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RIP Heavy Metal Magazine Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 21:04:46 No. 35485
Apparently they canceled Heavy Metal and wont release whats already been done.
Forgot the archive https://archive.ph/afEpz
Goodbye, rusty shrapnel. It looks like there's not gonna be any spiritual successors anytime soon. Even then, I doubt that it'll titillate and have the charm that good old Métal Hurlant had.
>>35485 Was redesigning the main girl the beginning of the end? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=25H8HCABwcM
Not surprised. Heavy Metal hasn't been notable in years, even when it was owned by Kevin Eastman. or when Grant Morrison was Editor In Chief. Sucks that people apparently haven't gotten paid for their work though.
>>35503 Eastman takeover was when the downturn in quality began. There were still interesting and offbeat stories in the magazine until late 2000s but I found it hard to justify spending my time reading Heavy Metal after around 2010.
>>35492 The dilemma of catering to punks >Don't be so edgy to the edgelords >Infantilize your shit to get that sweet reddit clout
>>38844 Negative XP is ass he has 4 good songs and its just him bitching about women NEET and Popkill easily outrank him
>>38942 >he has 4 good songs and its just him bitching about women I'm not seeing the problem.
>>38951 How many songs does he have in total?
>>38844 Your shit will never be counter-culture, not even in a GG Allin kind of way.
>>39091 What's the current corporate culture? Who's against it?
>>39091 It's all rigged from the start.
>>39091 if it exists and people form a group around it that thing has it's culture.
>>39120 He, you and all the outcasts will be put in asylums in just a few years from now.
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>>39091 GG Allin was basically one of those artists you'd find at Newgrounds: His music was terrible but his selling point was scatological degeneracy, of course nobody took him for granted and his graveyard got violated multiple times, much like with Newgrounds being clogged with cancer despite its moderators taking seriously on policing entertainment (it's a nepotistic cesspool). An actual punk artist would be Johnny Rebel, there's not even an "Official Channel" on Youtube based on his albums, GG Allin does.
>>39111 Not the first time I see drag queens or MtFs who are also garfield enthusiasts. Strange
>>39827 >right-wing it's the new punk
>>39841 When everyone is a degenerate cocksucking slob or foreign, being an average joe is counter culture, yes.
(11.88 KB 196x257 Punk Cuck.jpg)

>>39841 Same logic as punk culture having rules and boundaries.
>>39842 >>39844 They fill concerts?
>>39848 They fill stadiums.
>>39849 Only outcasts will voice them, see Negative XP.
(2.70 MB 272x272 think-sana.gif)

>>39850 Hmm, it's almost like they're counterculture.
>>39857 They're too small and niche to be counter-culture, it's just a dark corner of the web, The Ramones can fill stadiums, they have null presence outside of internet.
(10.24 KB 225x225 retard.jpg)

>>39863 >They're too small and niche to be counter-culture
(71.77 KB 750x745 I'm so punk.jpeg)

>>39863 If it fills stadiums therefore it's safe enough for corporations and social media cattle to promote it, if it's not: boycotts everywhere and even casual mishaps. Even a music site (forgot its name at the moment) has unintentionally proved by banning albums shitting on Biden's administration but greenlit anything by Antifa.
>>39870 The "movement" you talk about it's extremely small and niche to be counter-culture, punk was a whole genre, you barely have like 15 representatives around the world.
(186.78 KB 1300x1300 ghost camp.jpeg)

>>39881 And of those 15, a third of them post on /co/. Spooky!

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