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LGBT pandering in cartoons. Anonymous 10/25/2020 (Sun) 15:54:44 No. 6572
There's been a lot more pandering towards LGBT groups in cartoons these past few years and so far for the sake of "representation" but more often than not I've noticed that most people in favor of this tend to be shippers or at least have some sort of zealous fascination to the point of being fetishistic. They don't seem to be all too concerned with how the dynamics of how the two characters work together in a relationship or care about build up all that much and just introduce them for the sake of appeal rather than work up the relationship between the two characters. It makes gay characters in general seem like a gimmick meant rather than any meaningful development. Older cartoons like South Park with Mr. Slave and Big gay Al had more going to them than just being gay even if being gay was a big part of their character since their introduction.
There's like what, 3 cartoon series a year anon? With those numbers the number one rule to lead a series is not talent but gatekeeping and kissing the ring. Let an exec. producer pound your boypucci and you too may get to lead a cartoon series. Any other method? No way. Maybe if you win 300 million on the lottery and setup and corp to hire a shitton of starving vietnamese animators, then maybe you can make your proper animated masterpiece.
>>6572 The one faggot in a comic or cartoon that I know that I liked was Wallace Wells. He was a raging manwhore but he also wanted Scott to get his shit together and make something of himself. I guess there's Marceline but I haven't seen the newest seasons so she's probably crap now, which sucks since she was a favorite of mine as a kid. Everyone else sucks shit because they're either just a faggot and nothing else or their faggotry consumes them and taints their likeability. As OP said, their faggotry can still be prominent, there's just has to be something else than that to give a shit about.
>>6572 Interesting observation is that at least two of these shows are cases of self insertion. Adora & Catra are based on Noelle Stevenson & a girlfriend who cheated on her with a man. Then in Owl House, the main character Luz is based on one of the production team members while Amity is literally just a self insert for the show's creator. Basically the argument can be made these types of shows are just the self absorbed fanfiction of emotionally stunted women trying to live vicariously through these characters. Rather than trying to tell a story they think is important or entertaining.
>>6572 Lesbian, Gay, and Straight do not exist. There are only Bisexuals and gender conformists/non-conformists of varying degrees.
>>6583 Who let Tumblr in here? Who am I kidding, they've always been here
>>6585 >Who am I kidding, they've always been here. Maybe on cuckchan but not here. 8moe's largely obscure and unknown to the wider web. At best you'll see 8kunt getting mentioned.
>>6586 They invaded cuckchannel in 2011, and for some reason, some of them, like >>6583, followed us all the way to here. I have no idea why. I suppose they just have some instinct to go out of their way to ruin everything.
>>6572 As much as I hate SJWs, I do appreciate all the cartoon lesbian porn that they make.
>>9179 Fuck I forgot to change the file name, now I look autistic as shit
>>9179 >>9180 You're already autistic for liking not just lesbians but shitty cartoon lesbians based on a bitch who got cheated on by her wife then STAYED with the bitch.
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>>9181 >>9181 >shitty cartoon lesbians based on a bitch who got cheated on by her wife then STAYED with the bitch. Yhis is the first I've heard of this. Their screencaps of this?
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Anime for young girls has always had girls that love girls. It was never a problem because 1: The creators never wanted to be congratulated for including it 2: The girls involved are always cute. 3: It was there for the older male audience.
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>>9182 No screencap but Noelle literally made a comic about it. I'd storytime it if I could but what I could find is accompanied by a shitty article. This part is all that matters.
>>9181 Holy shit why do modern day cartoon creators always self insert themselves and their god awful relationships. Gravity Falls, The Owl House, and now these guys apparently. Can we make it a blacklistable offense in the animation industry to self insert in any fashion until at least 2050, this dog shit has gone on long enough. The modern animation industry is just full of weirdos so there's no way it won't backfire every time it's tried period.
>>9189 >in any fashion I think this is a little harsh. Filling out crowds with the creators is mildly amusing easter egg. All for "No more than one speaking line per episode".
>>9189 What was the gravity falls self insert, Dipper Pines?
>>9193 Yeah Dipper is Alex Hirch's self insert, Mabel was based on his sister, & Wendy was based on a crush he had I think.
