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Anonymous 04/02/2022 (Sat) 02:02:18 No. 24595
No stream today. Stream cancelled. I'm cancelled. You're cancelled. April Fools! Sorry kiddo, you're stuck with us. Choose one of the following movies for your viewing pleasure/displeasure: - The Nut Job - The Good Dinosaur - The Gumby Movie OR You can choose the Ted Box or the Yaki Box. Ted Box totally smells like the world's most caring, loving, devoted husband, whose wife is totally just a little fucking off her rocker and she needs help before she kills everyone. Yaki Box smells like a CGI romp through a beautiful CGI world full of realistic looking creatures on an adventure. JOIN US. https://vaughn.live/tedfufu
>>24595 Ted box. I'm afraid Yaki Box may be the Lion King remake
Voting Yaki Box.
(374.16 KB 1229x919 Flash x JJJ otp.jpeg)

(33.04 KB 640x481 Sentience.webp)

(367.98 KB 1228x914 Rude.jpeg)

Voting The Good Dinosaur
(141.57 KB 1599x899 vacc.jpg)

Flipping a Yokai Watch medallion says I'm voting for Ted
(171.23 KB 1200x1200 Mandy _ icon ♣️.jpeg)

Voting Yaki Box
(14.46 KB 209x317 Nipple Gun.jpg)

>>24595 Ted Box
(22.57 KB 230x400 Deathlok.jpg)

(71.99 KB 1000x659 th_DeathlokI.jpg)

(1.51 MB 2318x2032 gavin-goulden-deathlok-01.jpg)

(160.64 KB 728x1097 deathlok1.webp)

(240.69 KB 900x1600 deathlok image.jpg)

Yaki Box
voting Yaki
(77.97 KB 375x500 Trolland.jpg)

First movie of the night is from the Yaki Box, and it's Trolland! In this horrible abomination of a movie, horribly mo-capped monsters stare like corpses at their ugly world searching for people to prank. But there's one horribly mo-capped monster who is tired of pranks, and wants friendship instead!
20 Minute Warning kiddos, please vote!
Voting the Good DInosaur
(18.57 KB 595x467 crock.jpg)

Flipping a foil Mnemonic Sphere says I'm voting for Yaki
(155.40 KB 1024x812 media_FOJ84S3WQAIb7hB.jpg)

Voting Ted Box
I'll take Yaki for more garbage CGI
Ted Box
Voting Ted Box
(27.11 KB 640x477 Flying miscarriage.webp)

(376.04 KB 1222x908 obviously.jpeg)

(2.21 MB 1941x2935 Gaslight_(1944_poster).jpg)

Next movie of the night is from the Ted Box, and it's Gaslight! This 1944 classic is what defined the concept of lying so insistently to another person's face that they start to question their sanity. Our movie stars a man whose entire modus operandi is lying horribly to his wife, and how her world starts to fall apart as she thinks she's going insane.
Change of plans - we're watching the 2nd part of our anime trash "Madonna" first, and we'll proceed to "Gaslight" afterwards
>>24621 Lame

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