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Anonymous 05/13/2020 (Wed) 14:10:14 No. 831
The most poetic thing I've come to notice about this show is Rick's efforts to dismiss the existence of God. He has time and time again tried to proclaim his place as God by emulating what he thinks God is, and continually denounces religion in the face of his own Hubris, the kicker being that he prays to God the moment he's powerless. It suggests to me that he is always going on Atheistic tangents and trying to cement his place as a God among mortals in an effort to win his God's acknowledgement, because his own hubris veils his eyes from seeing the truth about himself. The Ricks Must Be Crazy indicates this with his spite for his universe's creator despite the fact that he was the creator of his battery Universe and the tiny verse's within it. A Rickle in Time indicates it's a facade with his prayers when he thought he was going to die, and his subsequent response after he fixed his collar.Something Ricked This Way Comes validates religion in a sense with the existence of the Devil, though it gets overlooked in later seasons most likely due to continuity errors. Whether intentional or not on Harmon's Part, it makes this show more Christian than it does Nihilist or Atheist in retrospect. Another observation is that without Jerry is far more competent than he's made out to be in the show. Without Rick, Jerry becomes more competent and becomes less dependent on Rick and Beth when he is forced to step up to the plate. With Rick Potion #9, the moment Rick was no longer in the picture, Jerry stepped up and saved Beth despite being willing to commit suicide if he found Beth cheating moments earlier. Despite earlier seasons portraying Jerry as stupid based on his irrational responses, his peeing on the floor schtick in Lawnmower Dog could be seen as a smart move considering snowball and the other dogs didn't act aggressively and dismissed him as a legitimate threat as a result, not to mention the implication of castration Jerry shrugged off as a haircut. Jerry is most likely not a genius, but his antics whether deliberate or not allow him to contest with Rick and Beth married him for a reason despite being the daughter of the Genius. Big Trouble in Little Sanchez speaks for itself. The general idea is that Rick is hailed as a God and Jerry is hailed as retarded, though the show demonstrates the opposite depending on how you look at it. Anyone else notice anything interesting about this show, intentional or unintentional?
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>>831 in the latest season they made fun of feminism (probably ironically) & tried to show Christianity in a positive light in the episode Never Ricking Morty because the writers want the audience to know that they are cool/edgy, they do not care about PC culture & progressives and are willing to offend people, as normalfags have realized they went too PC in the previous seasons and might have complained about it.In the latest episode Promortyus which is about not having children Rick says something about biological truth about having children or going extinct and they make fun of fags adopting children but you know that they are being ironic and the writers actually do not believe in that message as they go back to being PC/progressive right after being edgy.They just want to be seen as edgy and cool without offending anyone it is still a nihilist, progressive,PC show it always was
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>>831 Its just a dumb show for drunk pot smoking boomers and redditors. There's nothing deep about it.
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>>831 I don't really get people's opinions on Rick and Morty. Neither the fans (it's really not that deep) nor the haters (it's nowhere near as bad as people claim, but we can all agree that the fandom is cringe as fuck). Outside of maybe the third season (which objectively sucked for pandering too much) most of the episodes end up showing that Nihilism isn't really the answer as Rick ends just even more depressed than he was originally. The humor though took a nosedive after the first season, something about trying to subvert expectations too much all the time and too much gore and violence and sex as the punchline. Last season (5) was actually really cool compared to what they put up beforehand. A bunch of jokes actually made me laugh instead of feel apathetic, they even make fun of the Bechdel test. It's just a shitpost show whose fanbase clearly thinks too highly of themselves to appreciate the dumb parts.
Is this a copypasta? >05/13/2020 Also this is old.
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>>25730 >Shitpost as a network show That's the thing Smiling Friends could do what half Adult_Swim couldn't for hiring pretentious dipshits, I just hope Zach doesn't go full on sellout, his humor has been downgrading when he became friends with Roiland.
