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Supergirl - Visibility more important than Sight Anonymous 09/22/2021 (Wed) 04:53:58 No. 17966
Blind Spot Ironically enough considering the title of Supergirl s6e12, though making a quip about wanting to improve the "sight lines" on Jimmy Olsen's old Guardian helmet, Kelly Olsen remarks that her "other visibility ideas" (ie exposing her lower face so people can see she is black) are "more important" and so of course Brainy conveniently ignored the part about the sightlines because the actual eye design on the new golden helmet is as shitty as ever. The only redemption for this absurdity is if in an upcoming episode Kelly's lack of peripheral vision leads to her decapitating an adjacent black gramma with her kite shield. I can't figure out if Brainy is so stupid that he's blinded by his desire to appeal to Kelly's primary desire to be seen as a black woman that he completely overlooks the shitty sightlines of the helmet (the designs he had prepped ahead of time don't include improvements either... you'd figure that would occur to him!) or if he's the ultimate troll who wants Kelly be incompetent and hurt herself/others and is keeping the eyeholes the same for that reason. That or I'm too low-IQ to perceive some kind of subtle changes made to the eye holes in the old black helmet in it's update to the new gold helmet, because the new one's sight lines don't really seem to hold any advantages. I don't think we have an "armor" forum, should I bother /k/ about this?
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>wear helmet to conceal secret identity >but it should reveal which 7% of the population I'm part of >when age bracket (obviously not a kid or super old so the 64.38% that are 20-50), and non-obese status (only 43.4% of black women are not) are factored in she's actually revealing which 2% of the population she's in when other clues can narrow that down further There's a reason (beyond that the girls are inevitably hot when unmasked) that female heroes letting people assume they're men is so widely used.
>>17967 It's worse in Batwoman because in that she outright poses for a magazine. Why? Either she saves a cop or the cop saves her, the cop was seen as "attractive" so the media started shipping them together. Of course Batwoman can't have that because she's a faggot so she reaches out to a magazine to pose and have the headline be "I'M A DYKE". Oh yeah I also think the Joker standin in that shitshow also knows the real identity of Batwoman I think either two or three episodes in. It's hilarious.
>>17966 They can't just make characters. They have to always tack on some fucking soapbox message bullshit to it. It's so fucking annoying. They learn nothing from comic books. People want to read stories. Not being talked down to about how horrible & unjust the world is because of some arbitrary ill conceived oppression.
>>17969 >They learn nothing from comic books. They don't read them to begin with, anon. They never do. It's all about self-insert and pushing the same cookie-cutter song and dance around a soapbox topic.
>>17976 Yeah. That's why the make the same mistake of turning everything into a soapbox that shits all over the characters people want to see in good stories.
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>>17966 >an upcoming episode Kelly's lack of peripheral vision leads to her decapitating an adjacent black gramma with her kite shield Do you have a webm of that?
>>17980 It's not hard for them to make modern renditions of characters that stay to their original, as well keeping personal-politics and current world problems out of the story. But the people that love consuming their own misery and melodrama have deeper pockets. . >>17984 <I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It was an accident! This mask limits my peripheral vision! I'm sorry! <You killed her! You killed her, you racist! You killed her! <I'm not a racist! I'm black! Can't you all see?! Look at my skin! It's black! <Nah... nah.. you ain't black... you ain't black... you a sellout! You for the oppressors coming down on this community! <Just. Look. At. All. Your. Suit. Girl. Bought and paid for by the man! And you got them powers? You was sent here to kill us all! <What is wrong with you people?! <You people?! You people?! <This woman is racist! <Get out of here, you murdering racist! Get out! Then, through Batman logic, she became a crazed villain.
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>>17966 >Kelly Olsen remarks that her "other visibility ideas" (ie exposing her lower face so people can see she is black) are "more important"
Glad the live-action Supergirl finally ended. 2d Kara is so much more savage.
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>>20308 Are you telling me Live Action Supergirl isn't also savage?
>>20333 >trips wasted on that horrible writing and acting And as if that wasn't bad enough, I already saw that shit when you or someone like you inflicted that clip on /v/, so you've brain-raped me TWICE, now.
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>>20308 >2d Kara is so much more savage. That's just Rainbow Dash wearing a Kara skin.
>>18008 When you physically make it stop. Not before.

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