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Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 13:40:38 No. 39527
Red death.
Is the alien female?
>>39544 Yes.
Nigger you change concept like you change your underwear, holy shit. I respect a lot your dedication and I really like your art style but you should focus on one concept and a couple of characters at once. >Also Post this on >>>/ac/ too, so more anons would be able to see it and have a chuckle with it.
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>>39545 Great. Have some fanart
>>39562 OMG, this is so hot.
>>39548 I have to translate them into Spanish first and will post them there soon. Thanks for the support.
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>>39562 this is awesome
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>>39576 >>39568 I'm enjoying this lore and expansion on her powers.
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>>39589 >brown ectoplasm doesn't come from her butt but from her leg I can't ejaculate to that!
>>39589 >Mind in eternal denial that the person is dead >>39527 >I am dead She must be quite the self-conscious ghost... Or maybe not a real ghost at all
>>39597 Quantum ghost.
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>>39605 Well now this is becoming deepest lore.
>>39605 I want to give the dog a good home
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>>39674 Gypsy Goo?
>>39690 The worst part about this video is that the two workers got fired out of fear that the company would be held liable for kidnapping and the gyppo is still at large. The only consolation is that journalists trying to fish for sympathy points out of shoppers got BTFO by every person they interviewed, literally 90 years old grannies and little kids telling them to fuck off.
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>>39683 That's it!
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>>39694 Actually made me chuckle
>>39527 You should do a crossover with the Rad Dude anon.
>>39701 Who's rad dude?
>>39705 I think I've seen that comic before here. Maybe we can do something together.
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>>39707 Will the ghost be fine?
>>39707 The more I see that alien the more I want to marry her
>>39705 I think she's fine
>>39709 She loves you.
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>>39752 Radical!
Are you still alive Ginger Ghost anon?
>>39936 If he's indeed dead the last strip would be a fitting one
>>39936 >>39937 It was the last strip. Ginger ghost was able to cross limbo. I'm not going to continue with the project. I consider that I have already been able to do enough. Thank you very much for the support, anons. We will see each other someday.
>>39938 Good to know you are still here. I enjoyed your comic strip and would love to see what else you come up with, if you wish to do something like this again.
>>39938 Seconding the other Anon on all points. It was fun and I'm still in love with the alien.
>>39941 >>39942 Thanks so much, anons! I love you and we'll meet in the other world when we die!
>>39938 Aw man, I had just started reading Ginger Ghost a few strips before that. Thanks for the funny comic. Would you still do a crossover with Rad Dude? Do you have any plans for more comics in the future? Will you upload a zip of your strips and materials for Ginger Ghost?
>>39944 I give the strips to 8chan. I don't know if I will do anything in the future. Only time will tell. A huge greeting.
>>39946 Thanks for the comic, it's always nice seeing original stuff.
>>39951 Thanks to you for reading!

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