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New Superman and Batman cartoons Anonymous 05/21/2021 (Fri) 15:52:18 No. 13182
More garbage capeshit coming through. Superman: >HBO Max and Cartoon Network announced today a two- season series order for My Adventures with Superman an all-new kids and family animated series following the action-packed, comedic and romantic adventures of Superman and Lois Lane. >In this serialized coming-of-age story, we follow Clark as he builds his secret Superman identity and embraces his role as the hero of Metropolis – and perhaps the world. Lois, now growing into a star investigative journalist, takes aspiring photographer Jimmy Olsen under her wing. All the while, Clark and Lois are falling in love, sharing adventures, taking down bad guys, stumbling over secrets, and discovering what it means to be Superman and Lois Lane. >Sam Register (Teen Titans Go!) serves as executive producer. Jake Wyatt (Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus) and Brendan Clogher (Voltron: Legendary Defender) are on board as co-executive producers and Josie Campbell (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) as co-producer. https://archive.is/QN7Hv Batman: >HBO Max and Cartoon Network have greenlit a straight to series order for Batman: Caped Crusader, an all-new animated series and reimagining of the Batman mythology through the visionary lens of executive producers Bruce Timm, J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves and produced by Warner Bros. Animation (WBA), Bad Robot Productions and 6th & Idaho. >Executive Producers Bruce Timm, J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves said: “We are beyond excited to be working together to bring this character back, to tell engrossing new stories in Gotham City. The series will be thrilling, cinematic and evocative of Batman’s noir roots, while diving deeper into the psychology of these iconic characters. We cannot wait to share this new world.” https://archive.is/STrIT
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>>13182 >a team comprised of people who worked on ttgo, voltron, & she-ra >next team with Matt Reeves & (((JJ Abrams))) It's a complete fucking disaster. Why do they keep making Jimmy a nigger? Why does Lois look like Luz from Owl House? Why is this bingo chart so small? Why did Matt Reeves do this to Riddler?
The art style in the first pic looks ultra fucking gay, like one of those "tumblr redraws." At least the Batman one sounds like it might be good.
>>13186 >Why did Matt Reeves do this to Riddler? I'm honestly not against Zodiac Riddler, these are all technically origin points for the new Bat film, so by the end they should graduate from the scoffed handmade look to something more recognizable.
>>13190 >so by the end they should graduate from the scoffed handmade look to something more recognizable. This is a capeshit film. They'll find some way to kill him off then have Penguin be the next villain.
>>13182 I guess it never ends. >In this serialized coming-of-age story, we follow Clark as he builds his secret Superman identity and embraces his role as the hero of Metropolis – and perhaps the world. Lois, now growing into a star investigative journalist, takes aspiring photographer Jimmy Olsen under her wing. All the while, Clark and Lois are falling in love, sharing adventures, taking down bad guys, stumbling over secrets, and discovering what it means to be Superman and Lois Lane. OooooOooo, goodie! A cartoon version of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Something is telling me to start being more thankful for growing up in the era of the live-action version. >an all-new animated series and reimagining of the Batman mythology through the visionary lens of executive producers Bruce Timm, J.J. Abrams, and Matt Reeves and produced by Warner Bros. Animation (WBA), Bad Robot Productions, and 6th & Idaho. So it's basically just a Batman: The Animated Series remake. Wonderful. Just wonderful. >>13186 Jimmy barely has a role. B Lois is hinted at bisexual. I Superman is made to be stupid. N Lois is oh so quirky female(with a tomboy haircut). G Not much actual action really happens. O
>>13192 I don't think you understand how bingo works.
>>13186 >no Jimmy Olsen is a nigger square >that Riddler designer Is he supposed to be the dungeon master of Batman's deep dark FANTASIES? >>13189 >The art style in the first pic looks ultra fucking gay, like one of those "tumblr redraws." That's because the fags behind >she-Ra are making it. >At least the Batman one sounds like it might be good I wouldn't get my hopes up since Jew Jew Abrams is working on it.
>>13191 Then don't watch it faggot.
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>>13194 He stole Bane's gear after their last session. >>13195 Okay?
>>13182 What kind of mystery meat race is that nigger supposed to be
>>13193 As a child, I played Bingo, Uno, and Minesweeper. But for the sake of non-serious fun, why not just point out the obvious?
>>13198 The trick is the entire board will likely be filled.
Why are AT&T/WB/DC so fucking inept at using Superman? Who thought it was a good idea to put the empty mystery box guy on a show about the world's greatest detective? What will they fuck up next?
>>13199 I've seen how Prediction Bingo is done on YouTube. I was just going with some of the more probable blocks to write BINGO. >>13202 >Why are AT&T/WB/DC so fucking inept at using Superman? Because they only view Superman as their easiest superhero to baby-brand, which he technically is. And not as the titular character that generations of fans love, hate, or have a mutual feeling for.
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>>13186 >Riddler in bondage gear That's retarded, but at least-- >Paul Dano Oh fuck you all in the ass with a batarang!
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>>13194 >the fags behind >she-Ra are making it.
>>13182 >Jimmy as a nigger, played by himself Do they know a long ass time ago they had niggers limited to play only as their cartoon versions right?
>>13253 Idris Elba & Sam Jackson are probably the only ones I can think of. Less so Samuel L Jackson because of his involvements with Brie Larson.
>>13182 >and Josie Campbell (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) as co-producer I could tell from the artstyle
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>>13182 >no one yet shat on Bruce Timm as well I'm disappointed. <Superman is a faggy bishonen <Jimmy is niggerwashed Another ginger bites to dust. <Lois is ugly tan flat tomboy Lois being a bitchy career woman wasn't enough for them? What make Lois stand out and being attractive is the gap between her feminine and delicate look to her bitchy and strong-willed personality which also somewhat break/gets mellowed when she becomes a damsel in distress. The NuLois has none of Lois original appeal or any appeal at all. Why they hell did WB hired the serial killer of franchises Abrams and a cunt who worked on the complete failure that was Dyke-Ra?! Why and how those hacks keep getting jobs?! >Batman: The Animated Series was a masterpiece that shaped the perception of the character for an entire generation of fans. It is in that spirit that we are bringing together three master storytellers in J.J., Matt and Bruce >three master storytellers in J.J., Matt and Bruce Absolute kek As for the new Batfag series, I'm very curious to see the character designs as tasteless prude Abarms will clash with horndog Timm. I feel bad for the Supfags, they just keep getting shit after shit. As for the Batwankers, they have enough good content and they will keep getting more in the future. >>13192 >Batman: The Animated Series remake It won't be. BTAS was rare occurrence of the right people in the right place in the right time. WB and batwanker Timm need to realize they aren't going to recapture the magic of BTAS and instead they should expend and focus on other DC characters and have their own shows (not that I want it to happen at the current corporate culture/environment). >>13257 She was just a writer, however Brendan Clogher was storyboard artist for NuVoltron and turns out he also wrote for Dyke-Ra and TMNT Rise...the new Superman show looking good:^).
>>13266 >Why they hell did WB hired the serial killer of franchises Abrams and a cunt who worked on the complete failure that was Dyke-Ra?! Why and how those hacks keep getting jobs?! You would have to be naive not to know why. Abrams gets by because out-of-touch boomer businessmen look at his portfolia and see "he worked on Star Wars and other big franchises" which (completely ignorant of how they declined/died) and that's enough to convince them he prints money. The Dyke-Ra writers meanwhile get by because their equally leftist friends gatekeep Human Resources positions in order to hire people who share their politics and block/bully out those who do not. Pure nepotism.
>>13266 A Lobo animated series would've definitely been something. Or better yet, Etrigan the Demon. With the right writing, that would make for the perfect horror-themed cape-shit adult animated series. But Timm has too much of a craving for Bat-Tang to think of stuff like that.
I can see myself enjoying the Superman series, depending on whether or not CC is just a rehashed TAS or is trying to be taken seriously, then It will be of varying quality.
>>13182 so lois is now a spic tomboy? holy shit just fucking kill me already
>>13302 >Pure nepotism. Make sense, it's weird to think that collectivist Japan is more meritocratic than USA at this point. >>13304 >adult animated series Most action cartoons for adults are bad, older children cartoons were quite violent and imho subtlety can add more to the horror. >A Lobo animated series How do you imagine it? Make it an episodic show with different bounty hunt every episode and have some episodes crossover with Superman? That could work. >But Timm has too much of a craving for Bat-Tang to think of stuff like that True, however I will say to his credit, that he wanted to make a Kamandi cartoon faithful to the comics which sadly meant the executive dyke ruled it out because not enough womyn. I'm still mad that DCAU is Batwankverse, instead of actually being DC Universe. If WB had brain, they would've continued the DCAU and makes shows for other characters. I just finished watching the main Cadmus plotline in JLU I still have 14 episodes of this crap to go through and I wonder two things: 1. Will Abrams and Timm will make another "x was actually controlled by z all this time" plot twist seeing how much they love that 2. Will Batman Caped Crusader be worse than JLU? On the one hand, they don't have to deal with "lore" from previous shows and there will be more animation budget than the peanuts that were used for JLU, but on the other hand, unholy trinity of hacks working on it and JLU was bad enough despite how supposedly talented DCAU writers were.
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>>13386 >Most action cartoons for adults are bad... That's because they tend to focus more on graphic violence, T&A nudity, and overuse of F-bombs to sell it. Whereas, the near-perfect adult animated action series would have minute dashes of everything. Presented at a well-balanced pace. You're correct about the subtle offstage motif. To me, it heightens the suspense. Both BTAS and STAS had great episodes with that. >How do you imagine it? Make it an episodic show with different bounty hunt every episode and have some episodes crossover with Superman? That could work. Close. I was thinking something along the Alan Grant comics and Duck Dodger the Cartoon Network series. An episodic show that alternates between bounty hunts and random adventures with the occasional Superman beef is better. > If WB had brain, they would've continued the DCAU and makes shows for other characters. They could make Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen into an animated series. It's got enough Batman in it. But they'd only shoehorn more him into random scenes. Same as if they made one for Martian Manhunter or even Aquaman. Somehow Batman would make multiple appearances. DCAU is home to mega Batfans.
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>>13408 >Jimmy screams to everyone that Bruce is Batman >probably a stupid stunt as opposed to an actual outing, but the three villains who haven't already guessed Bruce's identity are probably thinking Huh. Seems kinda obvious now that I think about it.
>>13412 They could've made that into a series. Jimmy goes around trying to uncover the identities of various superheroes and ticking them off. Superman advises him to stop, but he never listens. Now green arrow wants to assault him with his diablo chili. But, no. Let's rehash everything we did by making an animated version of a 90s live-action show. Then, let's make a BTAS remake. But call it somthing else.
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>>13408 >That's because they tend to focus more on graphic violence, T&A nudity, and overuse of F-bombs to sell it And that's why children cartoons are better and more mature. >the near-perfect adult animated action series would have minute dashes of everything. Presented at a well-balanced pace And what are the chances for that to happen? I'm not too fond of the idea of extremely violent, sexual and profane adaptation for most capeshit, it ruins the wholesomeness of it. >Both BTAS and STAS had great episodes with that I've been thinking how Batman Beyond could also use more subtle horror considering the darker Sci-Fi setting, like originally Dini had the idea of making a robot stealing things to feel like a human, but sadly it devolved into Zetashit. >An episodic show that alternates between bounty hunts and random adventures with the occasional Superman beef Sounds nice, I came to the conclusion that adventure is a better genre than capeshit. >DCAU is home to mega Batfans And this is why DCAU sucks. It was pretty fine until JLU, then it went full shit and gone beyond retarded. They completely shat on previous shows/their protagonists to elevate the Batfaggot above all, Static Shock avoided that by being black and no one really cares about Zetashit. Of course all DCAU shows should've crossover episodes, but it should rather be the Justice Leauge used for big events or any other fitting character instead of shoving more Batwank stealing everyone else spotlight. >>13428 >Jimmy goes around trying to uncover the identities of various superheroes and ticking them off Why would you make Jimmy genius and then also made him use that intelligence to do extremely stupid shit? Sounds like JLU tier writing. >But call it somthing else Because deep down they know they can't rehash BTAS and also, they want to avoid the naturally expected backlash by not directly connecting it to BTAS.
>>13458 No one cares how autistic you are about the DCAU because you keep imaging things to nitpick.
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>>13458 >and no one really cares about Zetashit. Is it even really a DCAU show? He doesn't even look the same in the Batman Beyond episode as he does in the series. It's almost like a parallel universe version. I never watched much of the series. Do any DC heroes or villains even appear in it?
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I feel like pic related is relevant.
>>13463 There was a Batman Beyond crossover episode starring Mad-Stan.