>>9195 >i think No you're right it is based on a crush
>>6572 >Gay cartoon made by dykes who despise pedophilia <Their cartoons have underage self inserts of them fucking. >>9195 Is it true those empowering female cartoonists had to blow his cock just get their shitty projects greenlit?
>>9184 No, this is wrong. In Japan, it's typical and actually expected for young girls - high school and college age - to go through a phase were they have sexual relations with other girls that same age. This passes when they reach adulthood, get married, and have children. They are NOT homosexuals. In fact, the Japanese are among the most homophobic cultures; it's just that unlike many others, they are perfectly comfortable separating the action (especially if its temporary) from the person. They have no issues with otherwise straight people doing gay things, so long as they also get married and have children. But a homosexual who does not do those is considered horrible, and looked down upon violently. In Japan, there is nothing more important than duty and family, so continuing the family line and not tainting their legacy/name is the most critical thing for an individual. Being a homosexual violates both of these, so will bring down the wrath of the entire extended family on that person. Anyway, as for OP, you're correct. Most creators use "gay" as a hat they can put on a character that otherwise does not have any effect on their life; if you weren't told they were gay (or they didn't tell you) it would hardly be possible to tell. Dumbledore is a perfect example of this kind of thing. Is he gay? I mean yeah sure but only by the author's decree, and it changes literally nothing in the main plot or even really his backstory. Whether he had a solid bromance with Grindlewald, or wanted to suck his dick, doesn't change that he was betrayed and that was what affected the rest of his life. Contrast that with the revelation that Snape was in love with Harry's mother and wasn't just an old friend; that drastically alters your entire perception of how he treats Harry over the course of the plot. The issue, as with virtually all things, is one of money. Most viewers of a creative work self-insert into the role of the main character to some degree. A black superhero has plenty of representation because like 20% of Americans have black ancestry. A woman superhero has plenty because 50% of Americans are women. But a gay (and for sake of example, male) superhero? At best, you're looking at 2.5% of the population. And in exchange, the creators risk losing more than they gain because even discounting homophobia they lose the interest of those larger groups. That's why they chuck meaningless hat-wearing gays in as side-characters. It's the equivalent to WalMart hiring an ex-felon or a very old person as a door greeter. It scores them brownie points with the neo-liberal media, but you know damn well they aren't going to take any of those folks and make them management! For what it's worth, I don't EVER expect a major studio to make a gay superhero as the central character. Neither do I expect Disney to ever make a major film with a gay prince or princess out front. It's just not worth it to them, and money controls every decision they make. Fun fact: if you're paying very close attention to the ending scene of Shrek, you can see the Big Bad Wolf cuddling up with one of the armored knights. Their body language is completely obvious. Dreamworks snuck a gay couple into an animated movie in 2001, and nobody noticed.
>>9198 It's never been proven. Especially since he still gets work. Hell he's literally voicing for Owl House right now.
>>9200 Starlord is gay, you shitlord. They just only said it in the comics nobody reads years after the movies made casuals like the character. But now he was always gay, even in other media, and if you think this is a stupid claim, you're a nazi. Also, there is Shrek the Musical where the whole thing is an obvious metaphor for homosexuality instead of just not judging a book by its cover, and The Big Bad Wolf is a flaming homo the entire time. But I suppose they figured that everyone knows everyone in a play is gay anyway.
>>9206 >Starlord is gay Wat? One of us must not be thinking of the right character, because I'm thinking of the dude from GoTG who was introduced as an adult having a one night stand with a woman, and has a four-film long relationship development with Gamora.
>>9213 he' referencing the fact they retconned starlord to be bisexual. He just got confused and thought it was another iceman scenario.
>>9214 It is another Iceman scenario. They didn't say he "became" gay, they revealed that he always was. Also, don't bother splitting hairs over bi and gay, because if you're not 100% straight, you're gay. Yes, it's a spectrum. If you're not all the way over to the straight side, you're gay. Bis are gays that also like pussy. They're still gay.
