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Transformers EarthSpark Anonymous 11/12/2022 (Sat) 16:54:43 No. 30412
First ten episodes of the newest series came out this weekend. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ffYHUHjZWpCUbcmqEyArKJ2pdl0D6-Xx
>>30412 I refuse to believe that stuff like Transformers and TMNT would be interesting for today's kids.
>Megatron and Optimus are now best buddies. >Aelita 1 is badass female warrior with puns. >The new Earthformers are lame fucks
>>30412 I hate how every new Transformers cartoon is inspired by Bay & the IDW comics. Bad enough they all go back to G1 rosters. Why can't they do ANYTHING new with this franchise?!
>>30418 >Why can't they do ANYTHING new with this franchise?! IIRC, it's because of strict orders from Hasbro. When the Japanese tried to do original things with Transformers (Original RiD and the Unicron trilogy), Hasbro slapped the show out of their hands, and prevented them from touched the series ever again.
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Something's not quite right with those faces.
>>30429 The big problem with the boy is the lips, which are huge even for black kid. The girl (?) is just a straight up nightmare inducing abomination. In-fact, it kinda looks like her face is asymmetrical (deliberate in a failed attempt to make that expression work).
>>30429 Why does EVERYTHING have a nigger these days?
>>30429 Into the trash it goes.
>>30418 >>30419 Transformers hasn't been good since Beast Machines. I don't know why they think I'd care about these characters when they reboot them practically every year. I don't care if he's called Optimus Prime if he's a different guy in a different world. At least Beast Wars was different guys but the same world. Also, no entry has been well written since Beast Machines, either. But maybe I'd tolerate something that doesn't quite live up to those high standards if it was at least somewhat related. I get that this is made to sell toys, but they should have learned their lesson when they killed Optimus and were surprised kids actually cared about him as a character. Now if only they'd learn that rebooting him is barely any better than killing him. >>30429 >>30431 >>30432 It's not just that they're niggers, it's that they're two Ultra Niggas. They've deliberately exaggerated their nigger features, because modern SJWs are just 1890s klansmen but not as funny.
>>30437 I liked Animated but yeah there haven't really been many well-written Transformers shows since BW.
>>30429 The guy looks decent enough but that bitch looks like a furby.
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>CGI >Niggers
Oh it gets worse. https://archive.ph/R86wM
>>30456 >shitty designs >nigglets >troonspeak >webp Wow it's like this picture was specifically designed for me to hate it.
>>30456 It's nothing new, unfortunately. It's extra fucking dumb in Arcee's case because HE was forced into becoming Arcee by torture methods. Then the comic apparently has Arcee constantly getting new bodies yet never goes back to his original pre-torture mutilation form.
>>30459 Reminder that the first and therefore only real explanation for how Transformers can be "women" at all is that Optimus tried to make a "girl" Autobot specifically to get feminists to leave him the hell alone and stop hounding him over why no members of his alien robot species are female, refusing to understand that they are goddamned robots and do not reproduce sexually. It was the feminists or overall humans who associated their species with masculinity. So he made one that was stereotypically "feminine" so that the feminists would recognize it as what they wanted and leave him alone. Then they got mad that it was a stereotype, and gave Optimus even more grief. A very prophetic story that perfectly illustrates the contradictions not just in feminism, but in the current tranny propaganda. Reminder that all 21st century Transformers material sucks balls.
>>30459 >Then the comic apparently has Arcee constantly getting new bodies yet never goes back to his original pre-torture mutilation form. From what I saw an another Anon explain, Arcee is absolutely mindfucked, so it makes sense in the context of the story because Cybertronians are males in the IDW comics. However, your former image is where they really threw in the pozz just to virtue signal. >>30460 As I understood it, that comic was just an inside joke. Can't attest to the actual story given in the Marvel comics, but that plot for the original G1 cartoon is that there are female Transformers, however they are all Autobots. Why? Because, the Autobots where designed by the Quintessons for consumer purposes, meanwhile the Deceptions where designed for military purposes.
>>30460 >>30461 Too bad Optimus (or anybody else) couldn't make the fembot a sex machine that has an artificial womb to dunk on feminists even further.
>>30460 I miss this kind of thing in science fiction and fantasy. Where some non human species has completely different sexual politics or reproductive methods that don't mesh up earth based life or human sociology at all because they are completely different. Now days it's all "aliens are all nonbinary lol ur on the wrong side of history bigots".
>>30461 Makes it even worse if the first troonformer is psychologically destroyed.
>>30429 <Hey, remember when stuff like this was canned after four episodes because NO ONE watched it?
>>30469 Unfortunately this is on Paramount's streaming service. No one watches their Star Trek crap but they still keep getting made somehow.
>>30461 >As I understood it, that comic was just an inside joke. It's certainly a comedic story. It's also canon. Transformers has plenty of comedic stories. Just because there's a whole episode about Rhinox having explosive diarrhea doesn't mean that a few episodes later, we can't watch Dinobot commit suicide because he feels guilty over his torn loyalties between his nation and his honor. >>30470 Let them waste more money. They're just destroying themselves as they do it.
