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Encanto Anonymous 02/02/2022 (Wed) 02:47:21 No. 22750
Another musical film by Disney is popular, and unsurprisingly, it's praised for the usual cruft. I doubt that Colombia is like this. It's mediocre, although one or two songs were okay. Bruno did nothing wrong.
>>22750 >I doubt that Colombia is like this. Colombia is a shithole that even colombians hate, which is why they all try to flock to other countries, which we are told are terrible, even though people from "good" countries like colombia won't stop trying to come here even when we say no.
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>>22750 Why is this film suddenly getting a burst of popularity now? When it was initially released it wasn't as well know but why now?
>>22750 >>22752 >>22753 It bombed at the box office but idiots over on that one shitty app decided to obsess over a single song. AKA The mouse may or may not have paid people to trend it.
>>22750 Looks worse than Moana, which I actually didn't have a problem with.
Looks like it's filled with stronk ugly women, but of course the villain is male. Not watching this shit.
I liked it I doubt anyone cares about spoilers on this site for a disney movie so I'm just gonna mouth off about the story. >>22761 >Stronk There's none of that actually. The closest would be the grandmother matriarch but she's just in charge cause obviously she's the eldest. That or Luisa who's literally strong but she has a song for how physically strong she is she feels weak and insecure. >Ugly No argument I hate Disney's Artstyle. >Women yes they are women >Villain is male That's Bruno he's not actually a villain just villainized by the family and town for his ability to see the future. The real antagonist turns out to be the family's matriarch.
>>22750 I actually really liked it & think it's Disney's best in years. Definitely their best animated movie in years. Now not all of the songs are great. I don't get the love for 'We don't talk about Bruno' but some songs stood out at least for their subject matters they're covering. I think that's ultimately why I liked it. The ideas of family pressure, expectations of perfection, & toxic controlling family that can tear apart what they're trying to keep together just struck a cord with me. https://youtu.be/fCYCGh4-bGM https://youtu.be/7fRQWkppCug
>>22774 I felt like the movie was just mediocre at best, and honestly, the story seems like it was out of some Scholastic book novel.
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>>22775 I wouldn't say it's their best. The husband characters are barely in the film and mostly forgettable, too. The only character that I find to be the best is the one that's frowned upon (although that does get resolved eventually). For a film that really wants to focus on a huge but struggling family, I was disappointed that most of the film was focused on the sisters and a couple of boys.
>>22777 Best overall no. Best in a long while yes. The husbands aren't important. The family is mostly women with all of them having powers. Bruno was a good character when he came into the story.
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>>22776 I actually thought the smaller scaled story was the best part. My main gripe with most modern disney films besides the story is how you never get much time on the characters themselves before the adventure starts. As a result any real struggle they have feels dull since you don't care about them, Soul and Raya and the Last Dragon being the worst example of this. This being a smaller scale movie, doesn't really have a part where the adventure starts as characters move from set piece to set piece. The movie gives you plenty of time to learn the family dynamic, who the family members are, and most importantly what Mirabel wants and why. It took about 30 minutes for the plotline about the magic dying to kick in and it made the movie a lot stronger because of it. That being said despite liking the film some characters do get shafted in screentime and story importance. >>22777 Yeah the boys do feel a bit useless in the Story. Camillo especially since all he really does a few gags and writing him out wouldn't effect the plot. Antonio does play a part in the beginning showcasing how the family takes pride in their gifts and how Mirabel feels being the odd one out but he pretty much disappears until the plot needs a large open space like his room for Bruno. I almost forgot he was part of the movie until he came back. Mirabel's parents not being the focus makes sense since they're not part of the conflict or related to it but these two just feel like wasted opportunity.
>>22774 They set the scope too low for this movie. While a nice change of pace, it was just too boring and the mc has no qualities to herself other than being it's own mcguffin.
>>22774 >The real antagonist turns out to be the family's matriarch. Oh damn are they still on that twist villain kick over at Disney?
>>22788 No. The grandma isn't really a villain. She's just the source of why the family is suddenly losing their magic.
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>>22789 Well that's good. I liked that Moana had no central villain and I think more Disney movies should consider to follow suit and not shoe horn a villain in where none needs to be.
>>22790 I like that idea, too. I used to read books about how to write fiction, and they would say you always need a conflict and a villain or it would be completely non-interesting. But there are things that prove otherwise, like this example, and slice of life anime. Seems more relaxing that way, too. Like many of us I am looking for escapism more than intense stories and conflicts, since my life sucks. I love watching the so called "cute girls doing cute things" anime for relaxation and escapism. Doesn't need conflict and villains.
>>22791 No. Every story needs conflict. But you don't need a villain to have that conflict. Just the protagonist who has a goal & someone who opposes that goal.
>>22791 >But there are things that prove otherwise, like this example, and slice of life anime. Two terrible examples, since they are completely non-interesting. There are examples, but these aren't it. Conflicts can of course be internal, or against an impersonal force, but you're just picking terrible examples.
>>22793 Moana, I haven't even seen it, but I love slice of life anime and so do lots of people. It may be mostly because I love little girls, though. So I watch those for the cute little girls and the little girl type young women on them. Since I don't have that type of company in real life it's all I can do.
>>22794 But that's not an interesting story, you're just a pedophile watching for a fetish. It's essentially pornography for you. And that's fine and everything, but this is the difference between pornography and art.
I enjoyed the movie. The music was sub-par. Moana and Luca both had far better music.
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>>22793 >>22794 There's not a main antagonist for Frozen 2, and the conflict is some outside force. Barely anyone remembers that film now. I wasn't even angry about the film itself, although there was barely anything good about it, either. Not even cute or funny, but numbing. It's mostly forgotten by normalcattle now, and maybe the same will happen with Encanto in a year or two (unless there's a sequel or spinoff). The only exception are those willing to analyze it and finding certain (((themes))) like what I saw in the Wikipedia article: https://wikiless.org/wiki/Frozen_II
>>22778 >Bruno was a good character when he came into the story. They guy that was living in the fucking walls talking to rats? He was lame as fuck, all the guys were lame or not important to the story. Hell even the part were the grampa dies like a huge imbecile was also boring. It also pisses me off how you don't see any catholic symbols in the house, the movie is suppose to represent a beaner country and yet they don't put one cross inside the haunted house. There are also too many fucking ugly characters but I guess it should be that way since they are mutts after all, with the whole conflict revolving around the harmful impact of single mothers on society granma pushing everyone to their limits and trying to look like a perfect family and a example to follow. I think they wanted to copy the Summer Wars movie, but without the retarded internet stuff. >>22790 Wasn't the lava monster the big bad?
>>22798 Sounds like you just don't like anything, anon.
>>22799 What can I say, I hate shit movies.
>>22791 >and they would say you always need a conflict and a villain or it would be completely non-interesting. But there are things that prove otherwise, like this example, and slice of life anime. The "conflict" in the story is just living life, smart-ass! Simply put, it's just the frustrations an annoyances of everyday life. One easy example to point to is Renkin San-Kyuu Magical Pokaan. In one segment, you have Yuuma putting on a magical show and getting frustrated about how it's turning out. In another segment, Aiko wants to become human, but she only has a day to accomplish it. Pachira and Liru both have a segment about them obsessing over a boy and the troubles that cause. There's another segment where they're all stuck in a elevator. All of that is conflict.

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