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Anonymous 05/12/2020 (Tue) 16:02:11 No. 797
I never see anyone talk about The Owl House, is it any good?
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>>797 First episode is meh, second and forth episode are the best so far, but the show overall is quite mediocre. So, no, it's not good.
>>800 Shame, from the outside it looked fairly decent.
>>797 Wasn't there a rumor that the creator of the show wanted the girl and old hag to be in a relationship?
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>>797 I enjoyed it a lot. While a lot of the plots are pretty simple children's show faire (ie "character lies, immediate consequences, talks about how they learned not to lie), the animation is good, there's a good amount of funny moments, and it's just cute. I'd say go in with low expectations (and maybe weed) and you'll come out enjoying the show.
>>803 I mean, it looks good, it has quite well animated scenes and some character designs kickass. I think you should watch the show and see by yourself it this show is your cup of tea.
>>797 Its far better than Ducktales and its not as queer as Steven Universe. Its straightfoward and cute with a lot of world building potential. The protagonist's design though is incredibly dull. Let's just hope it doesn't follow the same path as garbage like Star vs.
>>852 >and its not as queer as Steven Universe It's impossible to be more queer than Steven Universe without full on gay naked sex being shown on screen.
>>852 So there are gays or something?
>>797 >is it any good the only person who cared about animation quality took leave. main artist's designs are heavily watered down just to please disney. the story and writing had some merrit but now its pretty generic shit her going to magic school. the amount of references to other existing media suppresses any amount of creativity the show can have. The local setting is the corpse of a long dead giant where it created its own unique ecosystem that isnt just feasting on its remains. they barely explore it.
>>1328 So another show compromised of more wasted potential, shame.
>>881 So far there aren't any gays so I don't know what's anon talking about >Inb4 Luz x Amity yuri That's more like a fandom thing, there's nothing confirmed in show.
>>797 >main character: I like anime >Howdoyoudofellowkids.jpg This made me experience an inward shiver of embarrassment and disgust. Also, I'm surprised they got away with one of the protagonists being a which who has a demon familiar. >>1333 Could have sworn the main character said a throw away line that confirmed they were gay or bisexual. At the very least they've blush at girls
>>797 Pretty sure it's only liked because of the designs for the most part, though I wonder if Luz wouldn't look better with white earrings instead of black.
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>>797 It’s incredibly boring. The idea of a girl being a witches apprentice and going on adventures, which is how the show was pitched, is a fine premise, but they didn’t actually do that. Instead they sent the main girl to a cheap Hogwarts knock off, and the witch has become the B plots for the show.
>>1333 one of teh latest episodes showed the green hair girl having a thing for Luz Also both, this and Amphibia being about "girl goes to another world for adventures"
>>3708 Yeah, It's pretty much confirmed by now that Amity is gay; whereabouts Luz so far we don't have any clues and honestly she looks way too stupid to realize Amity is feeling something for her.
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>>1333 >So far there aren't any gays Pretty sure the MC has been potrayed as liking girls. That said, from what I've seen the show isn't obnoxious about it that the typical offenders.
>>3742 >Pretty sure the MC has been potrayed as liking girls Main character lusted over chunky character in episode two, the sole argument people use to say Luz is gay is that an scene where she blush because a girl winked at her, but aside from that she's pretty hetero, but keeping in mind we are talking about Dana's show I wouldn't doubt if more clues about Luz being gay or lusting over women were introduced in later episodes.
>>3754 I could have sworn I heard her mention something at one point along the lines of her hypothetical partner being a "her". Unrelated, but it's funny that Disney greenlit this as a kid show considering it features witches who are friends with a demon. Times sure have changed
>>3765 >considering it features witches who are friends with a demon As far as I know, fantasy shows have always used demons and witchcraft, specially in children shows. Something that I do find quite interesting is that Disney didn't want explicit lesbians in the show, according to Dana Terrace twits, it was her who insisted to Disney executives to be explicit with Amity sexual orientation and she finally achieved it.
>>3770 >As far as I know, fantasy shows have always used demons and witchcraft, specially in children shows. News to me, can you show a few examples? Ones older than adventure time would be better to represent them "always" being like that.
