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Jason David Frank RIP Anonymous 11/20/2022 (Sun) 16:38:18 No. 30556
Reports are flooding in that the OG Green Ranger has passed, nothing confirmed but its not looking good. It's been confirmed https://archive.ph/9GiWN
Edited last time by Frank on 11/20/2022 (Sun) 17:32:28.
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I'm not gonna lie, I'm crying right now. This man was my inspiration for years to get in shape, learn martial arts, and be a badass who cares about those around me. I met the man just a few years back and he was so humble and considerate. May we never forget him.
>>30560 This world breaks those with a kind heart. It is sad to see a brother go, but we can learn from his weakness. Never give up.
>>30556 Descansa en paz dulce príncipe, siempre seras el mayor negro que un negro chanero podría aspirar a ser
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Un héroe hasta el final. Vuela alto mi héroe. Que tipo tan bello era...no homo
>>30585 Si le mamaba el guebo. Como hombre serio. No homo
>>30556 RiP. >>30560 That is pretty sad. Hope you keep at it anyway anon.
They're dropping like flies.
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>>30556 F He was my favorite Power Ranger and, as it turns out, my son's, as well. >"What are you watching?" >"Power Rangers Dino Thunder!" >"They're still making them? Sweet! I... wait... is that...?" >"That's Doctor O! He's awesome!" >"TOMMY!" >"Wat?" >"That's Tommy, the original Green slash White Ranger!" >mfw The Green Ranger and the Dragonzord were awesome, but I liked him best as the White Ranger with that Tigerzord. I'm sad he killed himself. I've been on the precipice more times than I can count, and I know how hard it is to tell depression to go fuck itself. I think the thought of never seeing his daughter again is what did it, but we'll never know the whole story. >>30560 >May we never forget him. At least two generations' worth of kids will keep the flame alive
>>30559 >>30557 >>30556 He supported and shilled for Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden and vaccination mandates yet still got ate alive the the woke mob after his daughter Troon out than killed herself. Fuck him. He brought this on himself.
>>30803 He should have kept himself and his family out of it, and enjoyed a nice private, quiet life. Because as soon as one sells out to the Woke Cult it's over.
>>30803 if this was a movie this would be the point in the story where i would realize that his suicide was a cover up for his murder from the fact that i would question why he'd take a vaccine thats supposed to protect himself from prematurely dying only to kill himself which would prematurely shorten his life

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