>>25739 Is that motherfucking doug walker lmao Also yeah Smiling Friends has some fun shit in it too, shame it's so short
>>25730 It really isn't that bad. But with as with everything, it has an awful fanbase or an cancerous part of fanbase. Only a few of the trash ones and that's like one has a good part of fanbase. The last episode of the 5th season was alright, but there are some awful or meh episodes. It's just an mediocre show, which makes it better then majority if shows out there.
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>>25757 >Catering to redditors so you don't have to.
>>833 >oh look an insightful comment born out of genuine non ironic passion for something, time to do the zoomer thing where you undermine it, label it schizophrenia, tell the person to have sex and touch grass and say they're cringe faggot
The worst of the show is that the characters no longer react to the crazy shit happening and become nihilists too. It's just so fucking boring. Nothing matters just like capeshit, why should I watch?
>>831 They certainly took notes from The Simpsons and just reset everything, also the free commercials that would make any redditor cream his pants. Second season ran out of ideas and they had to cannibalize Venture Bros since then.
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>>831 >Anyone else notice anything interesting about this show, intentional or unintentional? The show is funny, it manages to be serious, it is never dramatic. The entire show's tone is steeped in nihilism, and despite other people's objections, is legitimately funny. They play this tone incredibly well, and it's been consistently good to alright. A pattern I have noticed though is that any episode played as if anything matters fails. Any time Rick is suffering over multiple episodes, any time I am supposed to empathize with him, or anyone else for that matter, I feel nothing at all. You can't beat me over the head that "oh I am so separated from anything mattering, I am so nihilistic and edgy look at me, I'm going to poke fun at my own tropes" then present his suffering like I'm supposed to give a single fuck. They can deliver a sense of danger or tension just fine. Nihilism doesn't prevent the show from showing things being dangerous. It does prevent me from being at all engaged in the emotional struggles of anyone involved in a meaningful ways. I can watch a Simpson's episode, or hell, even a Family Guy episode, and feel empathy. Not often (especially these days), but it can still happen. No part of Rick and Morty ever, EVER, hits this part of the narrative at all, because it can't behind it's nihilistic frame. It's legitimately funny, there are legitimately interesting concepts, it can never, ever, make me give a single fuck about the characters. Because again, as the show repeatedly, and blatantly tells me, nothing matters.
Not only do they encounter the devil, but Rick and Morty also witness a creature's bad afterlife be demonstrated to be real when you fail to kill him honorably. It's clear there is paranormal behavior at play in the universe, and this actually undermines the theme about being alone in the universe and notions of human vulnerability and finiteness. At the end of the day, it's a comedy show.
>>28567 It's supposed to be a comedy show but keeps trying to be a serious gritty drama at the same time. It can't do both. It doesn't have the talent to do it.
Nice blog post. Also, Abrahamic God can, and should, go back.
>>28564 You are retarded >>28570 Dan Harmon is to blame for the serious moments because he's a depressed fuck. Justin Roiland is to blame for the shit comedy and he's a pussy when it comes to the middle east.
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>>28582 >Dan Harmon is to blame for the serious moments because he's a depressed fuck. You would be, too, if you were a closeted pedophile.
>>28595 Check this retardness: https://archive.is/fEz2L >The wacky adventures of a little dyke with daddy issues >Strong independent cunt of a mother who spread her asscheeks to the devil >Funny dad who steals the show <Lazy artstyle <All in a never seen before dysfunctional family >Even the trailer song's is literally "yas queen slay"
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>>28618 >At the heart of the story of the series is a custody battle between Satan and Chrissy’s mother over their daughter. This mix of unhealthy family dynamics... The plot seems a little familiar.
>>28595 He did hump that babydoll.
>>28686 Oh yes he did. But I'm sure it wasn't him living out his fantasies on film or anything. I'm sure Dan Schneider would vouch for him.