>>13458 >>>I'm not too fond of the idea of extremely violent, sexual and profane adaptation for most capeshit, it ruins the wholesomeness of it. They know it as well. But they have it ingrained into their minds that graphic sex, language, violence in the silhouette of a popular comic book superhero, will gain them lots of money from their mature demographic. >I've been thinking how Batman Beyond could also use more subtle horror considering the darker Sci-Fi setting, like originally Dini had the idea of making a robot stealing things to feel like a human, but sadly it devolved into Zetashit. Yeah, that wasn't their best idea, and for a spinoff. Dini had the better way to go about the character. But, they needed a token character they could easily adapt a spinoff series around. Sadly, it resulted in an attempt to make Universal Soldier, though entirely a robot, an animated kids cartoon. They could have saved that money and made an Inque special or something. >Sounds nice, I came to the conclusion that adventure is a better genre than capeshit. To me, it's why The Phantom should have gotten an animated series. Because the comics and mediocre movie offered the best of both realms. >It was pretty fine until JLU, then it went full shit and gone beyond retarded. They completely shat on previous shows/their protagonists to elevate the Batfaggot above all, Static Shock avoided that by being black and no one really cares about Zetashit. Of course all DCAU shows should've crossover episodes, but it should rather be the Justice Leauge used for big events or any other fitting character instead of shoving more Batwank stealing everyone else spotlight. It's why I'm surprised they haven't made an Ace the Bat-Hound series for children yet. Or one with a talking Batmobile. No doubt he'll be shoehorned into making an appearance in the Lois & Clark animated series. Timm just can't get enough of him. >Why would you make Jimmy genius and then also made him use that intelligence to do extremely stupid shit? Sounds like JLU tier writing. Because it's something they would have undoubtedly done. >Because deep down they know they can't rehash BTAS and also, they want to avoid the naturally expected backlash by not directly connecting it to BTAS. BTAS had punching, kicking, nut shots with a crunch, blood, and was a cartoon for kids. That's why it's their only best-animated series centered around Batman. In order to top the previous, they would have to take from the same old formula and better it. But, in this day and age, that's damn near impossible. >>13460 JLU was crap at times. >>13463 >Is it even really a DCAU show? Do any DC heroes or villains even appear in it? Yes and no. If you're familiar with the Universal Soldier films, as well Short Circuit(1986), that's basically the whole plot. No McGinnis, no Wayne, no nothing. >He doesn't even look the same in the Batman Beyond episode as he does in the series. It's almost like a parallel universe version. I never watched much of the series. Some gurus have speculated that this was done so the animators could cheat, which is seems to be correct.
>>13490 >BTAS had punching, kicking, nut shots with a crunch, blood, and was a cartoon for kids. That's why it's their only best-animated series centered around Batman. The Batman also had that as well, and is arguably a better series. Hell, the DTV movie with Dracula was straight-up horror. However, because the show didn't premier in the 90's (During the "renaissance" of TV cartoons), people didn't cream their pants over it.
>>13492 The Batman was good but nowhere near BTAS, its more on the level of New Adventures and both aren't remembered as memorably, even though one of them is in the timer period you mentioned. In other words you're just baiting at this point.
>>13492 I watched The Batman's first season and have no grips about it. The show was one of the last few goodies from KidsWB. Although, The Batman and BTAS are two different beasts. The Batman's version of Bruce Wayne is like some mannered fratboy, whereas BTAS Batman is more mature.
Maybe we can make a bingo for the upcoming Batman series too? >>13490 >made an Inque special Why are you doing this to me anon? I love Inque! However, I do have hard time imaging a special around her since her motivations are too simplistic; she just wants to get money and kill Batman. After the last episode she appeared in, she'd probably will go on rampage bashing and maybe even almost killing her daughter and trying to kill Batman again. >or something They could've save that animation budget for JL, or come up with DCAU Flash series never ever , heck practically any DC character deserved a series more than that dumb OC. >The Phantom Thanks for the recommendation. I started reading it, it's simple and fun. >It's why I'm surprised they haven't made an Ace the Bat-Hound series for children yet Interestingly, TNBA got canceled due to executiveniggers wanting to have ridiculously kid friendly Batman series with Batkid and then some executivenigger suggested teenager Batman and thus Batman Beyond was born. my beloved franchise was cursed from inception. https://archive.is/cpBS1 >BTAS had punching, kicking, nut shots with a crunch, blood, and was a cartoon for kids. That's why it's their only best-animated series centered around Batman TNBA was also like that and so Batman Beyond which was even more violent, however BTAS had better writing (I think it's only true in comparison to BB, TNBA is on the same level as far as I remember) and Bruce was likeable and not a schizoid asshole. This is why BTAS is objectively the best Batman series. >But, in this day and age, that's damn near impossible Are there any good writers left or everyone are hacks? >>13465 Worst episode of the series; after Mad Stan fainted, I stopped watching, it was so, so boring. >>13492 I tried to watch one episode and I may watch more at some point. It's alright, definitely not as great as DCAU Batman shows. I still dislike the deformed art style and Bruce look like Jackie Chan.
>>13637 >I tried to watch one episode and I may watch more at some point. It's alright, definitely not as great as DCAU Batman shows. Just make sure you watch the series in order. For some reason, quality noticeably dropped during the third season, but managed to somewhat salvage itself afterwards.
>>13490 >It's why I'm surprised they haven't made an Ace the Bat-Hound series for Children. Didn't they make one for Superman's dog though?
>>13649 Yes. Krypto the Superdog. Had Streaky & Ace the Bathound.
>>13637 >After the last episode she appeared in, she'd probably will go on rampage bashing and maybe even almost killing her daughter and trying to kill Batman again. I was thinking in terms of what they used to do to make up a special. That is, take all of her episodes, splice them together, then air the "special" during the Saturday morning block with new(the edited portions) added in. >They could've save that animation budget for JL, or come up with DCAU Flash series never ever, heck practically any DC character deserved a series more than that dumb OC. A Flash: Animated Series would have worked back then. And also a Green Arrow series. Ollie fights crime and loves to cook spicy chili. Throw in his kids to aid him in capeshit, with the occasional end-of-episode-life-lesson, and there's the foundation for good animated series. >Thanks for the recommendation. I started reading it, it's simple and fun. I had a few of those at one point, as well Doc Savage and The Black Terror. >TNBA got canceled due to executiveniggers wanting to have ridiculously kid friendly Batman series with Batkid and then some executivenigger suggested teenager Batman and thus Batman Beyond was born. my beloved franchise was cursed from inception. Actually, that had more to do with satisfying the 1996 FCC requirements(E/I, Educational, Informative) for children's programming, inasmuch as the executiveniggers demands. >TNBA was also like that and so Batman Beyond which was even more violent, however BTAS had better writing >Bruce was likeable and not a schizoid asshole. This is why BTAS is objectively the best Batman series. That's true. The writing team for BTAS knew where to go with it. Whereas later on down the Bat-line, they have no clue. >Are there any good writers left or everyone are hacks? I've honestly stopped keeping track. The ones that win me over, eventually turn into hacks.
>>13655 >That is, take all of her episodes, splice them together, then air the "special" during the Saturday morning block with new(the edited portions) added in Sounds kinda meh, but still better than Zetashit. >A Flash: Animated Series would have worked back then It could still work today as well. >Green Arrow series Different from his DCAU version or the same? >I had a few of those at one point, as well Doc Savage and The Black Terror Noice, I'll add it to my list. >Actually, that had more to do with satisfying the 1996 FCC requirements(E/I, Educational, Informative) for children's programming But Batman Beyond was more violent than TNBA.... BTW, Do you have any predictions for the Caped Crusader?
>>13688 >Sounds kinda meh, but still better than Zetashit. Even Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island was better than that. >It could still work today as well. If they kept him as the same old arrogantly sarcastic Flash fans know and love, then yes. >Different from his DCAU version or the same? I'm not too familiar with his DCAU version. I'm thinking more on the lines of the chili cooking, crime-fighting, Arrow from the comics with Speedy(Harper) as his sidekick. >But Batman Beyond was more violent than TNBA.... True. But that one was geared more towards the tween and teen demographic. >BTW, Do you have any predictions for the Caped Crusader? Seeing how they're using the Art Deco stylization for the promo, I'm thinking they'll utilize overtones from BTAS with the same noir setting. But the stories will be more like the ones from The Batman. In the first season, they're going to try the hardest to not make seem like a BTAS reboot. Because they got to make it pass under the noses of the older fans.
More info about the new Superman cartoon: >To attract more girl audiences, making girl characters prominent in animated series is key, Ascheim said, referencing the new projects Gross Girls and Jade Armor. The recently announced My Adventures with Superman is “kind of a romantic comedy. Lois, Clark and Jimmy are recent college graduates at the Daily Planet, going through the life stuff you go through when you’re in your early 20s. It’s a romance in addition to being a superhero story. In our version, Clark is new to his powers, so it’s also a coming-of-age story for all of them. That piece of animation tested better with girls than any animation we’ve done in a really long time.” https://archive.is/cXeBE >>13781 >Even Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island was better than that. Kek >arrogantly sarcastic Flash he was more like that in that one episode appearance in STAS, in JL and JLU he was more mentally challenged goofball who did throw snarky comments here and there and would suddenly become smart on occasion for the sake of plot convenience. >I'm not too familiar with his DCAU version He is one of the more prominent characters in JLU. >I'm thinking more on the lines of the chili cooking, crime-fighting, Arrow from the comics with Speedy(Harper) as his sidekick Not too familiar with, but sounds nice. >But the stories will be more like the ones from The Batman I doubt it, I think they'll try to make it le epic and have long story arcs. Considering all the hacks working on it, it will be a miracle if the writing will even be mediocre at best. >they're going to try the hardest to not make seem like a BTAS reboot. Because they got to make it pass under the noses of the older fans The article and poster say otherwise; it's not going to be direct BTAS reboot, but it will try and fail at capturing BTAS atmosphere. Also, they already avoid angering the fans by calling it a different name. >>13638 I gave it another shot and watched the very first episode and it's kinda lame; the diversity hire detectives are boring, Joker introduction was underwhelming, Bruce was bland and the best thing was Alfred, Alfred for crying out loud!
>>13853 >That piece of animation tested better with girls than any animation we’ve done in a really long time That's entirely because Supes in a seme for the fujishit's yaoi fantasies?
>>13861 You mean shojo fantasies. Best case scenario, it somehow manages to be a decent rom com anime rip off. Worst case scenario, Tumblr related content makes it's way in.
>>13853 >"In our version, Clark is new to his powers, so it’s also a coming-of-age story for all of them. Their version is just stupid and stupid. Because, even as a toddler, Clark could lift entire tractors, fly and etcetera. This is something that has always been. If anything, his young adult years should reflect his acceptance of his superpowers. Not him being aware of them for the first time. >in JL and JLU he was more mentally challenged goofball who did throw snarky comments here and there and would suddenly become smart on occasion for the sake of plot convenience. I remember that episode where Superman and he had that macho race. He should have stayed like that in the JL and JLU series. But they wanted to make him the sole comic relief of the group. >I doubt it, I think they'll try to make it le epic and have long story arcs. Considering all the hacks working on it, it will be a miracle if the writing will even be mediocre at best. I was trying to be generous by not going there directly. But who am I kidding? They'll try to increase the "epicness" by each episode. Because "It's Batman! He's the Spawn of DC!" >The article and poster say otherwise; it's not going to be direct BTAS reboot, but it will try and fail at capturing BTAS atmosphere. Also, they already avoid angering the fans by calling it a different name. True on the latter. But for Timm's sake, I hope it doesn't fail to the point of people looking at him as a bad man.
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>>13861 >fujoshit If they test with the same age group as they have for boys (6-11), then most likely few fujoshits sneaked in, depends on the group size. While there's no doubt there's going to be faggotry in the show, the main couple is Lois and Clark. >>13886 >shojo I wish, look at that ugly NuLois, that's clearly not Shoujo, furthermore being college graduates is more fitting setting for Josei. Lois with her fair white skin, contrasting black raven hair and her majestic purple eyes, as well her upper-class family background (daughter of Colonel) would totally fit the Oujo-sama archetype. At first, she would look down on Clark and hate the fact that she's in the same position as he is. Slowly she will recognize Clark' hardworking and kindhearted nature, eventually fall in love with him "and" Superman which will lead her to confusion etc, until she will find out that they're the same person. They could also make her violent tsundereshit which wouldn't be awful because Clark won't feel any pain. I also imagine she would try make it on her own despite her background. There, just within few minutes I came up with a better Shoujo version of Superman than those hacks. Now, what the actual show would be like; NuLois going to be the obnoxious quirky loud cunt, aka self-insert for the dyke writer. Meanwhile, Clark going to be low self-esteem spineless bitch that depend on NuLois encouragement and goes along with her shenanigans. Both are going to be the annoying dense idiots who deeply respect and care about each other, most likely Clark would be the first to realize he's in love with NuLois but his low-self-esteem would prevent him from confessing (NuLois is much better person than me! Look how everyone loves her!) and eventually NuLois realize Clark loves her and she would accept him. In addition to all the crap, there are going to be dyke and fag side couples, maybe they will even turn Jimmy into a faggot (as if it wasn't enough being niggerwashed) who's in love with his best friend Clark to the enjoyment of all the fujoshits. >Tumblr related content makes it's way in Anon it's not the 2000's anymore, this kind of thing is the rule, not the exception, also in case you haven't noticed they niggerwashed poor Jimmy. In addition to that, two Dyke-Ra writers are working on it so it's guaranteed to be shit. >>13927 >Their version is just stupid and stupid Of course it is, they just made this shit to empower Lois and dwarf Superman. >This is something that has always been In STAS he got his powers when he was a teenager. >I remember that episode where Superman and he had that macho race. He should have stayed like that in the JL and JLU series. But they wanted to make him the sole comic relief of the group. I like both versions, but I prefer the JL version. Flash in JL is more than a comic relief, he's still a competent and strong-willed hero. He's the one who keeps the Justice League down to earth and prevent them from becoming arrogant, thinking of themselves as benefiting gods as the Justice Lords episode has shown. Flash is best boy. >Because "It's Batman! He's the Spawn of DC!" It's mostly because those hacks want to make everything epic and think they have the talent for it. >But for Timm's sake, I hope it doesn't fail to the point of people looking at him as a bad man People have been criticizing Abrams and Reeves more, I think most people would mock the entire trio as it should be.
>>14014 >It's mostly because those hacks want to make everything epic They do realize that "epic" stories have to be built up over time, right? Even original films with "epic" finales spends the first three quarters setting everything up.
>>14022 >They do realize that "epic" stories have to be built up over time, right? They do, but they're bad writers so they fail to do so and also, they love crappy twists foolishly thinking it make their writing more sophisticated and interesting.
Shockingly, this movie isn't bad. It's actually pretty good. Black Jimmy aside. Animation was nowhere near Dragon Prince levels of janky & jittery. It takes a bit but Damian & Jon actually have a nice dynamic going on. There's also a lot of references to the wider world's heroes & villains but you may have differing thoughts depending on whether you mind hearing about it rather than seeing it.
