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Anonymous 01/17/2023 (Tue) 14:12:15 No. 31589
Well /co/?
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>>31589 >you're just against the existence of transpeople
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>>31589 You a Fag
>>31598 Women have a automatic and irrational hatred towards men like you and trannies are the only living thing that tolerates you, no fit body or "alpha" personality can change that.
>>31589 It can be both.
>>31598 Functional people with actual jobs and social life don't have time for that, not everyone is a NEET with a pair of weights
>>31589 Isn't the artist a pedo?
>>31589 Trans people are what, 2% of the population? And 6% of the population has depression. And depression is a mental illness. What can I conclude here....? But, anon, what about the "Scientific Consensus"? It was removed from the DSM! Given that psychology is still politically siloed (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25036715/), I can write off this "scientific" consensus as a political consensus and Lysenkoism. The field discredits itself. But, it always has: Popper's crusade for Falsification arose from him having a doctorate in psychology and feeling that his field was unscientific.
>>31603 >Isn't the artist a pedo? He's trans, so... yes.
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>>31589 >"Don't pretend you have logical reason..." He has lost what's left of his fucking mind. ALL of my reasons are logical, and the fact that I despise 90% of all troons and pity the rest isn't even in the top ten. 1. We don't trust children to drive, vote, drink, etc., so why the fuck would we let a three-year-old pick a different sex? 2. You weren't "assigned" a sex. You were born with a penis, therefore you are a boy. If your genitals don't appear to be one or the other, that's deformity and there's room for a conversation in those extremely rare cases. Same with hermaphrodites. 3. You have gender dysphoria, which is a condition that has been proven to be overcome with exercise, therapy, and medication. Jumping straight to a surgical "solution" is insane. 4. You have been subjected to propaganda by a certain group of individuals who have taught you it's "cool" to be trans, just like previous generations were tricked into becoming goths, hippies, liberals, etc. Except, unlike a hippie or goth or whatever, cutting your dick/tits off is NOT something you can come back from. 5. You people don't kill yourselves from "bullying" nearly as much as you kill yourselves from the horror that comes post-op, when you realize that you have traded your dignity for a gaping, fecal-smelling hole 6. Most children who identify as trans will grow out of it... unless their abusive parents allow them to go on hormones 7. If a bunch of governments are actually willing to steal children from their parents to "reassign their gender," maybe you aren't on the right side of history like you believe you are 8. Many of you are victims of Munchhausen's Syndrome by Proxy, with a mother/father who cares more about internet "likes" than their own child 9. Many of you are attention whores who love nothing more than to externalize your self-loathing and hunt down old tweets in order to ruin someone's life. Declaring one's self trans is tantamount to declaring one's self to be Witchfinder General 10. Just because native injuns recognize your sickness as a real thing, that doesn't mean it's ACTUALLY real. Many of them also recognize mouthwash and turpentine as a suitable cocktail 11. Fuck, do I hate troons
>>31607 >You weren't "assigned" a sex. You were born with a penis, therefore you are a boy. Anon, the heart of Queer Theory is Marxist Hermeticism, which unironically and literally believes that doctors labeling a child as (fe)male is casting a no-joke "spell" upon the person. A spell who's purpose is to benefit the people dictating society and locking away the "secret knowledge" of the world. And, that the only way to render the spell useless, so that they can begin societal transformation, is to redefine what it means to be (fe)male through their "higher" understanding of the world. >maybe you aren't on the right side of history like you believe you are Anon, the word "history", according to the Marxists, is a verb that is defined as the studying of past events for the purposes of bringing about a Socialist revolution of the Proletariat. That's literally what they say: https://archive.vn/IAbYm#history <The Marxist study of history seeks both the elucidate the conditions, and first and foremost the material conditions under which historical struggles are fought, and then to identify the agents who make history. So, when they say "right side of history", they're talking about an ex post facto view of the world where Socialism has already been achieved, and they are the ones who made it happen <The subjects of history are not the "forces of production" nor the "laws of history," but instead people make history always acting under certain material and spiritual conditions. It is these conditions and how people sought to change them which give meaning to the stories that are told in history.
>>31607 >You have gender dysphoria, which is a condition that has been proven to be overcome with exercise, therapy, and medication. Jumping straight to a surgical "solution" is insane Source?
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>>31589 God I miss people making edits. r/assignedmale was one of the first subs banned on reddits because it made fun of trannies.
>>31607 >11. Fuck, do I hate troons You know, I don't hate troons. I hate the leftist society that has produced them. 1. I hate what Dave Chappelle hates: these motherfucking white children of privilege are telling me that they are in a "historically oppressed group". Bullshit, niggas. Dave Chappelle is black, I grew up in real poverty, and no child from middle-class suburbia can tell me that they really had it worse. 2. These motherfuckers invented a minority group for themselves, and then tell me that opposing affirmative action is "white victimhood". What kind of victimhood is inventing your own minority group. These fuckers do all they can to marginalize and discriminate against the healthy, productive, hard-working white Americans that make this country run, and opposing their left-wing authoritarian behavior is "victimhood". Fuck that.
>>31607 >>31619 I take a more nuanced (for lack of a better word) stance. If someone hasn't gotten the hormone treatment and surgery, that person is autistic and mentally unstable salvageable. All you gotta do is get the individual away from bad influences trying to wreck their life before it's too late. Once they've started the "transition" though? It is too late. The damage is done and it's irreversible. Death would be a mercy at that point.
>>31620 *autistic and mentally unstable but salvageable
>>31604 >Trans people are what, 2% of the population? Probably less than one percent. Definitely if you remove the groomed and the transtrender.
>>31607 >Many of you are victims of Munchhausen's Syndrome by Proxy, with a mother/father who cares more about internet "likes" than their own child Ed Wood was. >Just because native injuns recognize your sickness as a real thing, that doesn't mean it's ACTUALLY real. Many of them also recognize mouthwash and turpentine as a suitable cocktail "Two-spirit" was a fetishistic (in the original sense of the word) shamanistic practice. Indians, as well ans many other primitive peoples past and present, believed in in what is essentially male and female "radiation" that could disrupt each other and desanctify religious or spiritual spaces so under that regiem they were forced to deal with anyone that didn't fit in by preforming a ceremony that put them in the right so that tribal harmony can be maintained. Honestly it was a lot closer to shiia muslims forcing fags to transition or else than protransshit in the western sense.
>>31618 >God I miss people making edits. I threw out my "Assigned White" comics, or I'd post them. Maybe I should do some more.
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>>31623 >Honestly it was a lot closer to shiia muslims forcing fags to transition or else than protransshit in the western sense. Honestly, I'm not a fan of the muz, but holy shit that's the way to handle it. >"I'm trans!" >"Okay." >"Okay? Aren't you going to make me feel oppressed?" >"Nope. C'mon, let's go." >"Go? Go where?" >"You have an appointment for gender-reassignment surgery." >"What?!" >"Time to get your dick inverted." >"Um, welllll... maybe I'm not so sure anym--" >"Too late." The best part is they won't even have to dilate, as they'll be gangraped every day. So that will give them more time to cook, clean, and get gangraped a second time.