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>>30469 They're banking on lulling suckers in via Saturday morning cartoons you can't find anywhere else. But shit like this is the reason why Cartoon Network is in a mess. Because they could have been raking in viewers/money by airing such old, forgotten crappy cartoons as they did in the early 2000s.The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat, Eek! The Cat, Super Dave, Bobby's World. The idiots could've had a nostalgic goldmine, especially with the unedited shit. >>30459 >>30461 >Cybertronians are males in the IDW comics. That's what makes the whole thing funny.
>>30476 >Because they could have been raking in viewers/money by airing such old, forgotten crappy cartoons as they did in the early 2000s. They DO have a channel for that kind of content, it's called Boomerang. In fact, there were numerous bumpers on that channel that used a lot of WB's past properties for little skits such as music videos.
>>30456 Just... why? Why assign woke concepts of gender to robot space aliens? Whenever gender or sex has ever come up in the setting before it's basically Transformers are sexless (because they're robots obviously) and they just get referred to as male because that's what they appear to be to humans with the few female looking ones, depending on the continuity, being the result of modification from standard, being built like that to serve Quintesson interests, or because Primus thought there needed to be a minority of fembots to help Cybertronians better relate and empathize with organic species that have sexes. They don't even reproduce sexually. Why would any species develop a concept of gender identity as humans define it if they don't have sexes? Is the article serious or joking when it mentions Arcee, Anode, and Lug? Arcee is insane from forced body modification and torture while Anode and Lug only got that idea in their heads after meeting various organic species on other planets. It's less "transgender" for Anode and Lug and more adopting culture and mannerisms from aliens they met. I mean... okay they modified themselves to look like women, but they're still sexless robots from a society that doesn't have a concept of gender identity or any of the issues and problems sexually reproductive and dimorphic beings have. I actually found the two of them a bit comical because of that and they kinda remind me of weebs who take the parts they like and ignore anything negative. Even the tagline for this series suggests the sort of identity politics where identity is purely subjective and it's possible to entirely ignore what you were born with, "What you are doesn't define who you are. We are all -- MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE!" Hasbro seems like it's forgetting who their audience is and that the fiction they make exists to sell toys and games not push an ideology. Related, apparently Hasbro is also fucking up MTG for different reasons too which is affecting their stock. https://www.polygon.com/23458064/magic-the-gathering-overprinting-hasbro-stock-downgrade https://www.wargamer.com/magic-the-gathering/overproducing-destroying-hasbro-value
>>30480 In the 90s Sega hired the head of Mattel. Within ten years they declared bankruptcy. Hasbro stock is currently 55 bucks. Mattel is 17 bucks. Sega stock is currently $3.20 As retarded as Hasbro is. They are still making money with this horseshit.
>>30480 If a nigger says this to you, tell them your pronouns are "Lord/Master"
>>30412 >>30416 At least there's still the stuff we enjoyed before all this. Guess even transformers is woke now and has to be remade for "modern audiences". I'd expect Megatron to eventually betray Optimus in this setup, but considering what media is like now probably not. Apparently we can't have alien robots fighting a war that has been going on since before humans evolved anymore. >>30465 I miss this too. Now nearly everything remotely mainstream in the West has to be contextualized as if human biology, beliefs, and behavior would be true everywhere and everything has to reflect the world we live in even when it doesn't really make any sense. >>30481 >Hasbro stock is currently 55 bucks. The last time it was that low was 2013-2014 and it was climbing then. Their stock and sales dipped at the end of 2019, but then went back up shortly after. Both were the result of the pandemic, but Hasbro still hasn't gone back to the peak of about $120 they had in that year. >As retarded as Hasbro is. They are still making money with this horseshit. True, they've made dumb decisions before and Hasbro probably isn't going to go bankrupt anytime soon, but stuff like EarthSpark is not the kind of thing that is going to be appealing to established audiences or be able to heavily attract new ones as they're falling off the growth they had in the 2010s. Their fastest growing decade was the 1980s when they started making cartoons and comics to promote their toys. It is a fact that the shows and cartoons have always been about selling toys. Certainly the fiction they make has been successful, but they make most of their money in merchandise and always have. If the cartoons and comics don't do well the toys don't do well. Their second biggest decade was the 2010s and is probably mostly the result of increased awareness online and partly due to MLP exploding in popularity because of bronies. My point is this was never going to be sustainable even without the pandemic. Sales dropping was inevitable for various reasons and stuff like playing into political ideology is not going to help pull them back up in the current economy.
>>30480 >Just... why? Money. >Why assign woke concepts of gender to robot space aliens? Money. When you know how to milk a virtue you can keep perpetuating it to farm even more money. That's all the more proficient companies care about. And they are the ones that don't let their rabid SJW employees have full control of projects >>30479 I remember that and the Bob Clampett Show. But Boomerang isn't what it used to be. Just like TRANSfomers it's been overly modernized. .
>>30483 >I'd expect Megatron to eventually betray Optimus in this setup, but considering what media is like now probably not. Apparently we can't have alien robots fighting a war that has been going on since before humans evolved anymore. I was dreaming up a hypothetical series where Optimus and Megatron started out as allies (They implied they were friends/"brothers" before the war in both the films and Prime, so it isn't that much of a stretch), but something eventually caused a rift where Megatron became "evil" while Optimus had to face the reality that he would have to take out one of his oldest friends. It can work, but such a story would have to rely heavily on politics, which TV isn't about anymore. TV exists for the purposes of telling soap operas. >>30485 >Just like TRANSfomers it's been overly modernized. What do they air on Boomerang these days?