>>9200 >Fun fact: if you're paying very close attention to the ending scene of Shrek, you can see the Big Bad Wolf cuddling up with one of the armored knights. Their body language is completely obvious. Dreamworks snuck a gay couple into an animated movie in 2001, and nobody noticed. In Shrek 2, they had Ugly Step Sister assaulting Prince Charming during the credits.
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>>9198 >>9203 >Is it true those empowering female cartoonists had to blow his cock just get their shitty projects greenlit? Even if they were would it fucking matter? Hell the animation industry has been fucking one another before the gays ever came in, John K is proof of this, I wouldn't be surprised if Disney animators in the 50's fucked on the desks Snow White was animated on. It's explicitly weird that of all industries for this behavior to become rampant in was animation of all things but here we are. Assuming corona ever ends I give it all of 3 days before I get some bi "open relationship" couple ask me to join them in a three-way from the animation major department at the school I'm at.
>>9225 >Even if they were would it fucking matter? Only if you question the shit everyone consumes.
>>9200 <In Japan, it's typical and actually expected for young girls - high school and college age - to go through a phase were they have sexual relations with other girls that same age. Sounds like a complete BS. <In fact, the Japanese are among the most homophobic cultures Actually, like in Greece and Rome, it was acceptable and common to have sexual relationship with male adolescents until they were heavily influenced by Westerners/Christians. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Homosexuality_in_shunga <In Japan, there is nothing more important than duty and family, so continuing the family line Not exactly, Japs didn't had surenames until late 19th century (Meiji Restoration) and had no to little problem of adopting the Buddhism which includes abstaining from sexual activity, meaning no future decadents. In contrast, it was something that the Chinese had great difficulty and disapproval as it go against the fundamental ancestor worship in their culture.
>>9184 There's...a lot wrong, here. Your first three pics are from Cardcaptor Sakura and two different seasons of Precure. And they lack context. >"I like you" Tomo-chan is a creepy ass stalker who wants it on with her own cousin. Her mother was much the same before her love interest died of Japanese AIDS. CLAMP on a whole tends to sneak a lot of sick shit into their work you wouldn't catch even in a SJ comic, including the pedophilia (rika), the stalking (Tomo, Yue/Yukito), the May-September issues, the rampant incest tripping (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles), etc. Not actually somehting you want sinking into your daughter's brain to give her ideas. Precure is less so, but you're off for different reasons there: >Nagisa's love letters She blatantly chases after dick for two seasons in an unrequited romance (Fuji-P). She doesn't do girls. In fact, aside of a scant few cases, there's no real lesbian action that goes past cotton candy level subtext. And mind, shoujo demographic stories seldom beat around a bush when they want to be blatant about relationship stuff (See also Sailor Moon, CCS, Shugo Chara, & hundreds of other titles). >Mana staring at Makoto's poster This one you can almost make a case for, but problem is it's the wrong characters. None of the girls outside of Regina, one of the villains, has anything approaching a crush/obsession with main character Mana Aida. And with Regina, it's very much an obsession. Finally, that last pic is not a "targeted audience" information, it's the demographic that actually tunes into the Sunday morning Hero block for Precure and Kamen Rider. The older boys stick around because Precure isn't pastel garbage that a lot of people write it off as, and yes also because they're lewding the Cures. And the action sequences are mostly decent, though a far throw from the seasons of yesteryear, after the various PTA lobbyist got into Toei's ass about just how heavy and violent Heartcatch Precure was. But to the point, they script those shows to retain the audiences that tuned in to begin with. tl;dr the lesyay is in your head, anon. Japan directors very seldom dance around such issues unless they're blatantly pandering for their audiences to pick up blurays.
>>9179 Character at the front looks like a feminine bitchboy, enjoy being a faggot.
>>9200 >gay superhero as the central character. Fagman and Buttboy vs Dr Cocktopus >Neither do I expect Disney to ever make a major film with a gay prince or princess out front Perhaps not a major one but I bet they could be cajoled/twitter strong-armed into making a straight-to-video or streaming one. I guess it's more likely they'd make a second fiddle friend of a main character a twat muncher.
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>>9962 There's plenty more shows for little girls that have girls be very, very close and clearly in love than just those.
