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Anonymous 04/22/2022 (Fri) 15:34:35 No. 25341
>Kerry Washington joins The Simpsons cast as Bart's new teacher >Meet Ms. Peyton, who'll be the permanent replacement for Mrs. Krabappel. "Teaching Bart is a job filled with growth opportunities," says Washington. https://archive.ph/gSe8N
Who even watches The Simpsons anymore? What's the core age demographic? I can only picture literal boomers watching this.
So I'm guessing she'll be the "rational" mouthpiece for how teachers know better than parents?
>>25341 Wasn't Ned Flanders his new permanent teacher? I am conflicted about her design. I dislike it, but they've made some that are way worse over the years. New Simpsons just look terrible in general. What's the point of introducing new permanent characters a this point? They can keep the show going only for so long. Most of the main cast are over or pushing 60, and Julie Kavner is over 70 now. She doesn't even sound like Marge anymore.
I would bet money that she and Bart don't have an adversarial relationship
>>25342 I know some kids that are mildly interested in the Simpsons but it wouldn't be their first choice of show to watch. First choice would be playing video games, second choice would be the latest animated/CGI kids movie with catchy songs (Encanto most recently), distant third would be Simpsons/Family Guy/Futurama/etc
It would be nice to let The Simpsons die already. The fact it's gone on for this long is practically an affront to god.
>>25341 >>25344 >>25353 How long before they make Bart transition?
>>25392 They won't make Bart (nor Homer) transition because they can't use a tranny for comic relief. Lisa is a prime candidate, though.
>>25441 Here's my prediction: Bart remains a straight Caucasian (yellow) male so that he can be used as the butt of jokes. Homer dies and Marge gets blacked. Lisa becomes a FtM tranny and dates girls.
>>25392 Too many spics like Bart for that, but I can see Yidsney a large increase of gay jokes featuring Bart and some no-name journos writing dozens of articles about how stunning and brave are the Simpsons for making Bart bisexual (even if it's through jokes full of irony so Yidsney can shield itself from critics about making the character "woke"). Lisa will go full lesbian without any hint of humor, however. She has been the self-insert of more than one writer, and it's a matter of time before they start shoving their own sexuality in the character without attempting to hide it.
>>25444 So, you're saying that Bart and Lisa are going to end the Simpsons family bloodline?
>>25445 I mean, there's still Maggie. In more than one "what if" flash forward episode she grows up to be a huge slut.
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>>25445 Lisa definitively will end alone or with another girl, but Bart definitively will have a "gay phase" before settling with a woman. >>25446 She's already a slut.
>>25361 hmm, this is fucking retarded, expissal
>>25465 On the contrary, bart will find himself after his failed marriage.
>>25444 >Too many spics like Bart for that Disney (Marvel) movies have muslim men gay married to niggers now, I don't think they're scared of spics. Look up Eternals actor Haaz Sleiman
>>25539 I hate when people force multiculturalism yet have zero respect for other cultures and force down modern prolgbt proracemixing into it. I want to beat up this people
>>25370 >let The Simpsons die Nah, at this point, The Simpsons has been "Zombie Simpsons" longer than its been genuine. I have to admit, I'm used to Zombie Simpsons now. I don't watch it of course, but I'm accustomed its presence on the TV landscape like the contribution of some abandoned building to the city's skyline. It's been there for so long. It's part of the town, now.
>>25633 Just because you're used to the abandoned building rotting in the downtown area doesn't mean things wouldn't be better off without it sitting there for homeless drug addicts to hole up in.
>>25344 A black marxist teacher, just to compensate the jokes they threw at lefties. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ruU4uKUyHs
I'm always mildly surprised The Simps are still going when I see something posted about it given how poisoned that well is by now, feels like some amputated limb went off and inexplicably somehow survived till now on it's own. Must have been 15+ years since I last caught an ep (the quality of writing had fallen off a cliff years before of course) and it was severely grating on my senses with all the endless mindless crowbarred in celebrity cameo shit to the point where no-one who watched the show from the start could *possibly* care about it any more, any die-hard still sucking that dick is the very definition of sub-normal. >>25633 Nice romancing there but the fucker is a monstrous eye-sore Jenga tower just waiting for a crucial brick to get kicked so it can fall over. Pave over the fucker asap. >>25541 Kind of ironic that those with a boner for multiculturalism refuse to acknowledge that were it adopted it would be the end of distinct cultures.
>>25342 You must always give a shit over a show whose prime era is gone aeons ago, it's the hipster trend.
>>37496 That video was a fucking trip holy shit. But why is it interspersed with pictures from the modern day?
>>37550 /pol/ is dead, but then again that won't stop you fighting your own imaginary wars within your head. However why the fuck is everyone flipping their shit over old ass jokes or gags despite accepting the harsh reality that anyone including the sanest human being can make offensive jokes at any time given? Now before you pull out the ultimate counter of: >You're comparing bananas to oranges Small reminder that these adults cartoons are from the same alley that is Hollywood.
>>37559 >why the fuck is everyone flipping their shit over old ass jokes or gags Because it is [Current year]. I mean that with zero exxageration, hyperbole, or sarcasm. Progressives, Leftists, Socialists, whatever you want to call them, use media for one reason and one reason only: to push a political agenda. When they made those cartoons with the "offensive gags and jokes", that's because inserting those jokes into that media allowed for them to push that political agenda they were currently after at the time. However, that agenda is always changing, sometimes even faster than the seasons. So, come the following century/decade/year/month/day/minute/second that media no longer serves the current agenda they are pushing, they need to censor/ban/slander/defame/ridicule that content because it only exists to push the OLD political agenda that they had already achieved but now exists as a threat to their CURRENT agenda. Why do you think Orwell came off with the line, "We were always at war with Eurasia"?