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>>28693 He's such a faggot. I really liked Community back in the day, but his retarded Trump rant about how everyone should make sure no one thinks they're a nazi was just beyond the pale, even for the most retarded of SJWs. I enjoy Roiland's Solar Opposites far more than Rick and Morty, most likely because Harmon isn't there making stupid suggestions. >"What...bear with me here, but... what if Rick..." >"What about him?" >"What if he... turned himself into a... pickle?" >"Uh, I guess?" >"Hey, remember the Mulan dipping sauce? Can we work that in there, somewhere, this season?" >"I fucking hate you and I'm taking the deal at Hulu."
>>28693 >The first two pics Lol
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>>28698 Pickle shit wasn't written by him but was indirectly his fault. Season 2 Roiland and Harmon decided to have an all female writing team outside like 3 episodes SO BRAVE, Pickle Rick is written by some Californian Asian problem glasses that self inserts as the fucking psychiatrist. You have Jessica Gao to thank for Pickle Rick, who is the same writer that created She Hulk and is it's head writer as well.
>>28730 >Season 2 Roiland and Harmon decided to have an all female writing team outside like 3 episodes I remember dreading that season 2 would be so fucking woke, it would cause me to menstruate. There were plenty of fucking stupid bits, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Gao may have pushed her luck with having Shulkie twerk. Not only is it disgusting in the first place to non-negronic men, the modellers and animators made her look like an NFL linebacker... probably deliberately, given how badly Marvel has managed to piss off all the local studios with their prima donna bullshit.
>>28730 >but was indirectly his fault. He let it go through. It's fully his fault. He probably congratulated Ms. Nipchong for her hilarious story. The point of being in charge is to look at something and say "Yikes" and force a rewrite. Did you know there was a BOARDGAME for that episode? My local gamestore kept marking it down but they couldn't give it away.
>>28698 Pickle Rick is actually funny, it's just not amazing.
>>28770 It was never funny. There's no joke.
>>28771 See what you will I guess.
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>>28771 >It was never funny. There's no joke. The joke wasn't that Rick was a pickle. The joke was that Rick thought he could get out of family therapy if he turned himself into a pickle temporarily, using the timed antidote injection that was set to go off 10 minutes after everyone had left. Except Beth, for all her bad life decisions, IS Rick's daughter and is no slouch in the IQ department, so she quickly disabled the mechanism and left him to soak in his own brine. The joke is that Rick, for all his intellect, doesn't get how people work (like Stewie from Family Guy) and was not prepared for Beth to sabotage his sabotage. The rest is just Rick fucking around and an excuse to get Danny Trejo in for a guest spot because Harmon probably was hoping to roofie him at the Crafts Services table and suck his wizened Mexican dick.
>>28783 That's not a joke. That's a set up to "haha Rick's terrible". Which still isn't a joke.
>>28771 It was funny when it was a teaser. They dropped that clip during the S2 hiatus; everybody expected something more elaborated or complex, but instead they got Rick turned into a pickle and yelling. That was back when the "subvert expectations" part of the show wasn't overused or at least not as overused as later seasons and back when Internet wasn't as retarded about this show as it was back when S3 and the McDonald's situation happened; so when they dropped something dull and apparently intrascendental it was a bit funny. Later they overused that joke ignoring all the context and dumped merch ad nauseam. >>28783 The joke is that action sequences or something like that was expected as a sneak peak but instead they got something dull like a pickle. Good lord, I can't believe all this happened in 2016, that was six years ago.
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>>28788 I never said it was a GOOD joke.
So anyone watch the new one? Portals don't work anymore. I expect that to last maybe 2 episodes before they say fuck it and return to status quo
>>28820 Did the pulse reset fix the fluid? Couldn't tell after all was said and done. Episode seemed surprisingly short, with the meta critiques and light exposition just filling time.
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>>28620 Harmon ripped off VBros, so it's no surprise he's done it again. >>28693 The only fun he has ever done, was unintentionally roast a co-host in an interview, all what he said is that he's not a Disney freak who was abandoned at a park by his divorced parents, the girl bursted into tears while the editor and cameraman were laughing their asses off. Of course the main host like a good hipster he had to change the subjects quickly, later revealed that he was willing to btfo him if he wasn't cooperating in the next interview (with Johnny Knoxville) >>28698 >Community They didn't know what they had until Chevy Chase left, also he had something going on during their VH1 era but he had to double down on toilet humor. His take on the Cat in the Hat was a better tribute to Seuss than Mike Myers'.