I've honestly given on modern cartoons to care, but the pandering was obvious in a few I actually watched, or read about. Cartoons have gone from making grand-scale adventures out of the simplest things, to giving relationship advice and being loaded with soap opera drama.
>>9200 They could make a gay male superhero that could be a main protagonist. But they would undoubtedly chose the wrong-way over the right-way to do it.
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>>9200 >For what it's worth, I don't EVER expect a major studio to make a gay superhero as the central character. I can see it happen if the character is never confirmed as such within the work itself. Like a Power Pack movie where they never mention Julie's sexuality (which is easy since Power Pack's origin is a full adventure, and the only females she interacts with during it are her mom, her sister, a spaceship, and an evil lizard alien queen) but constantly bring it up in stuff.
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>>9976 Anon, that's yuri undertones. Just on that, Precure not only counts, but but then has several characters around whom entire plots are constructed in such a manner (Aida Mana, Houjo HIbiki, Myoudouin Itsuki to name a few). If you're gonna point it out, don't half-ass it. Go hardcore. Zero wiggleroom type content. But much thanks on reminding me to check out that show again. Been a while since I tried and stopped for lack of time.
>>9200 There's also the potential of the character in question being a classic sexy lesbian
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>>9195 >Mabel was based on his sister If she's even half as abusive as Mabel, she's probably in prison.
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>>9182 Fighting the Gays, at Eleven.
>>9179 Did that catgirl steal his penis?
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>>9195 >Wendy was based on a crush he had I think And that crush is named Lauren Faust.
>>12648 I feel second-hand embarrassment just reading through that pic.
>>12648 If I had the time I'd make "Virgin Hirsch vs. Chad Robbie"
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>>10014 Julie Power is not gay. I know that Marvel is pretending she's gay, but Marvel has been grossly misinformed. And every time I see her in red instead of magenta, I want to poke someone's eyes out with my penis. CMYK, you disgusting hacks. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. Even SJW retards should understand THAT basic concept. >C - Jack <M - Julie >Y - Katie >K - Alex (and shut the fuck up about the white costume, it represents the paper they're printed on and he's all black when powered up) It's not that hard a concept, you fucking cock-garglers.
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>>12659 >Alex is black when powered up Fuck you now I've be laughing for 5 minutes thinking of Black Power Pack.
>>12664 >Fuck you now I've be laughing for 5 minutes thinking of Black Power Pack. <"Eyo, Alixks? I t'ink da boogeyman be callin' us out, homes!" <"Fuck dat crackah-ass crackah, Jakeem! Le's go fuck 'im up!" <"What do we do?" <"You sit dat fahne ass down an' wait for daddy, Kayshawnda! Juleee, get da fuck away from mah stash, you dried up ho!"
>>12726 Summerfags were also a mistake
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This: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=hH85U8cLHg0 An April's Fools mock up, however I wouldn't be surprised if they stopped giving a shit and just aired straight out faggot shit.
>>33455 Yuck, don't call me that.
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>>33455 >gays and trannies are the only ones attracted or that can tolerate conservative They also consider Venezuela, Cuba and even China as conservative countries.
How would a cartoon need to integrate LGBT without you considering it pandering?
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They made a bison non-binary on a Netlflix show for 4-8 year olds. Let me repeat that. A NON-BINARY BISON Who the fuck sits down at their keyboard and thinks "Mr. Soros is really breathing down my ass about inclusion. I really need to add a non-binary CHILD buffalo to this show"?
>>33471 Well, first of all, a cartoon is NEVER "needed" to include homosexual fapfuel in the first place because, if it's required to, then the cartoon is nothing more than pushing Globalist Marxist Holistic Gnostic-Hermetic bullshit that's centered around the concept of homosexuality and heterosexuality being two opposites of the same "whole" that we have to "elevate" to a higher knowledge of understanding and synthesize for the purposes of creating a new social order where "love is love" without the distinctions, regardless of how hard reality vetoes the concept because things like procreation exist. Second, IF a cartoon DID include homosexual fapfuel, the cartoon should automatically be considered as content for adults by default as children shouldn't be exposed to this shit as production companies are not, have never been, and should have zero interest in being the parents of any child except their literal own. Lastly, assuming that the show ISN'T required to have the homosexual fapfuel, and ISN'T made for children, I wouldn't consider show as "pandering" if the homosexual fapfuel was treated no differently than if it was heterosexual fapfuel. Or, just be blatant about the fact that the girls are getting frisky with each other because either you think it's hilarious of it makes your dingdong hard.