>>30480 >"What you are doesn't define who you are. We are all -- MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE!" Funny, because this is actually the exact opposite of what SJWs think and act on, since they very much define themselves and everyone else based on WHAT they are, and lack any personalities outside of that. >>30481 It's a relatively recent development. Give it time. >>30485 >>Why assign woke concepts of gender to robot space aliens? Money. No, because it only drives away audiences and loses them money. They do it because cult members wormed their way into HR positions and other jobs that allow them to influence who gets hired, until enough cult members are in that they can push the ideology over the actual health of the business. They don't care if they kill the business. If anything, they want to kill the business, because if they can't control it, they hate it.
>>30490 >No, because it only drives away audiences and loses them money. They do it because cult members wormed their way into HR positions and other jobs that allow them to influence who gets hired, until enough cult members are in that they can push the ideology over the actual health of the business. They don't care if they kill the business. If anything, they want to kill the business, because if they can't control it, they hate it. SJWs do tend to bite the hands that feed them and your further statement do have a sound point. However, not all companies are willing to ride the SJW short bus when it starts costing them money or other. Take Arthur for example. Why else did Brown choose to end the series after he made Ratburn gay? As soon as one starts kowtowing to these cultists the never ending cycle begins. There's a whole article on IGN about female cartoon characters which should be lesbians. It goes from Disney to PBS kids. But having LGBT Transformers and Transformers which are pronoun freaks is well beyond retarded. And if Hasbruh starts loosing money over it, good. >>30486 Last I remember(2018) Teen Titans Go, Uncle Grandpa, Steven Universe, and whole bunch of other shows which contradict the intended purpose of the channel.
>>30486 Recent cartoons Tom&Jerry shows, Hanna-Barbaras, Looney Tunes, non-pozzed nostalgia bait and sometime CN cartoons.
>>30542 >Tom&Jerry shows Wonder how fucking heavily edited they are nowadays along with Merry Melodies.
>>30412 >Optimus without a faceplate >nog children, the youngest with hydrocephalus >motherfucking pronouns
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>>30480 >toys? I'm an absolute slut for collecting Transformers. Much like the comics habit was broken by Diamond getting jewy and leaving their customers in the shit, Hasbro has utterly killed themselves with their greed. They have almost doubled Canadian prices on robots, and not only can I not afford it, I won't buy anything new out of principle until/if the prices come down >normally see a huge release of TF at walmart, which is usually gone long before Christmas >wander down the toy aisle just for shiggles and to see if the prices have come down (they've already had to reduce everything by five bucks) >expect to see a shelf empty of everything but the shit transformers, given that we're less than a week from Christmas >shelf is packed >no one is buying the new stuff >not the collectors, not the normies shopping for their kids >mfw Hasbro played themselves Fuck them, I hope they rot just like every other woke company.
>>30993 Why do you think bragging about being such a consumer who asked no questions until prices made it your problem, who'd forgive and give money to a company that hates you if only they'd make things cheaper, is something you should be flaunting?
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>>31016 Hmm. An interesting point. My counterpoint would have to be that you're on /co/ and don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing other people's hobbies. >who asked no questions until prices made it your problem What questions was I supposed to be asking, exactly?
>>31020 >My counterpoint would have to be that you're on /co/ and don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing other people's hobbies. <everyone on /co/ is the same as me For Christ's sake, you have to know how weak that argument is as a deflection. I'm not criticizing you for liking Transformers, I'm criticizing your consumer apathy and apparent pride in your lack of respect for yourself in favor of consumption -- as I reiterate "who'd forgive and give money to a company that hates you if only they'd make things cheaper". >What questions was I supposed to be asking, exactly? With the assumption you've been buying toys even into the terminal days of IDW Trannyformers and other missteps: "why am I giving my money to people who have little respect for something I love?". The only answers I can think of are ignorance ala the average normalfag (which, given we're both 8moe, is obviously off the table), a slavish brand-loyalty that accepts this on the basis that you need this specific franchise and can't accept alternatives, or a naive assumption that money going to toys won't be used by the company to fuel said woke bullcrap/believing that your contribution matters little enough that you can indulge without feeling like you're part of the problem (much like the idiotic assumption that "voting doesn't matter, so I shouldn't have to vote"). You have to have been around long enough to at least have an inkling of why shit has been enabled to get as bad and woke as it did. Please, you have to be more discerning if there's any hope it getting better someday.
>>31016 Obviously his point was that they managed to lose even a customer as autistically loyal as him. He wasn't bragging about his habits, he was saying that his habits were so bad that for them to lose even him means they fucked up royally. Honestly, I felt the same way about myself when DC lost me, even though that was in like 2014, which somehow seems like "the good old days" now.
>>30993 Every move Hasbro has made has been so absolutely terrible that the company is inthe complete shitter. I'm glad you got out of that hole anon. Try some Gunpla or go for 3D printing, lots of great stuff nowadays, but mostly outside retail.