>>3787 >News to me, can you show a few examples? Are you unfamiliar with Wendy the Good Little Witch?
>>3787 didn't several of the scooby doo shows have references to actualy demons and witches?
>>3790 There was the one episode with the witch and the zombie. Also Star Trek: TAS had an episode about the Enteprise crew being put on trial for witchcraft due to conversing with Satan.
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>>3787 >Ones older than adventure time This was the first thing that came to my mind. Also there was Jimmy Two Shoes, with literal demons as characters, and If you want something older, plenty HB shows used witchcraft and ghosts in their cartoons, like Jeannie.
>>3788 Yes >>3790 >>3792 >>3793 I was more talking about shows in which the witches specifically consort with demons, and these witches and the demons are depicted as good or at least neutral.
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>>818 I've heard that rumor too
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>>1333 And it's confirmed. I knew I didn't watch this shit for a reason.
>>3810 >And it's confirmed. It's only confirmed that the green haired girl is lusting for Luz the main protagonist. >I didn't watch this shit for a reason. You know, anon, there are plenty reasons to not watch this show, but the lesbians is the weakest by far. To be fair, the show is already shit, but Amity is one of the few remaining likeable characters, so as far she got more screen time doing cute things, I'm okay with this. >Gaytimes >clipboardimage.png For what purpose do you lurk that shitty sensationalist newpaper?
>>3811 >It's only confirmed that the green haired girl is lusting for Luz the main protagonist. They are both gay. They did the exact same thing in SheRa. Because these people think they are unique, but are nothing but clones of each other. And none of them will admit it. >You know, anon, there are plenty reasons to not watch this show, but the lesbians is the weakest by far. To be fair, the show is already shit, but Amity is one of the few remaining likeable characters, so as far she got more screen time doing cute things, I'm okay with this. I do not support gay shit in kids cartoons. >For what purpose do you lurk that shitty sensationalist newpaper? Didn't lurk, first search page on Bing, 2nd pic related Face it, this show is just more shitty gay propaganda to brainwash children, endorsed by the biggest, wealthiest corporations. I reiterate, I'm glad I never gave this a shot. I'm done with western entertainment.
>>3817 >>3810 So are all American cartoons going to be gay now from hear on out?
>>3817 >They are both gay Nigger, do you watch the show or only know the shit they say about it on twitter? Of course it's the later, it has been hint for a while for now that Amity is gay, the last episode was just an straight confirmation. Regarding Luz (The protag, btw) it's nothing said, keeping in mind we are talking about Dana I wouldn't doubt there would be hints that she's also gay or at least bi in some point of the show, but so far there hasn't been anything, actually, in the second episode Luz lust over a beefy male character. This series is bad for plenty reasons, like the lack of character or world development, the lack of consistency with the power level of the characters (Eda is useless depending of the situation) and the boring character designs, the lesbians aren't one of those. It has its moments when it's well animated, but overall, it's pretty bad. >I'm done with western entertainment. See you in a couple of weeks, complaining about the next show with lesbians that you haven't watched. >>3818 You know, anon, no every american cartoon is made by Disney or CN.
>>3819 > Disney or CN. I recall nickelodeon also having gay characters as well
>>3810 I wouldn't have a problem with seeing lesbian relationships in a cartoon as long as there was a build up and wasn't just thrown there for the sake of an agenda. Amity was an obvious tsundere for Luz but there was no signs Luz was interested in her. The Owl House is likely another of those cartoons that went woke just to appease libtards.
>>3824 > there was no signs Luz was interested in her Because she's not interested in her as far as we've seen in the show, that's obviously a bait headline and anon was obviously stupid enough to pick it up.
>>3817 >I do not support gay shit in kids cartoons. Yeah, well, I grew up with Ren & Stimpy, Rocko, and Edd, Ed, and Eddy, so I'm gonna go ahead and say "nuts" to the idea of switching between two sets of pompous, po-faced, post-ironically pious political police for the rest of my fucking life.
>>3830 Who was gay in Edd, Ed, and Eddy?
>>3831 That wasn't really my point... but Jimmy. I mean, come on.