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>>33471 >How would a cartoon need to integrate LGBT without you considering it pandering? Is this bait? A children's cartoon should NEVER have alphabet shit in it.
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>>33471 I've honestly been wondering this for awhile and I think it boils down to a few things. West vs East There is a clear difference over something that pushes an agenda like an acronym relationship in a western piece of media and yuri. Take for instance the end of Whorra, Bryke made them official just so they can be the first gay canon relationship in Avatar and dam n the consequences of it. All the media reported it and it was much celebrated on tumblr. Then nothing else apart from official R34 that gets produced. Yuri for instance exists in this bubble where it can have outside real influences but because it's slightly removed, it's not drawn attention to. There are things like Private Report of a Lesbian Brothel where you can tell the author is a nervous wreck and wrote it as a way to cope with her loneliness. And again, western media picked this up and trumpeted because it suited their agenda. I think it comes to the west's need to point out gay relationships in their shows, to the point of stopping and derailing their story vs stories in the east that don't point to it and have it be a part of the character but still move along not drawing too much attention to it. No consequences or pushback with total acceptance So the recent string of lesbian romances like Korra, She-Ra, Owl House and recently RWBY, I've noticed that there's almost no pushback to the relationship. In the Korra comics for instance, there a very good scene where she reveals her relationship to who parents, who are nothing but supportive including her father that accepts her ending his ancestral line. But she gets huffy because it's not enough to simply accept them, you need to be groveling in front of them so they can be proved superior. And this is the massive disconnect that turns alot of people off I think. Instead of it just being a different relationship, it's the need to prove it superior that results in the "coming back to reality, oh there goes the gravity (of disbelief)" feeling that makes you stop watching something. No plot relevance So the characters are gay. Now what. No seriously, now what? Going back to avatar for a second, the relationship between Aang and Katara was in the background but you could feel them growing as not just friends, team avatar mates, student and sifu and eventually boy and girl friend. It was fantastic foil for them but was also plot relevant especially towards the end of book 2, where Aang gave up mastery of the Avatar State only to have it locked by Azula. You see how this one relationship is woven into the story and the characters actions are shaped by personal desire and also what is happening at the time? Every gay relationship I've seen has always failed this test, because they go for the representation and then don't follow up on it. Being gay should get some push back from a society that is only tolerates gays under the bounds of the law. Something like Young Justice to me strikes me as weird because you can absolutely gossip mags would run articles about which hero is gay and said hero would get no respect from the city they're saving. I'm honestly surprised villains don't try to launch anti-gay campaigns or use media smear tactics against heroes because it would be really effective to contrast outsiders cladded in what could be fetish gear with the spandex and them being so out with their sexuality. All you need is one AI picture of them and a child and you can draw the parallels in real life. I think that covers all my points. The main problem is that gay relationships are shoehorned in then highlighted by media and then have no consequences for the story. I could be missing a few things but I think those are the main points.
>>33481 > you can absolutely gossip you can absolutely have gossip
>>33471 Time Squad had the gay robot, and no one cared, most people even thought it was the best character. See, it should be "this character has X, Y, Z personality traits and he's also gay", but most shows tend to portray gays either as "he's gay and that's all there is to his character" or "ah, he's gay, we'll keep mentioning in all of the material that he's gay and likes to suck dick and get it in his ass but it has no relevance to his story in any way". Like, look at Alice from Superjail, yes it's a tranny and perhaps even a malicious design for one, but the fact that she's a tranny is portrayed as part of her larger scale character, with both feminine and masculine sides to it.
>>33481 Also this is correct, most gay stories are like, just "there" and have no relation to the overarching plot. Like how the Simpsons had to make Homer homophobic just so they could push their homo-hero character for a single episode, and then neither things have any relevance to the rest of the world.