>>31630 Yeah but the guys raping them would still be gay, because they're still men. So those guys would have to get their dicks cut off too, and soon you'll run out of gays to rape the other gays. I guess that does solve the problem, but it also means your punishment scenario doesn't work out. Also, let's be clear, these fags would like getting "raped" by these other fags.
>>31630 It's more like. >I'm gay >Okay >So you'll let me get married to a man? >only if you get your dick chopped off
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>>31639 billy crystal was in a show where he played a gay man who was going to get a sex change to marry his pro football player bf but later attempts suicide
>>31589 Didn't this filthy Quebecois trace toddlers to make cub porn?
If kids can decide to transition, then they can consent to suck dicks
>>31646 Ok Dan
>>31622 Its really impressive how such a small minority manage to have such disproportional influence in just a bunch of years, not even fags in decades get that
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>>31669 Which reminds me: why the fuck are they part of the alphabet? Gender dysphoria isn't a sexual preference unless you count what they want to do to children. How did they manage to worm their way in there?
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>>31589 Ok groomer
Here, a comic about troons
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>>31700 My favorite one
>>31696 >Gender dysphoria isn't a sexual preference Anything can be a gender now
I found the unaltered original.
>>31792 Nice, although I expected Ben Garrison's collaboration.
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>>31792 I hate Harry Potter. The whole franchise is only one step above Twilight as far as I'm concerned. Not interested in anything remotely related to it. BUT. But they keep saying if I buy the new Hogwarts game, I'm LITERALLY killing trannies. 70 bucks to yeet a bunch of trannies seems like a hell of a deal.
>>31874 Harry Potter is okayish worlbuilding and shit story with a Gary Stu. People like the worlbuilding, not the characters.
>>31874 A TERF is still a RF. She just hates men enough to hate them even if they try to be women. Also, I'm not following news about the game, but didn't they cuck out from day one and confirm there will be tranny options in the game? >>31879 >Gary Stu It's still written by a woman and ultimately is female wish fulfillment, which means it's about the protagonist falling ass backwards into everything and never actually having to work or self improve in any meaningful way. She was just smart enough to attempt to mask it by making the protagonist male. But then Hermoine is even more of an overpowered one note flawless character, that also comes across as an author insert, or in other words, a Mary Sue. Rowling truly is a master of literature, managing to put multiple Mary Sues in a single book.
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>>31883 >She just hates men enough to hate them even if they try to be women. Don't even ask me what kind of strange bedfellows I'd be prepared to engage in if it means I never have to see another "pregnant man" headline.
>>31874 /v/ here, yes, all of /v/ do not be a stupid cocksucker Companies do not care about identity politics or any sort of culture war, they just want to make money off of you, and this whole thing reeks of a marketing stunt anyway. If you like how the game looks, buy it, but don't buy it or not buy it to satisfy any sort of "political stance", because that just makes you a nigger.
>>32191 You say that yet disney is hemorrhaging billions because they decided woke was the way to go and kept doubling down.
>>32192 They doubled down because they thought it would make them money, they were and still are trying to appeal to the modern and normie culture, but those people who are normies don't enjoy seeing franchises they've held dear to any small degree be bastardized. the yids are trying desperately to swing the culture war they have started in their favor, but the only fighters they have right now are adults who are starting to realize that the circus wasn't made for them, and otherwise the degenerates who display their genitals to children in public. Disney doubled down because if they didn't, they would be falling back on the plan they've been setting up for this long. Companies that manufacture entertainment to placate the public to the seeds of war they plant daily will still continue gaining power, regardless of if you purchase some mediocre wizard game. >Avalanche is owned by WB >WB is responsible for the modern bastardization of every single DC comic into a shitty show or movie >draws under it's grasp HBO and CNN You're either funding the media conglomerate that is telling whites to hate themselves or you're not funding this game, which trannies will act like it is some act of tolerance to boycott. the only winning move is to not play, bros.
>>32193 So if disney goes bust doing woke shite do I win this argument? I think if disney just doesn't change course it's irrefutable evidence they would rather die on the alter of woke.
>>32193 >normie
>Not permabanning the Sophie Labelle spammer from cuckchan You are an absolutely useless piece of shit, Frank and I hope you get monkeypox.
>>31602 >Functional people with actual jobs Boring hacks who serve the Great Satan or some poor sap living in a shitty commie regime that nationalized all the farm land and has taken their gun rights away too. >and social life Cowards who either hide their power level to appease normies and niggercattle or is just another drone parroting celebrities or news channels like Fox or CNN. >don't have time for that Oh but they have time to drown themselves in booze in while listening to shitty music at a bar, they've got plenty of time to endlessly scroll through Netflex, and they've got plenty of time to walk around in a mall for hours mostly looking at dumb useless shit that will break after a few months and then end up in a landfill or the ocean. Oh but taking care of ones health? Nah there's no time for that. Nice excuse for being a lardass anon. >not everyone is a NEET with a pair of weights Tragic, the world would be much happier if we all just lifted weights and watched old toons and anime together. Not gonna happen though with the Golf Arab states, Chinese Communist party, EU;SSR, Zionism, and Americunt land's free market Neoconservative/Neo Liberalism cronyism corporate welfare ideology miss guiding humanity including a lot of good of heart but naive fools. But sure withering away in a cubical achieving whatever the fuck it is you think your achieving is such a meaningful life I'm sure. >>31598 A wise quote from a huge faggot, ripperoni in pepperoni. >>31600 >Women have a automatic and irrational hatred towards men like you Not all Woomuns are Commiefornians who've been indoctrinated to into hating the very concept of the opposite sex having muscle or possessing skills that make them self reliant, some even peruse the path of fitness themselves and unless they have some femdom mommy complex or are just dykes typically they'll prefer stronger male partners even if they refuse to admit it but that's their problem not mine.
>>32261 Since threads here will last for months even years here there's no reason spam and make the same thread every day or even every hour thanks to Acid and Mark Mann being less of a kike than g00km00t and allowing at least 1Niggabyte of files to be posted in a single post of file/files sizes. I have yet to see le funny tranny spammy yet so why worry about a non issue?
>>32279 Because they're a seething troon.
>>32284 I feel like I'm missing the point of that video.
>>32285 I think it's proving the point of the anon saying that is a seething dicklet, the vid shows a dude with wig trying to meme and failing miserably
>>31818 Here, have his iconic signature >>31874 She fully deserves her fandom, dumb cunt refused to keep up with the progs. >>32284 As if trannies are functional adults.
>>32279 >why worry about a non issue? I'm calling out Frank hypocricy for being a ban happy faggot except from stuff like this. Last time something like this happened it was a baby furryfag shilling his shitty webcomic, when I called him out and showed he was a cuckchannel spammer Frank immediately deleted his thread, so I don't understand why this is any different. And of course this thread is filled with polgoloid garbage and said spammer spilling his colorectal content all over the place. The board was shit under janny's management but this is far worse.