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>>31027 >you have to know how weak that argument is as a deflection Oh, I knew, alright. It was deliberately designed to wind you up because you came at me aggressively instead of just engaging in polite conversation. I don't know why some people always go right for the throat in the threads. We all share something in common that makes us brothers: Autism. >"why am I giving my money to people who have little respect for something I love?" IDW does not equal Hasbro. While I'm pissed with the Hasbro guys for letting IDW get as faggy with the comics as it did, that shit isn't canon and I haven't paid for an IDW comic in my entire life. The last few series of toys have been amazing for old-heads, with remakes of a lot of classics that are far more cartoon accurate. >a slavish brand-loyalty that accepts this on the basis that you need this specific franchise and can't accept alternatives The third party stuff is great but prohibitively expensive. So is importing the nip stuff. That leaves Hasbro or the dollar store shit that's made from low-grade plastic, lead, and the souls of the workers who fell into the vat due to fatigue. >Please, you have to be more discerning if there's any hope it getting better someday. Well, I am, now. Not because of ideology because, again, IDW is not the official Vox Cybertronica. It's retarded, but nothing on the boxes says anything like "Quickstrike's pronouns are they/them" or shit like that. They're just toys. But Hasbro getting extra jewy with the prices is bullshit. They're trying to use the Russian/Uke money-laundering fraud as an excuse. "Oy, vey, the petroleum for the plastic is sooooo expensive!" Right. Maybe see if some of the reserves Comrade Biden sent to China can be pulled back. Oil hasn't changed that much that they can justify what they're doing. They've already had to drop the small figures by five bucks and, given what I saw just sitting on the shelves the week before Christmas, more price changes are on their way. Plus, it's now a two-front way because of WOTC's new Kathleen Kennedy wannabe getting jewy with D&D. Hasbro picked the exact wrong time and the exact wrong methods to get grabby in this economy. Now to reveal too much and get yelled at: The sad fact is that Transformers, over the decades, have been an escape for me. I love the way they go from one thing to another like delicate little puzzle boxes. They are mass-produced, yet the art of the design of each one is still thrilling to me, seeing how they are able to make one thing become another. Plus there's the fidget-spinner autism aspect of it. Transforming them is soothing, and looking at them on the shelf with their mix of colors makes me feel good. When I felt depressed, going to the toy store and looking at them made me feel better. The Transformers have been a relatively harmless form of stress-relief to me over the years, and I know most of the characters and their biographies like old friends. So I'm sad to see the end of it, to be honest, and I'm going to have to find something untainted to replace them going forward. Maybe Lego minifigs. They're cheaper and take up less room. >>31154 >Try some Gunpla or go for 3D printing, lots of great stuff nowadays, but mostly outside retail. My son's starting out in Gunpla and loves it. I've always preferred sentient robots to mechsuits. I've got a 3D resin printer for miniatures, but I haven't really explored what I can do with it, yet. Any suggestions?
>>30429 I wonder how long till they give the transformers negroid features >>30459 What the fuck? And this was in 2005? I guess IDW have always been injecting their horrible fetishes into children's franchises >>30460 >the first and therefore only real explanation There didn't need to be an explanation. In fact, if you want to insert realism into it then the whole franchise destructs. The bipedal form isn't the most practical one in existence, especially not for machines. Arcee is a fembot because the writers wanted to make one. That is the truest answer of all. If you have to have an in-universe justification for your action-figures being male or female, chalk it up to their creator making them that way. Primus himself, at least in his first appearance, used to be a manlike being. In the original cartoon, a female named Beta existed back in the slave days under Quintesson rule. From this it seems clear that fembots were produced alongside the males by Quintessons for whatever reason.
>>31356 > I wonder how long till they give the transformers negroid features Meet the new Transformer, Niggatron! His transformation sequence goes "shee-ee-ee-ee-it"! He doesn't just steal your bike, he IS your bike! < but don't we already have Jazz, a... robot of colorful personality? Yes, but he's not a nigger! > In the original cartoon, a female named Beta existed back in the slave days under Quintesson rule. From this it seems clear that fembots were produced alongside the males by Quintessons for whatever reason. Quintessons were pervs who wanted to fuck their robots
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>>31339 Do you care about Transformers media outside the toys at all? How much of that have you already checked out? Because there's so much of it that it seems like it could keep you busy for many years. Personally, I'm autistic for some of the comics and shows, but I can't even make my way through all of them. It just takes too much time. I gotta get into the anime from the '80s and '90s next, but goddamn, there's so much stuff. So I don't really care if the new stuff is shit. I'll never actually get to it unless I skip old stuff, and unless the old stuff is bad, why would I do that? Well the old stuff definitely isn't worse than the new stuff, so I won't skip it. I remember when Skyward Sword was announced I was like "hey, this game looks cool." But I had only played the first three Zelda games before that. So I started marathoning the whole series. But life is happening at the same time, and I only ended up catching up to Skyward Sword last year, a decade after it was released. The point is, there is so much old stuff, there is no reason to concern yourself with new stuff. It would take forever to get through all the old stuff anyway. >>31356 >I wonder how long till they give the transformers negroid features Pic 1 related. Of course the features are only physical. Personality-wise, not at all. But then this is a sci-fi fantasy series. Really it would just be Pic 2. >>31356 Yeah but I'm okay with that old Marvel UK explanation for Arcee because it's funny. But yes, it doesn't work for the cartoon continuity. Your explanation works well enough there. Has there ever been a Transformers continuity that elegantly merged the Primus origin with the Quintesson origin? Marvel seemed to just act as if the Quintessons were just random evil aliens, and not part of the origin of the Transformers. Or apparently there are others where the Quintessons enslaved the Transformers in their past, but still weren't their creators. Are there any continuities that just do the logical thing and say that Primus mentally summoned the Quintessons because he knew they would create the Transformers (out of his body), who he could then give Sparks to, despite that not being the Quintessons' intent? Because that's what I would do.
