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Anonymous 01/01/2024 (Mon) 21:23:52 No. 38044
If Scrooge McDuck is supposed to be Scottish, shouldn't his surname be "MacDuck" instead of "McDuck?" McDuck would be Irish, right?
The Irish actually tend to use the O' prefix. Both Mc and Mac are valid spellings as a result of the rules not being formalized when tons of Irish immigrants came to America and got registered at the customs office. Some officers wrote their name down spelled with Mac, and some with Mc. Those then became the official spellings for their names and that carried down to their descendants because no one later ever bothered to streamline those spellings - and at that point they'd probably face resistance from whichever camp's spelling would disappear. It's no different from having people named Thomson and Thompson around.
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>>38112 Hello, Mr. Thompson
>>38044 Wasn't his rival meant to be South African but later made him the Scottish one?
>>38206 You mean Glomgold? In the 90s cartoon they don't mention anything about south africa and Glomgold looks and sounds scottish but they don't confirm or deny that he is Scottish in the show. In the reboot duct tales initially appears to follow that trend but then it's revealed he's south african that just pretends to be scottish because he believes he can be a better Scrooge McDuck than McDuck himself.
>>38206 In The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, Scrooge first meets Flintheart in South Africa and assumes him to be an Afrikaner. I do remember that Don Rosa stated somewhere that it's just an assumption on Scrooges part (I don't remember where I read this and can't find a source, so it's probably not true), and, for what that's worth, in the German translation, Scrooge calles Flintheart an "Englishman".
>>38370 >>38206 I want to add to that that "Afrikaner" in German would just mean "African". The proper term would be "Bure", the German word for "Boer". So the translator might have just changed things around since the kids reading it wouldn't necessarily know what a Boer is.
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>>38370 Flintheart explicitly identifies himself as a Boer when they meet, so given what a fanboy Rosa was for the Barks stories it's safe to assume in the comics he's supposed to be South African. As mentioned above, the 80s cartoon then made him Scottish, probably to be an even more obvious foil to Scrooge, and the reboot turned him South African again but pretending to be Scottish to reference the original cartoon.
>>38640 When they meet, he also identifies himself as a nice guy, which is not true. In fact, I think the Barks quote I seem to remember references this. He calls himself a Boer, but that might not be true since Flintheart is a liar and a scoundrel.
>>38044 Maybe his family originally came from Ireland?

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