>>28825 >Did the pulse reset fix the fluid? Rick fucked it up and reset all the dimensional travelers to their default reality. He or Morty made mention towards the end that they'd have to rely on the special effects-heavy traveling between dimensions in his new slick garbage car. I enjoyed current-Jerry telling his family to go fuck themselves. I've never enjoyed the episodes where Jerry was treated like absolute shit. Comic relief is one thing, but being made to crawl in the shit like a worm is another thing altogether, and probably came from the "all-female writers room." And Pluto IS a fucking planet, and Degrasswipe should kill himself and spare us his smug fucking face.
>>28830 >The only fun he has ever done, was unintentionally roast a co-host in an interview Do you have a link or at least the name of the show? >They didn't know what they had until Chevy Chase left Chevy is notorious for being a pain in the ass to work with, but the impression I always got was that it was at least as much Harmon's fault as his.
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So, any thoughts on last night? I thought Dinklage did a good job voice-acting. I miss liking him, but watching him drag the ladder up with him, leaving other dwarf actors stuck, pissed me off pretty hard.
>>29032 Dinklage voice acting is always going to bring people posting "That Wizard came from the moon.", but he does good work.
>>29043 Hes unironically a good voice actor, has a pretty great voice wich is surprising for his size.
Well i really didnt understand the point of chapter 3 other than clone incest/MFF threesome fapbait.
>>29139 There is no point. Only lazy edgy comedy.
>>29142 At this point id just take a full season of interdimentional cable tv.
>>29143 Might as well. The improv sucks but at least it's more creative than the actual show.
>>29144 I get some giggles out of it.
Does anyone even care about this show?
>>29144 Justin Roiland's whole fucking shtick is improv and he's run that into the ground. >>29139 R&M threw out entire plot to be "clever" by season 2.
>>29157 No. I've seen Back to the Future I, II, and III to many times to endure a surreal parody show.
>>29201 Didn't take long. It wasn't good improv to begin with.
>>28783 >it's meant to show that rick is so smart he can turn himself into a pickle but isn't prepared for his daughter to undo his ability to unfuck himself Dude, he's never had a reason to skip out on family matters before, he just gets into his space car and fucks off to do his own thing. Putting himself in a position where he has a loss of physical control of the situation just means that the smarter thing to do is for him to pretend like he locked himself in his sub-garage lab or the garbage car, both of which gives him complete control over what he's doing. In his pickle form, I don't see why they couldn't have forced him to come along, since he basically just ends up being there at the end of the episode. The episode is poorly thought out and shitty
>>29157 I don't ironically ben 10 ultimate alien predated alternate dimension shit a year prior, in the same company.
The latest chapter actually wasnt that bad.
>>29343 So Beth fucking herself is narcissism disguised as self-care?
>>29420 No, the one about the sleeping personas.
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Ok that was a cool chapter but >yet another chapter talking about incest Nigger what the fuck?
>>29425 Dan should really stop injecting his fetishes into the show.
>>29430 It's a fucked up fetish because he doesn't romanticize it. It's really weird.
>>29431 >doesn't romanticize it Ah so it wouldn't be fucked up if he did, got it.
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>>29438 I don't think it's a fetish. He probably just thinks incest=funny which is only half a joke.
