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Alien/Predator 08/10/2022 (Wed) 04:45:18 No. 28252
Here we discuss the various Alien, Aliens, and Predator What-have-you.
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Based on the comic book by Mark Verheiden. This was the first licensed predator story following the first film and precedes the sequel. published in 1989 this tells an alternate but very similar predator 2. The major difference is this has Arnold back for round 2 instead of danny glover. and also without any of the concepts from 2 such as the Yautja being a race obsessed with honor and fairness. We are shown a take with the Predators being a very advanced species that has a drunken redneck problem. They dont have nukes to hide tech. They dont give a damn about man. They just wanna fight and are spiteful bastards. What they do care about are trophies and no pred would ever let themselves be made a trophy. This gets fucking insane. A fun read which quickly turns into an X-com prequel. The first of a three part series spanning all the way to 2001. You can see the roots of what will become predator 2 though, a Big city (NY not LA) a Heatwave, Big Willy the voodoo king, no feminist chick detective though, or annoying reporters, or basically all the shit that sucked in the actual sequel. Whats missing? basically the entire ending is completely different with the lore being established in a very different direction. Updates later on the direct sequel Cold War
>>28256 This plus the the second and third Predator books to ever be written.
I wonder what Ridley Scott things of these comics.
>>28261 After Prometheus and the last Terminator he can't say shit about anything anymore.
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>>28256 That's why I've always taken the comic over the actual movie. I don't hate the movie. It's just that comic makes a more fitting story.
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Comics and videogames used to be cool
>>28265 Fucking A man. Really loving these. Would post review of coldwar today but busy. >>28279 I miss the old AvP games.
>>28262 >>28263 He doesn't mind his perfect organism being made fodder for Predators?
>>28279 Is it wrong that I want to fuck everything except the Queen Mother?
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>>28336 >wanting to fuck the newborn, the Carrier and Predalien, but not the Queen Mother Yeah, that's pretty gay
>>28336 >>28337 These sorts of jokes are pretty weak. You should put more effort into it.
>>28349 >Enlightened meta autist You suck the life of everything, end yourself
>>28356 No, overuse and lack of variety sucks the life out of everything.

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