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Anonymous 11/13/2022 (Sun) 01:45:24 No. 30422
What is a heart in the first panel on the second panel.
>>30430 Dunno. Seems kinda sus.
(935.22 KB 960x960 Amongus.png)

>>37378 LMAO
>>38696 >Chinks and Indians >Wanting to be left alone Now that's just funny, they ate each other for sustenance due to constant wars.
>>38729 The Meso-Americans did want to be left alone, which was why they enlisted the help of the Spaniards to defeat the Aztecs.
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>>38731 Should've been an indian telling to another indian (with a different attire) to fuck off, same thing with the chinks but instead: Replace the Hun with a maoist college graduate.
>>38738 How dares he remind everyone of their harsh realities!? He should be the FBI and CIA main focus, instead of targeting those poor mixed race mutts from turd world countries https://yewtu.be/watch?v=kEjxtOEW5JQ
>>38747 The cup in her hand in the third panel.
>>38838 Depressingly true
>>38838 The little separated fire in the bottom-right of the 4th panel.
Apparently a bunch of commies have doxed stonetoss or they believe themselves to have done so anyway.
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(208.61 KB 691x437 Triggered tranny, youtube.jpg)

>>39050 First, lefties are known for being incompetent retards much like with their counterparts who managed to gain power in their respective banana countries: they definitely doxxed some guy who had nothing to do with Stonetoss. Second, what are they gonna' do after showing his address to their inner mutilated circlejerk? They can't leave their basements because they got their socials hooked up their asses, unless some white knight attempts to murder the guy.
>>38838 Worthless quisling.
>>39051 That first picture. Can you imagine Christians drawing that? Why are the Left such horrible people?
>>39063 To be fair, it seems just like something Chris Chan would draw back in the day, when he was still Christian (the religion. Not when he still went by the name given to him by God and The Bear). It's the type of revenge he'd have himself or one of his characters exact upon Clyde Cash or one of the others, and the smug attitude is right in line with quotes like "all that is down is only the floor."
>>39064 It's current year, lolcows are the greatest allies, rubbing their feces into a wall says a lot about our society.
new toss
>>39071 I feel like I'm having a fucking stroke while reading this.
This guy will be put in jail just a few years from now
>>39137 Guy got his real info leaked and the first thing he does is promote the most heinous looking plushie.
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(133.96 KB 826x1651 Stonetoss X Anime, twitter.jpg)

>>39259 Wouldn't be surprising if they put a hit on his head now that hate speech laws have been approved, would they also witchhunt the others?
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>>39071 >demimale
(129.93 KB 715x1538 laugh my sides.jpg)

>>39482 >2nd pic Holy shit, my sides
I check his X (among other accounts) and it's almost the same kind of stuff posted on websites like this, just slightly less explicit and sometimes not even that, exactly the same complaints and arguments
>>40445 Yeah, Mark and Acid advertised on Twitter and cuckchan so now the number of rapefugees to OG 8chan posters is like 100 to 1 and the ones who should be posting here don't because having to deal with niggercattle is just so tiresome.
>>40455 Including cuckchannel, alt-chans and "alternative" sites in general

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