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/co/ Pain Thread 3: Endless Summer of Trash Anonymous 05/20/2022 (Fri) 17:48:05 No. 26182
Everything's horrible & nothing's going to get better. Let's talk about how that makes you feel.
>>26182 I'll say it again, if Chip n Dale had better writers it would've been great. There's some poor intern that had the great idea of making it 2d vs Cgi but Disney refused to give it an actual budget or hire some competent writers.
>>26183 Yeah but it also needed actual 2D animation, a better plot, actual respect for the properties it's handling, & actual voice actors.
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For those curious, yes the main character of Dead End is a tranny. Ironic with that name.
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>>26184 That's why I lumped all that in with writers and the budget. There was someone on the team that gave a shit, you don't make a Ken Penders reference out of the freaking blue.
>>26186 A Ken Penders reference isn't a good thing. Plus they probably just looked up Sonic covers to reference without any other knowledge. Hell it could be a reference to just any noir film really.
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Putin will nuke USA for this.
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>>26188 Wasn't there an episode of teleporter accidents? Is this the sequel to that?
>character is a sex symbol meant to show women when they have both beauty and brawn >no just have a fairly scrawny woman whom we'll not even attempt to bulk up through cgi or a muscle suit Wonder Woman, Captain Carter, She Hulk, what does Hollywood have against fit women?
>>26198 They don't hate fit women when it comes to stuntwomen but they absolutely can't have the actresses look buff or they gets little girls to want to improve themselves.
>>26198 With Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot was probably only cast because she's jewish. Certainly not for her acting ability when she can barely speak english. With Captain Carter & She-Hulk, Hollywood doesn't actually want to give women power or men eye candy. The big wigs only want the bare minimum pandering to feminists & fat neckbeard grifters.
>>26198 She-Hulk don't have a "too powerful for the MCU" form?
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>>26198 It's far from an unusual design for her. Again, I ask you to post a picture showing the body type you have in mind for her. On a tangent, the other aspect of the hulk a lot of people seem to forget is his disproportionately large hands and feet. He almost always has those, even when he lacks the caveman face in fact. Of course, I wouldn't expect you to try and find a drawing of a woman with massive hands and feet that looks good.
>>26182 Wow, that made me feel bad for Ugly Sonic and anyone who thought whatever that second wemb's movie was to be a good idea. Is it some Chip and Dale movie or something? I saw a clip on my youtube feed and thought it was some sort of College Humor skit
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>>26217 Personally I like She-Hulk with more arm muscle. The character is just eye candy after they stopped letting her be a comedic 4th wall breaker so just let her be muscle girl fetish eye candy. Without going too far where she looks like a man.
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>>26198 They have differing viewpoints.
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>>26217 The definitive look I'd have for Shehulk would be pretty much the black and white images posted by anon here >>26221, but over all I'd settle for an attractive fitness model, similar to one of the more popular early 2000s WWE divas. I mean respect to Gina here >>26222 as she's really fit, but she's not attractive in that "pin up" way I see She Hulk being.
>>26223 Yeah She Hulk needs an athlete's toned body & a bombshell model's face.
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Anon, wake up! New Disney grooming propaganda just dropped.
>>26221 >>26222 >>26223 >>26224 I'd say regardless of how buff she is she should definitely be bigger than a normal person, not fat but literally bigger. Not too big of course, I'd say at least 7 feet tall with a proportioned body to match so she doesn't look like a human noodle.
>>26225 Nobody complains that dykes are having maybe way too much leadership? Even in woke stuff there is barely any fag or trannie.
>>26227 Any more than zero is too much in children's animation. Make shit for teens & adults away from the mainstream kids channel? Sure. I still think it's fucking retarded but at least it'd be away from the eyes of the children. Putting it in every media format you can to reach children, even they won't watch it, is disgusting. It's grooming the next generation of confused faggots. I say this as someone who's actually bi.
>>26228 >Any more than zero is too much in children's animation. Kids don't watch this shit anyways, they probably just watch Tik-Tok and Youtube (probably stuff like FNAF lore), It seems that most modern "children animations" aim more for manchildren, always with some kind of "deep lore" and unnecessary "romance".
>>26229 Doesn't erase they fact they do it for the intention of indoctrinating kids.
>>26230 Again, kids don't watch this stuff, and with bad parents, they are going to find some R34 before any sex education.
>>26231 >Again, kids don't watch this stuff Yes, they do. You probably thinking of kids who watch the shows on television (Which, almost no one does anymore), HOWEVER you're not counting the people who are watching it in whatever streaming service has the show.
>>26225 It has to take a special kind of talent to consistently make fictional lesbians look disgusting.
>>26232 >Yes, they do You say that but are these shows getting any kind of real toys to go along with them? If it's not toyetic then it's not aimed at kids.
>>26232 Not him, but I can vouch that most kids watch cartoons up to like age 8 nowadays and then move on to one or more among Anime, Tik Tok and teen oriented shows. I have two cousins from very different backgrounds who stopped watching cartoons very early on in favor of whatever streamershit is around nowadays.
>>26240 That's not how that works.
>>26247 Honestly, in the last time its more like the reverse of "cartoons are only for children", most animated stuff aims more for young adults instead of kids in one way or another.
>>26251 Problem is these cartoons usually air on kid centered channels. The intent is definitely young child audiences through teens but the incompetent faggots only write shit for 30 year olds like them that don't have any sense of limits. Which is why everything's a soapbox pushing gender identity bullshit & gays.
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>>26217 >the other aspect of the hulk a lot of people seem to forget is his disproportionately large hands and feet The hulk has what you'd call an ogre's body whereas she hulk has an amazonian one.
>>26254 >Fabio Hulk never ever
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>>26225 >They blew the budget for their loli yuri scene It is a bit of a stretch to call it groomer shit. I really don't think there are any kids who watch it, at least anymore. The only people I see even discuss it are adult fujos and western lolicon fags. I think even the Mouse knows that considering it has gotten shitcanned and is ending earlier than anticipated. I will take that back if the creator is sourced saying shit along the lines of using it to "educate" kids on faggotry similar to Rebecca Sugar. The most I have heard are the half hearted "boycott disney BUT n-NOT oUr Show!" comments when protesting Disney's stance on a bill she likely never read. T. My knowledge of the Owl House comes entirely through osmosis from Barrag
>>26259 The creator of it outright said on twatter it got cancelled because not enough actual children watched it, the acquired demographic was too old.
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>>26259 Whether kids watched it or not doesn't erase the intention of putting it there on a kids channel for kids to watch. The fact it got shit canned before another season could do more damage is at least a small saving grace. Lesbians are bad enough but all that identity bullshit is even worse.
>>26260 Can you provide a source?
>>26259 Owl House went from mediocre cartoon aimed at little girls to Twitter Tranny and Feminist bulldyke pandering garbage filled with fetish fuel.
>>26260 Kids haven't watched tv cartoons since 2013 or thereabout, now they just watch YouTube animation and gameplay.
>>26265 Is this actually true or do people keep saying it to make themselves feel better?
>>26270 Jesus christ. This is literal reddit-tier post
>>26266 You can call it another kind of poison, parents give smartphones to toddlers regardless of what kind of damage that can do to a too-young brain. Also there is a lot of weird things in Youtube kids and Tik-tok, but even young parents seems to don't care or don't know.
Out of morbid curiosity I went ahead and absorbed the available bits and pieces of this new Chip and Dale movie and I'm so mad at myself for smiling at the fact they put Jim Cummings in a scene. Not because it's there, but because I hate reference-driven shit and I hate myself for enjoying this one. Ugly Sonic feels to me like a character in the same league as Bad Boxart Megaman, I wouldn't mind seeing more of that silliness elsewhere.
>>26225 >I say this as someone who's actually bi. You should know that aside of being molested the "awakening" of a lot of lesbians and gays was from some "fictional character that make me feel things", If you want fight that then characters must be ugly and hateable as possible. Also in these days, you shouldn't care about a show that only twittards watch, you should care about how easily its to find porn and hentai, there is a lot more chances that one kid find rule 34 of x popular serie/movie than being brainwashed by Disney.
>>26274 It's a lot easier to restrict a child's internet access than it is to keep them from watching a show on TV that has propaganda in it.
>>26275 >than it is to keep them from watching a show on TV that has propaganda Parental control has been a thing on TVs for more than a decade. In fact, I remember messing around with the cable parental controls back in 2008.
>>26266 Somewhat. From what I've seen babysitting my younger cousins which range from 3-13 they don't watch cable tv at all. They do however switch between streaming shows and youtube with the eldest also looking at tik tok. That being said just because it's streaming doesn't mean they never heard of cable tv shows they just don't watch it there. The two middle children still like Teen Titans Go and seemed eager to watch We Bare Bears when I stumbled onto it while looking through HBO Max for something to watch together. I've never seen them watch any show that pushed gay agenda nor eager to watch them when I looked through a catalog with them. I can only assume they get bored before the show can push anything and drop it in favor of something better. It could also their mother who works at home keeps an eye on what they watch but I don't if that's true since the subject never comes up.
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>>26260 It was apparently leddit and not twatter, my mistake. From: https://archive.ph/L0Faa >At the end of the day, there are a few business people who oversee what fits into the Disney brand and one day one of those guys decided TOH didn't fit that "brand". The story is serialized (BARELY compared to any average anime lmao), our audience skews older, and that just didn't fit this one guy's tastes. That's it! Ain't that wild? Really grinds my guts, boils my brain, kicks my shins, all the things. It sucks but it is what it is. Sounds more like it was the typical Disney exec's being anal about "muh brand" instead of it being the demographics alone.
>>26283 Meant to reply to >>26262 as well.
>>26282 >sexual awakening of an entire generation >1989 These men are close to 40s probably, They have a stable job and a wife? What a creepy generation, caring about things decades old.
>>26275 And it's even easier to just let the electronics be your kid's nanny than actually be a parent.
>>26287 Unfortunately. Most people are better off being sterilized for the good of the world.
>>26285 >What a creepy generation, caring about things decades old. I mean ugh right? What kind of shitlord gives a fuck about old things that were probably problematic and regressive anyway.
>>26282 >Gadget >Sexual awakening For furries, maybe. Kids in the 80's already had Cheetara, most of the girls from GI Joe, comics were still popular, so you had characters like Rogue. I think there are plenty of characters who could have been considered "sexual awakenings" for kids before Gadget. Hell, I bet Rouge the Bat alone has been responsible for more "sexual awakenings" that Gadget.
>>26282 >Decide to watch memes of this ordeal >Find out they game him the blackest voice possible Yeah, it's nigger cuckoldry propaganda.
>>26297 "Kids in the '80s" weren't all born on January 1st, 1980. Some kids would be just the right age for Rescue Rangers to be the thing for them. And it doesn't even matter if it's technically accurate. What matters is that the character has a reputation for being one a lot of its audience would develop a crush on. Actually, even that isn't necessary. What really matters is just that she was meant to be a love interest. These people who've done this to her screech loudly about their agendas at all times. Why would you continue to pretend they aren't doing as they proclaim in this instance?
>>26297 >80's i'll take "reruns" for 500
I've already said my piece in the GG thread.
>>26297 You forgot Penny.
>>26316 It was bad enough when they fouled up Webby's characterization in nuDucktales. They seemed to be pushing her kind of in the direction of being a lesbian with that shadow girl too.
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Not that I'm saying all of his work was great, but I wonder how animation would be if there were more studios following in Ralph Bakshi's footsteps.
>>26325 First pic looks like something out of a euro comic. I like it.
>>26324 Of course. After all, girls obviously can't be adventurous tomboys without also being lesbians.
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>>26325 In retrospective, american animation was in the verge of dying on the 70s and Bakshi was the only one trying to do something different (emphasis in "trying"), that's the only reason why he's remembered. That being said, you could check some european productions. For instance, Ari Folman combines rotoscopy and traditional animation with old cartoon style in The Congress, so it reminds me of Bakshi features
Blue Beetle of all characters somehow has gotten a real suit that's more comic accurate than every Justice League member.
>>26333 I like the original series with Jaime Reyes, and even read the New 52 version despite it being terribly mediocre, but I can't trust WB to not make this movie SJW shit. Of course, Jaime Reyes was always proto-SJW, replacing a white guy with a minority, but the series didn't make a big thing out of it, and Ted Kord was always treated with the utmost respect. Somehow, I doubt that will happen here. Actually, it didn't happen in the New 52 series, where Ted Kord wasn't even mentioned at first, and then it turned out he wasn't even dead, and missing that element of history and pathos is part of what made it a terribly mediocre series. Does anyone really think this movie is going to do justice to Ted Kord (and Dan Garrett, for that matter) and have part of the story be about how Jaime is carrying a legacy? No. We'll be very, very lucky if the plot isn't about Maxwell Lord, who is already a caricature of Trump in the DC movie universe, trying to genocide all mexicans. And yes, I know Max was originally basically a caricature of Trump, but 1: he wasn't originally evil, and 2: even once he became evil, though it wasn't the most elegant character development, he wasn't as stupidly cartoonish, and as obviously a Trump analogue anymore, as he was in that stupid movie. Anyway, DC will continue to fail because they fucked up what made the Marvel cinematic universe successful. Well, first of all, making watchable movies. But secondly, actually building up the characters and concepts and not jumping ahead too much. Doing a Blue Beetle movie but starting with the fourth Blue Beetle is fucking stupid. Now, fine, skip Dan Garret, because the next guy was a full reboot and the first isn't canon to the rest (even though he had by far the most success). Even skip Dan Garrett, since he only got like six issues before getting cancelled, and then mostly existed as an element in the next guy's backstory, but Ted Kord had a relatively long history, with some beloved stories, and they inform many of Jaime Reyes' stories, as well as some of his basic character traits and relationships. Now I get Ted Kord is more famous as part of the Justice League International than he is on his own. So fine. They should have at least done that. Do a Mystery Men style comedy about the knockoff Justice League. That could have been funny, and they could have introduced all these characters and thus built up a world where Jaime Reyes can retain the history that makes him interesting. They could have used Maxwell Lord as the villain there, where it would actually make a degree of sense. But no, we can't have either of those things. We can't have good adaptations anymore.
