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Catching Up With Andrew Dobson Anonymous 02/15/2022 (Tue) 07:09:46 No. 23102
Fairly old news, but it's always a pleasure to see everyone's most hated inflatable bear to be as pathetic as ever. Though digging a little deeper he hasn't been around since 2019. https://archive.is/JAHNx https://archive.is/JhYJb
I'd forgotten about him. It's probably for the best that's he has family members willing to chain him up in their basement just to stop him from embarrassing their family name even further. Also, why of all things a muslim vampire story? Doesn't his 'side' consider it haram for a White person to write/draw a female muslim?
>>23102 So to beat a muslim vampire you just need ham & bacon then?
>>23110 >ham & bacon then? Now we just need a drawfag to doodle a scene of the sunglasses guy holding two pieces of bacon like a crucifix, directing it towards Dobson's bear that's dressed up as Osama bin Laden.
>>23103 Forgive me for my shit memory, but what did he do to get people to even reject his relatives?
>>23102 Why are hard militant atheists always the biggest Islam white knights? It wasn’t that long ago when trash man himself did a pro Muslim immigrant PSA.
>>23154 Hard militant atheists are not sticking up for muslims. Those would be guys like Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris or Christopher Hitchens. The former two are still cucks and the latter one is dead, but they at least are consistently atheist. The ones you're thinking of are just faggots who don't actually think about the issue or care about the topic of religion at all, they just hate christianity because it's politically correct to do so. They might be atheist enough to not care enough to convert to islam, but that's also partially because they've already converted to SJWism, which fills all of their religious needs.
>>23155 Warren Ellis the same way. Netflix castlevaina not only piss on the games lore with all the anti-Christianity shit. Warren Ellis course kiss Islam butt multiple times in the series.
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>>23155 This. Anti-christians keep corrupting the word atheist.
>>23102 He did gain some sheeple at tumblr when he kept publishing his so relatabla SYAC comics.
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>>23988 How can I, as a white guy, straw man Dobson? If you can stick a baseball bat his ass, you can identify with what it's like to get revenge. For real though, Zootopia is an actual story. Judy and Nick grow as characters and it has themes and such. It's an actual story. Turning Red is semi-autobiographical trash made by a no name 40 year old canadian asian lady. It's not supposed to be relatable, it was her black tank top movie.
>>23988 That's just an edit of an older comic of his, he is still MIA. Had to check KiwiFarms to be sure, the latest development is that he deleted his Instagram. Nobody knows for sure what he is doing at the moment, just presuming that his parents put a tight leash on him.
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>>23103 >muslim vampire story I don't know what the point would be because there's already a decent enough muslim vampire story out there.
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>>23988 You got me all excited for nothing, butthole.
Does he have his fair share of A-Log's? He was tremendously despised by his leftwing kind when he fucked off from DeviantArt to tumblr.
>>33113 >A-Log's Kid, this isn't foxdickfarms.
>>33113 Maybe Dobson was so milquetoast, everyone managed to forget about him in the end?
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>>33122 You best be playing dumb, the term existed way before those trannies from kiwifags mutilated themselves. >>33140 He's probably crippled for the rest of his life after attempting suicide, but he's definitely the surface of lewd artists who are incompetent with their shit and end up burning bridges everywhere. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=q4oNjcoAQ4U Now the guys who bruised his ego have buried their past in order to restart as, you've guessed: Lewd artists who refuse to leave their hugboxes. Literally: >What did the kettle tell to the pot?
>>23997 That was a good story.
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>>33147 >He's probably crippled for the rest of his life after attempting suicide Whoa whoa whoa. Whoa. I must have missed that one. What happened? Did he accidentally wander into a Mardi Gras party and get triggered?

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