>>3832 Well there is a difference between having a character that lispy and effeminate and having full on gay relationshipping in a kids cartoon. Especially since most kid don't care about relationshipping of any kind. I doesn't help either that any gay character in US media is going to be there for pure propaganda purposes. Even if you don't have a problem with it still ends up being obnoxious because that character's entire existence becomes "By they way have I mentioned how gay I am?"
>>3834 >Especially since most kid don't care about relationshipping of any kind I disagree, total drama island was filled with a lot of ships and they were quite popular at the time. Also boyfriends and girlfriends usually is a common topic in girls shows since they usually like that kind of stuff. > I doesn't help either that any gay character in US media is going to be there for pure propaganda purposes. Stephanie from Moral Orel is not propaganda in any way, anon. >gay relationshipping in a kids cartoon Show examples, the only thing that comes to my mind right now is Garnet. >"By they way have I mentioned how gay I am?" That's shitty writing.
>>3836 >Show examples, the only thing that comes to my mind right now is Garnet. Just Steven Universe alone you have pretty much every gem in a lesbian relationship with some other gem. In LoK you had Korra and Asami. There were several other characters retconed as gay in the comics too. Adventure Time had Bubblegum and Marciline. The new She-Ra cartoon had Catra. Loud House gave Lincoln's friend two gay dads and at least one of his older sisters was bi. I don't watch a lot of modern cartoons so that's not really a comprehensive list I suppose.
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>>3817 >Literally the only news about this show Shit you're right. What a shame. It's truly sad that the media cannot actually judge things on their own merit and only on whenever they make a decision they agree with because eventually any straight sane person will associate gay people with poor writing and pandering.
>>3818 >So are all American cartoons going to be gay now from hear on out? Depends on how them conglomos try to get state funds to run anything left. See - https://archive.ph/IUGGf . If there's any relief to this super simping for LGALPHABET shit only works when you're in Simp times just before the money runs out.
>>3810 arent the 2 girl ducks in the new ducktales also kind of lesbians with each other? man i cant wait for them to make a pedo cartoon, where the protagonist has a thing for an adult and its not a one-off crush episode.
>>3918 >2 girls one of em turned out to not be real, as in, she was some sort of magical thing created by that evil duck witch from the old cartoon/comics
>>3918 >arent the 2 girl ducks in the new ducktales also kind of lesbians with each other? They just generally ruined Webby all the way around. I could handle the redesign but the complete personality change was terrible. Webby's suppose to be the cute innocent little sister of the group. If they needed more athletic and active little duck girl then they should have come up with some reason why Gosalyn had to go live with Scrooge. In fact having Gos and Webby's personalities play off of each other would have been far better than nuWebby the wonder girl. >>3928 Then she turned into a shadow duck and then finally into a real girl duck.
>>3918 >man i cant wait for them to make a pedo cartoon, where the protagonist has a thing for an adult and its not a one-off crush episode. The one off crush episodes are already that because "the adult is attractive lmao."
>>3937 yeah but imagine a whole show with that. 2 or 3 seasons, where the tension keeps going back and forth, and the adult makes out with the child at one point or another kind of like helga did with arnold at the end of the movie culminating into their relationship being "accepted". at this rate its gonna happen sooner or later, its gonna be made by a woman, probably part of a secondary minority group like niggers or jews, so that she cannot be criticized, and its going to be cal arts obviously. alternatively, they'll take an existing pozzable show and make that part of their recurring cast. just like they did with arthur and the faggotrats.
>>3937 Well rumors say Luz was supposed to be in a relationship with the old hag. It wouldn't surprise me if they somehow find a way to make it a thing by turning the hag young or something.
I wonder what the chances are that Disney cancels or moves this cartoon purely to a streaming service before the creator has a chance to do anything more than make Luz dance with a girl? The story is beginning to work it's way up through the news and Disney's not doing well enough right now to be able to piss off the parents of their main demographic.
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>>3708 I know this is a bit off-topic but I figure that it's somewhat relevant as they're both Yidsney shows about portal fantasy settings, and this board is slow enough where I can't imagine it would be much of an issue: >Amphibia Does anyone have a watch order for that series, and/or can explain why Disney fucked up the timeline? There is obviously some continuity in the series, but one episode that says one thing or where something happens shows up sooner than an episode that explicitly occurred before the earlier aired one. It's incredibly frustrating and not many people seem to notice it, not that I've seen, anyway.
