barbie). The articulation isn't as impressive as it might've look (small ball joints for the hips in 2021 and you can't straighten the arms) , but still better than Mattel previous poor offerings. Some figures suffer from QC issues, specifically Skelegod (loose joints, mostly the ankles) which is greatly unfortunate because he's the best looking one. I still want Skeletor and Skelegod. >>14690 >looking up to actors as heroes There's your problem anon. >>14757 >recent torrent Can you share it here or in the Share Thread?
I tried to find Ram-Man everywhere back in 2003 and couldn't find him. In 2021, every time I go to Walmart, ALL I find are the following: >Ram-Man. A LOT of Ram-Man. Like RIDICULOUS amounts of Ram-Man who was also hard to find back in the 80s. There's a glut of Ram-Man. >Clamp-Champ, because blacks don't have enough money to buy him and whites don't want an action figure that's going to rape their She-Ra and Teela >Prince Adam with a motherfucking Magenta Power Sword for some reason. That's it. That's all that's ever there, unless you count the bizarre WWE tie-ins. They aren't moving, either, because it's not fucking 1985 when people actually wanted wrestling action figures. Meanwhile, I'm lucky if I can find any Transformers that aren't the shitty kiddie toys or the equally shitty Bayformer releases. Saw Dinobot and Huffer one day (both hard to find), but only had enough cash for one, and Dinobot was $50+. Fucking rip-off artists.
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>>15120 >They aren't moving, either, because it's not fucking 1985 when people actually wanted wrestling action figures. But there's Old Macho Man bro.... with battle armor... Don't let him die for nothing! >Clamp-Champ, because blacks don't have enough money to buy him and whites don't want an action figure that's going to rape their She-Ra and Teela Than swap out Mr. Clamp for Mr. T, the only Hero who keeps melting down other people's gold to make his armor.
>>15120 >Dinobot was $50+. Fucking rip-off artists. As a person that owned Hasbruh Transmetal Beast Wars figures, I don't agree with those absurd prices either. $15-20 seems more reasonable. My yardsale Megatron was severely loose and couldn't stand on its own. So, I had to use twigs to make scale tree crutches.
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>>15144 WTF? I've NEVER seen those figures. It's always some guys who came after my time as a WWF fan. Lots of facepaint (not Sting or Ultimate Warrior). >>15151 >$15-20 seems more reasonable. I bought ORIGINAL Dinobot for $10 back in the day. I expect there to be inflation, but this is an outright money-grab. I bought a lot of Combiner Wars guys for $10-$15, and now, a few years later, the same level of action figure is $30! If anyone cares, I was looking for a Seeker in Cybertronian mode, but I could never find a color I really liked except some bullshit Target exclusive that scalpers grabbed. Then they came out with the rust-zombie figs and I pounced on the Sparkless Seeker. Dude is done in green and brown to simulate rust, but in plane mode he looks like he's camouflaged. That shit is cash.
>>14297 >we'll never get a Mobius Sonic movie RIP bunny and chipmunk.
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>>15120 >Saw Dinobot and Huffer one day (both hard to find), but only had enough cash for one, and Dinobot was $50+. You are talking about an old Dinobot figure and not the newest one right? I've found them pretty commonly at Walmarts across my state. Its hard to see, but this store had 3 Dinobots at the standard price.
>>15152 To me, they're not worth $39.99-100 and not even anywhere over the $20 range. Even If they had diecast features like the Takara G1s. >I've NEVER seen those figures. My cousin had a collection of those types of figures. He wanted to give them to me when I was a kid. But I was more into trains. >That shit is cash Goodness. They sure are.
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>>15190 >mfw I got the one on the left and know where I can get the one on the right
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>>15158 >You are talking about an old Dinobot figure and not the newest one right? The newest one > I've found them pretty commonly at Walmarts across my state. Its hard to see, but this store had 3 Dinobots at the standard price. I'm a fucking leaf. We get toy-cucked every single fucking time. To get anything it's either pure luck, local buy&sell website, or else paying BBTS's extortionate shipping prices.
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New Faker figure for the upcoming Revelation series. He is no longer blue and instead look like Terminator copycat, for muh realism of course...boring. >>15093 Thanks anon! >>15120 >>15151 >>15152 >>15158 >>15190 >>15193 Toy collecting have gone to shit in last years, especially now with the Kung Flu; hiking prices of toys and shipping, rampant scalping and awful distribution. As for Hasbro, their last good Transformers toyline was Prime, it had good painting, no cheapskate hollow parts and was (pure) playline made for kids, instead of the divide to crappy overpriced *knockoff tier playline for kids and the overpriced adult collector wannabe playline for adults. I did like some of the Titans Return figures due to the fun headmaster gimmick. *Actually, real knockoffs of TF have better quality than Hasblow, Wei Jiang shall be missed. I can only hope Mattel actually put effort into He-Man kids toyline, but I wouldn't hold my breath considering the first leaks of the toys and how Mattel' main brand, Barbie, is being treated.
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>>15192 Thing about the one on the right is - if it's got severe undisclosed flaws, such as cracks in the torso, that be a lot of money wasted. >>15193 I had hoped to rebuild my collection. But I just cannot afford it. The Kenner figures alone will run a high bill. Most of those were thrift store and yardsale goodies. Nowadays, toy pickers clean such places out. Never had the Prime line. But those were nice. I watched the Phicen/seamless action figure popularity grow from the start. The right company could knock both Hasbro and Mattel out of the water with affordable, robust seamless Barbie-type dolls and action figures. A He-Man with accessories alone would rack in the cash.
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>>15192 >>15190 I've seen both of them a few times, the Primal 2 pack more then the sparkless, but nether of them looked all that good to be honest. The Sparkless looks like shit and the Primal has a worse paint job then the normal one
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>>15211 >The Sparkless looks like shit He's actually pretty sweet, but it's down to one's preferences, I guess. The ship mode is why I got him. It looks less like rust and more like camo. >pic related: they did a better job on the rust simulation on Sparkless "Prowl"
>>15217 I hate to break it to you but they both look like shit.
>>15280 They're supposed to look like shit, anon. They're soulless husks that have been sitting around for millennia, gathering rust before being reanimated. It's obviously a taste thing, though. If you like the idea of zombie Transformers, like me, then they're good additions for the shelves o'plastic robots. If one is not a fan of the concept, like you, then they won't appeal. That's cool by me. I don't think you're in the minority, either, which worked out fine for yours truly as I was able to find both of them no problem and I got the Seeker for $10 off. I will say one thing, though: they put a lot more effort into the car zombie's paint scratches and rust.
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Revelation Scare Glow SDCC exclusive figure to Mattel Creations (the non-crowdfunding equivalent to Haslab). The exclusive version comes in a fancy packaging that includes LED. The figure also has a wired cape, but I'm not sure if it's limited to the exclusive version. Wow, they fucked him up, a simple design like Scare Glow...barely any skeleton bones detail painted, stupid ugly skirt and boots covering his bony legs. The only good thing about him is the combined glow in dark power sword. >>15210 >I had hoped to rebuild my collection. But I just cannot afford it I'm truly sorry, anon, I wish you luck despite the grim situation. >toy pickers you mean toy resellers. >Never had the Prime line. But those were nice Neither do I, never saw the ones I wanted in stores. >action figure Those are action dolls, they have fabric clothes. >seamless It's a bad idea from the following reasons: 1. it's not durable due to the nature of rubber and will eventually have cracks and disintegrate unlike hard plastic 2. It's not toyetic , the lack of visible joints ruin the aesthetics and also make it not easy and fun to pose 3. It looks like mini sex doll and therefore it's creepy and disgusting. The people who do like it, usually use it for dis play....the only type of toys that should be seamless are stretch toys or toys filled with liquid and such like Heroes of Goo Jit Zu toys. >knock both Hasbro and Mattel out of the water Mattel and Hasbro are both big toy companies, hence their main target audience, despite stupidly neglecting it, is still kids. Both of those idiot companies are walking into the path of doom and they know it, yet they do very little to avoid it; Hasbro tried and I think still trying to turn into media company and make MCU equivalent but with their toy brands (can't wait for their second attempt at live-action G.I. Joe to flop!) and at the same time continue to lazily pander to adult collectors (which are niche market) while churning out garbage for kids. Mattel is even in more pathetic and sad state as they can barely reach adult collectors and lost both Disney and DC (good, shame they still have it for girl toys which is why DCSHG have shitty dolls) licenses and almost got bought by Hasbro twice the horror ! As far as toy companies who kick this duopoly' ass; there were Jazzwares and McFarlane who did great, affordable and high value Fortnite action figures which led Hasbro to pull Toybiz 2.0 and outbid them for the license...luckily both companies have other major licenses and Jazwares still get to make 4" and under action figures. MGA who almost got killed by Mattel' bullshit lawsuit, rose from the ashes like Phoenix and has three-five successful high quality fashion doll lines (Rainbow High, LOL OMG and LOL BTW, Na! Na! Na! Surprise and Na! Na! Na! Surprise Teens) and even more to come, giving renaissance to fashion dolls and competition to shit quality Barbie. In fact, even more toy companies have start to jump on the (playline) fashion doll bandwagon such as Playmates (Miraculous Ladybug and Billie Eilish I know, wish it was Bjork, dammit! ) , Moose Toys (failed Capsule Chix and possibly going to fail #FailFix), Spin Master (upcoming Mermaid High) and some smaller lesser known companies as Just Play (Hairdorables and Hairmazing) and Far Out Toys (upcoming Glo-Up Girls which look very promising).
>CTRL+F >Orko >none found for today's date I take it no one has told you all, yet.
>>15365 Well don't leave us in the dark.
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>>15365 I know what your dread secret is, anon. It doesn't matter. It's only canon if WE believe it's canon, and Smith can go fuck himself. >>15374 Smith's killing him off.
>>15376 It's okay. Only the dead can know peace from this torment.
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>>15387 >Only the dead can know peace from this torment. Time to give Smith the peace he's been begging for.
>>15365 >>15376 >Orko >Smith's killing him off. Lemme guess, it's to try and appeal to those who hated him from the old show because of the misguided attempts to appeal to these types of boomer fucks.
