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Anonymous 01/29/2023 (Sun) 17:00:17 No. 31945
First episode of the Clone High revival leaked and its as horrible as expected.
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Rebecca Sugar and her influence has done erepairable damage to western animation.
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>>31945 As expected
>>31945 Did you really expect anything different?
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Rest in Peace, Ghandi. You really were going for a peaceful world.
>>31946 Sometimes I wonder how different things would be had Steven Universe never happened...
Here's the link in case you want to subject yourself: https://mega.nz/folder/s6A0UYwD#rokqmSLGAiF-nv-s6bJsZA
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>>31985 >Sometimes I wonder how different things would be had Steven Universe never happened...
Maybe it was the change from SD to HD but the reboot despite using the same animation style looks really ugly. The garish new character designs don't help either. It all just looks so cluttered and messy.
>>32035 It's the animation itself, they used cels back then They're using tweening for this shit The style of their antics and reactions is also way different, it wasn't nearly this over the top and overdone with slapstick.
>Military shadowy organization villains are all old white men that literally all look the same >Got frozen stiff at the end of Season 1 >Instead of Season 2 giving us a shadowy organization where everyone looks the exact as well, which would be a nice joke, they are instead filled with fucking "diversity" with the main leader being a black woman It's all so fucking tiring
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Imagine the shit they will do to Carl when Aqua Teen gets a revival in 20 years
>>32048 Aqua Teen got renewed for another season.
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>that disgusting fucking UNIBROW Is that fucking frida kahlo? WHAT.
>>32109 Oh fuck, you might be right.
>>32109 You can check out the wiki to see who they are. The other zoomer looking faggot is supposed to be Confucius of all people, which I think is even more offensive than Gandhi.
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>>31946 Why is blonde Steven Jewniverse crushing on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?
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>>32109 >Ugly as shit progressive dyke An accurate modern Frida Kahlo in all honesty.
>>31991 Could someone render the video and audio together and splice it up in like 2 or 3 webms? I would do it myself but my upload speed is absolute dogshit.
Would you worship fridas smelly pussy?
>>32178 Now we need an episode of her getting it by a bus and becoming a cripple, then itll be perfect.
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>>31945 Didn't Tubbman already have a clone during the show's original run? >>34384 While showing off her collection of Tenochtitlan styled dildos, like the typical progressive leftie who fetishes dead cultures (as long they're not white)
>>31946 OH SHIT >>32109 Repost it and I'll do it myself. Didn't know this shit got leaked.
>>34395 Did you try any of the links above?
>>34401 The mega link is down
>>34442 Out of curiosity, do you have subtitles? I want to share it with my guys from >>>/ac/ too? I could fansub it but this shit doesn't deserve the effort.
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>>34451 Use OpenAI's Whisper to get the English subtitles track from the videos, then use DeepL or even Google's translation tools to create Latin American subs. Obviously reupload them somewhere afterwards.
It's Disney. What do you expect?

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