>>29425 >>29430 Yeah, that's 3 so far that I can remember. Naruto the space baby, Beth-on-Beth action, and Jerry being forced to fuck his coal-burning mother. There are probably more. This season has been more disturbing than funny. Rick has no actual ties to any of the families he has crashed with, since his Beth died as a child. And he's most likely a psychopath, so even though he's fond of his current Morty and multiple daughters, the underlying message is that he really doesn't give much of a shit when it comes right down to it. Morty died from STD during incest? Get another Morty. Beth is begging him to be a good dad? Fuck that, clones his "daughter," and mixes it up so even he doesn't know who's who. Our hero lives in a world of demonic levels of personal agony, and externalizes it on a universe that mostly didn't care what he did until he started hurting it back. We could always pretend he wasn't a villain for a short amount of time with the jokes, but this season is nothing but deepest lore and Rick is not coming off very well from it. The only saving grace for the show, for me, is seeing how Morty has grown through the seasons. Season one he was clueless and constantly scared. By season six he's still occasionally piss-terrified (because he's NORMAL) but he is no longer cowering under a table. Some things have become routine enough that he's almost bored when having to deal with them.
>>29443 Dan Harmon raped his retarded sister and got disowned by his father.
>>29552 Dan Harmon IS the retarded sister of that family.
>>29552 He and Roiland might be worth one another. Justin got in trouble recently over domestic violence and there are also rumors of grooming accusations. https://archive.ph/5e2k8
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>>31553 I'm surprised Dan Harmon didn't have more issues first what with his virtue signaling as part of trying to downplay his alcoholism that probably delayed seasons being released and some other things that would be questionable and got him in trouble with the leftards. I mean, didn't Harmon explicitly hire women writers due to accusations of sexism and that contributing to the quality of the show going downhill? Just... Roiland actually seemed like a better guy, generally and less of an asshole, than Harmon.
>>31579 >Roiland actually seemed like a better guy He still is actually
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>>831 Rick and morty is for faggots.
rick and morty is like redbull for your brain
>>31625 >rick and morty is like redbull for your brain What does that even mean?
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>>31626 It's poisonous and eventually causes cancer? >>31579 >I'm surprised Dan Harmon didn't have more issues first what with his virtue signaling as part of trying to downplay his alcoholism Not to mention his deviant sexual proclivities.
>>31628 >t's poisonous and eventually causes cancer? It did help to ruin AS.
>>31662 Reminder that they cancelled a ton of shows to pour more money into Reddit Mortis.
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>>31681 >Reminder that they cancelled a ton of shows to pour more money into Reddit Mortis. What, like that gay-ass "Lazer Wolf" show? Holocausting ugly pastels and lolrandumb jokes is not a loss.
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>>18834 Wrong game, you dumb fuck
>>31681 That's why I'll always despise it. But the whole thing is sort of like when UPN cancelled Dilbert in favor of a shitty brocom, and the network started tanking because it. >>31695 Mainly it was ATHF, Mike Tyson Mysteries, and Venture Bros. They cancelled the latter mid production.
>>31695 I mean, it's literally the reason why stuff like Aqua Teen, Venture Bros and Metalocalypse got cancelled. >>31705 Mike Tyson came out slightly after Reddit Mortis and had a good run. I bet the reason they cancelled it was because of Norms health going straight to shit, that was a good call. It will always be a great neat show to watch
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>>18834 >10/24/2021 >>31703 >01/21/2023
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>>31705 >Mike Tyson Mysteries I thought that was Netflix's baby. I don't think I've ever seen it on Adult Swim
>>31706 I try to forget Norm is no longer with us. But I'll redact it from my list. >>31708 Just like Tuca and Bertie it was first on Adult Swim. But the Tumblrites cried hard enough for Tuca and Bertie to get another season. Even though AS cancelled it again. Soon, the only shows they'll have left will be the live-action junk, Rick and Morty, and Robot Chicken.
>>31733 Ironic how the show that continuously jokes about being canned is one of the longest standing shows on Adult Swim.
Roiland is in a pickle. Adult Swim cut ties with with him. Rick and Morty will continue but the voices will be recast. It would not be a surprise if Hulu would ditch Roiland too. https://archive.ph/NOOLu
>>31801 Don't you mean in a pickle... Rick?
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>>31809 Wasn't a sequel movie in the talk? or was it cancelled?