>>32315 >reee stop posting comics that make trannies look bad! back to cuckchan, tranny
>>32315 You will never be a wizard.
>>32315 Franks awesome faggot.You will never be a woman. Go kys freak.
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>>32191 >/v/ here, yes, all of /v/ Hey. Big fan. >do not be a stupid cocksucker Well, if you insist. >If you like how the game looks, buy it, but don't buy it or not buy it to satisfy any sort of "political stance", because that just makes you a nigger. Point well taken. In rebuttal, I'd like to point out that no one in their right mind actually thinks this game will kill any troons, and not being able to parse sarcasm is also a trait of the lower primate negro.
>>32322 Shut the fuck up, Frank. >>32316 >He says this while posting on a cuckchan spammer thread The one who has to crawl back to that shithole is you, fucking mongoloid.
>>32370 You wish I was Frank. Now suck my balls faggot.
>>32374 >instead of boycotting, he bought an expensive hard copy collection and destroyed it to virtue signal Aw, he even broke the little wand.
>>32374 >>32377 Another day, another example of the troon community being just as dumb as they are deranged.
>>32374 He still payed for it though. Because I don't imagine people like him being mentally capable of stealing stuff
>>32390 >He still payed for it though. Because I don't imagine people like him being mentally capable of stealing stuff Maybe xi/zum's from Commiefornia where so long as you only steal under a certain dollar amount of valued products you can basically walk away with free shit with zero effort even if there's several security camera's watching your ass as well as aware staff. Basically defending your property with non lethal force or a revolver an good ol pump action (since everything else is basically B&'d) is illegal all the staff can do is try and politely ask said shop lifter to please reconsider and even shooting said shoplifters if they're violent and pose a threat to your life is legally dubious too since it's a duty to retreat state. Hence why Caliland is/has been suffering from brain drain and severe lack of tax revenue too, plus a drought because of dumb zoning laws that prevent you from just having a gravel or stone yard LMAO and also because Coke and Nestle get first dibs on their sparse ground and lake water because Cronyism LMAO. Of course for the very few businesses left to the average worker who doesn't give a shit about video games they'll just assume those nu-Hairy Potter games are very popular and opt to buy and put more on stock so even with stealing them JK Trolling is still gonna make money. Of course I'm not ruling out the potential that this redditor or tranny isn't also just that fucking stupid either though. Fuck California >>32315 >I'm calling out Frank hypocricy for being a ban happy faggot You'll have to forgive me then, I only post here every couple of months at best mostly to lurk the Soywars thread and also in the hopes I'll come here and learn that Jewooster Teeth has finally gone bankrupt so I'm quite ignorant to the internal board drama's here. Understandable though, you do you anon.
>>32391 >All that cuckold tier laws for commiefornia Holy fucking shit it's worse of shit then I thought.
>>32370 I'm glad you're beginning to realize how worthless those thousands of hours you spent filling out reports truly was.
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>>32395 >Guess what? There have been societies where kids were allowed to transition! Guess what. There were societies that sacrificed their children to an oven shaped like Hell's biggest faggot. That was ALSO evil. >Deal with it because we are never hiding again! You may rethink that position once the hunt begins.
>>32395 Fucking hell, this guy is so delusional.
>>32391 >Maybe xi/zum's from Commiefornia where so long as you only steal under a certain dollar amount of valued products you can basically walk away with free shit with zero effort even if there's several security camera's watching your ass as well as aware staff. Which means Walmart is out money, but JK still got her money.
>>32395 < strict gender roles have been made into state policies to increase the number of workers and soldiers. Strict gender roles are a state policy because states that have implemented them have done well. Look at Daesh fighting western-backed puppet governments. The sort of men that do well under them are the sort of men that do violence well. I think of the father of that guy who shot up the troon club: porn star, MMA fighter, and devout Mormon.
>>32423 >that guy who shot up the troon club: But wasn't he himself a fat sperg whose only claim to fame before this was having his own ED thread?
New 'male The new Harry Potter game is responsible for urban youths killing troons
>>32434 People need to completely disregard this shite as the false hysteria it is. It should all be responded to with okay troon or okay nigger.
>>32435 >People need to completely disregard this shite as the false hysteria it is. Does complete disregard prevent the rise of cults?
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>>32434 >Fourth panel >Brianna (teh) Ghey
>>32436 no but luckily this cult comes with an inbuilt suicide pact to begin with.
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>>32434 >guy makes absolutely correct points >no rebuttal from other guy >zoom in on candlelit shrine of someone who killed himself for most probably unrelated reasons Even if he really DID kill himself over a fucking video game, this is retarded. If it wasn't Rowling today, it would have been "Excuse me, sir" tomorrow.
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>>32434 Calling it now: The reason Brian Gay got snuffed out was because at least one of the "trans girls" he groomed is a relative of the killer(s).
>>32425 Beats me: he is a fat sperg. The father is the comedy gold, though. That's a man who would be high up in Daesh and kill anyone who talked ill of his brain damage due to meth addiction.
>>32448 >You are laughing at these freaks but the chance that they become socially accepted and conservative men globally marked as complete insane social outcast and potential terrorist its not that low We know.
>You're against the existence of trans people Yes, I am. And you should be, too. If we were doing our jobs right, the mentally ill would have been taken better care of so that it wouldn't reach this point. When I say I pity trannies, I really mean that. They're poor bastards who have been lead down a road they can't come back from and either realize that and suffer, or remain ignorant and damn others to follow them.
>>32464 I'm with you, although the pity is hard for me to find when I'm being disgusted and outraged by their self-appointed representatives' behavior. Saw one the other day working at a store. I do my best in those situations to be as polite as I would be to normal folks and get the fuck out of there before I trigger a meltdown/suicide by accidentally reminding them about reality. >pic related - "She" is triggered as fuck that most people are just being polite instead of sharing his delusion.
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Daily reminder that THIS is the creature from which we're supposed to take moral lessons. >that complexion caused by estrogen, tho. It's like filling up a Toyota Yaris with diesel.
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>>32470 Annnnnnd he's grooming kids. What a fucking surprise.
>>32461 I can't tell if jews infiltrated the german population or the germans infiltrated the jew population.
>>32470 Okay, let's be honest here, guys. Would you?
>>32475 No, I would not fuck Guillaume Labelle
>>32475 It's the worst of both worlds. He's not a hot guy, and makes a grotesque woman.
>>32475 Stove his head in with a brick? Absolutely.
>>32542 I'm glad niggers are finally being productive.
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>>32540 I'm having the most fucked up day. This is the SECOND post today I've encountered that I initially assumed was mine. There was another one on /v/. That guy even named his images the same way I do.
>>32542 >most self-proclaimed troon-slayers never move their asses outside the computer Hell, they never move their asses outside of /b/.
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>>32475 >Would you? Not if his axe-wound was the last orifice left in a post-apocalyptic blasted wasteland.
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>>32599 The only thing black men conquered is the the eternal top spot of crime statistics.