>>33473 >Well, first of all, a cartoon is NEVER "needed" to include homosexual fapfuel in the first place because, Read nigger. The "need" there refers to how to include it without being pandering, it makes no statements on whether rainbowsit belongs or not.
>>33480 Okay, so there is literally nothing. Understandable. >>33473 >Second, IF a cartoon DID include homosexual fapfuel, the cartoon should automatically be considered as content for adults by default as children shouldn't be exposed to this shit as production companies are not, have never been, and should have zero interest in being the parents of any child except their literal own. My only problem with this point is if it's acceptable to show heterosexual affection. Are a boy and a girl allowed to hold hands and kiss? Why? Shouldn't parents be teaching their kids about such relations? >Lastly, assuming that the show ISN'T required to have the homosexual fapfuel, and ISN'T made for children, I wouldn't consider show as "pandering" if the homosexual fapfuel was treated no differently than if it was heterosexual fapfuel. Okay okay. Understandable. >>33481 Ah, you and I are on similar wavelengths I see. >West vs East I definitely agree with this. It's quite odd how well the Japanese tastefully include these things. From traps to 80s anime it's present without drowning out the entire fucking thing. I do chalk this up to the Japanese attitude that being homo is just something you're allowed to do as a kid (or on the side once you're married...), but you better be a functional member of society otherwise. >No consequences or pushback with total acceptance I think this is a bit of a falsetrap, because you've already put it into place where the character being gay has to be a momentous moment. Like why even have the coming out scene? It brings rainbowshit to the main stage and unless the story is completely about rainbowshit, probably isn't relevant, thus detracting from the plot. You know, maybe I really do need to watch Utena to see if it does this schtick well. >No plot relevance I've had this exact same thought process, but then I realized it leads to a silly situation where every time rainbowshit is onscreen the entire plot has to revolve around rainbowshit, which feels immensely distracting. Like does every single time a person onscreen is a fag have to revolve around society dealing with their being a faggot? Why? Yoko Taro does an excellent job (sadly lost in translation) with Emil having affection for Nier, but not making his entire character arc about being a fag. It adds to the relationship dynamics of the situation, but it doesn't bring the story to a halt to have the him look at the screen and say "oh gee I really hate society hating me for being gay". I do agree most times it just seems poorly done rather than inherently bad. It feels like either empty pandering or hogging too much space almost always. >>33483 >See, it should be "this character has X, Y, Z personality traits and he's also gay", This does seem to be the most tasteful way of doing it. Reminds me of the two sailor scouts that are lesbian lovers *in addition* to actually being characters. Story doesn't need to revolve around it, story doesn't need to stop and acknowledge it, just do it and continue. >Like, look at Alice from Superjail, yes it's a tranny and perhaps even a malicious design for one, but the fact that she's a tranny is portrayed as part of her larger scale character, with both feminine and masculine sides to it. I agree, though personally I found Alice's character funnier when it wasn't explicit it was a tranny and the bulge was always some weird nondescript shape. "Is she a troon or a masculine hermaphrodite? I just can't tell."
>>33495 >My only problem with this point is if it's acceptable to show heterosexual affection. Do you mean affection or affection? Because the problem we see popping up again and again is this incessant need to not only show things way above a young child's paygrade, but also to explain them going in. >"My mom and dad are heterosexual, which is why I have one mommy and one daddy" Sounds stupid as fuck, doesn't it? Look, anon, I don't feel like re-reading everything. Are you, yourself, gay?
>>33483 >Alice from Superjail Alive from Superjail is a tranny? Fuck, I thought the joke was Alice was just an overly-masculine woman. You learn something new every day.
>>33501 >Do you mean affection or affection? Let's say handholding and kissing. You know, those things you can show in a PG film. >Sounds stupid as fuck, doesn't it? Yeah, yet I see you guys also bitch when there's a character with two dads shown and nothing else is stated whatsoever. >Look, anon, I don't feel like re-reading everything. Are you, yourself, gay? If it makes you feel better. >>33502 It was ambiguous in the first season (which I really liked). They made it plain canon that Alice was a troon in the second season. I don't have an issue because it was very obviously an option, I just thought it being ambigious was fucking hilarious. Second season was shit in multiple ways though.