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>>15399 The 80s cartoons were rife with "magicians who couldn't do magic to save their lives" for some dumbass reason, but Orko stood out from the rest. That said, I couldn't care less about Smithorko. He looks like a fag.
>>15399 This is the same Kevin Smith whose genius idea for a Batman villain was a guy who shoots a gun and then says "Bang"
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Here you go.
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>>15429 >>15430 >>15431 Christ all fucking mighty I want these cunts dead.
I don't really care for this franchise. He-Man himself looks like a generic conan-clone and a lot of the other characters look dumb.
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>>15429 if writers keep up their subversion obsession streak, there might come a day in which some one snaps and decides to subverts the non-verbal agreement of "you don't kill me, i don't kill you" that civilization tends to have, to an extent.
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>>15467 Hate to point out the obvious, but /co/ only exists to hate. Don't piss in his cornflakes because he didn't have a dog in the race. He can soon learn to hate this as incandescently as the rest of us. >>15462 >I don't really care for this franchise. Having said all that, why the fuck are you in here? Go to the Questionable Malcontent thread. >>15476 >if writers keep up their subversion obsession streak, there might come a day in which some one snaps and decides to subverts the non-verbal agreement of "you don't kill me, i don't kill you" that civilization tends to have, to an extent. Roll on that happy day.
>>15432 >I want these cunts dead. As you should want to do to all Gen X to Zip hipster shits that keep wanting to do shitty vanity corpo projects .
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No one told me He-man is now black through his ancestor, nu King Grayskull. For reference, here's King Grayskull in the 2000s series. Then here's nu King Grayskull in the comic & even in the trailer. By the way, the fact Adam looks nothing like how he did in the original show really does drive home the point that the idea that this is a continuation of the original is absolute bullshit.
>>15491 More like Kang Greyskull.
>>15400 >The 80s cartoons were rife with "magicians who couldn't do magic to save their lives" for some dumbass reason It's an easy question: Magic is too broad and ruins most plots if it actually worked. The only workaround is to give clear, thoughout, limits to magic, but that takes way too much effort for something that isn't the central focus of a show.
>>15477 >He can soon learn to hate this as incandescently as the rest of us I don't like the pozzing of any franchise, but I didn't add that disclaimer to my previous post because I wanted to see how you'd react. You reacted as expected.
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>>15497 Not the guy you are replying too, but what's your point? >I posted bait, you treated it as such. The replies weren't even that asshurt. What was the "proper" way to reply in your view?
>>15498 He's a retard Anon, nothing more to it.
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>>15491 >Teela looks like a man >Adam looks like a woman >Grayskull He-Nog somehow managed to sire super-white (and one notable blue) descendants I guess we can officially add Kevin Smith to the "Traitors of Creativity" deathlist. Hard to believe this is the same guy who gave us Clerks
>>15505 I mean what was the genius of Clerks? It was that kevin smith was working in that shitty convenience store while filming. He portrayed reality because he was living it. And let's not forget the horseshit sequel clerks 2. The dudes a hack.
>>15505 There was an older comic that showed that Skeletor is Adam's uncle through being his father's half brother. Same father but different mother.
>>15506 Clerks was impressive for being a relatively well made movie that was actually entertaining on a low budget. Smith and others (like producer Scott Moser) knew his limitations and worked well within them. I also liked his next bunch of movies to varying degrees. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back is hilarious, and I definitely wouldn't call Clerks 2 horseshit. However, once Seth Rogan got him addicted to weed, and he started just casting his daughter in movies that were literally "jokes" he came up with while high on his podcast, I completely lost interest. He was clearly making these movies only for himself, and that's fine, but it's not for me. But then I watched Jay & Silent Bob 2. Or I tried to watch it. I loved Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, and liked the rest of the movies they were in. But then it became about his fat ugly daughter and her affirmative action friend calling Jay and Silent Bob assholes, which they are and would be fine, except also it's trying to make them the next Jay & Silent Bob, since he recognizes that modern movies replace male protagonists with female ones as a rule, but even when acknowledging it, he does it and plays it straight. And it doesn't work. Jay and Silent Bob are losers and that's the point. Jay talks about getting pussy and doing degenerate shit but part of why it's funny is because we know he rarely gets pussy and his degeneracy is why he's a loser drug dealer that hangs out in front of a store all day. Replace him with a girl and it doesn't work, because you know that she isn't failing when she talks about sucking cock. You know she's sucking as much cock as she wants, and a character that should be a loser actually succeeding isn't funny, as least when they succeed without trying, like going through a whole adventure to get a goal, like Jay does in Strikes Back, or without being a side character whose bizarre success serves to contrast against the protagonist's own failures for black comedy purposes, as Jay might be contrasted with Dante, for example. And I could go on about all the artistic reasons the movie is awful, but really I'll just say one more fundamental one: I don't want to watch Kevin Smith sit there next to his teenage daughter as she speaks dialogue he wrote about how much she loves sucking cock, and especially since we're supposed to think she's cool for it, and the characters that think she shouldn't act like this are losers. Kevin Smith made a name for himself by being an outsider and not being hollywood. Evidently, he embraced that aspect of hollywood, at least.
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>>15506 >I mean what was the genius of Clerks? Whoa. No one said anything about "genius." But it was fun, except for the bit with "Snowball" and Dante's whore girlfriend. Then someone made the mistake of telling Silent Bob that he was super-deep and we ended up with shit like Chasing Amy, which stopped being watchable about ten minutes in when the "Whitey-Killing Coon" bit was done.
>>15511 clerks was ok, and so was mallrats, everything else sucks ass. including jay and silent bob strike back. I wasn't aware he had made another sequel. Christ that sounds awful. >>15526 Chasing Amy was so fucking bad.
>>15511 >Replace him with a girl and it doesn't work, because you know that she isn't failing when she talks about sucking cock. You know she's sucking as much cock as she wants, and a character that should be a loser actually succeeding isn't funny, So make her a lesbian or have her talk about how many men lick her pussy easier to find a guy who will let you suck his dick then find a guy willing to go down on a whore
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>>15510 >Same father but different mother. Right, that's what I'm saying. They're both still He-Nog's future progeny via their father, his descendant. Unless there's been a major change to canon I haven't heard of, Adam's mom is actually originally from Earth. And before anyone says a damned thing, explain pic related existing without at least one Terran in the royal court.
>>15534 Yeah his mom is from Earth canonically in the original series. So despite what Kevin Smith claims, they'll probably ignore that & many more lore bits in this new show.
>>15535 >Yeah his mom is from Earth canonically in the original series. Actually that origin has remained the same in just about all of the variants of figures. So Kevn's pure retardation on his vantiy project is just about chucking all of more or less standard lore. All Kevin had to do was just steal the plot lines from the MOTU 200X / Classics Cannon and tell the story of how Adam becomes King He Man and we'd all be done with it.
>>15535 > they'll probably ignore that & many more lore bits in this new show. If we're talking technical stuff Mattel doesn't own the rights to He-man in animation, they sold it whole sale to Filmation which is now owned by DreamWorks Classics. Because of this difference neither one can actually continue 80's He-man proper. So, if either wants to have an animated show, then they need to do some changes (25% if we're going by what Disney needed to change to avoid paying George more merchandise checks) to legally have its made. Mattel can sell all the classics they want but they would need to share the revenue (and other creative decisions) with Dreamworks if they ever wanted to make a proper sequel. It doesn't excuse Revelations though, they probably wanted to sell "classic" like toys to a brand new show and hired Kevin thinking he's a "nerd" to direct with Neflix funding the animation. They realized at the last moment the shitshow happening and capped toy production, which is why we're seeing such an odd show of characters chosen for the toyline.
>>15543 >Because of this difference neither one can actually continue 80's He-man proper. It's fucking nu-Star Trek all over again.
>>15537 >So Kevn's pure retardation on his vantiy project Not to give that sagging sack of shit the benefit of the doubt or anything, but... We all know by now that some projects acquire a "face" to give it nerd cred while some wymynx cunts and homosexuals make it depraved while telling the front man to check his privilege and shut the fuck up. Kathleen Kennedy is the most recent example I can think of, with Jon Favreau and the Jewish-Italian Cowboy taking the flak for her ancient feminist decisions. What are the chances that Not-So-Silent-Bob is a powerless figurehead for this?
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>>15511 I've never bothered with either Clerks 2, Jay and Silent Bob ReBoot, or Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie! The only continuation of Clerks I've seen is that animated series thing. Mallrats and Dogma are alright. But I'd rather watch Bio-Dome about 20-times before Chasing Amy.
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>>15566 >But I'd rather watch Bio-Dome about 20-times before Chasing Amy.
>>15530 Well that isn't what Smith did. Also, while your spoiler section might technically be correct, it still isn't enough to make it believable that she would be a loser that consistently fails at that goal. You'd need to have quite a cartoony, AKA unrealistic character, as well as setting and tone, to make the audience truly stretch disbelief that far. While Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back was a bit cartoony, the sequel was not.
>>15573 Hell, I'll throw in some It's Pat! and Theodore Rex. >>15582 >While Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back was a bit cartoony, the sequel was not. Yeah, the first wasn't such a lovely tea party. I did get some laughs out of it though.
>>15608 >It's Pat! and Theodore Rex. Let's not say anything we can't take back, anon.
>>15611 Theodore Rex is hilarious. It's Whoopi Goldberg and a Dinosaur doing a good cop/bad cop thing, and Whoopi Goldberg is the bad cop. Legitimately great idea. And the fact that Whoopi Goldberg hated the movie so much that she sued to not be in it, and lost the case and was forced to be in it, shows during the movie, where her rage for every moment of being on set shows, and helps the bad cop performance. Kubrick would be proud.
>>15614 The problem is the movie sets up this world of living dinosaurs but doesn't explain how they have human intelligence, why they're psychic, what they eat regularly besides... cookies, or why the bad guy would make intelligent harmless dinosaurs to begin with instead of cloning animals like a raccoon. Which I think the movie says are extinct.
Started watching it just to see if it's truly as bad as the rumors say. I cannot stand how Netflix keeps using this animation studio for every action animation. It's always done in such a low framerate. There's no excuse for a company that throws money around so willy nilly to animate at less than 48 frames at least. Feels like less than 24.