>>29664 Stream when?
>>29665 I don't stream.
>>29664 Too bad its in cgi.
>>29667 It's nowhere near as bad as the trailers made it look.
>>13182 Hot take time: I could see it working. I haven't watched it and know it didn't work, but, here's a thought. Lois is Kirk, Clark Bones, and Jimmy gets left with Spock. (I know, high IQ nigger, but I don't think Clark should be Spock. He's as human as a Kryptonian could be.) Your average episode goes like so: Lois gets everyone into more fucking trouble than she can get them out of, and then Clark saves them in a manner that doesn't let on that he's Superman to Lois or Jimmy. That's it: Lois dives dick first into trouble and drags Clark and Jimmy; and then Clark has to save them without revealing himself. And our super-smart Jimmy, photographer, never figures out that Supes is just Clark with his hair parted differently. And, it's not like Lois is incompetent, it's just that her competence in getting into trouble exceeds her competence in getting back out of it. It's not necessary for the person who causes everything to go to shit every time to do so out of incompetence. My point is that we can depict all of these people as competent human beings, even Jimmy, and still have an engaging story. Wait. Isn't this just the plot of a generic Superman comic? Thoughts? How far away from my fantasies was the reality?
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>>29664 Anon you forgot the most important thing to mention besides if it's any good.
>>29671 True.
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https://yewtu.be/watch?v=H8zqDd4bdmE THEY GAVE LOIS A PIXIE CUT, I'M GOING TO FUCKING CUM!!!! This doesn't look very Japanese. It looks oddly, Korean? Supes is a adorkable himbo.
>>34741 >himbo
>>34741 The studio is korean try to copy anime.
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So on the left side is supposed to be Silver Banshee, Waller, & the fat guy part of Intergang. Guy in metal floating might be Metallo. Least that's my guess. Floating figure in the middle could be Zod. I can only guess the guy with the swords is Deathstroke. Same color scheme even if it's not the normal vertical half mask split. Above him is probably Livewire with a horrible haircut. Then finally that's shota Mr. Mxyzptlk on the right. Don't know what that mecha kaiju on the bottom is supposed to be.
>>34741 Are all new series targeted towards women going to have a slighly-brown protagonist now? One that both whites & non-whites can self-insert as?
>>34745 I doubt the two floating figures are Metallo and Livewire because they're wearing the same armor. Unless there's a reason for that, they're probably different/new characters.
>>34750 Anon. You look at Silver Banshee & tell me they're gonna put effort into other Superman villains. They've already shown they don't care about giving them real powers.
>>34755 >literally just a bank robber with a gun Time really is a flat circle, isn't it?
>>34821 Bank Robber with a screaming helmet, to be precise.
>>34748 You're lucky they didn't turn Lois black
>>35031 Holy fuck, its worse than I thought.
>Has people from Teen Titans Go! and Voltron: Legendary Defender That's all that needs to be said.
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Fist five episode summaries >1-1: Adventures of a Normal Man Jul. 7, 2023 Clark Kent builds his secret Superman identity and embraces his role as the hero of Metropolis, while sharing adventures and falling in love with Lois, a journalist, who also takes Jimmy Olsen under her wing. >1-2: My Interview with Superman Jul. 14, 2023 Lois wants to interview Superman and Clark must figure out how to help her while protecting his secret identity! Meanwhile, criminal ring INTERGANG gets their hands on unstable weapons, and a mysterious organization plots in the shadows. >1-3: Let's Go to Ivo Tower, You Say Jul. 21, 2023 Clark, Lois, and Jimmy cover a glitzy gala hosted by tech-billionaire Dr. Ivo - but while Clark and Lois wonder if this counts as a date, Ivo unleashes his newest invention: a creation that can bring down Superman! >1-4: You Will Believe a Man Can Lie Jul. 28, 2023 Lois uncovers a secret in Metropolis and is determined to get to the truth. Meanwhile, Superman tracks down dangerous weapons in the city…and finds himself in the crosshairs of mysterious organization Task Force X. >1-5: My Adventures With Mad Science Aug. 4, 2023 When Jimmy gets kidnapped, it's up to Lois and Clark to save him - but rescuing Jimmy will lead them into danger as they deal with mad scientists, military secrets, and relationship woes! People working on the series https://archive.ph/Z3D1c Some reviews https://archive.ph/v3EPf https://archive.ph/xdnIk https://archive.ph/F8mtu
>>35070 Its like someone wanted to do a slightly more serious adaptation of Tales of Metropolis from Cartoon Network's DC Nation block, but the people they hired know next to zero about actual Superman. Or if they did then they don't really care and begun writing fanfiction instead. https://youtu.be/_JU2hKAnz9w
>>35072 200% this show is someone's self insert fanfiction at best. Whether it was ever a Superman fanfiction or just a power fantasy thing of making a superhero fall in love with the female MC is up for debate. Considering all the character designs being completely wrong, I'm more willing to bet the latter of generic fantasy without any care or knowledge of Superman comics.
>>35075 >I'm more willing to bet the latter of generic fantasy without any care or knowledge of Superman comics. Question: Is that really a crime when much of the modern Supes mythos was developed outside of the comic (TV, radio, films, cartoons) or wasn't introduced until the 70's?
>>35087 Yes. All the more reason someone HIRED TO MAKE A SUPERMAN SHOW should take the time to study & know the basics of Superman lore & characters you have to use.
It just occurred to me that I haven't seen any promos of Lex posted in this thread. Since this is pretty much my only source of info on this show I don't know if there's any mention of him being in this show anywhere else, but if they haven't then that clearly suggests some twist. Not that it matters much since this show will suck. >>35070 I was going say that at least a heterosexuality couple is being portrayed positively, but they'll probably make Clark a biaggot. Lois might be a tranny as well, but I think they just made her flat-chested.
>>35099 There's been shockingly nothing on Lex yet.
>>35100 Obviously he's season 2 bait.
>>34745 you don't think that's braniac in the middle? I'm just saying cause of the weird shape head pretty much, I figured Zod would be more head tilted up and defiant looking.
>>35115 Maybe if his brain is lumpier & not symmetrical.
>>34748 The only really good female market is the japanese fujos, even If "geek" stuff its super mainstream now and companies really want to "appeal" to women at the end its not worth it
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>>35180 Even DC has real fujo fans who actually cared about comics & want to see them reflected accurately. Instead we get not MCU Superman fanfiction with Luz Lane.
>>35181 Tomboys are great Androgynousiation is not
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This is trash. Remember, this is supposed to be Livewire. Guess who the twink is supposed to be.
>>35193 Deathstroke, right? It's not like they've stated their villain names yet so i suppose they'll get their outfits and names once Clark screws them over. Also no Luthor confirmed this season. https://archive.ph/u3jLY
>>35194 Yep. >no lex So it's probably Brainiac in the shadows of the villains shown.
>>35190 >>35193 Oh, come one, Anon, it can't be THAT bad. Right? >Young Clark is definite shota-bait >Animation looks like something out of Flash, and NOT in a good way >I like the animations to Lois and attitude, but it's NOT Lois Five minutes in, the script is absolutely terrible, but it may get better. Right? >Why are you introducing all of these characters that I will not give a shit about five minutes from now? >I do like the fact that the story gets back to things being about CLARK KENT, report for the Daily Planet, who becomes Superman; rather than Superman, disguised as Clark Kent. >However, the show is definitely more focused on Lois being the main protag >Who I take back liking. >And, of course, she saves the day. >So, Clark now upgrades his powers like he's a fucking video game character. >And, they go with the idea from the Synder films that the "S" means something special on Krypton. >And, so much for the idea that Lois sees Clark as a dweeb but is head-over-heels for Supes. Also, whatever happened to Lois being a very serious reporter? <First pic looks unfinished I give the first episode I expected MUCH worse/10. Onto episode two... <The Kents unironically hid a GIANT space ship under their corn field >Clark cries after realizing he's adopted, this seems funny to me >Why is Livewire the only character I actually like? >These fucking budget cuts to the animation, did they unironically use test frames in the final show? >The spaceship doubles as a fucking Animus >And, Clark now literally transforms into his costume like he's fucking Sailor Moon because of course he does. >I really don't like this rendition of Ma Kent for some reason. >And, the fuck is with this music during the battle scene? >And, never mind, I don't like this Livewire anymore. >And, it seems like the Man of Steel keeps needing to be saved by someone else in every episode. >Okay, so the upcoming big twist is that someone found a batch of Kryptonian tech, leftover from some space war, and is using it to build weapons for the government. >So, when we are going to stop focusing on "Lois is the best girl EVAR" and get back to a show about FUCKING SUPERMAN? And, to episode two, I give it You sure this isn't someone's fanfiction/10. Honestly, I do not see this as being a good show by standard. The writing is terrible, the animation is half-assed, it feels like the show was handed off to RoosterTeeth for some reason. How is this such a MASSIVE step down from Unicorn: Eternal Warriors?
>>35207 It is most definitely someone's fanfiction with a light coat of Superman (TM) paint.
>>35207 To be fair I'm just waiting for Lois' porn.
>>35207 So, it's like a Saban entertainment take on Superman with current world and other crap thrown in.
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>>35180 >women at the end its not worth it They only like bodybuilding men fucking each other or just homosexual orgyfests.
>>35218 The Spics are ahead of you on that one: >>>/ac/20851 >>35222 Somehow, it feels worse. I'd actually like the first half of what you're describing as I loved Power Rangers.
>>35207 >So, when we are going to stop focusing on "Lois is the best girl EVAR" and get back to a show about FUCKING SUPERMAN? Well, the show is called "MY adventures with Superman" so it's not exactly about him, kind of like "Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane".
>>35225 No that's what male faggots want. Women like k-pop artist and effeminate men fucking each other in the ass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKsKCObse3w >inb4 that's just japanese women From what I have seen this is also true for western women as well. Just look at the boy bands the west have such as One Direction. They might be fit/athletic but not Arnold Schwarzenegger type.
>>35231 Except the dynamic of the show is completely wrong. Lois is suppose to be infatuated with Supes, but detest Clark. However, they have things backwards here, where she's falling for Clark and look at Supes as a curiosity.
>>35233 Women want their "Oh I just can't choose" love triangle bullshit. Only it doesn't work because they're the same person.
>>35234 So basically Jem and Rio but reverse?
>>35236 That's a pull but yes. Normally this isn't an issue in Superman media because the romance isn't usually the main focus.
>>35182 Her breasts are bigger than in the concept art.
Slade & Leslie's designs suck. She as Livewire is a terrible suit that MAYBE makes me permanently powered by still not blue later. Slade wears full on tactical gear in public without even at least a coat. He has BOTH OF HIS EYES so they gave him that stupid faggoty haircut for no reason. Superman's suit is only saved by the shorts & belt. The lines with the darker blue brings it down though. The 'S' is also unimpressive. Despite Blimmy & Luz Lane being terrible race swaps, they still annoyed me the least compared to Bleslie & Slade. The latter also has the worst voice actor in the show. Does not sound intimidating at all.
There's references to things like The Newsboy Legion, Amazo, & Flamebird but references are not merits.
Animation looks bad, and there are parts that look especially cheap which jar with the rest of it. It’s also jarring because of how unanime-like the animation is when the artstyle is anime. Guess it was entertaining enough though. Raceswapping is always bad, but what’s especially annoying is that they clearly made perry white black because he was black in MOS. They’re trying to make it so he’s eternally black and it will be “whitewashing” to depict him in his original way. They’ll do the same for Jimmy as well, as they’ve done with April. Funny how they never blackwash Clark though, clearly because he’s the mc.
>>35240 Why does it look like it tries to be anime? Are we back in 2005-2010?
>>35248 The hacks behind She-Ra are making this.
>>35248 Studio Mir made it. The korean studio behind The Legend of Korra & Voltron Legendary Defender.
>>35240 >We call ourselves the Newskid Legion. They couldn't even keep the negro-pandering pale palms consistent in that scene, turning an already distracting aesthetic into a flashing emergency light.
>>35256 I have no idea what you just said.
>>35258 They needlessly complicated the coloring process trying to mimic real life black hands by using two tones, something you just know the crew patted themselves on the back for doing, and failed on the first fucking episode.
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>>35256 The animation is really bad.
>>35262 Saturday morning cartoon from 20 years ago tier
>>35265 Cartoons from 2003 weren't this bad.
>>35262 Woooww. I looked away just long enough to miss that grab when it aired. No need to see any more episodes. Time to crawl back under my rock and be totally ignorant of current pop culture again.
>>35268 There's some derp eyes moments too but that's mostly in between frames. What is a more obvious goof is relating to these robots. Bleslie activates all the containers to activate the robots right? Only the last 4 actually open. Okay so those containers are the corresponding ones for each bot then right? Wrong. Lois presses the very first in the row & that makes one of them shut down. So that's one goof. Then somehow the last one destroying the last container doesn't shut it down.
Ain't watching that crap and shills already on dmg control. >>35265 Did you saw Scooby Doo's animation errors? That's actually Dark Age Cartoon tier.
>>35273 Scooby Doo was a show made on a shoestring budget with recycled animation that would be utilized consistently for almost a decade. In some ways, it's far more impressive than people give it credit.
>>35262 You are exagerating. >>35274 You could say the same to any other show for its time. Yes, it is impressive as a comercial product but mediocre for pretty much anything else.
>>35281 I swear to god, there's a Dobson comic that summarises this entire show but I can't find it anywhere. It shows a woman complaining about male characters it comics so she's prompted to draw superheroes the way she likes and she draws the with big girly eyes and long eye lashes pretty much exaclty how they redraw Clark on this show.
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>>35283 Wrong manchild, it's by David Willis. Though I think you're giving him too much credit.
>>35282 Anon she grabs Jimmy then the next shot she's holding thin air while Jimmy's 2 feet away. How is that not dogshit animation?