>>33502 They showed a flashback in the second season of Alice being Big Al. I kinda liked the gag that he trooned out to try and win the affection of his previous warden, only for his old warden to turn out to be a closeted homosexual who's disgusted by trannies, and fires Alice.
>>33483 Superjail is an unfair correlation as it is an adult cartoon. Larry was more of a flamboyant pansy than he was gay. Just like Johnny from Ed, Edd, and Eddy. >>33505 >Yeah, yet I see you guys also bitch when there's a character with two dads shown and nothing else is stated whatsoever. The LGBT brigade doesn't have to be acknowledge in every cartoon aimed at a younger audience. Neither does the usually interracial pairing of a black man and a white woman. People like you are so pro-diversity, yet, you only focus on the portions of your narrative you fetishize the most.
>>33495 >My only problem with this point is if it's acceptable to show heterosexual affection. Are a boy and a girl allowed to hold hands and kiss? Why? Shouldn't parents be teaching their kids about such relations? Thinking about it a little bit, I'd say the only problem is YOU making that an issue. Why? Because it goes back to what I said earlier about procreation being a thing that exists here in reality. As long as the heterosexual content isn't lewd or errotic, I have zero issue with it. <But, then you're being blatantly discriminatory against gays. Yes, and I don't care. Why? Because society has been bending over backwards for the past almost 150 (Particularly the past 50) years trying to integrate gays into society, and the ONLY result of this has been the constant subversion and destruction of all principles and values in society at large. The Alphabet Sexuality "Community" has show that they cannot integrate into society because, according to them, nothing short of having a Social & Cultural Revolution will ever be "tolerant" enough of an action for them. Why should any of us be required to change how we live and act in order to appeal to a group of people of hate and despise us no matter what we do? Particularly when we didn't hate these people, and only began to despise them when they made their motives and intentions known. And, ESPECIALLY when the fags and trannies that I converse online also hate this social subversion as they just wanted to be left alone and treated like normal people, NOT seen as being special group, who requires the entire "social contract" of a country to be rewritten, because they just happen suck dick or get a boobjob.
>>33516 >As long as the heterosexual content isn't lewd or errotic, I have zero issue with it. I understand that, I'm confused why that isn't something "parents must educate their children about".
>>33518 >I'm confused why that isn't something "parents must educate their children about" Because attraction towards the opposite sex is biologically ingrained into each and every individual due it to being the one and only way possible that we can procreate. Little Timmy is going to have interest in Little Ashley regardless of whether it's the TV, his parents, or nature telling him he is. That being said, anything beyond that stage is dependent upon the parents lecturing Little Timmy about how he should and shouldn't treat Little Ashley. Also, that's ignoring the issue, that's a part of this disussion, that TV is suppose to be for entertainment. It's NOT a baby sitter, as some people want to treat it as.
>>33519 >>33519 >Because attraction towards the opposite sex is biologically ingrained into each and every individual due it to being the one and only way possible that we can procreate. Little Timmy is going to have interest in Little Ashley regardless of whether it's the TV, his parents, or nature telling him he is. Then it is the biologically ingrained portion of this that makes it permissible to show children? >Also, that's ignoring the issue, that's a part of this disussion, that TV is suppose to be for entertainment. It's NOT a baby sitter, as some people want to treat it as. Glad we agree here, though I don't know why you think it's relevant. Do you assume I have the stance that children's shows must include rainbowshit for "educational" purposes?
>>33524 >Do you assume I have the stance that children's shows must include rainbowshit for "educational" purposes? Yes
Also, to anyone who even wants to HINT at the possibility of including "LGBT content": I'd advise that you give this video a once through as it entire breaks down that the push for LGBT content exists for the purposes of preparing children for initians into a sex cult: https://odysee.com/@newdiscourses:9/the-queer-gnostic-cult:7
>>33539 So tranime is real after all.
>>9185 Who cheated on Noelle anyway? Kate Leth?
>>33540 /cow/ards are their own cult, jack ass.