>>3974 What rumors?
>>3997 I've heard that too but I'm not sure from where/
>>3996 >but one episode that says one thing or where something happens shows up sooner than an episode that explicitly occurred before the earlier aired one never noticed that. its most likely references to the first season cause even i can have foggy memory.
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>>4032 For instance, "Bizarre Bazaar" is supposed to take place immediately after "Trip to the Archives", but it aired weeks later. The beginning of the episode makes it clear they're returning from the town archives, but they've had five episodes between the two episodes. And "Night at the Inn" likely takes place before "Trip to the Archives", because it is stated in the former episode that it's "still gonna be a few weeks before that snow pack melts" when talking about the mountain pass, while in the latter episode it's stated that it will "clear up in one week", but the latter episode aired before the former episode.
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>>3810 >>3853 Man, it's not even subtle.
>>4085 Someone should check whether she has an old tumblr or something. Maybe its another 12 Forever pedo case.
>>4086 >Maybe its another 12 Forever pedo case. What happened there?
>>4089 Creator of the show had a tumblr lusting for little boys (actual kids not 2d). It got her fired and possibly the main reason 12 Forever was canceled.
>>4090 I didn't even know it was canceled.
>>4091 The entire studio was closed too.
>>4086 I used to follow her becuase I liked her art. She did(does?) have an art tumblr., but it was mostly art and would only ocasionally show a politcal opinion when I followed it.
>>4085 There's nothing more pathetic than vicariously living through a self-insert.
>>4085 >>4086 >Representation of current self in a relationship with a fictitious adolescent This seems questionable alone. Does the fact that its a self insert and not actually the person make a difference? IMO its one thing to write a teenage love story and to write a teenage love story starting who you were as a teenager, but its not the same when you write a teenage love story where your adult self is a teenager.
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>>4253 not catching nearly as much shit as this guy
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>>4341 Funnily enough the thought occurred to me that that may have been an in-joke among the staff. It is a common practice to self-insert members of the staff as Easter eggs, and sometimes jokes that most people would consider unfunny or misconstrue as something awful sometimes come up. See file related. I'm inclined to believe them because of the aforementioned, even despite the shit on that reboot; sometimes there are those who have a very infantile sense of humor that are too autistic to realize what it may look like.
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>>4253 This is a trend among potato shit that just shows how terribly uncreative they tend to be. If it's not fancies or outright fetishes, it's some political nonsense e.g. Steven Universe and We Three Bears. >>4350 I had suspected that. It should also be noted that the dumber normalfags tend to behave more crassly, so twerking elementary schoolers might be seen as "empowering" (they wouldn't say that, and I'm not exactly sure how to put it, but one might imagine them to say "you go girl woooo shake dat ass!") by ghetto women.
>>4085 Can't read this article, but this might be of interest to some: https://archive.vn/oqWi8 and: https://theowlhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Luz_Batista
>>4350 Yeah i would believe that, if not for the unfortunate fact that the character shows up for episodes that he himself wrote then he chose to voice the damn thing. So even if i took what this person said at face value. It would mean the guy wrote the scripts for this character, his friends told him it was based on him, and he chose to voice him.
>>4085 What's the middle image from? Also, doesn't Terrace have really bad narcissism? From what I've heard anyway.
>>4350 That makes sense, honestly. >>4363 I really wouldn't expect a non-creative like you (as a user of post-2016 8fag /co/) to understand. Next nu/co/ will discover the storyboard jam because some jewtuber made a video on it and then call it pedo shit. This is coming from someone who initially thought it was exactly what it looks like.
>>4367 >Writer writes a plot about nerd liking MC ok fine whatever go for broke >"Artists" tell him they're basing the character off him If his warning bells didn't go off right fucking there, then might be one of densest motherfuckers alive >Is told to voice the character based off him and he agrees So let me get this straight, he knowingly voices a character that looks like him to go after the MC At no point in any of these sequential events did he ever stop and think >woah what the fuck this character that looks like me and sounds like me is going after the MC this is getting weird Are you sure it's my lack of creativity and not you being a dumb faggot? There's cameos and then there's a character that moves the plot.
