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Anonymous 03/01/2023 (Wed) 01:37:28 No. 32641
Let's talk about Scott Adams.
>>32641 Based. Did nothing wrong. Trump/Adams 2024
>>32641 Got his show cancelled in favor of a shitty buddy comedy and a twice as shitty show about black sluts that couldn't keep their legs closed.
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>>32643 I'm really enjoying the memes, so far. Can't wait to see what comes out when he tells them to go fuck themselves when they expect him to grovel.
Scott Adams should make a new comic named "Buck" Breaker
Is he the new Ben Garrison?
>>32655 Where's the amongus?
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There's a time and place for anime. The time is now. The place is here. - Me
>>32658 But which came first, Ranch or Cool Ranch?
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>>32641 Should've emphasized on how dangerous neighborhoods just happen to be ruled by liberals who also love hosting annual race-wars, like the rooftop Koreans.
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Scott "Free From Niggers is Being Free from Problems" Adams
I'm so used to celebs being pozzed that this genuinely surprised me.
>>32641 Granted, he could've worded it better. But still, what he said wasn't racist. He was just pointing out the major problem with the black population as a whole, almost half of them being racist towards whites and commiting crimes within large black areas due to the fetishization of black redneck culture.
>>32668 Everything outside the script is racist bigot.
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>>32665 Prepare to be surprised back
>>32648 What's the reaction of his fellow newspaper buddies? I've seen one humanizing Mickey Mouse just to spite DeSantis, completely ignoring that pedophiles work at Disneyland.
>>32655 Why line go down?
>>32676 Even a broken clock is right twice a day
>>32720 >What's the reaction of his fellow newspaper buddies I don't know. I imagine it's the usual disavowment but I haven't gone looking as I don't really give a shit what people like Jim Davis and Lynn Johnson think.
>>32641 Can someone put me up to speed on what happened with him lately?
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Okay self caught up to speed On the one hand, what a fucking retard, falling into such obvious traps, on the other hand, I really fucking hate the modern cultural climate of Weimerica. Creativity and interesting concepts come second to being squeaky clean. Next thing they'll do is cancel some other beloved American product for not being kosher enough.
>>32805 He repeated some statistics on a stream to make some (((Leftist))) point, and the (((Leftists))) got angry at him because ... statistics. (((They))) were probably just fishing for a reason to screw over a goy, and the useful idiot got what he deserved.
>>32808 Fuck, I miss him
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>>32810 >and the useful idiot got what he deserved. Let's see you name the jew nog and survive financially. I wish I had that kind of "fuck you" money. I'd finance work on a time machine and go sink all the jewboats before they could "import diversity" to the New World.
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I just hope the schizo liberals get one of their conspiracy theories proven true over DeSantis not hesitating nuking the Disney Company: AKA the corporation that has no problem hiring pedophiles and keep the americans retarded as possible.
>>32918 Disney has always been a bit checkered and despised by many. But as someone that watched the show and read strips, I'd like to see Dilbert become the new Pepe.
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>>32925 >4th pic
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>>32923 >I'd like to see Dilbert become the new Pepe. We should get a drawfag to make us a Pepe that looks like Dilbert who is bulling an Asok who looks like Wojak.

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