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Murder Drones Thread Anonymous 02/18/2023 (Sat) 20:00:24 No. 32439
An online animated horror-comedy series where robots take over after humanity wipes itself out on a mining colony planet as a result of a mining accident of the planet's core and effectively replaced them basing their society on human customs. Despite this, they're being hunted down by the titular murder drones, Androids that specialize in hunting down other androids to survive were deployed to exterminate wayward androids by the company that created them. Episode three came out yesterday. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=djsJqNAGMuY
>>32439 Also can double as an SSTWL thread if you're familiar with the creator's older works.
It's decent as far as mediocre internet shows go
It's surprisingly decent. With the pilot doing stuff like talking about toxic masculinty and the mc being a typical emo girl who's "strong and independent" I expected a show using it as a cover to talk about daddy issues. But, seven episodes in, it's gotten to be pretty entertaining. Clear and obvious bias for V being hot as fuck aside, I like how the characters play off of each other. I'm not articulate enough to say how or why, but I really like how they've developed over the seven episodes. I hope they go somewhere interesting, because robot vampires infected with a planet destroying mind virus is not what I expected. Hopefully this series isn't trapped forever on the shelf with their new project getting an absurd amount of attention. With that out of the way, I want to say that I desperately want to fuck V. Like it's ridiculous how badly I want to fornicate with this killer robot. Like J is nice, but J doesn't just go ass-out constantly. also she's been dead for most of the episodes
>>37545 Did they explain how they can permanently die? Because in one scene the vampire guy gets shot but regenerates his head, while the other vampire girl dies for good by the same plasma rifle.
>>37546 They haven't yet, and when N is asked why he can regenerate his head he says he actively avoids thinking of it. The one who died, J, comes back twice. Once with an entity called Absolute Solver puppeting her body while collecting materials to repair it, and once later when her mind was finally reuploaded to a new body because she's "high value" to the parent company As for N's head regeneration It seems they can regen minor injuries, and since most of his body was still there he could get his head back. It just takes a while depending on the injury. N gets sliced in half, and a few limbs get cut off at times. Same for V and Uzi, eventually
I’ve never watched it, but from what I’ve seen, I don’t care for the character design.
One last thing is I feel like this series is a repurposed Internecion Cube. Lots of similar themes, which admittedly are present in liam's other works, but I think the main takeaway is that making it robots makes all the gruesome acts a lot more marketable verses if they were all humans.
>>37732 >making it robots makes all the gruesome acts a lot more marketable verses if they were all humans So they are going by the Samurai Jack playbook.
>>37758 That and it makes it cuts the gordian knot of uncanny valley 3d humans.
>>37758 Seems like it. I mean just the events of the first episode alone would severely limit the accessibility of the show if they were all humans. Uzi going full cannibal in episode 4 would be a complete shitshow, I think. The one human that's shown up outside of a flashback is notably covered from head to toe so that even her humanity is obscured a bit Though, as a bot-fucker, I certainly don't mind the change.
I don't like that the plot is advancing at a break neck speed. Feels like too many concepts were introduced too fast and exposition that would have been useful as a build up to every episode was simply skipped entirely, and that certain elements were introduced just to subvert expectations, maybe because of 'lore' channels trying to spoil everything after the pilot aired.
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>>32439 This might sound off topic: But it seems cuckchannel's /co/ purged anyone posting about this e-show, why do they find it problematic all of the sudden?
>>39873 >why do they find it problematic all of the sudden? ZOOM ZOOM Glitchfags are spambots
>>39877 So if a thread at cuckchan's /co/ managed to stay afloat, is because it's saturated with autistic levels of porn with little discussion about the topic itself?
>>39877 >Glitchfags I thought they'd have moved on to wanking over Amazing Digital Circus.
>>39873 >why do they find it problematic all of the sudden? They do that from time to time. They only allow general threads when said series is airing new episodes, otherwise they just oust them to /trash/ and ban the subject matter. I think they've been doing it since 2017, when the /sug/ thread was moved to /trash/ when the series was on hiatus for the first time. It's retarded and gay, they pretty much just dump anything they don't want to moderate to /trash/, but considering how bad cuckchannel's is nowadays, it's not really a surprise. They ended on pluscuckchannel, they are here now: https://boards.pluscuckchannel.org/co/t466395.html
>Gay ass filters ending messing around with url Oh wow Frank, very cool. Thanks for reminding me why I don't go to this piece of shit board anymore.
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>>39922 I didn't even notice the link got filtered, maybe an url shortener could work?
>>39922 >filter working as intended lol
>>39925 I took a screenshot with archive today, there you go: https://archive.is/31Jiu The URL is right there.
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>>39927 Still, can you imagine if the cuckchan url still redirects to the site itself?
>>39926 Alt-chans keep shitting on cuckchannel but it probably will outlive them and Reddit will outlive cuckchannel also
>>39926 Based
>>39932 That isn't a good thing at all, that means cuckchannel will be such a sell out of a website that they will never go out because they will be fully compliant with all future censorship laws.
>>39932 >indie-films keep shitting on hollywood but it will probably outlive them How long they last has no bearing on whether or not they are bad.
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>>39967 >Glitchfags still trying justify they indie. Nice shot mate, you guys are the next pedowood.
>>39968 They do keep in check their audience: Fucking crayon eating spergs who get enchanted with flashy and bright colors, unlike SuperMarioLogan whose crew members got their mugshots ridiculed by their long loyal fans. Imagine my shock videogame parodies got monopolized, Dorkly was a warning.
>>39968 I didn’t know what else to use for the analogy

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