>>26335 Well yeah no duh it's gonna suck. At minimum I fully expect more "orange man bad" rhetoric. I'm just surprised they actually made a real suit at all.
>>26282 Rangerphiles on suicide watch?
>>26225 Why the hell does the elf(?) have the voice of a slightly overweight 40 year old woman? Hell, even the other character sounds a bit too old for what looks like a tween age girl. I can only assume nepotism is at play here since it not like it is impossible to find a child actor to do the voice and it is not like westoid voice actors have any "skill" to bring to the table in this regard.
>>26415 They're all 30 to 40 year old women.
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>Just finally finished downloading all the 102 Police Comics issues <See this cancer https://archive.is/yB1mg I hope it will stay in development hell like the 3DPD movie which is also supposed to appeal to dyke feminiggers.
>>26424 Hopefully they cancel it like The Wonder Twins.
>>26333 Why can't they just give us the OG duo, I miss them.
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Scrappy died for this.
>>26221 I WANT MY BOMBSHELL GREEN MUSCLE WOMAN. Disney can't take that from me.
>>26429 The actual answer is because they're white. For as much as Ted Kord became a joke and Booster Gold is known for being the character nobody knows, Jaime Reyes has never actually sold well, but he keeps getting pushed for plainly SJW reasons. And I liked his original series. But it never sold well. But they keep trying to bring him back because they want a hispanic character that isn't as stupid as Vibe. So what if he's consistently sold even worse than Ted Kord? Ted Kord is white. Now, I don't actually want Ted Kord back in the comics, because frankly his death story is good and so are some later stories, like Booster Gold: Blue & Gold, but I wish we could get a good adaptation with them. It would give Warner a comedy DC movie, which they want, it would set up Jaime Reyes so his movie could be a little better, and it could set up a Booster Gold timecop movie, which is what I really want. And they could do the Blue and Gold story so Kord can come back for that one movie, too. But they won't, because Ted Kord is white.
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>>26451 They'll make him jewish or cast someone like Oscar Isaac to play him. If not outright make him black like Booster Gold.
Here's your new blue fairy, goyim.
>>26462 The fuck?
>>26462 Fucking disgusting.
>>26451 >keep trying to bring him back because they want a hispanic character that isn't as stupid as Vibe Hispanics hate how "gringos" portrait them, specially all of the SJW trend, they are going to hate Jaime over everyone else.
>>26478 It really depends if they make Jaime a woke stereotype or not. Mexicans love Speedy Gonzales because he embodies mexico. If Jaime goes spouting on about "latinx" issues & how racist the goverment is for wanting to keep illegals out, then mexicans especially are going to hate it.
>>26456 >black like Booster Gold. >that pic Huh? Are you telling me Black Scrubs is playing Booster Gold? He was pretty funny on Scrubs, at least. But he looks way too old in that pic to be playing a superhero unless the bit is that he's an old superhero. >>26478 >>26479 Jaime's original comic series was fine. Aside from killing a white guy and replacing him with a minority, it wasn't particularly SJW. Note that I say the series was fine, and not the concept. But it showed respect to the past and didn't revolve around stereotypes, though it did use the setting to differentiate it a bit by having the main villain be a cartel boss and stuff. If they adapted it faithfully, it would be fine. But of course we know they won't. They'll make it SJW trash and ruin it.
>>26462 Bitch isn't even holding the wand in the right way.
>>26425 Thanks anon. >The Wonder Twins. This and New Gods gives me hope. >>26451 >Booster Gold is known for being the character nobody knows Well he did appear in few cartoons, had quite few great episodes in (sadly) short-lived JLA. So I think he might be more known to general public. >Ted Kord He appeared in one episode DCSHG but he was brownwashed and had the high tech suit like Jaime Reyes, so basically a combination of the two. His DC Showcase was great though unlike NuKamandi DC Showcase REEEEEEEEEEE .
>>26502 Reminder the Arrowverse Atom was originally supposed to be Ted Kord till DC didn't let them use him at the last minute and they had to pull out some other DC genius hero that was relatively optimistic. That's why Kord Enterprises appears everywhere in early Arrow seasons. >>26492 >>26456 I still think it's hilarious they unironicly thought it was a good idea to make the hero whose origin story is "stole gadgets from his employer, traveled to the past, and tried to use the gadgets for selfish gain" into a black guy.
>>26502 Wonder Twins was cancelled. New Gods was probably too a long time ago. DC cannot into live action & it's better than to hope they try with properties you like.
>>26505 >New Gods was probably too a long time ago. I'll never understand why it spooked the mouse into doing The Etnernals.
>>26518 I don't think it did. Eternals are probably a long time coming considering they wanted a new team to replace the Avengers. Plus they're obscure enough that most people, people who don't read comics, wouldn't care if they diversified the characters to hell & back. Shame they didn't bother to actually write an interesting good movie. Then really shot themselves in the foot by having every horrible human tragedy in our history just happen in the MCU too.
>>26520 I vaguely remember some editorial or article talking how the Eternals was a response to DC's Fourth World announcement. Can't find it though, shits buried in clcikbait articles.
>>26520 >Plus they're obscure enough The Eternals comics weren't just 2deep4u for the MCU?
>>26527 They were and were ruined accordingly.
>>26527 I mean the MCU is pretty surface level. They didn't really start getting to the B tier characters till Guardians of the Galaxy.
>>26227 >Nobody complains that dykes are having maybe way too much leadership? Gays (and I guess fujos) do, but since gays are the "straight men of the LGBT+ world" the kikes and cunts in charge ignore their demands or put the stereotypical flamboyant faggot or macho man who secretly takes it in the ass in more adult shows, and usually as secondary or background characters. Cute/hot lesbians are a common fetish between straight men, and therefore are the safest way to represent the LGBT collective. That said, I don't mind the yuri porn of these two.
>>26529 But they actually got a decent director for Guardians, Eternals got stuck with oscar bait.
>>26462 I think I'll watch Geppetto again, instead: https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=h3RYvGX3Vgc
>>26533 That reminds me, when is Del Torro's adaptation coming out?
>>26534 Still hasn't been given a more precise release date than fall of this year anon.
>>26536 I just hope it doesn't get delayed.
>>26532 Yeah they fumbled every aspect of development.
>>26462 What's sad is that there's so much unexplored cool African mythology and folklore and we just keep getting the same old stale European classics but butchered! I would love to see more plots like "Mark of the Panther" from Gargoyles and characters like Stalker from Batman Beyond. Heck, they could make an entire movie/series around that theme with only black characters that occurs somewhere in Africa. >>26505 Anon you misunderstood, I'm glad they got cancelled and wish the same fate for Plastic Man projects. >live action Most capeshit don't translate well to live-action (Plastic Man would be beyond horrendous and utter nightmare-fuel) and cartoons are superior to 3DPD anyway. Not to mention that live-action movies are always aimed at normalfags, whereas cartoons are usually aimed at the original audience of capeshit, kids. >>26518 >>26520 >>26527 >>26528 I'd rather have Eternals raped than New Gods, it's inferior version of it anyway. >>26521 The Eternals are the Marvel poor man' New Gods, Kirby recycled it for Marvel.
>>26543 You say that but DC especially keeps trying to make their serious dark & gritty animated movies.
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Meet your new Justice League & say goodbye to Beast Boy.
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>>26549 There's something about that new Superman.
>>26552 What an odd meme to make. I admire your tenacity though.
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>>26549 >>26552 >Blue Beetle and Booster Gold are back DAMN YOU MONKEY'S PAW!
>>26554 Blue Beetle and Booster Gold never really went away, but the New 52 versions are lame because they lack all the history that made them interesting. Pre-Flashpoint Booster still exists, and is the current Waverider, and he at least remembers the original Blue Beetle, but you'll never get any stories like their old ones ever again. Not even just because the current writers are bad, but because the characters reached logical endpoints and taking them back from that, especially Blue Beetle, would ruin a lot of what makes them good and interesting. But also the writers are bad.
>>26556 Same old same old with big two comics.
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>>26575 Amphibia is the superior show.
>>26575 >>26578 They're both shit & practically interchangeable.
>>26579 Yes, but Amphibia is less shit
>>26580 If only because it's not as outright blatant on it's propaganda. Although RuPaul is a fed in show.
>>26557 If you're the guy who complains about comics never ending, then this is actually the opposite of your complaint. I'd consider it a good thing. The original stories of Ted Kord and Booster Gold finished. They got endings. Maybe the Michael Jon Carter of New Earth will get later stories as Waverider, I don't know, but becoming Waverider is itself a good ending to his story. As for Ted Kord, I could understand people being upset at his death and replacement with a new Blue Beetle, but his death was well done, in a good story, and has been used to tell very good stories after it, including ones that cement his death even more and give even more of an ending to his story. The Post-Flashpoint Kord and Booster are different guys entirely, and their interaction with Pre-Flashpoint Booster just cements that. So fine, they can go on being terribly mediocre, forgettable characters (but not in the "forgettable to casuals but actually fan favorites" way the originals were). The originals got new endings, and the fact that a version of Kord still exists is used to give somewhat of a happy ending to his story, which is also kind of nice. I don't need to worry about what they do. They're just the coda to the end of the story of the characters I like. Now if you really want to complain about Ted Kord, complain about DC turning him into a joke a few years after they acquired him anyway. It could be seen as very disrespectful to the original version, and not at all what Steve Ditko intended with him. However, that later version of the character is also beloved. It's the one people miss now. And though he's a joke, they then treat that aspect with a significant degree of depth and pathos and use it to make him even more likeable and sympathetic. And we wouldn't have gotten that if it wasn't for DC trying to greedily profit off of the acquisition of a character that had utterly failed 20 years earlier, then failing again, and retooling the character into a joke in response. Their greed inadvertently made good stories, since at least back then the actual writers gave a shit.
>>26583 Yeah no. Having your own artificial end point doesn't erase the fact these comics & characters all still keep going. Even the justice league "dying" isn't gonna last. At best they'll replace them with woke replacements for marketing & movie purposes. You really love to overthink everything to justify not just calling these comics trash.
>>26584 >Having your own artificial end point doesn't erase the fact these comics & characters all still keep going. Yeah no, it isn't my own. Ted Kord died and Booster Gold became some sort of god. Then the universe reset (or at least it did as far as they're concerned) and new versions exist there. But since Booster basically became the god of time, he still exists and gets to see a universe where maybe his friend will get to be happy. That's a good ending. It's not my personal end point. The new Booster and Kord are literally completely separate people. Old Booster has interacted with new Booster. >Even the justice league "dying" isn't gonna last. Of course not. And that's good, because the new thing they're doing is shit. But at least we all know it is just gonna be like one story arc and then done. Not that the comics will get much better, since the writers will still be shit. The fact that you say "even the Justice League dying" as if that would be the most likely thing to last (and thus it not lasting shows nothing would last) shows how clueless you are. You have it entirely backwards. Of course the big moneymakers are the ones that will always come back. The ones that don't make as much money are the ones that are more likely to die and stay dead. Hence Ted Kord, who always failed to make money, died and stayed dead. And then that story was good, and they did several stories about how he must stay dead no matter what. And they were also pretty good. And now he's most famous for being dead. >& movie purposes. If they did things for movie purposes it would be better. Instead the big two do retarded shit like kill off Iron Man and replace him with a black girl right at the height of the movie franchise's popularity. If the comics just chased the movie money, things would be a lot better. >You really love to overthink everything to justify not just calling these comics trash. None of my own thinking was in there. I just discussed some books I read. Pre-Flashpoint Booster Gold survived Flashpoint as a different guy than the Post-Flashpoint Booster that was created, and then he became Waverider, and it was pretty cool. Which was good because the Post-Flashpoint Booster Gold was fucking boring. There's also a Post-Flashpoint Ted Kord, but as he's closely associated with Booster Gold, that only cements how much of a separate character and story Post-Flashpoint Ted Kord is from Pre-Flashpoint Ted Kord. I'm pretty sure you have no idea who Booster Gold or Blue Beetle are in the first place. For recommended reading, I'd suggest Blue Beetle Vol 5 (only 5 issues), Blue Beetle Vol 6, Booster Gold Vol 1, Justice League Vol 1 (only like 5 issues before it became Justice League International), Justice League International Vol 1., Formerly Known as the Justice League (6 issues), JLA Classified #4-9, Countdown to Infinite Crisis (one-shot), Infinite Crisis, 52, Booster Gold Vol. 2, and Convergence. That would pretty much cover what I'm talking about. Of course the characters appeared in more stories from 1986-2006, and they would help give more context and make you more attached to the characters, but I couldn't realistically expect you to read all of The Death and Return of Superman just for when the Justice League International shows up for like one issue, even though it is important to really giving the characters a little more depth than one might expect without it. You don't need that context to see how the story ends and how these characters are done. The new guys with their names are new guys, and they are treated as such by the story. Booster and Beetle are some of the worst examples you could use if trying to prove that Big 2 comics never end, because they both ended. You might as well use Uncle Ben as an example of how characters always come back to life. I know you won't read anything, including this post, but maybe someone else would be looking for a Blue and Gold reading list, so here you go.
>>26594 It is your own. Mainline big two comics don't end. Everything is canon & keeps changing over time no matter how little it makes sense. This isn't up for debate. It's exactly how it is. Not bother the read the rest of your nonsense ranting because it'll just be you going in circles coping with new ways to excuse comics.
>>26596 Damn dude, he had you pegged and now you look foolish.
>>26603 The man goes in circles endlessly. Why would I try to reason with him?
>>26605 Damn. That post was only one sentence and you still couldn't read it or actually reply to what it said.
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Crazy how they made at least 3 characters black & no one cares. But if they made any actual black character white there would've been outrage all over twitter.
>>26609 Why is The Atom even in a Black Adam movie? Hawkman and Dr. Fate are at least also ancient egypt guys, but The Atom has nothing to do with that. I guess he's friends with hawkman in the comics, but still. Actually, better question. Why the fuck is there a Black Adam movie and not just a Captain Marvel movie with him as the villain? I'm not gonna give a shit about him being sympathetic if he isn't first introduced as a villain so as to make his turn interesting.
