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He-man and the Masters of the Universe Anonymous 03/09/2022 (Wed) 05:01:12 No. 23787
Season 2 just dropped earlier this month & we need a new thread for it. Let's try not to mention Kevin Smith's mistake unless making direct comparisons.
Believe me, I get why someone may be hesitant to get into this show but it's really a lot of fun & has a lot of respect for the franchise material. While still being able to happily do new things. Sure the art style & the toyetic nature may be a turn off to some but I'd say give it a shot. Besides can you really blame a He-man show of all things for being toyetic?
>>23788 Plus this season has a lot of lighthearted humor despite it's serious stakes. Which I like. It keeps it fun rather than feeling like it's trying to hard. Isn't that something we can all appreciate?
Really this thread is also just an excuse for me to dump screenshots of funny little moments I like.
You know what's great? Villains who are just deliciously evil.
While I wasn't sure how to feel about Orko being a robot in this universe, I do like it. For one you get a nice characterization in the first season with him struggling to accept that he's merely a digital copy of the actual Trollan wizard Orko rather than an actual wizard. Now you have him using his robotic abilities to take control of the hivemind controlling the city security robots in Eternos.
Alright that's enough posts for now. Give the show a watch, anons. It's fun.
>>23787 Didn't this show niggerfy Teela?
>>23796 Yes. Yes it did. However, while race swapping is annoyingly stupid, Teela's actually a much stronger & actual character in this show. She isn't an unlikable Mary Sue bitch. Unlike Revelations Teela who can just says "Nah" to the fact she has to sacrifice her freedom to become the next sorceress. Sure she & He-man butt heads in this show too but there's no moment where choco Teela is like "How dare you die & leave me alone?!".
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>>23796 >has a lot of respect for the franchise material Not really; the show stray heavily from it whether is by making characters a lot younger (Iron Man at Arms), niggerwashing (Stratos and Teela), vaginawashing (Ram Ma'Am and I heard rumor of possible Mosquitora) and/or vastly visually different. Not to mention the obvious that it's CGIshit and produced by Netflix. >>23796 >Didn't this show niggerfy Teela? They also niggerwashed Stratos.
>>23805 The writing is respectful. Doing new things with the characters is subjective however & I won't blame you for disliking it. To be fair though, Stratos is an unlikable pompous asshole in the show.
I don't get, it so there's a drawn one and a 3d one? are they both shit?
>>23812 Having seen both of them and nearly giving myself an anger induced heart attack watching He-Man: Revelations the 3d version is clearly the superior series. The 3d version of Skeletor has also got to be the best mixture of hammy classic villain and real threat I've seen in awhile. It's like they played The Monarch from Venture Bros completely straight but they lost none of the charm in the process.
>>23812 There's a drawn one that is "mature" take, revelations, and there's the 3D one which is aimed at child, Masters of the Universe (2021). Drawn one is shit writing-wise from what I can tell. Children aimed one is aimed at children but it does manage to do so well, making it superior. Bit iffy on the artstyle, but it's growing on me.
>adult cartoon jacks itself off so hard that it loses itself in it's pretentiousness in thinking it's good that it fails worse than the children's cartoon, thereby making adults flock to the children's cartoon instead. Sad, many such cases!
>>23825 Crazy how just having a dark serious tone can't replace actual good writing.
>>23806 >>23816 >The writing is respectful Each to its own OP, I'll just say I find it modern. However, after you also showed additional serious clip besides all the comedic screenshots, I'm a bit more inclined to believe it. Anyway, good for you anon for finding something nice to watch in this dark age. >It's like they played The Monarch from Venture Bros completely straight but they lost none of the charm in the process Don't tempt me! Don't make it sound better than it really is! I will note that CGIshit Skeletor is probably the only character design in this show that I like and unfortunately and as expected, Mattel really dropped the ball with this toyline, they couldn't even be bothered to give Piranha Jaw his signature moving jaw action feature. >>23812 IMO both, though I admit the kids one is by miles better, but that's not saying much when the bar is set so low. >>23825 You can see it even more easily when there's an adult continuation to children cartoon such as Ren&Stimpy adult party and NuSamurai Jack season 5. The boundaries of children cartoons, or what wrongly may refer to as censorship, force creative writing unlike adult stuff when you have much free reign. Of course, it doesn't guarantee to result in a good cartoon, see this era and the 70's. >>23826 Indeed. Also, worth noting is how comics (for kids, of course) before the cursed CCA were darker and more violent without being mindless gorefest.
