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Anonymous 03/06/2023 (Mon) 05:45:55 No. 32739
So I found this, they said they would release their pages biweekly until it completes at around 40.
>>32739 Sorry about the shitty OP, I was struggling with the captcha and at some point it was fucked. As I tried to say, I wanna make a storytime of this pro-zoophilia comic I found in a pro-zoophilia forum. I do honestly do not understand how zoophilia would work in a world where furries exist as they see themselves? The damn thing is being published in a pro zoophilia forum. Why not just draw humans instead of furries? What is this paneling, I legitimately do not understand how am I supposed to read this.
Why did they draw their building like that? Is it so hard to use a goddamn ruler? Although I've noticed a lot of furry art trying to make things bouncy as if to make it cartoony, like those old shitty kid's books, even when it's completely inappropriate for everything to be bouncy. >High end of 5% After all the people moving out I would say like 80% and for the purposes of fetish fuel, 100%
>>32741 >That Sign LMAO, imagine having to LEASH your partner or they will take it from you! I would pay for this to be published in Webtoon or some shit. >kids God, please don't have "cub porn"
And this is all until they update further. I hope is not as boring. If you just wanna make some smut take a page from hentai and be done in 16 pages.
Oh fuck, I was so captured about this damn thing existing to begin with that I didn't noticed they haven't updated in a year. https://www.zoovilleforum.net/threads/the-zeta-chronicles-a-pro-active-comic-for-the-zoo-community.46771/ Whatever, I'll find something else to storytime.
>>32744 That sucks.
>>32739 >>32744 >Zoophile shit No. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH Thank god it's not worked anymore. I ain't reading this shit. Please god let the guy who was working on this atleast be a registered sex offender.
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>>32743 >Wherever there is people "I speaka da Engliss!" How long until they fuck?

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>>32742 >anthro animals with pet lower animals That is the most fucked up shit ever. I blame Disney for making this acceptable.
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Hell is full and demons walk the Earth.
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>>32744 >I didn't noticed they haven't updated in a year. It's hard to update a webcomic in prison.
Mark can I fucking post yet? Your captchas shite
>>32803 >It's hard to update a webcomic in prison. Lmao >>32792 What the fuck is wrong with these people? >>32791 >Second pic Heh that's a good one!
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>>32739 Zoophila awareness
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This is not only sick and wrong, it's fucking baffling. Why not just draw humans trying to make this a thing instead of anthro animals? It just makes an already bizarre thing into something even worse. >"Mr. Horse, can I please speak to your wife?" >"It's 'husband,' thank you very much, and I'm afraid he's a regular non-sentient sea turtle so you won't get much out of him other than airy squeaks." >"If he's non-sentient, how can he consent to a raping via horse-dick?" >"Bah! Your ignorance is astounding!"

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