>>31801 Hulu has decided to cut ties with him too. https://archive.ph/mhLm5 >>31812 It's still in limbo, but now that AS decided to bring back ATHF who knows what might happen.
>>31812 >>31847 Yes, along with a Venture Bros movie. But I haven't heard shit about either since 2021
>>31871 It's not rocket science impersonating retarded voices though.
>>31871 >>32097 They should just AI.
>>32097 >Dick & Fucky >Not Dick & Warty Shiggy diggy
>>32102 >They should just AI. Yeah, uh, funny you should say that...
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>>32097 >It's not rocket science impersonating retarded voices though. No, it's voice acting. Ask Disney how it went for the Futurama reboot negotiations when John DiMaggio decided to dig in his heels for more money and they rejected it. The Mouse folded like the Flash with a pair of deuces.
>>32170 "...when the fanbase lost its collective shit" is what I meant to finish typing there.
>>32168 >No longer sounds like if it's autotuned They'll just have to browse all the times he squealed. >>32170 I forgot they're making a new season of Futurama, they really want back the Rick and Morty audience.
>>32179 For fuck's sake. Of all the worthless shit you can collect, Funko Pops are at the bottom. At least collecting Tabletop RPGs let you have some reading and the vanal hope of playing sometime.
>>32181 It's funny when they try to hock such "collectibles" on eBay.
>>32179 >smartoons
>>32179 That room is a fucking Superfund site for the soul. Holy hell.
>>28854 >Pluto IS a fucking planet You l-learnt nothing Mor-Mo-Mo-Morty you fucking idiot
>>32406 The day I take Nig DeGrasswipe Tyson's advice on anything is the day you can put me to bed with a shovel. If I could, I'd teleport that big plastic garbage island in the sea to Pluto to give it enough landmass to be reinstated as a planet where it belongs.
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>>32179 TELL ME this is satire.
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Finished watching Solar Opposites season 3 last night. They left us with not one but THREE cliffhangers which will probably never be resolved. The Silver Cops, the Wall, and whether or not the Pupa will let them quit being "normal" before they kill themselves.
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>>32467 Okay, let's be honest here, guys. How many of us think Roiland is just an autistic monster who loves beating women with his fists, and how many think his wife kept pushing his buttons until he fucking snapped so she could get his money? Because the lessons of Current Year teach us that the latter is more likely, but we won't know until the trial, and maybe not even then.
>>32468 Anon, multiple staff have attested the dude's a completely unhinged man child that doesn't interact with anyone. He spent all his time, when he did show up, playing with toys in his office. That's not a healthy minded person.
>>32468 Even if he was justified in beating his wife, he's close friends with a guy who's on the Epstein logs. I wouldn't be surprised if he and Dan Harmon were swapping CP.
>>32468 I'm not gonna question the idea that a shitty manchild writer beat his wife after being investigated for two years before his arrest. Save it for people who actually have some evidence of being innocent.
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>>32474 >Anon, multiple staff have attested the dude's a completely unhinged man child that doesn't interact with anyone. Multiple female staff who were hired on during the "WE HAVE ALL WOMEN WRITERS! PICKLE RIIIIICK! NOW I'M WRITING SHE-HULK!" era. I wouldn't interact with those sue-happy cunts, either. >>32480 >he's close friends with a guy who's on the Epstein logs. See, THAT'S something to make me rethink my position. Not that "4th wave feminists are butthurt that he wouldn't do anything lawsuit-worthy" shit. Thank you for having an actually argument. Still, that's not proof he's a spousal abuser. I'm sure lots of people went to pedo island and didn't walk back into the office on Monday telling everyone how much fun it was to fuck and eat a kidnapped child. >>32483 >Save it for people who actually have some evidence of being innocent. That's not how it works. They have to prove he's guilty. They've built a case, yes, but now they have to prove it in court. If he's not convicted, then things get interesting as far as wrongful dismissal lawsuits. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised how many of you guys just went along with the narrative that he's guilty. MeToo should have been to root out the pedophiles and rapists from the industry. Instead it's used as a scourge to anyone that people don't like working with or by who they had their advances rejected. Vic Mignogna's a great example, as is Johnny Depp who literally maimed by a woman who tried to accuse HIM of the abuse.