>>35284 >>35283 Dobson did have a comic where his asian insert redrew some comic con posters with naked super heroes. It was supposed to be a gotcha but he unironically forgot that Hulk is drawn without a shirt on, and it's one of the characters pictured.
>>35284 Women can't have power fantasies?
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>>35285 >How is that not dogshit animation? It isn't four frames looped for 20 seconds straight that doesn't even sync with the dialogue. It does look bad, but it could be worse. >>35284 Yeah exactly, this is what I was talking about. This show looks like Superman but made by a fujofag.
I think you guys are forgeting that yumejoshis are a thing.
>>35290 No, because that would imply they have to change or think another woman is better than them. Women don't want to move up but drag everyone else down.
>>35295 I always wondered why nips almost never bother animating the lip movement required to actually enunciate words.
>>35312 Two reasons. First is that less work is required to just animate lip flaps rather than actual mouth movements, and the second is that the dubbing is actually one of the final steps in their animation process. However, it should also be noted that quality and execution changes from studio and series. Imagine a Nip pulled up this Supes show and used it to mock American animation for how bad it is meanwhile ignoring last month's Unicorn, which had was absolutelt excellent animation until it's last episode.
>>35313 > and the second is that the dubbing is actually one of the final steps in their animation process. Why? That's obviously fucking stupid, for this exact reason. What is the possible benefit to doing the voices last?
>>35312 Pretty much because Sakuga. Every animation studio does sakuga to some extend, but only Japanese studios does it to the point of let everything else look like shit.
>>35315 It's very clear why you and many other anons aren't on any sort of animation or direction roles in anything. Imagine how hard it is to animate in the first place, and then imagine how easy it is to sit down and say words. While it would look better if the voice actor and the animation synced up 100%, that's sometimes not feasible in a budget, especially when that's not the main point of what's happening on screen. >>35295 Take this for instance. The character is just talking, subtle movements of the face are all that's need to grant extra context to the character's tone. This overly simplified face also reads as someone being incredibly frank with someone, not too dramatic and not too lax, just being blunt in their delivery. The information on screen is as detailed as it needs to be. >>35262 This is instead a continuity error. This is objectively bad for one reason overall; it's unintentional. Whether or not the anime clip was a budget decision or otherwise, it has no glaring flaws other than the character isn't emoting to the degree a normal person would. Instead, what we have here is one scene that was story boarded to have lois grab jimmy, and then the next story board was jimmy holding his camera to show he had his camera on him. The animators who do the work piecing those pieces of information had two different ideas of what the flow of events were, thus leading to drastically different keyframes. Then, a bunch of sub animators that clean up information between keyframes just worked with the information that they had. Generally, each "shot" is given a new animation team, so scenes can be created in tandem. This saves time, but of course, you still need an editor to review the information to make sure mistakes like this don't happen. Otherwise, you can just let this kind of mistake slip by and everyone notices, and wonders why the fuck a >DC net worth of approximately 10 Billion dollars company doesn't seem to care enough to hire a decent editing and review team. We're not talking about a low budget animation made by a small studio that needs to stretch their bucks, we're talking about a huge company with money to spend.
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>>35328 >It's very clear why you and many other anons aren't on any sort of animation or direction roles in anything. >Imagine how hard it is to animate in the first place, and then imagine how easy it is to sit down and say words. >While it would look better if the voice actor and the animation synced up 100%, that's sometimes not feasible in a budget, especially when that's not the main point of what's happening on screen. First of all, why are you doing line breaks after every sentence? Stop that shit. Is this Reddit Spacing? I never understood what that was supposed to be, because I've never gone on that site, but I know this is wrong. The difficulty of animation vs voice acting is irrelevant. Both are happening regardless. We're just talking about the order in which they happen. You don't even acknowledge this in your response. You're just saying it's hard to make them match, but I didn't ask why it's hard to make them match. I asked why you'd do the voice acting after the animation. It's very easy, and standard in other parts of the world, to do the voice acting first, because that makes the lip sync easier. Everything else is the same, except now you have voices to use to help do the lip sync. What is the advantage to doing the lip sync second? >tl;dr: You're a pretentious prick, and yet too much of a stupid motherfucking faggot to actually address the question that was asked.
>>35336 I'm breaking things down into small chunks so even a retard like you can understand, you stupid nigger. >accuses of reddit spacing >immediately reddit spaces the lady doth protest too much >The difficulty of animation vs voice acting is irrelevant. this is why I broke it down, because despite putting things into baby sized chunks, you still can't wrap your head around the fact that this very first sentence is completely incorrect. It is 100% relevant to the subject at hand, which is production. If you're making the lip flaps sync up with the words being said, the animator is going to have to spend hours getting each individual frame right, but a voice actor just needs to do 5 or six more takes, maybe only 30 extra minutes in the studio. Are you understanding, retard? Is everything coming through clear, dumbass? Are you picking up the thin skinny, neanderthal? I already explained all of this, you're just begging to be spoon fed at this point.
>>35207 >>And, they go with the idea from the Synder films that the "S" means something special on Krypton. Isn't this supposed to come from geoff johns?
>>35336 >immediately reddit spaces Separating different paragraphs into different paragraphs isn't reddit spacing. Doing a line break after every sentence, and not even a double line break to actually make it more readable, is wrong. I don't know exactly why you did it, but it's wrong. >this is why I broke it down, because despite putting things into baby sized chunks, you still can't wrap your head around the fact that this very first sentence is completely incorrect. It is 100% relevant to the subject at hand, which is production. No it isn't, because the question was why do acting after animation, and you didn't answer that. You just said "it's hard." The overall difficulty is completely irrelevant to the question. It answers nothing. >but a voice actor just needs to do 5 or six more takes, maybe only 30 extra minutes in the studio. >I already explained all of this Really? Where? Where was this in your previous post? I see your post right there, and this argument isn't in it. Now at least you made an argument. Still not a great one. One reason it's not great is the very clip that started this conversation. Evidently doing the voice acting after and attempting to match the animation isn't that easy. One reason why it wouldn't be easy is because if the animation simply doesn't match the words, or the way those words would or should be read, then they're fucked. The reason the rest of the world does acting first is because it gives the animators something to base their work on. They have to do lip sync anyway. Now they have a framework to go by. It also allows more freedom in the acting, so you can get better voice acting. Trying to match mouth flaps is a great way to get an awful performance, as seen in practically every live action dub ever made. Doing acting first makes both acting and animation easier. >you're just begging to be spoon fed at this point. You literally forgot to actually address the point that you were replying to. It's nobody else's fault that you're retarded. Except for maybe your parents'. Blame them. >>35366 It goes back quite a ways. It was the crest of the House of El going back to at least the Richard Donner movie from 1978. I know Smallville had it mean all sorts of stuff, but I forget if the episodes where they first say it means something beyond "El" happened before or after Geoff Johns' run, which happened partway through the series' run.
>>35336 >Is this Reddit Spacing? No, I believe reddit spacing in when you put space between each sentence. It looks like this. I recall it's because leddit does fucky shit with it's formating. So ledditors have to add extra spacing, otherwise leddit formats it as a big block of text.
>>35372 >doesn't even quote the right anon quite a lol if I do say so myself.
>>35393 I don't think he's wrong though.
New episode's out >>35190
>>35297 Western women aren't a good market
The show doesn't get better. For whatever reason,t they made Steve & Cat super brown despite being the whitest extra cast at the Daily Planet. Genderswapped Ron too. Probably because they inflated the cast with two black males they pointlessly race swapped. Then of course we get more boring tech shit. None of them even get a situation like Bleslie where they suffer after effects from using the tech.
The show may be trash but I still want to dick tomboy Lois.
>>35511 It's just niggerpill, from >>35506 onwards. In short, it's an autistic spammer talking to himself.
Just finished watching the first three episodes of Super man show. Opinion: Generic kids show. I don't believe this was ever supposed to be an adult show, this was probably aimed at kids, was purged by HBO and then just picked up by adult swim, I honestly can't see how this is aimed at adults. The jokes and romance are very much written like a children's show. And I'll be honest, Is this show really SJW trash? Yeah the race-mixing is stupid but beyond that there really doesn't seem to be any SJW garbage, like Lois and superman are still straight, there's nothing about racial discriminations yet or other politics. Lois even has to get saved multiple times and is called out by Clark in the first episode to which she apologizes! A woman character in a modern show actually apologizing and saying she was wrong is SJW? Besides the most important thing is superman. And he's fine, in fact his character is intact still. He's a kind, caring man who wishes to do good. That's the core of superman and they still have him be that. Compared to what characters like Luke, indiana jones or others got, Superman is still perfectly okay as a character. Hell, I think this portrayal is ten times more respectful then injustice, I'm going to murder all my friends, superman. Sure he's not completely like the comics but that's fine, we've always had differences when it came to superman from the golden age to the silver age to the movies. As long as the core element is there, I don't think it's that big of a deal for someone to experiment a bit with the story. He's such an important part of culture now that he's kind of like Hercules, a mythos of the modern era. It's not a good show, nor would I saw it's terrible though, it's just another modern generic show.
>>35526 When I say not SJW trash like me reiterate, that I don't mean I'm okay with race-swapping or shit. I'm not. I will always be against this shit. I meant is that people seem to act like this is one of the worst irredeemable things out there. But again compared to even that transformers show with non-binary shit, is this really that bad?
It's weird that they changed her appearance and her personality, but still call her Lois Lane. Why didn't they just make her a different character? I do kinda like the character they made her into though. Way better than I thought she was gonna be. it helps that she's also a cutie. pic related.
>>35539 So she isn't luz from the owl hoes?
>>35550 that would've been hilarious if the name was similar, well except that iirc (never actually watched it) she's a raging homo. :P >>35539 Also to be clear, I don't really think the show is anything above "okay" so far, but I just expected them to make Lois such an insufferable character, that seeing her be a character I actually kinda like (again, so far) is giving me serious whiplash and probably making me biased about the rest of the show.
>>35539 Frankly military brat who throws herself into danger>tomboy is far from the biggest leap in characterization in this shit.
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New episode, same link.
Time for the next two episodes: Episode 3: <Why do they keep including all these unfinished images? >For some reason, I like Silver Banshee. However, given the trend of this show, it's probably going to give me a reason to hate her by the end of it. <Third image is the point that the episode ran out of their budget <What's going on in fourth pic? >So, Clark finally saves the day >So, this show is a chick flick Overall, I give the third episode a Someone finally found the animation budget/10. Much better than the first two episodes. Now, onto episode four...
>>35615 <Suddenly, a wild nigger >I like the idea they're going to "unreliable" sources since "approved" news is dismissive >I have to admit, the show does have it's fair share of cute Latin-Lois images >Clark, you're going to regret saying "The most explosive high rise in all of Metropolis" <Are those lesbians I see? >Someone is in love with himself <And, guess who's the villain.
>>35617 <What's going on with first two images? <"Classy guy" loves girls in all colors and sizes! <Fourth pic got my attention, BIG TIME! >So, this is this series rendition of Parasite >And, he's knock-off Tony Stark >Also, why is the design so damn familiar? >This entire scene lacked shading: >>35581
>>35618 >Have to hand that they show Lois actually being intelligent Overall, I give the fourth episode a You have my attention/10. These idiots actually have a chance of making a decent show, don't they?
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>>35581 It still feels weird that that's Lois but people are thirsty for tomboys.
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>>35619 >making a decent show, don't they? Of course not, look at what they've done to Luthor.
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>>35624 You sure that isn't a Red Hairing? :^)
>>35618 Nu-Parasite is trying to be both Eva & Voltron.
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This show went from bad to worse. Making Lois an insane entitled brat who THROWS HERSELF OFF A BUILDING just so Clark is forced to reveal he's Superman. She gets mad AT HIM for "lying" by keeping this secret. From the beginning, all Lois has done to Clark & Blimmy is lie & manipulate them to do whatever she wants. Why do these fucking people keeping writing female characters as so annoyingly entitled & holier than thou?! They can never be in the wrong even when all logic points to them being unreasonable!
>>35739 Because they are feminist, which is inherently sexist. Right and wrong have nothing to do with actions, and everything to do with the genitals of the parties involved.
Episode five: I hope they don't fuck this up. >They're seriously going to try to get me to give a damn about Jiggy's social media life? >The background for Clark looks like a fucking green screen effect >And, someone needs to check the animation continuity of these episode as Lois lost her breasts >Feels like they made Clark extra-retarded for this episode >Yes, handcuff yourself to the man that can bench-press a train, that's how you can prove that he's your coworker
>>35742 >Isn't Jimmy suppose to be his own character to the point that he can operate without needing Lois nor Clark? In fact, didn't he have his own series at some point? >So, are they actually going to take this in the direction that I hoped for? Where Lois knows Clark is Supes, but doesn't say anything because there's nothing that needs to be said? >Villain has a nice costume, too bad that's suppose to be Slade >Are these grand shots with white space intentional or just mistakes? It does not look good at all. >Okay, so apparently there was some sort of attack on Earth with the Kryptonian weapons, but why is Project Cadmus suddenly starting the moment Clark came to Metropolis Then we lead up to this scene: >>35739 >It's retarded as fuck >Bitch, why are you angry that he lied? He is trying to PROTECT YOU!!! >In addition to that, he has a point that you were going to blare to the world about his identity because, certainly, THAT won't cause any repercussions (Like painting a target on his back 24/7) >Especially after you spent the day were with him and had a villain literally declare that there was someone with Supes' powers who was kidnapping villains. >"I would never publish your secrets," meaning you would have if Superman was literally anyone else >So, Lois now hates Clark because he cared so much about her that he didn't tell her who he is to protect her, and he's suppose to be the person in the wrong? >And, no one cares about Jiggy. Overall, I give an this episode a The writer should consider suicide/10. They're going to spend the rest of the series having Clark beginning Lois to forgive him for doing nothing wrong, aren't they?