Gee I wonder if they're gonna turn this on it's head later.
>>15615 The tone of the movie does not lead neurotypical people to ask those questions. I also don't look at Barney and ask why he is able to talk. >>15616 >There's no excuse for a company that throws money around so willy nilly to animate at less than 48 frames at least. Per second? Hasn't 24 always been the standard for live action? And animation very frequently works on twos or even threes, so 12 or even 8. Not that that's good (though done at the right moments it can be less noticeable), but 24 is the standard. You're asking for the standard since nearly the dawn of film to be changed. Which is fine, but don't say it as if it should be taken for granted, and these people are weird for not doing it. They would be absolutely groundbreaking if they did what you suggest.
>>15619 Barney isn't a serious murder mystery buddy cop drama. Nigger this is Netflix. The biggest streaming platform in the world. If innovation isn't coming from them then how is western animation ever going to improve?!
>>15619 And again if 24 is the standard then this is using 12 because you can very fucking noticeably tell & feel the weight of slow heavy animation.
They've killed off Trapjaw.
>>15620 >Barney isn't a serious murder mystery buddy cop drama. I wouldn't call Theodore Rex "serious." It's a pretty lighthearted children's movie. More serious than my hyperbolic example of Barney, sure, but still not really serious enough to beg the more serious questions being asked in that post. Might as well ask why some people in Roger Rabbit are cartoons. >>15621 Oh well yeah I wouldn't put that past them at all. I'm sure they go to 8fps very frequently. All cartoons do this to a degree. Clever use at specific moments can be okay, but Netflix cartoons aren't known for actual good animation techniques.
After Skeletor destroys the heart of Eternia that stores it's magic, He-man is forced to use the sword of power as a conduit for the excessive magic force or else the universe would be destroyed. This divided the sword & reverted He-man back to Adam. In a flash, both Adam & Skeletor disappeared. Teela gave up her old life because she didn't like being lied to about He-man's identity. Now Evil Lynn wants to fix everything because without magic Eternia will die. >>15624 I wouldn't call a murder mystery a children's movie. Especially when Theodore Rex goes into a dinosaur cabaret show & romances the singer later. It's just a very poor attempt at a buddy cop comedy.
>>15625 >I wouldn't call a murder mystery a children's movie. Especially when Theodore Rex goes into a dinosaur cabaret show & romances the singer later. It's just a very poor attempt at a buddy cop comedy. It's a buddy cop comedy for children. All the things you say used to be fine in children's movies at the time. It's not like they show titties at the cabaret show or something. You just live in a very puritanical world.
>>15626 Regardless if it's for children or all ages, the point is the world building sucks. A movie needs to have an internal logic to it. The movie's world doesn't make sense. Worst of all it just isn't funny.
>>15627 You're autistic for wanting those details. But yeah it isn't actually funny.
Kevin Smith must have been the voice acting director because way too many of these picks related to Batman. Mark Hamill is Skeleton, King Randor is Brave & The Bold Batman, & Kevin Conroy is Mer-Man. Smith is such a fucking manchild. >>15628 >autistic Where do you think you are? Yes believe it or not, details matter when you're making a fictional world.
>>15629 >Yes believe it or not, details matter when you're making a fictional world. When you're making a world, people make the mistake of thinking they need realism. No, they need verisimilitude. You just need to make it feel real enough, which is accomplished largely with tone. If your tone is more cartoonish, you can get away with less realistic things. This is why Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back could get away with Mark Hamill getting his hand cut off by a real working lightsaber, while Clerks could not. Theodore Rex is a buddy cop comedy about dinosaurs. I don't need the details you're asking for for that movie to have enough verisimilitude to pass.
Okay Trapjaw is fine. >>15630 I never said realism. I said their has to be internal logic. The villain's plan makes no sense if he bothered making an entire sentient race just for the kicks. If he did it for the sake of them serving him loyally then it'd make sense. Who wouldn't want a dinosaur man army controlled ala Order 66?
>>15631 >The villain's plan makes no sense if he bothered making an entire sentient race just for the kicks. Sure it does. It's a very cartoony movie.
Check out the scepter clipping into the railing. THEY FUCKING DREW THIS & YET IT HAS CLIPPING LIKE IT'S A FUCKING CGI PRODUCTION!
So, how painful is this shit? Thinking about watching it just to call a friend of mine out of his bullshit.
Orko's real name isn't Orko.
>>15638 His real name is Oracle.
>>15639 >>15638 No, seriously, how painful is this shit? because these captions already feel like a needle in the spine.
Okay so they're very blatantly continuing to tease that Teela is the daughter of the Sorceress of Grayskull. Now in Subternia to retrieve the first half of the sword of power, Teela is being tested by Scare Glow to face her fear in exchange for the sword. They're really trying to hammer in "You're stronger than you think you are" but that kind of message doesn't work when Teela herself doesn't know who she really is. And yes this is absolutely the Teela show. He-man is only really in the first episode. The rest are flashback appearances or Scare Glow taking his form. >>15640 I'm almost done.
>>15641 Seriously this just doesn't work. Teela, again doesn't know she's the Sorceresses' daughter. So how can she be lying to herself that she's oh so special? She's shown no aptitude for using magic either so it's not like she's afraid of her power. She has no idea if she has it to begin with.
>>15642 Plain & simply, she's just a Mary Sue. Not as bad as Rey though. No no far from that level at least. But still. It's fucking lame.
She beats Scare Glow & takes the sword... somehow... through just willpower. I guess.
In her right hand in the first shot. In her left hand after she jumps down. How? How do you make such a blatant mistake like this in a 2021 production with infinite money backing you?
The rumor was true. Orko dies. I guess.
I guess Adam really is dead too because he's in Preternia. Which they refer to as Heaven.
>>15646 Oh good they're ripping off Tolkien. What a shit show.
And here's Grayskull. For context, they're participating in a friendly hunting chase with other spirits. The whole time, Adam keeps eating shit while Teela just gracefully styles on him & saves him. Before Adam just eats dirt for no reason. So basically just an excuse to emasculate Adam while showing off just how so super cool Teela is.
I'm pretty sure Grayskull is voiced by the All State guy.
So Preternia isn't Heaven then. It's just a realm for the heroes & magical mythical creatures when they die? That's fucking stupid!
>>15651 Even in this they have to push some hard fedoratipping.
Skeletor won. Not like they didn't fucking spoil this with having Skelegod in the first line of figures.
>>15652 While they are in the literal afterlife of all things. I hate Kevin Smith so fucking much.
Reminder to writers everywhere that being a fucking bitch does not make a woman a strong character! It makes her a selfish unreasonable bitch!
>>15654 You can't fedoratip when you have literal gods. If the gods aren't just lovecraftian entities or just very advanced aliens you can use this shit just to be edgy. >>15657 This is fucking disgusting, and it's always going on. <<Sorry for dying even if I kept sacrificing myself for you all to act like selfish retards after I'm gone. <<Sorry for being imprisoned by you and being crippled by your actions. I wish someone had the balls to write a comic or a cartoon calling this shitty feminist stereotype.
>>15639 What the fuck?
>>15646 >Last pic Disgusting in so many ways. >>15653 >Skeletor won So that's it? Everybody died? Thank God. >>15659 >I wish someone had the balls to write a comic or a cartoon calling this shitty feminist stereotype. So make a comic about Adam marrying Teela so they can have a happy family together?
>>15663 No one died. Adam got stabbed & Skeletor took the sword without anyone else trying to stop him. Next "season" is more than likely going to be Teela becoming the new champion taking back the sword.
>>15663 More like generic beta male character calls out the bullshit of female "protagonist". In this twisted time subversion is getting back to normal.
I hope Kevin Smith has another heart attack and dies, whilst driving, with his daughter in the passenger seat.
>>15654 >>15659 Not a He-man expert, but I would assume a toy franchise wouldn't have touched things like the afterlife or gods.
>>15667 >I would assume a toy franchise wouldn't have touched things like the afterlife or gods Fucking 80s science fiction built upon spirituality and religious symbolism. Jedi and sith are religions pre-Disney Star Wars. Robocop an literal Jesus metaphor.
>>15669 >Jedi and sith are religions pre-Disney Star Wars. Robocop an literal Jesus metaphor. Well, yeah, but nobody was using a cross.
>>15670 >>15669 Since when was Robocop a religious metaphor???
>>15672 >Since when was Robocop a religious metaphor??? Paul Verhoeven always intended robocop to be a Jesus metaphor. >The point of Robocop, of course, it is a Christ story. It is about a guy who gets crucified in the first 50 minutes, and then is resurrected in the next 50 minutes, and then is like the supercop of the world, but is also a Jesus figure as he walks over water at the end. >Walking over water was in the steel factory in Pittsburgh, and there was water there, and I put something just underneath the water so he could walk over the water and say that wonderful line, >I am not arresting you anymore.” Meaning, I’m going to shoot you. And that is of course the American Jesus. http://mmcelhaney.blogspot.com/2010/04/paul-verhoeven-robocop-was-jesus.html?m=0
>>15673 That.... is some really bullshit connected. Jesus would not appreciate being depicted as a violent killer.
>>15674 >God doesn’t smite sinners Delta city a metaphor for Babylon tower.
>>15675 Yes Old Testament God. Jesus didn't kill people.
>>15676 But Jesus didn't came to bring peace but a sword.
>>15677 It wasn't a literal sword slicing off people's balls.
>>15678 It is in the director's cut.
>>15669 And lets not forget terminator. John Conner. JC immaculate birth, savior of mankind.
>>15666 i mean, digits are a bit easier to attain in slow boards, but still... checked
>>15644 She's a woman, so of course
>>15669 What I was saying was, I didn't expect the fluff of an old toy franchise to contain its own pantheon.
>Kevin smith not only lied about he-man not being the main character in master of the universe reboot >He and journalists slandered clownfish tv on twitter >Mundanematt shills for Kevin smith and advocated for clownfish tv to be banned on YouTube >Clownfish TV was right 100% and Mundanematt Aka Matt Jarbo still white knighting Kevin smith >Mundanematt discord event trying to dox clownfish tv in name of Netflix and Kevin smith honor Clownfish tv about to become /co/ own Scott cawthon. Journalists and bread tubers call for blood. Double Reminder leftists bread tuber Mundanematt admitted to an attempted rape of a young girl and assaulting her little brother for protecting her. Communists are the biggest corporate shills in the west. https://youtu.be/2G1ScO6YB-w https://youtu.be/a3N55_5xY0M
>>15692 >I didn't expect the fluff of an old toy franchise to contain its own pantheon. This was common in 80s toys.