>>4367 I mean, if it was a joke that everyone was in on, you would figure he would show up in episodes without his involvment in the writing.
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>>4371 Not the other anon, but I believe you are committing a fallacy whose name escapes me. He seems to be involved with almost every episode, regardless if it has his character or not: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Powerpuff_Girls_(2016_TV_series)_episodes https://powerpuffgirls.fandom.com/wiki/Jared_Shapiro#Appearances >>4367 >>4369 Calm down, cock-sucking faggots. This is off-topic.
>>4372 huh so he was. Him being a non chracter didn't do him any favors.
>>4367 >Next nu/co/ will discover the storyboard jam because some jewtuber made a video on it and then call it pedo shit. This is some "joker hates nazis" shit and I can absolutely see it coming to pass.
>>4367 >I really wouldn't expect a non-creative I'm going to stop you right there. Shit like this is why artists have the stereotype of being pretentious, fart-huffing pricks. Because you say shit like that.
>>4367 >a non-creative like you Ben Kuchera? Is that you buddy?
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>>4446 There are indeed better and worse people. I think his point is that this board, this site, is full of normalfags, given his specification of "post-2016". This apparent anti-elitism is evidence of the disparity. But this getting very off-topic.
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Why is Twitter saying Stonetoss works on this show? How did that become a thing?
>>4687 someone made a comment that they didn't like the show because it reminded them of stonetoss's art. He made a joking comment that he worked on the show, so people prcoeeded to make it a meme. I found this from googling "the owl house stonetoss. " You could of done this yourself.
>>4691 >>4687 Stonetoss clearly isn't working on it, because if he were it would be twice as good as it already is solely because of the shit he'd pull by being on the staff.
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I'm kinda surprised this isn't being talked about more over here. (Or Amphibia, for that matter.) It's nothing groundbreaking, but it's a mostly lighthearted story about a girl being isekai'd into a horrifying yet cute non-PG fantasy world and having magical adventures, with the stakes turning dark now and then due to curses and evil dictators. It's also got cute girls blushing at each other, though I suppose that's more of a draw for the /a/ crowd.
>>15352 see >>4085 its fucked
>>15352 Lesbians are ugly insane cunts. Last thing I'd want is a cartoon promoting that to children.
>>15358 >>15360 I see. That's a shame, but consider the room to be read.
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"wild witches" are an analogy to lgbtpnz+ or minorities or something liek that?
>>15358 if it makes it better, luz is based on her room mate(and also kind of a writer for the show) https://theowlhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Luz_Batista
>>15352 >I'm kinda surprised this isn't being talked about more over here /co/ doesn't talk about cartoons, just bitch about them.
>>16009 >liek Are you like retarded or something? >>16093 >/co/ doesn't talk about cartoons, just bitch about them. Why would anyone watch somethign as shitty as this?
>>16102 >Why would anyone watch somethign as shitty as this? Never meant this show in specific, I meant in general there are more threads on the catalog in the vein of "this show is bad, let's make fun of it" rather than "this show is cool, let's discuss it". Not saying it's bad, just pointing how /co/ it is. >Are you like retarded or something? <somethign Man, don't be a hypocrite.
>>16093 To be honest the "bitching" is understandable. Fans of these queer-toons do like to rub their supposed television takeover into the faces of people they assume will get upset. Also, any sort of criticism is always met with the "phobe" branding. If you don't like Steven's Universe, then you're a homophobe, a transphobe, and a xenophobe. If you don't like She Ra, then you're a homophobe. If you don't like Gravity Falls, then you're a homophobe. If you don't like The Loud House, then you're a homophobe. Shit, I didn't even know The Loud House had anything queer in it, and I got chewed out just for stating that it wasn't my cup of tea.
>>16093 if only there was a way to trick /co/ into talking about good cartoons by co-opting they bitching fits...