>>37569 Although Frank Zappa's quote pretty much described that: >Freedom of speech will continue as long it's profitable New generations popped out, now manipulated into thinking that X and Y gags are no longer funny and dehumanizing, this is the part where they take down the scenery and force to you stare at the wall (anti-humorous shows, the mature shit must have relatable reddit/tumblr trends in order to make it harmless or just plain propaganda shoved in every chance they can get). Lots of movies or cartoons sucked monkey balls and forgotten in the past 15 years (despite winning every award known in humankind) because the people behind them where held at gunpoint making sure the final product is sterilized and safe as possible, like a goyslop happy meal. Everything has gone down the shitter, everyone's aware of that, but they must enjoy it just to not to be left alone. From soccermoms to thin skinned manchildren, most generations have jinxed that political correctness should be the norm.
>>37580 >Cobain What do you expect of someone from Washington state, aka California North?
>>37580 >Although Frank Zappa's quote pretty much described that No, it's completely missing the point. The money doesn't matter. What they're focussed on achieving is CONTROL. If it was about the money, then the companies would be telling all these hacks to go pound salt as it's always been proven that they're a constant sink hole when it comes to finances.
>>37580 >>37583 The only thing they've managed to do with their little takeover is help rational thinking sane people to spend less time on the sofa and more time on things beneficial.
>>37583 Not control in itself, but specifically psyops. >>37584 You're not the target demographic. The target are the people who will believe the manufactured reality in the movies because it doesn't clash with their own experiences. In other words, children are the easiest targets and the effects could first show themselves years down the line. This doesn't account for the effects of other entertainment like tiktok, but that's its own can of worms.
>>37588 I understand this. It's some of the reason why those die hard Family Guy fans wanted to crucify Seth for trying to kill off his fursona. Then, you have you the special species of... people that believe in anime so much that it's unhealthy. Now we have the tiktok generation coming with all kinds of insanity, and all these idiots are helping to perpetuate it because they've fucked up everything else.
>>37610 Paulie Walnuts was the better alternative instead of the nagging liberal mutt, at least he told fucking jokes.
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>>38471 >Paulie Walnuts was the better alternative You bet your fucking ass!
I might as well dump another Simpsons parody video purged from Youtube.
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>>37559 >Mammy Two-Shoes is a horrible, horrible stereotype >mfw every single episode of Judge Judy has at least one example of women who sound just like her, only stupid. Mammy Two-Shoes was the shit. Tom never got away with much with her around, and even Jerry got fucked over by her on a couple of occasions. Every time she yelled "THOMAS" and Tom got that I just shit my pants look on his face, we'd laugh our asses off.
>>38471 >Paulie Walnuts was the better alternative instead of the nagging liberal mutt, at least he told fucking jokes. The problem is that he was just generic Italian instead of Paulie Walnuts. If he'd been "Joe Pesci in Goodfellas" crazy, I think everyone would have approved. That, and a lot of people, including myself, believed it was a fake-out like when Marvel kills an A-Lister and brings him back in a year. I was actually surprised to learn it was supposed to be permanent until fans wigged out.
>>37582 He was into nazism before going main stream
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>>39423 Would they finally pull the plug if Seth Macfarlane dies? He already stated that he only provides his retarded voices at this point.
It's incredible that upping the budget for the animation department and trying to tell more jokes and providing less "skits" type comedy would improve a series so drastically from forgettable to passable. Seasons 34 and 35 are watchable again. I don't really keep up with the Simps, I just heard about it from people complaining on the internet and it turned out to be true. >>39427 I don't think so. Replacing one of the main cast of the Simps permanently would probably upset part of the fandom, but replacing anyone on Family Guy won't to the same extent. Peter is the only one with a voice that is somewhat specific to imitate, too, and the nature of the show is such that you don't really need any author input anymore.
>>39432 >Seasons 34 and 35 are watchable again. Only the halloween specials, Death Note and the metauniverse where Homer kills his fans by recreating the hiding in the bush visual gag.
>>25633 >the contribution of some abandoned building to the city's skyline. It's been there for so long. It's part of the town, now. That doesn't mean you can't still hate it.
>>39423 It was a fake out. Brian was only dead for two weeks. You think they saw fan reaction and made a whole episode that fast?
>>39433 This will never stop being a hilarious misuse of the technology. Modern companies should be burned to the ground. >Only the halloween specials Those were the stand-out episodes, though what I liked the most is how the animators were let do their job instead of just having characters stand around doing nothing but talk.
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>>39427 >Would they finally pull the plug if Seth Macfarlane dies? All they have to do is look on youtube for replacements. That's how they replaced the Cleveland Brown voice actor. Or AI in a few more years. >>39436 >It was a fake out. Brian was only dead for two weeks. You think they saw fan reaction and made a whole episode that fast? All I know is what I heard MacFarlane say in an interview. If he's lying, he's lying. On the other hand, it was two episodes, but was it two weeks' worth of time between the return? Or was there a small hiatus for a month that would give them time to rework the upcoming episode? I can't remember. It seems like there was a gap at that point as shows often do, but I might be misremembering

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