While you'd be perfectly in the right to hate how they made Stratos & his people black, do remember they make him an unlikable moron.
Skeletor gets a pretty brutal death scene....
Uh oh...
Finished the season. Good stuff. I like the twist. Looking forward to see how they reinvent the snake men characters.
>>23787 I really am not digging the redesigns but at least it looks kind of fun and comparatively true to source material.
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>>23787 >Kevin Smith What was the aftermath of his shitty reboot? Also I watched a few clips of Clerks 3 and god-damn it, he's trying way too hard to be taken seriously. >Shoe-horned drama >We're getting old, just like you bro <Haha funny meta humor, awkward moments
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>>36780 >What was the aftermath of his shitty reboot? Well it's getting the obligatory contractual second season soon with more toys already shown off.
>>36786 He-man fans really should stop buying this shit. Some of it looks cool but it sends mixed messages to mattel.
>>36787 >Some of it looks cool It all looks like over designed scifi magical Blizzard/LoL garbage. The barbarian and mythical aesthetic is completely gone.
>>36792 He-man always had scifi elements but its nowhere near as bad aa New Adventures or the reboot.
First glimpse at the sequel series is here. After last time I'm glad every in the youtube comments was calling this show out for false advertising.
>>36819 Animation looks good, but isn't that true of all of the Netflix cartoons?
>>36820 No. Not even true for this one. They put all the effort into some action scenes to advertise but even then it's never gonna be consistent. It's from fucking Powerhouse. They're notoriously for their low frame rate choppy animation. Which is a terrible thing because they only do action cartoons but can't get any better at it.
>>36786 Reminder that Kevin Smith almost died of a heart attack, he called it the widow maker despite the fact that he lived an unhealthy lifestyle in the past 30 years.
>>23787 That last pic looks like Xavier: Renegade Angel. We've reached the point where the ideal SJW mutt just looks like a deliberately grotesque parody of randomly generated characters.
>>36839 Sometimes the vilest people live far far far too long.
>>36793 Wasn't his mom literally an isekaied astronaut?
>>36843 This is the future face of Amerikkka,and it's beautiful!
>>36852 She's been from earth since the original show.
>>36907 Yes, but as said, it's about the amount of focus that the sci-fi gets. While He-Man was always a franchise that just had whatever they could come up with, sci-fi or fantasy or whatever, the sci-fi was never the biggest focus, and when it did appear, it was still presented in a fantasy way, like Star Wars, or for the comparison that is made more often to He-Man, like Jack Kirby's Fourth World.
>>36910 It's always been a science fantasy show. They fly around on hovercrafts & weird ass vehicles everywhere. Multiple characters are cyborgs.
Kevin Smith and Netflix get beaten by poop jokes. That's how bad these fucking IPs and the people working on these projects are.
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>>23787 Local dollar store has a shit-ton of these action figures for pennies on the dollar. Made me laugh. >>36839 >Reminder that Kevin Smith almost died of a heart attack That's right... rub it in...
>>36932 Shakespeare btfo https://yewtu.be/watch?v=7u8EYmStbFY Imagine if the Clerks cartoon somehow gets brought back with Dante as a corpse laying on the cashier with Kevin Smith pulling out another self-aware punchline out of his ass: >We'll just keep bringing back this mediocre franchise, it's the only turd that did stick on the fridge

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