>>26612 >Why is The Atom even in a Black Adam movie? Presumably because Atom sounds like Adam.
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>>26579 Marcy is cute though.
>>26616 At least waifu an actual anime girl instead of a plain jane cal-arts cookie cutter. >>26612 Because this is just a backdoor Justice Society movie.
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I know the plot's absolute horseshit but I have three questions about Arkham Knight. >How is faking Bruce Wayne's death by bombing Wayne Manor in a way that absolutely screams "this is a fake death orchestrated by Batman" supposed to stop criminals from still going after everyone Bruce Wayne ever associated with? >What fucking retard thought "Here's a spin on Red Hood where Batman's tactics and training is used against him by a guy who knows it inside out, and trained an army made specifically to take down the Bat" and then decided there should be as minimal contact and interaction between Batman and the Knight and instead they should bring back Joker(instead of doing something cool instead with Scarecrow's fear toxin) to mug for the camera? >How is getting fear gas'd twice the way the Joker blood is defeated? I get the first time Batman's injected has his deepest fear where Joker takes over. So I guess the second time he's injected, the Joker's fear is that Bruce Wayne takes over. Why would that permanently "lock out" the Joker, and why would gassing Bruce a third time not bring him back? The second point is what really fucking bothers me. You could do all sorts of interesting shit with the villains and instead of waste time on Joker and his cringeworthy clones instead, while having the only interactions between Jason and the rest of the Bat family be minor at best. Fucking Barbra doesn't even mention him when the audio tapes show them interacting and has neat little moments like when Jason asks about Alfred. Where was more of that? The game mostly looks bad but I wonder if Gotham Knights will actually show the characters interacting with each other in meaningful and interesting ways or not.
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>>26627 <It's a bad plan. <These morons. <It's not the gas/toxin that cure it. It's essentially just a metaphorical battle of the minds with the Joker part of Batman's subconscious being defeated by Bruce using his fear against him. Hate to burst your bubble but Gotham Knight isn't connected to the Arkham games. It's a completely new story/universe. That's why everyone looks so different.
>>26629 >>26629 >It's a completely new story/universe. That's why everyone looks so different. I get that but it's still somewhat of a red hood story(or at least a story involving red hood and the rest of the bat-family) so I'm hoping for some decent interactions.
>>26631 There'll be some character moments I'm sure but the story is around The Court of Owls.
Is Catwoman: Hunted any good? >>26632 >inb4 it's actually Joker disguised as the court of owls
>>26633 Ugh they'll find a way to throw him in, I'm sure.
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>>26629 >It's essentially just a metaphorical battle of the minds with the Joker part of Batman's subconscious being defeated by Bruce using his fear against him. So, it's like John dealing with Harvey in Farscape.
>>26635 It's like fighting your tulpa in your dream. I never watched Farscape.
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>>26639 That's not Catwoman Hunted.
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Here's your woke Sandman. Featuring black Death, "non-binary" actors, Johanna Constantine replacing John, & Neil (((Gaiman))) sniffing coke off the check he got from Netflix.
>>26641 Well
>>26641 Eternals, New Gods and Sandman are maybe way too "deep" for Netflix and even most modern DC/Marvel movies, these are really the kind of creations that must be made with a lot of respect and effort, as long as I know.
>>26643 And yet 2 outta the 3 have been made with only "diversity" in mind. Great stuff.
>>26183 >if Chip n Dale had better writers it would've been great I mean you can say that about everything these days. Writers all seem to have the same kind of brain damage. >>26579 I agree. >>26635 I keep forgetting to go back and watch that show. The few episodes I watched back when it aired were pretty good. >>26222 (nice) What was she axed for again? I forget.
>>26183 I don't know about that. I really dislike meta deconstructions of things, even if they're done well. It's just when they're done poorly, which is most of the time, they're absolutely excruciating.
>>26645 >I keep forgetting to go back and watch that show. Snowball is streaming the series, if you're interested: https://watch.8ch.moe/view/0dfe7da2-bfaa-4a13-80bc-ef70ea0d76b8/
>>26641 The Sandman guy looks like he survived the Bhutan death march only for Unit 731 to keep him for more experiments post war.
>>26253 >>26259 >>26260 >>26265 >Kids do not watch cartoons anymore Hopefully that will open up more of a market at adult aimed animation. Arcane did will with audiences, and it's the best of out shows aimed at older audiences. Not that it has a lot to compete with when duds like Castlevania and Sausage Party are the standard. Especially now with Venture Bros and Mike Tyson Mysteries cancelled. Primal and Smiling Friends are the only other two good shows that come to mind. >>26641 It looks like trash. Black Cain, washed out colors, everything is gray or brown, and the dream realm looks too generic. They should have tried to gone for something closer to 80s Tim Burton style. >>26650 To be fair, he was drawn pretty skinny in comics. He and Delirium appear to be the only ones who are well cast in this trailer. >>26645 >I keep forgetting to go back and watch that show. The few episodes I watched back when it aired were pretty good. Most of it is good to very good. First two episodes are a bit rough, but the longer the show goes the better it gets. It goes into very good territory once Chianna joins the crew and later into great when Scorpius finally shows up. It does some ballsy things for a TV show, especially one from early 2000s.
>>26653 Arcane doesn't deserve it. Buncha rapists & chinese shills at Riot. At least there's Primal for actual serious adult animation. Netflix hates imagination & accuracy. Big surprise. Even the comic for how goth it is has a lot more color to it.
>>26653 >>26654 Primal was fucking great, hadn't seen something that good since Samurai Jack, but I think 2nd Season will disappoint greatly.
>>26653 >It does some ballsy things for a TV show, especially one from early 2000s It definitely seemed like a very unique looking show at the time. I just got done going through stargate sg-1 so this seems like a good follow up.
>>26658 Well we won't know till a trailer drops.
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It's fucking coming back
>>26683 I refuse to even hate watch it.
>>26683 Netflix wastes more money and gets one step closer to bankruptcy. Good.
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When does it end? >>26683 Will it bring back the ma'amazon evil lyn?
>>26683 But why?
>>26691 Kevin Smith sucks a mean dick.
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>>26689 Hollywood? Sooner than you think, even Pajeets and China are making more money, quality and are more becoming more relevant while Hollywood becomes more irrelevant by the day.
>>26702 >even Pajeets and China are making more money, quality and are more becoming more relevant But, Bollywood was already more profitable then Pedowood ever could hope to be.
>>26702 >>26704 What planet are you people from?
>>26706 https://infogalactic.com/info/Bollywood <Bollywood is classified as the biggest movie industry in the world in terms of amount of people employed and number of films produced. In just 2011 alone, over 3.5 billion tickets were sold across the globe, which in comparison, 900,000 tickets more than Hollywood. Also in comparison, Bollywood makes approximately 1041 films yearly, as opposed to less than 500 films made by Hollywood yearly.
>>26707 Huh...
>>26707 Archive faggot.
>>26702 >indian and chinese movies >anime/manga and japanese videogames >maybe south-korean series A good replacement for current western industry?
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Young Justice returning for at least 2 more seasons was the worst thing that could've happened to the series. It's just a big checklist of woke topics & talking points they had to get in. No matter how little they make. You got: >Halo is now a raceswapped dead muslim girl possessed by a mother box that uses they/them pronouns but still wants to be muslim BUT ALSO decides she's now gay >gay Bart Allen >gay black aqualad >bisexual polyamorous Lagoon Boy >black Zod, son, & some of his minions >Beast Boy going through many many episodes of being depressed because Superboy "died" even though they weren't that close >possibly gay teenage Livewire Comic books are trash & you can't even escape to other media inspired by but condensing them down to actual stories anymore. Everything's gotta play identity politics & pander to the woke mobs.
>>26716 It's astonishing how Young Justice gets worst with each season, not just in all the shit you mentioned but in the writing. The exposition, the flashbacks, it's all clumsy to say the least. I didn't think the original series was special but I don't recall it being as bad as it is now.
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>>26716 >>26721 Also gotta say I don't like what they did to the Legion cast. Chameleon Boy is okay but I hate what they did with his voice. Phantom Girl is the more drastically different but still looks fine. Can't say the same for Brainiac.
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WE WUZ GAWDZ N SHIET African Mythology and how fucking cool it would be to see? What's that? Nah Nords were always niggers.
>>26776 I want these people dead.
>>26776 How is this not the most racist shit Marvel's published since WW2?
>>26776 >Make a society about niggers being Gods and the superiors of man <Still depict the bullying children and theft of their items as common place Did NO ONE fucking notice the shoes hanging from the power line, a thing kids do to other kids for the purposes of mean as the kid now has to walk him without his shoes? It's the little things.
>>26779 The shoes in the wirelines can mean many things, none of which made sense in that context btw
>>26776 So they culturaly appropiate asgard and yet they turn it into a ghetto. What's with these people glorifying living in third world hells? And if a nigger is responsible, doesn't it make this clear that niggers can't create anything and just destroy everything like locus?
>>26776 To be fair you can't make any african mythology the same way you can't make any native american mythology, because they didn't keep any written records and they need a fucking white man to actually remember what their monkey ancestors believed and made stories about.
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>>26787 >What's with these people glorifying living in third world hells? Becuase it's free from the evils of the white man, you filthy ComicsGater!
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>>26790 Funny you should mention that. https://archive.ph/mzl6O
>>26794 This might be either absolutely good or absolutely horrible with no middle points. >Anima studios I swear I've heard of this animation studio before, but now I can't recall their filmography.
>>26796 Anon think. Does a culture that committed ritualistic human sacrifice to men, women, & children wherein the public danced & raved in their blood sound like something fits with Batman?
>>26797 Actually... yeah, arkham asylum.
>>26798 But in this case Batman IS an aztec. Not fighting aztec cultists.
>>26794 Remember, mexicans are going to hate this more than everyone else.
>>26794 What the fuck?!
>>26805 Good! I hope they do just so it gets shelved!
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>>26794 Save people from a literal satanic empire and this how they pay you.
>>26807 >>26805 The only people who larp as aztecs are the american spics? Maybe there is still hope for Nueva España.
>>26814 It's what happens when jews rule the media. >>26816 Probably self hating white people desperate to appear woke for brownie points.
>>26794 >aztec >actually mexican >black man lips Every. Fucking. Time
>>26820 What can you expect from netflix? They dont give 2 shits about other people's history, its all wewuzzery for them.
>>26821 They keep trying to portrait jaguar warriors as anything but savages that were butchered. It was a mistake trying to educate the beasts instead of removing them like the english did with all the other indians.
>>26822 Tbf we signed several treaties with them between the 16 and 17 hundreds.It was the Americans that really finished the job in the 18 hundreds. They were completely right to do so, the american indians were fucking brutal barbarians.
>>26822 Hey come on now, jaguar and eagle warriors were their warrior caste, you cant really blame them for the fact that their entire state was schizophrenic.
>>26785 I thought it was to mark some gangbangers street corner grave
>>26825 Either that or to mark out gang turf.
>>26776 >African Mythology and how fucking cool it would be to see? What's that? Nah Nords were always niggers. The copyrightniggers rather reuse their exiting IP for eternity than coming up with something new. >>26788 To be fair retard, most cultures used writing to record bureaucracy and had oral tradition of passing creations/etc instead, even Norse and Celtic mythology were almost lost and was saved thanks to monks who wrote them down. Similarly anthropologists recorded African mythology.
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>>26794 It wasn't enough for Batwat to dis on good characters, now he has to shit on the awesome Aztec civilization?! That boring black monocolor shit design looks nothing like Aztec art and the idea that capeshitter would've saved the Aztec civilization is insulting...this shit only worked in the Golden Age when there was WWII going on. If those hacks were going to make Aztec themed capeshitter, it should've been based on either Jaguar or winged snake. Also, more info regrading that upcoming Batwank project: >https://archive.ph/qKYDw >The animated feature will be produced entirely in Mexico Are beaners going to replace the gooks as animation slaves? >>26814 >>26822 Fuck you Aztecs were badass and on the long run, killed and raped less than imperialistic Christcucks. Also Aztec weren't empire, but tri-state area/treaty based Doofenshmirtz just wanted to restore the Aztec civilization to its full glory . >Save people >Replace human sacrifice tributes with full blown genocide Kys lying Christcuck >>26820 The entire face and head shape looks rather African. >>26824 >warrior caste It was also their only way to climb the social ladder and get to heaven. >>26821 >netflix It says HBO max.
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>>26842 Nigger fuck off with your larping nonsense over a child sacrificing nation of blood cultists. The spanish were the heroes for wiping out the aztecs.
>>26814 I've seen people getting mad at the haciendas of Latin America while also ignoring that the peasants were previously living in theocratic empires where soldiers were forbidden to kill their enemies just so they could use them as human sacrifices. Meanwhile Americans have done far worse to far more peaceful people and they rightfully give no fucks about it.
>>26843 >larping Are you illiterate, christcuck rape baby? I spoke about both Mexicans and Aztecs in third person, which meaning I'm neither. I'm just genuinely think that Aztecs were cool. >child sacrificing Do you think Catholicuck Spaniards didn't raped, killed and enslaved children? Or that they didn't continue to torture and put people on fire? They didn't have the moral high ground by any means. >wiping out the aztecs They wiped out everyone, you fucking moron! >>26844 >that the peasants were previously living in theocratic empires And then they lived under even worse Catholic Imperialism. >where soldiers were forbidden to kill their enemies just so they could use them as human sacrifices The human sacrifice was used as political means to justify the expansion of Aztec ruling and conquering the neighboring tribes, in which they forced taxes on them and adding Huitzilopochtli to their pantheon, but otherwise allowing religious freedom. In contrast the Catholicuck Spaniards completely raped, enslaved and wiped the indigenous people and their unique cultures. >Meanwhile Americans have done far worse to far more peaceful people Indeed <and they rightfully give no fucks about it This is your brain on Christcuckery.