>>35744 >Isn't Jimmy suppose to be his own character to the point that he can operate without needing Lois nor Clark? In fact, didn't he have his own series at some point? He had his own series that ran for like 20 years, but Superman appeared in every issue (to my knowledge, at least. Maybe there was a strange one here or there where Superman didn't appear, but those must be very rare and special). They were basically still Superman stories but from Jimmy's point of view. He'd always be involved and help out, but they were always Jimmy's adventures with Superman, they weren't solo adventures. Lois Lane's series, which ran for almost as long (and then merged with Jimmy's series to become Superman Family, which ran a few more years), was the same format but with Lois instead of Jimmy.
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mmm this goyslop is so so so tasty thank you warner bros give me more mnmnmnnnn
>>35745 The issue I remember most is the one where Superman is hiding how he's helping Jimmy (forget why though). I really wish Superman kept the trickster aspect of his character past the Silver Age since it really made his character more dynamic. Nowadays it only shows up when he deals with extra-dimensional imps.
>>35770 All those old stories should just still be treated as canon. They are sometimes, when a writer remembers, but they should remember more. When Jon Kent showed up as Superboy, Jimmy should have been treated as his big brother, since Superman legally adopted Jimmy as his son back in the day. I guess Superman stopped pranking him to teach him lessons once Jimmy turned 18 and it was no longer Superman's responsibility to parent him.
>>35764 I'm just here for the tomboy.
>>35775 The tomboy is a manipulative bitch.
>>35778 Well duh, she may be a tomboy but she's still a woman.
>>35778 I think you're exaggerating. Many stories have had side or even main characters be unreasonable like this to create conflict. Even the original Lois and Clark series 30 years ago had Lois get mad and call Clark a liar. But we'll see if they go the woke route.
>>35800 Just because other stories have done it doesn't mean it's good. It doesn't mean those stories were good when they did it. >if they go the woke route Just look at it. LOOK AT IT. To paraphrase a better Superman adaptation than this one, take a bucket of piss and call it granny's peach tea, but we all know what it is. And to be clear, I'm not complimenting the thing that quote is from, I'm just saying this show is even fucking worse.
>>35800 I'm not. Lois has lied to & manipulated Clark & Blimmy from the start. She has no right at all to put anything on Clark for not telling her he's Superman. Especially when she said she's gonna tell all his secrets multiple times. This is already the woke route.
>>35778 Yes, it's a woman
The show's weird, like really weird; one one hand >Some out there choices like Steve Lombard >Mahou Shoujo Superman >Clark is a Saiyan essentially >Kryptonian tec >Parasite, IVO etc seem like they mixed Venom, Blue Beetle and then "Eva-nized" it and on the other hand <The entire Lane family are chinks / taiwanese <Jimmy is black <Ronnie Trup is a serious fat black woman instead of a skinny black guy with infinite chill <Perry Black isn't Morpheus nor is he trying to be <Slade is a twink <Cat Grant is some brown skinny bitch instead of a plastic barbie doll with huge plastic fake tits and buttcheeks This reeks of Smallville, like when they made Lana into a chink and pete ross into a nigger just because of the actors they casted which is fair in live action works at least and everything was the fault of Krypton tec and shit instead of original villain motivations. >>35624 He looks like doofus Lex from the 60s Superboy comics.
>>35817 >This reeks of Smallville, like when they made Lana into a chink and pete ross into a nigger just because of the actors they casted Whatshername that played Lana might have been part asian, but the character wasn't. Her family was all white, and it's not like the actress looked particularly chinky. She's also the worst character and ruins the show, but they never once make any reference to her having any asian ancestry or culture, despite extensive focus on her extended family, including flashbacks to her parents, her aunt being a regular character in the first three seasons, a multi-episode arc about finding out her mom cucked her dad, then getting to know her real dad, and an entire season arc about her medieval french witch ancestor. But yes, they did make Pete black, then wrote him out after season 3 in favor of an OC white girl being Clark's only best friend. God, the female characters on that show were written so badly. Except Ma Kent. She was actually a pretty good character. But all that said, I rewatched it a while back and was surprised to find almost no SJW shit. Pete being black is never a plot point, they never try to play racism or whatever. Lana and Chloe get away with bullshit, and obviously because the writers are biased toward women, but it's nothing compared to modern shit. It's just regular writers' pet stuff. Specifically, the showrunners were clearly in love with the actress that played Lana, which is very evident in commentaries and interviews, and that really fucked up the show. But it wasn't SJW, it was just they loved that bitch (and to a lesser extent, the crazy sex-cult general that played Chloe). But the rest of the characters were all very well written and performed. Smallville had problems with too much teen drama, especially in its middle seasons, but it's nothing like modern shit. It's not SJW, and comparing to even the earlier seasons of Arrow and The Flash really makes it striking how fucked up things got in the years after Smallville ended. By the way, it ended in 2011, the same year SJWs ruined cuckchannel. Coincidence? I think not. The SJWism was getting very, very big right around that time. And it just got worse since then. >and everything was the fault of Krypton tec and shit instead of original villain motivations. I'm not recalling that happening much in Smallville. Lex's backstory is changed and expanded, what with his father actually being a main character, but frankly, its way better than any comics version. Smallville Lex is by far the best Lex. And I think in Season 7 they retcon some stuff so that his dad was involved in investigating aliens the whole time, but that's not really enough to say Lex's motivation was changed to anything with Krypton tech shit. It's still that he's a greedy rich smart guy, with some resentment against young Superman from when they were kids (which is from Earth-One continuity, then brought back by Geoff Johns in the late 2000s), and also he has bigger daddy issues than he did in the comics. But you're probably not talking about Lex when talking about villains being fucked up. But which other villains did they use? >Morgan Edge They never mention Intergang's connection to Darkseid, or Edge owning the Daily Planet. He's just a powerful mobster that was friends with Lionel back in the day. Meh. That's fine. Didn't make it Krypton tech or whatever. >Mxyzptlk I think he was the first other comics villain they used, and yeah, they fucked him up beyond belief, but not by tying him to Krypton, just by trying to make him less of a crazy cartoon god and instead just saying he has luck powers or something. Why they'd pick him to be the first Superman villain they'd use after Lex is beyond me. But they didn't say it was Krypton tec. >Brainiac They did say he was from Krypton instead of Colu, but they just got this from the DC Animated Universe, and to be fair, I think it works well in both. Simplifies things and ties it to the origin without changing the character too drastically. Keep in mind this is also the era when, in the comics, Brainiac wasn't even a robot, but a psychic from Earth possessed by the ghost of an alien (who was the same alien that pre-Crisis robot Brainiac had the memories of, but still, weird). >Zod Well he is from Krypton, so that's kind of the whole point. Now, they made it fucking weird by saying he died and then Zod's ghost is the villain, and then later there's a clone of Zod from before he became evil, so Clark tries to be his friend but he becomes evil anyway (like Lex), and then after that Ghost Zod possesses Clone Zod so now they're one guy with all the memories of both and the body of the one we watched for a whole season arc. But hey, by the end there, that's a pretty good solution. Now he's got all of Zod's regular story, but also he remembers a time he basically lost his memories and became friends with Superman but slowly became evil again. >Bizarro Alright, they did fuck this up too. Some sort of kryptonian ghost possesses Clark then splits into two so now he has an imperfect copy of a kryptonian body. So different from Bizarro that it basically isn't even the same character, since it's not like there aren't plenty of other evil copies of Superman, too. But I will point out that during this era in the comics, Bizarro wasn't made by Lex, but by Mxyzptlk. But yeah, at least that version was still retarded, and not some sort of evil ghost. >Doomsday Now look, I know it looks bad because he's a guy who transforms into Doomsday like a werewolf, but in terms of his backstory and motivation, it's not bad. Instead of being an ancient Kryptonian experiment that hates Krypton and everything from it, he's Zod's genetically engineered son designed to be a conquering weapon. They later adopted most of this into Doomsday's New 52 origin, and you know what? I'm gonna say it's better. It's not that different in any way that really matters, but it ties into plot points about Zod's wife and son (both stories already mentioned in both the show and the comics), instead of the otherwise non-important origin of some scientist who was around on ancient krypton before kryptonians were. Also, even the stupid romance teen drama shit with his human alter ego ends up being a little clever when they reveal that Davis wasn't attracted to Chloe, Doomsday was attracted to (not sexually, but because he was meant to work together with) Brainiac, who had possessed Chloe in the previous season and left her with some remnants of himself that were referenced regularly (as increased intelligence).
>Persuader A relatively minor appearance in one episode, where he isn't even really the main villain (because most of the plot is about Doomsday and Brainiac), but they didn't really change him, in the bit he was used. >Metallo I think they say Zod is the one who gave him a Kryptonite heart, rather than whatever the scientist's name was in the comics. Actually, it doesn't matter in the comics since it changes. I think it's Lex in current continuity, but it wasn't originally. So I'm fine with it being Zod who did it. >Dr. Hamilton I guess he was technically a villain in the comics eventually, even though it sucked. They did two versions of him, because the first one was basically a guy who only appeared in a couple episodes in Season 1 or 2, and they figured you'd forget when they did another version like 8 seasons later. The first one became a villain, the second didn't. They were fine. >Plastique Troubled teen or some shit. I don't think they even said how she got her powers, but Lex was experimenting on her for having them, so you could be forgiven for assuming she got powers from Kryptonite radiation like all of the OC villains from the first three seasons of the show. Yeah okay it was pretty lame. >Livewire, Parasite Neither got very much screentime in the one episode they were in as a team with Plastique. Parasite doesn't look like a fucked up monster. But at least they didn't have time to mention and therefore fuck up their backstories. Meh. >Icicle II Pretty much like the comics version. >Amanda Waller Pretty much like the comics version. >Silver Banshee Now an actual ghost. It sucked. Won't defend this one. >Deadshot Made him a cowboy for some reason (well, because he looked like that in his very first appearance in the comics), and I'm not gonna say it was the best episode ever or anything, but he wasn't fucked up that bad beyond not giving him the classic costume. >Deathstroke Too afraid to do cool costumes on this show, but otherwise he was alright, I guess. >Bruno Manheim He's a big tough gangster. Not much to fuck up. >Ultraman Evil Superman from the backwards universe. As far as I know, Earth-Three Ultraman never even had an in-depth origin in the comics, and you're left to assume it's the same as Superman's origin. Qwardian Ultraman is a human who got mutated or something. Here it's a spin on The Nail, and Clark was adopted by Lionel Luthor instead of the Kents. I think this is a way better origin than the Post-Crisis Ultraman, and Pre-Crisis Ultraman never had much of one. I like this. I don't like that the other heroes from Ultraman's universe are still good guys, though. They should have had his universe's Green Arrow and the rest be bad guys, and use some villain to be a hero in his universe. But this is a minor point in his episodes, so I'll overlook it. >Maxwell Lord Evil Checkmate guy who hates superhumans despite having psychic powers. It sucks, but that's only because the comics already ruined him and they were adapting the current comics. Better than his appearance in Wonder Woman: 1984. >Maxima Speaking of superpowered princesses that rape and get away with it, that's what Maxima is here. They don't even say Almerac is just a weird country or something, which they probably would have said in earlier seasons. She's a space alien. Accurate adaptation. >Toyman Pretty much like the comics. I don't think he ever had a connection to Lex Luthor or especially Green Arrow in the comics, but whatever, I don't think that's a problem. >Captain Cold, Solomon Grundy, Black Manta They technically make a cameo as parts of the Legion of Doom, but they don't do jack shit so they don't have the chance to fuck them up. >Darkseid/Desaad/Granny Goodness/Glorious Godfrey Not the most striking appearances of the characters, partially because being a prequel meant they made the story "Darkseid isn't even trying his best, and just sending a portion of his spirit" or whatever, and likewise his top men are possessing humans (which they do in the comics, but it isn't usually the most memorable thing they do), but their personalities and motivations are pretty much in tact. Also, I like that Darkseid only sending a portion of his spirit means the final battle involves him possessing the body of (an alternate universe) Lionel Luthor, so the final battle of the show can be against Lionel, since he is basically the main villain of the series overall. Clever touch. I'm probably missing a villain or two, but the point is, most of them weren't fucked up due to making things the fault of Krypton tec. More were fucked up due to not wanting the show to be wacky with the costumes, stories, or powers (though it gets way more wacky as it goes on). But at least the show wasn't SJW, like this one. They do a whole Season arc about Lex running for congress, and mention repeatedly that he's destined to be President, but they never mention his politics so they can strawman the side they don't like. Even when Pa Kent runs against him for congress, they never mention his politics to make their side look good, either. Though if you pause and read a newspaper in Season 8 episode "Plastique," an article about the senate race, which was three years earlier, mentions that Jonathan Kent ran as a candidate for the Libertarian Party. We can thus assume that Clark shares his politics, since that's always strongly implied. And this was Ron Paul era Libertarian Party, not the cucked shit it became a decade later.
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>>35624 You're bullshitting.
>>35824 You're surprised after they made Deathstroke a twink with a faggoty eye covering haircut voiced by a 50 year old man who sounds naturally pathetic?
>>35828 I don't have a strong enough stomach to sit through modern crap like this. If they're truly fagging up good characters via anime aesthetics, then damn.
>>35821 >>35822 As I said, I don't blame the showrunners for a tv series from the mid-00s adapting a superhero story of all things, some roles will be given to the actor that's willing to do it, so there's that. If it was a modern Netfux adaptation, right when the soys want more superheroes, I'd be singing a very different tune. <All this Huh, guess I only remember the first two seasons where Clark faced against school bullies who randomly got super powers via kryptonite cancer-aids rocks.
