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Anonymous 10/10/2022 (Mon) 11:54:24 No. 29651
i try but i just cant see the appeal of this shit, its a little girl show centered on ponies with a shit art style and cringeworthy infantile writing, why the fuck do so many people like this shit? all i can fathom is that they were exposed to it at a time when they were vulnerable to sexual imprints, seriously what other explanation is there?
>>29651 2009 was a different time; it'll never come back so no point in trying to understand why Anons liked it back then.
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>>29651 >title of show promises cute ponies doing cute pony things >show actually delivers Wow. I wonder why it got popular! Unlike garbage like Littlest Pet Shop
>>717482 >cute ponies doing cute things Boring.
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>>29971 It's comfy
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>>29973 Don't care. I had fun
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>>29974 you seem weird, internet man.
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>>29975 What, why? Just because I like winking horse pussy? That's kinda rude, man
>>29651 It's like the cartoon was aimed at little girls produced by a feminist cunt.
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>>29973 >grow up >anime reaction image you definitely lack self awareness
>>29976 yeah and youre a stinking pedo neet with no fucking life
< on a slow board, a troll thread is better than no thread It had better writing than most other cartoons, the characters express emotions really well, there is good use of color, it's just visually appealing, and like that one anon said, it's comfy.
I do miss the horse. However, that time is over. It'll never be like it was.
>>30725 >conflating anime with MLP >conflating the use of a reaction image with watching a show
>>29973 >THE POWER OF PUSSY. Anon, even the manliest of men are sometimes subdued by the power of pussy, it's sad but it's true.
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It's not a bad show for the first 2, maybe 3, seasons. Not as good as Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, or some of 80s MLP though.
>>29651 >ry but i just cant see the appeal of this shit, its a little girl show centered on ponies with a shit art style and cringeworthy infantile writing, why the fuck do so many people like this shit? underage ban. You don't know how dire was the cartoon industry between 2008 and 2011, MLP seemed like a godsend at the time.
>>30769 Hard disagree there.
>>29651 It started on /co/, which was always a rather faggy board that actually prided itself on being friendlier and more open than the rest of cuckchannel. Keep in mind this was before SJWs. It started largely as a joke, a joke of male autists being like "haha, I'm into this girl's show!" Most of them weren't even serious at first, but were just doing it to try to get a rise out of people. But then some people were like "you know, actually it's not that bad." Their standards were low, you see. The whole joke was that obviously it was not good, so being not as not-good as they expected made it look better to them. But it was still very much about annoying others on /co/ and other boards, as they spammed it everywhere because they knew it annoyed people, and it annoyed people because they spammed it everywhere. Nobody else cared what show it was, but what happened was that people started spamming images of this show, so this was the show that became hated, and then more spammed because they found it funny to spam a thing people hated. And when I say spam, I mean things like, for example, if someone posted a single reaction image from the show, some other autist would come in and say "oh is this a pony thread now?" and then dump images of the show until the thread reached autosage. Over time enough new people came in that didn't know or care about the origin. Many of them were in it for "the community" more than the show itself. It doesn't matter what the show was. They were "the fandom." The roving band of autists that goes from "fandom" to "fandom," because the real point is just being part of what they view as a "community." A lot of the bronies were probably into Homestuck immediately before, and maybe Avatar before that, and Sonic before that. After MLP, they'd be into Adventure Time and Steven Universe and Undertale. And yes, it's not all literally the same people. Some fall off, new ones join, but it's the same community. And yes, there are also those that are sincerely into the actual thing and not "the fandom," but those ones aren't the problem, and thus not the ones that get talked about. Those ones aren't the ones who made cringy Deviantart Sonic pictures in the mid-2000s, they're the ones who got hired to make actual Sonic games/movies/cartoons a decade later. That said, I'm not aware of if there are any bronies of this calibre. I find it hard to believe. For an example of the attitude that lead to the initial growth of bronies, see this very thread. One autist with bad taste refuses to defend it, but instead revels in others calling him out on his bad taste. Now multiple this by about a million.
>>30770 The Hub was a godsend in general. Between MLP, Dan Vs. and Transformers Prime it seemed like that channel had a real shot at being the last bastion of decent western animation.
>>30772 Do you thing the more adventure oriented (and well executed) season openers and finales also had something to do with that?
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>>29651 >i try good job faggot, you lost me in 4 letters. Go suck a dick, because you obviously lack willpower to form your own opinions and just try please some social group you ended up to be a part of. Grow a spine and walk away, you will never look back. >>30772 >It started largely as a joke This guy knows his shit. It started part as a joke, but most importantly, part of this horrible "make retarded websites with forums to lure in lolcows", the quite possible worst idea in the history of humankind. It's up to debate if it was the worst idea, but this brony shit turned me to a bitter oldfag I am today. See, infiltrating fan forums and making fun of the autists is an age old tradition, but some galaxy brain retards descided to cut the middle man and create those forums themselves. And obviously it backfired like a landwhale rimjob gone wrong. The MLP autists overran everything, making a joke into reality, polluting everything. >For an example of the attitude that lead to the initial growth of bronies, see this very thread. One autist with bad taste refuses to defend it, but instead revels in others calling him out on his bad taste. Now multiple this by about a million. Top tier posting. The autistic weak willed retards, that would have gone with any fandom if pushed, found one fandom in MLP and boldened. The unstoppable wave of gringe drowned all the forums, real and fake. In a way, the massive autism of the internet won over the massive retardness of the trolls.
>>30782 It kinda was and Prime, along with MLP, helped sold it. They just should have kept going with Canuck toons for slot fillers.
>>30772 Cartoons in general are in bad taste, I remember before MLP /co/ was in to Ruby Gloom an extremely cheap looking Canadian show where nothing ever happened.
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>>29651 >why the fuck do so many people like this shit? Because it might just have been the first cartoon for girls that wasn't completely retarded. Later on, it would become cancerous with SJW shit, but MLP:FIM made a girl's cartoon that spoke to them, not down to them, and my daughter loved the hell out of it much more than the third generation MLP DVD she'd received two years prior. And it was actually pretty watchable, as long as one didn't go fucking bananas and buy a fedora.

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