>>15704 Even Bionicle had this whole lore to it. Fleshed out further in books & comics.
>>15653 Why do the heroes live in a skull castle but the villain has a skullface? Seems kind of contradictory.
>>15707 I think it has something to do with the original creation of The Masters of the Universe brand when He-Man was just a techno-magic barbarian and didn't transform. I don't remember the finer points because it's been years since I read up on it.
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>>15657 That moment there. I just want to frame it.It's perfectly tone deaf and represents the modern times we live in. 20 years from now this will be a great example of how not to write characters.
>>15707 Well in this show, the skull appearance is a disguise to hide the real castle that houses the magic of the universe.
>>15667 >>15669 >Not a He-man expert, but I would assume a toy franchise wouldn't have touched things like the afterlife or gods. It's not like it's limited to He-Man. Transformers is autistic as fuck with its afterlife and everything, and it's a key element of the franchise. I'm willing to bet GI Joe did some retarded shit in regards to religion as well. '80s Marvel (for the Hasbro stuff) and DC (for He-Man and some others) had a lot of influence on the lore of toy franchises since they were hired to make the comics, which made a lot of the early lore.
>>15633 Layering errors are very common in a lot of cartoons. Especially '80s stuff like He-Man. Not that it's good, it's awful, but it's weird that you never heard of it or noticed it before. A lot of shows, probably including the original He-Man, have way worse examples than this.
>>15712 This isn't the 80s anymore.
>>15543 Wait, there are Revelations toys? Three toy lines in total?
>>15616 >I cannot stand how Netflix keeps using this animation studio for every action animation Yeah, I'm also sick of Powerhouse garbage, it's either them or Mir or some generic jap studio, is it really that hard to find a decent animation studio? For god's sake, just look on the internet, the guy that makes Tales Of Alethirion, it's better animated and that was done by one fucking guy
>>15715 Yeah, didn't you read the thread? - >>15336 - >>15199 - >>15198
>>15616 It is obviously done in threes, anon and limited animation on top of that. Sadly they want to be anime so hard that they also copy their shitty limited animation techniques >>15624 >but Netflix cartoons aren't known for actual good animation techniques. Let me disagree, both green eggs and ham and Hilda have really good animation
>>15718 You say that but anime most of the time has far more fluid & stable animation than this stuttering heavy mess trying to do more than it can.
>>15719 >most of the time has far more fluid & stable animation Anon, there's enough to mock Revelations for but making shit up isnt necessary.
>>15720 Clearly you don't watch anime & simply have a hateboner for it. So don't act like this is the on same level of animation when it simply isn't true.
>>15721 >simply have a hateboner for it Not the same one you're referring to. >don't act like this is the on same level of animation when it simply isn't true. How is there a level when their own industry is all over itself when it comes to quiet moments and action scenes.
>>15703 >normalfags attacking other normalfags More entertaining that CY+6 HE-Ma'am.
>>15657 Can you repost those images without the subtitles?
>>15725 Why?
>>15736 Shitposting purposes.
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>>15717 That was rather rhetorical, but not really, haven't posted here in a while. What I mean they already have the nostalgic toy line why make another for basically the same stuff? It's like they are competing against themselves. I supposed it's aimed to non-nostalgic manchildren since the toys you cited have better articulation compare to the new for 20 series
>>15719 I might be wrong but doesn't all Power House productions follow the same limited animation principles from japanese studios? you know: Sakuga for little parts while keeping most of it with limited animation, barely any mouth and facial animation, focus on detailed character design rather than detailed animation, give one episode with decent animation while the rest is way less polished in that regard? >Inb4 but there's THIS show that is actually good I'm talking in general terms.
>>15743 No idea. I know they're obviously trying to ape the anime style but I don't know if they follow the actual work practices. If they did then you'd think they would be going for a less realistic style that seems to try to do shading & detail that isn't needed. Problem is even the action scenes where they did put more effort into, you can tell something is very off.
>>15745 I follow the final product, they did try to use sakuga to compensate the limited animation sequences; however, this is more clear in Castlevania. Regarding the action sequences, I think they were fine, but they didn't compensate the lack of decent animation of the rest of the episode.
>>15746 Fine maybe but not good enough. Not downright gorgeous or even stylized. Just eh.
So why did Kevin Smith spend all this time lying about how the show was going to end up? Especially since he just defaulted to calling everyone pissbabies once the jig was up. Either he should have gone full pissbabies from the start or he should have took a leaf from JJ's book and responded with "Dude. Mystery box." after the season ended to try ans string viewers along.
>>15756 He wanted the facade of acting like the king of the nerds, or because if he admited that the leaks were true nobody would bother watching it even less than now. Or because he is an elitist who can't stand people calling him out for destroying something he doesn't care about and then pretend he was a super fan, like Anita Sarkeesian.
>>15756 >So why did Kevin Smith spend all this time lying about how the show was going to end up? A mind that is floating in soy is not rational.
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Kevin Smith Has a Message for Angry He-Man Fans: 'Grow the F-- Up' https://archive.md/NooDm >"I see people online go, ‘Hey man, they’re getting rid of He-Man!' Like, you really fucking think Mattel Television, who hired me and paid me money, wants to do a fucking ‘Masters of the Universe’ show without He-Man?" he continued in a harsher manner. "Grow the fuck up, man. Like, that blew my mind, bunch of people being like, ‘Oh, I smell it. This is a bait and switch.'"
>>15771 Says the man with funkopops.
>>15771 >Grow up This man's entire life and career are based off of nothing but pop culture media made for children and teens. This might be the most hypocritical thing I've heard anyone say in a long time.
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>>15771 It's literally a huge bait & switch. The marketing pushed He-man. The show pushes Teela. To the point she's being propped up as the real hero that will take his place. Orko's death isn't even real. either. The voice actor all but admitted he'll come back. It's all one big bait & switch. He really did just copy TLJ's formula of "subverting expectations". https://archive.md/7HuNY
>>15774 >compering nuHE-MA'AM to Lord of the Rings >implying they are not backpedaling Oracle Orko's death. (((They))) are doing maximum damage control.
>>15775 Orko's death is literally ripping off Gandalf's sacrifice with the Balrog. I just said they are backpedaling on his death. Did you even read what you replied to?
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>>15775 What he said is that Orko's death is not permanent, he can come back. >>15771 I mean, I personally think that it's dumb to follow your expectation based on trailers and specially when it's coming from an animation studio with the reputation to take liberties to say the least to the properties they are working on but the outrage was more than expected especially when they marketed it as something very loyal to the original cartoon. Speaking of Power House, how do you think they are going to fuck up King Kong? Yes, there is a wannabe anime made by them on the works
>>15777 Well he probably won't have a bunch of cannibal rapist niggers tying up white women for a giant ape to rape. Or nevermind that's probably the only thing they keep.
>>15778 You're trying way too hard.
>>15779 ? I would argue the opposite. I hardly thought about it while typing it out. From clicking reply to posting was maybe 3 seconds.
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>>15782 It should be legal to murder faggots.
>>15771 When is he going to get cancelled for his homophobic remarks about Sam and Frodo? Like I don't give a shit myself, but the crowd he's trying to fit in with certainly should. I wish conservatives stop holding back and use cancel culture against leftists faggots from Hollywood. James Gunn still pro cancel culture and #MEtoo. He celebrated gina carano firing. People were in the right to cancel him for hypocrisy alone.
>>15746 I’m still amazed Kevin Smith manages to make a show more fedora tipping than Netflix Castlevania. A show that retcon characters to be atheists that kill demons with Holy water and crosses. With he-man characters of all things. A setting with literal gods hitting you over the head that religion is eviler than Skeletor.
>>15778 I was actually thinking they are going to kill King Kong in the first episode and focus on some random uninteresting secondary character. >>15779 kek
>>15782 So, since the people working on the cartoon were fans of the original product and implying they are not talking bullshit, what happened? By the way how's the other He Man cartoon? the CGI one.
>>15787 The CGI one isn't out yet. Don't think there's even a trailer. But it definitely doesn't have to try too hard to upstage this abomination.
>>15782 I didn't actually know what Kevin smith looked like. I guess he looks less old and haggard than that other guy from kikeflixvania, but he still looks like a dumbass in that attire.
>>15791 They'll have lost what's left of the audience by episode III, and it will be more than just Teddy's fault. Real "fans" of the original wouldn't have changed anything or lied to their fellow fans. >>15791 His funkopops laugh in the delight of his tears. Even the jizz encrusted Batman one is grining.
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>>15797 Great, it manage to upload.
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Since I watched this shit show, I'm going to share the cancer.
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>>15787 I can't wait for the eventual HB Godzilla reboot where they kill Godzilla in the first episode and make Godzooky a transsexual.
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>>15802 >>15803 >these thumbnails Is it too much to ask for a cute, feminine face? Teela looks like a man in every aspect.
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>>15807 >Teela looks like a man in every aspect. She doesn't even look like a lesbian, she looks like a full on crossdressing twink. Goddamn Kiros from Final Fantasy 8 looks more feminine than she does. I full well expect her to start singing Sweet Transvestite at any point.
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This season is only 5 episode and yet the animation is really cheap and Dyke Teela VA feel like she only said the lines once and went home. >>15807 >Is it too much to ask for a cute, feminine face? In CY+6?
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The End, everybody is getting boned.
>>15807 >Is it too much to ask for a cute, feminine face? No. Because that will imply that all women are weak and dependant on men When just a few decades ago, the same retards said female bodybuilders were ugly and looked too much like men. This also went for bald women and those with Roman noses. >>15813 Teela gets the girl, Kang Bull gets the kingdom, and He-Man gets to the background.
>>15782 that youtuber sounds like text to speech, how?
>>15807 I can stand her design, my problem is that she was a really god awful personality and voice actress. Like Adam gave his life for her and everyone she ever knew and she was mad at him? what the fuck is wrong with her?