>>32599 shoo shoo nigger
Apperantly our favorite artist has attacked a journo. Also did not know he drew furry diaper porn. https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/JackHadders/status/1631368191191441432#m
>>32670 Like most deranged leftwing artists, remember the MLP vorefag? Even tumblrinas threw him under the bus, because how dares he taint marxism with his Chris Chan like fetish.
>>31589 >No-one is 'too young' to transition. Cave up those babydicks and skin those loli arms!
>>32282 >2nd >'There's no way to tell who's trans or not' Hilarious at times I'll give him that. >last one >'a world that negated my existence' Sort of a tacit admission that his delusion is just that. >>32284 >It's 'childish' to not want to fuck men pretending to be women The desperation is palpable in that Pete Burns-looking, Johnny Rotten-sounding faggot. That anyone in that state could delude themselves into thinking they're desirable to any human let alone straight men is such a fantastic leap of logic he'd beat Keanu Reeves to the roof of the nearest sky scraper. >>32320 I'm so glad she made such epic bank off that generation of cunts then shit on their pet project when she's untouchable. >>32374 Still makin that bank out of those fucking mooks. This is the customary level of intelligence of a HP fag.
>>32671 >a tranny is a pedo Imagine my shock. >the article <"Welcome to Manchester's GAY VILLAGE" What in the actual fuck? I was born in 1972. I came of age in the 80s, a magical, neon world where the only thing we had to fear was Russian nukes and gays were reviled for their disgusting behavior because of AIDS. Then the 90s hit and all that was golden went out the door. Seeing how the world has gone from revilement to toleration to celebration hurts my heart and soul. Giving a pass to one mental defect-caused perversion has opened the floodgates to all the others.
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>>32800 >Why you cant give up and accept that all of your precious reality its gone? <implying I haven't given up and now am just waiting for death to eventually claim me >there is no pendulum swimming back The pendulum always swings back, anon. ALWAYS. I'm just afraid that it won't swing back in my lifetime and my future grandchildren will have to grow up in this sodomitopia.
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>he actually thinks anyone but his sad, lonely self believes this This legitimately makes me happy.
>>33924 With Depp's win last yr, the canceling of batgirl movie in favor of the flash film, the charges against Baldwin being dropped, and with Major soon to be vindicated next month. It's obvious that the pendulum is swooshing back past our heads as we speak.
>>33928 It goes more for the people in power that have not been changed
saw a trans "couple" at a card shop while I was playing magic with the boys, thought I'd share. >the first character walks in, he's extremely awkward, try not to focus on him while I'm shuffling, listening to the dude's I'm playing with explain their decks >there were 5 or 6 tables that were not considered "bar tables" >they chose the table right next to ours >second character, kind of a land whale from what I can gauge from my periphery, try not to look at either of them directly, comes over and they commence their autistic chattering >they are giggling and chatting about their use of hormones and various open relationships they are going through >their conversation drifts towards abusive parents and how they were kicked out of their respective homes, probably bullshit because real abusers love keeping people in their reigns and it seemed more like there was a house rule they just weren't fond of to the point of running away >get through a couple games, one of the characters keeps turning aside and looking in my direction, while I'm assessing the board state, which causes me to take seconds longer to plan my moves, slowing down the game to what I felt was slightly uncomfortable >they are openly talking about sending and receiving scandalous texts from their partners, goading each other and acting like horny teenagers in public >the slimmer of the two keeps fucking looking back towards our table every so often, I couldn't tell if they were sizing me up or just wanted to watch the game, but I kept wanting to shun them back to their degenerate world My autism made the situation almost unbearable. I was having a patrick bateman style mental episode while playing a very calm game of cards with some work friends. I really don't understand how people can be so degenerate in public without any other intoxicants. It was very clear from what little of the conversation I heard that both of these characters were experiencing complex emotional and physical traumas that manifested in some of the worst ways. One of them was talking about how they were left outside multiple nights and some other bleeding heart stories. I'm so fucking thankful I just have a complex devotion to bones and skeletons and not some weird mental disorder.
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>>34334 >I have to return some playing cards.
>>34334 >I couldn't tell if they were sizing me up or just wanted to watch the game They 100% wanted to watch the game. What in the world would they be sizing you up for? Skinny trans probably wanted to talk about the game with you, and give themselves a break from all of the drama but they were just too polite (and supportive) to tell their friend to stfu or change the subject. People usually go out to game shops and bar meetups to both play and socialize. >t. Neurotypical, adult, straight, biological male with no mental disorders.
>>34344 >I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS STUPID TRANNY, UNDERSTAND? >>34346 >they just wanted to watch the game I figured as much but honestly it was irksome because their attention to social graces was lacking so severely.
You know, trannies at the end are the only ones that don't feel unquestionable and automatic hatred against conservative men, unlike women, I don't know why right-wingers insist so much that they hate troons like they are any desirable for the opposite sex, like they have any options.
>>34349 Shouldn't you be on /r9k/ grooming sexually frustrated teenagers into taking hrt for your discord harem?
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>>34349 >the demographic of men that has more kids is less desired by women Reminder that soyboys don't have kids, which is why they have to come after ours to try to molest them. Fags gotta reproduce somehow.
>>34352 When was the last study about "right-wing people reproduce the most"?
>>34354 I'm not gonna click on all the links until I can judge which one is the most recent (especially since I could always be missing an even newer one), but you can google it and find tons of results from the last few years. There are both local and national studies from many western nations, so I'm also not sure if you'd prioritize a more recent but also more local one. But they all show that people who lean right have more kids. Just google it, faggot.
>>34355 I think they were the most lonely and willingly asocial.
>>34356 Well a simple google search would show the stats disagree with your assumption.
>>34352 >the demographic of men that has more kids is less desired by women Isn't the reason for this is that under educated people / low income earners have more kids because they're typically unaware of the ramifications of creating a human life and lack access to information and medical resource to prevent unwanted pregnancies? This is across all groups. It has nothing to do with desirability or political, social or lifestyle beliefs.
>>34371 They know. But they also know they get benefits from having kids. People may be stupid but they know how to cheat the system in ways that benefits them.
>>34371 Chicks dig bad boys. Not soyboy nerds.
>>34371 >under educated people / low income earners have more kids because they're typically unaware of the ramifications of creating a human life and lack access to information and medical resource to prevent unwanted pregnancies How hard is it to understand that when you stick the Twinkie into the pie hole, and squeeze the cream filling filling out, the oven starts the nine month process of making the little Gingerbread baby?
>>34379 Pretty hard apparently. A lot of people don't know how their bodies or pregnancy works. This is why people fight so hard for early sex education and access to birth control. It greatly reduces unwanted or unplanned children and childhood sexual assault. You'd think understanding sex would come naturally to all people but it doesn't. I remember reading letters written by a royal couple who had to be taught how to have sex. They knew they needed their bodies to touch but couldn't figure out that they needed vaginal penetration and a male orgasm to complete the act and conceive. I've heard modern day young women who's parents didn't want them to get sex education not understand how they got pregnant after letting their boyfriends finish inside of them. Stupid people on average have more children, it's always been that way.