>>26847 Catholics suck for different reasons. Aztecs were all about mass ritualistic murder on a daily basis. To men, women, & children. They should not be celebrated or seen as badass. They were monsters plain & simple. They didn't wipe out everyone. They interbred with everyone else.
>>26848 Everyone in that region had human sacrifice (and it was in fact a common practice all around the world in the past) , indeed the Aztec exceed everyone in that regard which is why they ended up being hated by everyone. Ironically that the same reason (hatred) which allowed the rise of Aztecs in the first place and replacing the previous regime. They did have a short period when a certain king completely canceled the human sacrifice custom. >They didn't wipe out everyone. They interbred with everyone else It doesn't contradict, they enslaved and slaughtered most indigenous people and those who remained were raped and lost both their unique physical features and their culture. It was straight up genocide, only very few tribes survived and even them weren't left untouched.
>>26849 Then why would I care if the spanish killed the rest if they were all human sacrificing savages?
>>26847 >>26849 You are a butthurt anglo in denial, aren't you? The spanish brought universities, schools, rights and the full support of the empire before ANY anglo thought about that. All those protestants nutting themselves thinking that they were the creators of human rights will never aknowledge that the spanish did it first and better. Go read Locke or whatever you faggots do.
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>>26848 Because they had unique and interesting culture unlike the boring christcuckery homogeneousness. Their art was superior and gorgeous. >>26851 I'm nothing you assume and you just want to use it as poor ad hominem. <The spanish brought universities, schools, rights Not before they wiped them out and forced their religion. <the spanish did it first and better Oh right, the Spics were the first to abolish slavery, top kek.
>>26852 The first reply meant for >>26850
>>26852 >>26853 Fuck off. You're just a larper fetishizing a barbaric savage culture of sun worshipping blood cultists.
>>26854 >a larper Again illiterate christcuck, I'm not a Mexican and never claimed to be and I find it amusing how you keep trying to claim moral high ground when Christians by far have killed, raped and enslaved more people than the Aztec could ever dreamed of.
>>26855 You don't have to be mexican to act like blood cultists are cool dudes that didn't deserve getting slaughtered for their demonic practices.
>>26856 I see you continue with your poor ad hominem and ignore the full of bloodshed history of Christcucks. You're no different than the Aztec finding justification to their expansions, only they treated their conquered people better and they were indigenous and natural part of the continent unlike the bloodthirsty and greedy Spics.
>>26858 You can't act all high & mighty while having an unreasonable hateboner for christians. Go back to reddit.
>>26859 <You can't act all high & mighty So now you're also projecting and only left with ad hominem because you have no arguments.
>>26852 I'm a big fan of the aztecs but you can't post that shit and say they had superior art, my man.
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This is a good thread, let the Pagan butthurt flow!
>>26779 Usually that means they push drugs in that corner thk
>>26327 Because they are, more in these days, having boyish hobbies and behaviour it's more like a rebellion against "sexism" than actual interested, it's not brainwashing, don't start to screeching, anime it's not a good source of real human behaviour.
>>26878 >draw a indigenous women with a fat ass indigenous women are the ugliest and flattest of all, unlike some asian women that still have a little chance of not being a board, stuff like this just confirm how lonely and disconnect from reality white men is.
>>26910 trannie seething
>>26921 >trannie You mean the only living beings interest in people like you?
>>26909 Please speak in actual sentences. You can't just keep adding commas & have whatever you're trying to get across actually make sense.
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They're gonna ruin Kyoshi as Bi. Zuko is going to set up Republic city and not hunt for his mom and Korra is lesbo adventures in the spirit world.
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>>26943 It's all just speculative rumor on what the movies will actually be. The first image was made by an avatar fan twitter that's just guessing. >>26944 Yeah this bullshit came out. The context of the full scene is apparently the tranny kid is upset her parents didn't say anything to the grandma for not being supportive of her granddaughter wanting to be a man. Like oh no what a monster for a family member to not what their family to mutilate themselves to fulfill a mental illness.
>>26944 To be fair the mentally ill person is not entirely wrong.
>>26944 It will never be enough. They will always demand more; the void in their souls will never be filled.
>>26944 You don't win supporters by playing the "if you aren't 100% with us you're 100% against us" game.
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>White woman explains to a hispanic why latinx is doubleplusgood speak More like art imitates life
>>26949 More like they expose themselves the more they talk and the more they draw. And not only a white woman, but a filthy anglo.
>>26946 Anon, the abomination is 100% wrong. When my dad decided to open up his own business a few decades ago, he received nothing but scorn and ridicule from everyone in the family, including my own grandparents (His parents). With them constantly complaining about how he has "no time" for them, is being "stingy" with his money, and wouldn't be having any "issues nor worries" until if he sought out comfy job working for someone else. It wasn't until my grandparents actually worked for him when his business became more popular, and saw how his business operated and the income he was making, that they realized just how wrong they had been for ridiculing him all that time and expressed several times their regret for having told him otherwise. However, the difference between this thing and what my dad was doing is that (1) my dad still loved his family despite the divisions and disagreements that occurred and (2) he wasn't looking for any validation or approval from anyone regarding his decision to open a business. Contrast that with the alphabet sexualities, where they refuse to treat people equally or lovingly unless they bow down to their demands, and constantly demand praise and recognition for just simply existing. >>26949 >What's wrong with Latino and Latina? The fact that Spics absolutely HATE those terms as they want to called by their nationality, not some all-encompassing labels that American baizuo thought up after their naval gazing session.
>>26951 Simply put it's the new emo/goth phase, just some dumb superficial shit to look special and "stand out", not matter how dumb it looks. Except instead of eyeliner and makeup it involves dick deletion and instead of teenagers it's manchildren.
>>26946 >>26951 Also, the thing about my grandparent's family ridiculing my father is that they didn't do it out of some aimless hatred for business owners. They did because they had seen other people get hurt doing the exact same thing he was doing, and they didn't want to see my dad crash and burn the same way those other people had. Carrying this over to "hating trannies", don't these people ever realize that much of the ridicule comes from people seeing similar situations before, and having seen the results of those situations, and not wanting to see their best friend or beloved child falling victim of those same incidents? >>26952 And, that's what makes it even worse. There's no denying that everyone craves some amount of recognition, but the question is how much are you willing to lose in order to receive it. In the case of the alphabet sexualities, is it really worth to completely change yourself through surgeries and a cocktail of pills just receive positive attention, only for those same people to toss you under the bus the moment you say something against the collective? In addition to that, why do you need to literally change who are you in the first place just to receive any attention at all? At that point, do you really want to hang around those people? They won't care about who you are unless you resign to hiding your true self (Which is the double irony of the entire situation: they hide their real identity, proclaiming that they found their "true identity", but cannot reference their real identity because it is at odds with the label they have attached as their "true identity", and their acquaintances will only except them under their "true identity", not their real identity).
>>26953 I know it's not simple as cutting your penis but like dye your hair or get swole and fit or something to get recognition.
So, the CP spammer just spams all the boards and threads?
>>26956 /co/ has a weird history of being targeted by there spam.
>>26957 It's cause your in the top ten. He literally just spams all 5 of the top 5 english boards. That's it. That's the MO.
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>>26424 >Leslie Jones as Plastic Woman If they were going to race/gender swap a character from DC, I think there was a better choice.
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>>26957 >there >>26958 >your Bloody hell, you guys.
>>26969 Forgot your period, dipshit.
Beevis and Butthead have a movie out, any good?
Shitbin hotel creator got cancelled again again https://archive.ph/lhGaB https://archive.ph/hVsqs
>>27080 Hah. Hazbin Hotel will probably not get off the ground now.
>>27081 It's still contracted with A24. So unless she completely burns that bridge, the show's still supposedly coming.
>>27080 >archiving tweets where the important contents are in the pictures posted >pictures are fucking cropped, making the archive useless since you have to use Twitter anyway to see them. Just post/archive the Nitter versions of those tweets. https://nitter.net/DavidLIVE_1/status/1540150646321586176 https://nitter.net/F0rtuneL0wT1er/status/1539438761443983361
>>26821 >>26822 >savage and brutal warriors in media are always cool as hell >bloodthirsty and vicious, fueled by anger and unkillable will >an undying passion for combat, wanting to die by the sword, unable to be saved, above any moral justice >these same creatures in history are just retarded monkey men who make horrible combat decisions and die pretty quickly >they have no real legend to speak of, just that they kinda look cool, but they are either demonized rightfully or sympathized with, platitudes that are meaningless to these thoughtless beasts people are fucking weird dude.
>>27086 >pictures are fucking cropped If you're not a dirty phoneposter, your browser should be able to open those in a new tab. The images are not cropped, it's just the shitty twatter stylesheet that forces cropping in the browser. If you have a proper browser, you can even remove the stylesheet to see uncropped images on the page.
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>>27080 They always eat their own
>>27126 >"90s kids" are the most traumatized with woke shit >that kind of humour its too dated for a younger audience What was the point?
>>27126 I actually laughed pretty hard at this, the two idiots pretty much take it so literal & do what they want. The movie is pretty much the first movies plot copy pasted with a really awful facelift to the animation.
>>27126 So, what followed?
>>26867 Medieval Christian art was meh, and the Renaissance was result of rediscovering classic Greek culture which made the Mediterranean larp complete. While indeed creating realistic art (Realism) is impressive achievement, it's quite boring and uncreative. I'll take Egyptian, Hindu, Buddhist, Aztec, Mayan, etc art any day over Christian art, as it's both visually and thematically way more interesting. >>26878 >Pagan The pot calling the kettle black. Christianity has three deities and paintings and statues of said deities. >inb4 but muh holy trinity is manifestation of one god! Same shit with Hinduism. By the same token Hinduism is monotheist too. >>27097 <just retarded monkey <they have no real legend to speak Let me guess you're the same ignorant retard who assumed the lack of written tradition among African tribes is unique to them. Aztec were advanced civilization, they had written language, documented books, astronomy, architecture, art, etc. I know you ignorant fool fail to comprehend that because your poor historical knowledge at best is limited to 16th century Europe and onwards. Civilization rose in Mesopotamia, or as what is called now, the Middle East, Europe not including Rome was nothing of importance until the fall of the Roman Empire and the conversion to Christianity which also erased the original unique ethnic religions of Europe. Just think about how far the Aztec civilization was advanced in compare to pre-Christian Europe while also maintaining their own unique culture! Another thing to consider is that the first settlers, aka natives arrive to continent later and the cultivation of corn took much longer than wheat. The silly idea of white supremacy/privilege is only held by ignoramus woketrads/nigsocs who lack proper knowledge of history which is a lot more complicated than most people realize and as it shown culture matters more than race and empires will keep falling and new ones will rise. I know this board is often dedicated to children's media, but still, you're embarrassingly stupid. Read a book you dumb nigger!
>>27126 >>27133 >I actually laughed pretty hard at this Why the fuck is this posted on pain thread?!
>>27140 Lack of other proper threads to post a clip of the new Beavis and Butthead Movie most likely. There's the webm thread but that place gets no traction besides a new webm every few weeks.
>>27139 >Aztec wank I'm glad we let the spics settle here.
>>27144 Here's the full quote: https://archive.ph/poGHK <“Religion has been oppressive as fuck for a long time,” he says as we walk over a tiny footbridge, the words spilling out in an emotional tidal wave. “I didn’t know that I would kind of become the face of religion when really I’m not a religious person. I think there’s a distinction between being religious—adhering to the customs created by man, oftentimes appropriating the awe reserved for who I believe is a very real God—and using it to control people, to take money from people, to abuse children, to steal land, to justify hatred. Whatever it is. The evil that’s in the heart of every single man has glommed on to the back of religion and come along for the ride.”
>>27149 I would be surprised if he was an actual spic.
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>>27152 >that fat fuck in the tranny flag shirt
>>27152 The fuck is this from?
>>27152 How did they see the response to Turning Red & not immediately cut this entire sequence? >tranny flag on (assumingly) trans man Ah Disney's showing their grooming underbelly again.
>>27152 On the one hand >Disney putting out grooming propaganda again. On the other, doesn't the above greentext kinda fill you with hope. Disney is putting their eggs in the progressive basket, to the point of putting out shit like this. Given how bad turning red turned out and how shit their stock price is, people are rejecting this.
>>27156 I don't even understand what conservative people are saying about these films anymore. They're clearly aimed at progressives, made by progressives in companies packed to the brim with progressives and want to discuss progressive things openly. It's been this way for a long time, even before the obvious spotlighting of trans people, where men were frequently depicted as stupid, incapable, etc. If people dislike that, they should boycott the company and move on. I don't understand why people are posting this clip like it's remarkable when we already know disney is stuffed to the brim with BidenBT problem hair types. At this point you're just calling a hammer a hammer. Accepting that, and moving on to address your question, women do exist and do use things like tampons and such to manage their periods. Should all discussion of mundane things like that be verboten? Is it a problem that Turning Red is aimed at girls, particularly ethnic ones? Isn't that fine? It's a demographic, after all.. Is the issue just that it wasn't dressed up more obviously as a girly movie with pink and rainbows and shit?
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>>27152 >>27158 >They're clearly aimed at progressives, made by progressives in companies packed to the brim with progressives and want to discuss progressive things openly. That's the problem though. Disney has marketed itself as a family friendly company for decades, things that left and right wing people can like. The extreme focus on progressive themes that only appeal to progressives liberals is what is currently tanking audience figures. Why make tampon ads for kids? Who does this appeal to? Groomers, that's who.
>>27159 >disney pretended to be family friendly so what, H&R Block market themselves as a good choice for accounting instead of a lobbying monster holding america to ransom. McDonalds market themselves as a responsible vendor of healthy food options instead of a real estate company poisoning the poor, and so on. >currently tanking audience figures so what? Are you a shareholder? Is every company obligated to do the thing that makes them profit at the expense of anything that doesn't do as well? Are you arguing in favor of just wall to wall marvel movies and nothing else? >why make tampon ads for kids? do girls not exist? why are conservatives engaging with this so sloppily and bizarrely? Why isn't the response to boycott and move on? Same with /v/, when EA first launched Origin what must be a decade ago and got caught sucking up private user data, I never ever bought an EA title again, but there are retards on this site that continue to do so and then complain about them. What do people think is going to happen? Why are you eating shit and complaining about the taste??