>>35831 You can see him here >>35193 & >>35239
>>35832 There's are at least three categories of race changes we're dealing with here. The first is seen with Kristen Kreuk as Lana Lang, where the actor might be part asian (what percentage? Looks like less than half but I could be wrong), but the character is intended to be the same race as the original character. It bugs me she isn't a redhead, but the character is intended to be white, and they just figured she passed as white, and I'd say that sure, she passes well enough. The second case is like Sam Jones III playing Pete Ross. He's black, and he talks a bit like a black guy despite living in Buttfuck, Kansas, but I don't think there are ever actually any episodes about him being black. I don't think it ever actually gets mentioned. It's not alluded to in order to say he's better, or more moral, or should be allowed special privileges. I don't like that they changed it as much as they did, but oh boy, it could have been worse, as we see in modern shows. Then you have modern shit, where the characters have their races changed specifically to make a point. Smallville made Lois Lane blonde because they didn't give a shit (but later they did and she dyed her hair the right color, and other versions do say Lois is dyed anyway). You think this modern Lois Lane is the way she is out of pure not giving a shit? No, that would be an improvement. They did it specifically because they want to stick it to "the patriarchy" by giving her short hair. Their intent from the go was to push propaganda, which is why she acts like even more of a bitch in this version, but the show acts like it's okay. Yes, Lois Lane is supposed to be a bit of a bitch, but she is also supposed to have reasonable limits and ultimately do what is right, but this show doesn't do that because the writers themselves don't have proper moral compasses, because they think what she does is okay because she has a vagina. You think if the roles were reversed and this was Supergirl's boyfriend treating her like this, the writers would treat it the same way? Obviously not. Look at OP's image. LOOK AT IT. All of that is deliberate, and it's all done to stick it to you, anyone who liked Superman before, because Superman represents, among other things, truth, justice, and the American Way, and to these writers, that means he represents a world where white men go around curbstomping women and niggers all day. To these people, that's what Superman has always done, because they don't bother actually reading the source material, because it was made by "white men" (Jews, but that will be ignored when convenient), so they know without reading it what it is. So they'll stick it to them and to you. "Yeah! How do you like it when Jimmy Olsen is black! Let's see how you like it when Lois Lane is ugly on purpose (because that is the goal of giving her short hair, even if you happen to like it)! Let's see how you like it when she has the moral high ground on Superman!" She's a woman and he's a man, so of course she has the moral high ground, and to them, she can't not have the moral high ground, no matter how the characters actually act, hence why she acts so horribly here. Other versions of Lois find out Clark is Superman and then realize they should take things seriously and that they've been making his life harder than it already is and that they should try to help as best they can without adding to his troubles, but not this one, because it's written by feminists, and for a woman to actually have that level of unselfish responsibility would mean they hate women. Also I just remembered there was one episode of Smallville about a farmer hiring illegal immigrants as near slave labor or something, and then also I think he had super-burrowing powers so he would burrow under the ground and grab them and eat them or some shit like that. Direct allusions are made to how Superman is an illegal immigrant, and nothing is said about closing the border or whatever. Probably the worst episode that wasn't about Lana or Chloe, but it's the closest the show ever gets to being political, and if that's the worst case out of 220 episodes, even after Green Arrow becomes a main character (so they have every reason to have him go on hippie diatribes, but they don't), I can overlook it. >Huh, guess I only remember the first two seasons where Clark faced against school bullies who randomly got super powers via kryptonite cancer-aids rocks. Yeah, that happens an awful lot in the first three or four seasons. But those aren't villains from the comics, so they aren't changing them. Later on they start doing a lot more comic lore stuff, but it's mostly heroes more than villains, and only a few villains (and I don't think any of the heroes) end up getting changed all that much. Except The Flash/Impulse, because they introduced him during the one year that Bart Allen was The Flash in the comics, so they kind of fucked up there. But he acts close enough to Bart, so if you allow that Bart is The Flash, then it's fine.
>>35839 This is almost enough to make me try and finish smallville again. You know. Instead ofme struggling through that show alone and reporting back when something pisses me off... If one of you guys streamed it on 8chtv. Well then we could watch it together and have a hell of a lot more fun. Just a thought.
>>35840 Smallville is one of my favorite shows, even if it is a guilty pleasure, but streaming feels like work and responsibility. Fuck having to show up at the same place on schedule like that. How far did you get in it before? Seasons 1 to 3 are freak of the week family drama stuff, with more and more mini-arcs and Superman lore getting sprinkled in Seasons 4-8 are WB teen drama, but with more lore slowly getting added, and 9 and 10 are actually pretty cool DC comics stuff. But if you didn't like Season 3, I doubt you'll like 4 or 5 much better. They're the worst seasons, for sure.
>>35841 I would have to check the thread I made to find out. And thatd mean digging through the catalog. And im lazy. But 5 or 6 I think. He was at college by that point.
>>35842 Oh well those seasons are the low point for sure. Must have been Season 5. It gets better, but I'm not gonna sit here and say it was great in Season 6. It's pretty great by 9, and the end of 7 is really cool, but I get if you don't wanna bother. I stopped watching originally in Season 5 because I hated it so much. Four years later I saw ads for a two parter where the Justice League meets the Justice Society, and that's why I bothered to catch up. It was worth it though. And it's a lot better than this new shit.
>>35844 It was halfway through 6. And yeah thats what probably you said in that thread too when I gave up. Like 6 is better than 4 and 5. but 7s even better. and by 8 and 9 its really cool. The threads still up on the catalog. Also apparently that was 2 years ago... The fuck does time go anon?
>>35845 You're past the worst episodes then. You already sat through the whole season about Lana being possessed by a witch. You already sat through the episode where Lana, Chloe, and Lois join a vampire sorority. You already passed the one where Lana died and that stupid bitch, Clark, brought her back to life instead of just letting the show get better with her not around anymore. Halfway through season 6 is on the upswing. Season 7 is a lot better than 6.
Time for episode six of this soap opera: >Immediately opens with Lois blaming Clark for why she stood up Jiggy for the Bigfoot trip >And, with her being an absolute bitch towards Clark because SHE can keep secrets, but he is not allowed to >Red Sun forcefields are now a thing, and they reduce Clark's powers >I feel like there's something that should be racist about the gorilla kidnapping a black guy >Jiggy is so pathetic that his cries for death actually save him >Jiggy actually is 100% correct about his conspiracy theories, but is too much of a nut for anyone to take him seriously <Gurren Lagann references >In this universe, Project Cadmus was an advanced tech program funded by the military that was shut down because they weren't making weapons like they were suppose to >So, the gorilla and the robot faked their deaths by destroying the base >Also, the gorilla is unironically gay for the robot >The gorilla and his gay robot lover want to be "accepted" >So, they create a black hole that they will then turn into a wormhole that can take them to alternate realities where being a talking gorilla who loves a brain in a jar can be "accepted" >Jimmy reveals to Clark that he knew his identity all along for years >Jimmy ends up being a better friend to Clark than Lois is >Lois is angry that Jimmy never told HER that he knew >The robot and his gay gorilla lover are so bored that they created a squad of mutants and a black hole >Clark's declares that the reason why he didn't tell anyone he's Superman because he wanted to be treated as a "normal person" >Jiggy and Lois (Like the lying bitch that she is) tell him that he's retarded because the don't "care" that he's is, and just want him to be "open" with them >The gorilla and his gay robot lover fuck off to another dimension >Offer Clark the chance to go with them, and he says he's staying because he needs to "help create a world where everyone is accepted" >Clark and Lois are now dating again Overall, I give this episode a The weakest episode, thus far/10. Looking it up, the Gorilla and the robot are The Brain and Monsieur Mallah. If those names don't seem familiar at first glance, it should help to mention that they were enemies of the Doom Patrol and the Teen Titans. Also, upon looking it up, they are gay lovers in the comics. However, that happened 20 years after they first appeared and under a different writer.
>bestiality is depicted in a positive light because both parties are male Why am I not surprised?
>>35775 I don't know, man, they also like bringing waifus in order to lure consumers. >>35878 They double down compared to Smalldick Superman
>>35878 The brain in a jar big bad being gay lovers with the superintelligent french mercenary ape that carries around his jar is just crazy enough to work in certain contexts and executions. Of course, the SJWs making modern shit do not have the skill nor the care to do things like that properly. Also, The Brain is way cooler when he's just a brain in a jar. Putting him in a robot or any other sort of body is lame. There are tons of body hopping villains in DC. Let him be the one brain in a jar villain. The less he can move, the more it's just straight up a regular jar, the better.
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>>35878 Those clones are sneak peek to Doomsday, isnt it?
>>35893 Cadmus is pretty important to Superman lore, and though they're important to the Death of Superman arc, they're not connected to Doomsday, but to Superboy II (Kon-El). They're not really related to other versions of Doomsday's origin, either. They are tied up a bit with Darkseid stuff, though. All that said, would I put it past this show to just change Doomsday's origin (more than New 52 changed it) and just say Cadmus made him? No. That's very possible.
So Mxyzsptlik looks a kai from DBZ, now. My guess he finds out about superman from the wormhole that the gay gorilla made. https://invidious.privacydev.net/watch?v=q_7ciYEQnNU
>>35898 They didn't even give him a cute voice appropriate for the design. It's even worse than Deathstroke looking like a flamboyant flippant twink while being voiced by fucking Jerry.
>>35899 Yeah he gives off a shippo vibe, mr. Dubs. I wonder if Gsptlsnz is going to show up as well. Probably going to look lizzo since she's a red head.
>>35897 It’s funny, Kirby only introduced the new goods through superman so he could introduce comic book readers to his ocs, but now everyone makes darkseid one of superman’s main nemesi as well as one of the justice league’s. Poor Orion got cucked.
>>35901 Yeah, Darkseid should really be treated as something beyond Superman and even Justice League level. He should be multiversal threat when he actually gives a shit, and it should take the entire DCU to beat him. Or Orion, because destiny.
>>35915 No that would only make Snyder cultists happy. Darkseid is a big deal but he shouldn't be the be all end all cosmic level threat. I'm not even a fan of him being one guy that invades multiple universes. They stopped doing that in the comics in recent years too. If you want big threats then there's The Anti-Monitor, Barbatos, or whatever Swamp Thing force of nature that's bad. The Grey or The Rot I think?
>>35898 I was gonna say how the va for Mr. Mxyzptlk sounds terrible and miscast (he sounds even worse than Gilbert Gottfried’s take on the character), but the same could be applied to all the vas in this terrible series. Regardless, I hope this shit show gets canceled after this one and only season, but knowing that this is Supes shit, it’s going to get at least two more seasons to milk it out. Only big-homo queers like this garbage because of “muh himbo superman”. Also, Adult Swim is long dead, yet, ironically, it’s the only thing keeping Cartoon Network on alive. (who watches Cartoonito?)
>>35920 >but knowing that this is Supes shit, it’s going to get at least two more seasons to milk it out They already greenlit the show for a second season regardless of how it does, just like that Velma show. or just like Nick greenlit the Legend of Korra for four seasons from the start.
>>35918 >No that would only make Snyder cultists happy. Well them and fans of the comics, because that's how Darkseid is portrayed in all the good comics, including the original ones by Kirby. >If you want big threats then there's The Anti-Monitor, Barbatos, or whatever Swamp Thing force of nature that's bad. The Grey or The Rot I think? I think there are two different things, The Black (I think) and The Grey, but neither is a person, it's a force like The Green or The Red. I know in earlier New 52 stories it made Anton Arcane the avatar of The Black (maybe that wasn't what it was called), which was death. And on Earth 2, Solomon Grundy was avatar of The Grey, which was fungi (and Green Lantern was avatar of The Green). Neither was treated like a threat far beyond Swamp Thing or Green Lantern, who are big deals but nowhere near Darkseid level. But Darkseid being beyond Justice League level doesn't mean he's top dog. Yes, guys like The Anti-Monitor, Mandrakk, The Empty Hand, Barbatos, and other things that essentially go beyond the multiverse would all be beyond Darkseid. Though it's notable that in The Crisis on Infinite Earths, Darkseid uses his power to hide his universe from The Anti-Monitor, then helps deliver one powerful blow. So basically, he knows the Anti-Monitor is more powerful than him, but he can put up a good defense. That's a good way to scale his power, I think. Darkseid should be the type of guy who is a major threat to whatever universe he happens to be targeting at the time. If he goes after one universe at a time, he is major. But The Anti-Monitor and guys above him are threats to the whole multiverse or all of reality all at once. DC long ago (like early 1960s) passed the point where threatening a single universe at a time made you the most powerful villain around. >>35920 >implying Gottfried didn't work well for Mxy I think he sells being a little annoying imp man very well.
>>35920 >(who watches Cartoonito?) Cartoonito is very popular outside the USA
>>35928 I should also add Nekron as an option. Blackest Night has shockingly never been adapted.
>>35837 Just damn. >>35898 Yeah... watch fucking Goku show up next. They've literally scraped through the bottom of the barrel all the way to China for this crap.
>>35932 >watch fucking Goku show up next Don't you mean Superboy?
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>>35328 >We're not talking about a low budget animation made by a small studio that needs to stretch their bucks I think we are. WB has money but I don't think they want to spend it on animators. Having seen this and Voltron, Mir seems like the guys that are gonna get you that fake anime look on a budget. They also worked on Young Justice the last couple seasons which cheaped out more and more on animation to an extent I didn't think would be possible for something that's showcasing so many DC properties. Mir worked on season 3 a bit, I believe and did more with season 4 and it got progressively worse, and more wokeshit but I don't know if Mir really had anything to do with that.
>>35939 Pretty fucking progressive seeing the studio behind The Last Airbender always bringing their illiterate slaves from third-world countries to grind shitty propaganda cartoons, just like in the good old days of the Soviet Union.
>>35938 They won't do a Superboy. This season is just all set up for Superman villains by giving them terrible origins from kryptonian technology fucking them up. Which I guess is just reason to make them hate Superman instead of y'know unique & compelling motivations.
>>35938 They'll make him look like emo Vegeta if anything. Cos their reasons. >>35947 Steppenwolf, Roxy Rocket, Livewire, Granny Goodness, Mercy Graves, Toyman, Mala (they'll make her a dyke trying to muh muff Lois), Jax-Ur, Bizzaro(will get the tired old Frankenstein shtick), and Rudy Jones are all going to get fucked up then.