>>31356 >I guess IDW have always been injecting their horrible fetishes into children's franchises Transformers is hardly a stranger to weird fetishy stuff, even beyond the mechanophile aspect. Kiss Players exists. Transformers macking on lolis was a thing that happened.
>>31366 That's just par for the course for japan. It's fine. Still less dumb than Trannyformers. Hell, it's less dumb than Headmasters.
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>>31365 >Do you care about Transformers media outside the toys at all? How much of that have you already checked out? The Marvel comics and the original cartoon and movie, and Beast Wars are my favorites. My son and I enjoyed Armada a lot when it debuted, but Energon was a huge disappointment. Cybertron was cut short by that cocksucker Michael Bay's movies. Not sure why they couldn't run consecutively, but I guess when a douchebro made a movie featuring an orange girl and the Beef, Hebrow decided to go all in. I bought none of that shit. >>31361 >He doesn't just steal your bike, he IS your bike! My fuckin' sides!
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>>31367 >Trannyformers "We meet again, Post-Optimus Prime!" "And it will be the LAST time, Faggatron!"
>>31365 I think they just say the Quintesson's enslaved the Transformers and lied to them about their origins.
>>31154 Well he can still buy third party figures, many of them are unirronically better then their official counterparts
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>>31375 >Well he can still buy third party figures, many of them are unirronically better then their official counterparts For sure, but holy shit the money they want is completely jewy. I understand they don't have a factory full of Chinese orphan girls (maybe), but they want HUNDREDS for some of those figures. Look at this Hoist remake. I got the Hasbro one for FREE because nobody gives a shit about him. Yet here they want $129 US for him.
>>31375 My mistake, I meant 190 US dollars.
>>31379 You clever son of a bitch.
>>31386 My bad. I was thinking about how the Galaxy Shuttle is currently going for around $120+ and bamboozled myself.
>>31389 >>31378 Still cheaper then masterpiece line.
>>31395 >Still cheaper then masterpiece line. The masturbate line has like three good ones and then the rest are just meh. This is my favorite, by the way: why settle for boring old Masterpiece Optimus Primal when you can pay just as much for a translucent red one. Seriously, who the fuck greenlit this abortion?
I finally watched RotB because it's out on digital now. Still sucked ass like I thought. Off the bat, the plot makes no sense because it doesn't explain the time travel mechanics. So the Maximals are still supposed to be from the future but Scourge attacks them in that future, right? So they use the transwarp key to escape to ancient earth. Makes sense so far. Except why do they have beast modes already when they're not at earth yet? Furthermore, how does Scourge follow them to earth? He's in the future right? So how does he get to earth in 94? Unless the opening isn't in the future but the past after the Maximals arrived there from the future then went to ancient earth in that past only for Scourge to find them in the 90s from there? That doesn't make any sense though because how would Unicron follow them into the past? See the whole movie's plot just immediately falls apart in the first 20-30 minutes of the movie. That's not even getting into all the terrible designs for everyone, the shit voice acting, or the boring humans.
>>35356 >Maximals are still supposed to be from the future I dont think they're from the future, they just mention how the key they use can warp space time. >So how does he get to earth in 94? I just assumed they have ftl or something like it on a smaller scale. Unicron is too big and slow to get to different planets on his own will.
>>35356 > That doesn't make any sense though because how would Unicron follow them into the past? But, Earth IS Unicron. That's what was established in The Last Knight.
>>35358 They are. They don't technically outright say it but it wouldn't make any sense otherwise. Why would Primal be named after Optimus Prime thousands of years before Optimus Prime became a famous warrior for the war for Cybertron? >>35359 No anon. The Bumblebee movie is a reboot. This is a sequel to that. Full reboot. The autobots have only been on earth for 7 years.
>>35361 >Why would Primal be named after Optimus Prime thousands of years before Optimus Prime became a famous warrior for the war for Cybertron? Because they're robotic humanoid aliens whose life spans dwarf the average human? In the old timeline you had Megatron frozen in ice for hundreds of earth years and when he's finally freed Starscream and Optimus treats it like an average Tuesday. Not to mention the bullshit with The Fallen and Grimlock. Fuck even in the original cartoon both Optimus and Megatron were burried in the earth since the Dinosaur era. The Cybertonian Civil War is never ending.
>>35364 Anon you're still missing the point. Optimus Prime is only legendary for his fight on Cybertron. For winning the war. Primal would not be named after him in the middle of the war. That wouldn't make sense.
