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Anonymous 08/18/2022 (Thu) 22:40:35 No. 28388
>Mao Mao will never get another season Why do the good ones die young?
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I actually feel bad for all the creators that got fucked by Discovery. https://archive.is/epGhW https://archive.is/R1oM3 https://archive.is/1H4XE https://archive.is/izNFW
>>28388 >>28396 Why did Discovery trash all those shows? Not enough Ancient Aliens or Sharks?
>>28397 HBO Max is merging with the Discovery streaming service. They just straight up killed the shows to save money.
These people have forgotten they are employees, not Artistes. I've worked on stuff that will never see the light of day, it doesn't matter. You get paid for your work; that's your compensation. I'm glad businesses are starting to be treated like businesses again instead of charities and propaganda mills.
>>28403 My ideology is pro-artist and pro-art, so I don't even care if you are partially correct. Corporations are the middleman that brings art from the artist to the viewer. If it does not do its job, then corporation goes where it belongs, which is trash.
>>28397 Warner was full of debt before Discovery bought it and the retards at Discovery didn't realize it until the purchase was done, so now Discovery is cutting corners everywhere and removing shows (to pay less taxes) just to pay the debts.
>>28397 >Ancient Aliens That's History (channel) which is the same group as A&E. Discovery wishes they had some recent bangers like AA, forged in fire, and the mysterious place/treasure shows.
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>>28411 Can't wait for the inevitable collapse after the consolidation has peaked, it's happening with videogames too.
>>28388 >Mao Mao will never get another season. Not a lost. This was trash anyway.
>>28405 Then they shouldn't have worked for them retard
>>28453 Yeah, but the media is full of Lefties, so these companies will magically become "too big to fail". You think the people who demand companies hire commisars "diversity champions" are going to let titans of Leftist make-work industry die?
>>28480 >"too big to fail". Everytime this is said, the company flunks. Look how much debt Warner was hiding as one of the big multi media companies. Old media is dying and they're part of it, it's why entities are seeking to control the internet.
>>28470 Before just now, middlemen were ALWAYS needed. You HAD to work for a company who would fund and advertise and distribute. And even if you crowndfund your shit today, and go full indie, you still need Kickstarter or Patreon, technically a middleman. But great point otherwise.

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