>>32484 Roiland probably didn't do it, but he wouldn't give other men the benefit of the doubt, he's a massive SJW faggot who was on board with the aforementioned "WE HAVE ALL WOMEN WRITERS!" thing. He reaps what he sows.
>>32508 >but he wouldn't give other men the benefit of the doubt Ah, now that is interesting. If he lived by the sword, he can die by it, too. Who did he have a hand in cancelling?
>>32516 I don't think he cancelled anyone, he just virtue signaled a lot. Happens a bunch to these Gen Xers who shitposted a bunch on the internet and then get remorse despite being awful fucking people, a lot like their favorite series and hero, Bojack.
>>32632 Anon, if the Simpsons, Ed, Edd, n' Eddy, and other shows with immensely unfappable artstyles have porn, why are you surprised about this? (Also, the show constantly brings up fetishes for jokes and had an entire episode centered around incest, so don't be too surprised)
>>32632 Fujoshis. Not even kidding.
>>33444 MGTOW/incels are completely fucktarded and just want an excuse to be miserable. There are women out there banging the shittiest looking numales.
>>31628 I wish somebody archived his interview in a bootleg version of Channel Awesome, he was ripping a new asshole to Disneyfags while the editor (who was nothing but a disneyfag herself) was about to burst into tears while the camera crew kept laughing believing she was acting. The only time Harmon looked like an adult.
>>33448 Either those numales have ungodly amounts of money or social status, or they're not actually getting laid at all and are just beta orbiters that get close enough to trick fools like you. And even the ones with money and social status are still getting cucked. MGTOW are largely guys who might be able to get some woman, but know the women they would get aren't worth the effort due to behaving like the above. Incels might not know but it wouldn't matter since they don't have enough money or status to get laid anyway.
>>33460 To be fair, marriage is a joke and the concept of bringing a child into this world seems an ever crueler joke. >irrational contempt against women. Yet women are encouraged to have irrational contempt against men and that is never questioned?
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>>33444 >women are only attracted to "active and masculine men" >and you see guys like this still getting a girlfriend Active and masculine is fine, but what really gets you the 'tang is pic related.
>>33460 >irrational contempt against women >irrational I'm married and have an adult daughter, and, well, I love them more than life itself. But... women don't always make good choices.
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>>33478 I have so many, many more pics, but you get the idea. When I was young, I believed women were our equals in most areas, but I've come to realize that even very intelligent ones are prone to lapses in logic, compassion, and realism.
>>33479 When was the last time you've seen women working in construction areas? Moving heavy shit or at least as car mechanics?
>>33493 When they say workplace, they mean white collar office jobs. Of course men will be allowed to work the hard labor high risk high reward jobs. Juan Pedro needs to mow their lawn, after all.
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>>33493 I'm so glad you asked.
>>33497 >high risk high reward Though they are continually removing even those rewards. That guy who got black lung from working in the mine for 40 years is an oppressive shitlord. Good thing all his money was taken in taxes, if not just alimony and child support for kids the wife took when she decided she wanted to fuck other guys in the open instead of just behind his back.
>>33511 It's looking more like every day people are losing their job benefits & money.
>>33503 >How you convince them? When society has finished breaking down, there will be a period of readjustment where women will attempt to hunt, fish, fight of ravening men...well, basically just try to survive. Suddenly, and without warning, they'll all simultaneously realize that they need a man for food, protection, shelter, etc. and they'll suddenly stop looking for men who are over 6 feet tall and will instead look for men who always seem to be well-fed. The die-hard feminists will just... die easily.