>>34390 Am I pergernate? How is babby formed?
>>3439 Anthropologists speculate that humans only made the connection that sex causes pregnancy when humans started to domesticate animals, since the majority of animals go into heat at certain times of the year. Making it obvious that pregnancy is not a random thing.
>>34390 >This is why people fight so hard for early sex education Nobody is opposed to parents educating their own children. They just don't want weirdo teachers indoctrinating their children by telling them that putting things in their butt is great and being a normal straight male is evil patriarchy rape culture. >and access to birth control. This is a completely different topic. If you know to use birth control then you know enough about how it works. You'd also know enough to know that not being a slut solves the problem. But it's not like this is a problem, since the west has incredibly open access to birth control. What they complain about and call a lack of access to birth control is just that the government doesn't fully subsidize and glorify (and arrest anyone who calls out) babykilling.
>>34399 >They just don't want weirdo teachers indoctrinating their children by telling them that putting things in their butt is great and being a normal straight male is evil patriarchy rape culture. Were you home schooled? That absolutely does not happen. Had sex education in elementary, middle school, high school, and took a class on human sexuality in college and there was never anything like this discussed. Wish people would stop with the lies.
>>34399 >You'd also know enough to know that not being a slut solves the problem. You do realize that married couples still have unwanted pregnancies right?. Condoms break, birth control pills are 93% effective which leaves a 7% window for failure. Ironically I just saw a married right wing politician talk about how their youngest kid was not planned, because they couldn't afford birth control at the time. >babykilling Not babies just clumps of cells that could form into a baby. In a few more years when lab grown meats becomes popular and more affordable there will be vegan or anti-animal cruelty people protesting the sale of lab grown meat because those clump of muscle cells could have been a baby cow. A ridiculous notion obviously.
>>34407 You haven't been paying attention to the world then because this does & continues to happen in public schools everywhere in America.
>>34409 >because this does & continues to happen in public schools everywhere in America. It does not happen. >You haven't been paying attention to the world Stop watching Fox "News" they purposely feed you absolute garbage and lies. If you haven't been paying attention they're nearly a billion down in legal fines for lying to their viewers.
>>34410 Cuckchan is down the road, anon.
>>34410 People always say this but who the fuck watches the news? Don't tell me you're actually wasting time on that goyslop.
>>34407 >had sex education in elementary, middle school, high school Yeah but How old are you anon? if your answer is anything >25 then you have no idea how modern school has changed
>>34408 >Not babies just clumps of cells that could form into a baby. In a few more years when lab grown meats becomes popular and more affordable there will be vegan or anti-animal cruelty people protesting the sale of lab grown meat because those clump of muscle cells could have been a baby cow. A ridiculous notion obviously Fuck then you will see vegans and trend protester claim a clump of cells are actually alive and is killingmaking all this abortion argument even more of a joke
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>>34407 >Were you home schooled? That absolutely does not happen. Nigger, I AM a teacher. I know what's in the curriculum of western countries. I do my best to mitigate it in my personal classes, but it's fucked. I can only do so much because it's gotten to the point where it is very top down. Though of course there are plenty of low level teachers eager to do this even if higher ups weren't forcing them to, because the colleges that they have to go through in order to get accredited and get a license literally tell them that discriminating against students for things like race, sex, and gender (which sometimes is a different thing and sometimes isn't) is good. The colleges literally tell them that truth is an evil white patriarchal concept that discriminates against anyone who isn't a straight white guy, so judging and thus grading students on objective measures is wrong. The colleges literally tell them that their job is to propagandize students into this shit. And if someone wants to just teach kids how to read and write, they have to sit there day in day out and write papers about how they won't do that, but will instead focus on propagandizing. They have to literally swear to indoctrinate children into this shit or else they won't get their degrees and licenses. And then they get jobs, and the worst ones are already department heads and administrators. I've literally told department heads that students were complaining in my English class because they just wanted to learn how to write a good essay, but instead we spent a week on Marxism, a week on feminism, and a week on "anti-colonialism." In a fucking English class. These kids were all worried that they wouldn't be prepared to write college level papers the next year, and wanted to actually learn that shit. And I told my boss, and she literally told me that it wasn't as important, so this is what they're gonna focus on. Keep in mind, the previous year, the kids didn't take an English class at all, because despite that previously being the only class that was mandatory for all four years of high school, my jurisdiction completely removed English for an entire year of the curriculum, and replaced it with Native American Studies. There go 1/4 of my job opportunities, too, because they promise that the only people who are allowed to teach that class are people who tick the right checkboxes. But not even just race, because Status Indians aren't a big enough percentage of the population. So sure, any status indian that applies will get the job, but really all it means is that only the lesbian that is the most fluent in Newspeak will get the job. Keep in mind, none of them have even read classics like Nineteen Eighty-Four, and now the students won't either, because Orwell was a white guy, so he's not allowed. I've literally had administrators argue with me when I point out that nobody is saying to read Shakespeare because he's a white guy, but these admins are literally saying to read their garbage because of their races of the authors. Wait, I guess I couldn't even call what they said back arguing. All they said was "but he was a white guy! I don't like how Ophelia acts! No black people except Othello!" (The fucking head of the English department didn't even know that Othello isn't fucking black. He's a goddamned Moor, and if she was anything but a cult member, she could have the basic education to understand that the Moors weren't black. But these are the retards that are teaching your children, and forcing the other teachers to do a bad job on purpose.) She never even addressed my point that nobody said to read Shakespeare because he's white. Now these kids don't understand some of the most foundational texts of the culture they live in. They have not been given a valuable or useful education. There are tons of videos of teachers bragging about this, too, because most of them, or at least the loudest ones (who therefore bully the rest into doing what they want, by either becoming admin or convincing/threatening admin into doing what they want, being "karens"), are psychotic middle aged women. I've been in the staff rooms and seen them gossip like dumber stacies than the absolute worst of their students. And they gossip about the students, and how much they hate them, and specifically for not aligning with their politics. I've seen them laugh among each other about how they didn't have a response when a student called out some of their bigoted bullshit, but it was okay because they could just send him to the office and have him suspended for being "hateful" for saying that it's wrong to judge and treat people differently for their race and sex. You say to "stop the lies" when anyone who is the least bit paying attention has seen these videos of teachers bragging about it, and the school board meetings where the trustees brag about it and kick out the parents who say it's wrong. Or just the actual written school board policies. Or the fucking homework that kids are sent home with. You're a fucking liar. Go kill yourself, you child molesting fuck. Actually, you're worse than a child molester. I wouldn't hate these people as much if they were just fucking their students. Because what they're doing now is even worse. They're enacting long term plans to deliberately indoctrinate entire generations into their cult, and destroying the lives of any children (to to mention any adults) strong willed enough to take a stand against it.
