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Anonymous 03/04/2023 (Sat) 20:39:49 No. 32712
So Lackadaisy is finally getting an animated short. Its been years but it feels like last month when early discussions about a short were being had. https://archive.ph/6aCnH
Looks like a meh animated show trying to imitate 90s cartoons of the same vein without understanding what made them so good in the first place. Especially the humor.
>>32712 Fucking shitshow, so much work for a short film, I hate the fact that the comics creators dismissed the BLM rioting as “biased reporting by Fox News” and the fact that moat of these people are the same Degenerate-Alphabet loonies that make up the webcomics scene. I hate everyone working on this, as well as those even associating with this, and I hope that all of them are brutalized and raped, lol =-))
>>32737 Are you just posting this for a reddit screencap or something?
>>32737 >the comics creators dismissed the BLM rioting as “biased reporting by Fox News” [Citation needed]
It's a bit silly, but several years ago, I could citate the "pancakes for breakfast" strip by heart, complete with voices. Can barely remember anything of it now.
>>32737 I don't want to believe it but I could, it seems like every webcomic author from the 2010's with a halfway decent art style became some sort of colossal mess.
Furries ruined antrophormized animal cartoons for me.
>>32771 >>32772 Oh, but I can prove it, for I have evidence here with me, ye of no faith. Here are some screencaps of Tracy J. Butler's Twitter page that I took between the 28th and the 31st of August of 2020, and towards the bottom of the last screencap, it shows that Tracy retweeted a lot of BLM support stuff, and even rt'ed a video by one IAmMoshow, the "cat rapper", that "bebunked" any rioting taking place at these protests because a cat climber was mistaken for a cinder-block by FOX News: https://twitter.com/iammoshow/status/1269761130970279936 (https://archive.ph/KHKvo) As an aside, IAmMoshow lived in Portland, OR, at the time, where a lot of rioting actually did take place, and where three-hrs. away up north in Seattle, WA, was would-be the home of the Anarchist commune, the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" (CHAZ) a.k.a. the "Capitol Hill Organized Protest" (CHOP). But that doesn't matter, he wants to talk about making black voices "heard" and "equal" and is "speaking my truth", as he puts it, whatever that really means: https://twitter.com/iammoshow/status/1268275771459567616 (https://archive.vn/UUAHx) But I digress, this is about Tracy and her crew associated with her short film. (Part One)
>>32903 that sounds like a you problem
(450.15 KB 454x600 Yep it's trash.png)

>>32715 Nice animation, but that's it, they way the comedy relief talks got annoying pretty quickly. >>33335 She wants to make a show based on The Great Depression but she's willing to sugarcoat it on every aspect including the Jim Crow laws?
>>32712 Why is finding quality voice actors so hard for these indie shows?
>>36694 >Where are the good actors at? That's another can of worms, in fact if they're not associated with some sort of retarded unions: They can kiss goodbye their spot at the industry,

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