>>33525 I ask because I find the question interesting on an aesthetic level. I will admit I have no issues with it directly as some people here do, but I still think the way it is *done* is shit. Thus I am interested in the question "How to do it right?" Questions like "Don't" are irrelevant because I'm not here to argue if rainbowshit should be in cartoons, though I do find it funny how confident people are about it.
>>33549 >Thus I am interested in the question "How to do it right?" Introducing children to Alphabet Sexualities? Simple, you can't and you don't. Like I said earlier, that content immediately lands the show as being for adults. There is zero possibility for it to be seen as accpetable for children. I'm not sure if that's what you were asking.
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>>33505 >If it makes you feel better. Seriously, dude? I'm not trying to "feel better," I'm trying to find out where you're coming from. If you're gay or not, I don't care, but I'm trying to see where your stand on this is coming from. Is it being gay, being liberal, just being argumentative, none of the above? You're taking a position but it's not clear to me WHY you're taking that position.
>>33513 >The LGBT brigade doesn't have to be acknowledge in every cartoon aimed at a younger audience Exactly. The studios and their twitter simps are always going on about "inclusion" and "representation," but the movies seem to imply that there are more homosexuals, lesbians, and transexuals on Earth than there are Chinese. Gays are a small percentage of the population, and trannies are a fraction of a percentage.
>>33577 >their twitter simps are always going on about "inclusion" and "representation," but the movies seem to imply that there are more homosexuals, lesbians, and transexuals on Earth than there are Chinese Anon, that being your only complaint on the matter shows that you don't know how these people think: https://rumble.com/v2f2lsg-the-marxist-roots-of-dei-session-3-inclusion-james-lindsay.html
>>33576 >Is it being gay, being liberal, just being argumentative, none of the above? You're taking a position but it's not clear to me WHY you're taking that position. A far better question than asking if I'm a fag. My position is an artist, one who hopes to work in things that have narratives. Thus I find the mere act of considering and planning a narrative to be pleasent. This is why the *how* of representing rainbowshit is infinitely more interesting than the *should* we represent rainbowshit. I have seen it done only poorly by the West consistently. I want to know *if* it can be done well, and *how*. Arguing whether or not it should be there is irrelevant and boring to me. It is not the question I am concerned with.
>>33547 I can point to tons of "LGBT content" in anime. You have no counter to this.
>>33591 The only "counter" needed is that Japan isn't the United States, and vice versa. That's it. >>33590 >I want to know *if* it can be done well, and *how*. When you get right down it, a lot of the issues people have with gay shit (Aside from constantly trying to deflower children) is that you have people that consistently use it as a platform to preach about something (Mostly about how "horrible" society treats fags), when the overwhelming majority of people honestly don't give a shit. I really can't explain it better than that unless you want to provide some story examples of ideas you have and want to see where people take issue.
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>>33593 >unless you already are a hardcore woketard western gay shit just feels repellent <I blame anime So, they latch onto anime, NOT because it's the actual cause or source of the problem, but because it's the most marketable, therefore the problem is anime for being so marketable?
>>33593 Trannies attach themselves to anything that's autistic or seen as a social negative because they're mental basket cases.
>>33611 >NOT because it's the actual cause or source of the problem, but because it's the most marketable Its actually the source of the problem, again, troons want to be anime girls not just women, there is a unusually big number of cases of this
>>33495 >>33516 I sometimes wonder if there is more homo/troon affection than vanilla (that is, straight and not interracial) affection (or really love) in animated works in general (if Japs are ignored obviously). It's already a small pool for adult animation for sure, and there's more cartoons that mostly reset themselves each episode than those serial ones. Is there interest in vanilla cartoons elsewhere?
>>33859 What qualifies as vanilla if you're gonna ignore Japan?
>>33860 This is vanilla: >sole male >sole female >virginity for both sexes >impregnation is optional And avoid all of the following: <NTR/cucking <pegging <interracial <homo, pan, nonbinary, or any other alphabet sexuality <scat/fart <cheating <bestiality <harem <incest <rape It's difficult, but it's possible. Name an adult cartoon that does this.
>>33856 Are you the fag that literally outed himself as a faggot on /v/?

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