Just watched all of rick and morty, I gotta say that this show is really overrated. It's a wacky little show and it does a good job of actually upping the stakes by making more and more things that rick is actually not able to fuck around with, getting himself into shitty dilemma week after week. The show also loves talking about how shitty it is to be meta while getting very meta once every 4 episodes, the whole nature of it is just very wishy washy. I really hope that if they do a season 7 they just end it after that, tie up the whole story about how his wife died and end with everyone in the show just being dead.
>>33635 >I gotta say that this show is really overrated. Give Solar Opposites a shot. I find it better.
>>33635 It's pretty much like you hoped for, anon. It's funny, all it took to make the show memorable again was kicking out Justin Roiland off the show. S7 has actually good episodes, at least in relation to the rest of the series. I'd say only Seasons 1, 2 and 7 are worth picking up.
>>33659 >Solar Opposites Are you kidding? That show is about as shit as it gets. It's just "haha we referenced some other pop culture" about 10 times a minute. The terrarium subplot is good but that's only because we know it's set in a glass container, it wouldn't be very interesting if it were the only story.
The Devil could very well have beaten Rick and got his soul. The Devil opened up a shop that gave away items which would ave a positive effect and a negative one, the purpose of this was stated to be that the Devil was trying to harvest the souls of the patrons through these items. Never was it established that the negative effects of the items was a necessary component for the soul to be reaped from the person who had taken them, very possibly the Devil was still getting those souls eternally damned to Hell. A clever trick of the Devil would be to move into the town Rick lived in, hire his granddaughter to draw the guy into his shop, and trust in his ego to help him claim the soul of just about every person in town, including the scientist himself. Even if this wasn't the case, the Devil need only claim this was his intention to Rick after he had finished selling the items he removed the curses from and he'd have claimed a victory over Rick by breaking him with the belief that he had damned himself and so many others (which would be a wound upon his ego). Then all the Devil had to do was move shop to the next town and begin again. It's also inconsistent that in this and other episodes Rick, who claims to be a nihilist that believes in nothing, has a problem with nazis and pet abusers. If he is truly above petty morality, he'd not be offended by a swastika-clad skinhead. Furthermore, as someone who claims to hate authority he's pretty chummy with the president of his country, the USA, one of the most corrupt places in the world. He says he appreciates honesty, so why'd he be against a fascist takeover? To him all governments are fascist, but at least actual fascists are honest about their intentions. I hate pseudo-nihilists who act like they don't have principles but then act exactly like they hold the same moral/political sensibilities as the prevailing culture from which their author hailed. Like "this guy is such a cool dude he doesn't care about anything" until he actually has to take a stance where he disregards some topic that mainstream society would actually judge him for not agreeing upon. That's not to say that a nihilist character cannot be against fascism or animal abuse, but he'd be opposed to these things on the basis of what he personally likes or dislikes, he would judge everything by what he feels about it and by no other standard. Rick Sanchez isn't even a nihilist, that's what a lot of people miss about him, in the Devil episode one of the first things he does is confirm that objective Evil does indeed exist in his opinion. In another episode it's shown that he created a hybrid of Lincoln and Hitler to see how a combination of perfect Good and Evil would function as a single individual, so not only does he believe in objective moral standards for Good and Evil, but he can also identify what kinds of people would best embody these values. It's not like it doesn't factor into the plot in a significant way, he frequently refers to Good and Evil in subtler ways as they inform his actions. To say he's a nihilist is to ignore the ample evidence to the contrary. Rick is not philosophically inclined, he is in every way a reflection of his creators, I believe one video I watched said it best:"Rick Sanchez is a smart guy written by a dumb guy who thinks he is smart, but has no clue about what intelligent people are actually like". Rick is a marty stu who was in many ways a reflection for how his creators wished they could be. Kind of like how all these anime protagonists are wish fulfillment for the nerdy and horny men who drew them.
>>37572 I prefer "cringe edgy" to the "safe edgy" that is so ubiquitous in western media.
>>37573 I wouldn't call it cringe edgy and safe edgy. One is edgy but earnest, the other is obsessed with audience approval, afraid of saying anything meaningful.

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