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Black Panther is DEAD Anonymous 08/29/2020 (Sat) 02:30:26 No. 4572
Chadwick Boseman has passed away at 43 from colon cancer. https://archive.md/v1oTK
Well that was surprising. Not particularly sad, just surprising,
>>4590 Yeah that's about right. The guy was a BLM marxist terrorist supporter. Black Panther was an absolute terrible movie & was the beginning of the MCU going full woke. Didn't like the guy. But this really came outta nowhere that he just died. From something as horrible as cancer too.
>>4593 Cancer is actually very common among blacks & jews. I can't wish cancer on people. I've lost family to it. I lost my dog because of it. It's a horrid affair.
>>4572 >43 years old F So fucking young, man.
>>4594 I am sorry for your loss, anon, i really am. But niggers and jews are not people, the main reason we are in this mess is because of our empathy for those who never deserved it in the first place, and now want us dead after we treated them well, even better than our own. Fuck them.
Trying way too hard.
>Disney hired a terminally ill man to play the black superhero. This is so brilliant. They have the perfect excuse to never make another film staring Black Panther. If people say "Disney is racist for not making another Black Panther film" they can just say shit like "its too soon to replace the lead actor" or "it wouldn't be a Black Panther film without Boseman".
>>4609 True, but on the other hand they lost one of their moneymakers, since making another Black Panter movie will be difficult. That's not a good thing for a company that is already struggling due to effects of coronations.
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>>4609 Another Black Panther has been in the works for a while. It was announced in their plans like a year ago. Disney knew Boseman was dying. They fully intend to replace him with Shuri. So Disney gets their black representation & female representation at once with no opposition because Boseman is dead.
>>4611 I want a sexy ebony black panther
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>>4641 You find this sexy?
Well, it gives Disney an easy out to make Shuri the new Black Panther. I didn't particularly like Black Panther. It was the most hyped up Marvel movie and the most mediocre of them all. He was better in Captain America: Civil War for his introduction. The only thing I really respect is his work ethic to push through his cancer to act the best that he can. I don't think I've seen it mentioned before he had cancer until his death. The only worry was from a recent skinny image of him months ago. His death was surprising but it did give a push to guys to get examined for colon cancer. Even if you didn't like his movies, I think he might've saved more lives than even Chadwick thought he could through filmwork.
>>4607 Mod is kike confirmed. >oy vey you must not be sincere of course nigger lives matter!!! Trying too way hard oml!
>>4642 it's alright, i'm more into the drawing >>4611
>he'll be remembered as We Wuz Wakandans n sheeitt!!1! Christ how horrifying
>>4685 Not like he had much of a prominent career otherwise. Only thing I remember reading was he played Jackie Robinson once. Even if he lived a full life, a negro fantasy made by jews was all he was going to be remembered for.
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>>29608 You think pac-man recovered to his addiction to crack for smash?

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