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>>27160 You're dodging my point and then complain about "why are conservatives not engaging well?" >disney pretended to be family friendly >so what That's there marketing. It's how they present themselves to the public as "entertainment for all the family." It's even in their wikipedia page. >currently tanking audience figures >so what? >Is every company obligated to do the thing that makes them profit at the expense of anything that doesn't do as well? Yes, absolutely. That's the whole purpose of a Corp, to make money for shareholders. Anything that goes against that it isn't good. Disney have ESG focus currently, which is why they're pushing progressive policies and their share price has suffered as a result. >why make tampon ads for kids? >do girls not exist? Groomers do and a family friendly focused company suddenly leaning in 13 year olds twerking to parents and selling little girls tampons to get them aware of their sexuality at an age where they can be easily influenced. Yes, that shit should be fought. The whole point of posting things like this is to raise awareness of how bad Disney are. They haven't changed and arn't going to change. >Also come into pain thread. >Complain about things being painful.
>>27161 It's so bad at Disney, that's the reason why Bob Chapek was put in there in the first place, so that he can take the company from being politically activist to politically neutral, since they're losing money on the former.
>>27144 Honestly, being openly right-wing just condemned you to obscurity in these days, What you do won with that? The conservative circle its the most paranoid and the most obsessed with piracy, and something that don't exist outside obscure or relatively obscure websites. The woke crowd would accept any shit that you throw at them and are the loudest, right-wing consumers would always demand you things of quality and "faithful" and try to find every flaw possible. I don't blame companies, celebrities and so on to pander to them at anything, at the end its still something more manageable than any other audience.
>>27161 Con/cuckservatives are fixating on bullshit, as if they want to fix disney or something, which is a ridiculous position to take. It's a lost cause. They hysterically enumerate out every single thing Disney is doing that they don't like as if it isn't broadly explainable by the excuse that the company is packed with progressives, and make really strange, fanciful arguments for why the company should change, when anyone paying attention would know that companies are not changing how they behave just because conservatives don't like what they do. >that's their marketing and marketing is bullshit, everyone lies, so why start with getting outraged at disney, when if you took all marketing at face value, you'd be dead at 40 from heart disease and broke as a plethora of corporations poisoned your body and stole your money. Entertainment companies rank low on the scale of companies to start holding to account. >the whole purpose of a corp is to make money Not really. The purpose of them is to provide a structure to amplify the power of people to do things that society wants. Many corporations don't make money either by design or just because shareholders/investors believe in their long term outlook. Moralizing about the purity of Disney's capitalist intent is a really weak argument and frankly tangential to the point, and if you're not a shareholder you're wasting everyone's time anyway because don't even have a horse in the race. If you are, there are other appropriate mechanisms to make your voice heard. You have also completely forgotten that corporations have an obligation to be diverse and progressive to secure certain rankings with Blackrock, which provides a sound capitalist-rooted justification for doing things that appear financially irrational from a retail perspective. >selling little girls tampons to get them aware of their sexuality >discussing tampons and pads is grooming I disagree. I think americans have a collective mental condition that causes them to have a very inconsistent relationship with and an unhealthy fixation on sexuality, and particularly the sex part. It shouldn't be an issue to discuss topics like buying a bra and managing periods with children, these are things that 50% of society goes through, guaranteed, and at an increasingly early time in youth due to unexplained hormone changes (presumable plastics in the water and pill residue).
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>>27152 >"Which would you recommend?" Baymax. Is. A. MEDICAL ROBOT. Programmed with every single medical textbook, study, etc. I'm sure there was room to program a motherfucking Cosmo article rating the best and worst vagina-corks. This is more Disney grooming, and I hope I live long enough to see that fucking castle burned to the ground.
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>>27144 Pretty sure he's just scared of ending up like Tim Allen and Vince Vaughn. The problem is that God remembers those who deny Him, so Chris had better be VERY certain this is the game he wants to play.
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>>27126 White male, here. I've been stopped by the police three times in my youth. Not guilty, minding my own business, every single time. On one occasion, I was wearing my walkman and couldn't hear them until they got on the car's loudspeaker. I turned around to see what the commotion was and realized I had five guns pointed at my head. They thought I was a guy who had just robbed a bank in the area. When it was all cleared up, I found out the guy looked NOTHING LIKE ME. Fuck you, SJWs, you're fucking retards.
>>27158 >Accepting that, and moving on to address your question, women do exist and do use things like tampons and such to manage their periods. Should all discussion of mundane things like that be verboten? Is it a problem that Turning Red is aimed at girls, particularly ethnic ones? Isn't that fine? It's a demographic, after all.. Is the issue just that it wasn't dressed up more obviously as a girly movie with pink and rainbows and shit? With that mindset, should Disney make films about boys going through puberty and experiencing their cock getting hard, and how they have to regularly ejaculate otherwise risk getting blue balls and prostate cancer? >>27160 >do girls not exist? Should Disney's next film by about boys buying condoms? >why are conservatives engaging with this so sloppily and bizarrely? Because Disney gets a portion of their funds from the government, thereby making Disney equivalent to a government entity, and part of the reason why people are so outraged. >>27164 >>27162 >>Bob Chapek is going to save Disney Disney shills must be in full force if they're this desperate after how much of a disaster Doomcock and his "rumors" about a Disney civil war were. >>27165 >Con/cuckservatives are fixating on bullshit, as if they want to fix disney or something, which is a ridiculous position to take How can they NOT fixate on it when EVERY single direction they look, they see Disney merchandise being pushed front and center? <Well, don't fixate on Disney, go somewhere else. Okay, who should I be going to then: https://archive.ph/0ktPA >Entertainment companies rank low on the scale of companies to start holding to account. <Entertainment companies who control the news, book publishing, and basic services rank low on people to hold accountable >The purpose of them is to provide a structure to amplify the power of people to do things that society wants. No, it isn't. The purpose of a public corporation is to make it's shareholders money. THAT IS IT! If the company pursues anything without that mindset in place, they can get sued and fired from their position. Private corporations can do whatever the Hell they want, but Disney hasn't been a private company in almost 80 years. >Moralizing about the purity of Disney's capitalist intent is a really weak argument and frankly tangential to the point How is complaining about a company making media that doesn't appeal to their demographic tangential to the point and a weak argument? >I think americans have a collective mental condition that causes them to have a very inconsistent relationship with and an unhealthy fixation on sexuality, and particularly the sex part. What is inconsistent and unhealthy about parents only wanting their children to be exposed to sexual content on their terms? >It shouldn't be an issue to discuss topics like buying a bra and managing periods with children That's for parents to decide, no the government nor media organizations. And, the issue is that companies are taking it upon themselves to act as the parents and shove it down everyone's throat. That's also beside the fact that, for those of us who are not parents, these companies fixate upon talking about sexual topics 24/7 instead of providing content that's about other issues and occurrences in life than just what happens behind closed doors.
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>>27172 ok, now we're making progress >Disney gets a portion of their funds from the government so, yes, calling for that to stop is reasonable >thereby making Disney equivalent to a government entity Well, that's not true. >they see Disney merchandise being pushed front and center? That seems like exaggeration to me, but it's something to take up with individual retailers. Also, not sure how much of that merch is for properties like Turning Red vs classic films. >entertainment companies who control the news, For clarity, I think antitrust should pull apart these entities, and do personally think that news organizations are doing a bad job, but getting mad about Lightyear and Turning Red isn't doing anything to hold Disney's news outlet (I think just ABC News) to account, and there are much worse outlets that need to be held to account. >The purpose of a public corporation is to make it's shareholders money. The main goal is to keep investors and shareholders happy. That may not always align with increasing profits in the short term, and I've already provided a real example of why it is commercially relevant to be woke. Blackrock has a titanic sum of money to throw around and are influencing companies that way. https://nypost.com/2021/01/26/blackrocks-larry-fink-urges-companies-to-plan-for-climate-change/ >Should Disney's next film by about boys buying condoms? Maybe, yes, now that access to abortion is harder. If conservatives want to talk about greater responsibility on the parts of people having sex in lieu of 'easy outs' like abortion, maybe we should promote such behavior in media. >That's for parents to decide, no the government nor media organizations. Correct, parents are free to choose not to take their children to see pixar films.
>>27152 You can bet the VA is going to say a some obnoxious shit on twitter.
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>>27159 It appeals to Blackrock
>>27174 >Well, that's not true. If they're receiving fund from the government for the purposes of creating specific content, they are a government entity. >Also, not sure how much of that merch is for properties like Turning Red vs classic films. They even use their classic library for the purposes of pushing progressive bullshit. >but getting mad about Lightyear and Turning Red isn't doing anything to hold Disney's news outlet (I think just ABC News) to account Okay, so what's the "appropriate" response to every single news outlet spending their time talking about how this thing exists, telling me how it's such a good thing that it exists, ensuring that I know that this thing exists, and then proceeding to ridicule me for desiring to have zero interest or despising said thing? >The main goal is to keep investors and shareholders happy. No, it is not, they're purpose to is make money. That's the reason WHY people become shareholders and investors in the first place. >If conservatives want to talk about greater responsibility on the parts of people having sex in lieu of 'easy outs' like abortion, maybe we should promote such behavior in media. How about just don't be a slut and keep those legs shut? Pregnancies don't occur if the girl doesn't have sex in the first place.
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>>27185 Do you even realize that you've fed the troll so much that he's about to begin mitosis?-
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Why God why?!
>>27174 >If conservatives want to talk about greater responsibility on the parts of people having sex in lieu of 'easy outs' like abortion, maybe we should promote such behavior in media. I hate this mentality so god much in every form it takes. It was as stupid during the demonic panic when Christians pushed for censoring that shit as it was when leftist treat something as a wholly magical unicorn moment because an animated character on screen. "Media should push good public morals" is an utterly asinine take.
>>27191 Is the animation that choppy in the original or is that just an encoding issue?
>>27193 It's how it is is on the youtube upload so yeah it's as intended.
Anyone here a big enough fan of Captain Marvel, Black Adam, or the JSA to be more upset about the Black Adam movie drastically changing every character?
>>27198 It's yet another pointless Dwayne Johnson vehicle that will be forgotten in a month on top of being another shitty looking DC live action movie. I'm sorry anon I just personally don't know why I should care since the next Black Adam movie will most likely be a soft reboot like every other fucking DC live action movie in the past decade starring another actor.
>>27240 >why I should care since the next Black Adam movie will most likely be a soft reboot like every other fucking DC live action movie in the past decade starring another actor. So, the films are finally suffering the same issue as the comics.
>>27240 A Dwayne Johnson vehicle yes. Every one of his movies is the same with trying to make him a big action celebrity. The movies make money sure but he's still a joke actor. Not someone people take seriously as a badass. Now in regards to this being a soft reboot of the DC cinematic universe, The Flash was meant to be that first. But some fucking how they keep releasing these movies out of order. Didn't help now it'll probably never be released in theaters because of Ezra Miller. The universe they made has been a mess from the start. At least then it was just because of bad writing/characterization. Now it's because they've essentially pulled an X-men with writing themselves into a corner. >>27242 Yes. Plus Marvel beat them to the punch in that regard as well. Got all the diversity hire replacements trickling in, made Kang black, already got Carl's diversity hire lined up, Wanda's gay son, America Chavez, & lord knows what they'll do to the X-men.
>>27248 Namor wasn't asian-like and all of his kingdom "aesthetic" neutral/atlantian fantasy instead of prehispanic? Imperius Rex, this guy catch my attention but I haven't read anything yet.
>>27253 Your english is very broken but yes Namor in the comics has more asian look features. While Atlantis was more just a unique underwater looking culture. Not something based in a mezoamerica aesthetic. This is being done purely for pandering to the mexican market.
>>27110 >your browser should be able to open those in a new tab. The images themselves with the important information are not archived in the first place. Only a crop of a thumbnail is in the archive. Opening them in a new tab is just opening a link to twitter, so the archive is fucking useless, since you're just posting a link to a link to twitter, you dumb fucking faggot.
>Primal Season 2 got a teaser >I missed it and apparently I can't find it anymore God damnit.
>>27273 Cool. Thanks anon.
>>27273 finally some good fucking animation.
>>27273 I remember reading that the show was inspired by conan, and we can see in this trailer that season 2 is going to lean into that more.
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>>27248 >character known for swimming >make him black
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>>27245 >"Good morning, Marvel Studios, how may I direct your call?" >"Put shit-head on the phone." >"Right away, Mr. Chapek." >... >"Kevin Feige speaking." >"Feige, it's Chapek. What in the fuck are you people doing over there?!" >"Oh, hi, Bob! Yeah, isn't it great?" >"No, it fucking ISN'T great! What in the blue fuck are you doing over there?!" >"...I don't understand." >"We're LOSING subscribers and movie audiences, and our stock sank to 25 cents a share!" >"I don't understand! Bob Eiger and I sat down just before you took over and he assured me that this was the direction you wanted to go!" >"Sonuvabitch!"
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>>27289 Not black. Mayan. >>27290 I doubt Chapek is any better than Feige considering how the rest of Disney is being handled.
>>27291 >Gay niggers asks a bugman out on a date Are they trying to convince the African content to fuck their Chinese overlords?
>>27292 He's japanese.
>>27283 >reading If you know anything about Conan you know it was inspired by Conan. It's half the reason it's so good.
>>27273 Something about primal's animation, first season included, looks like flash to me. Not bad flash mind you, but flash none the less. I'm not sure why.
>>27297 It's not. It's just Genndy's early 2000s very sharp angular style.
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>>27294 It's missing one very important part about Conan. Unless you count the dino.
>>27306 >Unless you count the dino. Oh I do.
>>27309 Dino vagina.
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I raughed.
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>>27327 I haven't seen the movie, nor do I wish to, but I do know of this other scene. I assume in the movie they travel into the past and 'save" the superhero's lives, like saving Bruce's parents so he never has to become Batman, but that creates an even worse future, so now they have to go and kill Bruce's parents.