>>15820 I can stand her design in the sense that I like fit girls and the porn/fanart would probably make her look much more flattering but I don't like how she's drawn in the show at all.
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Made a webm and manage to save a pic from a (((twiiter))) account that got suspended.
>>15822 Turning Skeletor into an incel is one of the biggest crimes specially because even as a skeleton face he got mad pussy.

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>>15782 >not wanting to push a new character in fear of them being rejected Well, when your a political propagandist like Teddy, creating a new character that isn't a hated one note caricature is very difficult.
>>15822 The Joker/Hobgoblin voice coming out of Skeletor just doesn't work for me.

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More upcoming figures from the toyline accompanying this shitshow. I almost feel bad for Mattel, almost. They put themselves in the same situation as Dyke-Ra, but even worse; since they did put effort into this toyline and put out many figures to collect. You can see they tried to salvage Teela with feminine looking face that has small nose and lips, but she is still just MOTU version of MRey Sue. >>15616 >low framerate Combined with overdetailed complex character designs to make it even worse. It's like the 90's animation renaissance never happened and people learned nothing from it. >>15625 The character designs are so ugly, they're all squarish and grotesque looking. <Teela has bigger nose and lips than the niggeress >>15647 <Adam is ugly twink with a giant nose >>15714 I wish it was. >>15741 I usually separate my toy collecting with the media is relating to, as cool designs are just cool designs and toys let you use your imagination , but they shat on Skeletor which was one of the few I considered getting and seeing the sequence behind Skelegod transformation, well it was lame. I think I rather get the lazy hipster Origins line, it's cheaper and more toyetic . >>15797 The voice acting is awful: <geezer Joker <spoiled rich cunt Teela Also, what's with this gay maho shoujo transformation of He-Man? >>15801 <that mossman pathetic screaming while burning alive I literally lmao'd. >>15802 I want to choke Teela, she is such an obnoxious cunt. >>15802 <Body modification is evil! <But trannies are good! Fucking hypocrites. >>15803 <Old lady mentoring Teela Oh god, it's like Legend of Whorra all over again only the animation is shit and Teela won't get her ass kicked, fugg. <you hurting her said in the most casual way The cunt voice actor can't emote for shit. <Teela named Prince Adam' cat <Cringer make a speech about trust when the showrunners deceived the audience The sheer irony. >>15806
[Expand Post]<Geezer Batman and geezer Joker Truly unholy alliance. Kevin Smith should've just joined the Caped Crusader trio of hacks instead, making it quartet of hacks. <The dad is bowing down to his cunt daughter and not vice versa I find this to be the vilest crap in this shit show, spitting on one of the most basic and universal principles of moral; respecting one's parents, this is exactly why the West went to shit, complete disregard to tradition and despicable ungratefulness. <family can be everything! Disgusting >>15809 <she calls her father by his private name and not father I wanna slap her! <Wanna Make it all up to me? You're the one who need to make it up for you dad you spoiled ungrateful insolent little piece of shit. <Save the Sorceress dad Oh, now you call him dad when you need favors, fucking manipulative cunt. >>15810 <title drop Wow, very clever. <forcefully tries to be suddenly whimsical <cunt centered episode I can't stand her voice, she can't emote for shit and always sound like she either complaining, whining or just being an arrogant cunt, ugh, even Whorra wasn't that bad. >>15811 The animation is crap, their movement is so sluggish. How is this shit aimed for "adults" managed to be more preachy and blunter than a children cartoon? <I am your worst nightmare! So of us, you insufferable cunt. >tfw you know Scareglow won't manage to kill the cunt Is this the saddest moment in this pile of crap? <Orko died for the cunt Fugg >>15812 >You were kind Unlike you cunt. The niggeress is annoying too and bland, of course as expected from diversity hire. <A nigger, a fag and a dyke in the same frame Sigh >>15813 <she still call her father by his personal name Cunt <I HAVE...the spear going through my lower abdomen! This shit is hilarious! <immediately dies from it I call BS on this. >>15822 >>15823 This is stupid on so many levels...first if he is evil, he could just rape some gal, oh yeah, I forgot even villains must be feminist nowadays like how they turned the evil rapist prince in NuVoltron to feminist eunuch surrendered by dykes . Second, how dare those ugly 3DPDs to suggest that Skeletor isn't handsome!
Can a fan really let a faggot ruin Teela, Adam, Skeletor and Evil-Lyn in that way?
>>15828 >first pic She is going to be as popular just like Rey and Rose.
>>15828 At least in the 80s they knew to actually hired japanese animators to do detailed action animation. Plus they knew that a boys show should be marketing to boys.
>>15829 When you sell your integrity for money or social validation sure. It's not the first time idiotic faggots sell out their admiration and their fans for some feminist pussy to look out of a distance while being fucked by a blackman.
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>>15828 Kiss of death right here.
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>>15828 >Purple drank text. Woah sonny boy, you can tone down the Purple Drank that you like to grip and sip with supplements. It was a Netflix adaptation with two He man fans that had no confidence in making a legit ensemble adventure piece whilst stupidly hiring Kevin Smith for edge boy points, whilst ignoring a very accessible canon from the old 200x to 2000 Classics line, because they're the fans that don't want to acknowledge the hard work of the actual fans/contributors that kept it alive all those years. Not unlike what happened with Korra really. But I'll just leave you with one simple truth from elsewhere.
>>15841 >don't say anything about it on social media Then you better get back to facebook, tweeter, youtube, bitchute, etc, nigger.
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>>15841 While it is true that apathy is the best weapon to use against these companies, it is not towards the film/show that matters, but rather towards their real source of income, merchandising. Shows like Revelation are nothing more but advertisement for the merch. If people don't like the show, then the merch won't sell, and if the merch doesn't sell, then the show will be considered a failure, simple as that.
>>15820 >I can stand her design She looks like a man, has a shit haircut and bland costume. Not sure how you can stand that
>>15841 >They mate it explicitly to have a negative of the fans And of course the source is "dude, trust me" >>15863 >The show is made to sell toys That only applies in Japan and in the 80s and that's not the case.
>>15831 Actually, He-Man was animated in USA by Flimation studio in which animators like John K and Bruce Timm worked for and hated it, later taking important part in the 90's animation renaissance. >they knew to actually hired japanese animators to do detailed action animation There was outsourcing for Japanese animation studios in the 90's too and they also had simpler character designs so the animation was great! >they knew that a boys show should be marketing to boys So in the 90's and while womyn were still forcefully shoved everywhere, niggers and other races were few and even in quite a few cases didn't even appeared at all. 80's cartoons were just cool glorified toy commercials, definitely superior to the shit we have today, but inferior to the 90's. >>15743 >>15746 Gooks don't have the same level of knowledge and experience as Japs do. >>15833 They just keep failing with their attempts to make tied-in toylines for their cartoons. Dyke-Ra was complete shit both the toys and the show as we know. I haven't watched the Stretch Armstrong cartoon but glancing at it, it does look nice. Regretless and as expected, current Hasbro is just incapable of making any actual playline toys that aren't shit. I think the closest they got to success was NuVoltron, Playmates released quite a few decent~great toys in the short lived toyline. I'm not sure if the blame is solely in the series shift in direction or also Playmates usual retardation of overproducing the same main heroes and their variants (four versions of non-combining Voltron and crappy non-combining lions) with little to none villains and supporting cast (only three of the paladins and one monster for the small non-combining Voltron). As usual with Playmates, there were unproduced prototypes shown, but in this case, there were quite a lot which really begs the question why it was canceled. >>15841 <It was a Netflix adaptation with two He man fans that had no confidence in making a legit ensemble adventure piece Not really, one of them is a Netflix executive and therefore wokeshit comes first. <canon <2000 Classics line That's just a toyline, retard <Not unlike what happened with Korra really I was comparing it to LoK in the sense both shows have a cunt as protagonist who is mentored by an old woman, illiterate. <IB is social media <from elsewhere Go back there faggot. >>15867 >That only applies in Japan and in the 80s Not at all, the reason PPG got reboot and AT got sequel is because how profitable is their merch. Furthermore, current preschool and girl cartoons (such as Monster High, Rainbow High and MLP) are toy commercials just like in the 80's. Heck, preschool cartoons are actually getting proper vehicles and playsets. There's also Transformers which is still alive unlike most 80's toylines. >and that's not the case He-Man is a literal toy brand and the accompanying toyline for the new show was even released before the series came out!
>>15890 Mr. Grimace what did we say about talking in all that purple drank text? Do you really need to sip and grip all those nouns and verbs? >Not really, one of them is a Netflix executive and therefore wokeshit comes first. Still doesn't invalidate what I said, they had no confidence in doing an actual ensemble with with the rest of characters period. It's that Communists/Socialists/Mystery Tribe tend to fail harder at doing this then normal people. >Calling the 200X to Classics line as just a toyline Well if you weren't such a dumbass you'd know that it was continuation of the 200X series that continued with mini comics and bios for the characters that acted like proto ultimates version of the line. But you would have known about that if you did your research which you didn't : https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=8bBB9qMuA_A (From Spector Creative a manager of that line back in the 2010's). So there was a perfectly useful cannon to steal all sorts of stories from, but they purposefully chose not to.
Can't believe I supported Kevin Smith all those years in the 90s and early 2000s because he has become the biggest sellout of modern entertainment. Fat man should be renamed Crying man with all the shilling he does for trailers, DC and Star Wars. Also pushing his terrible acting daughter Harley into his recent movies wasn't helping either but this is the straw that broke the camels back for me. The He-man changes are terrible, sure. There was barely any He-man to even call it the He-man show but the biggest problem is how much a liar he was about it. He dragged ClownFish TV through the mud, even though what they were saying was true all along. Fat fuck was a phony and poser all along and shouldn't be trusted ever again. I kind of wished he had died earlier at the peak of his career so I didn't have to witness this shell of a former great director become the biggest shill who is way past his prime.
>>16005 >a former great director I know very little of kevin so I'll have to take your word for it.
>>16037 he wasn't for the record. Always kinda shit.
