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Webcomics Thread. Anonymous 01/03/2021 (Sun) 15:07:04 No. 8642
Any interesting webcomics you've been reading lately? Post them here.
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Magellan killed everybody at the start of the current arc and now they're backtracking to explain how they'll stop that from happening. They hint loudly at which superheroes' powers will undo the disaster, but let's watch the story unfold. http://magellanverse.com/comic/parargdox/ Rusty & Co split up the 3 main monsters and had fans vote on which side characters to send on quests with them. The first adventure worked out really well and they just started the second. http://rustyandco.com/comic/level-9-1/ Twin Dragons is just cute and comfy. I smile when I read it. http://www.twindragonscomic.com/
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minus, Wormworld saga and Kill six billion demons. The first one is a slice of life about a girl with godlike powers, it's quite fun and comfy, the second one is the journey of the boy on a mysterious land, the story is all over the place but the art is precious. The last one is about a girl who enters into hell and has to save his boyfriend. I've also been reading Voihon but the author is a fag, so stopped caring. I think Alfie also counts although I only read it to touch myself I know there's a plot somehow.
Persona FTW started as a gag comic focusing on a comic per game day for a 100% run in P3 later expanded to the other Persona games worth a chuckle
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>"Stand Still. Stay Silent" is a post apocalyptic webcomic with elements from Nordic mythology, set 90 years in the future. >It's a story about friendship and exploring a forgotten world, with some horror, monsters and magic on the side. http://sssscomic.com/ This comic is quite the gem, it has excellent world building, art, pretty decent characters and for being Scandinavian centered is surprisingly free of pozz There are 2 characters that might be gay for each other, but that's about it, it's made by a cat lover Finnish girl, the comic also has a lot of jokes and other things only Scandinavians will get. My only gripe is that i'd like it more if it focused more on the horror aspect, the comic tends to be rather lighthearted despite also trying to be horror, i can see some people getting annoyed with the tone changes. Imagine if Darkwood had a not always lighthearted comic spinoff.
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This one is pretty interesting. :^)
>>8671 Im still astonished Bleedman is still continuing his shit after all these years.
>>8708 He's still going!?
Do people still read webcomics? Is there any money left?
>>8732 Keeping in mind how big and how much views webtoons has I would say yes
>>8732 Those who dont try to monetize their work (like selling physical copies) tend to die off.
>>8735 >>8733 I wonder how do you monetize your webcomic in 2021.
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>>8772 Merchandising, subscribestar and consistent updates.
By any chance, did any of you drop some webcomics other than "infinite hiatus"?
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>>8802 I dropped alice and nightmare last year because I couldn't get used to the artstyle. It feels somewhat off just looking at the art despite me not being able to come up with a reason why. Another webcomic who's name escapes about some weird guy/girl thing being pursued by and haunted some cat demon because the author was the type to subscribe to the whole "genderfluid" identity and other sorts of crap related to it.
>>8804 >cat demon Ava's demom?
>>8805 No, it had a more simplified art style with a darker color pallet. Plus the protag was "agender" according to the author. Had an androgynous look.
>>8807 Was it made by tatsuya ishida?
>>8808 Of sinfest, fame? No. I've longed forgot the comic's name.
>>8809 What happened to him? Did he finished killing his own creation already?
>>8829 Nah, he's still making shit comics as usual.
>>8831 Reminder that Tatsuya Ishida is in his sixties.
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>>8909 Holy shit, i had no idea he was that fucking old.
>>8909 >sixties Im surprised he hasn't killed himself.
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>>8642 There's one I've really been into lately by a guy who's unknown but starting to make a name for himself. His writing's top-notch and his art is Marvel Comics circa 1987 levels of awesome.
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>>8909 >Ishida is in his 60s Based on what? There is no information on Ishida online besides a single photo, and even that could be fake. That and the fact that Ishida was a penciler at Dark Horse in mid to late 90s. Given Ishida's style and interests from back then, he is probably in his 50s at most, more likely in mid to late 40s. It is pretty surprising how one of the most spergy comic creators somehow managed to reveal no personal information about himself.
>>9457 Why must you hurt me so
There was this lovecraft romcom comic I used to read years ago. The premisse was that the guy was living with with lovecraftian creatures in the shape of cute girls. I just remember the last chapter I read where some robot showed up to study humans because they found the human leaps in logic interesting. Does anyone know the name? I want to know if it holds up, even if I'm 90% sure it's trash.
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Getting a huge kick from reading Awful Hospital: Seriously The Worst Ever after some guy on /v/ kept making threads and reaction pictures with the main character. I thought it was going to be a lolsorandom kinda thing but it seriously hooked me in. Shame I caught up with the author and now the waiting game commences.
>>17599 Glad to see you're into the series now. I hope it was worth all the posts I made. I kept posting these images because I thought they looked rather nice since the comics are a decent repository for reaction images.
>>9462 Is he still simping for second wave bra burners and desperately pretending he's not a pedophile?
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>>9476 I do what I must.
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More sinfest crap.
>>20033 >he is now both a TERF and an anti-vaxxer. Is this the start of his redemption arc?
>>20012 Depends how you look at it. Lately he became anti-cancel culture and anti-woke. Sinfests' current antagonists are social media mobs, trannies, twitter communists, and woke corporations. Combining that with his anti-porn views puts him pretty close to being a religious conservative. The biggest twist is that Ishida finally discovered .png and .jpg image formats. He retired static .gifs after over two decades,
>>20033 Don't tell me, he is a centrist now?
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Evan Dahm's Vattu ended in 2023 and he's started 3rd Voice. Looks good so far.
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>>32762 >When being a regular bigot isn't enough and you have to oppress EVERYBODY
What's the webcomic scene now that 2024 us here? Is Megatokyo finally out of it's years long hiatus?
>>38047 >What's the webcomic scene now that 2024 is here? Thriving if webtoons are anything to go by. Unfortunately, the site's been pandering to horny teen girls if the moderation is anything to go by and it's not the only site to do that so that host webcomics. There are still a few sites on the internet that host their own comics, such as Killixbillion Demons, salvadora, and so on. They're as slow as they usually are when it comes to updates.
>>38047 How the hell his site stays afloat? He's better off dumping his shit into a DeviantArt and use its paywall feature, like with the other forgettable webcomics that weren't CAD or Tom Preston.
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Evan Dahm finished the 1st Passage of 3rd Voice, some 380 pages. Also creator of Rice Boy and Vattu is streaming an after-party Q&A right now: https://www.twitch.tv/evandahm

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