>>27328 Logically Robin wouldn't exist if Bruce never became Batman.
>>27329 If you want to get autistic with it, almost no other superheroes would exist without Batman, since he was the second hero in the DCU (or in the modern era, if you're talking about one of the histories where the Justice Society is the past version of the Justice League), and saved the world from aliens dozens of times before the third and fourth superheroes (J'onn J'onzz and Barry Allen) ever showed up.
>>27328 >I assume in the movie they travel into the past and 'save" the superhero's lives, like saving Bruce's parents so he never has to become Batman, but that creates an even worse future, so now they have to go and kill Bruce's parents. Decided to look up the plot on Kikepedia, it's FAR worse than you'd ever think: <they will go to Hollywood to have a film made about them ("Upbeat Inspirational Song About Life"). Upon arriving at Warner Bros. Studios, they encounter director Jade Wilson, who is responsible for all the superhero films being made. She turns down the Titans' request to be in a film ("My Superhero Movie"), saying that the only way she would make one about them is if they were the only superheroes in the world. The Titans take her words literally, and go back in time to prevent the origins of the other superheroes ("Crystals" and "Back in Time"), but upon returning to the present, they discover that having done so erases the other heroes' existence and are forced to go back in time again and undo their blunder.
>>27331 Batman didn't directly inspired all the league though so most heroes not directly tied to him origin wise would still exist. Though the league would probably be lacking a lot of funding.
>>27329 There wasn't a comic that answer that? Jason was the most fucked but the rest get a relative stable life.
>>27337 Well there's Flashpoint. There Jason actually ends up becoming a priest. Though he says his life was still rough before he found God.
>>27340 No, its something more recent, Robin #5 2022.
>>27341 There is no Robin (2022). There's Robin (2021) but issue #5 isn't a "what if Batman never existed" story.
>>27342 My error, its Robins
>>27343 Ah now I see.
>>27332 After posting my initial assumptions, I decided to check the trailer to see how far off I was, besides what you said, apparently they also tried to get their own arch nemesis, in this case Deathstroke Deadpool Slade, who ends up mind controls all the super heroes. Not sure if the time traveling thing was before the Slade encounter, or in parallel as a way to stop his army from ever existing, and honestly I don't care enough to find out, but since this is the /co/ Pain Thread I will post the trailer for your enjoyment.
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>>27329 Well... if we're talking the usual alternative universe schtick, maybe not as Robin. He'd still go the cloaked vigilante route to avenge the death of his parents.
>>27345 I would unironically watch or read something entirely revolving around Alfred. Hell they could even pull the retarded Injustice plotline where Alfred mops the floor with Superman after roiding up on super-pills.
>>27346 >He'd still go the cloaked vigilante route to avenge the death of his parents So did that birds nest kill his parents or is that not Robin?
>>27348 I don't know. This was recommended and looks to have a convoluted plot.
>>27347 Considering Alfred is ex-SAS and MI5, I don't doubt you could do an interesting series about him fighting the Nahtzees Malays and glowniggering around the Middle East or wherever the limeys put their spooks.
>>27356 I meant I'm more than fine just seeing him keep the Wayne household upright. Giving advice and familial love to Bruce, giving tactical support and doing the more "technical" work while Batman is in the field, dealing with the various Robins over time, etc. That would be a really interesting premise for an Alfred comic in my opinion if you don't want to pull out the action stops.
>>27356 >>27357 Reminder this exists.
>>27358 I'm guessing with how this is the first time I've heard of it that it's either mediocre or terrible?
>>27333 Yeah but aliens would have destroyed the world in a bunch of 1950s stories if Batman wasn't there. There would be no world left for Barry Allen to become The Flash. >>27357 A single issue or graphic novel of his life story, not focusing too much on the pre-Batman stuff, could be interesting. But there is little use in wondering about it, since if it did get made now, it would be awful. >>27359 It's still currently running. What do you think?
>>27360 Going purely by the original world timeline, probably. Going by the modern timeline, every original Justice League member but Cyborg already existed. Doomsday Clock retconned the JSA back into history too.
>>27358 >Reminder this exists. Not for long. Most people want Batman, which is, for some reason, incredibly hard for them to give us. Alfred's place is as the deadpan snarker comedy foil to keep Bruce from getting too grimdark. I don't care what happened to him before that.
>>27326 I caught the tail end of that flick on the movie channels. I laughed hard as hell at how much they tried to stop Batman and how he just kept coming, especially when I saw his "final vehicle" >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY4WJm0Mp3A
>>27363 It's on it's third season. No comic fan wants any of the shows they pump out from The CW or HBO Max. But they all still keep getting renewed.
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>>27369 Is not only bad that this shit got a movie, but that it exists to begin with. And fuck off with the nigger music. Over 10 years with the same niggery shit.
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>>27369 You know this was an absolute dumb "ha ha isn't it whacky Batman and the Turtles" premise but at the very least it looked appealing and was mostly enjoyable, what the fuck is this shit? What are these designs? Is that nigger April? Why that music? Why does it suck shit?
>>27373 The niggress April is old news because the POC (((reclaimed))) her because in the comics she was black or some shit.
>>27375 Ah, got gaslighted then, they repeated it so much I ended believing it.
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>>27373 Well, atleast we got shredder's revenge.
>>27374 >>27375 It's Baxter Stockman who was the OC black in TMNT. They fixed it for the early 2000s show.
>>27388 *Not OC. I think I meant OG.
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>>27373 >Why does it suck shit? It's because they wanted to “subvert expectations”.
>>27399 Makes too much sense. They made the turtles niggers & kikes with a neglectful shit father Splinter. Then made April black for good measure.
So, The Boys count as /co/ or as /tv/? Because they are preparing to be anti Trump for the american's elections and they are turning Homelander into Trump.
>>27401 It's very loosely based on the comic of the same name so it's /co/.
>>27402 Well, it looks closer to irredemable where every human in that earth had it coming.
>>27403 The supes have it coming. A lot of innocent people die because of them. There The Boys are straight up villains as bad as the supes though.
Faggots on twitter are both defending the terrible Rise of TMNT cartoon that made April a nigger. This lead to people unironically trying to say April was always black from the beginning. Which is fucking bullshit. Here she is in her first appearance in issue 2, a third printing cover for the same issue, & the issue 11 cover. All very very clearly showing April is white. Somehow these fucking deranged retards don't understand what an 80s curly perm was.
>>27403 I've only watched the first season but isn't the Boys the show where the ebul Superman stand in crashes a plane with no survivors and pins it on terrorists so that he can go play military?
>>27420 It was hijacked by terrorists. Problem was he used his lasers to kill the final terrorist & it fried the controls of the plane. So he let it crash into the ocean & then blamed it on the terrorists. It was an accident but he used it to push for supes in the military to prevent future "terrorist" attacks.
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>>27401 It's /co/. There was an old thread that's still relevant: >>4960 It's the same as previous seasons, but it's gradually attempting to be more "comedic." There was also as spinoff anthology that I haven't seen yet except the one where Awkwafina literally makes her turds sentient
>>27422 It's shit. Saw it and maybe, MAYBE, the only one semi decent is the one episode made by the guys who made invencible, and mostly because they took the original comics look.
Fuck, I did good not seeing the series. I already didn't like the Boys much because I hate disgusting cinicism in my comics, but this is political hypocricy to its biggest exponential. Is one of those sadly too abundant "everyone deserves to die horribly" situations.
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>>27401 Remember Marshal Law? It supposed to be The Boys predecessor. Men, maybe I'm too young, it seems that this "topics" have being dragged for a long time actually. The essay about phallic hidden messages and weakness in the ending thought.
>>27424 When has Garth Ennis ever made a comic where everyone wasn't an irredeemable asshole?
>>27439 He wrote a Superman comic at one point.
>>27426 And what do you know, he was right, despite being a bad parody.
Well if you thought DC could correct course with an animated movie universe, you thought wrong. Dead wrong. Green Lantern Beware My Power sucks! If you hate Parallax, love Kyle Rayner, like the Sinestro Corps as villains, like Adam Strange comics, or Hal Jordon as a character then you'll hate this movie. Lemme try to break down all the bad: >green lantern corps were wiped out by Sinestro single-handedly >all other green lanterns are dead but John gets delivered Hal Jordon's ring by a dying guardian (It's never explained how the guardians knew about John Stewart. Presumably they were monitoring him as a potential new human lantern as the beginning shows a green satellite view looking down at John in Afghanistan.) >John goes to the JL Watchtower & gets attacked by Martian Manhunter, Vixen, & Green Arrow >he uses the ring to make constructs to block their attacks but it isn't until after Ollie hits him with a gold tipped blunt arrow that they all stop to realize he's a green lantern >Martian Manhunter doesn't think to read his mind >John & Ollie go to Oa to figure out what's going on >there they find all the dead green lanterns but they all have their uniforms still on despite being dead >movie even establishes multiple times that while not wearing the ring, a corp members uniform disappears >Sinestro has his own corp consisting of one other actual member with a ring >somehow she has the right symbol but Sinestro doesn't >they get captured by Sinestro & find out in their holding area that Hal's alive >spoilers but Hal's actually but not actually Parallax >movie tries to do both the parasite & Hal just turning evil on his own >oh & Sinestro dies by John willing his ring back to him through Sinestro's chest >cue terrible final fight scene >John takes all of Hal's rings but misses one & gets stabbed through the hand again just like in Afghanistan in the opening >Ollie's the one to kill Hal with a gold tipped arrow >movie ends back at earth with John releasing the extra rings to rebuild the GL corps
>>27496 So it's a crap adaptation of Emerald Twilight with John Stewart replacing Kyle Rayner? Sad.
>>27496 Anon, DC has long slammed into the bedrock after its descent into the abyss. There's no recovery.
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>>27419 >Somehow these fucking deranged retards don't understand what an 80s curly perm was. These are the same people who unironically believe that ass-kicking women in games and movies didn't exist until they "invented" them in 2013. Don't try to understand them, it will just make you crazy, too.
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>>27291 Wait, is that Baymax's creator, Tadashi, the older brother of Hiro? Because if it fucking is...
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>>27291 Just the latest gay from disney.
>>27507 My name is Tadao Tadashi
>>27500 Yes. Unironically. John has like no charisma & no creativity using the ring. It's just guns, knives, & a humvee. >>27502 The Batman & Joker are the only movies they've made that aren't terrible. Granted both are major departures from the comics too so they're still not great. >>27506 That's fair. >>27507 Are you saying all japanese men look the same, anon? For shame.
>>27513 >The Batman & Joker But those were live action movies, you'd think DC would at least not fuck up their animated ones too like they've been doing for a while.
>>27514 Yeah. Man of Tomorrow was okay. The Long Halloween had unnecessary changes to the story & had a major animation error when they find out Joker isn't in his cell at Arkham. Didn't bother to watch the Flash movie since "muh nazis" is done to death & they made Iris black again. This GL movie though is just irredeemably bad. They really learned nothing from the last universe. That Injustice movie sucked too since they're working off an already bad storyline but rushed to fit a single movie length & changing way too much. Next is the Super Sons movie that's doing the 3DCG thing but with choppy Spider-verse animation.
>>27515 >injustice movie Man I forgot about that, they somehow managed to adapt that really poor comic into an even worse movie by rushing the hell out of it. I especially laughed a lot at Nightwing's death where apparently Robin's tard rage threw an escrima stick so hard at him it killed him.
>>27516 Yeah that was one of the infamously shit moments from the comic. Of all the things to change, they kept that in as is.
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>>27513 >Are you saying all japanese men look the same, anon? For shame. They DO, but that's not what I mean. That looks like the brother's model. I don't watch this shit, so I'm not sure if it's a sequel or a prequel to Big Hero 6. If it's a prequel, they appear to be retrofagging Hiro's older brother and that's absolutely disgusting.
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>>27514 >you'd think DC would at least not fuck up their animated ones too You would think... and then you would watch The Killing Joke and realize that DC's animation dept. is every bit as retarded. >"Hi, I'm Barbara Gordon! This is a story all about me!" I'm so stunning and brave!" Holy shit was that stuff cancerous.
>>27519 You forget the whole "I WANT TO FUCK BATMAN" plot Barbra gordon had in the Killing Joke movie. What were they thinking? Bruce fucking his trainees is something out of a hentai doujin or something. "None of these women are up to my standards. I will take some in, train them to physical perfection, dress them up tight leather outfits and fuck the shit out of them".
>>27518 Racist.
Want to talk about trash? Vox Machina. I've tried to watch this abomination 3 times because there is literally nothing else to see and it's painfully shit. I want some fantasy and stuff and the only shit I got is the script written by an edgy child. Are these thev games Critical Role play? How did they got famous to begin with?
>>27532 How did I manage to mess up writing so badly? Anyway, you get my point.
>>27532 >>27533 I haven't watched Vox Machina or Critical Role but I've often seen them described as "DnD for people who do not play DnD".
>>27534 That explains a lot, but still it's fucking disgusting. I had to watch Goblin Slayer a second time to remove the bad taste. Is there any comic or cartoon worth saving anymore?
>>27534 Well DnD is shit, so naturally anything based on it is also shit.
>>27535 >Watch >Goblin Slayer Heretic. >Is there any comic or cartoon worth saving anymore? Primal looks neat I suppose. For comics I don't really know about newer ones.
>>27537 I will never read a manga that has an anime adaptation, never.
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>>27538 You whore.