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The best thing, so far, is he's now got the SJWs and the alphabet after him for "gay baiting," ie. giving fags what they want, but in a money-making way, not as an "ally." So, in other words, that fat walrus-monger fucked up with his pretend target audience and his ACTUAL target audience.
>>16063 >"gay baiting," There are still 5 episodes left for Teeman and niggress to hook up and have lesbo babies.
>>15825 OK so I had an idea. Bear in mind I don't know much about He-Man. >Takes place in the distant future of Eternia >The Kingdom of Eternia has long since fallen and has been replaced with the corrupt Republic of Eternia think like the Republic of Florence when Dante was alive; polarized, violent, and patronizing. >He-Man was not able to truly defeat Skeletor, he was only able to seal him for what should have been an eternity >However, he had one last trick up his robe and was able to transfer part of his essence into a nameless Royal Guardian that was part of the final attack on his castle and witnesses his sealing >His essence would ultimately fester and multiply across the many decedents of that Royal Guardian and those decedents would be the ultimate downfall of the Kingdom and the ousting of the Royal family >Technology would flourish whilst Magic would stagnate, what little magical objects known to the most would be regarded as highly advanced technology. >Knowledge of Magic would be a tightly kept secret of two groups >The Purple/Green Dynasty ('m sure someone can come up with a better name), the most corrupt and powerful political coalition, the leaders of which are filled with enough of the essence of Skeletor to be unknowingly bringing about his revival >Their flag is a the front face of a purple rhino elephant hybrid with green tusks and horns that is meant to represent skeletor's cloak and green skull head >The Adoranites, an illegal "terrorist cult" that are in truth the last remaining guardians of the true knowledge of the history of Eternia >Upon Skeletor's unsealing the Adoranites must find the decedent of Prince Adam, Heir to the Throne of Eterina, the one destined to bring magic back to Eternia, and the inheritor of He-Man to train him in secret so that he can defeat Skeletor and usher in a new golden age. >Prince Adam's descendant is a lanky black kid with short blond hair who has grown up in a district that is in the shadow of a Purple/Green Dynasty district >The power of He-Man temporarily awakens in him when he decided to throw his life away and stand up to a corrupt member of the Purple/Green Dynasty who was abducting a girl whom he regards as his sister and adding her to his collection of pretty slaves. >It awakens when he holds his dagger aloft and mumbles that he has the power to stop it >He appears as the normal white He-Man >While his is able to save the day, the element of surprise is lost, he is captured the next night in his sleep and is confined to a solitary cell while the finish the awakening of Skeletor. >Not knowing how he became He-Man he panics while he waits for his death, only to be visited by the spirit of the original He-Man, who explains his destiny and tells him he must hold his sword above his head and proclaim BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL. I HAVE THE POWER >Without a dagger or any weapon to hold above his head at that matter he is left to bide his time >He is dragged out in chains in preparation for the arrival of the newly revived skeletor. >He is about to give up when he notices a guard whipping a slave with a chain >He hold his chained hand high above his head and proclaims BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL. I HAVE THE POWER >Transforms into a black He-Man who has mid length blond dreadlocks and uses a chain weapon >The very moment that skeletor steps foot into the capital building is the moment he steps out of the buildings secret exit END OF EPISODE 1
>>15890 >Gooks don't have the same level of knowledge and experience as Japs do. It really depends of what animation studio you are talking about, but that aside the show was animated by an american studio, not a korean one.
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>>16081 >There are still 5 episodes left for Teeman and niggress to hook up and have lesbo babies. The implication seems to be that they're ALREADY mashing their multi-ethnic labia together.
>>13045 I started watching the 2002 cartoon...I think I realize now why I didn't care for it back then, it didn't had any cool opening theme music/song. The writing is quite great, unfortunately the animation is mediocre~bad. Shame they didn't simplify the character designs and went with outdated and stupid 80's approach, maybe the animation could've been great otherwise. I noticed wonk faces here and there, but what I find the most disappointing is how most of the time Skeletor' jaw doesn't move properly. There was even a close-up scene on his profile and the jaw just move up and down instead in a curve outwards like real human jaw. I was also hoping that Teela and Adam will have Superman-like love triangle in which Teela is in love with He-Man and Adam is in love with her, sadly it doesn't look like it's going that way. The show still has great soap opera going on for it like Teela not knowing the Sorceress is her mom and Evil-Lyn conflict with her father but I still would've like to see some romance. Naturally Skeletor is my favorite attacking furry village mistreating his subordinates and Evil-Lyn is second. I hope Mattel will expend the Masterverse (despite the grim future of shelfwarming) and do justice to the 2002 designs unlike revelation. >>15974 <Still doesn't invalidate what I said It does, because it's not an issue of confidence, at least for that guy. <that it was continuation of the 200X series that continued with mini comics No retard, the Classics line was mainly dedicated to the Filmation and the original toy designs and while they did had bios on the boxes, they didn't come with mini-comics. <but muh few ones that did! Yep, you're retarded. >>16105 >It really depends of what animation studio you are talking about Got any examples of Gooks being able to do decent limited animation and Sakuga sometimes? As far as I seen, they either do fully good animation like studio Mir or just plain bad animation. >the show was animated by an american studio I saw they outsourced to gook studios in the cases Castlevania and Blood of Zeus, both of Netflix. Safe to assume, it's the same thing here.
>>16193 >No retard, the Classics line was mainly dedicated to the Filmation and the original toy designs and while they did had bios on the boxes, they didn't come with mini-comics. Son you didn't watch the vid from the brand manager like I said you should. You clearly do not know anything about the He Man toy line or the branches in the 200X series, and you continue to indulge in the sip and grip drinking sperg out when someone bothers to drop actual sauce. I think you're either a fraud of a fan or liar. Not sure which.
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Direct your rage towards Kevin Smith and Netflix instead of each other and share He-Man content. Don't let these faggots stop you from enjoying things, just laugh at their pathetic attempts.
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So... has anyone heard WHY Kevin Smith was so eager to swear on his children's lives that Teela wasn't going to become He-Man? Because there's a rumor that her power bottom race-lifted girlfriend is going to become the NEW defender of Castle Grayskull. Now, I don't think this is confirmed, yet, but if this is true, I don't think there is any way in hell Smith can come back from this Kathleen Kennedy level of retarded wokeness.
>>16210 He sold his soul after his first heart attack. Since then he's too busy smoking weed with Seth Rogan and hanging around Hollywood to care.
>>16210 Teeman will be the new sorceress and the nigger engineer will be the new He-ma'am.
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Reminder this whole show was marketed on lies. Down to being a sequel. It's not. It's the same idea behind Star Trek. Where rights issues means it can't legally be connected. That's why everything is like 25% different. It's at least a little comforting with the knowledge it's not even canon to the original. Which means it will be buried & forgotten as quickly as that other He-man show.
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>>16228 It's a reminder for a reason.
>>16229 To who, only retarded faggots wont read the thread.
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>>16211 >Since then he's too busy smoking weed with Seth Rogan's hogleg and hanging around Hollywood fucking children to care FTFY >>16221 >Teeman will be the new sorceress and the nigger engineer will be the new He-ma'am. All hail the Masters of the Uterus.
>>16240 >All hail the Masters of the Uterus. You got that right, I guess Dyke Lyn will be the new ruler of snake mountain. https://archive.md/6lCzG Kevin Smith Reveals Second Half Of Masters Of The Universe: Revelation “Shifts Into An Evil-Lyn Story”
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>>16254 So, basically, if I'm understanding his mental illness correctly... what he REALLY wanted was to make SHE-RA but the ginger cunt got there first and he had to settle for wrecking He-Man?
>>16254 No matter what it's gonna be anything but a He-man show.
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>>16254 The way they illustrated/modeled her in this image, it's like she's straight from an animated adaption of fucking Too Wong Fu.
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>>16303 >ywn kill Kevin Smith for wrecking some of the hottest western waifus Why live?
>>16317 In minecraft you mean.
>>16323 He should lose his house to the bank because of an unpaid mortage. In minecraft.
>>16325 I mean that one doesn't need it.
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>>16323 Yes, yes, of course. In Minecraft. We should tar and feather his flabby ass in Minecraft and then shoot him in the face IRL.
>>16331 >clip
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>>16334 would you prefer it to be called something else?
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>>16353 It's a fucking magazine not a clip, that's like calling an Armored Car a Tank. Or like calling a Rifle a Machinegun.
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>>16433 It's a clip when it's bullets, but I have it on good authority that when it's frogs, the professionals call them clips. Or, to use the technical term, "frogs bullets clips for the bang-gun."
>>16546 *cats
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This is the new lore for Skeletor in Revelations. A dimension of skeleton head people. Because that makes sense. The old lore was that he was a normal dude that got magically transformed into Skeletor. Even the 2002 cartoon did that. Why do this stupid bullshit?!
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>>16752 His staff? Literally just some guy's skull. Skeletor's desire for conquest? Just following under Hordak.
>>16752 >Skeletor Dimension >It's not just a hot spring filled with milk and calcium rich food titled "The Bone Zone" What a shitshow.
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>>16752 This is retarded.
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>>16752 They just made his motive in the show a lot more retarded considering he would be normal in his own dimension.
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>>16866 I just love how Kevin Smith is just standing there watching from the background.
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Now for an actual He-man show. Nigger trailer music aside, this one actually looks fun.
>>16987 Actually looks like something I'd watch a decade ago.
>>16987 >zoomer he-boy >fortnite cg >"""""""humor""""""" eh, could be worse I guess.
>>16992 The last joke with the magic portal field made me chuckle at least.
>>16987 Would rape the girls and take responsibility.

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New toys for the new kids show. And Mattel ripping off kids as of usual...10$ for outdated 7 PoA. Meanwhile, Playmates Ben 10 figures (which cost the same) usually have around 11 PoA and they don't own the license like Mattel. >>16987 <Bald Evil-Lyn <Niggeress Teela <Gaywars OC girl <Self-deprecating humor <Man At arms is a quirky nerd <Robot Orko <Rap music <Ugly mobile game designs Seems like generic kids movie trailer. Not as bad as Dyke-Ra or Revelation, but sucks too.
>>17001 I like how you say ripping off kids like they're the ones buying them.
This is old news by now but Kevin Smith is too stupid to realize that when people say you ripped off Gandalf with Orko's death scene, you don't prove them wrong by saying he's gonna come back.