>>34408 >You do realize that married couples still have unwanted pregnancies right? Then they shouldn't get married. >birth control pills are 93% effective which leaves a 7% window for failure That inflated number is literally from people not taking the pills. If you take it properly, the number shrinks to almost nothing. Similar numbers about condoms and other methods also include "forgetting to use it." >Not babies just clumps of cells that could form into a baby. You can't define where exactly the line is. Since it's a subjective moment, you should be able to understand why people would disagree with your particular moment and err on the side of caution. You now have places floating legislation to make it legal to kill babies right up to birth. This is what has made more people turn against you and realize the importance of erring on the side of caution. Rest assured, if your side gets the power they want, you'll be deemed "just a clump of cells" along with the rest of us. >>34410 This post contains literally no rebuttal. Just denying it when there are videos of teachers bragging about it, videos of school board meetings where trustees brag about it, fucking homework sent home with kids, goddamn curriculum documents publicly available online. You're just flatly lying and not even backing it up. By the way, coming here and using arguments from authority, saying that the government fined someone and therefore the one that received the fine is bad, is not going to work for you either. Arguments from authority aren't good arguments, which you might understand if the school system hadn't already failed you. But especially bringing that kind of argument here? To an anonymous imageboard where people specifically come not to just remove the sense of authority you can build with identities, but because those authorities shut down previous sites we enjoyed for letting us say wrongthink? You're barking up the wrong tree. Also, as mentioned, nobody here would watch or like Fox News. They're incredibly cucked, not to mention obsolete. You're another example of the left not understanding what the right even believes, even though it's all publicly available and shouted as loud as possible. But your side's inclination for censorship means you don't want to understand your opponent, which means you will never hear why you could be wrong, which means you will never learn, which means you will always be wrong. And since you're blocking out the information that could help you learn, you're wrong on purpose. And what do you call it when someone does the wrong thing on purpose? Evil. You are pure, fucking evil. >PS: Everyone should absolutely homeschool their children. I'm a teacher, and I will definitely homeschool my kids. The more I learn about the system, the more assured I am that that's the right decision.
>>34417 >Keep in mind, the previous year, the kids didn't take an English class at all, because despite that previously being the only class that was mandatory for all four years of high school, my jurisdiction completely removed English for an entire year of the curriculum, and replaced it with Native American Studies. Jesus Christ are you Canadian?
>>34419 Yes. But make no mistake, there are places in the US just as bad. Canada just focuses a little less on blacks and a little more on indians.
There is a real resistance or even menace to this zeitgeist? These people are everywhere, they have power and are untouchable, they pretty much can warp reality and have bottomless resources, I see people complaining about this, some even trying to use violence and spread their ideas. There is really a chance that someday ALL of this would be burned?
>>34417 >>34418 This wall of text is some type of mental illness. I have a spouse that teaches university, an in law that teaches at a women's college, and a sibling that teaches elementary kids. Saying things like: > weirdo teachers indoctrinating their children by telling them that putting things in their butt is great and being a normal straight male is evil patriarchy rape culture. Is bullshit I don't care about whatever else you're mad about but stop making shit up.
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>>34439 Again, you're lying and all of the info is publicly available. You're telling people to disbelieve their lying eyes when there are tons of videos of teachers and administrators bragging about it, when the homework sent home with them is all about it, when you can go and read the curriculum documents online. But your "spouse" (being so vague proves you're a faggot or a woman, and hiding it shows your bias) working at a university only shows that you're in the cult. But you're not even a useful idiot, you're deep enough in that you're willing to flatly lie and tell people to disbelieve their lying eyes. You won't convince anyone that way. You aren't making any arguments. You aren't saying anything except "nuh uh! All that publicly available evidence that every kid and parent is made to be aware of every day, and everyone else can see with a basic internet search straight from the horse's mouth, is all fake!" Go join the 50% of your kind and kill yourself, faggot.
>>31589 >you're just against the existence of trans people Sure, I am against the existence of mentally ill people. If you make a claim that contradicts the objective reality of your biology, your genetics, it means you are delusional. And what you need is a treatment to get rid of the delusion, not affirm it.
>>34439 Before Bill Nye the Fucktard gave you people ground, all this transgender and pronoun bullshit didn't exist. The man was never an actual scientist to begin with. Yet, you people still took the mind drippings of a play scientist just normalize your trash fetish.
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>>34473 Then you literally didn't look. Try doing a search for something like "birth rates by political leaning" or "birth rates by political affiliation." Here, I'll do it for you. https://lmgtfy.app/?q=birth+rates+by+political+affiliation Tons of results, all showing the obvious and well known stats. Some of the stats in the articles are different sources using the same primary source, but many are different primary sources, some more local, some national, some from different nations. These stats are common knowledge. I know you're not arguing in good faith, I'd rather think you're trolling, but at this point we all know there are just actual bad actors here. Part of me wants to just ignore you, but anyone who uses this board should know from its history to never leave idiots alone, lest others arrive and think they are in good company.
>>34439 >I don't care about whatever Nice counter, looks like you're having a hard time figuring how to downvote his post >stop making shit up. It's right fucking here, by just typing "drags with preschoolers" on Youtube: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=_OKCiXmBofc
>>34439 A wall of text is, by definition, a run-on paragraph. The posts you're quoting are written in normal sized, neatly separated paragraphs. You've gotta brush up on your lingo before you lose your job. This isn't even 8chan specific language. You sound like you're new to the internet in general.
>>34498 and that's not even a 1/3rd of it. They allowed a pervert in a mini skirt to sit up in front kids with his goddamn legs spread open. The "parents" that go along with this crap and are just as mental and should be locked up as well.
>>34495 >I'd rather think you're trolling With things like young right-wing men rejecting women recently, progressive ideas being pretty much part of women's DNA, radicalization, the media and other things I genuinely believe that "right-wing people reproduce the most" its something outdated in the current year
>>34526 Well stats continue to disprove you. Women lean left more often than men, but women also get reprogrammed by cock. They "think" whatever their social group or their man thinks, if the man isn't a complete soyboy that she is cucking, anyway. (And yes, they do cuck statistically often, but not all the time.) That's why you end up with "former sluts." Yeah, they're still worthless sluts, but they vote right at high numbers.
>>34538 >but they vote right at high numbers What they get with that?
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>>34558 So they can get their asses off the hook, remember when the no-gender barriers sports meme?
>>34526 The other thing is that people become more right-wing when they have children. It's almost like people realize that their ideology is cancerous when they start raising small humans (it is well documented that this happens when women raise boys).
>>34538 >They "think" whatever their social group or their man thinks So left-wing people? Right-wing men only have contact with other right-wing men and in small groups
>>34646 Again, the stats disprove you. Right-wing men must have contact with women since they breed more than left-wing men. Now, maybe the left-wing men have "contact" with women, but if that's the case (and that would be difficult if not impossible to measure) they're more likely to be beta orbiter soyboys, as evidenced by the fact that they breed less.
>>34647 Correct, but I'm still with some doubts, but that's don't matter
>>34638 Only trannies want to be fertile
>>34418 >Everyone should absolutely homeschool their children They aren't going to be social outcasts?
