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Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Return Anonymous 07/03/2022 (Sun) 01:22:49 No. 27255
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As long as they dont pull another FLCL then I guess it should be interesting.
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>>27256 yeah but really whatre the odds of that
>>27255 about damn time
>>27255 Uh, sir. That anime. It's Japanese!
>>27256 Panty & Stocking have much more to explore as it feels like something you can explore fine for 3 seasons before completely burning out unlike a 6 episode OVA very much product of its time, very much self-contained and, to its final demise, lowkey derivative of a juggernaut famous work its creator was heavily involved. Still expecting Trigger to fuck up on some detail and make me complain about the ridiculous state of the industry, but I am not going to start being at this very point.
>>27255 >Revival after years since the previous season How often have these actually turned out well?
>>27275 More or less a mixed bag. It all depends whether you have the right people.
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>>27275 Off the top of my head: >Samurai Jack Last Season Started strong, ended abruptly and a bit cheaply. Was good overall, 7/10. >Code Lyoko: Evolution Complete and total dumpster fire. I only watched 30 seconds of it and all the decisions were fucking retarded. Please note: it is not a remake, it is a continuation that decided that an animated show should become half live-action. Bankrupted the company making it. 1/10 >Mushishi Second season I haven't watched all of it, but from what I saw, it was mostly good. It feels like it lost a little bit of charm from the original, which made me drop it momentarily, but from what I watched, solid 7/10 >Family Guy Well... it's Family Guy. I can't say it's good, but if you like Family Guy, you got more Family Guy. You got a LOT more Family Guy. Technically it was only a 2 year gap, but Family Guy was cancelled, then revived years later. Massive financial success. 4/10 >GunBuster 2 I don't know about this one, technically it's a continuation, but stylistically and content-wise it might as well be an entirely different show. I like the original better, because Anno is a fantastic animator, but this is Imashi's baby so that Gurran Lagann could be made. 6/10 >Digimon Tri 15 years after the end of the Digimon 2, we got another season. I haven't watched it, but it's apparently financially successful and the Japanese love it. Please note this is a direct continuation of the first two series, not Tamers, or the train one, or the punching digimon one, or the smartphone one. Unrated/10 >Berserk continuation Complete dumpster fire animation wise. 2/10 There's probably other stuff. I'd mostly say it doesn't look like it catastrophically fails most of the time, it's just kind of boring.
>>27255 OP, what you're supposed to do is make a thread with the titled "Where any shows good after being revived later?" Then post the Panty and Stocking news, making it technically on topic. /v/ learned this during Samurai Jack season 5.
>>27281 >>Berserk continuation Complete dumpster fire animation wise. 2/10 Continuation? There's only the 90s anime and the movies that covered mostly the same material.
>>27284 I wasn't aware there were any movies. The 1998 series and the movies apparently end at roughly the same time story-wise, which is why I thought it was a continuation, my bad.
I can't believe it it's been so long, I don't even know how to feel. >>27281 also FLCL, which sounded like it was messy
>>27286 I haven't seen FLCL, so I couldn't comment. It looked like a bad remake to me.
Is Adult Swim involved? Please tell me they aren't
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>>27300 >Caring about what a bunch of retards on twitter think.
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>>27303 You're replying to niggerpill, retard.
>>27303 >>27305 Frank don't delete my post let my retardation be seen as a reminder to not reply to obvious niggerpill posts.
>>27312 Dog, a global vol, did it.
>>27256 It will probably be at at least passable. As long as Imaishi is involved, there is a person to stop him from going full retard, and there is little to no western meddling. >>27277 >Kadokawa Didn't they walk that back? >Jump Aren't they trying to make Jump Plus the edger version for older demo, while the main magazine is reserved for safer, blander, all ages manga? >witch hat atelier Wasn't that witch the molestation victim? I think that westerners might be reading too much into it. I hope I am not mistaken. >>27286 >FLCL Only good thing was the soundtrack, as it pulled pillows away from the meh jpop path back into alt-rock/j-rock direction. The anime was just boring.
>>27259 Eh, looks cartoony enough.
>>27277 suck my dick niggerpill
>>27284 Berserk 2016 is a continuation of the 1998s series, it skips one of the best arcs of the manga as well. Thankfully, considering how bad it was.