>>35948 >They'll make him look like emo Vegeta if anything. Cos their reasons. Because if anyone was Vegeta, it should be Zod, but they'll be too stupid to do that.
>>35948 Yes absolutely. All of them will. None of the villains so far have even the slightest remote amount of respect given to them.
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Post more tomboy.
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>>35965 I don't care how many fanarts are made just for her stupid design. I won't ever pretend to like short haired brown korean Lois!
What a ridiculous spergout.
>>35972 Same old spammer. Low functioning autism is one hell of a drug.
>>35915 Highfather is supposed to be as powerful as Darkseid? I never see him portrayed as something "cosmic" like Darkseid.
>>35976 He is Darkseid's counterpart, but he's not a warrior, he's a pacifist in general, so you don't see him be as active. Plus, Orion is the one who is destined to beat him, so he gets the lion's share of the heroic focus. Also Highfather is not as cool. Darkseid gets to be a Justice League and Superman villain even though he's far more powerful than them, but they're more popular than Orion, so he fights them, so that he can appear in these more popular series.
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>>35969 >Tomboys are OG trannies Tomboys are a gift from God for the White man to spread superior eugenics that trannies co-opted because they realized the threat.
You will never make me like or accept this propaganda. I like tomboys, I don't like short haired cunts that exist because SJWs wanted to stick it to people who liked the work they're trying to adapt badly on purpose.
>>35981 Control your autism.
>>35982 Cure your down syndrome.
>>35983 I mean it, the fact that you think someone posting you dont like its propaganda that someone is trying to force unto you speaks grades about how autistic you are.
>>35800 > if they go the woke route. They already did lmao. That's the entire show.
>>35984 The show is propaganda. You're a useful idiot, at best. Also, check your grammar. You seem to have accidentally a word or something, and it made parsing your post much more difficult than it should have been.
>>35986 Im not the one posting that, you schizoid fool, im telling you to calm down your sperging.
>>35987 I wasn't the guy you were replying to either, but it isn't really relevant. I also didn't say you were the one posting the images. You're a useful idiot regardless. Maybe even more idiotic, given the stupidity of your responses, or rather lack of responses. You, meanwhile, did accuse the guy saying you have down syndrome of thinking "someone posting you dont like its propaganda that someone is trying to force unto you," which makes no sense, but if anything actually is accusing him of being me. But I didn't bother to point it out the first time because it wasn't relevant. It would be a non-point. Now it's a point to show what a hypocritical idiot you are, and how stupid your attempts at responses are.
Anon keep your autism in check
>>35988 >youre an useful idiot and stupid if you think people having autistic spergouts over anons posting things they dont like its pathethic
>>35980 >chan users:women only want the top 1% of men >also chan users:I want the most active and competitive women
Chan users?
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>>35978 I get the appeal. But the cheap shitty animation, terrible writing, & design that isn't Lois Lane keeps me from getting horny over it. At least fall for girls who were actually designed to be short haired dark skin tomboys from the start.
>>35989 >"its Okay, because this is the second time and it interferes with the meaning, stop it. Secondly, calling a one line post like >>35981 an "autistic spergout" is pathetic. Sorry, someone pointing out that you're a fucking idiot for confusing SJW propaganda with tomboys is pathetic. >>35988 Go fuck yourself, Frank, you SJW piece of shit. Go ahead and ban more people for pointing out when SJW shows are SJW. Why you'd bother being on 8chan of all places, then get mad when people point out that SJW garbage is SJW garbage, is a mystery.
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>>35977 >he's a pacifist in general There is this version that its more "active" >they're more popular than Orion They really should give him a chance, he is not a bad character except maybe the Wonder Woman version
>>35992 > stop it. Fucking make me, you autistic faggot. >calling a one line post like >>35981 an "autistic spergout" is pathetic You clearly missed the previous posts then, or are willingly pretending it didnt happen, whatever the case, its pathetic. >Sorry, someone pointing out that you're a fucking idiot for confusing SJW propaganda with tomboys is pathetic. Again, im not the one arguing in its favour or posting about it, but i can very much call you an autistic faggot.
>>35992 >Go ahead and ban more people Dude, I had to nuke 20+ ips from this thread alone. The fact /co/ has remained the same consistent speed since the thread's creation shows the level of autism a single Anon has for the smut being produced. We can all universally agree the show is shit but the assblasted ban-evading retard that keeps coming here is something completely else entirely.
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>>35997 >All this sperging >Because I posted tomboys.
>>35997 Anyone who hates tomboys should be banned on sight.
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>>35993 >They really should give him a chance, he is not a bad character. No. But in this... soylently sissified day and age, it's best some characters stay forevermore lost in limbo.
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>>36008 But... then again... there were always great interactions between characters.
Episode seven of this dumpster fire, here we go: >Clark shows his friends the ship >"Let's start over this relationship" cliche >Lois and Clark are now officially dating >Clark is literally wasting time planning the first date >Meanwhile Lois is the autistically documenting Clark's origins >And, robots are targeting Lois >Clark literally slams the door on Mr. Mxyzptlk, unironically the best scene this show has to offer
>For some >>36069 >And, the imp is apparently an interdimensional cop in this version >Hey, remember these shows, I bet you would rather be watching these, wouldn't you?
>>36070 >Never mind, the imp is the typical trickster character >Interdimensional super force of Lois Lanes, founded by Lois Lane, staffed only by Lois Lane, no, this isn't a shitpost >Yep, previous episode is the reason why Mr. Mxyzptlk "found" this universe >Wow, that's not suspicious at all, locking a door that Jiggy was about to open >Okay, I'm interested, what direction are you go with this episode >Unironically a Kingdom Hearts reference, did not expect that >Really trying to beat over the head that this Lois isn't a "success" like her alternate counterparts
>>36073 >Interdimensional Lois League are actually evil and trying to kill Clark, that's a new one >Mr. Mxyzptlk trying to stop the ILL by giving them the Super D >Mxy steals the ship, and Lois agrees to help him get to ILL headquarters to figure out what happened to Supes "Prime" >References, references EVERYWHERE, including shit-skinned Lois(es) that never existed Dear, God, modern capeshit makes me despise multiverse stories. Whatever happened to fun shows like Sliders?
>>36078 >The hat becomes a headband >Mxy's hat makes him a interdimensional god >Yes, let's talk about relationship problems when there's a battle raging on behind us >"Our" Lois unironically declares that she's an absolute screw up, because she is, but that's already been discussed to death >The defeat him by stealing the hat by tricking him with his own portals >Female Jiggy sends the trio back before the ILL has a chance to punish them, and wipes their coordinates from the computer >Lois head over heels after first "official" date >Lois is shown that Clark lost it in a couple of realities >Finds a shard of Kryptonite inside of the "file" for Supes Prime >Mxy shows up after escaping jail and taunts her about the revelation before warping away Overall, I give this episode a One of the better ones/10. In some ways, I like shota-bait Mxy, bit this version of his character also comes across as a little lame. In addition, the story seems very intent on wanting to paint implications that Clark could be the ultimate evil, but never actually is. From everything going on with Task Force X, and now the ILL. I guess the "message" they're shooting for with this series is that "Not every Clark/Kryptonian is a genocidal maniac". With the extended meaning of "Don't be waycist against innocent rapefugees, not all of them are criminals, open da borders, goy". However, it may also miss it's mark since it seems like the writers really don't want to make Clark the villain in the first place, trying to do everything possible to show how much of a genuinely good guy he is (Excluding episode five, but I'll let that slide for the sake of this argument). Rather ironic, and sad, that FIRST Supes material in a long time that actually makes him a heroic person is the pseudo-anime soap opera by a bunch of OEL rejects.
>>36079 Better ones?!
tbh, the new superman is not as sjw as I expected, but I was expecting it to be pretty bad. it's not unwatchable.
>>36081 They made The Brain & Mallah innocent good guys because they're a gay couple. They made the already black guy at the Daily Planet a black woman because that's more diverse. This is after making Jimmy black for no reason.
>>36080 The only "good" episode thus far have been three, four, and seven. The rest are trash. >>36083 And, somehow, it's the most tolerable DC property in years. Don't take that as praise in any regard, it's a back-handed compliment (At most) because everything else WB was putting out is THAT bad or insufferable.
>>36070 >>36073 >>36078 >>36079 So basically Mr. Mxyzptlk is supposed to be like The Great Gazoo now. Gotcha. >>36084 It's not entirely tolerable if they rewrite established villains to be protagonists solely on account of their swapped race and/or given sexual preference. If it were tolerable, there would just be shitty anime aesthetics minus the tokenism.
>>36070 >>36073 >>36073 >>36078 God he really does look like a Thunderkitten got shoved through an intrinsic field subtractor.
>>36083 >The Brain & Mallah innocent good guys because they're a gay couple I'm surprised it's not getting called out for bestiality or colonialism or manipulating Mallah's past trauma and coercing him into a sexual relationship >>36083 >Jimmy black for no reason. black qanon jimmy is baste unironi
>>36091 People on this very board have claimed that the only reason bestiality is bad is because the animal can't consent, despite the fact that 'consent' isn't mentioned anywhere in the definition of the word not to mention the fact that by this logic we should be preventing as many animals as possible from mating with each-other since they can't consent to it. It was honestly baffling to here that, since I have never once thought of consent when being disgusted by bestiality. I don't recall anyone even teaching me that bestiality is bad, I simply knew it instinctively. Bestiality is simply bad in and off itself the same way hurting people is.
>>36094 Lack of consent is part of why it's bad anon. You're taking advantage of an animal that just knows it's feeling pleasure or more often than not pain but is in no power to stop it.
>>36094 Normalfags have to use "muh consent" as an arguement because saying something is degenerate based on natural disgust and gut moral feeling is something only ebil nahtzees do.
>>36073 >>36078 >Multiverse shit AKA how to make me immediately lose interest in your story. Does every fucking show have to do this now? It's been like ten years worth of this shit.
>>36103 >It's been like ten years worth of this shit. Next ten years will probably nothing but crossovers.
>>36105 Comic books & capeshit media won't exist in the next 10 years. These studios were already killing themselves but now the MCU is struggling for relevancy, DC floundered a whole universe on arrival, & Hollywood itself is collapsing.
>>36106 There's always the underground/indie comic circuit. But as far as the mainstream goes, indeed it's done and done. Dynamite has become infested, as Bettie Page has a black pimp lover, and there's no more T&A.
>>36114 No one buys indies. The Boys & Invincible got a short boost because of the shows but how many of those people jumping on the bandwagon stuck with buying the volumes? The Walking Dead was the same way.
>>36116 No one buys the Indies because it's all the same capeshit, sometimes written by the very same writers who already worked in the industry. Even then, many of them either lack any and all forms if advertising advertising (Is anyone actually blogposting/storytiming about their latest Indie read here?), or they lack the appeal manga has of cute attractive characters and simple plots that allow you to pick them casually and just relax (Have there been any Indie girls that made your meat stand up?).
>>36117 They do need more variety.
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>>36117 > because it's all the same capeshit, Because nothing else sells. > they lack the appeal manga has of cute attractive characters and simple plots that allow you to pick them casually and just relax There's plenty of comics like that but commercially fail too, even for the big names. >>36118 >They do need more variety. They don't sell
>>36119 It's a vicious cycle.
>>36119 >Because nothing else sells. Nothing else sells because the only thing sold and advertised is capeshit. If they spent as much time building and advertising non-capeshit material, heads would turn and people would start coming back. Look at the three most popular manga that are selling as of last yeat: Jujutsu Kaisen (A story about wizards exercising demons), Tokyo Revengers (Basically Stephen King's The Dead Zone), and SPY x FAMILY (A comedy about three spies posing as a family). Look at the most popular manga of all time: One Piece (Giant pirate adventure), Golgo 13 (Japanese James Bond), Dragon Ball (If JttW had aliens), Naruto (Ninja high school), Detective Conan (Sherlock turned into a shota), Black Jack (Unlicensed super doctor), Slam Dunk (Fucking basketball)....you get the point. Saying "Well, it doesn't sell, so we're not even going to TRY to take it seriously" is exactly the reason why Western comics are dead. If these creators actually gave two shits, then they would be screaming to the high heavens for people to buy their book. > There's plenty of comics like that but commercially fail too, even for the big names. Where's the lewd fanart?
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>>36116 Might make a thread for my ramblings. Though, I'm not disagreeing nor agreeing. Yes. Valiant, Dark Horse, Image, Dynamite, and quite a few others are pumping out pure shit that no one in their right mind would. But it's not all bad, yet.
>>36123 >second pic >literal gayniggers from outer space Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
>>36123 >Elles Is that the one with the young girl with too many personalities?
>>36121 You are forgetting they have different production and distribution practices. For starters manga is domestically(japan) sold in a cheap compilation format in b&w on shit paper for the price about $3. That is a non starter with comic books.
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>>36124 The same species that wanted a Supertwink. He'll look even more faggy if/when they give him the anime treatment. >>36125 Yes, and her hair changes colors to suit said personalities.
>>36126 > For starters manga is domestically(japan) sold in a cheap compilation format in b&w on shit paper for the price about $3. They used to do the same thing here in the states. Heck, that's what Heavy Metal was.
>>36123 You should post some good examples instead of all the bad stuff then.
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>>36132 >First pic Feels like fresh air.
>>36134 Only question is will she reciprocate her love for Clark by showing him what she found in the file?
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>>36134 So Lois's design is supposed to be Korean. To the point where the artist drew her in a Hanbok in Ep 4, got details on Twitter about how to draw it better but then just blocked that person. Thing is, with the short hair and tanned skin, she's closer to the tomboy archetype of Casca rather than a virtual signal attempt. It seems to me she wanted to do one thing but did is so ineffectively, she stumbled upon success by making the new design a thirst trap.