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>>17001 More of the 5.5" figures. >>17002 Well, they're the target audience and there is only so much they could ask from their parents to buy for them. They could get far better toys at that price.
Here's the actual sequel everybody wanted
>>17004 It's not like young kids have high standards for toys.
>>16987 >>17004 Why does Hollywood hate redheads so fucking much!?
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>>17004 The bikes almost look like knockoff toys and they cost 20$, outrageous. The so-called playset is just limited to two gimmicks and two small places for two figures. Very low play value and dumb design of space for a playset. I will say, its price is not as insulting as the figures; it cost 30$ and its length is 22.8". >>17007 They kinda do, because they don't buy that crap and get better action figures as the Fortnite ones.
>>17009 Not particularly. Kids will play with anything that can withstand rough housing & work with their imaginations. Regardless of articulation.
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>>17009 They also (pointlessly) made larger action figures with better articulation, yet with less paint. These are 8.5" (Wow Mattel even went as far as creating a new scale! How stupid...) and these cost 13$. Why couldn't they just have added that articulation to the smaller figures instead?! The fact these are bigger and have better articulation and just cost 3$ more makes the regular line figures even worse in comparison! So kids have to choose between articulation and vehicles and playsets? This such a dick move, I wouldn't be surprised if they even make the kids line flocked Panthor exclusive. As for the toy designs, they look as bad or worse than the series. Mobile Game He-Man and Iron Man-At-Arms are terrible. Trap Jaw piranha mouth looks clownish and foolishly lack his best play feature which is moving Jaw. Skeletor is the most disappointing one since the upper part of his CGI design looked great, but as a whole and as far as the toy executed is lame; the combination of pants and bare feet is ugly and unfitting to Skeletor character, the pirate skeleton arm looks silly and lame thanks to the connecting disc and finally the unpainted/unsculpted holes in his "cheeks" and the unpainted claws at the feet. Also worth mentioning, he doesn't have elbow joint for his pirate arm in the bigger and more articulated scale which is ridiculous. Teela is the worst, you couldn't tell she's MOTU character at all and she has pudgy tummy yet her limbs are thin. >>17010 If you handed it to them, but will they actively choose to get it? Hardly and older kids develop taste and ability to criticize. This is why action figure market for 8+ has been quite dead, because the offerings are so poor thanks to Mattel and Hasbro duopoly.
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>>17011 Last one is deluxe version of 8.5" line which apparently his action feature and additional 6 pieces of barely painted small plastic pieces warrants the price tag of 20$. This toyline is abysmal; overpricing, cheap quality, ugly designs and low play value. Just in line with all Hasbro and Mattel actual toys for kids.
>>17011 I used to want Ben 10 figures. They weren't exactly very articulated either. I'd like these all the same if I was a little kid.
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>>17012 He looks like he's trying to disguise himself as Clawful.
>>16987 >>17001 I know He-Man was originally made to sell toys but this just looks like a toy set in motion. The characters have such weird proportions, and I hate their designs. Why can't shows just die a peaceful death? This is the fourth(?) He-Man remake. Just make something original. I know the argument for why stuff gets remade so often in a cheap way is because the outrage that creates will pay back the investment, but I sincerely doubt it often does.
>>17012 Why is his head so small
>>17030 He didn't work out at the library. >>17029 Well duh it's toyetic. You're right though. I'd rather have anything new than rehashing the same properties over & over.
>>17029 Don't they make remakes to keep control on the IP and change thinks so that the new product is different to avoid paying royalties or something like that?
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>>16987 Look, they already made a game for this.
>>16992 >zoomer he-boy I mean, the show is aimed to zoomers. I suppose they did that right.
I suppose they haven't animated the second half of the season yet, which likely indicates they'll shove a bunch of strawmans of the fans into it for teela to punch in the dick or something
>>17046 >I suppose they haven't animated the second half of the season yet I think the whole season is done, but what the hell do I know.
>>17088 Pretty sure Kevin himself announced they were finishing up editing like 2 weeks ago.
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>>17089 >believing anything Smith says >being on a first name basis with him
>>17113 >if only you knew bad things really are Or as an alt >if only you knew how much heroin I had to do just to talk to kevin smith
>>17001 >>17004 >>17009 >>17011 >>17012 Mattel and their overpriced crap toys. The figures alone look to be worth about $4.65 to $5.78, generic monsto-motobikes about $8.20 to $9.50, and that two-piece set about $11.10. The figures all look like characters from one of those shitty app games, and the rest look as if they were taken something else.
>>17013 >I used to want Ben 10 figures Did you get any, youngling? Already by the 70's, 5 PoA should've been obsolete (see Microman). Anyway, my main problem with those figures is the overpricing rather than just the outdated PoA. >>17029 >>17031 >Well duh it's toyetic Not really, it has few toyetic elements here and there, but overall, these are cluttered mobile game designs. >Why can't shows just die a peaceful death? >tfw Golden Girl and Guardians of the Gemstones was just a toyline and died respectfully while She-Ra and PoP got butchered >Just make something original But that demands effort and media companies are lazy and uncreative. >but I sincerely doubt it often does It never does. Revelation has chance to be not complete failure since it appeals to action figure collectors in general rather than just He-Man fags, however that Teela will shelfwarm just like MRey Sue. >>17037 >to avoid paying royalties I don't know what exactly is the situation with MOTU license of Mattel, but in general Mattel owns it so it shouldn't be problem and if you take to consideration most toy licenseshit, these are just dictate by the media companies mostly and toy companies just replicate the existing designs. >>17039 These look better except for the pinhead muscle guy. >>17120 >Mattel and their overpriced crap toys Exactly this and then you see bunch of dumb adult collectors saying: "but it's for kids!" forgetting how better playline used to be when they were kids (inb4 but muh inflation) and just ignore how overpriced are those crappy toys. Just wait, this toyline will fail and then both Mattel and the dumbass adult collectors will repeat the usual excuse that children don't play with toys anymore and why would they when current toys are shit? >generic monsto-motobikes All previous MOTU toylines had such unique and detailed vehicles. It's really sad how little to no effort was put in the most important He-Man toyline out of the three currently running, Mattel is run by lazy cheapskate retards. >two-piece set about $11.10 You mean the lousy playset? It could be cheaper, but not not the cheap since it's actually quite long. >The figures all look like characters from one of those shitty app games, and the rest look as if they were taken something else Iron Man-At-Arms reminds me of NuMax Steel Action Man was better and Teela look like combination between the Lego Friends character from the second Lego movie and Lego Elves.
>>17130 I had XLR8, Wildmutt, Ghostfreak, Cannonbolt, & Blitzwolfer/BenWolf toys.
>>17037 >>17130 See: >>15543 Apparently Mattel can't make a carbon-copy He-Man in the animated medium without moderate differences. I searched a bit on this point but couldn't find any sources more clearly explaining the situation regarding it.
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>>17130 Thing about the adult collectors is - most of the dumber ones buy said crap toys in bulk, during the year of their first release. Then try to flog them off on fleabay in complete sets, at random, for a high price. They do it to try to get the market interested. But end up wasting money. Because, no real collector is going to want to spend $50-$80 on cheap toss-able junk that offers no real collectors value. >All previous MOTU toylines had such unique and detailed vehicles. My cousin had 100s of those old Mattel WWF and MOTU figures that he gave away in his teens. I don't remember him having a playset. >Mattel is run by lazy cheapskate retards. Sadly. It's not like people are asking them to make indestructible toys. Just quality products for children that aren't already broken within box. >It could be cheaper, but not not the cheap since it's actually quite long. $20? >Iron Man-At-Arms reminds me of NuMax Steel Action Man was better and Teela look like combination between the Lego Friends character from the second Lego movie and Lego Elves. Action Man did have an alright 2D and CGI cartoon. It's the motorcycles and playset that seem like they came from something else.
>>15782 >a big hurdle when you’re introducing a new character to a line of so many well established characters is that they are bound to be outsiders, and harder to accept as canon, at least for a while. Nobody gives a shit about Sir Lazer Lot.” Giving the audience a reason to care is WHY you have a writing job, Jackass. If you actually gave decent scenes and likeable traits to your pre-existing niggers like Lazer-Lot instead of trying to blackwash whites in hopes of piggybacking off their history, you wouldn't have your circular problem to start. Git fucking gud instead of riding coattails. >Same thing with Andra. She was initially created as a new character [but] it was my idea to dig into the lore and raise up a character who had a small appearance but a strong following. As opposed to creating a new character that could easily be rejected. My fucking god, I wasn't expecting them to outright ADMIT that they raceswap and appropriate existing characters because they know the audience wouldn't accept the bullshit standalone. What goddamn hacks.
>>17131 These are pretty cool, Wildmutt is the best imo. >>17152 >I searched a bit on this point but couldn't find any sources more clearly explaining the situation regarding it Checking Wiki, I saw nothing about Mattel losing the license and in fact saw they were involved with both Dyke-Ra and Revulsion. >>17220 >adult collectors >Then try to flog them off on fleabay in complete sets, at random, for a high price No, those are scalper scumbags who are detested by adult collectors. Some scalpers are collectors themselves, but not all. Also, those shitty NuHe-Man aren't going to be collectible and sought out, not now and not in the future. Only hardcore He-Man fags who must own every He-Man related garbage that has been produced would want them. >playset I was talking about vehicles, but MOTU of course had playsets, most known one is Castle Grayskull. >Just quality products for children that aren't already broken within box. As a big toy company with many resources, they should be able to make creative, high quality with high play value toys in affordable prices. But now that they have no major competition so they can allow themselves to slack off. >$20? I guess, 20$-25$. Anyway, it's badly designed playset with low play value. >Action Man did have an alright 2D and CGI cartoon The later 2D cartoon, Action Man: A.T.O.M, just had lame regular action figures like NuMax Steel. I like the original action doll line and I miss it so much. >>17223 >Giving the audience a reason to care is WHY you have a writing job, Jackass You hold too much high standards for current writers, they're all bunch of lazy uncreative hacks who their sole job is recycling franchises they don't give a damn about or straightforward hate them. Though in the exceptional case of Ted he is a fan, but still a hack and an activist first. >As opposed to creating a new character that could easily be rejected But isn't the other option of raceswapping is even easier to be rejected?