>>34786 In high trust, tight knit communities where parents weren't (rightly in some communities) scared stiff of pedos in behind every lightpost, you'd have shit like public parks or other places kids could meet each other. Failing that you could still socialize with other parents homeschooling their kids and organize play days. "Muh proper socialization" is just a canard, Chris-Chan went to public school, would you say he's well adjusted?
>>34786 Social development of a child is important, and having a teacher that is different from your parent leads to about as much developmental issue as a child getting in with the wrong crowd or manipulated by other adults. That is all to say, I don't believe that there's any specific correlation between children that are taught by two adults or by a hundred adults and cognitive issues rising. On the other hand, from what I understand, children care rather heavily about what their parents think on social matters, taking cues from them early and late in life. If you have a developmental issue, it can manifest in a number of ways, and if your developmental issue isn't treated with care, that's when you have the crazies show up; the people on the fringes who do things they shouldn't because they were never taught impulse control or never grasped social cues. On your actual question, I think most of the fear stems from the fact that school naturally assists in socializing your child, so many parents forget that the way you used to socialize a child was just by having play dates or frequent social gatherings. Local burger burns weren't just so rich white people could flaunt their new expensive grill, it was a way for adults to gather with their fledglings, and force those fledglings to attempt social interaction, seeing what they'd do under supervision. If you want to think of it in a rather cynical way, taking your child to a social event is approximately similar to running a sort of experimental task, where they are basically given a puzzle to solve with no right answers. Kids are pretty smart, so they'll start doing things and figuring things out if you let them, so it's important to have open dialogue with them about the nature of the world they live in.
>>34787 How a parent can replace a teacher?
>>34786 Not if you're a decent parent who just takes the kid to social events. Also, most "homeschooling" isn't literally just the parents teaching their own kids. It's very frequently a small group of parents getting together and either all alternating in the teacher role to all teach the kids the areas they know best, or pooling some money together to hire one or more private teachers, but just asking those teachers "hey, don't tell me kid he's evil for being a white male, alright?" Plus, from the sound of things, you weren't homeschooled, yet you're still here. How did that work out for you? Looks like not being homeschooled doesn't exactly save you from being a social outcast. >>34789 You're right, not as many parents will want to indoctrinate their own kids with propaganda that tells them to hate themselves for their race and sex. That's a shame. But luckily, very many parents are perfectly well equipped to teach their own kids the things they thought they were sending them to school to learn, like reading, writing, and arithmetic. It's fucking high school level. It's not like it's hard to just talk with your kid and have some casual discussions that would not only give the kid greater understanding of subjects like history or geography than they'd ever get in school, but you might actually make the kid like the subject, since it's not being taught in a terrible environment full of propaganda, bullying, and if you're lucky, just plain boredom. Have you seen high schools? Maybe this site has a higher percentage of people who were in the nerd AP classes or whatever, but there are very many kids who graduate from high school barely able to read. Parents can do much better than what is required to pass high school. I've literally had classes where grown ass 19 year old adults graduated despite the fact that the most they ever read, by their own admission, was a fucking 50 page Batman comic that I assigned in class. It was The Killing Joke, and I picked it after the department head told me Watchmen, then The Dark Knight Returns, were both too hard. Novels were straight up out of the question. Yes, this was the dumb kid class, but they got diplomas just like everyone else.
>>34788 >>34788 >Local burger burns weren't just so rich white people could flaunt their new expensive grill, it was a way for adults to gather with their fledglings, and force those fledglings to attempt social interaction, seeing what they'd do under supervision. If you want to think of it in a rather cynical way, taking your child to a social event is approximately similar to running a sort of experimental task, where they are basically given a puzzle to solve with no right answers. >Kids are pretty smart, so they'll start doing things and figuring things out if you let them, so it's important to have open dialogue with them about the nature of the world they live in. When they did that when I was a kid I'd just forgo socialization and wander off somewhere and find something interesting. Which probably explains why I'm on imageboards today.
>>34791 >not as many parents will want to indoctrinate their own kids with propaganda that tells them to hate themselves for their race and sex. In the near future that its going to be a must, anyone that dont have that ideas cant be accepted by modern society and there is no alternatives, your children cant be accepted even if they are perfectly capable
>>34807 >nigger nog speech practices lol
>>31589 0/10 Obvious troll is obvious Fail troll is fail. Shit troll is shit. Loser troll is loser. YOU ARE A FUCKING FAILURE! GO ANHERO NOW!
>>35145 Sound a bit triggered there my dude.
i identify as non-bidenary
>>36099 >WHY DO THEY NEVER SHUT THE FUCK ABOUT BEING A TRANNY!? Because, according to the belief of their religion, they finally will become a woman only when the entire world declares that they are a woman. It was never about having a real vagina and/or breasts. It was always about getting everyone else to reaffirm what they "believe" to be true, even if you have to force people to reaffirm you at the point of a gun.
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Well /co/?
>>36759 If Trump wins or China controls the world this its going to stop for real?
>>36760 In enough time it will stop and it'll be viewed the same way being emo was in the 2000's, just worse because instead of removable piercings and tattoos, there's no going back.
>>36759 Why does he draw himself as a small child now?
>>36761 This seems deeper than that
>>36759 The worst part is these gay little comics are what keep him from killing himself.
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>>36762 Autogynephilia
>>36895 Why doesn't he just make himself a statistic already? < You support trans genocide! > You know what's real genocide? Medically sterilizing people. And which one of us supports that?
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>>36895 >"Meaningful trans art" Not even on your best day, you fucking degenerate.
Well /co/?
>>37285 Where's the joke?
>>37285 Damn I dunno if he's losing braincells because of fapping to cp or he is just dumb. Also love how his artstyle didn't improve throughout the years. Plus it's funny that he always shows himself as a littlegirl
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>>37287 Looks to be some sad rendition of this. I think he's laughing that he's dragged the entire political left into living in whatever psychotic delusion he has created for himself, and anyone with a grasp of reality is framed as a bigot.
>>37314 Isn't the point that image suppose to be Bart begrudgingly saying the "thing" (Either because he's admitting that he was wrong, or doesn't actually believe it but is defeated)? Because I can see the attempt to make the connection, but the tranny doesn't understand how the joke works. All he's doing is laughing at people for saying what they actually believe, as if that's suppose to be the joke in and of itself. It's no more of a joke than me just pointing at Flat Earthers and shouting "Look how stupid they are". Never mind, I think he's trying to reference this KotH meme. However, the joke doesn't stick because of how the entire tranny-cult ideology works. According to them, opposing "gender affirming care", which includes pushing sexual deviancy onto children, IS "transphobic" because they are not able to practice their "trans-activism".
>>37315 Sadly, I think what they're actually laughing about is how they've turned liberals into a parody of liberalism: they've made they political left dogmatic, so that anyone who disagrees with them is a wrong-thinker. They've made it so that there are no other valid ways of viewing an issue than their ways, and turned all liberals / progressives into the very closed-minded ignorant bigots that they accuse religious people of being. It's all so tiresome. They're laughing because they no longer have to listen to the truth, and everyone else is powerless to stop their lies.