>>35365 If he actually won then Primal would've just said "your efforts succeeded" but he doesn't. Optimus is known as a legendary warrior in this continuity, but it doesn't confirm he's won anything yet. Its shit writing but doesn't confirm time travel, if anything it just confirms cybertronian third parties exist and they still somewhat pay attention to the Civil War. The Maximals are essentially space hippies that pissed off a chaos god by denying his meal.
>>35368 You'd think that but they don't even mention the Decepticons once during the whole movie. There's also a further line where Airazor says earlier the Maximals are warriors "from your future & past". So time travel seems pretty confirmed. It's just shit writing.
>>35365 Not sure about these movies because I only saw the first three when they were new, and they sucked, but in G1 related continuities, Optimus was already leader of the Autobots for millions of years before ever coming to Earth. Optimus would already be a hero to Autobots everywhere, what with being their leader for millions of years. But yes, not having them simply be from the future is stupid. Not just doing a Beast Wars movie that actually attempts to adapt the Beast Wars story is already stupid. No need to mix it with the G1 characters. Nerds like Optimus Primal, and casuals won't realize or care that he isn't the same guy as Optimus Prime, unless you make a point of it in the story, in which case it's cool.
>>35370 >don't even mention the Decepticons once I did find that extremely odd but again I put it towards shit writing. >Airazor says earlier the Maximals are warriors "from your future & past". That's probably the closest but then again it could just be hippie speak and shit writing. Plus at any moment they can retcon anything to fit any Hasbro course correction. Next movie is a crossover with GI Joe and it would be an absolute clusterfuck with they throw time travel into the mix. Worst case scenario they pull a multi-verse and the Maximals are from a different timeline. Which would work considering Unicron needs a device capable of manipulating space-time to travel around.
>>35373 It's not clear in this continuity how long they've been fighting. Were the story actually written to focus on them teaming up & explaining the time travel mechanics, it could've been fun. Instead most of the movie is spent on boring humans who can't act only there to tick off boxes. >>35374 Great. More multiverses. Watch the Barbie movie somehow fit in too.
>>35375 Barbie should be the same universe as He-Man and other Mattel properties. Of course, He-Man is on a different planet, but when he does come to Earth, he should meet Barbie, and not just stupid nobodies like he has in previous stories where he goes to Earth.
>>35376 I thought the barbie movie was in a multiverse with oppenheimer.
>>35361 >The Bumblebee movie is a reboot. This is a sequel to that. Full reboot. The autobots have only been on earth for 7 years. But, doesn't EVERY Transformer story property take place in the SAME reality (Yes, that means there's 20+ guys running around all at the same time named Optimus, Megatron, etc.), at least until Energon/Cybertron with the death of Unicron creating a black hole that caused some realities to fracture (Because Unicron is an inter-dimensional being who's very existence is required for the universe to NOT fall apart)?
>>35389 >But, doesn't EVERY Transformer story property take place in the SAME reality No? Where on earth did you get a crazy idea like that?
>>35390 I remember reading it in one of the threads on here.
>>35392 I wouldn't put any credence to that idea.
>>35389 >>35392 What you're thinking of is that for a long time, every version of Transformers released in Japan was said to be the same continuity, even when it seemingly didn't make sense. So they said even the live action movies took place in the same universe as the G1 cartoon, for example. They tried to say the various anime from the 2000s were all somehow the same reality, even though they clearly weren't. In the west, this was sort of similar. The English dub and Japanese dub of the cartoons are technically different continuities, especially since Japan had an OVA that America didn't get (and the OVA sort of replaces stuff that Japan didn't get), but they aren't all that different. The end of the American cartoon also doesn't match up with Japanese canon, as it didn't air there, and they instead made many new anime that continue from a slightly different ending, but if you squint, it's fine, it's easy enough to overlook and follow. Now, in America, there was always both the cartoon and the comics. They were different continuities, but they had some shared elements, and then Beast Wars (and Beast Machines, basically just seasons 4 and 5 of Beast Wars) just acted as if they were both canon, referencing elements from both continuities. The comic and cartoon continuities are very different, but the cartoon has so little continuity that it's easy to ignore, and when Beast Wars references elements from the cartoon, you can almost just assume those things slotted in somewhere in the timeline of the comics. I mean, it doesn't work perfectly, but it's easy to squint and overlook it. It gets more complicated when you bring in the UK comics. The UK comics reprinted the American comics, but then made new stories to go between American stories. Due to a couple things in the reprints that were changed here and there to make the new stories slot in better between old stories, this is again considered a different continuity technically, but really it's so close that there are only a few sticking points, and if you squint, it's fine. The writer of the UK comics got hired to write the American comics later, and he is basically the main Transformers writer to this day. The UK comics also do a lot of future stories and alternate timeline stuff that ties into the movie, which otherwise isn't really referenced in the American comics. So if you count the UK comics, and how they tie in the movie elements (which is where most of the important cartoon continuity really is), then Beast Wars making reference to both makes more sense. So if you squint a bit, then it's very easy to overlook that the American cartoon, American comics, UK comics, and Japanese material, are different continuities. In that case, it's easy to just act as if everything up to 2001 is all one continuity. 