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Anonymous 02/15/2022 (Tue) 23:04:57 No. 23130
This isn't a raping, they're violating the corpse and wearing the skin Buffalo Bill style. And to think Darkwing Duck is next.
>>23130 >from creators of The Lonely Island >Starring John Mulaney >Featuring Seth Rogen They just trying to make things shit on purpose without hiding it.
>>23134 The 2s characters arent even 2d, its all cgi.
>>23137 So that's why they look off! Well, kudo's to them for making CGI that's near indistinguishable from stiff 2d animation.
>>23138 It indistinguishable from a phone screen, put it on anything over 14 inches and it looks like Rocky and Bullwinkle.
>>23140 >put it on anything over 14 inches and it looks like Rocky and Bullwinkle. I think you're mistaken. Actually look at what they did with The Rocky and Bullwinkle movie. Then, compare the C&D trailer. Two different animation styles. What C&D are doing is more similar to the rotoscoped animation Mechner did for The Last Express from 1997.
>>23134 A cgi chipmunk.
Are all trailers contractually obligated to either fuck up a classic tune or use the most repulsive monkey beat as music?
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>>23130 I can't wait for them to make Gosalyn a lesbian or a tranny because normal tomboys can't exist in the existential hell of 2022.
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Why on Earth is this a weird Roger Rabbit, multi-art style, meta-narrative? Why can't it just be 2D? But if it has to be CG just make the Rescue Rangers CG and just make a feature length episode? Why? Why? Why!? It's like they're actively trying to shit on it! >Seth Rogen Oh fuck Hollywood. Just nuke the entire town. These people deserve it.
>>23146 you're just a blind tard buckaroo, You can tell just from how horribly stiff and "3d" that asset looks just from the screenshot. Even worse is how they don't even try to make the faux 2d animation as bouncy or expressive as classic 2d animations, but that's whats to be expected of shitty budget direct to DVD streaming service products
it doesn't look that bad
>>23163 You're right. It looks horrible.
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What are (((they))) going to do to her, /co/?
>>23169 (((They))) cannot stand seeing a superior being, causes them existential dread.
>>23130 They are definitely trying something stylistically ambitious. I think it looks like dogshit, but they did *try* something new at least.
>>23161 >>23136 >Seth Guess what else he's ruining next.
>>23176 (((They))) made furries to corrupt the minds of the youth, to great success.
>>23182 LULZ
>>23182 Truly, those of the tribe of Hollywood can only fail upwards.
>reboot >nigger sounds as music >pucker your assholes kids because it's time for references >unfunny visual reference gags (it's the dinosaur from jurassic park except it's just a guy doing a silly pose so wacky!?!?) >3D I'm so tired of shows finding shit excuses for why things are 3D. It looks bad, everyone knows it, and the 2D chipmunk looks like he's from Eight Crazy Nights. I am also tired of nigger "culture".
>>23191 Sadly, Eight Crazy Nights is one of the most well animated cartoons since it's release. Comparing this to Eight Crazy Nights is much too high praise.
>>23193 I know, but aren't you reminded of how Eight Crazy Nights looked by the 2D in this trailer? The flat, dull shading, 3D shadow tinting and thin lines, plus the facial expressions just seem totally off model for classic disney.
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The fact that they showed Roger, even for a second, makes me wish for Seth Rogen to be stuffed in a cannon and shot into space. Let Roger stay dead, you rich assholes.
>>23130 >>23158 Got any other good Darkwing Duck reaction pics?
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I guess if everyone looked realistic in 4K, it would've been compared to Alvin and the Chipmunks. It looks like a Roger Rabbit spinoff except more cynical.
I actually watched the trailer and my concise thoughts were >Oh so because of cynicism of "reboots" they made a shitty soft reboot of cartoons characters irl >one of them had a "3dCG" transplant >Gadget is nowhere to be found AT ALL >references out the ass >dude weed jew man as a le ebin joke >Roger Rabbit of all characters appears I'm not lying about this one either >where's jessica rabbit? These assfaggots have no depth, they saw people dislike reboots and attempted a cynical look while "attempting" to retain some idea of the original while not being unique at all. They could have did a decent all 2D animation of this same thing, cut references out & had two older rescure ranger's doing their shit instead of whatever abyssmal trash this is.
>>23204 Roger actually appears in the trailer it's horrible.
>>23207 >no gadget Sacrilege, into the trash it goes.
>>23207 I'm more curious as to why they included Roger, they barely ever use him outside the parks.
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>>23210 >wanting gadget in the script of anyone in current year's industry what the ever-loving fuck is wrong with you, are you one of those cock-garglers that after seeing a company fuck up a franchise HARD goes onto post about you wanting a reboot of another franchise owned by said fucking company, without even ONE(1) single fucking speck of realization that they will butt-wreck that one as well?? also its obvious she is in, and it's obvious that they made her a stronk whaman that need no mank+/a dike, and they might even reference the russian cult thing, which is the gay thing goes in for it is a fuck you to russia though jewliwood fagging one of the things a relatively sizable chunk of russians love most, they just want to string along and milk the outrage brownie points on their crony circle-jerk and let the journos write as many of the shit articles that hey have been wring for over a decade and get their paycheck from antagonizing the fanbase, for they know it gets the attention and clicks.
Anon chill out
>>23215 She's too pure for this gay earth
>>23207 How? They gutted their 2d studio years ago and outsource everything to France.
>>23201 Not on hand but if you have any go ahead and post them.
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>>23215 >Anon chill out Frank quit being a fag, he's on topic.
>>23215 Dude it's just a mouse girl, calm down. I'm mad they used Roger but don't have the balls to use Jessica. They had Minvera show up in that shitty sequel of animi-shits, severely toned down but still she showed up once
>>23215 >>23219 >>23221 Frank and you two faggots who replied, fuck off. This is a board specifically to talk about comics and cartoons. Getting mad about cartoons is entirely warranted, especially when they're deliberately spat on like this. For users to act like it's weird for someone to act like the post you're replying to is absurd. For someone to want to be the board owner of a comics and cartoons board, then tell someone to chill out over a classic cartoon being deliberately fucked with, as practically every one is now, is just fucking absurd.
>>23223 Frankly I would've banned him only for his lack of grammar & sentence structure.
>>23198 Could be worse, it could end up like Transformers.
>>23228 We're not smug/a/ nigger.
>>23247 Better to enforce basic sentence structure than to be ban happy for no reason willy nilly like Frank is.
>>23249 >Better to be one kind of awful than be another kind of awful. Unless they're ESL tier than who the fuck cares?
>>23250 People who have to read their garbled nonsense.
>>23251 You the same kind of guy who uses reddit spaces because you insist it's more readable?
>>23254 Goodness no.
>>23223 >>23247 >>23249 Go to bitch on the meta thread, you absolute mongoloids. Stop derailing the thread.
>>23257 Blame Frank.
>>23130 >Buffalo Bill style Buffalo Bill at least turned the skin into clothes first.

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