>>16135 I talk about European comics all the time
>>797 I was interested on it before the first trailer came out, but lost all of my interest the moment I heard Luz's ugly voice. I was thinking on watching it in a different language, but I don't know which one has non-disgusting voices and where to find the episodes with subtitles. This and Twelve Forever are the remaining shows in my list of "modern cartoons with little/young girls as the MC". Also >>1328 ("main artist's designs are heavily watered down just to please disney"). I got a bit sad after seeing early concept designs (which I can't find anymore, fuck) were "cooler" than the final ones.
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>>1328 >The local setting is the corpse of a long dead giant where it created its own unique ecosystem
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>>16164 One of the earliest and most interesting ideas about the show is that the boiling isles are the rotting corpse of a giant creature and the demons were born out its flesh. It kinda reminded me Bionicle and Jolies Tenebres. Sadly, since the people writing this cartoon are retarded as fuck they think it's more important to put gay romantic drama as priority so the giant rotting corpse of an elder god gets barely any attention. >>1328 To be honest, the watered down designs are the least of their problems. The setting is barely developed and the characters are very inconsistent, for example, the MC premise is that she wants to learn magic but this only happen in a couple of episode, most of the time she just learn it out of screen. A better example is how Amity started as a proud witch kind of Malfoy but then her personality got reduced as "lusting over Luz" and "gay panics" and nothing else in a lapse of two episodes. It's incredible how much they've fucked up a premise so good like this one.
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>>16230 It's a Xenoblade screenshot. It's literally a description of the setting of Xenoblade.
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>>16009 Nah, it's more simple than that. It's just an authoritarianism vs freedom thing. Emperor Belos brought order to the Isles, but he restricts the lives of the people living there and even jails people who simply don't fit in. Eda is a foxy crazy lady who lives on the outskirts of society, committing crimes and selling junk. But she was also the most powerful witch on the Isles (until recently) due to defying those seemingly arbitrary restrictions, and is less vulnerable to Belos's influences and schemes because of it.
>>16236 Don't know anything about Xenoblade so I thought you were posting a RF. >>16009 Not really, there's gay people among the emperor's lackeys
>>4360 >1st pic Alex will never get pegged by a pothead cunt and decides to retaliate on his sister. >2nd pic Both "rock n' roll" and "surfs up" handsigns stands for cuckold? I thought in European countries stood for "Get horned", whereas in Mexico they adapted to "le puso los cuernos"
>>16113 I wish US cartoons were more like anime; weird, fun stories that doesn't try to force a political narrative down people's throat
>>16877 Where the hell were the last 40 years then?
>>16877 Please shut the fuck up and actually watch cartoons
>>16888 Name a modern cartoon without a gay person in it.
>>16890 >If it has gays then it's politics Retard. That aside Primal, Interface, Autodale, Reign of Chaos
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>>16891 >If it has gays then it's politics Yes, have you learned nothing this past decade?
>>16891 >Primal <5 episode per year >Interface, Autodale <Indie web series that receive two 11 minute episode per year >Reign of Chaos <Warcraft III cutscenes >If it has gays then it's politics Yes, it does! >But, muh Nippon queers. That's because Japan doesn't equates one's sexual activities to one's political ideals. A big example of this was the comic Family Compo, a series by the creator of City Hunter that is about a family of transvestites. As is mentioned in the comic, several times, the mother and the father in the family are not crossdressing to make any political statements, their doing it because it makes them feel less awkward, and they're actually MORE traditional in their beliefs of established gender than everyone else (With the exception of the grandfather, but that's another discussion) particularly because both of them understand that they're exceptions and not the rule. In fact, there's a little argument with their daughter over how she still treats the very concept of crossdressing in public as a joke when they thought that she would transition out of it. Not to mention the fact that the mother, who's a popular mangaka in the series, actually has several assistants under her who are either (A) trannies or (B) crossdressing, and the concept is entrenched even further about this. In one story regarding an assistant, he hooks up with a boy online, and later finds out that the kid is handicapped due to some leg surgeries and still recovering; and the tranny loses his shit with the boy because the kid refuses to undergo the therapy needed to restore his ability to walk. And, how the tranny berates him is that the tranny compares it how his desire to exist as a literal women is an impossibility that he knows is a pain that he will have to lie with, meanwhile the boy is being a spoiled brat because he is perfectly capable of walking again but refuses to undergo the therapy needed in order to walk "It's just too 'hard.". And, in the case of one of the crossdressing assistants, he has a wife and everything, but hides his fetish and desire for crossdressing because he loves his wife too much and doesn't want to lose her. And, this sort of comes at a head when he has to bring his daughter to work for a school assignment, so everyone in the office looks as "normal" as they can, which causes problems as everyone becomes out of step with their flow. So, after shooing her away, thinking everything was over and done with, he throws back on a wig, and gets right back to work and his mojo back, but doesn't realize that his daughter accidentally caught a peak of him doing this, however she doesn't care as she is seeing her father doing a great job at the work he does and loves him even more. WHERE THE FUCK DOES THIS KIND OF MATERIAL EXIST IN REGARDS TO WESTERN CARTOONS?!? Once you show me that, THEN I will agree with you about the fact that simply including gays "is not political".