2001 is when they released Transformers: Car Robots, which in Japan actually does work as a sequel to G1, but was a reboot in the dub. Everything up to Car Robots kind of works as one continuity if you squint. There were also convention exclusive stories. Comics and prose stories that you could only get if you went to the official Transformers conventions (but now you can just read them online). They do things that more directly tie together G1 and Beast Wars, and also reference the Japanese stuff as if it's canon. You need to read a convention exclusive prose story if you want to learn the real death of Optimus Prime and Megatron. It's stupipd they did it this way, but it's actually a pretty good story. The most important story that most closely links G1 and Beast Wars is technically non-canon because it was given away at a non-official convention, but it was still written by Simon Furman, the UK comic writer who became the main writer, so basically it's "non-official" but yeah it's canon. Official convention stories also do stuff after Beast Machines, which will be important later. After Car Robots, they did Transformers: Armada. In English, this is another clear reboot, just like Robots in Disguise (Car Robots' dub) was. As far as I can tell, it's also a clear reboot in Japan, but some official guide pages published in manga volumes or whatever said that somehow it was the same continuity as before. Until this point, everything released in Japan did work as one continuity, but this is the one that fucks it up. Now what makes it weirder is that the next two anime series were sequels to Armada, and they're called "The Unicron Trilogy," but in Japan, the third one, Transformers: Cybertron, was not part of this continuity, and was instead a reboot, but later materials would try to tie it back in to the two anime before it. Meanwhile, in the convention exclusive stories, the Beast Machines and G1 characters were pulled into a multiversal battle against Unicron. It's revealed that Unicron is a singularity, there is only one Unicron across the multiverse. I guess he inhabits many different bodies, since we see him get destroyed in multiple universes. Also, in the G1 cartoon he has a totally different origin than every other continuity, but fuck it, I'm sure there was some weird explanation in some obscure story somewhere to explain how that scientist didn't really invent Unicron, but was just subconsciously influenced by Unicron's spirit to build a body for him, or whatever. So Unicron also pulls in characters from the Unicron Trilogy, and the story of this multiversal battle against Unicron switches from the point of view of the Beast Machines characters to the point of view of the Unicron Trilogy characters. So now this is technically one "continuity," but it's two different universes that are largely unrelated except for this one obscure story. But Unicron being a singularity means that every other universe that mentions Unicron actually has the same Unicron, so they're all related. But it's not usually that important if Unicron is actually one mind, so whatever. The movies were part of a multiverse, but you didn't need to worry about that. There was some magazine page in Japan that said the movies were somehow the same continuity as G1 and everything else, but that made no sense to anybody, and was basically just a funny piece of trivia. I'm sure Japanese nerds just ignored it. Oh yeah, I should mention that all this time, there were more comics, but after Marvel stopped publishing Transformers in the early '90s, later comics were all different continuities. Eventually IDW Comics got the rights and made their own Transformers continuity that lasted quite a long time. As far as I know, that continuity didn't cross over with anything else in a major way, but due to Unicron being a singularity, they were the same multiverse and some elements established in the IDW comics, relating to Unicron, Primus, and the multiverse, would be considered canon to everything else. Meanwhile, Hasbro tried to make an "Aligned Continuity," a new continuity that would just try to use the best elements from all the continuities and create one new one that they could use going forward. So the games Transformers: War for Cybertron and its sequels were the same continuity as the tv show, Transformers: Prime and its sequels. But War for Cybertron and its sequels were so successful that they eventually did a game that crossed over the War for Cybertron continuity, and thus this Aligned continuity that had been going for years. Crossing over these continuities fucked up everything so hard and made so little sense that they shortly afterwards just did a story (in comics, I think) that made it so Unicron was no longer a singularity, and everything was just separate now. I guess continuities that did cross over more explicitly, like G1-Beast Machines/Unicron Trilogy, might still have the same Unicron. I don't know. It doesn't matter because it's not like they ever revisited those continuities later.