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>>36142 >Third pic Yep, that's pretty much the problem everyone had with that scene. >It seems to me she wanted to do one thing but did is so ineffectively, she stumbled upon success by making the new design a thirst trap. How is it possible for Progressives to fail so hard that they end up creating content that is actually somewhat popular and in demand? It's absolutely hilarious to the point that they come across as a real-life tsundere archetype. >>36143 >Fifth pic Yeah, the fags making the show deserve the win for making a better Lois design with the art style they're doing.
>>36145 >How is it possible for Progressives to fail so hard that they end up creating content that is actually somewhat popular and in demand? I think it's a mixture of intentional straw-manning of a character combined with unintentional audience reception. Take Rorschach for example, Alan Moore, the Commie that he is, wanted him to be a strawman of masked vigilante heroes. He's supposed to be a moralistic extremist of right wing ideas, donning the mask and using violence against the dregs of society and how he ultimately does nothing despite his intellect and more conviction, even in the face of Armageddon. And that's why people who have read the book like him so much, because he's one of the only people in the story with any actual agency. Lois's design was supposed to be a korean girl with Superman, because Josie Campbell wanted diversity in and Studio Mir is the Korean studio animating it. Another example of self inserting race to virtue-signal/roleplay. Except the tanned skin and short hair landed her in the role of tomboy territory. Combined with Lois's spunky personality and the character designer landed an unintentional Bullseye despite missing what they were aiming for. I think it's a coincidence she looks like Casca but it's not unwelcome.
>>36160 Jimmy or Bruce would be more appropriate for a Griffith on the best friend turned archvillain angle. Plus y'know the literal character named Zodd already exists.
>>36161 I was thinking more of someone who was both an equal to Superman and his arch enemy, so it was either Zod or Luthor with Kryptonite.
Episode eight, will it get any better, will it get an worse: >Task Force X episode? >Clark superhearing kicks in and he spends the week endlessly saving people >Clark sure is the romantic >And, he proceeds to post about he's Superman ACROSS THE FUCKING CELLPHONE SERVICES! INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES MONITOR THIS SHIT, IDIOTS!!! >Lois contemplates the revelation of the Superman X file >Lois assists Vicki Vale, and Lois fangirls big time >And Vicki's big story is to show how dangerous Supes is
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>>36164 Fucking Tumblr character designers and their faggot "punk" haircuts and mystery meats. Need to jump off a bridge to their end, so sick of this kind of shit.
>>36164 >Lesbian moms, another diversity quota off the checklist >Vicki channels her inner JJJ >Meanwhile Clark is trying to find the Intergang member that Task Force X lost >Alex makes a return as Vicki's final interviewee >And Clark is being hindered by some supersonic device >Vicki straight up tells Lois that you write dirty stories if you want to succeed >Clark causes an accident trying to save the fleeing Intergang member and the public immediately turns on him >Lois and Jiggy hear the news, they corner Clark and tell him to take a break because it's not making him look good >Clark tells them he'll take a break after he finds the Intergnang member so that he can talk to the General Lane and try to explain that he isn't dangerous >Clark agrees to help the kid free his sister in exchange for finding out where the general is
>>36166 >They arrive too late and the General is already relocating the prisoners of the project >Clark chases after the plane >Turns out it's a trap and he ends up fighting every villain faced thus far >Vicki published the story to get promoted at the Gotham Gazette >Someone is livestreaming the fight
>>36167 >Clark is getting his ass handed to him >And, he levels up, again >Look at all the destruction he "caused" >Parastye goes nuts and almost kills him >And, he's captured >To Be Continued... Overall, I give this episode a Didn't we already do this in another show?/10 Pretty average episode, and nothing you haven't already seen before.
>>36164 >>36166 >>36167 >>36168 Actually, just remembered, this is ONE plot hole in that Clark being captured hinges entirely on the fact that he has his superhearing ability (Which he just gained in this very episode). Without it, he wouldn't have find out that the ginger had "escaped", and took the bait in the first place.
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>>36163 It's almost like the comparison doesn't actually work one to one.
Episode nine, in the final third of the show: >Lois, Jiggy, and the kids are looking for Supes after the fight >The General is torturing Clark asking him then the "invasion" is >Says that Clark was there as well >Shows the invasion in a holodeck where a Kryptonian opened a wormhole to invade Earth until a massive explosion (I assume Krypton exploding) occurred, closing the portal, and shutting down all of the weapons To be fair, I do remember this being an actual plot point from the live-action Superman show from the 50's. Where Krypton was dying, so their government decided to invade and conquer Earth as a new home, but Clark ended up being the only survivor when his parents sent him away.
>>36267 >Clark's crying convinces the General that he genuinely doesn't know what happened. >Lois regrets being such a bitch to Clark >Livewire learns that he retains her powers without her suit >The General thinks that they made a mistake, Waller declares they haven't made a mistake and guilts him over them two being the only survivors >Clark reminds the general of Lois for some reason >Waller turns off the cameras, all prisoners escape and begin trashing the facility
>>36269 >One of the kids finds Clark crawling out of the sewer and hides for Lois and Jiggy to find >Clark declares that he's a weapon >Parasyte grows huge and begins trashing the city >Clark declares that he's going to try to end the destruction being caused by the Kryptonian weapons >He's defeated easily >Jiggy and Lois go live on his stream account to ask people to help Supes by turning off their electricity
>>36270 >It works, BUT THAT ISN'T POWER GRIDS HOW IT WORKS! >Clark gains his second win >Ivo goes nuts and blames Clark for his actions >Clark levels up again and gets his X-ray vision >Yanks Ivo out of the suit >Clark and Lois kiss after celebrating >Jiggy finds the Superman X file Lois had in her bag >Waller replaces the general as being in charge of Task Force X >Tasks him with personally killing Clark Overall I give this episode a Weak as fuck climax/10 Double so for this episode, like last week's, it feels like half of was already done with another show, and done better there. And, next week is the conclusion of season one.
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either they took something out of this scene or there's an obvious continuity issue at the end.
>>36272 This entire episode felt off.
And, now for the conclusion of season one: >Clark having a nightmare about the invasion the general showed >Runs to the ship and tells the AI of his father to fuck off >It's Thanksgiving >Parasite empty suit is still standing in the city >Jiggy and Lois are hiding the Superman X file from Clark and stressing over it >All three of them failed forward to now being real reporters as a result of the previous episode >Lois and her dad are spending the holiday with Clark and his family >Surprise, Lois' dad is the guy who's been trying to kill Clark >This isn't awkward at all
>>36431 >Jiggy pulls Clark and Lois aside to tell them to confront the issue head-on >Clark finally sees the Superman X file >The file releases the Kryptonite shard, and Clark has a seizure >Brainiac awakens >The ship starts rising out of the ground
>>36432 >Ship starts sending out robots >For some reason, the shard causes the robots to explode(?) >Lois confronts her dad about what he's been doing >The ships re-opens the womrhole >Clark's plan is to sacrifice himself by taking the shard and using it to destroy the ship and stop the invasion
>>36433 >Ghost dad AI ghosts his way through the robots and disables them >Clark disables the ship and the wormhole is closed >Awakens inside of the Animus >Ghost dad AI saves Clark and jettisons him from the ship
>>36435 >Clark hits the ground >The general almost pulls the trigger until Lois gets in the way >"I don't need you to protect me, dad!" <Can you spot the background difference? >The general calls off the report and ghosts away >Jigger sold his social media profile to the paper for $5 million >Brainiac reports to Zod about the failed invasion of Earth, meanwhile their invading another planet Overall I give this episode a Okay, that happened/10 And, as for the overall show, itself, I give it a I wasted two months watching this shit/10. To be quite honest, it's not as bad as I was expecting, but that isn't really giving the show much praise as the show was just a weak soap opera from start to finish. Pretty much on par with what I remember of watching the live-action Arrowverse shows (And, only watched the first few seasons of those). As far as any of the episodes that stood out to me of being decent, I can only really point to episode 3 (Silver Banshee), 4 (Parasyte), 7 (Mr. Mxyzptlk), and 8 (Task Force X), with the former two being the best of those as they felt like the show had potential of being a campy entertaining Superman cartoon. Episode seven is what I would file under as being a guilt pleasure, and shining part of episode eight was seeing Clark standing off against the Suicide Squad. As far as what I can point to as being the most consistent and weakest aspects of the cartoon (Aside from all of the animation errors), it has to due with it being designed around arcs so there's constant story bait that's never actually resolved, Lois being the real protagonist but never actually homing in on how that would work out, Clark is actually quite feminine in how he acts outside of fights, the obvious appeals to include diversity in order for WB to receive those ESG bucks, and all of the references to other capeshit and anime that were better and that you should be watching instead. With that out of the way, what was the actual strengths of show? Well, it got back to the show being about Clark Kent instead of Superman, Lois acting girly, and...that's honestly it. There's not much else that I can actually praise the show about that I haven't already mentioned. If I was to compare this with other Western cartoons that I've watched, I'd probably place this show as being lower than Alienators: Evolution Continues (>>>/co/5165). If I was to compare this with the anime that I've watched, since this show is trying to be pseudo-anime, I'd say that it's on par with Super Dimension Century Orguss (https://archive.ph/EAtrt#954593). Being brutally honest, My Adventures with Superman feels like it exists to finish an obligation or fill a void in the schedule. It's just there with no real hooks to keep people coming. Even the meme of Tomboy Lois seemed to have run it's course after the first three weeks. And, I do not see myself returning to be a subject for Season Two (Which was already in production before the first episode even aired). If any of the people who made/produced this show are on this site and reading these posts, best thing I can advise would be to do two things. First, don't make anymore capeshit. People are tired of it, and have only come back to watch select works just to see the "end" of it. It's pretty much how I view GotG3, as it resolves the one and only loose end left after Avengers: Endgame. If you're trying get people to "return" or engage with a "reinterpretation" of some capeshit characters, the honest fact of the matter is that no one cares at this point. If they left already, you're never going to get them back. Which leads me to the second point, that you people need to stop turning every single story into a soap opera. Stop making shows so much about petty family/friend drama. I already get enough of that living my own life, I don't need to see it being played out for entertainment. Many people watch movies and shows for escape, not to be lectured about how much life sucks, nor live out a life through fictional characters. Stop trying to make characters who are "Just like me" and go back to making characters who are their own character. With their own goals, ambitions, hobbies, etc. Those stories are far more interesting than the 500,000th story about a young adult hiding a secret from his friends and suffering from relationship issues.
>>36436 Thanks for watching it for us. I was mildly intrigued despite the altered character designs but reading your posts has made me completely uninterested in it. Shame, the art style is nice for the anime-esque stuff that's been releasing more as of late.
>>36437 It's literally korean made bootleg anime.
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Confirming what we knew all along. Lois looks that way specifically because the current state of the animation industry is a incestuous cesspit of nepotism. All these shitty showrunners know each other & work with the same cheap korean studios. https://thedirect.com/article/my-adventures-with-superman-lois-lane-fans
>>36165 Luz Lane ruined a whole generation of waifus? Or a whole generation of Time Warner cartoons? >>36438 It's like the half talented artists from Nickelodeon's Avatar got hired to sterilize any popular IP just to appease the Tumblr crowd, but the most scandalous thing about this Nu-Superman is that they got a lewd artist enslaved under a contract and those rule34 spergs are, if not, worse than Chris Chan.
>>36545 >the current state of the animation industry is a incestuous cesspit of nepotism. All these shitty showrunners know each other & work with the same cheap korean studios. To be quite honest, that's always gone on. Science fiction took the direction it did in America because, since the 30's, every publishing house was infiltrated and kicked out everyone with a viewpoint right of Stalin, and then proceeded to only produce and release stories written by their small group of friends. In fact, one such company had the entire staff literally all living in the same apartment building in New York.
>>36547 Why are porn addict lewd faggots so autistic? Back when the 2000s we had no tolerence for that autistic crap who wants to fuck shitty Nintendo shit.
Nice Bait
>>36580 You're a liar & a moron. Porn has always existed in the animation world. Both western & eastern. The godfather of anime, Osamu Tezuka, literally had his own stashed away drawings of sexy mouse & snake girls. Then there's the infamous Merrie Melodies/Looney Tunes animations in Cross Country Detours. Or hell just Tom & Jerry where they'd draw sexy cat girls. And that's just the furry side of it all.
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>>13186 >Why do they keep making Jimmy a nigger? The (((usual))) reason. Phase out redheads entirely while training blonde women to have a black fetish and training blacks to have a blonde fetish. Soon they will have nothing but octaroons to rule over.
>>36547 Not Lois, the 2 shitskins in the first image Look at that fucking hair
>>36581 That was niche or non-public, and the infamous Merrie Melodies/Looney Tunes were infamous for a reason.
>>36609 Irrelevant.
Did woke western artists try to copy this "cute" asian design? Even the absolute faggots like Supergay and Wiccan look more manly than the average japanese male character
>>36640 >w-well at least they look manlier than anime characters. no they don't, don't kid yourself
>>36641 But current western artist try to copy anime aesthetic in comics?
>>36642 Yes and?
>>36643 Just asking
>>36647 Many are, even in the 90s you a had plenty who were inspired by stuff like Capcom. It"s just rather non-sequitar in response to my post.
>>36648 Oddly enough it comes in waves with the last wave before now being around the early 2000s.
>>36545 AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH What I really pity is the gooks that have to animate this fucking garbage.
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>>36778 They're better off drawing at porn. Looks like everyone missed the point of "X COMPANY HIRE THIS MAN"
>>36640 Yes, not very well. They've been doing it for a while now, but its always inferior to the original. Ironic since easterners copied the west, and while there's many shit looking animus and mangos there's also many good looking ones, now the west is doing the same thing in reverse but thanks to soy it fails miserably. The worst part of MAWS' art direction is the tech. which somehow manages to be simultaneously over and under designed. TLDR Jimmy is an eternal nigger and slade is gayed.

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