>>27330 Berserk has no true to manga adaptation. Maybe one day.
>>27334 You want the horse rape, naked lolis and the slightly ripped brown girl?
>>27335 YES! Was it in the manga? Then it should be put into the anime adaptation. 1:1 recreation of all the story events.
>>27336 Including a orphan boy getting Blacked in the Middle Ages and a androgynous psychopath selling his body?
>>27281 The digimon one was trash.
>>27427 Despite the useless OC it was mostly fine.
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>>27335 I can get the apprehension for the other two, but what's your problem with slightly ripped brown girl? Hasn't Casca suffered enough?
>>27281 >>27427 >>27432 >15 years after the end of the Digimon 2, we got another season. I haven't watched it, but it's apparently financially successful and the Japanese love it. Please note this is a direct continuation of the first two series, not Tamers, or the train one, or the punching digimon one, or the smartphone one. Unrated/10 Digimon Adventure Tri is fucking terrible, and by far the worst Digimon anime. Despite being built on nostalgia for the original series, it shares nothing in common except for continuity, which is not particularly important anyway. The original series was about well written characters, an interesting world, and most of all, awesome monster fights. Tri is about everyone constantly talking about how cool and awesome the new girl is even though she doesn't do anything to earn it. Seemingly the only reason they even care about her is because she's another Chosen Child, but they don't seem to give a flying fuck that the Chosen Children from Adventure 02 have all been kidnapped, which was just done as a throwaway line so as to write them out of the plot. Also, by the end of Adventure 02 there were tons of Chosen Children anyway. But we'll just ignore that. Here's a new one and she's so cool even though she doesn't do anything! There are barely any fights in the whole series, and the plot doesn't progress anywhere until halfway through the series, meaning there are three whole movies where practically nothing happens. In the fourth movie, things finally start, but even then, very slowly, and I suppose the sixth was actually decent, with things actually happening, but it's not worth sitting through the first five movies, especially the first three, to finally get to it. Sincerely the best part of the entire series is in the fourth movie when all the protagonists evolve to their final forms in one super long montage where they play the whole evolution song. And I'm not saying that to say the scene is good, I'm saying that it's the first and almost only moment in the series where it feels like I'm actually watching Digimon. The final fight is also pretty cool, but by that point I'm too pissed off from sitting through five and a half movies of nothing but fawning over the new girl to care. Oh wait, something else does happen. All the Digimon lose all their memories of everything ever, so all the things they did before, all the relationship building and character building that happened, now doesn't matter for them. And it's treated like a tragedy but then they just get over it. And then the next movie, after Tri, is called Last Evolution, and it's about the Digimon basically dying of old age and the kids having to deal with that, but their digimon already all lost their memories and don't even remember their original adventures, so they practically already died once. Also, that whole movie is just the creators telling the original fans to fuck off and grow up and stop watching or caring about Digimon, while simultaneously selling a movie to them. The whole point is that "you can't be a kid again," with the villain's plan literally being to turn everyone back into kids so things can be like they used to be (already done better in the first Adventure 02 movie), but then immediately after the movie came out, they did Digimon Adventure Colon, where it's the same characters but they're rebooted to all be kids again, completely contradicting the premise of the last movie. But oh, the real premise of the movie was just telling me to fuck off and not care, and just let them make shit and not question it. Also, Digimon Adventure Colon was fucking boring and also stripped everything of interest that the original series and even the later series had. "Hey, what if we did Digimon but it didn't have a fucking story or any character arcs and was just pointless meandering for like a hundred episodes? Wouldn't that be great?" I watched it because it kept referencing characters from old materials who were super cool, building up to them, making you think maybe something cool would happen, like what happened when those characters showed up before. But nope. Nothing like that. It's just taking old things that used to be cool and turning them into pointless nothing with no interest whatsoever.
>>27646 >constantly talking about how cool and awesome the new girl is apparently she was the director's irl gf insert, much like how that girl from the evangelion movies was the director's wife
>>27646 is the new show with the triceratops(?) jellyfish and yeti partners decent?
>>27668 To be fair, I haven't watched Ghost Game yet. Got pretty burned out after Digimon Adventure Colon. But I've heard good things and have a hard time imagining how it could be that much worse.

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