If anyone was curious enough to watch The Sea Beast, don't bother. It's a shit movie. >movie opens with male protagonist as a child being the last survivor of a shipwreck by a sea monster >secondary protagonist is little black girl who's the orphaned daughter of 2 hunters killed by sea monsters >movie proceeds to have a message about how sea monsters are misunderstood by showing ONE total monster actually showing humanity for them >said sea monster murders hundreds of people in a docked ship & attempts to eat captain of said ship only to be stopped by white male protagonist >goes on to cause more destruction, albeit while drugged, in the middle of royal capital palace area >almost eats hunter captain till black loli stops her >while male himbo protag declares no more hunting of sea monsters just because of this one sea monster >entire kingdom turns against king & queen because little girl says royals started the war with the sea monsters >movie ends with black loli saying no one ever sailed the sea again or explored what's beyond the sea >this is somehow positive To go into more detail, the movie really tries to paint the hunting of sea monsters as comparison to the ivory trade. Hunters essentially work as bounty hunters who bring in monster parts like horns to the royal palace for money. The comparison doesn't work though because these are sea monsters shown almost entirely to be aggressive destroyers that wreck ships to splinters. The main characters should be the only ones that see them differently even with the only one example of a good monster but somehow the hunter captain's first mate turns to their side too. It's ridiculous. The movie keeps contradicting itself with it's conservationist message by showing how destructive & dangerous sea monsters are. On top of that it's really heavy handed with the fact every crowd on the hunter crew & in the island city are all white, black, & asian. No outright mexicans though. Just vague shades of brown mixed with the white. Which sure it's a port city so the idea of various races all in one place isn't so preposterous. It's when you get the final act that you realize the movie blatantly has an agenda. Mind you an agenda that still doesn't work when you have your nigger loli protagonist try to stab a man to free the giant kaiju that took his eye.
>>27544 Have some more images. Fuck this movie. It started really strong when it seemed like it was going to be some swashbuckling sword & sandal adventure. Then it just devolves to preachy environmentalism messaging that doesn't make any sense with the world it's built or the basics of how conservation works. Because newsflash, hunting is a necessity. For survival of humans & survival of nature. If deer populations breed out of control alone then the whole ecosystem suffers for it. Likewise this movie admits in the end that humanity doesn't progress because they won't explore beyond the known shores now. Sea monsters will just breed out of control & remain a threat to any explorers or trade ships.
>>27544 >If anyone was curious enough to watch The Sea Beast, don't bother. It's a shit movie. I figured that when the trailers showed the nigger loli being the one who Mr Magoo's her way out of every dangerous situation, like almost every single female character in every Disney movie since ''Tangled.
>>27544 Based on what you wrote, it seems the moral of the movie is to not punish violent nigger animals even when they are killing us, because it's actually our own leaders' fault the nigger animals are killing us, anyway
>>27546 Yeah there's slapstick but it's all at the expense of Jacob the tall blonde white man. >>27547 Essentially yes. Though there's no allusion to crack.
>>27521 Because it was by Bruce Timm, who previously established in Batman Beyond that Bruce stole Dick's girlfriend, Barbara, and then later abandoned her (along with everyone else, due to stuff that happened in Return of the Joker). Though it's not the same continuity, his fetishes and ships shine through. Although it makes it even dumber here, because in Batman Beyond we're supposed to feel bad for Barbara for Bruce casting her aside (even though later we learn he had a good reason), and Bruce does look awful since she was previously Dick's girlfriend (and I guess this would explain why Dick doesn't even show up in Batman Beyond), but here we see Barbara literally rape Batman. But it's okay, because she's a girl. And then the movie makes it rather explicit that Joker rapes her (even though in the comic I don't think that was the actual intent), but instead of making the audience feel bad for her, it just makes it feel like she's getting what she deserves, since she raped Batman earlier in the movie. What a terrible, terrible movie. And Batman & Harley Quinn is terrible for some of the same reasons, too. But not as bad as The Killing Joke. It's like DC wanted to spoil the adaptation on purpose just to spite Alan Moore. >>27496 >>movie tries to do both the parasite & Hal just turning evil on his own To be fair, the bit in the comics is that Parallax preys on the host's inner weaknesses/desires/evils, so it is still his own choice too. But Hal was so not evil that it took a long time to get him to give in, while most others just go nuts right away. Of course, it already wasn't a very well loved story arc, but they had to go and take all the parts people liked and remove them, while amplifying all the parts people didn't like. I don't get why it's so hard for these people to just adapt stories at least semi-faithfully. Wouldn't it be easier? They see anime run for over a thousand episodes just by using the manga as storyboards. Wouldn't this mean they could pay the writers less? Use less time on the scripting stage? I get if they'd edit some things that would be too confusing due to all the crazy crossover continuity that would be hard to adapt, but most of those edits could be minor. Otherwise it would be quite simple to just do straight adaptations.
>>27558 I blame the obsession of subverting expectations that hollywood types have loved doing. Somehow these fucking retards at DC think it's a great plan to just completely ignore the comic storylines they're supposed to be directly adapting or even just the good basic elements of characters.
>>27565 Perhaps. A lot of it is also just movie people not respecting other media, and thus thinking that comics (and video games) are stupid and need changing before they're good enough to be movies. Of course they do this without reading the comics. And they never stop to think about why the comics are successful enough to warrant an adaptation in the first place.
>>27566 Spite is also a very real factor, yes.
>>27567 You raise a good point, but I wouldn't say the point you were replying to was about spite. But spite is a very real factor. There are many cases of SJWs and the like ruining things on purpose because they hate it, even if frequently they hate it for reasons that make no sense. They destroyed comics, vidya, Star Wars, Star Trek, and now Lord of the Rings, because they noticed that males liked them more than females, and they simply hate males and want to destroy everything males like.
>>27568 I'd say intentionally or unintentionally destroying something you hate that you feel the need to "fix" is the nature of spiteful motivation.
>>27568 >even if frequently they hate it for reasons that make no sense >reasons that make no sense Could you provide examples?
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>>27570 Like when they make terrible feminist heroines under the premise of there never being any good female superheroes before, despite there being tons that they just ignore and/or ruin on purpose. Carol Danvers was already a respected character and Avengers mainstay for decades, but we'll just ignore that and act like she was never a good character until she became feminist propaganda, despite her history and the legitimacy she used to have being their justification for her current role. And they just plain ignore all the far more popular female characters beyond her, while simultaneously ruining them. Black Widow was once a nuanced character with interesting history, like how she was originally a villain so bad that she even turned the otherwise not-so-bad Hawkeye to evil, only to then accidentally have her plan work backwards and slowly get turned good herself. I mention this because it's basically her very first story arc, from the early 1960s, when these people think comics had no nuance or depth at all, and it already has more depth than her entire MCU history including her own movie. But we can't have that. Can't have female characters ever be nuanced, because that would imply they aren't perfect. But more importantly, can't acknowledge that she was a good character since the early 1960s, because that would shatter their ridiculous notion that female superheroes didn't exist until like 2015. She-Hulk was her own character very distinct from The Hulk, and liked for her own reasons, as her own very influential character. We'll just ignore all of that under the premise that she was just a Hulk ripoff, while simultaneously taking away the things that made her original, interesting, and likeable. And of course it happens with DC as well. The Supergirl TV show is all about how Supergirl deserves to be more than just a copy of Superman, with the implication that she was never written as more than that because she was a girl. Meanwhile the show makes her work at a newspaper and do everything else it possibly can to just make her girl Clark Kent, taking away all the actual characterization she usually has, which normally makes her a very distinct, interesting, and likeable character (and thus one bugged me a lot, since it was only a few years after New 52 Supergirl came out and was actually really good, and made her very distinct from Superman). And this isn't even just exclusive to comics, but to movies. Star Wars and other sci-fi and action movies have all been ruined with this premise, completely ignoring that characters like Ripley and Sarah Connor have been some of the most popular sci-fi and action characters for decades, and that Angelina Jolie was basically the biggest action star of the early 2000s. Or to look at Star Trek, they constantly say that Star Trek was always commie propaganda, so as to justify their current commie propaganda, while simultaneously talking shit about the old shows and acting like they were never good, because of course we all know Captain Kirk was an alpha badass, but we can't admit that because it would destroy the premise that their propaganda is justified by the history of the franchise. But of course I could just point to the obvious fact that hating something just because its audience skews males makes no sense. Plenty of things skew female and nobody hates them, even if sometimes they actually are morally reprehensible and should be hated. But no, we sit here and pretend that 50 Shades of Grey and Magic Mike aren't pornography, because we all know its audience is female, and if it doesn't cater to males, whatever, we can ignore it. There's no need to take over Twilight or whatever and make it more palatable to males. There's no reason to hate it just because it's aimed at a different audience. It makes no sense. But they hate the things we like for precisely that reason. Even if they're also ruining it for all the women that actually did already like them before.
>>27547 Even though ironically you can twist it to our benefit. How? Just change the whole imagery of sea monsters to white people, the humans to the noneuropean cities, sea to europe, hunters to immigrants and royalty to the world leaders. And that's it
>>27399 Then why not subvert expectation in the way to make the white nazi a good guy with a black antisemitic dude who go on and destroy isreal. It will subvert the tropes. But no, they love their tropes and stereotypes ironically. Just look at what happened when a black guy made the polar opposide and they've literally called him a nigger.
>>27587 Anon, you're misunderstanding their reasoning about why they hate the media for "reasons that make no sense". It makes perfect sense the reason why they hate it. It's because THEY were not the ones who came up with the idea. Because of the fact that people were able to write diverse and dramatic stories during a more "primitive" time, it shatters their entire political belief system that society cannot be decent and understanding unless equity exists. So, they set about to trash these companies and rewrite history so that they can receive the glory for "creating" a concept despite such concept already existing for decades. Why do you think it's standard operating policy for Socialist revolutions to execute the teachers, lawyers, and historians first? >But of course I could just point to the obvious fact that hating something just because its audience skews males makes no sense. Plenty of things skew female and nobody hates them, even if sometimes they actually are morally reprehensible and should be hated. The theory a lot of Anons have come up with is that media cannot be allowed to cater towards males because then it deprives women of the attention they "should" be receiving from men. Which does align with similar practices in the past. >>27607 Not to the Progressives. As far as they're concerned, White People need to be exterminated in order for society to become better.
>>27608 Because they only want to deconstruct stuff when it benefits them.
>>27608 >>27612 >>27399 They don't deconstruct or subvert anything. They do exactly what everyone expects. They're not progressive, they're regressive. That's what bugs me the most, how they act like they're edgy and counterculture while doing the most mainstream shit possible. SJWs are just political hipsters.
>>27613 You know, that's exactly the right wording.
>>27426 The boys is a perfect example being even worse than the thing it was making fun of, and when the thing you're making fun of is capeshit that's saying something.
>>27587 If DC never used Batwoman as a vehicle for promoting propaganda they would have turned a better profeit with said character. But, no. They had to pander to dykes and hardcore feminists by helping them to advertise their "cause," which is why we'll never have good female characters in current times. Soon as they become popular: "Hey kids! Look who's wearing pRiDe cOloRs for pRiDe mOnTh!" >>27611 >The theory a lot of Anons have come up with is that media cannot be allowed to cater towards males because then it deprives women of the attention they "should" be receiving from men. Which does align with similar practices in the past. Where I come from we refer to that as being pussywhipped.
>>27611 >The theory a lot of Anons have come up with is that media cannot be allowed to cater towards males because then it deprives women of the attention they "should" be receiving from men. What woman on Earth wants the attention of a loser? Actually that makes the whole censorship and "unrealistic-anything" even more stupid and unnecessary. Comics, videogames, japanese shit, all of that always caters towards losers, the kind of men who voluntary would never exist beyond their moms basement and a screen, the kind of men that can't lay a finger on anyone even if they wanted to. The argument of "women would return crawling to men's feet because a bunch of pixels can perfectly replace them" its also stupid, only losers like pixels, functional men don't consume that.
>>27633 Well, Lorena Bobbitt did castrate her husband over porn mags. But he let her do that to him. >The argument of "women would return crawling to men's feet because a bunch of pixels can perfectly replace them" its also stupid, only losers like pixels, functional men don't consume that. Well...
>>27634 Functional men.
>>27633 >What woman on Earth wants the attention of a loser? All of them. They want the losers to work for them. They won't want to pay attention to the losers, they want them to remain unseen and unheard, but they want them to be paying attention and therefore working for them.
>>27633 Anon, even the so called "winners" are playing video games nowadays. It's not the 90's where all that is "nerd shit"
I kept hearing a lot of good things about Batman: White Knight but when I read it I just got a lot of dumb plot contrivances and shit like pic related all over the place. The art was good (despite the actual suit design being hot garbage) but that's about all I can give it. Is there something I'm missing or is this just a case of modern comics fans being shit-eating retards?
>>27647 I wouldn't say retards. I'd say abused. They've been beaten so low that now anything that's just less beating is seen as good to them.
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>>27647 >Batman: White Knight The first series was interesting enough. Batman in brown being fucked over by a sane Joker while being simultaneously "betrayed" by Dick and Babs made for a decent Elseworlds™. Then in the next series he made Joker the ghost of a vampire and I threw my hands up in despair and went back to hating DC.
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>>27633 >What woman on Earth wants the attention of a loser? It depends on how you define loser. If you mean some abject waste of skin who seems "dangerous," then he'd be beating them off with a stick. If you mean imageboard autists, well... >pic related: guess which one is which
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>>27544 I'm getting "plucky girl" and "blacks are better than whites" overdoses, these days, and this cancer decided to double down. Fucking Netflix. >>secondary protagonist is little black girl who's the orphaned daughter of 2 hunters killed by sea monsters Let me guess: lesbians?
>>27655 No we never see her parents.
For some good news, Primal Season 2 started yesterday. Episode 1: The Sea of Despair is out. It's a fairly slow episode about the folly of attempting to cross an ocean without any provisions or preparation, but the highlight is when Spear pulls a DMC Enemy Step on a giant shark. The episode ends with the two characters seemingly separated, with Fang having washed up on an unfamiliar shore with Spear no where to be seen.
They tarred Norman Osborn in the supposed animated MCU Spider-man prequel show.
>>27685 Of course they did, but how can he be a badman now???
>>27686 He's apparently going to play a Tony Stark role for Peter. While these are gonna be the lineup of villains.
>>27687 But in the MCU doesnt stark already do that?
>>27688 Tony's dead & this is supposed to be a prequel.
>>27689 Well yeah, a prequel, so shouldnt he be alive?
>>27690 Yes. A prequel to before the events of Civil War. Meaning Tony is not part of Peter's life yet.
