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Arthur's going off the air soon. Anonymous 07/28/2021 (Wed) 03:34:41 No. 15869
Arthur's ending sometime in 2022. After 25 season in the winter of 2022, the show will debute it's final season and after that, it'll just be reruns. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=XIdwV4MMYmA https://archive.fo/StRS7 https://archive.fo/dWyfH
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>>15869 >After 25 season >25 season
>>15869 Good. It became extremely gay and should be put out of its misery
>>15870 Sorry, I mean to type 25 seasons.
>>15869 It was the only show anyone could watch, until they started virtue signaling. Nevertheless, I watched it up to season 22 and am sad to hear this.
>>15874 There's no problem, im just mentally tired that Arthur survived for so long.
>>15872 It should have ended once millennials turned 10, now it ironically dies with their kids.
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this has been sitting on my harddrive for almost two years
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Will Simpsons follow?
>>15884 The Simpsons have been dead for years now.
>>15885 Yeha, but will the walking bones that move on their own be destroyed?
>>15883 Robot. Reed. Dorothy Wayneright.
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>>15884 I give it 8-10 more years of fumes When even Family Guy surpasses them you know it's beyond help. Kids and teens don't watch TV anymore.
Honestly I'm shocked it's stayed on for so long.
>>15915 What's the rightmost collumn a rating of? Millions of views?
It's deserved now that the show is nothing but faggot propaganda.
>>15883 WATCH THOSE WONDERING HANDS >>15885 I think he meant: When are they're going to put an end to their misery? Seriously, who the fuck is Morrissey?
>>15884 Not until Groening's dead. Even then, it'll only be a temporary break, because (((Disney))) isn't going to let a shekel-printer brand die peacefully.
>>15960 Groening hasn't had anything to do with the production of the series since like Season 2. His death wouldn't deter them at all. They've also replaced a bunch of voice actors for various roles, so I doubt that even replacing the main characters would deter them either. The only thing that will stop them is if the show becomes very, very unprofitable.
>>15960 It's basically their Spongebob.
at least i will always have bzeh's art.
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I miss fooling around in the comic-maker app.
>>16159 If you feel like digging (sorry, don't have the link on me) you should be able to use it via the wayback machine. I was able to anyway.
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>>15869 Now I want to see Steven Crowder's reaction to this, he voiced one of the kids.
>>15869 >turn Mr. Ratburn into a faggot, in direct contradiction to its own lore >suddenly goes off the air Gee. >>15884 Even as a kid I wondered what happened if a main character on one of the big shows died suddenly. I always thought they would have an episode already written and voices recorded for such an occasion, with the character in question missing and the lines changed depending on who died. You know, as a final episode for the show and a sendoff. I now know that no one in the industry gives a fuck about any of that and would either cancel the show cold or simply replace the voice and pretend nothing happened.
>>20963 >turn Mr. Ratburn into a faggot, in direct contradiction to its own lore >suddenly goes off the air If you gonna turn any Arthur character gay. It should’ve been Binky. They out right implied Ratburn had a ex wife and kids.
In fact of course
>>18976 >Now I want to see Steven Crowder's reaction to this, he voiced one of the kids. No freakin' w-- >imdb search NO FREAKIN' WAY!
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>>20983 I miss him, anon. In matter of fact in fact of course.
>>20964 An episode for the final season is entitled "All Grown Up." So they'll probably do that. But it will most likely be either Francine or Molly. Due to that article on IGN about cartoon characters which should be gay.
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>>21130 >Due to that article on IGN about cartoon characters which should be gay.
>>20964 Maybe he's divorced because his wife walked in on him getting buttfucked by a dude?
>>21250 Thanks for the mental image.
>>15884 Hope.
>>15884 >Will Simpsons follow?
>>21250 >>21258 >Maybe he's divorced because his wife walked in on him getting buttfucked by a dude? Knowing American public schools it was probably a male student. Even FBI and Interpol admits sexual abuse in us public schools 100 times worse than the Catholic Church.
>>21130 Francine is canonically a jew, so they won't make her a dyke.
>>21598 >Francine is canonically a jew, so they won't make her a dyke She originally suppose to be black. But they dropped Francine being black in favor of making her Jewish.
>>21351 The weirdos that watch have been shipping Buster with Mr. Ratburn. >>21598 They have trans Muslims in Californian. So anything can go by today's sad standards. But as >>21645 put it, she was originally supposed to be black. Just like Mr. Ratburn being straight.
>>21742 Not only mr Ratburns was straight. He was implied to be a womanizer in the 80s.
>>21645 Fun fact, francine said she was a muslim in the Norwegian dub of Arthur. It had me confused for a good few years.
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>>21250 >I'm gonna' eat the DICK out of his cake >>21320 There is an overdubbed clip where they admit they won't pull the plug no matter if the quality decays, just a flex to the other shows that did end when needed.

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