Tone down the sperging
>>16891 >if it has gays then it's politics Yes. Correct. Especially when it's a children's cartoon. This shouldn't be normalized to children. It's a complex subject they don't understand.
>>16892 >>16896 Those are separated concepts, of course there's overlap but we were talking about bad shows, which is a different topic, you missed the point. >>16893 >"all the cartoons have gays" <that's not true there are cartoons with no gays >"yeah, but those don't count" Every single time. >that rant Just out of curiosity aren't you the gundam autist? you surely post like him,
>>16940 What? There's no separation here. We're talking about a bad show that has gays, non-binary freaks, & lesbian self inserts. It's bad because of these things. Otherwise it'd be an okay show.
>>16113 >The Loud House had anything queer in it Wait what? Damn I had it next to watch... might try to give it a spin anyway but now I'm worried
>>17134 I don't know all the queer shit in it. But I know the tomgirl character had an episode where she was revealed as bisexual.
>>17134 >>17135 Luna Loud literally has a girlfriend.
>>17135 Did they make her gay too? I remember them making the punk girl gay but not Lynn.
>>17135 >>17136 >>17137 I had her confused her with the goth bitch. Looking into it, that's the one that's gay. Although they didn't outright say she was lesbian, they left it open to interpretation if she was lesbian or bisexual.
>>17139 Technically speaking the vast majority of dykes in cartoons are all canonically bi but date women in the end including Owl House and Loud House. Which is eerily realistic as 90% of lesbians are just very selective bi girls in real life.
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>when the show is so uninteresting its more fun to talk about dyke culture Jesus fuck, steven universe blew this shit out of the water, the dykes were there, more upfront too, It's like there was at least something mildly interesting during the first half of it, this show on the otherhand has jackshit going for it other than the porn. I feel like I moved on from donuts to rice cakes. It's fucking nothing. The owl show is the rice cakes of cartoons.
>>17139 There's also a same-sex interracial couple, which got the show major GLAAD points. I think it's Lincoln's best friend or whatnot. >>17160 A bisexual woman that marries another woman cannot be considered bisexual. Nor can one that mainly dates other women. To "find who they are," they would have to date and/or sleep with both men and women. Not only go with the female sex. If they're going to push this crap on kids. They need to be honest and straightforward.
>>797 I finished marathoning both seasons a couple of days ago. It's a nice show in overall, Luz, Eda and the not-Cubone were much more likeable than I originally expected, and the LGBBQWTF parts weren't as bad as everyone says (my biggest complain is that the green-haired girl lost her interest in becoming the best at everything and now only thinks about making chocomint with Luz). 7.5/10 good show that can do better if the writers stop using loli yuri as a replacement for actual character development.
>>17165 A girl could be bi if she was of the mindset of "I could potentially fuck a man- but most just don't interest me". Now if you're one of the Buffalo Gals and you're going "Tee hee I'm totally bi." then yeah that's bullshit.
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new ship dropped and has fan-family already
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Also Raeda ship, also known as Edaine but Raeda is more popular
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>>17318 >>17319 >>17320 >>17321 >>17324 is this all modern cartoons are for? shipping?