>>27691 So peter now had millionare father figures, so, at what part was he a broke ass teenager?
>>27692 *2 millionare father figures
>>27692 >>27693 The part where he'll lose Norman sponsoring him for one reason or another then Tony comes in to play step step father figure.
>>27694 What a shitshow.
>>27695 Yes indeed.
>>27685 It's going to be Joker-Luthor Osborn or poor tragic scientist Osborn?
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How will they fuck it up? Already i hate that they gave the storm her mohawk instead of keeping her long flowing hair, also, flash animation tier coloring.
>>27703 Yes. >>27704 Polygamous Cyclops, Jean, & Wolverine relationship. Nightcrawler's catholic faith will be ignored if not outright demonized. Full on equation of mutants with blacks ala BLM style movements. Previous voice actress already made calls for Jubilee to be voiced by an actual asian woman this time.
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>>27705 Most important of all, how will they ruin bestgirl?
>>27706 Lesbian.
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>>27707 And gambit a cuckhold i bet.
>>27708 Gambit they'll go full on shaming as a "misogynistic womanizing pig".
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>>27704 >i hate that they gave the storm her mohawk instead of keeping her long flowing hair Still more original than "modern strong women" haircut.
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>>27709 >hon hon hon mon cherie youre az pretty az- >quit it sugar! thats patronizing and demeaning to me as a woman! now watch as i use the slave-collar i refused to wear before to make out with storm! >>27710 Yeah, i know that storm has used a mohawk before, im just butthurt because i like how they all had pretty long hair in the cartoon that flowed with the wing when they fly.
>>27711 Unironically what they'll do.
>>27712 Atleast i hope this brings 2 things, japs getting exited over x-men again and making more vidya about them and dot emu making a beat em up about the x-men like they did with the ninja turtles.
>>27685 >They tarred Norman Osborn in the supposed animated MCU Spider-man prequel show. But didn't the MCU already establish that Norman Osborn doesn't even exist in that universe? When the other one arrived he said he found there were no records of him or Oscorp. And MCU Peter wasn't like "oh, Norman Osborn, I know that guy." >>27687 But if it's a prequel, then how can Scorpion and Shocker be in it? They were already in the first MCU Spider-Man solo movie. I know the answer is that they just don't care. But let me point it out, at least.
>>27704 Is that art for the new series, from what I can see in this low resolution picture they look good, though the women's suits aren't as skin tight so that a flaw but at least they still look pretty from what I can tell at least. This doesn't prove the actual animation will be good though, I suspect it will be choppy and cheap looking. Any word of what animation studio is working on this?
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>>27715 >Is that art for the new series Yes, theres also these 3 pics. Emma frost wasnt censored and kurt looks like a twink, so yeah hes even more like raziel now.
>>27714 Yes. Scorpion was already established in the post credits/end of Homecoming talking to Vulture. That's not Shocker but some dude with flamethrowers. But yes it being a prequel in the MCU makes no sense but that's currently what they've said it is.
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>>27716 >They stuck Maggie in the infamous "I'm a good guy!" M-suit Of course they did.
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>>27687 All the villains looks like henchmen for Cobra. Especially paramilitary Scorpion. >Codename: SCORPION >GARGAN, MacDonald >Primary Military Specialty: Stabbing people in the heart with his stinger >Secondary Military Specialty: Erotic Baking >Birthplace: New York, NY >"Scorpion is a master of the secret martial art of 'Tail-jitsu,' and can kill a Joe within 10 seconds of ascertaining in which latrine he's hiding"
>>27706 They already ruined her. My poor jubilee.
>>27732 Apparently hes gonna be leading the x-men (wheres xavier?) >>27740 What do you mean? In the comics? If so, that is to be expected.
>>27741 In the comics yeah. Not sure if they ruined her further after hellcat. Fucking crack teeth whore.
>>27742 Do tell me what happened to her though, i know jubilee got turned into a vampire but thats about it.
>>27743 Well, just turning her into another super über lesbian friend with all the disgusting heroines and the brainwashed classic heroines.
>>27744 Jubs or rogue? I thought by the end of it rogue had finally gotten it on with gambit? i know they had a run of comics together.
>>27745 Jubilee.
>>27746 Poor girl.
>>27718 I assume the guy with flamethrowers is Molten Man, but I for some reason I interpreted the guy in the red shirt and blue/yellow jacket as Shocker. Not sure why I did, on second glance. But yeah, Scorpion and Shocker were already Vulture's goons in Homecoming. And Shocker was also Montana, which was a bit weird, but whatever, I guess nobody cares about Shocker's backstory. And I guess that makes Scorpion Fancy Dan. >>27741 >Apparently hes gonna be leading the x-men (wheres xavier?) If this is a continuation to the '90s animated series, in the last episode Xavier basically died. They said he was saved at the last second but only by going to space forever and he can never come back. So basically he died. Not that I expect this series to actually be faithful to the original anyway.
>>27750 Scorpion wasn't a goon. He was a prisoner that talked to Vulture in prison.
>>27754 My mistake. He was in the movie earlier, but as another criminal trying to buy shit from him, not one of the Enforcers. They should have just had all the Enforcers be Shocker-level villains, like Scorpion, if they were gonna have Montana be Shocker. Fancy Dan can be Scorpion and Ox can be Rhino. But I guess then they didn't even really use an Ox, and then maybe the other guy wasn't even Fancy Dan. But that's dumb. The Enforcers are cool and if they're gonna use Montana they should have used the other ones. Of course, they're filthy casuals and probably knew nothing of Spider-Man beyond the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon, and they didn't even do that right.
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>main actor dead >female Black Panther this soon >main actress refused to get jabbed >Namor raped beyond belief I don't even feel pain but this all looks like a disaster waiting to happen.
>>27766 Don't forget instant nigger music instead of just african tribal style music or mesoamerican inspired war songs. Just something cultural with how much these movies want to be pretend to be impactful. Watch Namor having shit about the evil colonist spaniards.
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>>27766 >live in a pineapple palace under the sea >instead of being pale like every single other lifeform at those depths, he's got a shit-ton of melanin >multiple piercings and Aztec-looking shit instead of the Polynesian they were looking for <"All hail Prince Nigmore!" <"Imperius Wrecks Seattle!" <"What can I say except 'You're welcome!'"
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>>27772 >>27766 Oh fuck, I just got it. Disney and Marvel are so retarded they think they can cash in on Jason Momoa's success by making another Polynesian king of Atlantis.
>>27773 Except he's not polynesian & the aesthetic is aztec/mayan.
>>27733 >Military Specialty: Erotic Baking What?
>>27685 >>27686 >Blacked Norman Osborn as the Green Goblin Reminds me of the 89' Batman casting Billy Dee Williams as Harvey Dent and people joking about how he could be Two Face (I think one of the Lego Batman games actually followed through with that joke)
Don't know if it should be in this thread, but I wanted to ask if South Park was as brave as it was with Trump in any following season, or they are just coward faggots just calling themselves (((republican))) to be contrarians.
>>27779 There's an official sequel comic that follows that original concept. Tim Burton wanted a nigger Robin too.
>>27782 What do you think? Seriously.
>>27788 That's why I ask, it's been at least 20 years I don't see southpark except for the usual clip I'm forced to choke on by the internet.
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>>27783 >Tim Burton wanted a nigger Robin too. Oh no. No no no no NO. No, my friend. He didn't want a mere nigger Robin. He wanted a WAYANS BROTHER nigger Robin. And NOT Damon, either. One of the fuckup, hangers-on Wayans brothers. Shawn or Marlon, I can't remember.
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>>27782 PC Principal is the opposite side of the coin to Mr. Garrison's presidency. South Park is usually just out to piss off as many people as possible. They go after woke culture all the time, but they're also very smart men, and they probably are aware of how many people have been disappeared for speaking out on certain things, like election cheating and who's ACTUALLY running the United States. But there are still subtle jabs at everything if you pay attention. Honestly, I loved Orange Mr. Garrison's term as President. It was clever and funny, and not just Jimmy Kimmelesque "Orange man bad!" shrieking like everyone else. The Critical Drinker said something one time that stuck with me: "You can't do irreverent without first having a little reverence." I believe there was love in the parody, and the people around Garrison and their reactions to him were every bit as scathing.
>>27799 Your double dubs makes this cursed knowledge all the worse.
>>27800 He knocked up strong woman and then strong woman got beat up by randy savage in a female sports because machoman now identified as a woman.
>>27807 >>27800 Dunno, I just see fucking cowardice, being milk toast and just basically having the same opinion of that night show Brian from Family Guy admired so much or just fake Making Fun of Both Sides like The Boys. I might just be upset but there's no middle anymore, you are right or you are a pussy, and if you are a pussy you should fall in ruin with all the commie faggots you are friends with.
>>27808 Anon, thats the same mentality some faggots have that if someone isnt a full on 1488 fash ten he is a dirty communist kike, you can only go so far against the establishment in TV.
>>27809 I guess so, but I just see all of that as pretending because they are noticing the balance is switching, but still want to be with their degenerate friends. Fuck, if they made any fun of Biden's hell administration I could just forgive them for being normal fags, but it's just disingenuous at this point.
>>27799 I'd rather him have casted Tommy fucking Shore as a Robin than one of those two. >>27800 >They go after woke culture all the time, but they're also very smart men, and they probably are aware of how many people have been disappeared for speaking out on certain things, like election cheating and who's ACTUALLY running the United States. Actually, they started being aware of how many viewers tuned out as soon as they started pushing the personal politics.
Call me crazy but I don't think using a race swapped/culture swapped Namor with stupid ass jewelery & an also technically race swapped fat Kamala Khan is the best way to introduce mutants into the MCU. Like.... Namor's a bad guy. Objectively evil. The man flooded Wakanda because of some petty beef with Black Panther. He's invaded the surface to try & conquer it multiple times. He'll probably still be objectively an evil person in Wakanda Forever but they'll try to justify it because muh poor mesoamerican human sacrifice cult.
>>27705 >Nightcrawler's catholic faith will be ignored if not outright demonized. Then what's the point of including Nightcrawler. The ENTIRE POINT of his character is that he's a devout Roman Catholic that happens to look like the devil and has powers that appears to be demonic.
>>27817 To say "religion bad though" because this is Disney & Catholicism isn't woke enough.
>>27766 >female Black Panther If people made r34 of Captain Marvel doing pseudo straight-shota with Peter and being Thanos cumpdumpster even if the character was totally repellent and the actress herself is a complete asshole wonder what ideas people would have with that.
>>27820 Getting snu snu'd by a black woman in whats essentially power armour? >>27817 >>27818 To get turned away from his faith and illuminated by someone else, probably storm after beating the fuck out of him because he was biggoted.
>>27816 >>27817 >a devout Roman Catholic that happens to look like the devil I haven't read many superhero comics, but I'd be surprised if he didn't have any interactions with daredevil.
>>27818 They'll most likely make him gay and a ex-Catholic because Young Justice.
>>27830 >They'll most likely make him gay and a ex-Catholic Oh, yes, because Christianity is SO evil that it teaches people evil things like helping other people out, or to treat everyone with respect (Even if they don't deserve), or that you're responsible for your actions. Such evil things, we must purge all traces of the church from existence!
>>27831 Preaching to the choir here arent you?
>>27832 Pretty much. I just wish some of the disagreements people have with Christianity were ACTUAL faults with the beliefs of it, rather than how God and Christ telling people literally (And figuratively) "Don't be gay."
>>27830 They will replace him with some nonbinary muslim niggress calledMidnight Sneaker or some shit and will shit on christianity and praise islam. Or be part of the new cuckchurch commies are pushing for that might cause another separation of heretics from the Holy Church.
>>27816 Why Hollywood only hiring uggo actors lately? >Ruining Namor and shitting on Aztec culture at the same time Goddammit
>>27831 Most "believers" these days are schizophrenic potential mass shooters, or at least its what the media says.
>>27835 Oh no they're trying to make Aztec culture flattering. Watch as they make the spanish the real villains of the atlanteans history.
>>27837 >Oh no they're trying to make Aztec culture flattering No, they're trying to put woke spin on it. Those woketards would've been slaughtered and considered as disgraceful offerings for the gods. >atlanteans It's not even fitting with Aztec mythology as their civilization was surrounded by jungles, those woketards couldn't even be bothered and those hypocrite morons whine about cultures being reduced into a costume and lack of diversity when they literally do that and in fact hate every traditionalist non-western culture as well.
>>27838 Woke spin or not their intentions are to make the aztecs look good.
>>27839 I don't care for the intentions,the end results is what matters and for them good=woke.
>>27840 Well yeah.
You know what's crazy? No one's even bothered to spoil Thor Love & Thunder. Not even here. It's not even so bad that someone just has to spoil the entire movie on here. Hell I've seen zero people even talk about it beyond the days leading up to release.
>>27831 If you look at it in the psychological sense they always go after the assertive/brash(mainly female) and more unique characters. Never the shit ones. Jubilee had the punk look and was "quirky." So of course they'd make her a dyke. >>27834 No, they'll do that to Mystique and make her plus sized.
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>>27835 >Why Hollywood only hiring uggo actors lately? Same reason the video game studios are making women ugly: to appease the fatties and the trannies who get triggered when they see the women they want so badly to be.
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Okay, I realize I'm possibly in the wrong, here, but weren't the Aztecs landlocked?
>>27835 Among other things all the good actors got really old and they are butthurt a generation of younger and more beautiful people exists, so they suddenly start advocating on feminism, equal rights and all that shit just to pull the ladder and prevent anyone with any actual talent to suprass them. It's the same with the Game of Thrones dwarf, after he reached the top he pulled up the ladder and said that using dwarves in cinema is (((offensive))) after he became a true celebrity instead of being a c or d tier actor.
>>27850 A below average product is worse than a bad product since people will forget the former since it makes no real lasting impact on people.
>>27835 They literally hate all that is good, including beauty. They want to demoralize the world by taking away all things that bring joy. Also they're jews trying to normalize how ugly their inbreeding has made them.

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