Oh yeah, it gets more confusing because there are also other continuities of comics and things that call themselves "Generation One" but are explicitly not the same continuity as anything from the '80s, they just call themselves that because they don't go out of their way to make themselves look different. Also, there are other branches of continuity. Like in the '90s, a couple of years after the original comics ended, Marvel did Transformers: Generation Two, with the same creators, and it's a direct sequel, and Beast Wars was created as a follow-up to G2, since that was the last thing that was released. But then in the 2010s, the same creator, now working at IDW Comics, did "Regeneration One," a different series that also continued after the end of the original Marvel series, but didn't count G2, even though he wrote G2. There are many continuities I didn't specifically mention, but you don't need to worry about them too much. There are also things called "Micro-Continuities," which are things like coloring books or whatever. Tiny things that have stories but don't seem to fit into any particular continuity. And oh yeah, they also have things called "Universal Clusters," which are universes that are technically different but are closely related, like all the stuff from the '80s and '90s, which are technically different continuities, but if you squint, they're pretty close. Micro-continuities can be included in Universal Clusters, but of course micro-continuities don't matter. >TL;DR: From the beginning until 2000, American (Marvel) comics, American (original) cartoon, UK comics, and Japanese everything (dubs, animes, and manga all fit together) are technically different continuities, but fit together well enough that Beast Wars acted like it was a sequel to everything, so you can kind of consider it one continuity. >The anime from 2002-2005 are a second continuity, but later Japanese official guide material said this and somehow even other things like the movies were all actually the same continuity as the original G1 continuity, even though it made no sense. Obscure stories sold only at American conventions established that this universe was part of the same multiverse as the original 1984-2000 universe, and said any time you see Unicron in anything, it's actually the same guy going to different universes. >there were more standalone universes of single video games and cartoon series and such, but you don't need to worry about them. >after they tried to cross over a successful series of video games with the movies, they realized they fucked up and made it so Unicron wasn't always one guy anymore, so now you don't need to worry about that. >there's still a multiverse, but for the most part it never crosses over anymore, so you don't need to worry about it. Even when it did cross over, the only real times it mattered were an obscure convention-only story that you couldn't even read until it was on the internet years later, and one video game that fucked up the whole multiverse Oh yeah, the original GI Joe: A Real American Hero comics from Marvel, from the '80s, are also canon to Transformers. They crossed over a lot with the original '80s/'90s continuity. And yes, those comics, both GI Joe and Transformers, are firmly in the Marvel universe. The original Marvel GI Joe continuity continued even under other publishers, as original creator Larry Hama just kept writing new issues with the same continuity even under IDW Comics as late as 2018. Characters age in real time and everything, which is pretty neat. But IDW also got a bunch of SJWs to do GI Joe stuff, and when GI Joe writer Aubrey Sitterson tweeted on 9/11 that people who weren't in Lower Manhattan when it happened shouldn't publicly mourn, it alienated the devoutly patriotic GI Joe audience (who was already very alienated by other SJW scandals), so Hasbro demanded he be fired. Instead the president of IDW forced a secretary to allow Sitterson to use her name as a pan name, and when Hasbro found out, shit hit the fan. IDW lost the Habso license, and the president (co-founder) of the company got fired, since IDW basically lived off the Hasbro license. I'm not up to date on what's up with Transformers or GI Joe comics since they lost that license. I only like the original Transformers continuity anyway, and GI Joe is cool, but even if Larry Hama still writes a lot of it, the other SJWs they got to do spinoff series ruined it for me. But yeah, technically the original Transformers continuity continued until at least 2018, but in the pages of GI Joe: A Real American Hero. >pic related: It's the first issue of the convention exclusive story that crossed over Beast Machines with the Unicron Trilogy and thus really established the Transformers multiverse. It continues from other convention exclusive story arcs, and wouldn't be finished until years later, with its conclusion published by a different company, but that conclusion was just one part of a different story, and other story continued after, too. I never kept reading though because the G1/Beast Machines characters/continuity stopped being important.
>>35400 >>35401 That's a whole lotta words to just say: <"No it's not all connected. A variation of Beast Wars can always happen. Unicron's obscure lore & japanese guidebook lore aren't canon either."
>>35435 The way I said it is more fun. And no, not every future leads to Beast Wars. It's more like all the original continuities merge together to form Beast Wars, and Car Robots is also part of that continuity. After that it reboots, but there is an obscure crossover with the first reboot (the Unicron trilogy), then things after that are all unconnected in all but the very most obscure ways. Except for one time the Aligned Continuity (War for Cybertron games + Prime TV show + other assorted things from that era) did a game that crossed over with the movies. The other TV and comic series are pretty much each standalone (well, except that comic series from the same publisher are part of that publisher's universe).
>>35444 I said a variation can happen. Not that it always happens. Prime on paper is supposed to be tied to the Cybertron games but that didn't work out in the actual show. Just don't overthink it all.
>>35445 >a variation Who gives a shit? You can always invent some radically different version that fits after any other show or comic and call it Beast Wars, but its not the show. There are tons of versions where Beast Wars characters pop up even though it makes no sense and has nothing to do with Beast Wars, like the latest movie. I'm not talking about some version of Blackarachnia showing up, I'm saying that Beast Wars takes place in a future that is basically elements from both the American comics and American cartoons combined, because even though they're technically different continuities... meh, close enough. The UK comics and Japanese material fits in there in pretty much the same way, too. But after Car Robots, it really is a full reboot, except that reboot crosses over with the older material once. Then it rebooted many more times, and though Hasbro said it was all linked in a few obscure stories, they gave up eventually, after crossing over the then current vidya/cartoon continuity with the movie continuity fucked it all up. Look, what else is this board for if not for getting autistic over fictional continuities?
>>35457 You have genuine autism. That's the problem.
>>35458 We're on 8chan's comics and cartoons board and you think calling someone here autistic is an insult. That's the problem.
>>30480 Apparently Japanese translators decided to not give a fuck about Earthspark's they/them nonsense and just made Nightshade referred to as male (specifically using "boku" which technically can be used by masculine women or tomboys, but is usually for men) which has upset the usual woke crowd. Old, but seems relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg0D1PpgCXs I find it especially funny due to the past year "professional" western localizers/translators getting fired and rejected over increased negative awareness of them injecting western politics into anime and manga. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl6b7ZT_HsM https://comicbook.com/anime/news/transformers-nightshade-gender-japanese-pronoun/

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