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>>17223 >"Tim, I hear you, and I just wanted you to know that you will be getting original negro characters, but fuck you, you coon, I'm still swapping races and forcing you to wear that hand-me-down shirt, nigger." Fixed.
>>17227 >No, those are scalper scumbags who are detested by adult collectors. Some scalpers are collectors themselves, but not all. I've a couple of toy collecting in the past, and people like that are justly hated. >Only hardcore He-Man fags who must own every He-Man related garbage that has been produced would want them. They don't like all that durable. They look like their made out of the really cheap stuff that shatters when dropped from a short distance. But it's their money to waste. >I was talking about vehicles My mistake. I don't think he had any of those either. Just the figures. >But now that they have no major competition so they can allow themselves to slack off. 3D printers are becoming more and more popular. >The later 2D cartoon, Action Man: A.T.O.M, just had lame regular action figures like NuMax Steel. I like the original action doll line and I miss it so much. I only had the one and GI Joe with "real" hair. Those were nice.
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>>17262 >I only had the one and GI Joe with "real" hair. Those were nice. <ywn own an action figure with a 'do made from force-harvested Asian pubes Why live?
>>17331 Horse hair was used as a filter medium before the pleated paper type. I own something with that in it. But, I was a kid then, and that now expensive figure is long gone. Ironic how it was a seaman figure.
>>17227 >But isn't the other option of raceswapping is even easier to be rejected? That type of thinking doesn't really register to ones so demoralized. One out of many reasons why these retards keep doing this blackwashing shit is so that they can pull another "Nick Fury".
>>17357 >just now realize I own several of the 90s 'real' hair G.I. Joe women figures >also just now shamefully recall how my ten year old self would pretend I was a giant who'd kidnapped them and lick between their legs until I got hard and then jerk off on them Goddamn it.
>>17370 Someone like Micheal Ironside or Everett McGill would have indeed made for a better Nick Fury. But they wanted Jules Cheeseburger to do it, because he's Hollyweird's favorite black action star. >>17392 Majority of people our age have done far worse things as kids. I had my Playskool dollhouse taken away for acting out daytime television drama. Not just because I was a mouthy little boy child.
>>17262 >3D printers are becoming more and more popular 3D printing is still inferior in quality in compare to traditional injection mold and it's mostly used for creating prototypes. >I only had the one and GI Joe with "real" hair. Those were nice Cool, my Action Men have molded hair, but least one of them has completely removable fabric clothes. >>17357 >Horse hair What?! Didn't they always used synthetic fabrics such as Saran, Kanekalon etc? >>17399 >Majority of people our age have done far worse things as kids No, they didn't.
>>17525 That's actually not bad for what it is. I don't know how I feel about Adam not having a secret identity, though.
Maybe it's just from being burned so badly by that fat fucking con artist Kevin Smith but this looks like a fun show. It's nice to actually have them respect the fucking protagonist. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=BSJS9f6DKc8
>>17415 >3D printing is still inferior in quality in compare to traditional injection mold and it's mostly used for creating prototypes. But with a 3D printer, think of all the various accessories you could make for your action figures, anon. Accessories that you don't have to buy. Cool, my Action Men have molded hair, but least one of them has completely removable fabric clothes. Fabric clothes gives them a more realistic look. Which is why I'm glad Hasbro didn't make the entire Valor vs. Venom line with molded on clothes. >What?! Didn't they always used synthetic fabrics such as Saran, Kanekalon etc? They probably had variants for that period. But Horsey hair was cheaper. They also made shoe and painter's brushes out of it. Then best and most sought after pen striping brushes for auto-detailing were made from horse hair. They're all what artist like Kenny 'The Dutchman' Howard used. >No, they didn't. How do you know that? >>17525 It's leagues better than Smith's hot garbage. If it does well, his tears will be genuine.
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>>17574 >Wonder what else I can do? <My mind instantly jumps to this gif Why brain?
>>17602 Arousing, thank you.
>>17525 Looks like fun, when is it coming out? >>17415 >3D printing is still inferior in quality in compare to traditional injection mold What about Resin printing? That shit has amazing detail compared to filament printing.
>>17619 September 16th it says.
I'm liking the new show so far.
It is pretty amazing.
The show could suck me off through the tv and slip $20 into my pocket; they removed the redhead. Not watching it.
CRY HAVOC AND LET SLIP THE SNAKES OF WAR! >>17796 Teela is in the show. She's just black now.
He's here!
It's time for Trapjaw, Evil Lynn, & Beastman!
>>13003 That's not new, though, as the OG MOTU toyline had action figures with that feature late in it's lifetime...
OG MOTU is the only MOTU that matters...
Alright. Finished the first season. It's pretty good. Nothing that's like amazing but thankfully nothing that made me groan or angry. Yeah it's dumb Teela is race swapped & Ram Man got genderswapped. Still I liked it.
>>17803 >Teela is race swapped Its just a tan, she is not a nigger.
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Are you ready, anons?
>>17806 Nope. Full blow negress. Her mom, the previous sorceress, is the same.
>>17808 >Full blow negress. Her mom, the previous sorceress, is the same. Also a tan. Shitposting aside, the humans are just whites with different skin tones.
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This is just the beggining.
>>17809 Dude they're niggers. It's a fact. They have full blown big lips & fat noses. They're fantasy niggers with white hair but niggers nonetheless.
>>17811 >They're fantasy niggers with white hair but niggers nonetheless I guess, well at least they are better than 3DPD niggers.
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>>17812 Now that is certainly true. If the trade off of tarring Teela is a version that ISN'T a massive spoiled manjaw bitch then I'll take it.
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Last episode for today, will upload the rest tomorrow.
>>17797 >Teela is in the show. She's just black now. I reiterate; they removed the redhead. Not watching it.
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>>17837 And it ends, aside from turning Teela and her mum into a nigger and Ram Man being a girl, its a fun cartoon. I guess they are incapable of making a new black character without turning an old one or grabbing a female character instead of turning an old one in CY+6, Is hilarious that this cartoon is more impactful and interesting than Kevin "Tears" Smith cartoon.
Bump So is this Kevin apologizing or running damage control?
>>17838 >I guess they are incapable of making a new black character without turning an old one or grabbing a female character instead of turning an old one in CY+6, Probably working under similar thought processes to Kevin at >>15782 and >>17223 in that it's "safer" to turn a white/male character into your diversity of choice, than actually take a risk with developing a preexisting nigger like Sir Lazerlot or making an original negro. Just piggyback off the brand names and claim you're doing them a favor.
>>19639 Absolutely damage control. Don't fall for it. At least the obvious set up of Teela becoming the new sorceress is being followed through. Now just wait for Kevin to rip off Tolkien further with Orko the White.
>>19639 Capeshit tier
>>19639 Damage control implies they've change anything from their original plan. This is just a repeat of the last trailer trick. Adam won't turn into He-man until the very end. The battle shown with him as normal He-man will be a flashback that lasts a minute at max and Teela will be the focus again this time with mary sue powers.
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>>19639 >So is this Kevin apologizing or running damage control? Oh, absolutely! Because he's totally not an arrogant piece of shit SJW in sheep's clothing, so it MUST be an apology. Get your shit together and realize with whom we're dealing. Teela still looks like a dude and Adam still looks like a woman. They race-swapped YET ANOTHER redhead and more woke bullshit is sure to come.
>>19639 I forgot this existed, fuck that shit I will watch Villainous. >So is this Kevin apologizing or running damage control? Teele will become a dyke sorceress and have the niggress as her champion.
Kevin's lying ride is back. You're all coming with me.
Remember Star Wars?
Fisto & Clamp Champ are dead dead.
*tips fedora*
This is beyond parody.
Really? Like c'mon it's easy to make Skeletor the loser, because he is, but this just feels so hamfisted. Evil Lyn makes him power down by tricking him to fuck.
Thanks I hate it. She proceeds to "destroy heaven" because "muh chaos". If she can do that then there's no reason for Evil Lyn to lose in the end. She's too fucking OP. >everyone in heaven Maybe 6-7 souls from ancient heroes who claim that normal people souls don't even go to heaven.
>>20483 Please for the love of god you fucking nigger tier hacks stop ruining musclegirls for me.
>>20484 You will look upon the nihilist space dyke & despair!
>>20485 Genuienely fuck anyone who says Powerhouse isn't a dogshit studio. You can take away Kevin Smith from She-Men and the fedora tippers from Castlevania and it would still look and be animated like dogshit.
>>20485 Oh for sure. No argument there. Powerhouse is continuously trying to be bootleg anime with none of the actual effort or skill. Fucking comedy cartoons like Gumball have more lively animation than this oh so mature action show.
They killed Cringer. I wish for nothing but a painful death to Kevin Smith.
And Scareglow is just back. Somehow.
Wait scratch that. He's alive. They just adding an audible bone breaking sound for no reason. Oh & fuck whoever thought turning Beast Man into Lion King Pete from Kingdom Hearts 2 was a good idea.
Thread's anchored now but the rest of this show doesn't deserve a new thread. They actually did it. They had the nerve to rip off Tolkien.
How did they make the nigger dyke even worse?
Evil Lyn just gets away with everything. Getting to just walk off into the sunset. Despite trying to destroy all of existence.
And thus we end this misery with NOTShodan & Hordak teasing. Yeah fuck that. I hope someone curbstomps Kevin Smith.
>>20486 The normalfags were praising the animation, but the more you rewatch the scenes or fights, the more you notice how shitty it looks. Normalfags are blind or let their brains fill up the gaps in the animation. >>20494 >Womyn can't do no wrong AAAAAyyylmao. What happened to she-man?
>>20478 >>20476 Not, not Fisto. >>20480 Edgy. >>20481 Kinda boring actually. >>20483 >dat fukin hair >dat droopy breasts. I don't care if it's realistic, I want big boobed muscle girls. >Teela's standing off in the corner. >>20491 I am no Orco-Orco the Red I am Orco-Orco the White. >>20493 >Long hair that can easily be caught in combat. >>20495 The figure in pic 2 is kinda pretty though, the purples, cyans and blue body. Hmm.

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