>>17424 And queerbaiting, god forbid if you only do it for relevancy, dykes can notice it right away. The current state of CalArts cartoons.
>>17529 if you see any amount of calart final student projects its either surprisingly high quality passion projects or some self insert anime meme shit. its only going to get worse once you get students who grew up on post 2007 anime shit.
>>17529 The more they push it, the more mediocre and cliche it becomes.
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The show's going to end soon. https://archive.md/PAWgb >our audience skews older, and that just didn't fit this one guy's tastes I'm not surprised. Lots of adults still enjoy kid's cartoons over nearly all cartoons marketed towards adults.
>>18331 It's a kid's channel. The shows on it should be for kids. Owl House was just another propaganda pushing narrative show brainwashing children to be gay & accepting of gender freaks.
>>18331 Good. >Lots of adults still enjoy kid's cartoons over nearly all cartoons marketed towards adults. That's because a majority of modern cartoons for kids are made too much like soap operas and corny sitcoms. What was Clarence really about, and was it truly a show for kids? Same with the latter seasons of Adventure Time. Cartoons intended for kids shouldn't have all the intense drama, complex relationship woes, and crap kids have no business learning about.
>>18331 Fuck, I actually liked the show and specially its lore.
>>18346 No, I didn't forget it. That was the one where the boy and girl fused together to make a literal shemale.
>>18346 Did you /co/ boys unironically like this shit?
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>>18378 >Loud House >garabatoz
>>17320 >>17424 I do enjoy a bit of cuckquean
>>18400 star vs. really fucked up a whole lot of people, didn't it?
>>18402 The Princess Marco insanity is still going.
>>18398 First season is okay, everything after that gets so bad that it has become a torture device. The movie is alright too and Future is basically just a cathartic experience for everyone autistic enough like me to watch it until that point since it mind breaks Steven, the thing is they fucked up Murdercock cha
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There's no Loud House thread these days.
>>18412 good
>>18405 really? although knowing that the sezow dude is still ind of popular it certainly makes sense that princess marco would be even more >>18412 there(i think, unless i miss-wrote the thread link) >>>/co/7348
>>18412 Check the catalog.
>>797 The show suffers from an identity crisis, because both the creators and Disney have a different vision for it. The result is a compromise that nobody is happy with and a lot of inconsistent episodes because no one is truly sure which way the journey goes, or whether they are even allowed to journey there in the first place. Most episodes are play-it-safe episodes which is the reason why they are so completely mediocre. It's just a mess, really.
>>18407 more pls
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chocolate or vanilla?
>>20005 Use the porn thread.
>>20005 Both looks like astroboy
>>3968 >as if they need to make 1 if the results are still the same with the shows already out
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>>797 I liked it. An I wrote a fairly long review about it. But then I realized that I was writing about the western-girl-frog-isekai, and not this western-girl-owl-isekai. Ok. Mixing them up is bad, right? How could anyone mix them up? One is about a normal girl that ends up in a magical world, making friends and fumbling around, learning how the fantasy world works. Then she finds out that she has The Power. The Power to change the fantasy world. And the other show is the same. Really tough: I like how the Owl House handles the oppressive totalitarian themes. The rulers do not want an uprising, they want obidient serfs. It's a bit on the nose, but the bad guys are just Stalin and Lenin. Iconography is priceless in this one.
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>>18343 Why? I don't think I'm able to care about it the way other people are, what's so great about it, I feel like the storytelling is better than Steven Universe, but that doesn't really say much since all or majority disney channel shit has higher standard of tv animation. It feels like a shined apple, with a bland taste. I feel the reason people haven't dropped it is the dyke bait. Someone actually convince me to give a shit.
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If your friends or young relatives have kids, remember to tell them to avoid Disney.
>>29675 >the dyke bait. They have shit taste
>>29834 I thought the show was cancelled so why is it getting a season three premiere?
>>29859 It's season 3 has been turned into a series of specials instead.
>>797 Well I'm not sure why, but I might watch this show after I finnish beast wars, that and likely with amphibia and the ghost and molly mcgee
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>>39631 You're going to turn into a fag if you watch it for too long. Be careful anon!

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