>>37340 It's like someone else posted in another thread, "Anyone can believe the truth, but deliberately believing falsehoods and absurdities is both a pledge of allegiance and a political uniform."
>>37421 My donut steal OC from third grade is more real than your womanhood will ever be willyboy.
>>37425 Pay no heed to it, anon. Even if a man thinks to shove a tampon into his dickhole, he's already failed at life.
Well /co/?
>>37722 Im losing braincells reading this, please tell it's not real.
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>>37725 >the IDF murders trannies >somehow that's a bad thing
>>37725 I can't believe it's real either. Maybe I just need some more Kahlua and eggnog. Really: the ethics of the Left is now dominated by charlatanry that is a result of people being led astray in trying to answer the question "What does it mean to be a good person, when I don't believe in God?". Feminism, BLM, trans acceptance: new age morality justified by nonsense and reinforcing that nonsense is how we need to make sense of the world.
>>37727 Above all else, the fundamental ethics of the new left are centered around enabling narcissistic behavior.
>>37731 >the fundamental ethics of the new left Are you seriously implying there are any?
>>37727 >>37731 >>37754 Marxist morality is stupid, but it isn't complicated. An individual belongs to a group that is either "oppressed" or "oppressor", and everything the oppressed do to the oppressor is justified. This used to take the form of class, but since the left dropped class in favor of gay race communism, oppressed/oppressor groups now revolve around race and faggotry.
>>37762 >This used to take the form of class, but since the left dropped class in favor of gay race communism, oppressed/oppressor groups now revolve around race and faggotry. It happened in the 60's when it became abundantly clear that capitalism in the US was making life too comfortable for the proletariat for marxism to ever take hold, so they realized they'd need to attack the Achilles heel of America Women and blacks
>>38143 Christianity asks that you believe that there is an invisible sky man who watches you masturbate. Marxism asks that you believe that the word "woman" creates the state of reality that it was invented to describe. Objective reality exists, and it is not "basic respect" to humor the delusions of the delusional. Yes, believing that objective reality exists, and that the universe operates on rules is "radicalization" against Marxism, Christianity, Islam, and other religions. Why did the political Left become the worst kind of religious people? I know the answer, but I don't want the answer. Why is this garbage tolerated? Forty-five years ago, this shit was lampooned, by the "left", in Life of Brian. Today, it is considered hate speech, even though the facts haven't changed.
>>37722 >Imaginary minorities Like a great marxist, the dyke has pull out problems out of her hep-c infected pussy just to prove her point. >>38196 Tom Preston's retarded comics would've been praised nowadays (in fact they did because they were stolen in Tumblr) and later embraced his autistic fetish because everyone has to be open minded.
>>38196 >Life of Brian And the lead actor in that was a faggot even, died of cancer from smoking too many cocks cigars.
>>38196 >>38196 >Comparing insane trannies to Christianity Next level fedora tipping.
>>38244 Chapman was also a severe alcoholic and forgot his lines majority of the time. Matter of fact, in some of the sketches you can hear him stuttering and slurring his lines.
>>36759 I jerk it to chinese twinks in dresses while knowing well they'll never be real women. While pederasts who castrate and mutilate children need to get their heads caved in.
Well /co/?
>>39142 lol, wut with that comic. He seriously trying to equate precocious puberty with tranny teens? Kids like Lina Medina are not the same as kids turning their bones to powder and sterilizing themselves because of social contagion. That last panel too, it's like saying restricting use of antibiotics is bad while ignoring antibiotic over prescription is a major reason why we have drug resistant microbes
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>>39142 The only thing I have to say is that we let this ... thing become ... whatever it is, before it finally killed itself. But, as far as I know, it began its transition as an adult.
>>38196 >In Christianity God is restricted to the sky. At this movement...
>>38143 Egad, isn't it wonderful when these stupid degenerate fucks make strawmen that are 100% factually correct?
>>39142 >transkidz can't haz dem but normal kidz can has Fucking "Sophie" has lost the plot completely. ALL of the kids being shafted by their Munchausen-by-proxy parents are "CIS."
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>>38261 There are cults mixing Christianity with Marxism, because both Christ and Marx were disgraced jews.
>>39430 Still doesn't change the fact Christians are overwhelmingly murdered by Marxists. It's what kicked off the Spanish Civil War was the commies murdering priests and raping nuns. It's only know that they realized being anti-religious, especially in heavily Catholic Hispanic areas or Muslim areas will get them pushback that they're pulling a chamelonic sythesis.
>>39430 >There are cults mixing Christianity with Marxism That's been happening since the birth of Christianity. It's what majority of people think of when you refer to Gnostics since it was the most widespread version of it.
>>39421 >first pic Is my eyesight blurry or does the dad kind of resemble George Lincoln Rockwell?
>>39479 >Is my eyesight blurry or does the dad kind of resemble George Lincoln Rockwell? If he didn't before, he soon will. The look on his face says he's thinking about buying a pipe and a gun
>>39421 >be me, this evening >go to Walmart for a few things >as we're leaving, see this teen-to-early-20s girl and her mom >mom looks exhausted >guess shopping took a lot out of her >her daughter has a bob haircut, dyed raven black with patches of violent neon red >super fucking thick makeup >YUGE false eyelashes >what the f--? >notice how she's walking >clicks into place >"Oh, that's...that's a boy, isn't it?" >realize I said it out loud >fortunately, they don't hear me so I won't be physically attacked and then charged with a double-plus ungood unperson hatetalk thoughtcrime >Pray for Jesus' return before it's too late
>>39492 In less than a decade they will be treated as untouchable demigods meanwhile men like you will be treated as fourth-rate scum citizens or criminals/crazy people at worst
>>39492 Based autismo
>>39638 Maybe, but I think it's more likely that everyone will realize that this tranny bullshit is the Creation Science of the Left. The statement gender is a social construct is logically equivalent to science isn't real.
>>39650 The left is the creation science of the left.
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>>39638 >In less than a decade they will be treated as untouchable demigods meanwhile men like you will be treated as fourth-rate scum citizens or criminals/crazy people at worst We're already there, I'm afraid.
>>31600 that is why I support trannies fight fire with fire they are both anti male
Well /co/?
>>40122 Well what? It’s the opinion of a tranny, presented as fact because they think only conservatives can have ideological bias. Stop fucking asking like it’s a cuckchan template thread, unless it’s actually you, Guillaume, in which case it’s time to join the 48%.
>>40122 Those naughty conspiracy theorists with their inconvenient truths
>>40122 He is literally making a comic in a kiddie style that's clearly trying to "educate" people. It's definitely a case of trying to target kids.
>>40122 I love how his art never improves despite drawimg this very often. And this isn't a stonetoss thing where the characters are simpleon purpose he just kind sucks Also >draws/sees himself as a very girly girl Is overtly common between trannies that I'm not suprised that they are just very often highly stereotyping dickfaces And the funniest thing isthat technically gender is kinda not real according to these guys so why should I care about his argument in the first place

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